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Answer all the questions

  1. Name three diseases that attack cabbages. (11/2 mks)
  2. List four factors that will lower demand of a commodity. (2mks)
  3. Give four reasons for seed selection in crop production. (2mks)
  4. Give four reasons why a well drained soil is suitable for millet production. (2mks)
  5. State three conditions that would necessitate irrigation. (11/2 mks)
  6. Highlight four harmful effects of weeds (2mks)
  7. Name a method of breaking seed dormancy in Calliandra
  8. Give four benefits of processing certificate of land ownership (title deed). (2mks)
  9. How can labor productivity be improved in the farm? (2mks)
  10. State four activities that a farmer should carry out on a storage facility before storing farm produce.                                                                                                       (2mks)
  11. Explain the following terms as used in fertilizer chemistry. (2mks)
    1. Fertilizer grade
    2. Fertilizer ratio
  12. Give four climatic factors that influence crop production and distribution. (2mks)
  13. Give two ways in which land consolidation helps to improve farm management. (3mks)
  14. State four uses of organic mulch in crop production. (2mks)
  15. Define the following terms as used in crop production. (3mks)
    1. Staking
    2. Hardening off
    3. Organic farming

Answer all questions

  1. The diagram below illustrates a field management practice. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow.
    agric 1 qsns q16
    1. Identify the field practice (1mk)
    2. Name one type of crop trained using the above method. (1mks)
    3. Give two reasons for carrying out the practice.                                               (2mks)
  1. The illustration below indicates types of soil erosion that takes place on cultivated farm land. Study them and then answer the following questions.
    agric1 qsns q17
    1. Identify the type of erosion represented by each of the illustrations A,B,C and D (2mks)
    2. Name two factors that may reduce the impact of the type of erosion represented by A (2mks)
  1. Study the diagram of a weed below and answer the questions that follow
    agric1 q18 qsns
    1. Identify the weed (1mk)
    2. Classify the weed by its lifecycle (1mk)
    3. Give two reasons why the weed is difficult to control (2mks
    4. List three disadvantage of using herbicides to control weed (3mks
  2. Prepare a profit and loss account for Anestar Victory farm for year ended 31st Dec 2018 from the information given below (6mks)
    • Wages 6,000
    • Bought animal feeds 9000
    • Sold a heifer 8500
    • Bought a fungicide 4000
    • Sold cabbages 5900
    • Sold bullocks 7000
    • Bought computer 9000
    • Closing valuation 9600
    • Open valuation 3000

Answer any two questions from this section

    1. Describe the process of transplanting a cabbage seedling. (5mks)
    2. State and explain five factors that influence supply of cabbages in a market (10mks)
    3. Describe ways in which farmers overcome risks and uncertainties in farming (5mks)
    1. State and explain how soil loses fertility (12mks)
    2. Outline four problems associated with use of manure in agricultural production (4mks)
    3. Give four characteristics of plants suitable for green manure (4mks)
    1. Explain six advantages of mulching in crop production. (6 marks)
    2. Explain six factors that should be considered when setting a nursery bed. (6 marks)
    3. Describe various biotic factors influencing agricultural production. (8 marks)


Section A. (30mks)

  1. Diseases that attack cabbages. (1.5 mks)
    1. Damping off
    2. Black rot
    3. Downing mildew
  1. Factors that will lower demand of a commodity.(2mks)
    1. High price of commodity
    2. Taxation
    3. Expected diseases in price of the commodity
    4. Advertisement reduction
    5. Reduced income of consumers
    6. Decrease in price of substitute
    7. Reduced fascism tastes and preference of a commodity.
  1. Reasons for seed selection in crop production. (2mks)
    1. To obtain seed suitable to ecological conditions
    2. To obtain pure planting material
    3. To increase germination percentage
    4. To remove pests and diseases infected planting material.
  2. Reasons why a well drained soil is suitable for millet production .(2mks)
    1. Has improved soil structure
    2. Has reduced leading
    3. Has improved water holding capacity
    4. Has increased caution exchange capacity
    5. Has high micro organisms
  3. Conditions that would necessitate irrigation. (1.5 mks)
    1. Inadequate rainfall
    2. In reclaiming and semi arid land
    3. In paddy rice
    4. In green house
  4. Four harmful effects of weeds (2mks)
    1. Competition for nutrients, light moisture
    2. Some are parasites e.g. string to maize crops
    3. Lower quality of wool
    4. Some are poisonous to man e.g. thorn apple
    5. Lower quality of pasture
    6. Irritate workers
    7. Some are alternate host for pests and diseases e.g. wild oat for rust.
  1. Method of breaking seed dormancy in (1mks)
    1. Calliandar
    2. Heat treatment/light burning
    3. Soaking in cold water
  2. Benefits of processing certificate of land ownership (title deed). (2mks)
    1. Can be used to secure credit/loan
    2. Gives security of tenure
    3. Encourages long term investment
    4. Enables leasing of part or whole land.
  3. Labor productivity improvement in the farm? (2mks)
    1. Training
    2. Farm mechanization
    3. Giving incentive/ improving terms of service
    4. Labor supervision
    5. Division of labor assigning tasks to individuals
    6. Use of efficient tolls
    7. Proper and timely remuneration of workers
    8. Provision of transport in farm / guidance and counseling
  1. Activities that a farmer should carry out on a storage facility before storing farm produce. (2mks)
    1. Clean
    2. Check for any damage e.g. leaking root and repairs
    3. Clear the surrounding
    4. Check the storage capacity
    5. Treat the store with appropriate pesticides/dusting
    6. Check the security of the store and fire safety
  2. Meaning of terms as used in fertilizer chemistry. (2mks)
    1. Fertilizer grade
      Amount of each nutrients in a fertilizer bag of a given heights.
    2. Fertilizer
      The relative proportion of nutrients in relation to one another
  1. Climatic factors that influence crop production and distribution. (2mks)
    1. Temperature
    2. Wind
    3. Light
    4. Rainfall
    5. Relative humidity
  2. Ways in which land consolidation helps to improve farm management. (2mks)
    1. Saves time and money
    2. Makes it easy to have a sound farm plan
    3. Eases soil conservation
    4. Ease supervision of farm
    5. Facilitates mechanization
  3. Uses of organic mulch in crop production. (2mks)
    1. Conserves water
    2. Reduces soil erosion
    3. Suppress weeds
    4. Improve soil structure upon decomposition
    5. Add fertility to soil after decomposition.
  4. Definition of terms as used in crop production. (3mks)
    1. Weak fall plants in tomatoes – practice of supporting
    2. Hardening off – practice of training seedlings to adapt the ecological conditions prevailing in the main seedbed
    3. Organic farming – growing of crops and rearing of animals without using agrochemicals


    1. Naming the field practice.
      • Trellising
      • Passionfruits
    2. Two reasons for carrying out the practice. (2mks)
      • To obtain clean fruits
      • Easy harvesting, weeding
      • Easy penetration of light
      • Control soil borne tests and diseases
      • Easy penetration of spray
    1. Type of erosion represented by each of the illustrations A,B,Cand D (2mks)
      • raindrop /splash erosion
      • Rill erosion
      • sheet erosion
      • gulley erosion
    2. Factors that may reduce the impact of the type of erosion represented by A(2mks)
      • Bareness of the land
      • Type of soil
      • Rainfall intensity
    1. Double thorn (oxygonumsinuatum)
    2. Classification of the weed by its lifecycle (1mks)
      Annual weed
    3. Reasons why the weed is difficult to control (2mks)
      Irritates or injures workers when weeding
      Produces very many viable seeds
      Has extensive taproot system
    4. Disadvantages of using herbicides to control weeds (3mks)
      Pollutes the environment
      It is expensive to buy herbicides
      Requires skilled labor to mix
      Poisonous to the user and livestock.
      Some have residue effects to soil
  4. Anestar Victory Farm
    Profit and loss A/C for the year ended 31st Dec 2018

    Purchases and Expenses



    Sales and Receipts



    Opening valuation



    Sold heifer






    Sold cabbages



    Animal feeds



    Sold bullock






    Closing valuation









    Net profit










    ( Award ½ mak for each entry=6mks)

    1. Process of transplanting a cabbage seedling. (5mks)
      1. Water nursery thoroughly before transplanting
      2. Dig the planting holes at the appropriate depth
      3. Only health and vigorously growing seedling are selected.
      4. Lift the seedlings with a ball/lump of soil attached to the roots using a garden trowel or with the help of stick uproot the seedlings
      5. Transport the seedlings carefully to the field using appropriate means i.e. a wheelbarrow
      6. Place insecticide in the hole to control soil borne pests such as nematodes
      7. Add/tea spoonful of phosphate fertilizers to the planting hole, mix the fertilizers with the soil.
      8. Add one handful of humus and also mix thoroughly with the soil
      9. Transplant and place the seedling in the planting hole at the same depth they were in the nursery.
      10. Ensure the roots spread well
      11. Fill the hole with soil and firm around the base of seedling to the level it was in the nursery
      12. Apply mulch or erect a shade if necessary
      13. Water the seedling thoroughly
      14. Transplanting should be done on a cloudy day or late in the evening when it is not too hot.
        ( Emphasis to be on flow of order)
    2. Five factors that influence supply of cabbages in a market (10mks)
      1. Number the sellers in the market
      2. Prices of related goods i.e. kales, spinach, manage etc.
      3. Price expectation
      4. Weather conditions
      5. Change in prices
      6. Increase in the supply of associated goods i.e. kales.
      7. Cost of production
      8. Transportation system
      9. Government policy
      10. Peace and security
        ( Award for point and explanations)
    3. Ways in which farmers overcome risks and uncertainties in farming (5mks)
      1. Diversification
      2. Insurance
      3. Input rationing
      4. Flexibility in production molding
      5. Flexibility in production methods
      6. Adopting modern methods of production (5mks)
    1. How soil loses fertility. (12mks)
      1. Soil erosion
      2. Leaching
      3. Monocropping
      4. Continuous cropping
      5. Burning vegetation cover
      6. Change in soil PH
      7. Accumulation of salts
        (Stating 1×6=6mks, correct explanation 1×6=6mks)
    2. Four problems associated with use of manure in agricultural production. (4mks)
      1. Bulkiness
      2. Spread pests ,weeds and diseases
      3. Laborious in application and transport
      4. Loss of nutrients due to poor storage
      5. Should be used if fully decomposed to avoid scorching crops
        (first 4 points)
    3. Four characteristics of plants suitable for green manure. (4mks)
      1. highly vegetative /leafy
      2. fast growth rate
      3. quick rotting/decomposition
      4. hardy / ability to tolerates poor soil conditions
      5. High nitrogen content legumes
        (First 4 points)
    1. Six advantages of mulching in crop production. (6 marks)  
      1. prevents water evaporation thus maintaining moisture in the soil for crop use
      2. act as an insulator thus modifies/ regulate soil temperature
      3. controls soil erosion by reducing the speed of running water intercepting rain drops and increasing the rate of infiltration
      4. controls the weeds by suppressing their growth
      5. organic materials are decomposed by soil micro-organism resulting into humus that improves soil structure and water holding capacity.
      6. organic materials improve soil fertility by releasing nutrients after decomposition
                         Any 6 x 1 = 6mks
    2. Six factors that should be considered when siting a nursery bed. (6 marks)
      1. Nearness to water source – for easy watering
      2. Topography on gentle slope to prevent flood and erosion
      3. Type of soil: well drained deep and fertile
      4. Security – well protected from theft ad destruction by animals
      5. Well sheltered place wind breaks are necessary to prevent strong winds
      6. Previous cropping avoid areas where the same crop species had been planted to avoid buildup of pest/ diseases.
                         Stating ½ mk
                         Explanation ½ mk
                                            Total 6 mks
    3. Biotic factors influencing agricultural production. (8 marks)
      • Feed on plant parts
      • Transmit crop diseases
      • Injure plant exposing the plant to secondary infection
      • Increase cost of production

      • Suck blood from animals
      • Cause irritation
      • Increase cost of productioN

      • Break down plant and animals materials to form manure

      • Cause diseases in livestock
      • Reduce quality and quantity of agricultural products

      • Kill and feed on other animals
      • Some reduce pest population
        (Any 8 points=8mks)
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