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Friday, 10 September 2021 09:28

Science - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 2


  1. The following are characteristics of clouds
    They are rain laden.
    They have a flat base,
    They are dark or grey in colour.
    They bring fine weather
    They are thick white feathery
    Which among the above characteristics describe cumulus clouds?
    1. (ii), (iv), (v)
    2. (iii), (iv). (vi)
    3. (ii)(iii).(v)
    4. (i)(iii), (iv))
  2. The fusion of sex cells in human being take place in the
    1. ovary
    2. uterus
    3. oviduct
    4. testis
  3. Which one of the following farm practices conserve soil and water?
    1. Terracing
    2. Building gabions
    3. Planting trees
    4. Mulching
  4. The following are signs and symptoms of certain diseases.
    Skin rashes 
    Abdominal pains
    Sore on the walls of intestines.
    The disease is LIKELY to be
    1. Bilharzia
    2. Typhoid
    3. Cholera
    4. Malaria
  5. The diagram below shows a maize seed.
    Which one of the following statement is TRUE?
    1. Part Z is the endosperm.
    2. Part Y forms the embryo.
    3. Part W forms the shoot. 
    4. Part X store food for the young plant.
  6. Which one of the following pairs of materials are opaque?
    1. Oil and mirror
    2. Wood and windscreen
    3. Skylight and paraffin
    4. Frosted glass and metal
  7. The following are materials used to make a certain weather instrument.
    Metal sheets.
    The weather instrument is MAINLY used to measure
    1. strength of wind
    2. amount of rainfall
    3. air temperature
    4. direction of wind
  8. The following are sources of electricity EXCEPT
    1. car batteries
    2. solar panel
    3. torch bulb
    4. dynamo
  9. Which one of the following materials is used as insulator?
    1. Copper wire
    2. Rubber band
    3. Iron rod
    4. Aluminium wire
  10. The BEST way of controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS among the school going pupils is by
    1. being faithful to one partner.
    2. encouraging the use of condoms.
    3. visiting V.C.T. 
    4. abstaining from sex.
  11. Which one of the following excretory product is NOT excreted by the skin?
    1. Carbondioxide
    2. Urea
    3. Excess water
    4. Excess salt
  12. Which one of the following sexual transmitted infections is caused by virus?
    1. Syphilis
    2. Gonorrhoea
    3. Chancroid
    4. Genital herpes
  13. The following are adaptation of a certain plant.
    Needlike leaves.
    Thick waxy cuticle
    Sunken stomata
    Folded leaves
    The plant growing in the same environment is also LIKELY to have
    1. large flat leaves.
    2. deep root.
    3. air sacs
    4. flexible stems
  14. Which of the following pairs of plants are non green and flowerless?
    1. Algae and bacteria
    2. Fern and liverworts . 
    3. Mushroom and mucor
    4. Pine and cedar
  15. The diagram below shows an experiment on change of state on matter.
    Which process take place at the point marked M?
    1. Evaporation
    2. Boiling
    3. Condensation
    4. Freezing
  16. Which one of the following is NOT as a result of bending of light?
    1. A coin in water appear raised.
    2. Formation of images on mirrors.
    3. Swimming pools appears raised.
    4. Formation of the rainbow.
  17. The following are effects of drug abuse.Which one is an economic effect?
    1. Loss of income.
    2. Accident
    3. Poor health
    4. Marital conflicts
  18. Birds that feed on flesh have
    1. short, straight, thick beak
    2. strong, curved beaks
    3. flat, serrated beaks
    4. long, slender beaks
  19. Which one of the following is NOT a sign of ill health in livestock?
    1. Rough coat.
    2. Reduced yields.
    3. Stunted growth
    4. Lower yields.
  20. In which of the following parts of digestive system is food NOT digested?
    1. Small intestine
    2. Stomach
    3. Mouth
    4. Large intestines
  21. The set up below can be used to investigate the presence of a certain component of soil.
    Which two components soil can be investigated by the set up shown above
    1. Water and humus
    2. Mineral particles and organic matter.
    3. Water and living organism.
    4. Ilumus and air
  22. The following are examples of straight fertilizer EXCEPT
    1. Munate of potash
    2. CAN
    3. Diammonium Phosphate
    4. Double supersphosphate
  23. The body require enough mineral salts for
    1. energy
    2. good health
    3. growth and repair
    4. muscle development
  24. The following animals lay unfertilized eggs and live partially in water EXCEPT
    1. salamander
    2. toads
    3. crocodile
    4. news
  25. Which one of the following pairs of plants have the same root system?
    1. Onions and sisal
    2. Coconut and mango
    3. Grass and beans
    4. Cowpeas and sorghum
  26. Which one of the following statement is NOT TRUE about all arteries?
    1. They carry blood rich in oxygen.
    2. They carry blood away from the heart.
    3. They have thick walls.
    4. Blood pressure in them is high.
  27. Which two form of energy. DOES NOT require medium for transmission
    1. Electricity and light
    2. Heat and light
    3. Sound and light.
    4. Sound and heat
  28. The diagram below represent the arrangement of the parts of a lever.
    The lever illustrated above is LIKELY to be
    1. spade
    2. wheelbarrow
    3. claw hammer
    4. crowbar
  29. Which one of the following is NOT a way of reducing friction? Using 
    1. ball bearing
    2. rubber 
    3. lubricants
    4. roller
  30. The diagram below shows a food chain
    Maize → rat → snake → vultures
    Which one of the following animal is in the same level with the vultures?
    1. Duck 
    2. Goat
    3. Hyena
    4. Lion
  31. The following are properties of matter
    Have definite volume
    Have definite muss.
    Change state when heated
    Occupy space.
    Which substance given below bave the above characteristics?
    1. Milk and water vapour
    2. Salt and ice
    3. Oxygen and nitrogen
    4. Water and milk
  32. Which one of the following immunizable diseases are immunized at 10 weeks and immediately after birth to young infants?
    1. Polio, Tetanus, Tuberculosis
    2. Whooping cough, Tetanus, Diptheria
    3. Tuberculosis, Measles, Polio
    4. Yellow fever, Polio, Fertusis
  33. The chart below represent approximate percentage of the component of air.
    Which portion represent the gas that is NOT used by living things?
    1. S
    2. T
    3. R
  34. Oil and grease are used in some simple tools to
    1. reduce opposing force
    2. make them more durable.
    3. increase friction.
    4. make them more attractive.
  35. Which of the following feeds provide livestock with protein?
    1. Maize germ 
    2. Lucem 
    3. Cotton seed cake
    4. Mollasses
  36. One of the following is NOT in the same group as a tick. Which one?
    1. Spider
    2. Scorpion
    3. Mite
    4. Crab
  37. The diagram represents a set up that was used to demonstrate a certain property of matter
    The aspect of matter demonstrated is that
    1. liquid expand and contract.
    2. gases expand and contract.
    3. water exert pressure
    4. air occupies space.
  38. Pre-test counselling is given
    1. after the result of the test are released.
    2. after the test is done.
    3. before one takes an HIV test.
    4. before results are released to the person who is tested.
  39. Which one of the following foods will help boost the immune system of the body?
    1. Egg, milk, bacon
    2. Carrot, rice, cassava
    3. Onions, spinach, tomatoes 
    4. Peas, beans, greengrams
  40. When tea leaves is put in a glass of cold water and heated at the bottom, the tea leaves are observed to rise and fall. This is because tea leaves
    1. are carried by hot water which come down on cooling.
    2. and water rise when heated and come down on cooling.
    3. becomes lighter than water when heated.
    4. rise when heated and come down on cooling
  41. Which one of the following is a MAJOR non living component of environment?
    1. Animal
    2. Buildings
    3. Plant
    4. Soil
  42. Which one of the following is NOT a use of water in factory?
    1. Making fountains.
    2. Surfing
    3. Mixing chemicals
    4. Cleaning equipments.
  43. Which one of the following activities is water conserved by re-using?
    1. Using domestic water for washing toilets.
    2. Treating sewage water.
    3. Turning off taps after use.
    4. Harvesting rain water from roofs.
  44. During pregnancy period, the placenta has all the following functions EXCEPT
    1. facilitates the exchange of foods from the mother to the foetus.
    2. allow the mother's blood to mix with foetus blood
    3. facilitates the exchange of gases between the mother.
    4. allows the passage of waste from the foetus to the mother.
  45. During the investigation of soil water retention all the following materials need to be the same EXCEPT
    1. size of the funnel. 
    2. time allowed for the experiment.
    3. types of soil
    4. amount of water added.
  46. A flower which has long feathery stigma and loosely held anthers is also LIKELY
    1. produce nectar.
    2. have sweet scent
    3. have brightly coloured petals.
    4. produce many pollen grains
  47. A beam balance is used fo
    1. comparing mass of different objects.
    2. measuring volume of objects.
    3. comparing size of different objects.
    4. measuring height of objects.
  48. Study the diagram below
    Which pair of blood vessels above carry blood that is bright red in colour? 
    1. W.X
    2. W.S
    3. ST D
    4. T.X
  49. Carnassial teeth found in the carnivorous animals are modified
    1. canine and premnolars
    2. pre molars and molars
    3. canine
    4. incisors
  50. The diagram below shows a method of separating mixture
    The method can be used to separate
    1. coarse and fine sand
    2. salt and iron filling
    3. sugar and water 
    4. maize and beans


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C
  16. B
  17. A
  18. B
  19. D
  20. D
  21. A
  22. C
  23. B
  24. C
  25. A
  26. A
  27. B
  28. A
  29. B
  30. C
  31. D
  32. A
  33. B
  34. A
  35. B
  36. D
  37. B
  38. C
  39. C
  40. A
  41. D
  42. B
  43. A
  44. B
  45. C
  46. D
  47. A
  48. C
  49. B
  50. A
Friday, 10 September 2021 06:50

English - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 2


Read the passage below It contains blank spaces mumhered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the BEST alternative from the choices given

People usually feel like taking some time    1     to sit alone and    2     some personal decisions. This requires a quiet place without any noise.    3    the background. Such places     4    have become very      5    due to urbanisation and industrialisation. Even if     6     was to get into a    7     forest, far away from the road, he     8     only succed in keeping off noise from machine-related sources as there are animals and birds which     9    in the forest and communicate to one another by the noises they make. A monkey, for example, will    10   to pass information to other monkeys.    11    at night, complete silence is impossible to achieve as there are some birds, insects     12   wild animals which hunt at night. They make noise to tell the others     13      where they are or where danger they should avoid has been     14   . It is therefore only    15      to achieve some reasonable amount of silence but almost impossible to achieve complete silence.

  1. A away                    B. off                        C. out              D.about
  2. A. take                    B. plan                      C. bring           D. make
  3. A at.                        B. in                          C. by               D. on
  4. A. therefore             B. moreover             C. however     D. consequently
  5. A rare                      B.special                  C. strange       D. clear
  6. A be                        B. one                       C. she             D.it
  7. A green                   B. tall                        C. wide            D. thick
  8. A should                  B would                    C. might           D. could
  9. A move                    B. remain                 C. stay             D. live
  10. A trumpet                B chatter                   C. howl            D.scream
  11. A Even                    B. Now                      C. so               D. Likewise
  12. A of                         B. also                      C. and              D. then
  13. A either                   B both                       C. neither         D.only
  14. A defeated              B detected                C. dejected       D. suspected
  15. A known                  B. easy                      C. believed      D. possible

For questions 16 la 18 cheese the alternativ That means the SAME AS the underlined wory

  1. The hardworking teacher was promoted
    1. Strict
    2. Clever
    3. Industrious
    4. Energetic
  2. You will finally get your destination if the vehicle does not break down.
    1. lastl
    2. immediately
    3. really
    4. actually
  3. You have to be smart in your work to achieve your aim
    1. intelligent
    2. neat
    3. attractive
    4. clean

For each of the questions 19 to 21, choose from the alternative given the statement which when combined with the phrase makes a complete and sensible sentence

  1. Susana will only be treated
    1. because she reaches the hospital on time.
    2. as she reaches the hospital on time.
    3. after she reaches the hospital on time.
    4. if she reaches the hospital on time.
  2. If I had time, I
    1. should visit my grandmother
    2. could visit my grandmother.
    3. would visit my grandmother,
    4. might visit my grandmother.
  3. It was until the rains started
    1. that the farmers started planting their crops.
    2. when the farmers started planting their crops.
    3. as the farmers started planting their crops.
    4. before the farmers started planting their crops.

For questions 22 and 23, choose the BEST arrangement of the given sentences to make sensible paragraphs

  1. Use of written or oral language should be effective
    it is importance to communicate in order to be understood
    The response too will help you know whether you communicated or not
    If the language is too high or too low, you may not achieve your aim
    1. ii, iv. iii, i
    2. ii, i, iv, iii
    3. ii, iii, iv, i
    4. ii, i, iii, iv
  2. However, the water has to be clean to keep you healthy.
    Water is essential for life.
    This could change depending on the type of food eaten and the day's weather
    You need to drink an average of eight glasses of water per day:
    1. iv, i, ii,iii
    2. iv, ii, iii, i
    3. ii, iii, iv. i
    4. ii, iv, iii, i

In questions 24 and 25, choose the correct alternative that means the SAME AS the given sentence.

  1. Hardly had the cock crowed than we woke up.
    1. We woke up when the cock crowed.
    2. The cock crowed and immediately we woke up.
    3. The cock crowed as soon as we woke up
    4. We woke up then the cock crowed.
  2. "What have you been doing since morning?" her mother asked.
    1. Her mother asked if she had been doing anything since morning.
    2. Her mother asked her what she was doing since morning.
    3. Her mother asked her what she had done since morning
    4. Her mother asked her what she had been doing since morning

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

When Tolo arrived back, he was not in a talking mood. He looked tired, worn out, hungry and moody. His clothes too, looked torn, dirty and it was obvious wherever he had been to was hell on carth. It took a few days then he gathered courage to take a few trusted friends who remained glued next to him, especially in the evenings.

Tolo was at home and like other hunters, he decided to go and inspect his traps. The first two had caught nothing and so he proceeded to the third one which was located near the riverbank. It was a forested area and thus, having a panga in the hand was essential.

He was lucky! A deer had been trapped and it looked either dead or dying from a distance. llowever, when he moved closer, he realized its eyes were wide open although it made no attempt to Ilee. lle knew it was just waiting to be carried away but how wrong it was! The poor creature had been struggling for hours and hours and upon realizing it couldn't flee itself, decided to save the little energy left for any opportunity of escape ifit ever came. So when Tolo cut off the rope it had entangled itself in. the deer made a leap into the air and its first landing was four metres away
Tolo was shocked and surprised but he picked his panga and went after the creature. Due to his speed and undergrowth, he lost it. Knowing that it couldn't cross he adjacent river that fast, he decided to keep going after it; sooner or later, he would get it.

It was not long when he reached it but what he saw almost made him faint. The deer was in the claws of a ferocious-looking leopard, with teeth dripping fresh blood, glared and glowled at him, he found himself climbing the closest tree. It was the safest thing he could do but it was the gravest mistake that landed him in trouble.

The went up the tree with the heart beating fast but hopeful to get the safety he was very much wanted. For some time, it remained so but at around eight o oclock, he heard some noise and looked down. Tulis utter surprise, the Icopard, with the deer's neck in the jaws, was struggling up the tree! This shocked him and made him climb to even higher branches. It was then that he realized that he was 100, was trapped! The leopard settled on a thick branch, just below him and started eating its meal probably aware of his presence.

It's this meal that lasted a whole two days and within those two days. lolo learnt that one can actually stay for two days and nights without food, drink and very little sleep lle vowed to abandon trapping animals and ventured into crop cultivation.

  1. Tolo was not in a talking mood because
    1. he had just arrived back
    2. many people had talked ill about him.
    3. what he had undergone was still tormenting him.
    4. he did not find the right people to address
  2. From the way Tolo looked, it is possible to suggest that he
    1. knew little about good grooming,
    2. decided to change his appearance completely
    3. he intended to attract the villages attention.
    4. he had not had time for good grooming.
  3. What does the writer mean by describing where Tolo had been as hell on earth?
    1. The conditions there were undesirable.
    2. No one else had been there
    3. He had been to hell and saw for himself
    4. lt took him a long time to return.
  4. When Tolo left home that evening.
    1. he was accompanied by other hunters.
    2. it was a routine he always did.
    3. he expected to catch a trapped animal
    4. he was in too much of a hurry
  5. The item Tolo carried as he inspected his traps can BEST be described as
    1. Weapon
    2. equipment
    3. instrument
    4. tool
  6. As soon as Tolo saw the trapped deer, he
    1. became curious to acertain its state.
    2. wondered how to carry it away.
    3. suspected it would cause trouble
    4. doubted if he was truly lucky
  7. The MAIN reason why the deer leap into the air is
    1. it was alarmed by Tolo's arrival.
    2. it had been resting all along
    3. its life depended on it. 
    4. it had just opened its eyes.
  8. Which of the four words below describe what made Tolo to follow the fleeing deer?
    1. concentration
    2. determination
    3. curiosity
    4. anxiety
  9. What made Tolo realise that the deer wouldn't go far?
    1. Knowledge of how deer behave.
    2. The speed at which it had left.
    3. This experience as a hunter 
    4. The time the deur had taken in the trap
  10. By climbing the nearest tree, Tolo wanted to
    1. frighten the leopard off its prey.
    2. see if the antelope was actually dead.
    3. hide from the leopard then take the antelope
    4. save himself from danger.
  11. Why does the writer describe climbing the true the gravest mistake?
    1. it almost made him lose his life.
    2. the tree was not strong enough for him and the leopard.
    3. leopards normally hunt their prey up the tree
    4. he should have climbed a different tree
  12. The leopard settled only two branches away from Tolo because
    1. it had no business following Tolo.
    2. it felt comfortable there.
    3. the upper branches were weak
    4. it was tired because of the load it had.
  13. The BEST summary for this passage would
    1. it's unwise to venture out alone.
    2. We have to be selective on where to go.
    3. you can lead yourself into serious trouble
    4. your company can discourage you from talking.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50

Speaking up is important, especially when addressing people who are senior to you. It is the best ever thing to do as it leaves no doubt to your listener that you know what you are saying and are confident. Mental toughness sometimes requires you to say 'No' even when given a command. In the Special Forces, it is called 'Chinese Parliament'. This is where all of us are able to talk very leely with one another, with complete disregard to positions others hold. It's common to hear one say, 'I'm going to be part of the mission and I'm not going to lose my life' If such a person thinks it is dangerous, it's wise for him to say so at once without mincing his words.

In the forces, it's difficult to go direct to the commander and tell him that the plan can't work and it's loaded with big risks. This, however, should be acceptable especially when one has read intelligence reports on the possible danger. It could make the commander think of a different way, of attacking the enemy. Options are usually many, not one. This only happens when you don't have mental toughness to question things or give suggestions.

If you fail to talk to your seniors and instead have the Big Boss mentality, with an assumption that the commander knows it all, you may die alongside the same commander or he might live after you're gone. This only happens when you don't have mental toughness to question things or give suggestions

In the army, however much you have trained and have expertise in a certain area, it is necessary to be flexible. This means that although rules are laid down to be followed, at times, they could be bent". It doesn't make sense to stick to laid down procedures when it looks obvious that it's leading you into a disaster. Sadly, at times, such actions end up affecting a specific individual who then is blamed for it.

If you are not flexible, you could end up gencrating lower results. This is because it kills creativity and innovation. Conditions and situations keep changing and this should make every single and individual by shifting the mindset. Creativity is vital for the growth and development because things, people, time and circumstances change.

  1. What does the writer mean by saying speaking up is importance? 
    1. It shows the speaker a lot of respect
    2. Speaking up makes it easy to identify seniors from juniors. 
    3. It makes one develop confidence when talking.
    4. It ensures the communication is effective.
  2. By saying 'No' When given a command, it shows that
    1. your state of mind is acceptable.
    2. you don't easily take in instructions.
    3. you think faster than others. 
    4. no one is clever as you are.
  3. For your listeners to confirm that he had been paying attention,
    1. only your seniors should get you
    2. statements said should be repeated.
    3. you should be loud enough.
    4. there must be many questions asked.
  4. In a Chinese parliament, one is expected to
    1. pay attention when being spoken to
    2. speaking loudly and clearly
    3. remember the positions people hold.
    4. express himself freely to all others.
  5. How do people in the forces pass information to their seniors?
    1. After getting intelligence reports,
    2. By talking politely to their commanders.
    3. If everybody is aware of the danger.
    4. By asking their seniors for solution problems
  6. The MAIN use of the intelligence is that
    1. his commander uses it to win the war
    2. it could safeguard the soldiers
    3. No soldier can go to fight without it
    4. Identifying the soldier to be promoted becomes easy.
  7. The Big Boss mentality is discouraged because
    1. both soldiers and the commander are at risk
    2. the commanders do not like it.
    3. only the commaders give orders to soldiers.
    4. it relies on a lot of assumption
  8. What is the opposite of the word flexible as used in the fourth paragraph?
    1. Tough
    2. Rigid
    3. Brave
    4. Strong
  9. By bending rules, the writer means that
    1. doing the opposite of what the rule says.
    2. there are rules to be followed.
    3. not following the rules exactly as expected
    4. the decision to follow the rules or not to is optional
  10. Some people are blamed for causing disasters
    1. as they obviously caused them.
    2. since they have got injured in the accidents
    3. as someone has to take the blame anyway. 
    4. they had the capacity to avert it.
  11. Why would people be flexible in decision making?
    1. Many decisions are eratic.
    2. Situations are not stati
    3. No one knows everything
    4. Many decisions are not popular
  12. The BEST title for this passage would be
    1. Communication within the armed forces
    2. How commanders intimidate their juniors
    3. The operation of the Chinese Parliament
    4. The blame game within the armed forces


Below is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words, making it as interesting as you can

We were at the parade in the morning when we saw two cars driving into the schol compound. They were parked near the head teacher's office and immediately we dispersed.....


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. A
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. B
  25. D
  26. C
  27. D
  28. A
  29. B
  30. D
  31. A
  32. C
  33. B
  34. C
  35. D
  36. A
  37. B
  38. A
  39. D
  40. A
  41. C
  42. D
  43. A
  44. B
  45. A
  46. B
  47. C
  48. D
  49. B
  50. A


Thursday, 09 September 2021 13:44

Mathematics - Class 8 End Term 1 Exam 2021 Set 2


  1. What is 8 346 524 in words?
    1. Eight million three hundred and forty six thousand, five hundred and twenty four.
    2. Eighty three million forty six thousand five hundred and twenty four
    3. Eight hundred and thirty four thousand six hundred and fifty two and four tenth.
    4. Eighty three million four hundred and six thousand and twenty four.
  2. What is the value of
    1. 1
    2. 9
    3. 12
    4. 60
  3. What is 4 899.84 rounded off the nearest whole number?
    1. 4899
    2. 4 899.8
    3. 7890
    4. 4 900
  4. What is the LCM of 18, 24 and 36?
    1. 6
    2. 72
    3. 144
    4. 108
  5. What is the sum of the total values of digit 2 and digit 7 in the number 4 265 785?
    1. 200 000
    2. 700
    3. 200 700
    4. 265 700
  6. Hassan bought the following items from a shop.
    3 packets of maize flour at sh. 110
    2kg rice for sh. 210 1 1/2kg of ndengu at Sh. 140
    2 loaves of bread at sh. 55
    If he paid using 2-500 shilling notes, how much balance did he get?
    1. Sh. 140
    2. Sh. 860
    3. Sh. 199
    4. Sh. 805
  7. What is the value of x in the equation?
    1. 4  
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 1
  8. The area of a square is 3 364m2. What is the length of one side of the square?
    1. 1 682
    2. 58
    3. 841
    4. 52
  9. What is the CORRECT order of writing the fractions 2/3, 1/2, 3/5, 4/from the smallest to the largest? 
    1.  2/33/54/71/2 
    2.  1/22/33/5 ,4/7
    3.  1/2 ,4/7  , 3/5 ,2/3
    4.  4/7 ,3/5   , 2/3 ,1/2
  10. In the triangle ABC below, draw a bisector of angle ABC and angle BCD. Join the two bisectors and let them meet at x. Let point x be the centre of the circle and draw a circle touching the sides ABC. What is the length of the radius?
    1. 2.5cm
    2. 5c
    3. 42cm
    4. 8.4c
  11. A rectangular picce of land measures 215m by 65m. Fencing posts are put at an interval of 5m. How many posts are required to fence?
    1. 56
    2. 280
    3. 560
    4. 112
  12. Okello bought a jacket for sh. 1 350 after getting a 10% discount. What was the marked price of the jacket?
    1. Sh. 1 215
    2. Sh. 1 650
    3. Sh. 1 500
    4. Sh. 1 800
  13. The table below shows the number of crates of a soda delivered in a depot for six days.
    Days Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
    No of crates   24  32  18  25  27  33

    What was the median sale in that week?
    1. 27
    2. 18
    3. 33
    4. 26
  14. Nyar Gem and Jar Kisumu shared some money in the ratio 2:3. How much more money did Jar Kisumu get than Nyar Gem if they shared Sh. 8 400 in total?
    1. Sh. 3 360
    2. Sh. 1 680
    3. Sh. 5 040
    4. Sh. 4 200
  15. What is the value of 0.6+0.4+0.25
    1. 2.2
    2. 4.4
    3. 11
    4. 3.6
  16. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE about a square?
    1. All sides are equal.
    2. Has two pairs of parallel sides.
    3. All interior angles are equal.
    4. Diagonals are not equal.
  17. Kamau had the following denominations of money.
    2 - 1000 shillings notes
    12- 500 shilling notes
    8 - 200 shilling notes.
    12 - 100 shilling notes
    He decided to change all the money into fifty shilling notes How many notes did he get in total?
    1. 408
    2. 216
    3. 10 800
    4. 108
  18. On a map a road of 12km is represented by 6cm. What is the scale used?
    1. 1:2 00
    2. B. 1: 20 000
    3. 1:200 000
    4. 1:2 000 000
  19. What is the simplest form of
    1.  8x +2y
    2. 6x
    3. 4.x + 2y
    4. 8x
  20. A rectangular plot has a diagonal of 170m. If the lenth is 150m, how long is the width?
    1. 120m
    2. 160m
    3. 80m
    4. 270m
  21. The triangle PQR below is drawn to scale.
    What is the size of angle QPR?
    1. 55°
    2. 74°
    3. 68°
    4. 52°
  22. Ogello is paid sh. 14 375 after working for 25 day's How much does he carn for working 12 days?
    1. Sh. 575
    2. Sh. 6000
    3. Sh 11 500
    4. SHS 750
  23. A meeting was attended by 600 people. Out of these 0.14 were men, 0.2 were women and the rest were youth How many youths were there?
    1. 84
    2. 204
    3. 120
    4. 396
  24. Terry is twice as old as Tracy but eight years younger than Iriza, If Tracy is y years old. what will be the sum of their ages in 6 years lo come?
    1. 5y +26
    2. 5y + 8
    3. 4y + 26
    4. 4y + 18
  25. A family uses 2 - 500ml packets of milk daily. How many litres of milk does the family consume in the month of January. February and March of a leap year?
    1. 92 litres
    2. 90 litres
    3. 89 litres
    4. 91 litres
  26. What is the square root of 0.0016?
    1. 0.0004
    2. 0.004 
    3. 0.04
    4. 04
  27. Kiprono ran round the track 7 times.
    How many kilometres did he cover?
    1. 3
    2. 30
    3. 300
    4. 3 000
  28. Wanjala bought a cow at Sh. 14 000. During the dry season he sold-it making a 15% loss. At what price did he sell the cow?
    1. Sh 11 900
    2. Sh. 16 100
    3. Sh. 2 100
    4. Sh. 12 150
  29. A wheel of radius 28cm makes 2 000 revolutions. How many kilometres docsit cover?
    1. 325 000km
    2. 3 520km
    3. 352km
    4. 3.52km
  30. What is the value of
    1/2 + 1/2(1/3 - 1/6) of 2/3 ÷ 1/4?

    1. 13/18
    2. 5/18
    3. 13/24
    4. 12/17
  31. Kawira bought 60 mangoes @ sh. 5 each. She spent sh. 100 on transport. During transportaion, 10 mangoes got spoilt and sold the rest at sh 12 each. How much profit did she make?
    1. Sh. 300
    2. Sh. 200
    3. Sh. 150
    4. Sh. 400
  32. Line AB below is part of a Rhombus. Angle ABC 65° Complete the Rhombus. What is the length of diagonal BD?

    1. 5.8cm
    2. 4cm
    3. 10.3cm
    4. 8.6cm
  33. A bus left Mombasa on Tuesday at 8:30pm. It took 8 hours 45min to reach Nairobi. On what day and time did it get to Nairobi?
    1. Wednesday 0515hrs
    2. Wednesday 1715hrs
    3. Tuesday 1515hrs
    4. Tuesday 0315hrs
  34. The pie chart below shows how Mkulima spent his sh. 36 000 salary
    How much did he save?
    1. 6 000
    2. 4 000
    3. 2 000
    4. 24 000
  35. A car travelled a distance of 216km in 3 hours hours and later covered another 144km in 2 hours. What was the average speed in km per hour.
    1. 72km/h
    2. 60km/h
    3. 80km/h
    4. 90km/h
  36. The diagram below shows a cuboid.
    Calculate the surface area.
    1. 220cm2 
    2. 196cm2 
    3. 168cm2 
    4. 112cm2 
  37. A carton contains 36 - 500g tins of blueband. How many tonnes does such 12 cartons carry?
    1. 216
    2. 21.6
    3. 2.16
    4. 0.216
  38. The diagram below sows a Trapezium ABCD
    What is the area of the trapezium?
    1. 840cm2 
    2. 420cm2
    3. 510cm2 
    4. 255cm2 
  39. A tank had water upto 4 full. When 120 litres of water were drawn from the tank, it became 1/2 full. What was the capacity of the tank?
    1. 160 litres
    2. 480 litres
    3. 360 litres
    4. 340 litres
  40. At a prayer rally 2 800 men attended. The number of women was 1 800 more than that of men but 3 200 less than that of children. How many people attended the rally?
    1. 15 200
    2. 10 600
    3. 7 400
    4. 7800
  41. In the figure below ABCDE is a rhombus and BCD is a triangle. Angle BDC = 54° and line BD = line BC.
    What is the size of angle DEA?
    1. 63º
    2. 68°
    3. 117°
    4. 78°
  42. The table below shows the charges of sending money via money order.
    Range Charged
    upto - 1000  110 
    1001 - 2500  165
    2501 - 5000  225
    5001 - 10000  285
    10001 - 20000  355

    Njagi sent two money orders one of sh. 12 000 and another one of sh. 7 500. How much money in total did he pay at the post office?
    1. Sh. 19 500
    2. Sh.20 040
    3. Sh. 640
    4. Sh. 20 140
  43. Kirinkai is paid a basic salary of sh. 18 000 and a commission of 4% on all the sales he makes. How much money did he earn in a month he sold goods worth sh. 480 000
    1. Sh. 19 200
    2. Sh. 18 000
    3. Sh. 37 200 
    4. Sh. 19 920
  44. What is the sixth number in the pattern
    1, 4, 9, 16,_____?
    1. 25
    2. 36
    3. 49
    4. 29
  45. The marked price of a generator is sh. 36 000 but a discount of 20% is given on cash payment. On hire purchase a deposit of sh. 6 000 and monthly instalment of sh. 3 000 for 12 months. How much more is the hirepurchase price than cash price?
    1. Sh. 42 000
    2. Sh. 28 800
    3. Sh. 12 000 
    4. Sh. 13 200
  46. The table mat below is made up of rectangular cloth joined to a semi-circular ones.
    What is the area of the table mat?
    1. 12 712cm2 
    2. 8808cm2 
    3. 4 704cm2 
    4. 8 710cm2 
  47. The table below shows the number of crates of broad sold by a supplier.
    No. of crates sold  16  15  7  6  13  8  12

    If a crate holds 15 breads, how many breads did he sell that week?
    1. 77
    2. 1155
    3. 1005
    4. 67
  48. The mass of an empty lorry is 7.2 tonnes. When loaded with 60 bags of maize each with a mass of 90kg and 45 bags of rice each of mass 50kg. What is the mass of loaded lorry in tonnes?
    1. 14.85 tonnes
    2. 7650 tonnes
    3. 7.65 tonnes
    4. 14 850 tonnes
  49. The number of road accidents recorded in the country in the year 2019 was 17 000.In the year 2020 the number decreased to 14 450. What was the percentage decrease?
    1. 1712%
    2. 85%
    3. 15%
    4. 20
  50. The graph below shows the journey by Kipkewewe from Kapchorua to Kiplagich and back.
    What was the average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 12km/h
    2. 30km/h
    3. 24km/h 
    4. 40km/h


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. B
  18. C
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. A
  25. D
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. D
  30. A
  31. B
  32. B
  33. A
  34. B
  35. A
  36. A
  37. D
  38. B
  39. B
  40. A
  41. C
  42. D
  43. C
  44. B
  45. D
  46. A
  47. B
  48. D
  49. C
  50. C