Displaying items by tag: Creative Arts & Social Studies


  1. Grade 4 want to draw a table and a chair. Which one they don't need?
    1. drawing book
    2. pencil
    3. rubber
    4. crayon
  2. This item below is made from
    1. clay soil
    2. plastic
    3. glass
    4. metal
  3. Which one is NOT needed when doing leaf printing?
    1. ink
    2. white paper
    3.  fresh leaf
    4.  pencil
  4.                    is the application of 
    1.  painting
    2. Drawing 
    3.  Printing 
    4. Shading
  5. Which one is correctly matched with its colour? 
    1. Bread    -       Green 
    2. Charcoal  -     Brown
    3. Fresh leaf -      Green
    4. Water          -   Blue
  6. Which one is NOT needed to draw a human form?
    1. Gluc
    2. Crayon
    3. pencil
    4. Drawing book
  7. Which one is a curved line ?
  8. Grade 4 learners want to cut small pictures and paste them on the wall .which tool can the use ?
    1. panga 
    2. scissors
    3. glue
    4. crayon
  9. Which item can be used to apply pain on a wall
    1. Duster
    2. brush
    3. stick
    4. water
  10. Shoe we wear are made from 
    1. Leather 
    2. Plants 
    3. Metals
    4. Items


  1. The food crop grown in Sele County is:-
    1. Coffee
    2. Millet 
    3. Maize
    4. Rice
  2. People in sele county pray in
    1. Fiday 
    2. Surtaday 
    3. Sunday 
    4. Thursday
  3. Lake Ndori is found  to the                of  Sele County  
    1. North West
    2. South West 
    3. North East 
    4. South East 
  4. Who is the head of Sele County ?
    1. Cheif 
    2. Police 
    3. Governor
    4. County Officer
  5. Which one is missing in Sele County 
    1. School 
    2. Market 
    3. Stadium 
    4. Road
  6. Which road sign is ahown below?
    1. Bridge 
    2. Railway line 
    3. Pedestrian crossing 
    4. School ahead 
  7. Which one is NOT a source of water?
    1. Tap 
    2. River 
    3. Lake 
    4. Swamp 
  8. What  does "amber" mean in traffic lights ?
    1. Get ready 
    2. Run 
    3. Stop 
    4. Go
  9. Kendi's mother makes uniform and repairs clothes she is a ?
    1. Nurse 
    2. Tailor 
    3. Teacher 
    4. Carpenter 
  10.                   is an animal tha carries heavy goods 
    1. dog 
    2. bull
    3. donkey
    4. goat
  11. Which diresction is Q
    1. North East
    2. East Noth
    3. North Noth
    4. North west 
  12.                  is a person who you  dont know  
    1. Visitor 
    2. Tourist
    3. Stranger 
    4. Neighbour
  13. A group of people who leave in the same area make ?
    1. Villangers
    2. Community 
    3. Tribe 
    4. School
  14. Farmers grow their crops during 
    1. windy 
    2. Cloudy
    3. Sunny 
    4. Rainy 
  15. We should                  light that they are not  in use 
    1. Switch off 
    2. Switch on 
    3. Leave 
    4. destroy 
  16. Which colour is found at the bottom of our national flag ?
    1. White 
    2. Black 
    3. Green 
    4. Red
  17. We use                        to put fire out when there is fire out break.
    1. Water 
    2. soil
    3. First Aid 
    4.  Fire Extinguisher
  18. We light  our homes using electric 
    1. stove 
    2. heater 
    3. gas
    4. bulb 
  19. Wich  one is a poisonous plant
    1.  maize 
    2. pea 
    3. sodom apple 
    4. castor oil 
  20.  Which physical feature  is shown below ?
    1. Valley 
    2. Mountains
    3. Lake 
    4. River 


  1. Lullaby songs are mainly to ;-
    1. God 
    2. Our leaders 
    3. Make babies sleep
    4. celebrate harvest
  2.  The meatal part of the musical instrument below marked R are called ?
    1. Shakers 
    2. Wires 
    3. Bottle tops
    4. rattles
  3. A song performed by Grade 4 learners from a ;-
    1. duet 
    2. solo 
    3. choral 
    4. entertainment
  4. A descant recorder is played by ;-
    1. blowing 
    2. hitting 
    3. bowing 
    4. pluckings 
  5. Which musical not is this ?
    1. Quanver
    2. minim
    3. semibreve
    4. crotchet
  6. The softness or loudness of  sound is called ;-
    1. Noise
    2. Volume 
    3. pitch
    4. Tempo 
  7. Grade 4 learners sang songsto praise sam cultures of their community. These songs are              songs.
    1.  patriotic 
    2. sacred
    3.  folk
    4. lullaby
  8. Which one is an odd one out?
    1. Guitar
    2.  flute
    3. horn
    4. descant recorder
  9. The Kenya National Anthem has                Verses.
    1. two .
    2. three 
    3. four
    4. five
  10. The clothes dancers wear when forming are called 
    1. leso
    2. uniform 
    3. necklaces
    4. costumes


  1. God created                 our to help us see things.
    1.  Noses
    2. Ears
    3. Eyes
    4. Heads 
  2. God sent Adam and Eve out of the garden
    1. Eden .
    2. Fruits
    3. Juda
    4. Knowledge
  3. Which book is NOT found in the New Testament?
    1.  Luke 
    2. Acts
    3. Exodus
    4. Mark
  4. "God sent me to a town called "Nineveh."  Who was I?
    1. Daniel 
    2. Samson
    3. Elisha
    4. Jonah
  5. Who was NOT thrown into fire?
    1. Abednego 
    2. Daniel 
    3. Meshack
    4. Shadrack 
  6. How many people did jesus feed using 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish?
    1. 12
    2. 4000
    3. 500
    4. 5000
  7. Ananias and saphira were punished because  theey were 
    1. Honest 
    2. Greedy 
    3. Faithful
    4. Dishonest
  8. Prophet Elisha was going to                   When he saw boys who called him with bad names ?
    1. jericho 
    2. bethany 
    3. Capernaum
    4. jerusalem
  9. Which one is NOT  a fruit of the Holy spirit 
    1. Kindness 
    2. Joy
    3. Faith 
    4. Love 
  10. The mother if jacob was?
    1. Sarah 
    2. Elizabeth 
    3. Naomi 
    4. Rebecca


  1. Which one of the following is nit a surah in the Holly Quran ?
    1. Al-Fiyl
    2. Fatiha 
    3. Rajab 
    4. Dhuha
  2. Prophet muhammad was given the holy book of 
    1. Quran 
    2. Injeel 
    3. Taurat
    4. Zabour 
  3. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received his wahyi at ;-
    1. Cave Hira 
    2. Mt Sinai
    3. Mt Olive 
    4. Thabrib
  4. Which word is related to worship ?
    1. Juma's
    2. Dua
    3. Zakkat 
    4. Ibadah
  5. Which  one of the following is ampillar of islam?
    1. Zakkat 
    2. Hajj
    3. Shahada
    4. Salah
  6. Which one of the following surahs is also called "The opening chapter "?
    1. Al-Nasr 
    2. Al-Wahid
    3. Al-Kariim
    4. Al-Fatiha
  7. Which one of the following is an example of  medium najis?
    1. Vomit
    2. dog
    3. locust
    4. pig
  8. Which of the following is a virtue?
    1. Rudness
    2. Kindness
    3. Selfishness
    4. Pride
  9. Taking Wudhu before swalah is important because it makes us;-
    1. pray hard 
    2. look holy 
    3. be clean 
    4. be forgiven 
  10. Which of the following attributes of Allah (SW) means the king if kings
    1. Al-Samia
    2. Al-Basir
    3. Al-Aalim
    4. Al-Malik



  1. D
  2. A
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. B
  10. A


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. A
  16. D
  17. D
  18. D
  19. C
  20. A


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. D
  7. D
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D


  1. C
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D



  1. When practising crayon etching, we use
    1. a sharp object.
    2. plasticine.
    3. clay.
    4. cotton wool.
  2. A teacher asked some learners the use of a pencil case. Here are their responses:
    Komu: keeping painting brushes.
    Kambua: storing blades.
    Wamae: carrying pencils.
    Mtindi: keeping finished leather work.
    Who among the learners was correct?
    1. Komu
    2. Mtindi
    3. Kambua
    4. Wamae
  3. All the following cannot be kept in an expandable folder except
    1. painting materials.
    2. crayons.
    3. files.
    4. papers.
  4. Which of the following forms displays smudge technique?
    4 aygduyagduya
  5. Which of the following is not a secondary colour?
    1. Blue
    2. Green
    3. Orange
    4. Violet
  6. All the following crafts cannot be made using twine technique. Which one can?
    6 auygduyada
  7. Which of the following pairs of items may be needed for montage?
    1.  Adhesive, nails.
    2. Picture cut outs, glue.
    3. A pair of scissors, paper.
    4. Leather, manila paper.
  8. Which one of the following puppets can wing stringe?
    1. Glove puppet
    2. Rod puppet
    3. Marionette
    4. Stick puppet
  9. The technique of using dots to create light and dark effects on forms is called
    1. smudge.
    2. crayon etching.
    3. cross hatching.
    4. stippling.
  10. Which of the following indigenous crafts is a product of leather work?
    10 aygduyadad


  1. Percussion music instruments can be grouped into
    1.  three
    2. four
    3. five
    4. two
  2. Which one of the following is an example of patriotic songs?
    1. Songs sung for babies.
    2. The National Anthem.
    3. Traditional folk songs.
    4. Gospel songs.
  3. Which of the following musical instruments can be played by shaking?
    13 agduyada
  4. It is important to observe distance when dancing in order to
    1.  come up with new moves.
    2. avoid spreading contagious diseases.
    3. allow free circulation of air.
    4. ensure safety among dancers.
  5. Which of the following lines is found in the chorus of the East African Anthem
    1. Umoja wetu ni nguzo yetu.
    2. Tuijenge jumuiya bora.
    3. Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi.
    4. Tuwezeshe kuishi kwa amani.
  6. Which of the following hand signs represents doh pitch?
    16 atdytadad
  7. The part of a drum that is hit to produce sound is called the
    1. lace.
    2. foot.
    3. resonator.
    4. membrane.
  8. All the following are aspects of folk songs except
    1. occasion.
    2. message.
    3. dancing style.
    4. participants.
  9. Which of the following symbols shows a quaver?
    19 aiuhdiuahda
  10. Which of the following is the role of an instrument in a folk song
    1. Guiding and leading other performers.
    2. Playing the instruments.
    3. Decorating dancers by adorning their bodies.
    4. Being a role model to the other performers.


  1. Below is a type of population distribution.
    21 auydguyada
    The population distribution can be described as
    1. linear.
    2. dense.
    3. sparse.
    4. nucleated.
  2. The following are characteristics of a climatic region in Kenya.
    1. Experiences annual rainfall between 1800mm-2000mm.
    2. Experienced in the highland areas.
    3. Experiences temperatures ranging between 18°C-23°C
      The climatic region described above is likely to be
      1. equatorial of the coast and the lake basin.
      2. mountain and highland.
      3. modified tropical highland.
      4. savannah.
  3. Which of the following countries does not border Kenya to any side?
    1. Ethiopia
    2. Sudan
    3. Somalia
    4. Rwanda
  4. The following are economic activities carried out in various counties in our country:
    1. Lumbering
    2. Fishing
    3. Farming
    4. Basketry
      Which among the economic activities listed above can be made possible using timber?
      1. i
      2. ii
      3. iv
      4. iii
  5. Which of the following is an example of build up environments?
    1. Swamps
    2. Valleys
    3. Monuments
    4. Forests
  6.  Who among the following school administrators takes minutes in the Board of Management meetings in a public primary school in Kenya?
    1. Deputy head teacher.
    2. Head teacher.
    3. Senior teacher.
    4. School sponsor.
  7. All the following are Eastern Cushites except
    1. Oromo.
    2. Bajuni.
    3. Rendile.
    4. Borana.
  8. Which of the following helps to manage time in school?
    1. A classroom register.
    2. A school motto.
    3. School core values.
    4. A school routine.
  9. In the past, children learnt from the elders through all the following except
    1. stories
    2. provers.
    3. notes.
    4. riddles.
  10. Which of the following methods of fishing shows long lining?
    30 aouhdada
  11. Which of the following actions can help reduce the rate of road accidents in our country?
    1. Reduction of transport fare.
    2. Increament of traffic officers' salaries.
    3. Creating awareness on the importance of obeying traffic rules.
    4. Tarmacking all major roads in the country.

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 32-35.

32 ayudguyada

  1. Which of the following communities migrated into Kenya using the route marked Z?
    1. Luo
    2. Gabbra
    3. Kalenjin
    4. Abakuria
  2. The climatic region marked T is
    1. modified equatorial climate.
    2. mediterranean climate.
    3. mountain climate.
    4. equatorial climate.
  3. The country marked R is
    1. Sudan.
    2. Eritrea.
    3. Djibouti
    4. Ethiopia
  4. The feature labelled S is the
    1. Red sea.
    2. Suez canal.
    3. Horn of Africa.
    4. Gulf of Eden.


  1. Which one of the following is a form of leisure?
    1. Working hard in school.
    2. Resting.
    3. Participating in a school choir.
    4. Maintaining physical fitness.
  2. The type of marriage presided over by a government official is called
    1. customary marriage
    2. Christian marriage
    3. civil marriage.
    4. traditional marriage.
  3. Jesus raised a widow's son in
    1. Timnah.
    2. Galilee.
    3. Nain.
    4. Samaria.
  4. How many stones did Elijah use to built an altar during the battle with the prophets of Beal?
    1. 7
    2. 3
    3. 5
    4. 12
  5. The story of Balaam and his donkey teaches Christian value of
    1. obedience.
    2. honesty.
    3. trust.
    4. faith.
  6. Which of the following pairs of books is found in the Old Testament?
    1. Jude, Titus
    2. James, Mark
    3. Timothy, Ezra
    4. Zephania, Haggai
  7. The birth of Jesus Christ was announced by
    1. John the Baptist.
    2. Isaiah
    3. angel Gabriel
    4. the shepherds
  8. During the Eucharist,
    1. the disciples spoke in strange tongues.
    2. Jesus pointed out His betrayer.
    3. a voice was heard from heaven.
    4. darkness covered the whole land.
  9. Your friend has a habit of breaking into his classmates' desks and picking their property. As a Christian, how best can you advise him?
    1. Tell him to do it secretly.
    2. Encourage him to keep it up.
    3. Tell him why it is wrong to steal.
    4. Tell him to steal once in a while.
  10. All the following are not possible causes of child labour except 
    1. poverty.
    2. pride.
    3. physical fitness.
    4. strict parents.
  11. We can take good care of the environment by
    1. helping the less fortunate members of the society.
    2. planting and taking good care of trees.
    3. visiting children's homes.
    4. laying hands on the sick.
  12. All the following are lessons from the parable of talents except
    1. we should use our God given talents well
    2. it is everybody's responsibility to know their talents.
    3. our talents will be taken away if we don't use them.
    4. God will ask how we used the talents He gave us.
  13. Who among the following was John the Baptist's father?
    1. Ananias
    2. Obed
    3. Zecharia
    4. Jesse
  14. Njiwa always follows her guardians' rules. Njiwa can therefore be described as
    1. honest.
    2. kind.
    3. trustworth.
    4. obedient.
  15. Which Christian value did Bartmacous portray before his healing?
    1. Blindness
    2. Tolerance
    3. Faith
    4. Patience


  1. Surah Alaq was revealed by the prophet at cave
    1. Hira
    2. Thaur
    3. Hur
    4. Badr
  2. The surah that Bismillahi is one of the verses is
    1. Nas
    2. Fatiha
    3. Ikhlas
    4. Fiyl 
  3. The sunnah prayer performed after Isha during the month of Ramadhan is
    1. Dhuha.
    2. Taraweh.
    3. Tahajud.
    4. Asr.
  4. Isra-Wal-Miraj took place
    1. at night.
    2. in the morning.
    3. at midday.
    4. in the evening.
  5. Surah Ikhlas was revealed in
    1. Yathrib.
    2. Madina.
    3. Saudia.
    4. Makkah.
  6. Surah Al-Humazah does not speak about
    1. slandering.
    2. backbiting.
    3. piling wealth.
    4. hygiene.
  7. Allah rewards us according to our
    1. tribes.
    2. faith.
    3. deeds.
    4. races.
  8. Nabii Yusuf (AS) was the son of
    1. Nabii Ibrahim.
    2. Ya'qub.
    3. Yunus.
    4. Ismail.
  9. Removing harmful objects from the way is an example of
    1. swalah.
    2. swaum.
    3. swadaqah.
    4. communication.
  10. According to prophet's hadith on greetings, a person who starts greeting the others is closest to
    1. paradise.
    2. angels.
    3. jahanam.
    4. Allah.
  11. The angel responsible for taking souls is called angel
    1. Israfil.
    2. Atid.
    3. Izrai.
    4. Mikail.
  12. Muslims normally give swadaqah to earn
    1. thawabs.
    2. a living.
    3. pride.
    4. attention.
  13. The prayers said before fardh prayers are called
    1. Witr.
    2. Ba'adiyah.
    3. Qabliyah.
    4. Taraweh.
  14. Allah's attribute that means The all knowing is
    1. Al-Ghaffar
    2. Al-Wahiid
    3. Al-Aalim
    4. Al-Hakim
  15. Any bad deed in Islam should be followe by
    1. another bad deed.
    2. a good deed.
    3. forgiveness.
    4. the same kind of deed.

Marking Scheme
