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Answer all questions in this section

  1. Melody
    1. Starting with the given opening, compose a melody of sixteen bars for voice, modulate to the subdominant and then back to the tonic. Inco-operate dotted rhythm and add phrase marks(8mks)
    2. Using staff notation,Write a tune to fit in the following words(7mks)
      Ufanyapo biashara
      Ewe kijana kazana
      Sihadawa na ujana
      Na ujana una mwisho
  1. Harmonize the Soprano melody below for SATB.Choose appropriate chords from I, II, IV, V and VI. (15 marks)


  1. African Music
    1. Identify melodic instruments from the list below.(3mks)
      1. Kigamba
      2. Marimba
    2. Muriempe
      1. Mulele
      2. Chepkong’o
    3. Name two techniques of producing different sounds on an African flute.(2mks)
    4. Outline four functions of music in African traditional therapy.(4mks)
    5. The soloist enjoys some freedom during the performance of a traditional folksong. Outline three tasks this freedom enables the soloist to carry out.(3mks)
    6. Give two examples of vocal ornaments used in African folksongs.(2mks
  1. Western Music
    Answer any two of the questions a,b,c and d below.
    1. John Sebastian Bach
      1. Outline any three factors that influenced Bach’s music style.(3mks)
      2. State three duties which Bach was expected to perform in his position as the cantor at Leipzig.(3mks)
      3. Name any one of the main section of a fugue.(1mk)
    2. Ludwig Van Beethoven
      1. Name Beethoven’s Nationality.(1mk)
      2. State any three contributions by Beethoven to the development of the Sonata form.(3mks)
      3. What feature makes Beethoven’s 9th symphony unique? (1mk)
      4. Outline three ways through which Beethoven earned a living as a freelance musician in Vienna.(2mks)
    3. Orlando De Lassuss
      1. To which music period does Orlando de Lassuss belong?(1mk)
      2. Name Orlando’s nationality. (1mk)
      3. Name any four appointments which boosted Orlando as a composer.(4mks)
      4. Name the last work by Orlando.(1mk)
    4. Giuseppe Verdi
      1. Name Verdi’s nationality.(1mk)
      2. State two duties which had influence on his musical development.(2mks)
      3. Define chamber music.(1mk)
      4. Name any two contemporary composers of Verdi.(2mks)
      5. Define Libretto.(1mk)
  2. Analysis of prescribed African Music
    Meru Folksong by Nkubu High School School (PPMC recording of KMF 2014
    1. Outline sections into which the performance is divided basing on tempo.(4mks)
    2. Name two accompanying instruments in the recording.(2mks)
    3. Describe the call and response style in the opening section of the performance.(3mks)
    4. Describe the composition of the performers.(1mk)
  1. Analysis of prescribed Western Music
    Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day
    Chorus No. 3 from harmony, George Fredrick Handel.
    1. With reference to bar numbers define coloratura.(2mks)
    2. What is the relationship between cello and double bass?( 1mk)
    3. Describe the opening section(bar 1 to 20) in terms of tonality.(6mks)
    4. Name the ornament at bar 19.(1mk)
  1. Analysis of Unprepared work

    Study the above music excerpt and answer the questions that follow.
    1. Identify the genre of this music and state the period in which it was written.   (2mks)
    2. Name the key to which the music modulates in bar 12 in the last system. (1mk)
    3. What name is given to the high pitched voice written above the other voices?(1mk)
    4. Name the final cadence in this work and indicate the chords.(1mk)
    5. Identify any one movement in this piece.( 1mk)


    1. State the meaning of the following(4mks)
      1. Cantata
      2. Syncopation
      3. Tuning folk
      4. Prelude
    2. Transpose the following melody up a major 3rd. Prefix the new key Signature.(6mks)
    3. State three characteristics of a singing game. (6mks)


Answer all questions in this section


  1. Melody
    1. Starting with the given opening, compose a melody of sixteen bars for voice, modulate to the subdominant and then back to the tonic. Inco-operate dotted rhythm and add phrase marks(8mks)
      • I6 bars 1mk
      • Modulation 1mk
      • Cadence 1mk
      • Rhythm variety 1mk
      • Phrasing 1mk
      • Melodic shape 1mk
      • Lyricism 2mks
    2. Using staff notation,Write a tuune to fit in the following words(7mks)
      Ufanyapo biashara
      Ewe kijana kazana
      Sihadawa na ujana
      Na ujana una mwisho.
      • Sylabic division 1mk
      • Text setting 2mk
      • Lyricism 2mks
      • Rhythm 2 mk
  1. Harmonize the Soprano melody below for SATB.Choose appropriate chords from I, II, IV, V and VI. (15 marks)
    • ½   mark for each correct chord ½ x 14   = 7
    • Voice leading 1 ½ mk
    • Cadences 2mks
    • Voice range 1 ½ mk
    • Progression 3mks
    • Deduct ½ a mark for any six faults identified in progression


  1. African Music
    1. Identify melodic instruments from the list below.(3mks)
      1. Kigamba
      2. Marimba
      3. Muriempe
      4. Mulele
      5. Chepkong’o
    2. Name two techniques of producing different sounds on an African flute.(2mks)
      Varying the shape of the lips
      Varying the tension of the lips
      Varying the a mount of air pressure into the hole
      Award any two
    3. Outline four functions of music in African traditional therapy.(4mks)
      To sooth the sick
      To heal the sick
      To dispel the evil spirit to warn the adversaries or witches.
      To appease the gods
      To comfort the sick
      For entertainment
    4. The soloist enjoys some freedom during the performance of a traditional folksong.
      Outline three tasks this freedom enables the soloist to carry out.(3mks)
      • Determines the pitch of the song
      • Sets and controls the tempo of the performance
      • Can improvise the text
      • Cues the entries
      • Determines the length of the performance
      • Sets the mood of the performance
    5. Give two examples of vocal ornaments used in African folksongs(2mks)
      • Ululation
      • Yodeling
      • Heaving
      • Stylistic shouts
      • Whistling
  1. Western Music
    Answer any two of the questions a,b,c and d below.
  1. John Sebastian Bach
    1. Outline any three factors that influenced Bach’s music style.(3mks)
      • Born in a musical family
      • Derived great benefit from copying and arranging music of other people
      • He was a devoted Lutheran
      • His various posts determined his musical output
      • Received his first music lessons from his father (on stringed instrument)
      • Travelled widely and interacted with other musicians
    2. State three duties which Bach was expected to perform in his position as the cantor at Leipzig(3mks)
      • Teacher of Latin at St. Thomas Academy
      • Providing music for the university
      • Providing music for the city
      • Providing music for the two out of the five city churches
      • Teaching the choir school of St. Thomas
      • Wrote music for civic occasions
      • Organized recitals
      • Was responsible for music education in St. Thomas School
    3. Name any one of the main section of a fugue(1mk)
      • Exposition
      • Middle entries
      • Final entries
  2. Ludwig Van Beethoven
    1. Name Beethoven’s Nationality(1mk)
    2. State any three contributions by Beethoven to the development of the Sonata form.(3mks)
      • Expanded the classical sonata form
      • Used new material in development and/ or in recapitulation
      • Transformed 3rd movement minuet into brisk scherzo.
      • Gave coda greater importance.
    3. What feature makes Beethoven’s 9th symphony unique (1mk)
      It has a choral finale
    4. Outline three ways through which Beethoven earned a living sa a freelance musician in Vienna.(3mks) 
      • Giving piano lessons
      • Selling his compositions to publishers
      • Commissions from some members of the nobility (arisrtocrats patrons)
      • Performance as a pianist
  3. Orlando De Lassuss
    1. To which music period does Orlando de Lassuss belong.(1mk)
    2. Name Orlando’s nationality (1mk)
      Netherlandish or Franco-Flemis
    3. Name any four appointments which boosted Orlando as a composer.(4mks)
      Service of Ferdinand Ganzoga which enabled him to travel to other countries hence got influenced musically
      Working as a composer and a singer for Costantino Castrioto in Napples
      Working for Cosimo I de Medici Grand Duke ofTuskany
      Being maestro at Munich
    4. Name the last work by Orlando.(1mk)
      Tears of St. Peter.
  4. Giuseppe Verdi
    1. Name Verdi’s nationality.(1mk)
    2. State two duties which had influence on his musical development(2mks)
      Teaching Margherita singing and piano
      Church organist
      Teaching and conducting philharmonic
      Directing music at Busseto School
    3. Define chamber music.(1mk)
      Music for one or few instruments to be performed in a room
    4. Name any two contemporary composers of Verdi.(2mks)
      • Franz Schubert
      • Robert schumann
      • Clara Wiech Schumann
      • Frederic chopin
      • Franz listz
      • Felix Mandelsohn
      • Johannes Brahms
      • Antonin Dvorak
      • Richard Wagner
      • Tchaikovsky
      • Hector Belioz
    5. Define Libretto.(1mk)
      Text (words) of an opers or any other music. 
  1. Analysis of prescribed African Music
    Meru Folksong by Nkubu High School School (PPMC recording of KMF 2014
    1. Outline sections into which the performance is divided basing on tempo.(4mks)
      Section one has slow speed .it consists of the part from the start to the end of the first song.
      Section two has quick speed.It starts from the second song to the end of the performance.
    2. Name two accompanying instruments in the recording(2mks)
    3. Describe the call and response style in the opening section of the performance.(3mks)
      • The soloist’s phrases are longer than the response
      • The soloist phrass overlap the response
      • The solo phrases are different from the response phrases
      • The soloist and chorus alternate four times
    4. Describe the composition of the performers.(1mk)
      Male people/men/boys
  1. Analysis of prescribed Western Music
    Ode for St. Cecilia’s Day
    Chorus No. 3 from harmony, George Fredrick Handel.
    1. With reference to bar numbers define coloratura.(2mks)
      Ornamental singing to show off the technical power of a singer. This occur form bar 45-71
    2. What is the relationship between cello and double bass?( 1mk)
      They are in unison but the double bass sounding an octave lower.
    3. Describe the opening section(bar 1 to 20) in terms of tonality.(6mks)
      • Music starts in D major from bar 1-3
      • At bar 4 it modulates to A   major-dominant key
      • At bar 10 it goes to the sub dominant key G major
      • At bar 13 it is in D major
      • Bar 15 sounds in harmonic minor
      • From bar 16 the music is in D major
    4. Name the ornament at bar 19.(1mk)
  1. Analysis of Unprepared work  
    Study the above music excerpt and answer the questions that follow.
    1. Identify the genre of this music and state the period it was written.        (2mark)
      Classical period
    2. Name the key to which the music modulates in bar 12 in the last system.              (1mark)
      C major
    3. What name is given to the high pitched voice written above the rest of the music      (1mark)
    4. Name the final cadence in this work and indicate the chords.                      (1mark)
      Chord IV-I
    5. Identtify one movement in this piece.( 1mk)
      Scalic movement


    1. State the meaning of the following(4mks)
      Cantata- a composition, sacred or secular for solo voices, chorus and orchestra
      Syncopation: displacement of a beat or normal accent of a piece of music
      Tuning folk- It is used for pitching a musical performance
      Prelude- music designed as an introduction to another work.
    2. Transpose the following melody up a major 3rd. Prefix the new key Signature.(6mks)
    3. State three characteristics of a singing game. (6mks)
      • Short songs/melodies
      • Repetitive melodies
      • Basically play melodies
      • Catchy melodies
      • Performed in unison
      • Simple melodies
      • Lyrics suggestive of the activities
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