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Mali Area Map

mali uyguys

Study the map of Mali Area and answer questions 1-7

  1. The main economic activity carried out around the sea is
    1. pastoralism
    2. crop farming
    3. mining
    4. fishing
  2. The climate of Mali area can be described as
    1. hot and dry
    2. hot and wet
    3. cool and wet
    4. cool and dry
  3. Which one of the following services is provided at Pori Market?
    1. Health services
    2. Religious services
    3. Educational services
    4. Postal services
  4. The MAIN economic activity carried out in Mali area is
    1. salt mining
    2. cattle keeping
    3. fishing
    4. trading
  5. The natural vegetation found around Peva Market is
    1. mangrove forests
    2. scattered trees
    3. papyrus
    4. scrub
  6. River Mali flows from
    1. South East to North West
    2. South West to North East
    3. North East to South West 
    4. North West to South East
  7. Mali town has developed mainly as a result of
    1. the cattle ranch
    2. The road junction
    3. nearness to water
    4. the cool climate
  8. Which one of the following statements CORRECTLY describes the social organization of the San during the pre-colonial period? 
    1. They lived in small groups of families 
    2. They had a strong clan system 
    3. They lived in permanent homes 
    4. They practised circumcision
  9. Yaounde is the capital city of
    1. Egypt
    2. Angola
    3. Cameroon
    4. Zambia
  10. Who among the following succeeded the king in the Old Ghana?
    1. The Queen mother
    2. His sister's son
    3. His eldest son
    4. His youngest brother
  11. The main problem limiting trade among African countries is that
    1. they use different national languages
    2. they have poor transport links
    3. they use different currencies
    4. they produce similar goods
  12. The main reason for the migration of the Bantus from their original homeland was
    1. search for water and pasture
    2. search for fertile agricultural land
    3. increase in population
    4. attacks by hostile neighbours
  13. Three of the following statements are true about traditional African education in Kenya. Which one is NOT?
    1. The youth were taught to be responsible members of the society
    2. The youth were taught how to read and write
    3. Learning took place throughout a person's life
    4. Girls were taught by their grandmothers
  14. Road transport is commonly used for the transportation of goods between Kenya and her neighbours mainly because
    1. it is the most developed means of transport in the region
    2. it is the cheapest means of transport in the region
    3. it is the fastest means of transport in the region
    4. it is the safest means of transport in the region
  15. Which one of the following minerals is CORRECTLY matched with the country where it is mined on large scale?
           Mineral                      Country
    1. Copper                      Uganda
    2. Limestone                 Nigeria
    3. Petroleum                 Tanzania
    4. Soda ash                  South Africa
  16. Which one of the following is the main crop grown in Ghana?
    1. Coffee
    2. Sugarcane
    3. Cocoa
    4. Cotton

The table below represents the rainfall and temperature figures for a station in Africa. Use it to answer question 17

Months  J F A S O N D
Temp in C 28  28  28  27  27  26  26  27 27 27 27 28
Rainfall is mm 41 69  150  201  206  114  66  84 193 226 150 40
  1. Which one of the following statements CORRECTLY describes the climate of the station?
    1. The station is cold throughout the year
    2. The station has one wet season and one dry season
    3. The station is hot and wet throughout the year
    4. The station receives most of the rain at the beginning of the year
  2. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about trees in planted forests in Kenya?
    1. The trees have thorns
    2. Most of the trees have climbers
    3. Most of the trees mature fast
    4. The trees are of different types
  3. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about pastoral farming among the Fulani?
    1. They keep cattle mainly for sale
    2. They mainly keep dairy cattle
    3. They grow fodder crops for their cattle
    4. They migrate with their cattle according to seasons
  4. Which one of the following communities was ruled by a king during the pre-colonial period?
    1. The Khoikhoi
    2. The Abawanga
    3. The Wanyamwezi
    4. The Ameru
  5. Which one of the following dams in Africa is CORRECTLY matched with where it is located?
           Dam                    River
    1. Kariba               Zambezi
    2. Kindaruma        Nile
    3. Aswan               Volta
    4. Akosombo         Tana
  6. The diagram below shows an instrument used for measuring weather
    22 aigdyad
    Which one of the following statements is true about the above instrument? It is used to
    1. determine the direction of wind
    2. record the amount of rainfall
    3. determine the strength of wind
    4. measure wind speed
  7. Three of the following statements are true about Ludwig Krapf. Which one is NOT?
    1. He gained fame as the first European to see the source of river Nile
    2. He established a mission station at Rabai
    3. He wrote the first Kiswahili dictionary
    4. He taught Africans how to read and write
  8. Samoei of the Nandi and Mekatilili of the Agiriama had one thing in common. It was that both
    1. were opposed to the building of the railway
    2. prophesied about the coming of the Europeans
    3. foresaw the defeat of Europeans by Africans
    4. resisted British colonial rule
  9. Which one of the following modern forms of communication is an electronic media?
    1. Bronchure
    2. Newspaper
    3. Telephone
    4. Journal
  10. Which one of the following mountains in Africa was formed as a result of faulting?
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    3. The Atlas Mountains
    4. The Ruwenzori Mountains
  11. River Nile and River Niger have a common characteristic. It is that both rivers
    1. originate from the same highlands
    2. have a delta at the mouth
    3. end in the Mediterranean Sea
    4. are navigable throughout the course
  12. Which one of the following is the MAIN benefit the West African countries have gained as members of the Economic Community for West Africa States (ECOWAS)?
    1. Expansion of trade
    2. Increased production of cash crops
    3. Promotion of free movement of people in the region
    4. Expansion of manufacturing industries in the region
  13. Below are some characteristics of a certain vegetation:
    1. Scattered umbrella-shaped trees
    2. Large areas covered with grass
    3. Thorny bushes and shrubs
      The vegetation whose characteristics are listed above is
      1. Equatorial rainforest
      2. Desert vegetation
      3. Savanna vegetation
      4. Mediterranean vegetation
  14. The cheapest method of preserving fish is by
    1. freezing
    2. salting
    3. sun drying
    4. deep frying
  15. To make one complete rotation on its axis, the earth takes
    1. twenty four hours
    2. twelve hours
    3. seven days
    4. thirty days
  16. Which one of the following minerals is extracted using the drilling method?
    1. Gold
    2. Copper
    3. Soda ash
    4. Petroleum
  17. The government of Swaziland is headed by a
    1. Queen mother
    2. prime minister
    3. president
    4. king
  18. The MAIN factor that influences the location of a furniture making industry is
    1. availability of transport
    2. availability of market
    3. availability of power
    4. availability of raw materials
  19. Which one of the following is the BEST way of conserving wildlife?
    1. Fencing national parks
    2. Educating people on the importance of wildlife
    3. Controlling the selling of wildlife products
    4. Establishing animal orphanages
  20. The MAIN contribution of petroleum to the economy of Nigeria is that it has led to
    1. the development of transport network 
    2. an increase in energy supply 
    3. the creation of job opportunities
    4. an increase in foreign exchange

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 37-41

  1. The shaded area marked K receives low rainfall because
    37 auygduyad
    1. it is a lowland area
    2. it is affected by a cold ocean current
    3. it has little vegetation cover
    4. it is far from the equator
  2. The MAIN economic activity carried out in the shaded area marked K is
    1. crop growing
    2. mining
    3. tourism
    4. nomadic pastoralism
  3. The island marked J is
    1. Madagascar
    2. Cape Verde
    3. Comoros
    4. Zanzibar
  4. The traditional kingdom that existed in the area marked M was founded by
    1. The Soninke
    2. The Khoisan
    3. The Wanyamwezi
    4. The Baganda
  5. The relief feature marked N is
    1. Ahaggar Plateau
    2. Adamawa Highlands
    3. Atlas Mountains
    4. Tibesti Mountains
  6. Which one of the following was the MAIN reason why Kariba Dam was built?
    1. To provide water for irrigation
    2. To create a lake for fishing
    3. To provide hydro-electric power
    4. To control floods
  7. Which one of the following led to the Hehe resistance of the German occupation in Tanganyika?
    1. They were influenced by the prophecy of chief Mkwawa
    2. They wanted to protect their cultural beliefs
    3. They had been promised support by the British
    4. They wanted to show their military power
  8. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about inland fishing in both Kenya and Tanzania?
    1. Fishermen have inadequate modem fish preserving facilities
    2. Fishing is carried out during particular seasons
    3. Fish is mainly for export
    4. Fish is mainly transported by railway
  9. Which one of the following was a result of the settlement of the Arabs along the Coast of East Africa?
    1. Introduction of clove growing 
    2. Introduction of maize growing
    3. Introduction of barter trade
    4. Construction of hospitals
  10. Below are some conditions necessary for the growing of a certain crop:
    1. Deep, well drained soils which are slightly acidic
    2. Gently sloping land
    3. Well distributed rainfall throughout the year 
    4. Temperatures of about 21°C
      The crop that grows under the conditions listed above is
      1. coffee
      2. pyrethrum
      3. tea
      4. wheat
  11. In traditional Kenyan communities, people who were initiated together formed
    1. a sub-tribe
    2. a clan
    3. a generation
    4. an age-group
  12. Nomination of members of parliament in Kenya is done by the
    1. Attorney General
    2. Constituency Development Committees
    3. Electoral Commission
    4. Political parties
  13. The method of fishing shown below is knonw as
    49 aihdiuada
    1. long lining
    2. purse seining
    3. net drifting
    4. trawling
  14. Which one of the following towns in Kenya is an agricultural collection centre?
    1. Eldoret 
    2. Thika
    3. Kisumu
    4. Malindi
  15. Three of the following conditions may make a person's freedom be restricted by the state. Which one may not? When a person's freedom
    1. interferes with other peoples' lives
    2. threatens the security of the state
    3. is a threat to their own life
    4. threatens other peoples' ideas
  16. Which one of the following is a function of the parliament in Kenya?
    1. Implementing laws
    2. Making laws
    3. Judging those who break the law
    4. Advising the government on matters of law
  17. Kenya's national flag is important mainly because it
    1. signifies the country's rich agricultural land
    2. was designed by African nationalists
    3. signifies the struggle for independence
    4. is a symbol of national unity
  18. One may become a Kenyan citizen through
    1. registration
    2. employment
    3. migration
    4. marriage
  19. Which one of the following communities in Kenya make up the Plain Nilotes?
    1. Turkana, Pokot, Tugen
    2. Maasai, Njemps, Iteso
    3. Samburu, Sabaot, Nandi
    4. Kipsigis, Keiyo, Marakwet
  20. In traditional African societies festivals and ceremonies were held MAINLY for people to
    1. meet their friends
    2. eat special foods
    3. mark major events
    4. display their talents
  21. Which one of the following is a negative result of colonial rule in Africa?
    1. Alienation of Africans
    2. Development of transport system
    3. Introduction of commercial crop farming
    4. Promotion of towns in the interior
  22. A good Kenyan citizen is one who 
    1. belongs to a certain religious organization
    2. obeys the laws of the country
    3. belongs to a political party
    4. attends national celebrations diligently
  23. Members of the police service are usually present at public meetings in order to
    1. protect all the people attending the meetings 
    2. ensure that invited guests get a chance to speak
    3. protect the leaders attending the meeting
    4. provide enough seats for the invited guests
  24. Which one of the following age conditions is a requirement for those who wish to be elected president of Kenya? They must have attained the age of
    1. 55 years
    2. 35 years 
    3. 21 years
    4. 18 years


  1. Man was chased out of the gardens of Eden mainly because
    1. he talked to the serpent
    2. he disobeyed God
    3. he failed to name all the animals
    4. he stayed naked
  2.  What was the MAIN reason why God Called Abraham?
    1. To give him land
    2. To bring blessings to the world
    3. To give him many children
    4. To make him famous
  3. Who among the following people was appointed to be king of Israel while still a young boy?
    1. Saul
    2. David
    3. Solomon
    4. Rehoboam
  4. Which one of the following was the MAIN reason why God called Moses?
    1. To make him a leader of the Israelites
    2. To rescue the Israelites from bondage in Egypt
    3. To rescue him from the Pharaoh
    4. To give him blessings
  5. A problem faced by the Israelites during the Exodus was lack of
    1. clothing
    2. leaders
    3. water
    4. livestock
  6. Which one of the following sins was committed by King Solomon? He
    1.  took other people's property
    2. gave the Israelites" land to foreigners
    3. killed the prophets of God
    4. married many wives
  7. Jeremiah refused to accept the call to become a prophet of God because he felt he was
    1. too young
    2. too busy
    3. physically weak
    4. a sinful man
  8. Which one of the the following miracles was performed by both prophet Elijah and Elisha?
    1. Raising the son of the Shunamite woman 
    2. Purification of water
    3. Multiplication of oil
    4. Bringing fire from heaven
  9. Which one of the following is a reason why God gave the Israelites the ten commandments?
    1. To teach them in their relationships
    2. To guide them in their relationships
    3. To reward them for their faithfulness
    4. To stop them from going back to Egypt
  10. During the call of Moses at Mount Sinai, the presence of God was symbolised by
    1. fire
    2. thunder
    3. wind
    4. clouds
  11. The story of the birth of Jesus is written in the book of
    1. Revelation
    2. Romans
    3. Luke
    4. Mark
  12. How did Mary know that her relative Elizabeth was going to have a baby?
    1. She was told by Zechariah
    2. She was told by the wisemen
    3. She read about it in the scriptures
    4. She was told by the angel
  13. The killing of baby boys by King Herod after the birth of Jesus was foretold by prophet
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Hosea
    3. Isaiah
    4. Samuel
  14. Which one of the following qualities did Jesus demand from those who came to Him to be healed?
    1. Love
    2. Hope
    3. Faith
    4. Obedience
  15. The parable of the talents teaches that Christians should
    1. make good use of their abilities
    2. keep their money in safe places
    3. share their wealth with the needy
    4. forgive those who owe them money
  16. Which one of the following Jewish feasts was Jesus celebrating when they had the Last Supper?
    1. Pentecost
    2. Passover
    3. Tabernacle
    4. New year
  17. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus shows that He cared for both Jews and Non-Jews?
    1. The healing of Simon's mother-in-law
    2. The healing of the ten lepers
    3. The raising of Jairus' daughter 
    4. The raising of Lazarus
  18. "Do not collect more than is legal" (Luke 3:13) These words were said by John the Baptist to teach about
    1. honesty
    2. humility
    3. tolerance
    4. mercy
  19. Which one of the following parables teaches Christians to accept others? The parable of the
    1. sower
    2. mustard seed
    3. lost son
    4. rich man and Lazarus
  20. Which one of the following happenings took place on the eighth day after Jesus was born?
    1. The angel appeared to Mary
    2. Jesus was circumcised
    3. The angel appeared to the shepherds
    4. Jesus was dedicated
  21. Who among the following people baptised the Ethiopian Eunuch?
    1. Stephen
    2. Paul
    3. Philip
    4. Peter
  22. Who among the following people in the New Testament is referred to as the 'Apostle' to the Gentiles"?
    1. James
    2. Mathew
    3. Paul
    4. John
  23. Who among the following people prayed for those who persecuted him?
    1. Stephen
    2. Thomas
    3. Mathew
    4. Andrew
  24. Who among the following specialists is found in both African traditional societies and Christianity?
    1. Sorcerers
    2. Pastors
    3. Lay leaders
    4. Priests
  25. Which one of the following beliefs about God is found in the Apostles Creed? He is
    1. Just
    2. Holy
    3. Loving
    4. Almighty
  26. Which one of the following is ais done during worship in both African traditional religion and Christianity?
    1. Baptism
    2. Confirmation
    3. Pregnancy
    4. Marriage
  27. Which one of the following BEST shows that Christians are disciples of Jesus Christ?
    1. Laying of hands
    2. Giving offerings
    3. Speaking in tongues
    4. Preaching the gospel
  28. The MAIN reason why Christians condemn prostitution is because it leads to
    1. unwanted pregnancies
    2. misuse of sex
    3. street children
    4. break-up of families
  29. When a mother gets a new baby in traditional African communities, neighbours bring presents to her as a way of
    1. expressing their sympathy
    2. encouraging her to have more children
    3. maintaining the family unity
    4. welcoming the child
  30. Your friend, John, has been looking for a job without success. What advice would you give him as a Christian?
    1. Tell him to ask his rich relatives to help him
    2. Tell him to give up as jobs are difficult to find
    3. Tell him to ask his family to help him start a business
    4. Tell him to get married as soon as possible


social studies adadad


Study the map of Nari Area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7

  1. River Nari rises from
    1. South
    2. North Wesf
    3. South West
    4. North East
  2. Which one of the following is the main religion practised by people of Nari area?
    1. Christianity
    2. Islam
    3. Hindu
    4. Traditionalists
  3. The settlement pattern in Nari area can be described as
    1. nucleated
    2. clustered
    3. linear
    4. sparse
  4. Which one of the following type of industry can be located in the southern part of the map?
    1. Primary industry
    2. Secondary industry 
    3. Tertiary industry 
    4. Assembly industry
  5. Which one of the following factors has mainly lead to the growth of Nalli town?
    1. Trading Activities 
    2. Presence of a road junction 
    3. Security services
    4. Farming activities
  6. The type of soil likely found in the Southern part of the area
    1. black cotton soils 
    2. alluvial soils
    3. sandy soils
    4. red sub soils 
  7. What evidence shows that the North Eastern part of the map receives low rainfall is likeIy to be?
    1. Presence of a quarry 
    2. Presence of scrubs 
    3. The distribution of people 
    4. Distance from the lake
  8. Which one of the following is not a River lale Nilofes of Sudan?
    1. Lango
    2. Bayi
    3. Anuak 
    4. Dinka
  9. The following is a description of climate experienced in Eastern Africa.
    • High temperatures throughout the year
    • High rainfall throughout the year
    • Experiencesa rainfall maxima
      The climate described above is
      1. Tropical savannah climate 
      2. Mountain climate
      3. suotrootcst climate
      4. Equatorial climate
  10. The government of Kenya carries out census after every ten years mainly to
    1. know the number of people
    2. to plan for its people
    3. to prepare for elections
    4. to distribute land to people 
  11. Which one of the following factors explains why a rainguage should be fixed 15 centimetrés 15elow the ground? 
    1. To make it attractive 
    2. To make it stable 
    3. To make it visible
    4. To avoid splashing into it
  12. Which one of the following consist of the main coffee growing areas in Ethiopia?
    1. Moshi Arusha region 
    2. Jammo, Addis Ababa region
    3. Harar and Kaffar 
    4. Hadar Bouri
  13. Which one of the following towns is not a lake port in Lake Victoria in Tanzania? 
    1. Mwanza
    2. Musoma
    3. Ahirati
    4. Kigoma
  14. Which one of the following is the main government beef ranch in Tanzania 
    1. Mpwapwa
    2. Solai 
    3. Kongwa
    4. Hadeni
  15. Which one of the following countries in Eastern Africa does not share a border with Kenya?
    1. Uganda
    2. Sudan
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Somalia
  16. The following are uses of a mineral mined in Kenya
    1. Used to make fertilizer
    2. Used to make paint 
    3. Used to treat water
      The mineral described above is likely to be
      1. limestone
      2. fluorspar 
      3. diatomite
      4. salt
  17. The best way to upgrade to the local breeds is through
    1. controlling tsetse flies 
    2. cross-breeding
    3. paddocking 
    4. establish ranches
  18. Poultry reaning in Kenya is mainly done in the outskirts of the urban areas because
    1. there is a ready market
    2. plenty of poultry feeds
    3. area is free from pests
    4. there is plenty of space
  19. The best means of transporting heavy and bulky goods over long distance on land is
    1. pipeline transport
    2. railway transport
    3. water transport
    4. road transport
  20. Which one of the following title was given to the treasurer in the traditional Buganda kingdom? 
    1. Katikiro
    2. Omulamuzi
    3. Lukiko
    4. Omwanika
  21. Which one of the following water body does not border Eastern Africa?
    1. The Red Sea 
    2. The Indian Ocean
    3. Mediterranean sea
    4. Lake Victoria
  22. The following is a description of a town in Eastern Africa,
    1. Located on a foot of a mountain
    2. It's one of the largest town in its country
    3. Mainly serves as a tourism centre
      The town described above is
      1. Arusha
      2. Thika
      3. Addis Ababa
      4. Kampala
  23. The main source of River Nile is
    1. Ethiopian highland
    2. Lake Tana
    3. Lake Victoria
    4. Lake Kyoga
  24. Which one of the following means of communication was recently introduced and possess a great competition to other forms of communication? 
    1. Letters
    2. Telegrams
    3. Computers
    4. Mobile phones
  25. Which one of the following types of lakes are formed when the river changes its course?
    1. Lake Victoria, Lake Kyoga
    2. Lake Baringo, Lake Naivasha
    3. Lake Gambi, Lake Kanyamboli
    4. Lake Teleki, Lake Catherine
  26. Three of the following are facts about latitudes. Which one is not?
    1. They meet at the poles
    2. They are parallel to each other
    3. They influence the climate
    4. They are of different sizes
  27. Who among the following early visitor to Eastern Africa mainly came to look for the source of River Nile?
    1. Vasco da Gamma
    2. John Speke
    3. William MacKinnon
    4. Dr. Ludwig krapf
  28. Which one of the following is not true about maize growing in Kenya and Tanzania?
    1. It's mainly grow. by Small scale
    2. It's staple food of people in the region 
    3. It's a main foreign exchange earner
    4. Maize growing was introduced by the European settles
  29. Which of the following is the main tourist attraction on the floor of the Rift valley?
    1. Sandy beaches and warm climate
    2. International spurts and competitions
    3. Beautiful sceneries
    4. Wildlife in parks
  30. Which one of the following mountains in Eastern Africa is the highest non-volcanic mountain?
    1. Mt Ruwenzori
    2. Mt Kilimanjaro
    3. Mt Kenya
    4. The Ras Dashan
  31. The following are statements about a method of rearing poultry.
    1. Birds are left to feed
    2. Birds are fed separately in cages
    3. Birds have separate laying nest
    4. Feeds are mixed with standard straws
      There is a common collection point for eggs Which combination is suitable for battery system?
      1. i, ii, iv 
      2. ii, iii, v
      3. ii, iv, v 
      4. i, iii, v
  32. Use the diagrams to answer questions 32 and 33
    The main factor that influence the growth of vegetation
    1. altitude
    2. climate
    3. soil
    4. drainage
  33. The main economic activity carried out in the area marked D
    1. Lumbering
    2. Pastoralism
    3. Bee keeping
    4. Fruit growing
  34. Three of the foilowing are reasons for single parenthood. Which one is not?
    1. Travelling abroad
    2. Death
    3. Separation
    4. Divorce
  35. Which one of the following means of communication is mainly affected by low Supply of electricity in rural areas?
    1. Television
    2. Computers
    3. Newspapers
    4. Courier Service
  36. Which one of the following animals is not a big five?
    1. Rhino
    2. Buffalo
    3. Cheetah
    4. Leopard
  37. Which one of the following lakes were formed through the same processes?
    1. L. Stephanie, L. Manyara, L. Edward
    2. L. Katwe, L. Paradise, L. Utange
    3. L.Albert, L. Kivu!, L. Kyoga
    4. L. Chala, Lake Tana, L. Gambi
  38. Which one of the following was the first political party that was formed in Tanganyika?
    1. Chama Cha Mapinduzi
    2. Tanganyika African National Union
    3. Tanganyika African Association
    4. United Tanganyika Party
  39. Who among the following is a member of the county assembly?
    1. County Representative
    2. Speaker
    3. Nominated Member
    4. Senator
  40. Judiciary in Kenya is headed by the 
    1. President
    2. Chief justice
    3. Attorney general
    4. Chief registrar

Use the map below to answer questions 41 - 45 

  1. The main tourist attraction in the area Marked K
    1. Wildlife
    2. Human remains
    3. Beautiful scenery
    4. Sandy beaches
  2. The town marked M started as a 
    1. trading post 
    2. fishing village 
    3. market centre 
    4. transport and communication centre
  3. The type of forest found in the area marked
    1. Highland forest
    2. Lowland forest
    3. Tropical rainforest 
    4. Planted forests
  4. The Mineral mined at the place marked L is
    1. soda ash
    2. fluorspar
    3. diatomite
    4. limestone 
  5. The mountain marked N was from a result of
    1. faulting and uplifting
    2. faulting and sinking
    3. volcanic eruption
    4. folding of rocks
  6. Which one of the following holidays in Kenya is celebrated to mark the day when Kenya was granted independence?
    1. Mashujaa day
    2. Jamhuri day
    3. Madaraka day
    4. Labour day
  7. Which one of the following trees is found in the a Natural Forest?
    1. Pine
    2. Eucalyptus 
    3. Camphor
    4. Cypress
  8. Which one of the following community was led by Mukite wa Nameme in resisting the establishment of colonial rule?
    1. Nandi
    2. Ababukusu
    3. Agiriama
    4. Hehe
  9. Which one of the following National parks is B. not found in Uganda?
    1. Soleus
    2. Murchison
    3. Kidepo valley 
    4. Queen Elizabeth
  10. Three of the following are effects of Maasai collaboration except A. 
    1. Lenana was made a paramount chief B. 
    2. Maasai got support to fight their enemies C 
    3. Maasai were rewarded with land D. 
    4. Maasai lost their land
  11. Which one of the following is not a sea port the county assembly?
    1. Asmara
    2. Djibouti 
    3. Dar es Salaam
    4. Kismayu  
  12. Which one of the following European power did not get a portion of Somaliland during the scramble and partition of Eastern Africa?
    1. Germany
    2. Britain
    3. France 
    4. Italy
  13. Which of the following winds are responsible for long rains in East African Highlands?
    1. North East Monsoon winds 
    2. South East Monsoon winds 
    3. North and dry winds
    4. South Westerlies
  14. Which is not a method of solving conflict?
    1. Dialogue
    2. Negotiation 
    3. Revenging
    4. Court settlement
  15. Which one of the following food crop is widely grown in Uganda?
    1. Maize
    2. Bananas
    3. Sisal
    4. Tea
  16. Which one of the following activities was not done by African Societies?
    1. Solving disputes 
    2. Making community laws
    3. Punishing the law breakers
    4. Spearheading
  17. The type of trade that involves only two countries is termed as
    1. regional trade
    2. multi-lateral trade PIS 
    3. bilateral trade
    4. domestic trade 
  18. The main reason why Europeans scrambled for colonies in Africa is
    1. A treat African diseases
    2. to civilize Africans 
    3. get raw material 45. 
    4. to stop slave trade 
  19. Which one of the following is not a function of Independent Electoral and Boundaries commission?
    1. Nominate members
    2. Conduct elections Kenya 
    3. Register voters 
    4. Announce election results  
  20. Cabinet meetings in Kenya are chaired by the
    1. Speaker
    2. Head of state 
    3. Deputy president
    4. Chief justice


  1. From the book of Genesis Chapter 1 and 2, 1 which one of the following was created on the fourth day?
    1. Plants
    2. Animals
    3. Man
    4. Sun
  2. Who among the following gave his life to God?
    1. Lot
    2. Haron
    3. Terah
    4. Abraham
  3. The first Israelites Passover meal took place in
    1. Jericho
    2. Judah
    3. Egypt
    4. Canaan
  4. Which one of the following is the sixth commandment as given in the book of Exodus chapter twenty?
    1. Respect your mother and father
    2. Keep the sabbath day holy
    3. Do not kill
    4. Do not covet
  5. The Judge who defeated the Medianites being led by the Holy Spint was
    1. Jared
    2. Gideon
    3. Samuel
    4. Samson
  6. The third King in Israel was called
    1. Saul
    2. David
    3. Ahab
    4. Solomon   
  7. Which one of the following prophets spoke about the coming of the Messiah?
    1. Isaiah 
    2. Jonah 
    3. Elisha 
    4. Obadia
  8. Gehazi, the servant of Elisha was punished because he lacked
    1. money
    2. honesty
    3. kindness
    4. love
  9. Which one of the following prophets predicted  about famine that was to affect people in Israel?
    1. Elijah 
    2. Agabus 
    3. Micah 
    4. Isaiah
  10. Who among the following prophesied that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem?
    1. Isaiah 
    2. Elijah 
    3. Micah 
    4. Jeremiah
  11. Which one of the following was given to the shepherds as a sign of the saviour who had  been born?
    1. They would find him in a hotel
    2. They would find a big baby
    3. They would find him with his parents
    4. They would find him wrapped in strips of clothes
  12. The raising of Lazarus from the dead by Jesus shows that Jesus
    1. Has power to heal the sick
    2. Has power to create
    3. Has power over evil
    4. Has power over death
  13. The first miracle of Jesus took place at
    1. Judah
    2. Israel
    3. Cana
    4. Egypt
  14. The first disciples of Jesus were
    1. farmers
    2. fishermen
    3. singers
    4. healers
  15. Who among the following repented his sins and was forgiven?
    1. Gehazi
    2. Prodigal son
    3. Disciples
    4. Ahab
  16. "Eli Eli Lema Sabachthani" means
    1. My God, my God why did you abandon me
    2. Elijah, you will be with me in paradise
    3. Father forgive them
    4. Lord, take this cup away from me. 
  17. Who among the following went to the tomb after the resurrection of Jesus?
    1. James
    2. John
    3. Joseph
    4. Elzabeth
  18. The first disciples of were first called Christians at a place called 
    1. Jericho
    2. Antioch 
    3. Moab
    4. Egypt
  19. Who among the following denied Jesus three in times?
    1. James 
    2. John
    3. Peter
    4. Zacharia
  20. Which one among the following is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Healing
    2. Wisdom 
    3. Love 
    4. Faith 
  21. Education in traditional African society was aimed at
    1. Instilling respect 
    2. Character moulding
    3. Acquiring degree
    4. Preparation for marriage
  22. The following are ways through which people get new life in traditional African society except
    1. Initiation
    2. Baptism 
    3. Marriage 
    4. Birth 
  23. Which one among the following is commonly practised by both Christians and Traditional African Communities?
    1. Sharing with others 
    2. Baptising new converts
    3. Tatooing bodies
    4. Reading the Bible
  24. The main purpose of sharing wealth or ideas  with others is to show
    1. concern for others
    2. envy for others
    3. jealous for others 
    4. brutality for other 
  25. Initiation in Traditional African society, prepared young people to take in society
    1. their own problems
    2. new responsibilities
    3. their talents
    4. their gifts
  26. Which one among the following is not true about the benefits of sharing work?
    1. Give people chance to share talents 
    2. To contribute to the welfare of others 
    3. Everybody get involved in work 
    4. Compete as we work
  27. Which one among the following is good use of time?
    1. Stealing 
    2. Cheating 
    3. Visit the needy 
    4. Complaining always
  28. In Traditional African Societies marriage negotiation are officiated by
    1. prophets
    2. seer
    3. elders
    4. priests
  29. Who among the following is a person with special need?
    1. HIV/AIDS victim 
    2. Jesus
    3. Rich person
    4. A farmer
  30. Which one among the following was the main activity of missionaries in Kenya? 
    1. Give people presents 
    2. Teach people local language
    3. Preach the Gospel 
    4. See Kenyans


  1. B
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. C
  13. C
  14. C
  15. B
  16. A
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. D
  21. C
  22. C
  23. C
  24. D
  25. C
  26. A
  27. B
  28. C
  29. C
  30. A
  31. B
  32. A
  33. B
  34. A
  35. A
  36. C
  37. A
  38. B
  39. A
  40. B
  41. A
  42. D
  43. C
  44. A
  45. C
  46. C
  47. C
  48. B
  49. A
  50. C
  51. A
  52. A
  53. B
  54. C
  55. B
  56. D
  57. C
  58. B
  59. A
  60. B
  61. D
  62. D
  63. C
  64. C
  65. B
  66. D
  67. A
  68. B
  69. A
  70. C
  71. D
  72. D
  73. C
  74. B
  75. B
  76. A
  77. B
  78. B
  79. C
  80. C
  81. B
  82. B
  83. A
  84. A
  85. B
  86. D
  87. C
  88. C
  89. A
  90. C


Study the map of Mawe area and use it to answer questions 1-7.
q1 hfctfacda

  1. The general direction of flows of River Kai is towards 
    1. North West 
    2. South East 
    3. North East 
    4. South West
  2. Mawe area is administred by a 
    1. County commissioner 
    2. Sub country commissioner 
    3. Governor 
    4. County representative
  3. Population distribution at Mawe area has been influenced by 
    1. transport and communication 
    2. drainage 
    3. economic activities 
    4. presence of security
  4. Which one of the following services is offered in Mawe area?
    1. Health
    2. Recreation 
    3. Theatre
    4. Education
  5. Which one of the following industries is likely to be found in Mawe area? 
    1. Manufacturing industry 
    2. Processing industry 
    3. Service industry 
    4. Assembling industry
  6. The main economic activity in mawe area is 
    1. fishing
    2. trading 
    3. mining
    4. maize growing
  7. Which religion is practised in mawe area 
    1. Hinduism
    2. Islamic 
    3. Christianity 
    4. Traditionalism
  8. Which one of the following is a negative impact of rapid population growth on resources?
    1. Increased labour force 
    2. Improved health care
    3. Pressure on the existing social service
    4. Availability of employment opportunities
  9. The council of elder among the Ameru that handles difficult cases was 
    1. Kiama
    2. Njuri Ncheke
    3. Nkomango
    4. Njuri impere
  10. The following is a description of a certain type of vegetation 
    1. tall and evergreen trees
    2. trees have straight trunks and buttress roots
    3. Forests have very little undergrowth
      Which vegetation type is described above
      1. Savannah vegetation
      2. Equatorial vegetation
      3. Swamp vegetation
      4. Mediterranean vegetation
  11. Which one of the following is a service industry?
    1. Textile industry
    2. Ginnery
    3. Dry cleaning
    4. Posho niill
  12. The following countries are crossed by Trans saharan highway except?
    1. Nigeria
    2. Algeria .
    3. Niger
    4. Mali

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 13 ro 16.
q13 jgvtyfgss

  1. The relief feature marked B was formed through 
    1. folding
    2. faulting and uplifting
    3. volcanicity
    4. denudation 
  2. The multi purpose project marked C was mainly constructed to 
    1. controi floods 
    2. provide water for irrigation
    3. provide cheap power
    4.  establish fishing grounds 
  3. Three of the following statements are true about the climatic region marked Y. Which one is not?
    1. Rainfall is experienced mainly during winter
    2. Rainfall is accompanied by lighting and thunderstorms
    3. The hottest months in the year are march and september
    4. The type of rainfall received is mainly convectional
  4. The lake formed E was formed through 
    1. faulting
    2. downwarping
    3. erosion
    4. deposition
  5. Which one of the following early visitors was a trader? 
    1. Vasco da Gama 
    2. David livingstone 
    3. Henry Morton stanley
    4. William Mackinnon
  6. The following communities Collaborated with European colonial rule except
    1. wiándinka 
    2. Lozi
    3. obawanga 
    4. Maasai
  7. Which one of the following is the main tourist attraction in Egypt?
    1. Willlife
    2. Historical sites 
    3. Sand beaches 
    4. Cultural activities 
  8. The main reason for the establishment of East African community was to 
    1. reduce trade barriers
    2. improve transport in the area 
    3. wide a markets for goods produced
    4. introduce a common currency 
  9. The weather instrument drawn below is used to measure
    q21 jvygvfts
    1. amount of rainfall 
    2. hotness or coldness of a place 
    3. air pressure
    4. strength of wind 
  10. Which one of the following plain nilotes are found in Uganda?
    1. Karamajong, Iteso, Jie 
    2. Toposa, Murle, Azande 
    3. Maasai Burji, Samburu
    4. Nandi, Iteso, Sabaot 
  11. The main cause of accident in most Kenya roads is
    1. driving unroadworthy vehicles 
    2. overloading vehicles 
    3. negligence of road user
    4. following traffic rule 
  12. Which one of the following is the cheapest methods of preserving fish
    1. canning
    2. sun drying
    3. salting
    4. refrigeration
  13. Which one of the following is economic right? 
    1. Right to vote 
    2. Right to privacy
    3. Right to food
    4. Right to be paid well 
  14. The act of taking over the responsibilities and property of a deceased person is called 
    1. a will
    2. succession 
    3. administration 
    4. acquisition
  15. The following are ways of demonstrating patriotism in Kenya except 
    1. payment of taxes
    2. conserving environment
    3. promoting human rights
    4. engaging in corruption
  16. The main problem facing tourism in Africa is
    1. poor marketing strategies
    2. political instability
    3. insecurity
    4. similarity of tourist attraction 
  17. Below is a description of a certain early visitor
    1. was both a missionary and explorer
    2. sent by royal geographical society
    3. did his missionary work in central Africa
    4. fought against slave trade The early described above as
      1. Henry Morton Stanley 
      2. Dr David Livingstone 
      3. Johannes Rebman
      4. John Krapt
  18. Which one of the following fish is caught a marine fishing grounds? 
    1. Mackerel 
    2. Salmon 
    3. Trout
    4. Black bass 
  19. The following factors limit peace in the society. Which one is not? 
    1. Bad leadership 
    2. Political differencof human rights
    3. leadership
    4. Transpareney 
  20. The dispersal point of the River Lake nilotes was at 
    1. Mt Elgon 
    2. Shungwaya
    3. Pukungu Pakwach
    4. Southern Sudan 
  21. The time at town W 40°E is 9.00 a.m. What is the time at town Y 13°W? 
    1. 11:32am
    2. 5:28am 
    3. 7:12am
    4. 10:48am
  22. . The main pastoral community in West Africa is the 
    1. Fulani
    2. Tuaregs 
    3. Tswana
    4. Maasai 
  23. The road sign below indicates
    q35 ytft6rftrfs
    1. drive with caution 
    2. bumps ahead
    3. road junction
    4. give way
  24. Which one of the following is a way the communities may contribute to school development? 
    1. Promote the culture of the communities 
    2. Guides pupils to obey laws of the land
    3. Offer labour to the school
    4. Help learners discover their talents 
  25. The earliest inhabitants in central Africa is 
    1. Bantus
    2. Bambuti
    3. Boers
    4. Arabs 
  26. The main problem facing forestry in the Democratic republic of Congo is 
    1. Forest fires 
    2. Poor harvesting techniques 
    3. Human encroachment
    4. Pest and diseases 
  27. The following countries are crossed by the equator except 
    1. Gabon
    2. Uganda 
    3. Dr Congo
    4. Cameroon
  28. Forests in Africa are mainly influenced by 
    1. drainage
    2. rainfall 
    3. soil fertility 
    4. altitude 
  29. The type of wind found at the side marked A are
    q41 khauygda
    1. cool and wet 
    2. hot and dry 
    3. cool and dry
    4. warm and moist 
  30. The above rainfall is experienced in the following areas except 
    1. Musoma
    2. Kitale
    3. Embu
    4. Arusha
  31. Which one of the following lakes were formed through erosion? 
    1. Wum, Nyos, Paradise 
    2. Tana, Catherine, Tana 
    3. Teleki, Maghra, Gallery 
    4. Kivu, Magadi, Jipe
  32. The main cause of soil erosion at the . Northern part of Kenya is 
    1. deforestation 
    2. overstocking 
    3. heavy rainfall 
    4. mono cropping
  33. Which one of the following minerals is correctly matched with the end product
    1. Flourspar - electric wires 
    2. Soda ash-cement 
    3. Datomite - filters
    4. Limestone - salt 
  34. Which one of the following aspect of culture can be preserved? 
    1. Polygamy
    2. Witch craft 
    3. Polygamy 
    4. Tradition medicine
  35. Which one of the following factors should be considered first before establishing dairy farming? 
    1. The climatic conditions 
    2. The accesibility of the area 
    3. Availability of land
    4. The type of diseases that may attack the cattle 
  36. The main problem facing multi purpose project in Africa is 
    1. prolonged drought 
    2. siltation of the dams 
    3. displacement of people
    4. occurrence of diseases 
  37. The person incharge of election at the county level is 
    1. National returning officer 
    2. Presiding officer
    3. Polling clerk
    4. Returning officer 
  38. The highest court in Kenya is headed by the
    1. judges
    2. attorney general 
    3. chief justice 
    4. chief registrar
  39. The traditional parliament of Swaziland is 
    1. Libandia
    2. Liqoqo 
    3. Tinkhudla
    4. Ngwenyama 
  40. The best form of communication used in mass media 
    1. television 
    2. radio
    3. newspaper 
    4. magazine
  41. In traditional African society education was passed through the following ways except
    1. use of proverbs 
    2. imitation 
    3. writing
    4. apprenticeship
  42. The headquarters of old Ghana kingdom was located at
    1. Wagadu
    2. Bissandugu 
    3. Kumbi saleh
    4. Walafa
  43. Who among the following represent the county in the national assembly? 
    1. Women Representative 
    2. County representative 
    3. Governor 
    4. Speaker
  44. Below are description of a certain prominent le der 
    1. uholished ownership of Waves
    2. founder member of OAU 
    3. introduced new constitution in his country
      The leader described above is likely to be
      1. Julius Nyereere 
      2. Haile Selassie 
      3. Gamal Abdel Nasser
      4. Leopold Senghor 
  45. Most people in Africa prefer transporting goods using road mainly because 
    1. cheap to construct 
    2. faster than other forms of transport
    3. it is the most spread
    4. it is the cheapest 
  46. The following are ways through which Seyyid said used to increase volumes of trade in Eastern African coast except 
    1. Signing treaties 
    2. sending or trade caravans 
    3. inviting money lenders
    4. becoming the Sultan
  47. Which one of the following forms of democracy is practised in Kenya? 
    1. Representative 
    2. Nominational 
    3. Liberal
    4. Participatory
  48. In school staff meeting minutes are written by
    1. Senior teacher 
    2. Deputy headteacher 
    3. Head teacher
    4. Chairperson


  1. According to the Bible story of creation, which one of the following is not a reason why God created a woman? To
    1. be a companion to the man
    2. work for man
    3. be a helper to the man
    4. have children with the man
  2. When Abraham was called by God he was living in
    1. Sinai
    2. Bethel
    3. Haran
    4. Damascus
  3. Which one of the following is the main reason why Moses left midian for Egypt?
    1. He wanted to establish a new home
    2. He was commanded by God
    3. He wanted to talk to the Pharaah of Egypt
    4. He wanted to visit the Israelites in Egypt
  4. The main reason why Noah built an ark was to make him be able to
    1. fulfill God's wish
    2. worship God there
    3. keep the animal
    4. hide his family
  5. Which one of the following was a practise of Israelites during Passover feast?
    1. Drinking wine
    2. Eating unleavened bread
    3. Eating boiled meat
    4. Reciting the ten commandment
  6. Who among the following made a wrong choice?
    1. Moses
    2. Joseph
    3. Abraham
    4. Ananiah
  7. Which one of the following is not a value taught in the sermon on the mount?
    1. Poverty
    2. Humility
    3. Injustice
    4. Purity
  8. "Do not commit murder" Exodus 20:13.Two of the following people broke this commandment, who were they
    1. Abel and Enoch
    2. Noah and Solomon Isaac a
    3. nd Naboth
    4. Cain and David
  9. The parable of Jesus which teaches us about the growth of the kingdom of heaven is
    1. the sower
    2. the mustard seed
    3. the good samaritan
    4. the lost son
  10. Three of the following are gifts of the Holy spirit. Which one is not?
    1. Wisdom
    2. Healing
    3. Peace
    4. Faith
  11. Which one of the following is true about Jesus teaching on prayer?
    1. Prayer should be loud
    2. Do not use many meaningless words
    3. Pray while standing in street corners When
    4. you pray close your eyes
  12. Which one of the following events in the life of Jesus showed that He respected the tradition of the jews. When He
    1. talked to the samaritan woman at the well
    2. attended the passover feast at the age of twelve years
    3. was tempted by the devil
    4. fed the five thousand people
  13. Which of the following is the meaning of being spiritually poor?
    1. Not having wealth
    2. Being a beggar
    3. Being dependent on God
    4. being very poor and not able to give offerings
  14. Special gifts that God has given different people are called
    1. blessings
    2. presents
    3. talents
    4. prizes
  15. The parable of the good samaritan teaches Christians that they should
    1. travel in groups
    2. help those in difficulties
    3. avoid accidents
    4. avoid lonely paths
  16. Which one of the following happened on the day Jesus died?
    1. There was a voice from heaven
    2. Moses and Elijah appeared
    3. There was an earthquake
    4. Angels sang
  17. "Remember me, Jesus when you come asking (Luke 23:42) who said these words? The
    1. Roman thief
    2. Repentant thief
    3. Simon of Cyrene
    4. Simon Peter
  18. Who among the following people died because of cheating the apostles?
    1. Stephen
    2. Ananias
    3. Cornelius
    4. Philip 79.
  19. traditional African practice which is also found in christianity is
    1. offering sacrifices to God
    2. naming children after ancestors
    3. praying to God for our needs
    4. preaching the Bible during worship
  20. Which one of the following statements from the Apostle's creed teaches that Jesus is the son of God?
    1. Descended into hell
    2. Suffered under pontius pilate
    3. Conceived by the Holy Spirit
    4. Crucified died and was buried
  21. In which one of the following towns was David bom?
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Jerusalem
    3. Bethany
    4. Jericho
  22. Which one of these is a secular value?
    1. Popularity
    2. Mercy
    3. Charity
    4. Forgiveness
  23. When people were wealthy in traditional African societies the main explanation given was that they were
    1. blessed by God
    2. hardworking
    3. generous
    4. wise
  24. Below are class seven pupils who among them uses talcats well according to the Biblical teachings?
    1. June - sings in the church choir
    2. Fridah-reads many story books
    3. Dorcas - wrtes good poems
    4. Jane - write good composition
  25. Which one of the following activities by Christians is an example of the gifts of the Holy spirit?
    1. Reading the Bible
    2. Collecting offerings
    3. Cleaning the church
    4. Singing in th choir
  26. A class six teacher has asked the pupils to weed garden. John is not willing to do it because he fells it is manual work. As a Christian what is best advice to give him
    1. ask other pupils to help him
    2. transfer to another school
    3. do the work quickly
    4. do the work as well as he can
  27. Mark your deskmate hides his Christian religious education textbook from you. As a christian what action would you take
    1. stop talking to him
    2. report him to the teacher
    3. teach him about sharing
    4. move away from the desk
  28. Mary is a rich lady who has poor neighbours as a Christian the best advice to give her is that she should
    1. give jobs to the needy
    2. give them food
    3. donate her money to the church
    4. keep her money in a safe place
  29. You have noticed that your friend Philip has been going out of school during class time and you would like him to stop. As a christian you should
    1. go and tell his parents about it
    2. show him why it is important to respect school rules
    3. threaten to end your relationship with him
    4. report the matter to the class prefect
  30. Mary your schoolmate has joined a group of youths who smoke cigarettes. What would be the best thing for you to do
    1. report her to the class teacher
    2. advise her to transfer to another school
    3. avoid any contact with her
    4. tell her to stop the friendship

Marking Scheme

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