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Language Groups In Eastern Africa

  • Language group refers to people or communities who speak the same language or related languages.
  • People of eastern Africa belong to different language group
    1. The Bantu
    2. The Nilotes
    3.  The Cushites
    4. The Semites

Classification Of Communities In Eastern Africa According To Language Groups


  • Are the largest language group in eastern Africa
  • Originally homeland was DRC, Cameroon, Zaire
  • Are mainly found in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi
  • Tanzania has the largest number of Bantu.
     Kenya   Abaluhya,abagusii,abakuria,agikuyu,ameru,aembu,akamba,ambeere,taita,mijikenda,
     Tanzania  Chagga,sukuma,gogo,hehe,ngoni,yao,nyamwezi,vinza,ha,zaramo,pare,fipa
     Uganda  Baganda,banyore,basoga,bagishu, batoro,banyoro
     Rwanda   Hutu,tutsi
     Burundi   Hutu


  • They are pastoralists
  • Migrated into eastern Africa from Saudi Arabia
  • Main reason for migration was to search for water and pasture for their animals
  • They are divided into;
    1. Eastern cushites
    2. Southern cushites
  • Eastern Cushites
     Kenya  Somali, orma, boran, burji, gabbra, rendille, galla, boni 
     Ethiopia  Rendille, afar, sindamo, galla, danakil, oromo, ogaden
     Somalia  Boran, somali, rendille, oromo, ogaden, hawiyah, gurreh, danakil.
  • Southern Cushites
    Mostly lives in central Tanzania and lower Tana River regions of Kenya
     Kenya  Sanye, Dahalo
     Tanzania  Hawa iraqw, mbugu, burugu, avamanik, sandawe, hadza, makogodi


  • Is the second largest group in eastern Africa
  • Originated from Nile valley, bhar-el-ghezal in south Sudan
  • They were pastoralists
  • Mainly migrated in search of pasture and water
  • They also practised fishing along the rivers
  • Are divided into three sub groups namely
    1. River-lake nilotes
    2. Highland nilotes
    3.  Plain nilotes
  • River-lake nilotes
    Kenya  Luo
    Uganda  Acholi, labwar, japadhola, langi, alur, lughbava
     Tanzania  Luo
     s.sudan  Shilluk, anuk, nuer, dinka
  • Highland nilotes
     kenya   Kipsigis, nandi, tugen, keiyo, pokot, marakwet, sabaot, ogiek ,dorobo.
     uganda   Sebei, sabiny
     tanzania  Datoga
  • Plain nilotes
    kenya   Samburu, maasai, turkana, njemps, iteso, el-molo-suk 
     uganda  Karamanjong, jie, iteso
     tanzania   Maasai
     sudan  Yoposa
     ethiopia  Baria, gumuz

The Semites

  • Migrated from south Arabia Asia into the horn of Africa
  • They crossed into Africa through the red sea
  • Others came through the Indian ocean
  • Mainly migrated looking for trade items and trading opportunity
  • They are found in Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Sudan
    Kenya   Nubians 
    Sudan   Nubians, arabs, amharas,
     Ethiopia   Falasha, arabs, tigreans, amharas, baggara
     Eritrea  Tigreans, amharas
     Somalia   Arabs

Reasons For The Migration Of Selected Language Groups Into Eastern Africa

  • Migration of people from one place to settle in another place
  • People migrate from one place to another because of various reasons

Reasons For The Migration Of The Bantus

  • They wanted fertile farming land to grow groups
  • Escape from hostile neighbours
  • Population pressure
  • Running away from Outbreak of pests and diseases
  • Running away from Drought and famine
  • Internal disputes and conflicts
  • Their population had increased and so they were looking for space to settle

Reasons For The Migration Of The Nilotes

  • Need for pasture and water
  • Running away from Epidaemic (outbreak of diseases)
  • Running away Hostile neighbours i.e. external attacks
  • Internal conflicts/disputes
  • Overpopulation
  • Running away from Drought and famine

Reasons For The Migration Of The Cushites

  • Need for pasture and water
  • Outbreak of diseases epidemics
  • Moving from Drought and hunger
  • Hostile neighbours
  • Running away from Internal conflicts among clan members
  • Overpopulation hence need to settle away
  • Spirit of adventure

Reasons For The Migration Of The Semites

  • Need for better trading opportunities
  • Search for trade goods
  • Overpopulation
  • Family and clan disputes
  • Spirit of adventure
  • Outbreak of human and animal diseases
  • Spread their culture
  • Wanted to spread Islam
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