Thursday, 26 October 2023 06:24

Agriculture Questions and Answers - Grade 7 End Term 3 Exams 2023 Set 1

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  1. Contamination of soil with harmful substances and other materials like polythene papers and plastics is known as (1mks)
  2. Name 3 human activities that cause soil pollution. (3mks)
  3. Identify 2 structures used to collect surface run off water. (2mks)
  4. Name 3 minimum tillage practices that help to conserve water in farming. (3mks)
  5. What is agroforestry? (1mk)
  6. Wanjiru wanted to practice agroforestry. State 2 characteristics of trees he should establish in his farm. (2mks)
  7. What is a planting site? (1mk)
  8. Identify 2 types of planting sites. (2mks)
  9. Identify the following types of planting materials. (3mks)
  10. Identify the following methods of planting seeds (2mks)
  11. Name 3 factors that determine the appropriate time for planting. (3mks)
  12. Thinning and gapping are some of the practices done by farmers during crop management. Differentiate between thinning and gapping. (2mks)
    1. What is animal handling? (1mks)
    2. Name 2 forms or ways of animal handling. (2mks)
    1. Otieno has a pet that he bought from an animal farm. Name other 3 ways otieno could have acquired the pet. (3mks)
    2. Name 3 factors that Otieno might have considered when selecting his pet. (3mks)
    1. Explain the meaning of sorting eggs? (1mks)
    2. Give 2 importances of processing honey. (2mks)
    1. What is off season cropping.  (1mks)
    2. Give 3 importances of off-season cropping. (3mks)
  17. The picture below shows a type of garden constructed by grade 7 learners.
    1. What type of garden did the learner construct?  (1mk)
    2. Name 3 factors that learners considered when selecting materials for constructing the garden. (3mk)
    1. The process of changing a product from its original state to a move suitable state is known as (1mk)
    2. Give 4 benefits of modifying a product from one state to another. (4mks)


  1. Soil pollution
    1. Dumping of plastic wastes
    2. Excessive use of fertilizers
    3. Excessive use of agrochemicals
    4. poor disposal of used chemical conatiners
    1. earth basin
    2. water retention ditches
    3. water retention pits
    1. mulching
    2. slashing
    3. uprooting weeds
    4. allowing livestock to feed on weeds
  5. Is the practise of growing crops, trees and rearing livestock in the same piece of land
    1. Fast growth rate
    2. deep rooted
    3. should have multiple uses
    4. be able to fix nitrogen into the soil
  7. Is an area in which crops are grown form planting materials until ready for harvesting or transplanting
    1. Groundsites
    2. Non-ground sites (container sites)
    1. seeds
    2. stem cuttings
    3. suckers
    1. Drilling
    2. Dibbling
    1. timed markest
    2. onset of the rain
    3. soil moisture
    4. Time of harvesting/weather condition
    1. Thinning - is the practise of uprooting excess seedlings from where the're overcrowded
    2. Gapping - The practise of replacing seeds that did not germinate or the seedlings that dried up.
    1. Animal handling refers to how people treat and act when working with animals/transporting animals.
      1. human
      2. inhuman
      1. gifts 
      2. inheriting
      3. adopting
      1. social factors
      2. safety factors
      3. legal factors
      4. economic factors
      5. age 
      6. health
    1. Refers to the process of separating eggs according to size, colour and shape.
      1. Stays fresh for a longer period/increases shelf life
      2. Mantains good flavour
    1. Refers to the production of crops after or before their normal season
      1. It ensures continous supply of food
      2. It ensures farmers get regulr income
      3. It ensures that crops attract high market prices
      4. It ensures food security
    1. framed suspended garden
      1. Purpose of the structure
      2. Availabilty of the materials
      3. Cost of the materials
      4. The space available
      5. The shape of the structure
    1. value addition
      1. To increase shelf life
      2. To improve taste
      3. To reduce spoilage
      4. To make it easy to market
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