Displaying items by tag: 2022 exams


  1. A Grade 6 girl added seven thousand, eight hundred and ninety six to nine thousand five hundred and seventy nine. What was her answer?
    1. 1 683
    2. 17 475
    3. 1 680 
    4. 17 465
  2. In the number 879 350, which digit is in the hundreds of thousands place value?
    1. Nine.
    2. Three.
    3. Seven. 
    4. Eight.
  3. In a game reserve, the number of wildebeests was 9 026. What is the total value of the underlined digit in the number? 
    1. Hundreds 
    2. 0
    3. 20
    4. 90
  4. Work out: √961
    1. 31
    2. 14
    3. 13
    4. 26
  5. A group of learners visited a farm near their school. The farmer gave them 1 080kg of animal feed to share equally among 120 cows. How many kilograms did each cow get? 
    1. 11
    2. 8
    3. 9
    4. 7
  6. Work out:
    36 + 12 ÷ 3 - 2 x 11
    1. 23
    2. 14
    3. 81
    4. 18
  7. During a Home Science lesson, a Grade 6 learner mixed 31/5, litres of milk with 62/3, litres of water to prepare tea. What was the total mixture?
    1. 915/17
    2. 912/13
    3. 913/15
    4. 911/15
  8. Express 3/5 as a decimal. 
    1. 3.5
    2. 0.6 
    3. 5:3
    4. 6.0
  9. Milimani Primary School has 566 learners. If each learner brought 11 seedlings for a county project, how many seedlings were brought altogether?
    1. 577 
    2. 6 262 
    3. 6 226
    4. 2 662
  10. A school fenced its compound using 6 504 posts. What is the number of posts rounded off to the nearest thousand? 
    1. 6 000 
    2. 6 500 
    3. 7 500 
    4. 7 000
  11. Find the volume of a cube whose length is 9cm.
    1. 81cm3
    2. 27cm3 
    3. 729cm3
    4. 719cm3
  12. Sammy had a 38 000cm long rope. What is the length of the rope in metres?
    1. 380m
    2. 3 800m
    3. 38m 
    4. 3.8m
  13. One side of a square table mat measures 35cm. Work out the area of the table mat.
    1. 140 cm2
    2. 1 225 cm2
    3. 70 cm2
    4. 1 215 cm2
  14. How many half kilograms are there in 12kg?
    1. 6
    2. 10 
    3. 48
    4. 24
  15. Work out:
    Minutes Seconds
        17          26
        -8           45
    1. 8 minutes    41 seconds 
    2. 9 minutes    41 seconds 
    3. 8 minutes    81 seconds 
    4. 9 minutes    81 seconds 
  16. After a. athletic competition, 56 litres of Juice was prepared for de athletes. If they drank 39 litres of the juice, how much juice remained in millilitres?
    1. 17 ml
    2. 170 ml
    3. 17 000 ml
    4. 1 700 ml
  17. What is the value of
    7√ 15km 400m?
    1. 1km 200m
    2. 2km 200m
    3. 2km 100m
    4. 1km 100m
  18. The distance round a piece of land is 2km 670m. A farmer went fuur die land two times. What distance did he cover?
    1. 4km 1 340m
    2. 5km 340m
    3. 4km 340m
    4. 1km 340m
  19. During Corona virus pandemic, a hotel keeper filled 3 drums with hand washing sanitizer. Each drum had 53 litres 200ml. How much sanitizer was this altogether?
    1. 158L 500ml
    2. 159L 600ml
    3. 158L 1 600ml
    4. 159L 1 500ml
  20. Munaa weighs 26kg while Kanaa weighs 23kg. What is the difference of their masses in grams?
    1. 49kg
    2. 49 000g
    3. 3g
    4. 3 000g
  21. Mr Hisabati drew an angle like the one shown below.
    What is the name of the angle?
    1. Obtuse angle. 
    2. Reflex angle.
    3. Acute angle.
    4. Right angle.
  22. Lemayian drew a figure like the one below on a flash card.
    What did Lemayian draw? 
    1. Perpendicular lines. 
    2. Parallel lines. 
    3. Vertical lines 
    4. Horizontal lines.
  23. Which one of the following statements is true? 
    1. A right angle is greater than an obtuse angle. 
    2. An obtuse angle is smaller than a reflex angle. 
    3. An acute angle is equal to 90º
    4. A right angle is smaller than an acute angle.
  24. Boyeta had g toy cars. He was given 3 more by his uncle. He now had a total of 5 toy cars. How many toy cars did he have before? 
    1. 1
    2. 8
    3. 2
  25. There are b cartons in a store. Each carton has 4 pawpaws. If all the pawpaws are 16, which one of the following equations represents this information? 
    1. 16-4=b 
    2. 4x b= 16
    3. 4 + 16 = b 
    4. b-4 = 16
  26. There are x male teachers in a school.The total number of male and female teachers is 17. How many female teachers are there? 
    1. 17x
    2. x+17 
    3. 17- x
    4. 34 - x 

The table below shows the number of patients who visited Tibapoa dispensary for Covid-19 vaccination


  1. How many children were taken to the hospital on Wednesday? 
    1. 56
    2. 19
    3. 12
    4. 30
  2. How many more men than women were in the facility on Friday?
    1. 44
    2. 29
    3. 25
    4. 15
  3. On which day was the number of men least?
    1. Thursday
    2. Wednesday
    3. Friday
    4. Monday
  4. How many children were taken to the hospital that week?
    1. 193
    2. 194
    3. 121
    4. 508


maths timer ms


Use the map of Dano area above to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. Three of the following statements about Lake Ruka are correct. Which one is not?
    1. It has a river draining into it.
    2. It is a source of fish
    3. It has fresh water
    4. It is a source of a river
  2. The main religion in Dano area is
    1. Christianity
    2. Islam
    3. Hinduism
    4. Paganism
  3. The highest part in Dano area is a round
    1. the sugarcane farm
    2. Hugo market
    3. the coffee plantation
    4. the beef ranch
  4. The location of the sawmill was mainly infuenced by
    1. nearness to a road
    2. nearness to a forest
    3. nearness to cheap labour
    4. nearness to market for timber
  5. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Dano area? 
    1. Lumbering
    2. Trading
    3. Fishing
    4. Mining
  6. The general direction of the sugarcane from the church in Lima area is
    1. South East 
    2. North West 
    3. South West 
    4. North East
  7. The economic benefit of River Orio in Dano area is that 
    1. it is used for water transport 
    2. it provides water for irrigation 
    3. it is a source of fish 
    4. it has been dammed to produce electricity
  8. The following are requirements for growing a certain crop.
    1. High rainfall between 1500mm and 2000mm
    2. High temperatures between 27°C and 30°C
    3. High humidity throughout the year.
      The requirements listed above favour the growing of 
      1. pyrethrum
      2. tea 
      3. flowers
      4. cocoa
  9. The institution of marriage is important mainly because 
    1. married people are respected 
    2. through marriage wealth is created 
    3. families get dowry 
    4. children born ensure the continuity of the family
  10. Which one of the following communities is found in Northern Africa? 
    1. Berbers 
    2. Xhosa 
    3. Igbo 
    4. Dinka
  11. The Hehe people resisted German colonial rule in Tanganyika mainly because 
    1. they had a strong leaders 
    2. the Hehe people had a large army 
    3. the Germans treated them cruelly
    4. the Germans were building a railway line
  12. The following are characteristics of a climate region in Africa.
    1. Summers are hot and dry.
    2. Annual rainfall is between 500mm and 750mm.
      The climatic region described above is 
      1. Mediterranean climate 
      2. Equatorial climate 
      3. Semi desert climate
      4. Mountain climate
  13. Which one of the following dams is correctly matched with the main reason why it was built?
                 Dam                Reason 
    1. Masinga - To create a fishing ground
    2. Aswan -> To store water for irrigation 
    3. Kariba To attract tourist 
    4. Akasombo - To create an Inland waterway
  14. When Vasco da Gama came to Eastern Africa in 1498 he 
    1. built Fort Jesus in Mombasa 
    2. signed several treaties with chiefs 
    3. he collected taxes during trade 
    4. built a pillar in Malindi .

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 15 to 18.

  1. The river market T is
    1. River Omo 
    2. River Turkwel 
    3. River Juba
    4. River Kerio
  2. Which one of the following statements about the lake marked V is not correct? 
    1. It is shared by several countries 
    2. It is a major fishing lake 
    3. It formed when water collected in faults
    4. It was formed through down warping
  3. Which one of the following communities settle in the area marked L during the migration period? 
    1. Abagusii
    2. Taita 
    3. Turkana
    4. Pokomo 
  4. Which one of the following crops is grown in large plantations in the country marked B? 
    1. Sugarcane 
    2. Coffee 
    3. Tea
    4. Bananas
  5. Which one of the following is a contribution of the community to learning in a school? 
    1. Buying books for a school 
    2. Providing resource persons to teach pupils 
    3. Preparing the school routine 
    4. Employing teachers in a school
  6. The above feature was formed through
    1. deposition of material
    2. volcanic cerein
    3. faulting
    4. uplifting
  7. The steep sides of Rift Valley are called 
    1. valleys
    2. horst 
    3. blocks
    4. escarpments
  8. Which of the following is a social cultural use of soil?
    1. Making blocks
    2. Farming 
    3. Administering oaths and libations
    4. Extraction of mineral salts
  9. The totality of a person way of life is called 
    1. taboo
    2. culture 
    3. passage
    4. morals
  10. Which of the following communities is correctly matched with its original homeland? 
    1. Ngoni - South Africa
    2. Hehe - Horn of Africa 
    3. Dinka - Congo forest
    4. Rendile - Barley Ghezel 
  11. The quickest means of communication that can reach many people within a short period of time is
    1. newspapers
    2. radio
    3. telephone 
    4. television
  12. Who among the following is not elected by voters in a general elections? 
    1. County governor 
    2. Senator 
    3. Ward representative member 
    4. County assembly speakers
  13. Which of the following groups consist of crops grown in traditional agriculture in Kenya? 
    1. Cassava, carrots, arrowroots 
    2. Yams, sorghum, millet 
    3. Millet, sorghum, wheat
    4. Arrowroots, sweet potatoes, snow peas
  14. Maloba a standard seven pupil saw two pupils fighting on her way to school. What was the best action to take? 
    1. Run to school and report to teacher 
    2. Leave them to continue fighting 
    3. Stop them from fighting
    4. Report them to the police
  15. In traditional African society, an age set usually comprises of 
    1. many families
    2. many clans
    3. many age groups
    4. many societies
  16. A responsible citizen is one who
    1. attend religious services always
    2. owns alot of property 
    3. take part in development projects 
    4. arrest law breakers

Use the map below to answer questions 31 - 33

  1. The latitude marked O is called
    1. Equator 
    2. Prime Meridian 
    3. Tropical of Cancer
    4. Tropic of Capricorn
  2. The country marked S was colonised by the
    1. Germans
    2. British 
    3. Frenchs
    4. Belgians
  3. The national park found at point X is 
    1. Tsavo
    2. Amboseli 
    3. Sibiloi
    4. Malka Mari
  4. The County Executive Committee is shared by the
    1. Senator 
    2. President
    3. Governor
    4. Ward Representative
  5. Which among the following communities collaborated with the British during colonial period?
    1. Agiriama
    2. Nandi
    3. Ababukusu
    4. Wanga
  6. Among the following member who does not belong to a nuclear family? 
    1. Father
    2. Mother 
    3. Sons
    4. Cousin
  7. Which instruments is used to measure air pressure? 
    1. Anemometer 
    2. Barometer 
    3. Windyane
    4. Thermometer 
  8. The Swahili culture came up as a result of intermarriage between Arabs and 
    1. Indians
    2. Europeans 
    3. Bantus
    4. Nilotes
  9. The following are needs of a family;
    • Education
    • Shelter
    • Love
    • Food
    • Security
      Which pair is made up of basic needs only? 
      1. Education and love 
      2. Food and security
      3. Shelter and love
      4. Shelter and food
  10. Which of the following can lead to lawlessness in a county?
    1. Poor performance in examination 
    2. Prolonged drought
    3. Discriminations 
    4. Outbreak of diseases
  11. Large farms where beef cattle are kept are called 
    1. paddocks
    2. units 
    3. ranches 
    4. plantations
  12. Which of the following places is the largest centre of sugarcane growing in Eastern Africa? 
    1. Mumias
    2. Kenana 
    3. Chemelil 
    4. Muhoroni
  13. Road signs helps drivers to drive 
    1. roughly
    2. carelessly 
    3. safely
    4. automatically
  14. Areas with stagnant water encourage the growing of 
    1. tall trees 
    2. reeds
    3. short grass
    4. scrubs
  15. Which of the following communities belong to the Plain Nilotes? 
    1. Ilichemus 
    2. Luo 
    3. Tuger
    4. Kipsigis
  16. In Kenya a person can become a citizen by
    1. naturalization 
    2. voting
    3. registration 
    4. association
  17. The budget estimates in Kenya are presented by the minister for finance in the month of
    1. June
    2. January 
    3. March
    4. December
  18. Which of the following lakes w..s formed when water collected in the faults on the floor of Rift Valley? 
    1. Lake Malawi
    2. Lake Chad
    3. Lake Benguela 
    4. Lake Kiyoga
  19. The traditional system of government of the Ameru was known as 
    1. Njuri Ncheke 
    2. Mugwe
    3. Kiruka
    4. Mtiba
  20. Which of the following is not a moral value in the society?
    1. Respect 
    2. Corruption 
    3. Honesty
    4. Courage
  21. Growing of flowers for sale is called
    1. horticulture 
    2. floriculture
    3. agriculture
    4. agroforestry
  22. The title used to refer to traditional leader of the Nyamwezi was 
    1. Kabaka
    2. Ntemi
    3. Mganwe
    4. Mtwale
  23. Which one of the following mountains is correctly matched with its formation? 
    1. Atlas Mountains - erosion of soft rocks 
    2. Mount Meru folding and twisting 
    3. Pare highlands - faulting and uplifting
    4. Hoboli mountains volcanic activities
  24. Which one of the following is a benefit of interaction among communities in Africa? 
    1. It leads to conflicts 
    2. New ideas and skills are exchanged 
    3. It causes scarcity of trade goods
    4. It leads to increase of population
  25. The defeat of the Hehe rebellion was mainly caused by 
    1. diseases that killed Hehe fighters 
    2. famine that affected the Hehe people 
    3. lack of good forms of transport
    4. death of their leader
  26. The best way to ensure that pupils obey school rules is through 
    1. involving them in making the rules 
    2. sending away disobedient pupils 
    3. pushing pupils who break school rules
    4. appointing prefects to enforce rules
  27. A candidate for a country assembly seat should not 
    1. be less than thirty five years old 
    2. be an independent candidates 
    3. be a holder of a public office
    4. not be of sound mind
  28. The head of the body incharge of elections in Kenya is appointed by 
    1. parliament 
    2. political parties 
    3. voters
    4. the president
  29. In a civil election, registered voters elect
    1. members of the national assembly 
    2. members of the county assembly 
    3. members of the cabinet
    4. members of the senate
  30. On a polling day in Kenya, a voter is supposed to 
    1. campaign for candidates 
    2. count votes 
    3. mark a ballot paper 
    4. announce election results.


  1. Dry land and plants were created on the 
    1. third day
    2. second day 
    3. fourth day
    4. fifth day
  2. The father of Noah was 
    1. Enock
    2. Methuselah 
    3. Terah
    4. Lamech
  3. God called Abraham when he was living in
    1. Haran
    2. Midian 
    3. Ur
    4. Goshen
  4. The action by the Israelites on the Passover night that showed their days of slavery is when they
    1. killed Egyptians first born males 
    2. ate bitter herbs
    3. smeared blood on door posts
    4. ate unleavened bread
  5. During the exodus God led the Israelites at night using
    1. a cloud
    2. the covenant box 
    3. a pillar of light 
    4. a bright star 
  6. When an angel appeared to Gideon he was
    1. taking care of his father's sheep 
    2. sleeping in the temple 
    3. fighting the Midianites
    4. threshing wheat 
  7. Which one of the following Kings of Israel planned the murder of Uriah? 
    1. David
    2. Saul 
    3. Solomon
    4. Ahab 
  8. Which one of the following was done by Solomon when he was the King of Israel? 
    1. He made the covenant box 
    2. He built a temple in Jerusalem 
    3. He made Jerusalem the capital city
    4. He made a golden bull calf for worship 
  9. Which one of the following people complained he was too young to become a prophet?
    1. Ezekiel
    2. Isaiah 
    3. Jeremiah
    4. Jonah .
  10. When angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah he told him that 
    1. he would name his son John 
    2. his Kingdom would never end 
    3. he would protect him from his enemies
    4. he would live for a long time
  11. Which one of the following statements from the Bible shows that Jesus is the son of God? 
    1. He will not drink wine 
    2. He would walk a head strong like Elijah 
    3. He would deliver people from sin 
    4. The Holy Spirit will come upon you 
  12. When Jesus was fasting in the desert the devil told him to 
    1. bow down and worship him 
    2. change a stone into bread 
    3. thrown himself down
    4. change water into wine
  13. When Jesus changed water into wine he had gone to Cana to
    1. raise Lazarus 
    2. drive traders from the temple 
    3. attend a wedding
    4. preach in the Synagogue
  14. The parable of the mustard seed teaches Christians about 
    1. growth of the Kingdom of God 
    2. the second coming of Jesus 
    3. being kind to the needy
    4. the value of prayer
  15. In the teaching of who is the greatest Jesus used a 
    1. a fish
    2. a child
    3. bread
    4. a coin
  16. Which one of the following was done by Jesus during the last supper? 
    1. Jesus pointed out his betrayer. 
    2. Jesus walked on water
    3. Jesus healed a paralysed man
    4. Jesus ate in the house of Zacchaeus
  17. Which one of the following accusations was brought against Jesus before Pilate? 
    1. Working on a Sabbath.
    2. Claiming to the King of Jews. 
    3. Healing a paralysed man.
    4. Forgiving sins of the people.
  18. After the ascension of Jesus his disciples to stay in Jerusalem to 
    1. preach the gospel 
    2. drive traders from the temple 
    3. attend of wedding
    4. wait for the Holy Spirit
  19. Stephen was stoned to death by the Jews because 
    1. he forgave a man his sins 
    2. he mixed with sinners 
    3. he refused to pay taxes
    4. he refused to deny Jesus
  20. When Peter visited the town of Joppa he
    1. raised Eutychus 
    2. raised Tabitha back to life 
    3. healed a lame beggar
    4. healed Aeneas
  21. Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit? 
    1. Faith.
    2. Faithfulness. 
    3. Patience.
    4. Humility.
  22. Which one of the following is a common practice in both Traditional African and Christian Communities? 
    1. Tattooing the body 
    2. Performing libations 
    3. Reciting prayers
    4. Baptizing new converts
  23. In Traditional African Societies people reconcile with God by 
    1. reading the scriptures 
    2. singing songs
    3. baptizing people
    4. offering sacrifices
  24. Which one of the following is an act of charity in traditional African communities?
    1. Shaving the hair 
    2. Giving food to strangers 
    3. Meeting together to pray
    4. Making body marks
  25. The main reason why marriage is important in Traditional African communities is to
    1. get companionship
    2. get dowry 
    3. get children
    4. get recognized
  26. In the Lord's prayer Christians pray to God
    1. forgive them their sins 
    2. punish their sins 
    3. give them long lives
    4. sit with God in heaven
  27. Husbands are advised to love their wives as
    1. they love themselves 
    2. their wives love them 
    3. they love their enemies
    4. Christ loved the church
  28. The church has established school in Kenya mainly to 
    1. create jobs in the country 
    2. offer free primary education 
    3. get money to build churches
    4. support literacy in the country
  29. The best way in which Christians can support street children is by 
    1. establishing schools for them 
    2. praying for them 
    3. preaching to them
    4. giving them money
  30. The element of prayer when a person prays for himself or herself is 
    1. intercession 
    2. petition 
    3. confession 
    4. adoration



  1. A
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. D
  6. C
  7. B
  8. D
  9. D
  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  1. D
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. C
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. C
  5. D
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. D
  10. C
  1. C
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. A
  10. B
  1. B
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B


  1. A
  2. D
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  1. D
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. B
  8. D
  9. D
  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. D
  9. A


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo. Jaza kila pengo kwa kuchagua jawabu lifaalo zaidi.
Matukio ya siku hiyo yangali_1_akilini kwa wino usiofutika. Tulikuwa darasani tukifunzwa viunganishi kama vile_2_Ghafla bin vuu mlango ulibishwa_3_ Mwalimu aliacha kuandika na kuelekea kunako mlango aufungue. Ghafla mlango ulipigwa_4_na kufungika. Hapo nje _5_yalisimama majitu mawili yenye macho mawenge na miguu yenye matege iliyopinda kwa nje. Mikononi yalikuwa yamejihami_6_. _7_ "Watoe Salma na Aisha!" Jitu moja liliguruma. "Hamwezi kuingia hapa_8_ya ruhusa. Nisubirini _9_ " Bi. Somi aliwajibu kwa sauti nzito.

    1. imeandikwa
    2. zimeandikwa
    3. limeandikwa 
    4. yameandikwa
    1. angalau, kidogo, mbali
    2. ila, maadam, mradi
    3. kefu, daima, safi
    4. aisee, wallahi, mathalan 
    1. kijeshi
    2. kinguru
    3. kimadharau 
    4. kikobe
    1. dhoruba
    2. kibao
    3. kibobwe
    4. kachombe
    1. :
    2. ,
    3. /
    4. ;
    1. kwa
    2. na 
    3. bila
    4. kuzidi
    1. jambia,pantoni,singe
    2. Kikero, kigwe,rungu 
    3. mikuki,ngao, marungu
    4. jambeni,keekee,kipini
    1. bali
    2. mradi
    3. haidhuru
    4. ghairi
    1. pambajioni
    2. maabarani 
    3. maktabani 
    4. darasani

Maji ni kiowevu kinachopatikana_10_na mvua katika bahari, maziwa na mito. Chambilecho wahenga_11_ Hii ni kwa sababu maji_12_huwa na manufaa kochokocho. Maji hutumiwa katika_13_, kunywa na hata kuogea. Wakulima pia huyatumia_14_mimea yao isije_15_ Maji yanastahili kutumiwa vizuri bila kumwagwa ovyoovyo.

    1. kutoka
    2. kutokana
    3. kwa
    4. kulingana
    1. maji ya kifuu hufuata bahari ya chungu 
    2. maji ni uhai 
    3. maji yakimwagika hayazoleki
    4. maji mkondo 
    1. ii hii
    2. hii hii
    3. haya yaya
    4. yaya haya 
    1. kupika
    2. kupikisha
    3. kupakia
    4. kupikia 
    1. kuinyunyuzia 
    2. kuinyuzia 
    3. kuinyunyizia
    4. huinyunyizia 
    1. ikastawi
    2. ikanawiri 
    3. ikapogoa
    4. ikanyauka

Kutoka swali 16 - 30. jibu kulingana na maagizo

  1. Chombo kinachotumiwa kukunia nazi huitwaje? 
    1. Mbuzi
    2. Kata 
    3. Susu
    4. Kifumbu
  2. Chagua usemi wa taarifa wa:
    "Wanafunzi wanaosomea katika shule hii wana bahati ya mtende," Maridhia alisema.
    1. Maridhia alisema kuwa wanafunzi wanaosomea katika shule hiyo wana bahati ya mtende. 
    2. Maridhia alisema kuwa wanafunzi waliokuwa wakisomea katika shule hiyo walikuwa na bahati ya mtende.
    3. Maridhia alihimiza kuwa wanafunzi wa shule hiyo walikuwa na bahati kama mtende 
    4. Maridhia alitangaza kuwa wanafunzi ambao wangesomea katika shule hiyo wangekuwa na bahati ya mtende.
  3. Chagua sentensi iliyotumia kihisishi kwa usahihi 
    1. Hewala! Sikuamini, siwezi kukusaidia
    2. Ebo! Ni mwanafunzi gani huyu asiyetofautisha mbu na mbung'o! 
    3. Pukachaka! Tumepita mtihani vizuri.
    4. Simile! Naomba urudie swali lako
  4. Maneno yaliyopigwa mstari katika sentensi ifuatayo ni Mwanafunzi hodari hufaulu lakini mvivu hufeli sana. 
    1. Kielezi, kiwakilishi 
    2. Kivumishi, kielezi.
    3. Kielezi, kivumishi
    4. Kivumishi, kiwakilishi.
  5. Neno mapendekezo lina silabi ngapi?
    1. Tano 
    2. Kumi
    3. Sita
    4. Kumi na moja
  6. Tegua kitendawili
    Mgeni wangu anavaa nguo nyingi. 
    1. Mwanajeshi 
    2. Mwanaharusi
    3. Msitu 
    4. Askari
  7. Neno lipi limeambatanishwa na ukubwa wake sahihi 
    1. Jina - majina 
    2. Mzigo - zigo 
    3. Kitabu - kijitabu
    4. Mtu - Jimtu
  8. Badilisha sentensi hii iwe katika hali ya kutendesha. Murasi alimpeleka binti yake Zawadi akaolewe na Musa 
    1. Murasi limwoesha binti yake Zawadi kwa Musa 
    2. Zawadi binti yake Murasi aliolewa na Musa. 
    3. Musa aliozesha binti yake Zawadi na Murasi. 
    4. Murasi alimwoza binti yake Zawadi kwa Musa
  9. Orodha gani iliyo na nafaka pekee
    1. Ngano, mawele, shayiri, mtama 
    2. Limau, fenesi, tikiti, nazi 
    3. Wimbi,mpunga, karafuu, mbuyu 
    4. Ndizi, iliki, dania, bizari
  10. Kutokana na kitenzi aka tunaweza tukaziunda nomino hizi zote isipokuwa 
    1. uashi 
    2. mwaka 
    3. kuaka
    4. mwashi
  11. Maelezo yapi hapa ni sahihi?
    1. Ngonjera ni shairi la kihistoria
    2. Tasdisa ni shairi lenye mishororo sita katika kila ubeti. 
    3. Silabi za mwisho zinazofanana katika kila upande huitwa mizani. 
    4. Mleo ni mshororo wa mwisho wa kila ubeti. 
  12. Kanusha sentensi ifuatayo kwa usahihi.
    Usiku huo ulikuwa na mbalamwezi kama nilivyotabiri.
    1. Usiku huo haukuwa na mbalamwezi kama nilivyotabiri. 
    2. Usiku huo haukuwa na mbalamwezi kama nilivyokosa kutabiri. 
    3. Usiku huo haukuwa na mbalamwezi kama ambavyo sikutabiri. 
    4. Usiku huo ulikuwa na mbalamwezi kama nisivyotabiri.
  13. Chagua jina lilioambatanishwa na ngeli yake kamili. 
    1. Mwiba -U-U 
    2. Jivu -I-ZI 
    3. Moshi -U-ZI
    4. Malezi - U-YA
  14. Kamilisha, 'Lingana kama
    1. kinu na mchi' 
    2. sahani na kawa' 
    3. kiko na digali'
    4. kalamu na karatasi 
  15. Ikiwa juzi ilikuwa Alhamisi, Jumatano itakuwa: 
    1. Kesho 
    2. Keshokutwa 
    3. Kitojo 
    4. Mtondogoo

Soma kifungu kisha uyajibu maswali 31 - 40
Jioni hiyo kama jioni nyinginezo, sisi wajukuu pamoja na vitukuu tuliketi kando ya moto tukisikiliza ngano kutoka kwa laazizi wetu, bibi. Mbalamwezi ilihakikisha kwamba hatupungukiwi na mwanga. Kila tulipomtembelea bibi, tulipata nafasi ya kusikiliza ngano.
Tuliuzingira moto pale nje ya nyumba yake ya msonge kama ilivyo kawaida kupata kopo la uji kwake bibi, tulilekiwa nacho. Baada ya kila mmoja kupata haki yake sasa nafasi ikawa ni ya mwenye masikio kuyatega ndi na kutulia tuli hadi mpasuko wa vicheko vya radi. Sasa tulikuwa tumejituliza kwenye vingoda vyetu bibi alipoanza masimulizi yake kama ilivyokuwa desturi yake. Alitanguliza na kusafisha koo. "Wajukuu wangu wapendwa, zamani sana nikiwa mdogo kama  nyinyi hivi, pamoja na watoto wenzangu tulikuwa tukifunzwa kunga za kikwetu na bibi zetu. Ingawa tulihudhuria mafunzo hayo, wengine wetu hawakuyathamini vile kwani yalitunyima fursa ya kucheza michezo tuliyoipenda.
Siku moja nyanya aliyependa kutusimulia kwa mafunzo yake alikuwa ndio mwanzoa ameanza tu kutufundisha. Mkononi alikuwa na kigozi cha sungura alichokitumia kama wenzo wa kutufundishia jinsi ya kutunga vazi la kujisetiri, Sote tulimpa masikio na macho ingawa shingo upande.
Mara pakatokea Ibra! Kulianguka kutoka juu mtini tulipoketi hadi kwenye kile kigozi. Kilitambaa taratibu na kuja nilipokuwa kikapanda juu ya mkono wangu wa kushoto kabla ya kuteremka na kuyoyomea gizani. Nilishindwa kujisongeza wala kujitikisa. Niliogopa upeo wa kuogopa maana huyo alikuwa nyoka mwenye sumu hatari sana. Wenzangu nao pia walizimika ardhini wasijisongeze. Nyanya alijuzuia kusonga wala kufanya lolote. Nadhani aliogopa kutushtua au hata kumshtua huyo nyoka.
Ni kwenye hali hii nyoka huyo alipotokomea, alikojitendea ndipo kila mtu aliponijia kwa shangwe. na vifijo. Wote waliniambia kuwa kutokana na jinsi nilivyoonyesha ujasiri wakati wa hatari hiyo, basi nilihitimu kuwa kiongozi wao. Yakini, chanda chema huvikwa pete.
Mara moja nikatengenezewa vazi la ngozi, tena ngozi ya mbuzi na kutawazwa papo hapo kuchukua hatamu za uongozi. Wote wakaahidi kutii amri kwani akikalia kigoda mtii. Wajukuu wangu je mmejifunza funzo lipi kutokana na kisa changu?"

  1. Ni nani alipeana ngano? 
    1. Msimulizi
    2. Mbalamwezi 
    3. Nyanya
    4. Mjukuu
  2. Kwa mujibu wa kisa mjukuu ni:
    1. Mwana wa kitukuu 
    2. Mwana wa nyanya 
    3. Mwana wa mwana
    4. Mwana wa kining'ina
  3. Kwa nini bibi wanamwita iaazizi.
    1. Walipenda ngano zake 
    2. Wao walimuenzi mno 
    3. Hakuwa na jina rasmi lake
    4. Alichukia kuitwa kwa jina lake
  4. Ni nani alikalia kigoda karibu na moto.
    1. Wote 
    2. Nyanya 
    3. Msimulizi
    4. Wajukuu pekee
  5. Ni nani aliangukiwa na nyoka.
    1. Msimulizi 
    2. Hatujaambiwa 
    3. Nyanya 
    4. Mjukuu
  6. Kwa nini woga ulimpata bibi?
    1. Bibi alimwonya 
    2. Nyoka alikuwa mkali 
    3. Nyoka alikuwa mwenye sumu
    4. Nyoka alimuuma
  7. Ni kweli kuwa 
    1. msimulizi ni kitukuu 
    2. msimulizi hajawahi kuumwa na nyoka 
    3. nyoka ni mnyama wa kuogopwa
    4. kiongozi sharti awe mwoga
  8. Methali ipi yaweza kutupambia kisa hiki.
    1. Adui mpende 
    2. Mtoto wa nyoka ni nyoka 
    3. Ushikwapo shikamana
    4. Ukibebwa usilevyelevye miguu
  9. Wanaofundisha kunga za maisha huitwa? 
    1. Kungwi
    2. Mkunga
    3. Bibi
    4. Wahenga
  10. Ishara gani inayoashiria umaskini kwenye kifungu. 
    1. Nyoka 
    2. Kiambo cha msonge 
    3. Makopo ya uji 
    4. Bibi mzee

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha uyajibu maswali 41 - 50
Nilikuwa mpigabuku wa skuli ya Wema, mwaka jana. Sikuwa na shaka kuibuka galacha katika mtihani wa kitaifa. Nilielewa lazima ja ibada nijifunge kibwebwe na kuuzika uzembe kwenye kaburi la sahau ili niupasi mtihani wa kitaifa. Aku zote ningerauka alfajiri na mapema na kuyabwaga mabuku mezani. Ningejipinda mgongo shabiku upinde na kuvivamia va bin vuu ya nsige gundani la mihogo. Yakini niliuma vitabu we! Kisa na maana sikuwa na namna nyingine ya kuinusuru mbari yangu iliyolemazwa na uchochole si haba. Joho la bidii lilisalia kuwa mwandani wangu.
Taabu na madhila ya baba wa kambo hayakunizuia hata chembe kutia bidii. Vioja vyake kila jioni vilinipa maudhui na vidokezo vya insha ya kila nui kesho yake. Hata kama kuna siku mama alifurushwa akapata hifadhi kwa jirani, mie sikukosa kuzimaliza gange za ziada za walimu. Wakufuu wetu nao walijitolea kwa vyovyote vile kuhakakikisha tunaelewa vyema. Ukweli walijaribu juu chini kufanikisha ndoto zetu. Hakika tenda wema nenda zako Mola atakulipa Wakufuu wa masomo ya sayasi na hisabati walirauka mapema kabla umande kukaushwa na miale ya asubuhi. Walituelezea hadi tukaelewa dhahiri shahiri. Mola daima twamwomba hasa bwana Manywele aliyejinyima hata kishuka kutupa mazoezi ya Sayansi ampe fadhila
Mtihani wa kitaifa ulipowadia hatukuwa na wasiwasi wala kihoro cha nja maji kwani yote tuliyofunzwa yalikuwa tamulini. Tulidurusu hadi misamiati, surufu na fomula zikatuzoea. Kila mmoja wa watahiniwa hasa mimi tulikuwa ngangari kukabiliana na mitego yote ya mtahini. Lo! Siku moja kabla, hofu iliniteka nyara, nikapumbaa na kukosa la kufanya. Mlilikuwa mkikimkiki na mkukumkuku kuwa halambe halambe. Utulivu uliokuwepo ulipasuliwa na vifijo na vifoli. Mkufuu mkuu akaturaushia kadi ya heri njema. Mwalimu majitamu naye akatupa nasaa na wosia wa kutokuwa na woga. Alisema mtihani ni mtihani hivyo basi hakukuwa na haja ya kuwa na mishemishe wali jekejeke la woga.
Asubuhi na mapema tukafika na kuwasili skulini. Tuliukalia ule wa Hisabati siku ya Mosi. Somo la sayansi saa nane huku insha tukiandika mwendo wa alasiri. Jua lilivibusu vilele vya milima nalo giza la kanika kuanza kubisha hodi. Siku ya pili tulianzia na somo la Mapishi pamwe na Kiswahili mwendo wa saa tano. Saa nane nilimalizia na Insha ya methali "Mchuma janga hula na wa kwao."
uliukalia ule wa somo la Kiingereza na kutamatisha elimu ya skuli za msingi. Ilibidi sasa tuwe wavumilivu na punda bila wasiwasi wala shaka. Kwa hamu na hamumu tuliyasubiri matokeo.
Hayawi hayawi huwa. Bidii na juhudi zetu mazao yake yangejulikana na pesa siku hiyo ya alhamisi mwezi Januari. Nakumbuka fika nilivyobumburushwa na kugutushwa na sauti ya redio. "Waziri wa elimu Bw. Matiang'i atayasoma matokeo mwendo wa saa tatu za alfajiri". Waja wa aila ya Joshua walijaa na kujazana pale kiamboni petu. Kama ilivyo mila na desturi, kwamba ufanisi ni wa kila mwanajamii. Yakini kwao, si kwa mchuma janga kula na wa kwao. Mwia usio na chupa kuoza vituo vyote runinga vilihinikiza hewani matangazo ya moja kwa moja.
Jina la mtaluniwa bora nchini likatajwa "Bora mufti ndiye shiyaa wa mwaka huu." Picha ikaonyeshwa nayo haikuwa ya mwingine bali mie mwana wa mzee Mufti. Shangwe na vigelegele vya heri njema na heko vilihinikiza hewani. Uwanja wetu muda si muda ulijazana na kujaa hadi na nusura kuwatapika wengine. Vimulimuli vya kamera nusura viunde jua. Kila mmoja alisheheni furaha ya ufanisi wangu. Kijiji chetu ambacho hakikutambulika sasa kikijulikana nchini. Ndoto yangu ya kuwa mhazigi ikiwa si ya alinacha. Shukrani tumbi za kumsifu Maulana zikihinikiza hewani.

  1. Msimulizi alisomea shule gani?
    1. Mpigabuku 
    2. Wema
    3. Ya msingi . 
    4. Hatujaambiwa
  2. Methali gani inao ujumbe wa aya ya kwanza
    1. Baada ya dhiki faraja.
    2. Mavi ya kale hayanuki
    3. Ukiona vyaelea vimeundwa
    4. Damu ni damu si kitarasa
  3. Ni kweli____
    1. msimulizi alipenda gonezi
    2. alilelewa na baba asiyemzaa
    3. alikuwa kitinda mimba
    4. alikuwa pacha,
  4. Ni walimu wa masomo gani walirauka 
    1. Sayansi pekee
    2. Hisabati na Kiswahili
    3. Sayansi na Hisabati
    4. wote
  5. Siku ya kwanza watahiniwa hawakufanya mtihani wa
    1. Sayansi
    2. Hisabati
    3. Insha 
    4. Kiingereza
  6. Mitihani ilifanyika kwa siku ngapi?
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 3
    4. 2
  7. Mwalimu Manywele alifundisha. 
    1. Asubuhi pekee 
    2. Saa nane na jioni
    3. Sayansi 
    4. Saa zote
  8. Ni kweli___
    1. bora mufti alikuwa wa kwanza somo la Hisabati.
    2. baba yake aliacha kutiwa miaka mingi iliyopita.
    3. mama yake hakupenda masomo.
    4. alikuwa rakamu ya kwanza nchini. 
  9. Msimulizi aliania kuwa
    1. daktari wa meno
    2. daktari wa viungo vya mwili
    3. mhadhiri wa chuo kikuu
    4. mwalimu wa sayansi
  10. Jamii ya Joshua yaathamini methali:
    1. Kila mwamba ngona huvuta kwake. 
    2. Mmoja ni nguvu utengano udhaifu. 
    3. Mtegemea cha nduguye hufa hali maskini
    4. Bendera hufuata upepo.

Mwandikie kaka yako aliye mjini barua. Mjulishe jinsi unavyoendelea tangu shule zilipofungwa hadi sasa


  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  1. C
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B
  9. D
  10. A
  1. D
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. B
  8. D
  9. B
  10. A
  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. C
  7. C
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B
  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. C
  5. D
  6. C
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C


  1. Which one of the following is 16245005 in words? 
    1. Sixteen million two forty five thousand and five 
    2. One million six hundred and twenty four thousand five hundred and five 
    3. Sixteen million two hundred and forty five thousand and five 
    4. Sixteen million two hundred and forty five thousand five hundred 
  2. How many groups of thousands are there in the value of digit 4 in the number 645937? 
    1. 40000
    2. 4000 
    3. 400
    4. 40
  3. What is the HCF of 36, 48 and 12?
    1. 6
    2. 12 
    3. 144
    4. 24
  4. What is the value of 2.5555 +2.4444 rounded off to the nearest thousandths? 
    1. 5.000
    2. 5
    3. 5.00
    4. 4.999 
  5. How many days are there from 2nd January to 6th April in the year 2012? 
    1. 97
    2. 96 
    3. 95
    4. 94
  6. What is the place value of digit 9 in the number 65973? 
    1. Thousands
    2. Hundreds 
    3. Tens
    4. 900
  7. What is the next number in the series below. 
    11/3211/16 , 13/8 , 2¾
  8. Which one of the following number is divisible by 11? 
    1. 9880
    2. 7226 
    3. 966
    4. 6578 
  9. Work out: 5.12 x 4.2 x 0.95
                     0.19 x 0.14 x 32 
    1. 0.24
    2. 2.4 
    3. 24
    4. 240
  10. What is the circumference of the figure below?
    1. 66cm
    2. 132cm 
    3. 33cm
    4. 42cm
  11. What is the area of the shaded part in the figure below?
    1. 1152cm2
    2. 660cm2
    3. 576cm2
    4. 492cm2
  12. Simplify: ¼(32x + 16y) - 2(2x - 4y)
    1. 4x + 12y 
    2. 4x - 4y 
    3. 4x-12y
    4. 4x + 4y
  13. In a class, 25% of the pupils are boys. If there are 80 pupils altogether. How many more girls than boys are there? 
    1. 20
    2. 40 
    3. 60
    4. 10
  14. Mary slept for 5 hours. If she slept at2245h rs. At what time did she wake up?
    1. 3.45am
    2. 3.45pm 
    3. 1745hrs
    4. 1545hrs
  15. Find the square root of 149/576
    1. 24/25
    2. 17/24
    3. 11/24
    4. 11/25
  16. In the figure below, what is the measure of angle DBC?
    1. 100°
    2. 80°
    3. 130
    4. 150°
  17. In a school there were 560 pupils, 5% of the pupils transferred. The remaining pupils were given 6 exercise book each. How many books were given altogether?
    1. 3360
    2. 3528 
    3. 532
    4. 3192
  18. What is the value of x in the equation?
    2/5x + 11 = 31 
    1. 105
    2. 50 
    3. 8
    4. 164/5
  19. The area of the square below is 12¼mFind it's perimeter.
    1. 3½m
    2. 7m 
    3. 14m
    4. 49m
  20. There are 34 pupils in a class. Each pupil is given 2-2dl packets of milk twice per week. How many litres of milk does the pupils take in two weeks? 
    1. 27.2
    2. 13.6 
    3. 54.4
    4. 108.8
  21. A bicycle wheel has a diameter of 56cm. It makes 4000 revolutions. What distance did it cover?
    1. 704km
    2. 7.04km 
    3. 704000km
    4. 70.4km
  22. Given that k = 4, b = 5 and w = 2, work out the value of
    4k + w
     2b - 1 
    1. 2
    2. 1
    3. 16
  23. The rectangular tank below measures 0.4m by 0.5m by 60cm. What is its capacity in litres?
    1. 012
    2. 12 
    3. 120
    4. 12000
  24. Teressia sold a pair of trousers for sh. 1200 making a profit of 20%. How much was the profit? 
    1. sh. 1000
    2. sh. 100 
    3. sh. 400
    4. sh. 200
  25. A rectangular photograph measuring 15cm by 20cm was put on a frame leaving a uniform margin of 2cm all around. What is the area of the margin? 
    1. 300cm2
    2. 74cm2
    3. 156cm2
    4. 456cm2
  26. A pupil constructed a figure with the following properties
    1. All the sides are equal
    2. All angles are equal
    3. The sum of all interior angles add upto 180°
      The figure is likely to be 
      1. square 
      2. right angled 
      3. equilateral triangle
      4. isosceles triangle 
  27. After paying sh. 16000 for a machine, Mugo was told he is remaining with 20% to clear all the money for the machine. How much was the total price for the machine? 
    1. sh. 20000
    2. sh. 3200
    3. sh. 19200
    4. sh. 4000
  28. In the figure below line AB is parallel to line CD
    6What is the measure of angle MWN? 
    1. 50°
    2. 60° 
    3. 70°
    4. 130°
  29. Salim is 5 years older than his sister Maria. If Maria is w years old now, what will be their sum ages 5 years to come? 
    1. 2W + 15 years 
    2. 2w + 10 years 
    3. 2w + 5 years
    4. W + 10 years 
  30. A farmer used a rope 14m long to tie his goat for grazing on a piece of land. What is the possible longest distance can the goat cover after going round once? 
    1. 616m
    2. 28m
    3. 154m
    4. 88m
  31. Work out 33/5 x (22/31/3 ÷ 1/6
    1. 814/15
    2. 22/2
    3. 123/2
    4. 482/5
  32. Work out:   L     dl   ml
                  x 158  80   5
    1. 751 40dl 400ml 
    2. 751 4401 
    3. 791 4d
    4. 791 4dl 4mi 
  33. A farmer harvested 120 bags of maize. He sold 50% of the bags and donated 20 bags to the orphans. How many bags of maize did he remain with? 
    1. 30
    2. 40 
    3. 60
    4. 20
  34. Stanley bought the following items from a shop
    3 packets of milk at sh. 50
    1½ kg of sugar @ sh. 120
    2-2kg packets of flour at sh. 110
    3 bars of soap for sh. 330
    How much did he pay for the items 
    1. sh. 880 
    2. sh. 1540 
    3. sh. 1100
    4. sh. 780
  35. A shopkeeper had 2 tonnes of sugar. He repacked all the sugar into small bags of 35kg each. How many full bags did he fill with the sugar? 
    1. 571/7
    2. 67 
    3. 58
    4. 57
  36. A trader sold an item for sh. 2500 making a profit of sh. 500. What was the percentage profit? 
    1. 20%
    2. 25% 
    3. 30%
    4. 162/3
  37. The perimeter of the rectangle below is 280m. The length measures 80m. What is its area in ares?
    1. 96
    2. 4800 
    3. 48
    4. 60
  38. Supaki read 2/5 of a book on Monday, 1/on Tuesday and the rest on Wednesday. If the book had 150 pages. How many pages did he read on Wednesday? 
    1. 110
    2. 40 
    3. 60
    4. 90
  39. Construct triangle ABC where line AB = 7cm, BC = 8cm and angle BAC = 70°. What is the measure of angle BCA? 
    1. 124°
    2. 130° 
    3. 50°
    4. 56°
  40. Convert 1/6 into decimal and round it off to 3 decimal places. 
    1. 1.667
    2. 0.167 
    3. 0.166
    4. 1.666
  41. The area of the triangle below is 60m2.
    8What is its perimeter if the base line is 8m?
    1. 15m
    2. 60m 
    3. 23m
    4. 40m
  42. The distance from Nairobi to Thika is 120km. A vehicle left Nairobi at 8.30am and arrived Thika at 10.00am. What was its speed in km/h? 
    1. 120km/h
    2. 1½km/h 
    3. 80km/h
    4. 90km/h
  43. The volume of a cuboid is 96cm'. It has a square base measuring 4cm. What is its height? 
    1. 24cm
    2. 12cm 
    3. 8cm
    4. 6cm
  44. Arrange 4/57/105/6  and 11/15 in an ascending order.
    1. 5/4/511/15 7/10
    2. 7/10 11/15 4/55/6 
    3. 4/55/6 , 7/10 11/15
    4. 11/15 7/10 5/4/5
  45. Find the area of the figure below in m2
    1. 264
    2. 68
    3. 132
  46. A length of 2.5km was represented on a map by a line of 5cm. What was the scale used? 
    1. 1:5000 
    2. 1:50000 
    3. 1:500000 
    4. 125000
  47. The pie chart below shows how Tinina used his 9.6 hectares of land.
    10How many hectares of land are used to grow potatoes? 
    1. 2.4
    2. 0.24 
    3. 3.6
    4. 4.8
  48. What is the sum of vertices, edges and faces of an open cuboid? 
    1. 26
    2. 25 
    3. 27
    4. 18
  49. The table below shows the number of boys and girls absent in a class of 48 pupils in one week.
    Days Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
    Boys 2 3 4 5 5
    Girls 2 3 2 4 5
    Which day had the least number of pupils present?
    1. Monday
    2. Tuesday
    3. Friday
    4. Thursday
  50. The graph below shows the journey of a motorist from town K to town M.
    How many kilometres did he cover between 11.00am and 2.30pm? 
    1. 300km
    2. 100km
    3. 200km
    4. 150km











  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. D
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  10. B
  1. D
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. B
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C


  1. Which one of the following numbers is seventy seven thousand seven hundred and seventy seven in figures.
    1. 77,777 
    2. 7,700,070,077
    3. 707,707 
    4. 777,777
  2. The sum of two consecutive numbers is one less than fifty four. What is the greater number.
    1. 27
    2. 25 
    3. 26 
    4. 28
  3. What is 400,002.23 in wards .
    1. Four hundred thousand and two point two three.
    2. Four hundred and twenty three hundredths.
    3. Forty million, two hundred and twenty three.
    4. Four hundred thousand and two, twenty three hundredths
  4. How many groups of 100 are there in the total value of digit 6 in 896423.
    1. 600
    2. 6000
    3. 60
    4. 60000
  5. A square has an area of 3625 m2, find the measurement of one side.
    1. 5/9
    2. 4/5
    3. 81/25 
    4. 145
  6. Work out
    7.5 x 0.25
    1. 15
    2. 1.5
    3. 150
    4. 0.15
  7. Three bells chime at an interval of 8mins, 10mins and 20mins respectively. They rang together at 0012hrs. At what time had they rung again together.
    1. 0052hrs
    2. 00;52pm
    3. 1248hrs
    4. 12:48am
  8. What is the GCD of the numbers 24, 36 and 60
    1. 12
    2. 6
    3. 24
    4. 360
  9. By striding 90cm, 80cm or even 72cm. Atema takes exact number of steps to cross a road. Find the least width of the road in metres.
    1. 720
    2. 3.6
    3. 360
    4. 7.2
  10. Which fraction below is the smallest.
    1. 3/4
    2. 5/8 
    3. 2/3 
    4. 5/6
  11. Osebe spent half of his salary on rent and 1⁄3 of the remainder on food. If he save sh. 6000, how much was his salary.
    1. Sh. 3600
    2. Sh. 18000
    3. Sh. 12000
    4. Sh. 15000
  12. The population of Lupe area increased from 40,000 to 56,000. What was the percentage increase.
    1. 40
    2. 2847
    3. 140
    4. 60
  13. What is 4093.8297 rounded off to the nearest hundredths.
    1. 4093 
    2. 4093.83
    3. 4093.830 
    4. 4093.000
  14. What is 87 rounded off to the nearest ten.
    1. 1000
    2. 100
    3. 9 0
    4. 10000
  15. Floras salary decreased from shs. 12,500 to Shs. 10,500. What was her percentage decrease?
    1. 19% 
    2. 16% 
    3. 119% 
    4. 84%
  16. Write down the sixth number in the series below.
    0.2, 0.3 0.5, 0.7, _____
    1. 1.1 
    2. 0.9 
    3. 1.3
  17. What is the perimeter of the figure below.
    17 auyygduya
    1. 144M
    2. 88M
    3. 176M
    4. 132M
  18. If a farmer fenced the plot below using 3 strands of wire, what length does he require?
    18 uguys
    1. 66m 
    2. 42m
    3. 198m
    4. 756m
  19. A wheel covers a distance of 88m after making 100 revolution . What is the radius of the wheel?
    1. 0.28m 
    2. 2.8m 
    3. 0.14m 
    4. 14m
  20. The radius of a wheel is 14cm. How many kilometres will it travel if it turns 1000 revolution.
    1. 0.88km 
    2. 0.088km
    3. 8.8km 
    4. 880km
  21. Sixty one electrical poles are fixed at an equal distance of 35m, what distance does Shikuku cover if he runs from the first to the last and back.
    1. 4202M 
    2. 2100M
    3. 4200M 
    4. 2101M
  22. The figure below represents Oboy’s plot of land. If he fenced the plot at an interval of 2m. How many poles are needed.
    22 ajbdua
    1. 420
    2. 210
    3. 211
    4. 421
  23. What is the area of the figure below in M2 (π 3.14)
    23 augdya
    1. 56m2
    2. 39 ½ m2
    3. 39 ¼
    4. 95. 25m2
  24. What is the area of the figure below in HM2 (Hectometre).
    24 auguydga
    1. 6HM2
    2. 0.38HM2
    3. 3800HM2
    4. 38HM2
  25. The diagram below represents Aziz’s shamba. What is the size of Aziz shamba in hactares.
    25 aygdya
    1. 3456
    2. 0.36
    3. 0.3456 
    4. 1728
  26. Find the total surface area of the wedge below.
    26 augda
    1. 336cm2
    2. 288cm2
    3. 360cm2
    4. 384cm2
  27. What is the total surface area of the solid shape below.
    27 ayhdya
    1. 368.5m2
    2. 210m2
    3. 578m2
    4. 621.5m2
  28. What is the curved surface area of a cylinder of radius 7cm and height of 22cm.
    1. 1276cm2
    2. 698m2
    3. 308cm2
    4. 968cm2
  29. A tank is 2/5 full of water, after 270L have been drawn off it becomes 1/7 full. Find the capacity of the tank.
    1. 675
    2. 189 
    3. 1050
    4. 1000
  30. If the stack below was dipped in Red dye how many cubes would be painted on 3 faces only _
    30 auhuda
    1. 4
    2. 36 
    3. 9
  31. A van’s mass is 2.8t when empty. It weighs 5t when loaded with 50kg bags of maize. How many bags of maize were loaded.
    1. 100 bags 
    2. 1000 bags
    3. 440 bags 
    4. 44 bags
  32. Soda bottles are packed in a crate. How many such crates are needed to pack 718 bottles.
    1. 28
    2. 29
    3. 30 
    4. 31
  33. Find the percentage profit on an item which is bought for sh. 800 and sold for 980.
    1. 8849%
    2. 10%
    3. 181849%
    4. 2212%
  34. Njeri a business lady is paid shs. 500 for a blouse after getting a discount of shs. 100. What was the percentage discount.
    1. 1623
    2. 20%
    3. 25%
    4. 500%
  35. Sammy is paid a commission of 11% on the value of goods sold. In a month he sold goods worth shs. 180,000. How much did he get?
    1. Shs. 19500
    2. Shs. 160200
    3. Shs. 140000 
    4. Shs. 1800
  36. The marked price of an ink jet is Shs. 7000. Ongwae paid a deposit of Kshs. 1300 and 10 monthly instalment of shs. 600. What was the hire purchase?
    1. Shs. 7200 
    2. Shs. 9100
    3. Shs. 14300 
    4. Shs. 7300
  37. Tsisika deposited Shs. 5000 in a bank which paid simple interest of the rate of 12% P.a. After one year, she closed the account. How much money did she withdraw?
    1. Sh. 11200 
    2. Sh. 600
    3. Sh. 5600
    4. Sh. 4400
  38. A watch loses 5 seconds every one hour. If it was set right on Wednesday at 10;30am. What time will it show the following Wednesday at 10.30am.
    1. 10.44am
    2. 10.16am
    3. 10.14pm
    4. 10.14am
  39. An athletee took 20 seconds to run a 200m race, what was his average speed in kilometres per hour.
    1. 10kh/hr 
    2. 36km/hr
    3. 24km/hr 
    4. 8km/hr
  40. If a thermometer reading of a frozen mass of ice is -9ºC and is warmed to 19ºC. calculate the rice in temperature.
    1. 28ºC
    2. 10ºC 
    3. -10ºC
    4. -28ºC
  41. Draw a triangle XYZ in which XY=YZ=6cm and angle YXZ = 600. Draw a circle that passes through the three vertices X, Y and Z. What is twice its radius.
    1. 3.5cm 
    2. 7cm
    3. 14cm
    4. 1.8cm
  42. Construct a triangle ABC such that AB=BC=6cm and angle ABC = 80º. Draw aperpendicular line from B to meet AC at point X. drop another perpendicular line from C to meet BX at Y. What is the size of angle BYC.
    1. 40º 
    2. 50º 
    3. 80º 
    4. 130º
  43. Juma used a ladder to paint the top of the wall. He placed the bottom of the ladder 0.5m away from the wall. The ladder touched the wall at a height of 1.2m. what was the length of the ladder.
    1. 1.3m 
    2. 13m 
    3. 0.7m 
    4. 3m
  44. What is the sum of the vertices and edges of the triangular prism.
    1. 11 
    2. 12 
    3. 16
    4. 15
  45. Simplify the algebraic expression.
    2(2a+b) -3(a-b+3)
    1. A-b-9
    2. 7a+5b+9
    3. a+5b-9
    4. a-b-9
  46. What is the value of X in the equation 5x – 2(x+1) = 4
    1. 2⁄3 
    2. -2
  47. Peris is twice as old as Jane. Their total age is 21 years. How old was Peris 5 years ago.
    1. 14 yrs 
    2. 9 yrs
    3. 7 yrs
    4. 2 yrs
  48. On a map a rectangular piece of land measures 8cm by 6cm. If the scale used on the map is 1:1000. Find the actual area of the plot in heactares.
    1. 4.8ha 
    2. 48ha 
    3. 0.48ha 
    4. 480ha
  49. Increase 720 in the ratio 5:3.
    1. 1200 
    2. 450 
    3. 3600 
    4. 2160
  50. Thirty men can do a job in 5 hours. How many less men can do the same job in 15 hours.
    1. 10 
    2. 20 
    3. 25 
    4. 5


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