- Answer ALL the questions
- Mathematical tables and silent electronic calculators may be used.
- All working MUST be clearly shown where necessary

- Molten sodium chloride and graphite both conduct electricity. State their difference in electrical conductivity. (2mks)
- Element R has atomic number 8 and a mass number 16.
- Draw the atomic structure of element R. (1mk)
- Explain why R forms a hydride with a low boiling point. (1mk)
- Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow
.- Name
- Solid X (1mk)
- Gas Y (1mk)
- Name
- Compare the second ionization energy of magnesium with its first ionization energy. Explain your answer. (2mks)
- The set-up represented below can be used to separate ethanol from its mixture with water.
- Identify an error in the set-up. (1 mk)
- Name this method of separation. (1 mk)
- What properties make it possible to separate ethanol from water by this method? (1 mk)
- Element K has two isotopes 20K and 22K with relative abundance of 90% and 10% respectively.
- What are isotopes? (1 mk)
- Determine the relative atomic mass of element K. (2 mks)
- Xg of Potassium hydroxide were dissolved in water to make 100cm3 of solution.50cm3 of solution required 50cm3 of 2M Nitric acid for complete neutralization. Calculate the mass X of Potassium hydroxide. (3mks)
- Sulphur burns in air to form a gaseous product.
- What is the colour of the flame of burning sulphur? (1 mk)
- Give an equation for the reaction that takes place when the gaseous product is bubbled through water. (1 mk)
- State one importance of the product formed in (ii) above. (1 mk)
- The figure below shows a paper that was placed horizontally across the middle of a non-luminous flame and quickly withdrawn.
- Explain the observations. (1mk)
- Why is luminous flame not used for heating in the laboratory? (1mk)
- Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.
- What is observed when the hot iron wool reacts with chlorine gas? (1mk)
- What is the purpose of:
- Tube B (1mk)
- Concentrated Sodium hydroxide solution. (1mk)
- The table below shows results obtained from experiment carried out on a suspect salt solution M.
I. A few drops of Barium nitrate added to solution M
No ppt/ colourless solution
II. A few drops of lead (II) nitrate added to solution M.
White ppt
III. Ammonia solution added dropwise until in excess
White precipitate
Colourless solution
- Identify the cation and anion present in solution M. (1mk)
Cation (½ mk)
Anion (½ mk) - Write an ionic equation for the formation of white precipitate in experiment II (1mk)
- Write the formula of the Ion responsible for formation of colourless solution in experiment III (1mrk)
- Identify the cation and anion present in solution M. (1mk)
- The diagram below shows a set-up of apparatus used to prepare oxygen gas and pass it over burning candle. The experiment was allowed to run for several minutes.
- Identify liquid M. (1mk)
- The pH of the solution in flask II was found to be less than 7. Explain. (2mks)
- Write an equation for the reaction that forms oxygen gas in the set up. (1mk)
- Briefly explain the following
- Alkaline earth metals are generally less reactive than alkali metals. (1mk)
- Melting point of alkali metals decrease down the group while melting point of halogens increases down the group. (2mks)
- Group VIII elements are gases at room temperature. (1mk)
- How would you obtain a sample of pure iodine from a mixture of iodine and lead (II) sulphate. (2mks)
- The table below indicates the PH values of solutions labelled A, B, C, D and E
pH value
Identify the solution:- Containing highest concentration of hydrogen ions. ( ½ mk)
- That is likely to be ethanoic acid. Give a reason. (1mk)
- That is likely to be common salt solution. ( ½ mk)
- The table below shows physical properties of some substances. Use the information to answer the questions that follow.
Density (gm-3)
M-P (°c)
B.P (°c)
Electrical conductivity
Solid Liquid
- Which of the elements is a liquid at room temperature. Explain (1mk)
- Identify the type of structure in
R………………………………………………………………………… (1mk) - Which element would be the most suitable for use in over-head electric wire transmission? (2 mks)
- An element Y has relative atomic mass 6.939 and atomic number 3. it has two isotopes with atomic mass 6.015 and 7.016. Calculate the relative abudance of the isotopes. (3mks)
- Give the name of the organic compound formed when methanol and ethanoic acid reacts in the presence of concentrated sulphuric (VI) acid. (1mk)
- Write the structural formula of
2 – methylpropane (1mk)
- The diagram below shows how magnesium reacts with steam.
- Gas C would not be produced as in the set-up but when certain condition is introduced gas C is produced. On the diagram indicate the condition that was omitted. (1mk)
- Describe how gas C is produced after the mistake was corrected in the set-up. (1mk)
- Study the information in the table below and answer the questions that follow. The letter do not represent the actual symbols of the elements.
Element Atomic number Electronic arrangement
X 16
Y 19- Complete the table by writing the electronic arrangement of the elements (1mk)
- Which type of bond is formed between X and Y. Explain (2mks)
- Hydrogen chloride gas was passed into water as shown below.
- When a blue litimus paper was dropped into the resulting solution, it turned red. Give a reason for the observation. (1mk)
- What is the function of the funnel? (1mk)
- The paper chromatogram below shows the identification of unknown metal ions in mixture M. The reference ions X, Y and Z are also shown. The experiment was done in an ascending method.
X – Vanadium (IV) ion (V4+)
Y – Chromium (III) ion (Cr3+)
Z – Copper(II) ion (Cu2+)- Name the ions present in the mixture M. (1mk)
- Indicate the solvent front on the diagram. (1mk)
- Mixture Q contains all the three ions. Show the chromatography of Q. (1 ½ mks)
- The set-up below shows the preparation of carbon (II) oxide.
- Name gas N (1mk)
- What is the purpose of sodium hydroxide in flask K? (1mk)
- Why is it necessary to carry out this experiment in a fume cupboard? (1mk)
- Determine the oxidation states of the underlined elements (2mks)
- Fe (CN)63-
- K [Cr (CN)6]4+
Oxidation state of Fe Oxidation state of Cr
- The diagram below shows a structure (i) of water molecules
- Name the bonds labelled ( 1 mk)
- Using dots (.) and cross(x) diagram show the bonding in the compound phosphonium ion
PH4+ (H = 1, P = 15) (1mks)
- Name the bonds labelled ( 1 mk)
- When dry hydrogen gas was passed over a heated lead (II) oxide sample in a combustion tube and the gaseous product cooled, a colourless liquid was obtained.
- Name the colourless liquid. ( ½ mk)
- Describe a chemical test you would use to confirm the colourless liquid in a (i) above. (2mks)
- What observation can be made in the combustion tube at the end of the experiment? ( ½ mk)
- Write a chemical equation for the reaction between hydrogen and heated lead (II) oxide. (1mk)
- State one use of:
- Calcium nitrate (1 mrk)
- Magnesium hydroxide (1 mrk)
- Coloured flower placed in a gas jar containing gas X immediately turned colourless. A solution of gas X in water formed a white precipitate with silver nitrate solution. The precipitate was insoluble in nitric (V) acid but dissolved in excess aqueous ammonia.
- What is the identity of gas X? (1mk)
- Write down the balanced chemical equation of the reaction that took place when:
- Solution of gas X in water reacted with silver Nitrate solution. (1mk)
- Aqueous ammonia was added to the resulting mixture in b(i) above. (1mk)
- Study the flow chart below and answer the questions that follow.
- Identify solid G (1mk)
- Write the formula of the complex ion in solution F (Imk)
- Describe how you would obtain solid sample of sodium carbonate from a mixture of lead carbonate and sodium carbonate powders. (2mks)

- NaCl – by mobile ions
Graphite – by mobile electrons /delocalized electrons -
- The hydroxide of R has a molecular structure with van-derwaals forces in
between the molecules. (1mk)
- Barium sulphite 1mk
- Gas Y – Sulphur (IV) oxide 1mk
- 2nd ionization energy is greater than first ionization energy of magnesium. second electron is attracted more because protons are more than electrons
- Direction of flow of cold water into and out of the Liebig condenser is wrong
- Distillation
- Ethanol and water are miscible
Their boiling points are different
- Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same atomic number but different mass numbers
- = 20.2
- KOH(aq) + HNO3(aq) →KNO3(aq) + H2O(l)
R.F.M of KOH = 56
Moles of HNO3 = 50 x 2 = 0.1
Mole ratio is 1:1
Hence moles of KOH in 50cm3 = 0.1
In 100cm3 is 0.2 moles
Mass of X = 0.2 x 56 = 11.2g -
- Blue
- SO2(g) + H2O(l) H2SO3(aq)
- Bleaching agent
- Outer part of non-luminous flame is hotter as there is complete combustion of gas
Inner part contains unburnt gases since there is no supply of enough air, paper is unburnt - Produces soot not hot due to incomplete combustion of gas 1mk
- Outer part of non-luminous flame is hotter as there is complete combustion of gas
- chlorine reacts vigorously with hot iron forming dark-brown crystals of iron (III) chloride. (1mk)
- To collect the iron (III) chloride which is a sublimate (1mk)
- It reacts with excess chlorine gas to avoid emission of poisonous chlorine gas into the air (1mk)
- – Zn2+
- Cl - - Pb2+ (aq) + 2CL-(aq) → PbCl2(s)
- [Zn ( NH4)] 2+
- – Zn2+
- Liquid m = water
- CO2 formed by burning candle,
slightly soluble forming an acidic
solution - H2O(l) + Na2O2(s) →2 NaoH(aq) + O2(g)
- Alkali metals lose one electron hence require less energy than alkaline earth meals which lose 2 electrons
- Alkali metals down group increase in atomic radius hence decrease in strength of metallic bond
Halogens increase in size down the group increase strength of van der waals forces - Exist as mono atomic molecules with weak van der waals forces
- Heat the mixture iodine sublimes and is collected in the cooler part of the vessel leaving lead(II) sulphate behind
- C
- A – weak acid ionizes partially
- E
- Q- The melting point is below 25oc while melting point is above 25oc(1mk)
- P Giant atomic structure
- R Metallic structure (1mk)
- R -Has low density with high melting and boiling points.
Is good conductor of electricity
- Ram = RamY1 x Abudance + Ram Y2 x abundance
6.939 = 6.015y + 7.016Y2
6.939 = 6.015y1 + 7.016(100-Y1)
693.9 = 6.015Y1 + 701.5 – 7.016Y1
Y1 = 7.7%
Y2 = 100 – 7.7 = 92.3%
Method II -
- Methylethanoate
- Wet cotton when heated produce steam which react with hot magnesium to form magnesium oxide and hydrogen gas
- X – 2.8.6
Y – - Ionic / electrovalent because X is a non metal element while Y is a metal
- X – 2.8.6
- Hydrogen chloride gas is acidic, therefore dissolved in water to give an acidic solution of hydrochloric acid which turned blue litmus paper red.
- To prevent sucking back 1mk
- Chromium (III) ion
Copper (II) ions -
- Check on the diagram
- Chromium (III) ion
- Carbon(IV) oxide
- To absorb excess /unreacted carbon(IV) oxide gas
- Carbon (II) oxide is poisonous
- -1 R
- Covalent bond
- Hydrogen bond
Correct electron distribution
Change and brackets
- Water
- Use anhydrous copper(II)sulphate white if it changes to blue crystals then its water
- Anhydrous cobalt (II) chloride blue changes to pink
- Grey solid
- PbO(s) + H2(g) Pb(s) + H2O(l)
- nitrogenous fertilizer
- in anti-acid medicine
- Chlorine gas /Cl2
- HCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) → AgCl(s) + HNO3(aq)
- AgCl(s) + 2NH3(aq) →[Ag(NH3)2]+-(aq) + Cl-(aq)
AgCl(s) + 2NH3(aq) →Ag(NH3)2Cl(aq)
- Lead (II) nitrate /Pb(NO3)2
- [Pb(OH)4] 2-
- Add distilled water to the mixture and stir
- Filtre to obtain a filtrate of sodium carbonate and insoluble lead carbonate
- Heat the filtrate to dryness to obtain dry sodium carbonate solid
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