English Paper 2 Questions And Answers - Form 3 Term 2 Opener Exams 2021

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  • Answer all the questions in this paper
    Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.

    Happiness arises largely from the mental qualities of contentment, confidence, serenity and active good-will. It includes the pain of losing as well as the pleasure of finding. It thrives best in a crowded life. The men and women who are recorded in history and biography as the most happy were with always somewhat to do than they could possibly do. Every waking hour of their lives was occupied with ambitious projects, literature, love, politics, science, friendship, commerce, professions, trades, their religious faith, and a thousand other matters. The secret of happiness may be found by making each of these interests count to its utmost as part of the fabric of life.

    We need to avoid the extremes of sluggish placidity and feverish activity. we are not going to be satisfied with felicity which resembles that of a stone, unfeeling and unmoving, but will look back from future ears with sorrow and regret if we run to and fro, giving it what Socrates called ‘the itch’.

    Happiness obviously includes two sorts of behavior: active and passive. We may say the active consists in searching and sharing, while the passive part is made up security and possession. Neither part is complete in itself, nor does neither yield full satisfaction if it is over-emphasized. Philosophers from the ancient Greeks to present day have been extolling a balanced life as the most happy life,and many unhappy people can, when they face the issue, trace their discontent to imbalance.

    The recipe for happiness cannot be given in any single word, because its many virtues have to be combined in their proper quantities, at the proper times for proper purposes.

    It is legitimate to seek happiness. We cannot help observing that while followers of some schools of thought are telling us to avoid seeking happiness; they intimate that if we do so we shall be happy.

    The search requires a plan. We need to know what sort of happiness we seek, what the ingredients are, what our strongest wants are, and what we have to start with. We should train ourselves to keep the programme simple, and free from complications and side trips, to pay attention to little things to deflate quickly after being praised and to bounce back quickly after disappointment, to seize to create opportunities to put our special abilities to work, to seek excellence in everything we do, to remain modest and to review and revise periodically.

    Most of us do not really have to seek far and wide. Happiness grows at our fireside, if we cultivate it.

    1. According to the writer, what is the source of happiness? (2mks)
    2. What two sorts of behavior does happiness include? (2mks)
    3. What does the writer mean when he talks about a balanced life? (2 mks
    4. In a paragraph of about 30 words, summarize the things we must know as we search for happiness? (4mks
    5. Explain the writers point in the last paragraph of the passage. (2mks)
    6. The recipe for happiness cannot be given in any single word.(1mk)
      (Rewrite the sentence beginning: No single word…)
    7. Identify and comment on the figures of speech used in the following: (2marks)
      1. It (Happiness) thrives best in a crowded life.
      2. … as part of the fabric life.
    8. Describe the tone of this passage. (1mark)
    9. Explain the meaning of the following words as used in the passage. (4mrks)
      1. Extolling-
      2. Intimate-
      3. Felicity-
      4. Legitimate-
    Read the extract below and answer the questions that follow. (25 marks)

    Nora: It’s a shame to say that. I do really save all I can
    Helmer: (laughing) That’s very true, - all you can. But you can’t save anything!
    Nora: (smiling quietly and happily) You haven’t any idea how many expenses we skylarks and squirrels have, Torvald.
    Helmer: You are an odd little soul. Very like your father. You always find some new way of wheedling money out of me, and as soon as you have got it, it seems to melt in your hands. You never know where it has gone. Still, one must take you as you are. It is in the blood: for indeed it is true that you can inherit these things, Nora.
    Nora: Ah, I wish I had inherited many of papa’s qualities.
    Helmer: And I would not wish you to be anything but just what you are, my little skylark. But do you know, it strikes me that you are looking-rather—what shall I say- rather uneasy today?
    Nora: do I?
    Helmer: You do, really. Look straight at me.
    Nora :(looks at him) well?
    Helmer: (wagging his finger at her) Hasn’t Miss Sweet Tooth been breaking rules in town today?
    Nora: No; what makes you think that?
    Helmer: Hasn’t she paid a visit to the confectioner’s?
    Nora: No, I assure you, Torvald-
    Helmer: Not been nibbling sweets?
    Nora: No, certainly not.
    Helmer: Not even take a bite at a macaroon or two?
    Nora: (going to the table on the right) I shouldn’t think of going against your wishes.
    Helmer: No, I am sure of that: besides, you gave me your word- (Going up to her) Keep your little Christmas secrets to yourself, my darling. They will be revealed tonight when the Christmas tree is lit, no doubt.
    Nora: Did you remember to invite Doctor Rank?
    Helmer: No. But there is no need; as a matter of course, he will come to dinner with us. However, I will ask him when he comes this morning. I have ordered some good wine. Nora, you can’t think how I am looking forward to this evening.
    Nora: So am I! And how the children will enjoy themselves, Torvald!
    Helmer: It is splendid to feel that one has a perfectly a safe appointment, and a big enough income. It is Delightful to think of, isn’t it?
    Nora: It’s wonderful!

    1. Place this extract in its immediate context.( 4 marks)
    2. Explain the dramatic irony in this extract ( 3marks)
    3. Helmer says here” it is splendid to feel that one has a perfectly safe appointment”. What is he referring to
    4. What issues on money and gender emerge in this extract? ( 4 marks)
    5. Identify and illustrate any two ways the playwright has used language to achieve foregrounding in this extract.( 4 marks)
    6. What do we learn about the character of Nora in this extract.( 4 marks)
    7. Imagine you are directing this play. Which quality would you look for in an actor to play the role of Torvald( 2 marks
    8. Explain the meaning of the following expressions as used in the extract? (3 marks)
      1. Wheedling money out of me
      2. Confectioner’s
      3. you gave me your word

    Read the song below and answer questions that follow.

    Oh my sister, listen
    From this day, you won’t go dancing,
    From this day, you won’t go to the dance,
    From this day, you won’t go dancing
    You’ll dance only on the path to the river.
    My sister, will you listen?
    From this day, you won’t go chatting,
    From this day, you won’t sit to chat,
    From this day, you won’t sit chatting,
    You’ll only chat on the path to the farm.

    Daughter of my mother, listen!
    From this day, you won’t enjoy teasing,
    From this day, you won’t enjoy to tease,
    From this day, you won’t enjoy teasing,
    You’ll only tease the baby on your lap.
    Listen, my dear sister!

    You’ll only dance on the path to the river,
    You’ll only chat on the path to the farm,
    You’ll only tease the baby on your lap,
    From this day, life will change.

    Have you heard daughter of my mother?
    You’ll not go dancing, dance today.
    You’ll not go sit chatting, chat today.
    You’ll not enjoy teasing, tease today.
    From this day, life will change.
    1. With explanation, classify the above item. (2mks)
    2. Who do you think are the singers in this song? Give reasons (3mks)
    3. Identify two features which qualify this text as a song. (4mks)
    4. Briefly explain what the society expects of a married woman as brought out in the song. (2mks)
    5. Giving illustrations, give two functions of this song. (2mks)
    6. According to the song, how do you think the bride will behave when this song is sung? (3mks)
    7. Explain the relationship between stanza 4 and the first three stanzas. (2mks)
    8. Explain the effect/impact of the phrase “daughter of my mother” instead of”my sister” (lmk)
    9. Add an appropriate question tag to the statement below. (lmk)
      1. Listen, my sister
      2. You’ll only dance on the way to the river

    1. Rewrite the following sentences as instructed. Do not change the meaning of the sentences (3mks)
      1. Marylyn Monroe was the most beautiful woman in Hollywood in the sixties( Begin:No……)
      2. I did not know that there was trouble ahead ( Begin; Little….)
      3. All except Maina went for games. Rewrite using “save for”
    2. Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences with the most appropriate preposition.(3mks)
      1. Innoculation gives protection ________________infection.
      2. We agreed_______________the general procedure.
      3. It has been the same old story ever______________ he was a small boy.
    3. Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fill in the blanks.(3mks)
      1. There was enough___________________ (prove) that examination had leaked.
      2. The student gave a very good __________________ ( describe) of the party.
      3. The painting_________________ (steal) from the museum.
    4. Explain the difference in meaning between these two sentences
      1. The hawker was selling ten day- old chicks.
      2. The hawker was selling ten- day old chicks. (2mks)
    5. For each of the following sentences, replace the underlined phrasal verb with a word that has the same meaning.( 4mks)
      1. I expect him to pull through within a week.
      2. I have been at the police station. Our house was broken into last night.
      3. Everybody knows how good you are. There is no need to show off.
      4. After a hard day’s work, I sat on acosy chair and dozed off.


  1. Question 1.
    1. Happiness is a result of satisfaction with one’s situation, confidence, active goodwill and peace of mind. 
    2. Happiness includes actively searching and sharing,(1mk)as well as, feeling secure and possessing (1mk)=2mks
    3. By ‘balanced life ‘the writer means that one should complement searching…and sharing with adequate security and possession (2mks)
    4. The writer says we need to know what kind of happiness we are looking for, what this happiness consists of, what our burning desires are, and what our priority is(30 words)
    5. The writer’s point is that we need not search outside ourselves to discover and enjoy happiness. (2mks)
    6. No single word can describe the recipe for happiness.(1mk) (Penalize if grammar rules not observed.)
      1. Personification (1/2mk)-Happiness is seen as a child that would grow well in a healthy environment.(1/2mk)=1mk.
      2. Metaphor(1/2mk)-Happiness in life is also seen as part of what makes a piece of cloth hold together.(1/2mk)=1mk.
    8. The tone of the passage is conversational/Thoughtful/persuasive.( Any @1mk each)
      1. Extolling----praising
      2. intimate---make what you think or want clear without stating it directly.
      3. Felicicity---happiness/contentment/satisfaction.
      4. legitimate---lawful/reasonable/acceptable. (20mks)
  2. Extract          
    1. The above item is a wedding song ✔1because a sister is being reminded what to do and not to do in the new state ✔1(2mks)
    2. Singers in this song are;
      • Married women ✔1because they know what married women do.✔1
      • Unmarried women ✔1because they know the activities of unmarried women. ✔1
      • brothers / sisters Vi because they say, “listen, my dear sister / daughter of my mother.”
      • Village people ✔1because they are teasing her about her new roles. ✔1
    3. Features of song
      There is use of;
      • Repetition ✔1“from this day “ I “you’ll only “ / “you won’t go “ I “Daughter of my mother “ I You won’t sit “ / “ on the pathtothe “✔1
      • Rhetorical questions ✔1“My sister, will you listen?”! “Have you heard daughter of my mother?” ✔1
      • Direct address ✔1“My sister, wilt you listen?” ✔1
      • ldiophones✔1“oh” ✔1
      • Contracted form ✔1“you’ll ...“
        Award any two points 2 x 2 = 4mks
    4. Society expects a married woman to fetch water from the river ✔ 1“You’ll only dance on the way to the river.” ✔1
      • to till land Vi “You’ll only chat on the way to farm.” ✔1
      • to care for children ✔1“You’ll only tease the baby on your lap.” ✔1
        Award any one point = 2mks
    5. The song’s function is to;
      • to teach the bride her roles in marriage ✔1
      • to entertain wedding guests ✔1
      • to tease the bride ✔1
        Award any two points = 2mks
      • The bride may cry ✔1because she will miss her childhood play ✔1
      • She may smile ✔1because she is now married / no longer a child /starting her family/joining adult’s group/category. ✔1
      • She may snare ✔2because she is not afraid of marriage when teased. ✔1
        Award any one point = 3mks
    7. Stanza 4 summarizes the earlier stanzas ✔2 it unifies the whole poem by recapturing what has been said✔2
      • The phrase makes the poem authentically African ✔1
      • It also makes the relationship between the bride and her relatives closer.✔1
      1. Listen, my sister, will you?
      2. You’ll only dance on the way to the river, won’t you?
      1. No woman in Hollywood in the sixties was more beautiful than Marylyn Monroe.
      2. Little did I know that there was trouble ahead.
      3. All went for games save for Maina.
    2. Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences with the most appropriate preposition.(3mks
      1. Inoculation gives protection from/against infection.
      2. We agreed on the general procedure.
      3. It has been the same old story ever since he was a small boy.
    3. Use the correct form of the word in brackets to fill in the blanks.(3mks)
      1. There was enough proof(prove) that examination had leaked.
      2. The student gave a very good description( describe) of the party.
      3. The painting was stolen(steal) from the museum.
    4. Explain the difference in meaning between these two sentences
      1. The hawker was selling ten day- old chicks.
      2. The hawker was selling ten day old chicks. (2mks)
        • All the chicks were ten in number and all were one day old.
        • All the chicks were ten days old but the number is not specified.
    5. For each of the following sentences, replace the underlined phrasal verb with a word that has the same meaning .( 4mks)
      1. I expect him to pull through within a week. - recover
      2. I have been at the police station. Our house was broken into last night.- burglarized
      3. Everybody knows how good you are. There is no need to show off. - Boast/ brag
      4. After a hard day’s work, I sat on an easy chair and dozed off. - slept
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