- During a Christian Religious Education lesson, Grade seven learners discussed importance of learning.Christian Religious Education. Write four reasons that they wrote in their exercise books (4mks)
- A Grade seven teacher has asked the learners to write values acquired in learning Christian Religious Education. Salome wrote Honesty, Respect and Responsibility. List three ways on how you can apply the above values in your school. (3mks)
- Honesty
- Respect
- Responsibility
- After learning about the first account of creation in Genesis 1-2, your Christian Religious Education teacher told learners to give a summary of the first account of creation in the table below. Complete it correctly (7mks)
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7 - Write two reasons why God created a woman in the second account of creation. (2mks)
- The reason why God placed man in the garden of Eden was to (Imk)
- Sophie, a grade seven learner did a research online on the differences between the first and the second accounts of creation. She wrote her findings in the table below. Complete it (8mks)
First account of creation Second account of creation- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- From the Biblical accounts of creation, write five attributes of God. (5mks)
- Write five ways on how human beings can protect animals, fish and birds (5mks)
- Peter was asked by his parent to take care of animals, fish and birds. State three reasons why you should take care of animals, fish and birds. (3mks)
- During a visit to the County Animals Welfare Office, Grade seven leamers asked an officer how they can reduce conflicts between human beings and wild animals. List three ways that the officer gave them (3mks)
- Your class is planning to start a project in the school of caring for plants. List four activities that you would do to care for plants. (4mks)
- Write two ways on how human beings misuse natural resources. (2mks)
- In their group discussion, Nyati group discussed the importance of the Bible in the society. Write two points that they presented to the class. (2mks)
- Name the two divisions of the Bible (1mk) (i) (ii)

- Christian Religious Education helps one to develop a sense of self-respect and respect for others.
- It helps one to acquire christian values
- It helps us to appreciate our religion as well as other religions.
- It helps learners to grow morally and spiritually.
- Honesty. I show honesty by respecting other peoples items
- Respect I follow school rules by respecting teachers, school workers and other leamers.
- Responsibility: I share my books and show concem to other needy learners in my school
- Day 1-Day and night
Day 2 - Sky
Day 3 - Vegetation/plants
Day 4 - Heavenly bodies
Day 5-Sea creatures and birds
Day 6 - Domestic/wild animals and human beings.
Day 7 - Rested -
- To get children with the man
- To be a companion to the man.
- To cultivate and guard it
First account of creation Second account of creation (a) Human beings were the last to be created Human beings were the first to be created (b) God completed the work of creation in six days Days are not mentioned (c) God was pleased with His creation There is no mention of this in the second account (d) There is creation of light, sun, moon and stars Not found in the second account -
- God is the sole creator
- God is all powerful
- God is the God of order
- God is good and perfect
- God is a worker
- Feeding animals. fish and birds
- Providing clean water for them
- Providing wild and domestic animals, fish and birds from bad people who kill them.
- Creating animals when they are sick
- Creating sanctuaries for different types of birds.
- It is a way of obeying God's command
- To preserve God's living creatures
- To ensure the preservation of animals, fish and birds.
- Assisting local communities to find ways of keeping wildlife away from areas inhabited by people.
- Advising farmers not to carry out agricultural activities near forests or areas occupied by wild animals.
- Lobbying the government to put electric fences so as to keep wild animals away from people.
- Planting seedlings every rainy season
- Watering plants during the dry season.
- Planting trees so that they grow in a healthy way.
- Avoid cutting trees carelessly.
- Deforestation - cutting down trees and not planting new ones.
- Burning bushes and agricultural waste
- It is the inspired word of God.
- It gives guidance to Christians.
- Old Testament
- New Testament
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