English Questions and Answers - Form 1 Opener Exam Term 3 2022

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TERM 3 2022


  • Answer all the questions in this question paper.
  • Students must answer all questions in English.


Write a story beginning with:
“The Principal came to our class and called out my name. My classmates looked at me …..”

Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow

Ever wondered what the difference between abortion and murder is? Or should we ask what the two have in common? Both involve cutting life short. In the case of abortion, it happens to be the equally precious life of unborn baby that is ended.

In Kenya, abortion is illegal except when the life of the pregnant woman is in danger. Violating this carries the severe penalty of between 14 years and life imprisonment. The truth of the matter, though, is that many illegal abortions are still taking place. How else can we explain the presence of the foetuses in polythene papers dumped in city streets?

Many such abortions are unsafe. They are done using all manner of gruesome paraphernalia: wires, knitting needles, sticks, herbs, chemicals, detergents and drugs. Many people performing them lack the necessary skills and training. The environment in which they are done are usually unsafe and do not meet minimum hygienic or health standards.

This sorry situation has led some to clamour for the legalization of abortion. They argue that as things stand, it is adolescents and poor women who are forced to seek the services of the quacks. The financially - endowed counterparts visit private clinics of qualified doctors for the same services. They therefore do not suffer the consequences of a botched abortion; infertility, excessive bleeding, perforated internal organs such as the bladder and intestines and, worst of all, death. The feeling is that legalization of abortion would make it safe for all women.

But what reason, other than the legal one, would make a woman want to terminate a throbbing life within her? Interruption of career and education, being too young to bring up a baby or being abandoned by the father of the baby are often cited. Another reason is that the pregnancy is as a result of rape or incest. Whatever the reason, the negative consequences of illegal abortion, safe or otherwise, far outweigh any benefits it is purported to have.
Apart from the physical effects of unsafe abortion already mentioned, there are physiological ones. They include headache, accelerated heart beat, dizziness, stomach upsets and disturbed sleep and concentration. Eating disorders resulting in excessive weight gain or loss sometimes occur.

At the psychological level, a woman who has carried out an abortion usually suffers from debilitating guilt.
She feels that she has gone against a mother’s natural tendancy. As a result of low-esteem, she feels worthless and undeserving of even getting another baby.

Depression may also set in, the victim may feel very sad and cry for a long spell. She may lose interest in life and want to commit suicide.

A mental illness called phychosis cannot also be ruled out. The sufferer exhibits very uncharacteristic behaviour and is not able to distinguish reality from fantasy.

There is also stigma at the social level. Not many people would proudly want to associate with one who has induced illegal abortion. A man seeking a marriage partner is likely to give such a woman a wide berth.

In sum, though illegal abortion may appear to solve the immediate problem of the one seeking it, it creates life-long complications.

  1. Provide an appropriate title for the passage (1mk)
  2. Under what circumstance can abortion be legalized? (2mks)
  3. According to the passage, how can we tell that illegal abortions are still taking place (2mks)
  4. According to the first paragraph, is there a difference between murder and abortion? Support your answer. (2mks)
  5. Make notes on the reasons that make people procure abortion. (5mks)
  6. Why is the public fighting to legalize abortion? (2mks)
  7. What is the psychological effect of abortion? (2mks)
  8. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage (4mks)
    1. Tendancy
    2. Exhibits
    3. Fantasy
    4. Incest

Fill in the blank spaces with the most appropriate word. (10 marks)

I had always lived (1)_____________ dread of water. When my friends(2) _________________ swimming l always stayed away because my mother (3)_________________ made me promise her never to go for swimming and l (4)__________________ keep this promise very well.(5) ________________________ this reason, l never (6)________________________ myself the opportunity to get any kind of training. On this day, after, (7)____________________a long time in the stream trying (8)______________________ vain to catch fish my friends pulled (9)_____________________ their clothes and leapt into the stream (10)_______________ I stood on the bank watching them.


  1. Identify the silent letters in the following words. (5mks)
    1. Calm -
    2. Judge-
    3. Scent -
    4. Write -
    5. Wheel -
  2. For each of the following words write a word pronounced in the same way. (5mks)
    1. Mail -
    2. There -
    3. Allowed –
    4. Flu -
    5. Story -


  1. State any 5 types of oral narratives. (5mks)
  2. Identify two features of oral narratives. (2mks)
  3. I have a house without a door. Answer- An egg.
    1. Identify the above genre. (1mk)
    2. Give two functions of the above genre. (2mks)


  1. Identify the adverbs used in the sentences below.(5mks)
    1. They stopped midway to buy food
    2. Children adjust to new situations quickly.
    3. You should never go for an engagement late.
    4. They cook pancakes daily.
    5. He talked to the teacher rudely
  2. Fill in each of the gaps in the following sentences with the correct form of the adjectives given in brackets. (5mks)
    1. My dress is ……………………………..than yours.(smart)
    2. Mugo is the ……………………………… boy in our school.(tall)
    3. My school was the ……………………..in the county Music Festivals. (good)
    4. Rono is the …………………………..of the three athletes. (fast)
    5. The form threes were ………………………………….than the form fours during the talk.(attentive)
  3. Fill in the spaces in the following sentences with the correct prepositions. (5mks)
    1. The blind girl asked God to have pity ………………………….. her.
    2. Mother complimented Sarah …………………………. her neat appearance.
    3. She brightened ………………………… when she was shown the title deed.
    4. I bought the shamba ………………………………….Sulwe.
    5. The thief jumped ………….the wall and into the sewage.
  4. Rewrite the following sentences putting the verb in brackets in the past perfect aspect. (5mks)
    1. When Marwa arrived at the hotel, the meeting (has) ended.
    2. She (use) up all her savings by the time the baby was born.
    3. Papa (write) down the address and posted the letter.
    4. He (take) out a brush and painted the whole house red when I got home.
    5. After an hour, we (prepare) your cheque.
  5. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below using the words in brackets.(5mks)
    1. The class ………………………a debate this morning. (contacted/ conducted)
    2. The cabinet secretary is …………………to holiday tuition.(oppressed/ opposed)
    3. Kirui’s ……………………smelt of alcohol. (breath/ breathe)
    4. We could not ……………on him to …………………..the information on time. (relay /rely)
  6. Pick out the nouns from the sentences given and indicate what type they are. (5mks)
    1. The tables were repaired.
    2. River Yala broke its banks.
    3. Kennedy stood at the door.
    4. His arrogance is disturbing.
    5. There is plenty of soup.



  • The student should begin with the given statement.
  • The student should write a creative composition that links up well with the given statement.
  • It must be a story
  • If not deduct 4 marks


D CLASS (01-05)

  • The candidate either does not communicate at all or his language ability is so minimal that the examiner practically has to guess what the candidate wants to communicate. The candidate fails to fit English words he knows into meaningful sentences.
  • The subject is glanced at or distorted. Practically no valid punctuation. All kinds of errors are “Broken English.”.
    • D- (01-01) Chaotic. Little meaning whatsoever. Question paper or some words from it simply copied.
    • D (03) Flow of thought almost impossible to follow. The errors are continuous.
    • D+(04-05) Although English is often broken and the essay is full of errors of all types one can at least guess what the candidate wants to communicate.

C CLASS (06-10) - Generally, there is difficulty in communication.

  • The candidate communicates understandably but only more or less clearly. He/she is not confident with their language. The language is often undeveloped. There may be some digressions. Unnecessary repetitions are frequent. The arrangement is weak and the flow is jerky. There is no economy of language mother tongue influence is felt in spelling; there is direct translation.
    • C- (06-07)- The candidate obviously finds it difficult to communicate his ideas. He is seriously hampered by his very limited knowledge of the language structure and vocabulary. This results in many gross errors of agreement, spelling, misuse of prepositions, tenses, verb agreement and sentence construction.
    • C 08 The candidate communicates but not with consistent clarity. His linguistic abilities being very limited, he cannot avoid frequent errors in sentence structure. There is little variety or originality. Very bookish English. Links are weak, incorrect and at times repeated.
    • C+ (09-10) The candidates communicates clearly but in the flat and uncertain manner. Simple concepts and sentences are often strained. There may be an overuse of clinches or unsuitable idioms. Proverbs are misquoted or misinterpreted. The flow is still jerky. There are some errors of agreement, tenses and spelling.

B CLASS (11-15) Generally, there is fluency in communications

  • This class is characterized by greater fluency and ease of expression. The candidate demonstrates that he/she can use English as a normal way expressing himself. Sentences are varied and usually well constructed. Some candidates become ambitious and even over ambitious i.e the candidate may use too much vocabulary in an effort to impress. There may be items of merit of the one word or one’s expression types. Many essays in this category may be just clean and unassuming but they still show that the candidate is at ease with the language.
    • B(11-12) The candidates communicates fairly and with some fluency. There may be little variety in sentence structure gross errors are occasional.
    • B 13 The sentences are varied but rather simple and straight forward. The candidate does not strain himself in an effort to impress. There is a fair range of vocabulary and idiom. Some items or merit, economy of language. The candidate seems to express themselves naturally and effortlessly.
    • B+ (14-15) The candidate communicates his ideas pleasantly and without strain. There are few errors and slips. Tenses, spellings and punctuations are quite good. A number of merit of “whole sentence” or the “whole expression” type are evident.

A CLASS (16-20) Communication is efficient

  • The candidate communicates not only fluently, but attractively, with originality and efficiency. He has the ability to make the reader share his deep feelings, emotions, enthusiasm. He expresses himself freely and without any visible constraint. The script gives evidence of maturity, good planning and a tinge of humour. Many items of merit which indicate that the candidate has complete command of the language. There is no strain, just pleasantness, clever arrangement and felicity of expressions.
    • A-(16-17) The candidates shows competence and fluency in using language. He may lack imagination or originality which usually provides the “spark” in such essays. Vocabulary, idioms, sentence structure, links and variety are impressive. Gross errors are very rare.
    • A18 Positive Ability. A few errors that are felt to be slips. The story or arguments has a definite impact. No grammar problem. Variety of structures. A definite spark.
    • A+(19-20) The candidates communicates not only information and meaning, but also and especially the candidate’s whole self, his feelings, taste, points of view, youth and culture, this ability to communicate his deep self may express itself in many ways: wide range effective vocabulary, original approach, vivid and sustained account in case of a narrative, well developed and ordered argument in case of a debate or discussion. A very definite spark.


Answers must be in full statement where applicable

  1. Abortion, effects of Abortion, accept any other relevant title 1x1 = 1mk
  2. Abortion can be legalized when the life of the pregnant woman is in danger 1 x 2 = 2mks
  3. We know that illegal abortions are still taking place for there are fetuses in polythene papers dumped in city streets (2mks)
  4. No (1mk). Both involve cutting life short . If the 1st answer is missing, award no mark for the 2nd answer(1mk)
  5. Reasons for procuring abortions
    • When the life of the pregnant mother is in danger
    • Interruption of career and education
    • Being too young to bring up a baby
    • Being abandoned by the father of the baby
    • If pregnancy is as a result of rape or incest 5 x 1 = 5mks
      Note: If written in prose, mark and divide the total by half.
  6. The public feels that if abortion is legalized it will be safe or to avoid the consequences of botched abortion 1 x 2mks = 2mks
  7. The psychological effect of abortion is that a woman who has carried it out suffers from debilitating guilt 1 x 2mks = 2mks
    Note: it is psychological and not physiological
    1. Tendancy – Behaviour, act
    2. Exhibits – portrays, displays
    3. Fantasy – imagination
    4. Incest – sexual activity between relatives (1 x 1) x 4 = 4mks


  1. under
  2. went
  3. had
  4. would
  5. For
  6. gave
  7. quite
  8. in
  9. off
  10.  while


    1. l
    2. d
    3. c
    4. w
    5. h
    1. male
    2. their,they’re
    3. aloud
    4. flew
    5. storey


    • Trickster narratives
    • Monster / ogre narratives.
    • Myths narratives
    • Legend narratives
    • Why/ explanatory/ aeitiological
    • Dilemma
    • Fables
    • Human tales
    • Opening formula
    • Closing formula
    • Personification
    • Dialogue
    • Have a moral lesson.
    • Use of song
    1. A riddle
      • Entertainment.
      • Socialization
      • Teaching the child about the environment.
      • Used to introduce a story.


    1. midway – Adverb of place
    2. quickly – Adverb of manner
    3. Late – adverb of time
    4. Daily – adverb of frequency
    5. Rudely – adverb of manner
      1 x 5 = 5 marks
    1. smatter
    2. tallest
    3. best
    4. fastest
    5. more attentive
      1 x 5 = 5 marks
    1. on
    2. on
    3. up
    4. at/for/from
    5. over
      1 x 5 = 5 marks
    1. When Marwa arrived at the hotel, the meeting had ended.
    2. She had used up all her savings by the time the baby was born.
    3. Papa had written down the address and posted the letter.
    4. He had taken out a brush and painted the whole house red when I got home.
    5. After an hour, we had prepared your cheque.
      1 x 5 = 5 mark
    1. conducted
    2. apposed
    3. breath
    4. rely, relay
    1. Tables – concrete
    2. River Yala – proper
    3. Kennedy – Proper
    4. Arrogance – Abstract
    5. Soup - Uncountable
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