Displaying items by tag: atheltics

Field Events

  • Are categorised into
    1. Jumps – high jump, pole vault, long jump and triple jump
    2. throws – discuss, javelin, short put, and hammer.

High Jump

  • It is a field event in which competitors must jump unaided over a horizontal bar placed at measured heights without dislodging it.
  • 2 main consideration is Lift and clearance

Safety Instruction

  • Ensure proper spacing during drills and practise
  • Wear appropriate PHE attire during activity.
  • Follow teacher’s instructions during practise
  • Ensure the runway is free from obstacles
  • Use a flat ground
  • Jump one learner at a time.
  • Perform warm up adequately before participating in an activity

Warm Up Activities

  1. Jumping jacks
    • Stand with your legs shoulder width knees slightly bent and hands on the sides
    • Jump and open the arms and legs out to the sides. Arms come above the head and legs wider than shoulder width.
    • Close your arms and legs back to your sides, returning to the start.
    • Repeat several times.
  2. Skip and skip
    • Move while stepping from one foot to the other with a hop
    • Raise your arm opposite the moving foot alternatively.
  3. Press ups
    • Place hands on the ground face down
    • Extend your legs back and balance on your hands and toes.
    • Keep the body straight
    • Bend your elbows and lower yourself until your elbows are at an angle of 90 degrees.
    • Push backup through your hands to the start position.
    • Place hands on the ground face down
    • Extend your legs back and balance on your hands and toes
    • Keep the body straight
    • Bend over your elbows and lower yourself until your elbows are at an angle of 90 degrees
    • Push backup through your hands to the start position.
  4. Wind Break
    • Pretend to be in a windstorm, with wind blowing arms as branches..
    • Start while the wind is strong and finish as the wind calms.

Facility And Equipment In High Jump

  • facility used in high jump is a space where a runway is marked.
  • There is a landing area where suitable material for landing is placed.
  • For example, sah'ust, landing maaress
  • Equipment include crossbar, uprights, tape measure

Rules Followed In High Jump As You Practise

  • Do not touch the ground beyond the plane of the upright and the landing area before the cross bar.
  • take off should be on one foot
  • Do not dislodge the bar to master the take off points.

Styles Of High Jump

  • The scissors
  • straddle
  • Fosbury flop
  • Western roll

Scissor Technique In High Jump

  • This is a method of clearing the bar in high jump.
  • It involves the legs making a crossing action over the crossbar during fight.
  • The crisscrossing is what gives the technique its name scissors
    05 scissor technique

Safety Instruction

  • Ensure proper spacing during drills and practise
  • Wear appropriate PHE attire during activity.
  • Follow teacher’s instructions during practise
  • Ensure the runway is free from obstacles
  • Use a flat ground
  • Jump one learner at a time.
  • Perform warm up adequately before participating in an activity

Warm Up Activities

  1. Jumping jacks
    • Stand with your legs shoulder width knees slightly bent and hands on the sides
    • Jump and open the arms and legs out to the sides. Arms come above the head and legs wider than shoulder width.
    • Close your arms and legs back to your sides, returning to the start.
    • Repeat several times
  2. Side shuffle
    • Stand with your feet hip distance apart.
    • Bend forward at the hips, knees bent, looking forward and chest Liftted.
    • Hold your hands in loose fists in front of your chest.
    • Move right using small quick shufe steps for 15 minutes
    • Repeat movement to the left side. continue shuffling right and left.
  3.  Lunges
    • Start by standing up tall.
    • Step forward with one foot until your leg reaches a 90 degree angle
    • Lift your front lunging leg to return to the starting position.
    • Repeat 5 times on one leg then change to the other.

Cool Down Activity

  1. Stretch and spell
    • Use body stretch to spell the word scissor one letter at a time
    • Wait for seconds before spelling a different letter.
  2. learning points on the scissor technique
    • the approach – approach the bar at a comfortable speed.
    • the take off - hold your shoulders high and fex the take off leg to launch you into the air
    • the fight – hold the leg nearer the bar straight and Swing it into the air to clear the bar
    • Once your lead leg is over the bar, kick the other foot to clear the bar.
    • Landing- land on your feet to complete the jump

Safety Measures To Observe When Participating In High Jump 

  • Perform warm up actvites before participation
  • Attempt jumps, one learner at a time.
  • Use the run way when it is clear
  • Ensure the material used on the landing area is in place before Attemptng a jump.
  • When the bar is dislodged, pick and place it on the upright before an Attempt is made.

Standing javelin

Equipment And Sector In Standing Javelin

  • Javelin throw is a field event where the javelin, a spear about 2.5min length is thrown.
  • A javelin is a spear shape implement.
  • The javelin has several parts
    1.  Metal head – it is the part that has metal tip
    2. Metal tip – it is made of metal and determines the outcome of the exact measurement once the javelin has landed
    3. chord grip – this covers a section of the shaft and it is the part that is held by the thrower.
    4. The tail – this is the part of the javelin that trails it as the implement is thrown.
    5. The shaft – it makes the largest part of javelin. The chord grip is within the shaft.
      06 scissor javelin

Javelin Sector

  • The javelin throw facility includes a runway, a throwing arc and a landing sector.
    07 javelin sector

Safety Instruction

  • Ensure proper spacing during drills and practise
  • Wear appropriate PHE attire during activity.
  • Follow teacher’s instructions during practise
  • Do not stand in the way of javelin or where it is landing
  • Carry the implements back after a throw.
  • Perform warm up adequately before participating in an activity

Warm Up Activities

  1. Jumping jacks
    • Stand with your legs shoulder width knees slightly bent and hands on the sides
    • Jump and open the arms and legs out to the sides. Arms come above the head and legs wider than shoulder width.
    • Close your arms and legs back to your sides, returning to the start.
    • Repeat several times
  2. Ankle circles
    • Stand with feet hip width apart and your arms to the sides.
    • Shift your height to the right leg and point your toes down into the ground.
    • Start rotating your left foot making small circles with your ankles.
    • Repeat the exercise with your right foot
  3. Shoulder rotation
    • Stand tall with your arms by your sides
    • Swing your arms forward until they are high as you can go, do not raise your shoulders.
    • Return your arms to the starting positions and repeat the action

Cool Down activity

  1. climb the stair case
    • Pretend to be climbing a stair case. Stretch your knees and arms the

Throw In Standing Javelin

  • Proper technique requires the athlete to hold the javelin with only one hand on the chord grip.
  • The javelin must be thrown with an over the shoulder motion.
  • The competitor can’t turn his back to the throwing area until the javelin is airborne

Skills In Standing Javelin

  1. The stance
  2. Grip
  3. Release
  4. Recovery technique

If Using The Real Implement

  • Always carry the javelin vertically with the point down
  • Be aware that the tail is as potentally dangerous as the tip.
  • Never run to collect a javelin
  • Take care when removing the javelin from the ground. Check that the area around is clear before doing so.
  • When the javelins are not in use, they should be firmly stuck into the ground in a vertical position.

Warm Up Activities

  1. Body weight squats
    • Stand with your hands on the back of your head and your feet shoulder width apart.
    • Turn your feet out slightly to open the hip joint. Loher your body until your thighs are parallel to the foor
    • Pause, then return to the starting position.
  2. Arm swings
    • hold your arms straight out to the side
    • Swing them and cross them in front of your chest
  3. Hip circles
    • Stand tall with your feet at hip width
    • Keeping your hands in front of your stomach, pull your right knee up until it is parallel with the foor, then pull the knee out, opening up the hip.
    • Return to the start position and repea on the other side

Cool Down Activity

  1.  Heel and toe
    • Walk in circles on heels for 20 seconds
    • Walk in circles on tip toes for 20 seconds

Phases In The Standing Javelin
(the learning points)

  1. The stance
    • Stand with Feet fexed, the foot opposite the throwing hand slightly forward.
    • Toes of the feet to point direction of the throw.
  2. The grip
    • Grip the javelin such that it lies along the palm of the hand which is turned upwards.
    • Old it firmly in a relaxed way without applying tension in the forearm.
    • Grip the javelin by bringing thumb and the frst tho joints of the index finger are behind the chord
    • The index finger supports the shaft
  3. The finish grip
    • It is a methold of gripping the javelin where the middle finger rest closer to
      the top of the chord and index finger hraps higher along the shaft.
  4. Recovery
    • Athlete hill try to balance to avoi' falling.

Measuring The Distance

Measure The Distance By

  • starting from where the tip of the javelin frst strikes the ground
  • The zero tape measure goes out to where the javelin tip strikes the ground

Shot Put

  • The shot put is a a field event. The action of throwing the shot is called putting
  • It involves putting of a heighted ball for distance.
  • The athlete compete for distance thrown
  • The implement is made of solid iron or bass
  • The short is put with one hand. It is held next to the neck.
  • It may not drop below or behind shoulder level at any time

The Shot Put Sector

  • A shot put sector features throwing circle, from which an athlete puts the shot and throwing sector which is triangle in shape.
  • The circle has a diameter of 2.1 5 meters.
  • The throwing sector measures 1 .68 at its hidest and 20 metres
    08 shortput sector

Throwing style

  1. Standing style
  2. Obrien style

Standing Shot Put

Safety Instruction
  • Do not throw the shot until the teacher gives you permission to do so
  • Do not retrieve the shot until the teacher gives you permission to do so
  • Wear appropriate attire
Warm Up Activity
  1. Mountain climbers
    • Put both hands and knees on the foor
    • Place your right foot near your right hand and extend your left leg behind you
    • In one smooth motion, shitch your legs , keeping your arms in the same position
  2. Side reach
    • Stand with feet wider than shoulder width apart
    • Lean your body to the right side and bend your right knee slightly
    • Stretch your left arm upwards in line with your body
    • Repeat on the opposite
  3. Arm circles
    • Stand with your fet shoulder width apart and extend your arms parallel to your foor
    • Circle your arms forward using small controlled motions, gradually make the circles bigger
    • Reverse the direction of the circles afer about 10 second
Cool Down Activity
  1.  Heel and toe
    • Walk in circles on heels for 20 seconds
    • Walk in circles tip toes for 20 seconds

Obrien Shot Put

Safety Instruction
  • Ensure proper spacing during drills and practise
  • Wear appropriate PHE attire during activity.
  • Follow teacher’s instructions during practise
  • Putt the shot towards one end
  • Do not stand on the side where the shot is landing
  • Carry the implement back
  • Perform warm up adequately before participating in an activity
Warm Up Activities
  1. Back pedalling
    • Run backwards with short, quick pumping your arms and landing on the balls of your feet
    • Keep your chest up and take as many steps as possible
  2. Plank walk out
    • Start in a standing position
    • Bend forward until you touch the ground with your hands
    • Slowly walk your hands forward as far as you can
    • Pause then walk your hands back towards your feet
    • Repeat several times
  3. Arm swings
    • Hold your arms out to the side
    • Swing them and cross them in front of your chest
Cool Down Activity
  • Slowly walk within the marked area

Learning Points

  • Stance and grip
    1. Stance
      • Stand with the feet shoulder width apart parallel to the target holding the shot
        09 stance
    2. Grip
      • Hold the shot with the base of the fingers
      • Spread the fingers slightly apart and the thumb sed for support
      • The hand be bent back in a cocked position holding the shot
      • The elbow is held up to the side, away from the body
      • The thumbs should be pointsng down the palms facing outwards and the fingers behind the shot( elbows up, thumbs down, palms out position)
    3. Release and recovery
      • Stand with the feet parallel to the target
      • Place the shot under the jaw and against the neck
      • Extend the non putting arm towards the target
      • Release the shot
        10 release and recovery
    4. Recovery
      • Extend the wrist to flick the shot off the fingers as it leaves the hand for recovery
IMPLEMENT U13  U15  U17  Junior men  Senior men  U13  U15  U17 Junior women Senior women
Shot put 3kg  4kg  5kg  6kg  7.26 kg  2.72 kg  3kg  3kg 4kg 4kg
Javelin 400g  600g  700g  800g  800g  400g  500g  500g 600g 600g
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