History P1 Questions and Answers - Nambale Mock Exams 2021/2022

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  1. This paper consists of three sections A, B and C
  2. Answer All the question in section A, Three questions from section B and Two questions from section C.
  3. Answers to all questions must be written on the papers provided







1 – 17




18 – 21




22 – 24








SECTION A: (25 Marks)
Answer All questions in this section

  1. Name one early documentary source of the early History of the East African coast. 1mk
  2. Name one community in Kenya that belongs to the River-Lake nilotes. 1mk
  3. State two political functions of the Oloibon among the Maasai during the 19th century. 2mks
  4. Identify two landmarks left behind by the Portuguese at the end of their rule at the Kenyan coast. 2mks
  5. Name the winds that aided the early visitors to come to the Kenyan coast upto 1500 AD.1mk
  6. State two reasons why Nabongo Mumia of Wanga collaborated with British. 2mks
  7. Name the document that contains the rights of citizens in Kenya. 1mk
  8. Name two types of funds established by the Kenyan constitution 2010. 2mks
  9. State two reasons why the British colonialist built the Ugandan Railway between 1896 – 1901. 2mks
  10. State two reasons why Africans migrated to the Urban centres during the colonial period. 2mks
  11. Give two benefits of Swynnerton Plan of 1954 to Africans in Kenya 2mks
  12. Name one member of the cabinet in Kenya other than the President. 1mk
  13. Name one level of government in Kenya today. 1mk
  14. State two reasons for the declaration of the state of emergency in Kenya in 1952. 2mks
  15. What is the role of the president in the Kenya Defence Force (KDF) 1mk
  16. Name the first Post-independence opposition party 1mk
  17. Who is the Chief Executive of the County Government 1mk

SECTION B: (45 Marks)
Answer all the questions in this section

    1. Give five reasons for the migration of the Bantu 5mks
    2.  Explain the effects of Bantu migration and settle in Western Kenya. 10mks
    1. Mention five characteristics of the coastal city states in Kenya by 1500AD . 5mks
    2. Explain five reasons for the decline of the Portuguese Rule along the East African coast. 10mks
    1. State five grievances of Africans nationalists against the colonial government upto 1945 in Kenya. 5mks
    2. Explain five political developments which hastened the achievement of independence in Kenya. 10mks
    1. Identify any five roles of National philosophies in Kenya . 5mks
    2. Explain five problems that have undermined the performance of the National Philosophies in Kenya. 10mks

SECTION C: (30 Marks)
Answer any two questions from this section

    1. Identify three natural symbols. 3mks
    2. Explain six factors which have undermined government efforts of promoting National unity in Kenya. 12mks
    1. Give three disadvantages of democracy 3mks
    2. Explain six challenges in Kenya today 12mks
    1. State five functions of correctional facilities in Kenya 5mks
    2. Explain five factors that undermine the administration of justice in Kenya today. 10mks


  1. Name one early documentary source of the early History of the East African coast. 1mk
    1. Greaco-Roman Documentary
    2. Periplus of the Erythrean Sea
    3. Ptolemys Geography
    4. Almasuudi Work
    5. Ibn Batutas’ Work
    6. Christian Topography
      Any 1 x 1 1mk
  2. Name one community in Kenya that belongs to the River-Lake nilotes. 1mk
    1. Luo
  3. State two political functions of the Oloibon among the Maasai during the 19th century.2mks
    1. He administered the Maasailand/acted as unifying factors
    2. He settled disputes
    3. He declared war against his enemies/advised and blassed warriors
    4. He advised the council of elders.
      Any 2 x 1 = 2mks
  4. Identify two landmarks left behind by the Portuguese at the end of their rule at the Kenyan coast. 2mks
    1. Vasco Da Gama Pilla
    2. Fort Jesus Any 2 x 1 = 2mks
  5. Name the winds that aided the early visitors to come to the Kenyan coast upto 1500 AD.
    1. North East Monsoon winds 1mk
  6. State two reasons why Nabongo Mumia of Wanga collaborated with British. 2mks
    1. To consolidate his position and that of his kingdom
    2. To ensure military support against his enemies
    3. to gain prestige and fame
    4. To gain material benefits
  7. Name the document that contains the rights of citizens in Kenya. 1mk
    1. The Bill of Rights found in the Kenyan Constitution.
  8. Name two types of funds established by the Kenyan constitution 2010. 2mks
    1. Revenue fund
    2. Equalisation fund
    3. Contingencies fund
    4. Consolidated fund
  9. State two reasons why the British colonialist built the Ugandan Railway between 1896 – 1901. 2mks
    1.  To facilitate movement of the troops for effective administration
    2. To ease the movement of Christian missionaries to abolish slavery
    3. to link Uganda to the Kenyan coast
    4. To facilitate economic exploitation of the region through trade and agriculture
  10. State two reasons why Africans migrated to the Urban centres during the colonial period. 2mks
    1. In search for employment in the industries
    2. To escape taxation and forced labour in the rural areas
    3. Land alienation/poverty in the reserves/alternative form of livelihood
    4. In search of entrepreneur opportunities/to do business Any 2 x 1 = 2mks
  11. Give two benefits of Swynnerton Plan of 1954 to Africans in Kenya 2mks
    1. Land consolidation to Kenyans
    2. Issuance of title deeds
    3. Africans were allowed to grow cash crops . (any 2 x 1 = 2mks)
  12. Name one member of the cabinet in Kenya other than the President. 1mk
    1. The Deputy President
    2. The Cabinet secretaries
    3. Attorney general Any 1 x 1 = 1
  13. Name one level of government in Kenya today. 1mk
    1. National government
    2. County government
  14. State two reasons for the declaration of the state of emergency in Kenya in 1952. 2mks
    1. To stop MauMau killings
    2. to destabilise the Mau Mau
    3. To stop guerrilla attacks by the freedom fighters
  15. What is the role of the president in the Kenya Defence Force (KDF) 1mk
    1. he is the commander –in- chief
  16. Name the first Post-independence opposition party 1mk
    1. The Kenya People’s Union (KPU)
  17. Who is the Chief Executive of the County Government 1mk
    1. The County Governor
    1. Give five reasons for the migration of the Bantu
      • Increase on population following the increased of food production
      • Family and clan fewds or conflicts forced people to migrate
      • The Bantus were initially pastoralists and therefore needed better pasture for their livestock.
      • The Bantus were the earliest users of iron in Africa hence with iron weapons and iron tools, they were able to fight other people successfully and clear new lands for agricultural settlement.
      • Natural calamities such as diseases, famines and drought results in the need to migrate to other places.
      • Pressure from neighbouring invaders forced groups to migrate
      • The need for adventure in new land was a driving force.
      • External attacks and pressures
    2. Explain the effects of Bantu migration and settle in Western Kenya. 10mks
      • This led to increased population in Western Kenya
      • They displaced the original inhabitants of bushmanoid who were occupying part of Kenya.
      • The Bantu introduced the art of iron on Kenya. Originally the Bantu were iron workers.
      • They assimilated some original some settlers in Kenya into their culture and also assimilated the new comers to the Bantu.
      • They intermarried with other communities e.g the Luo
      • The bantu started centralised political institutions like chiefdoms and kingdoms in Western Kenya e.g the Wanga Kingdom.
      • Due to their migration to the Western Kenya there was increased cultivation of clearing the forests in order to produce more food to their increasing population.
      • As they migrated into Kenya a warfare broke out with more settlers coming into the regions to other communities already settling in the area and amongst the Bantu themselves.
      • As they moved to Western Kenya and settled, there was increased economic activities into the areas resulting into trade between the Bantu and other neighbouring communities.
      • Led to the development of language where by the development of language where there was borrowing and loaning of words between the Bantu and non-Bantus.
    1. Mention five characteristics of the coastal city states in Kenya by 1500AD . 5mks
      • Kiswahili was the language used
      • Islam was the main religion
      • Houses were built using Arabic architecture
      • Sharia laws were used in administration
      • Trade was the main economic activity
      • City states were ruled by Imans and Sheikh
      • Towns minted their own coins (Any 5 x 1 = 5mks)
    2. Explain five reasons for the decline of the Portuguese Rule along the East African coast. 10mks
      • Portugal was a small country with smaller population
      • Officials were corrupt, greedy and ruthless
      • Constant rebellions from coastal towns
      • Portuguese were challenged by the other European powers i.e Britian, Holland
      • Attacks by Oman Arabs and seizure of the Fort Jesus
      • the invasion of the Zimba warriors (Any 5 x 2 = 10mks well explained)
    1. State five grievances of Africans nationalists against the colonial government upto 1945 in Kenya 5mks
      • Land alienation
      • forced labour’
      • the kipande system
      • Interference with African culture’
      • Racial discrimination
      • Poor social service
      • Poor wages/working conditions
      • Lack of political representation
      • Destocking policy
      • Harassment of colonial administration (Any 5 x 1 = 5mks)
    2. Explain five political developments which hastened the achievement of independence in Kenya after 1945. 10mks
      • Return of the Ex-servicemen after the second world war. They acquired expertise which enabled them to organise their resistance.
      • Failure by the colonial government to reward the Africans ex-service men
      • Change of government from conservative to labour party in Britain made her adopt sympathetic attitude.
      • Establishment of political parties by African Nationalists e.g KAV, KANU, KADU
      • Mau Mau uprising forced the British to release the need of granting Kenya independence.
      • Nomination and election of Africans to the legco enabled them to use the legco to agitate for independence
      • Emergence trade unions movement which helped to mobilise workers to fight for the rights
      • Pan-African movement and other global bodies helped in the establishment of Afro-Asian people solidarity organization which supported the course of African nationalists in Kenya.
      • Independence of the countries i.e Pakistan, India and Ghana
      • The formation of the UNO and the pressure it exercised on the European powers to decolonize.
      • The role of African independence churches and schools.
        (Any 5 x 2 well explained = 10mks )
    1. Identify any five roles of National philosophies in Kenya . 5mks
      • Promotion of education through building of schools. Labs and Libraries
      • Enhancing unity and understanding among the people
      • Improvement of medical services as hospitals and dispensaries are built
      • Promotion of the welfare of people with special needs.
      • Improving the living standards of people as services and other social needs are catered for.
      • Encouraging nationalism and patriotism
        (any 5 x 1 = 5mks)
    2. Explain five problems that have undermined the performance of the National Philosophies in Kenya. 10mks
      • corruption
      • Negative attitude from the people
      • Misappropriation and embezzlement of the public funds
      • Poverty
      • Tribal clashes and conflicts
      • Lack of commitment by political parties
      • Wrangles among the leaders (any 5 x 2 = 10mks) well explained
    1. Identify three natural symbols. 3mks
      1. National Anthem
      2. The Coat of Arms
      3. The Public Seal Any 3 x 1 = 3
    2. Explain six factors which have undermined government efforts of promoting National unity in Kenya. 12mks
      1. The existence of different ethnic groups in the country.
      2. Political differences especially from multi-party policies
      3. Religious differences which divide Kenyans along religious lines
      4. Economic disparities at individual and national level
      5. Insecurity in some areas due to tribal clashes
      6. Formation of tribal association e.g Gema Luo union
    1. Give three disadvantages of democracy
      1. Disregards the interests of the minority as the government fulfil wishes of majority/dictatorship of the majority
      2. Democracy is expensive to implement
      3. The wealthy are likely to use their resources to influence voters
      4. Democracy may promote inefficient leadership as those elected are the popular
      5. democracy is time consuming since certain procedure must be followed.
    2. Explain six challenges in Kenya today
      1. Most political parties are ethnic based and lack a national outlook
      2. Many selfish and greedy politicians are lured through bribes to defect from one party to another.
      3. Control of government machinery like the media outlets by the party in power.
      4. Lack of funding by the state has affected most political parties
      5. Some members of the civil service take sides in party politics used by executive arm of the government
      6. Many party leaders have always incited their supporters agasnt the opposition
      7. Inadequate civic education has affected the country’s democratization process
      8. International interference has frustrated multi-party democracy
      9. Most political parties have been affected by leadership wrangles.
    3. State five functions of correctional facilities in Kenya
      1. Takes care of the welfare of the prisoners
      2. Offering the inmates vocations training
      3. Confines prisoners convicted by the courts
      4. Watch over the behaviour of suspected criminals i.e remandees
      5. Executive the correct sentences e.g administering punishment
      6. Rehabilitates convicted prisoners
    4. Explain five factors that undermine the administration of justice in Kenya today.
      1. Corrupt practices in courts of law
      2. Political interferences may influence judgement made in court
      3. Confining suspects in remand for longer period of time without presenting them in a court of law
      4. Lack of impartiality during trials may lead to unfair judgement
      5. Inability by the police to carry out thorough investigations
      6. Inability of ordinary people to meet the costs of prolonged court case
      7. Lack of knowledge regarding legal/procedures
      8. Inadequate legal officers to handle the many cases
      9. Lack of modern technology
      10. Lack of common law
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