- Name the following parts of a javelin. (4mks)
- Define the following terms as used in games and sports. (3mks)
- Dodging
- Double feet landing
- Feign
- What footwork option does a player have after landing with a ball in a game of netball? (1mk)
- Athlete learners were performing a kick technique in long jump.
Identify the type of kick technique in the picture above (2mks) - Isaac was asked to list and explain the two types of dribbling in handball. Give the correct answer he gave (4mks)
- Grade 7 learners were playing. Athletes Grace and Bianca exchanged the baton as shown below.
Identify the type of baton exchange above (1mk) - Define the following terms. (2mks)
- Career
- Talent
- Explain the following types of careers in games and sports. (6mks)
- Physical education teacher
- Referee
- Coach
- List down three skills used in the game of handball. (3mks)
- Write down 4 steps followed when performing chest pass. (4mks)
- Karl and Paw were executing different skills in netball shown below. Who among them is a marker? (1mk)
- Identify four types of shots used in the game of handball. (4mks)
- 7 learners were in the long jump field. The teacher asked them to mention locally available materials that could be used to fill the landing area. Name two of them. (2mks)
- State four rules that should be observed in the game of handball. (4mks)
- Explain how jump shot is executed in the game of handball. (5mks)
- List down and explain the two types of landing used in netball. (4mks)

- A-Metal tip
- B-Cord grip
- C-Shaft
- D-Tail
- Dodging is getting away from the opponent or the person marking you. Double feet landing - is landing with both feet after you have received the ball.
- Feign-is faking a move to one direction as a way of causing confusion or deceiving the opponent.
- Pivoting
- Hitch kick
- Low dribbling-dribbling the ball below the knees
- High dribbling-dribbling bouncing the ball above the knee while slightly bent.
- Down swoop baton exchange
- Career-is an occupation or an opportunity one does for livelihood.
- Talent - is a natural skill and inner ability that one has.
- Physical Education teacher - he/she teaches physical education and sports curriculum in school.
- Referee - is the person who enforces the rules during the game.
- Coach-shows the team players what they have to know to be fruitful at the game.
- Skills
- Marking
- Shooting
- Passing
- Stance
- Grip
- Release
- Follow through
- Karl
- Lobbing shot
- Jump shot
- Diving shot
- Standing shot.
- Saw dust
- Sand
- Rules
- No player should make more than 3 steps with the ball.
- No player should be with the ball more than 3 seconds.
- Player should not intentionally touch the ball with any part of the body below the knee.
- Player should not have any Intention off hurting the opponent while passing or shooting.
- Execution of Jump shot
- Start with two hands on the ball in a ready position knees slightly bent.
- Step forward with foot opposite of your shooting hand.
- Take non-shooting hand off the ball.
- Jump in the air while raising shooting arm up and back to make an L or a 90 degree angle. Rotate shoulders square to the goal whipping throwing arm forward.
- Pike slightly at the waist and land on takeoff foot. Follow through with throwing hand pointed at the target.
- Single landing - where the player catches the ball and land on one foot.
- Double landing - where the player jump, catches the ball and lands with two feet simultaneously.
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