Displaying items by tag: End of Term 3


Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 1-5.
(Ni wakati wa mapumziko mafupi. Koi na Rao wameketi chini ya mti wakiwatazama wenzao wakicheza uwanjani.)

Koi: Sijui ni kwa nini siku hizi maradhi yanayohusiana na vyakula vichafu yamekuwa mengi hivi. Licha ya Roda, hata Hamisi anaendesha. (Akirusha jiwe dogo mbali kidogo)

Rao: (Akionyesha uso wa mshangao.) Ala! Hata Hamisi anaugua? Ndiyo maana hawakuja shuleni leo.(Muda unapita)Lakini kuna njia kadhaa za kupambana na magonjwa ya tumbo.

Koi: Ni kweli Rao. Kabla ya kula, ni sharti tuinawe mikono ili kuondoa uchafu. Mikono aidha hustahili kusafishwa kila baada ya kutoka msalani kujisaidia.

Rao: Naam, vyakula viliwavyo bila kupikwa kama vile matunda hustahili kuoshwa vizuri kabla ya kula. (Wamezama katika mawazo)

Koi: Nakumbuka pia mwalimu Kazamoyo akitushauri kupika vyakula kama vile nyama hadi viive vizuri.

Rao: Kwa nini Koi? (Akimsogelea)

Koi: Nyama ambayo haijapikwa ikapikika huweza kuwa na viini hatari vinavyoweza kusababisha maradhi mabaya ya tumbo.

Rao: Lo! Nitazingatia haya yote ili niwe salama. Sitaki kukaa nyumbani kwa ajili ya ugonjwa ilhali mtihani unakaribia. (Kengele inakirizwa. Wanaamka kuelekea
darasani mwao)

Koi: Leo jioni baada ya masomo, tupitie kwa kina Roda na Hamisi ili kuwajulia hali, sawa? (Rao anakubali kwa ishara ya kichwa)

  1. Moja kati ya magonjwa yanayozungumziwa hapa ni
    1. malaria. 
    2. UKIMWI. 
    3. kuendesha. 
    4. kifafa.
  2. Wanafunzi wanaougua ni 
    1. Koi na Hamisi.
    2. Rao na Koi. 
    3. Roda na Rao. 
    4. Hamisi na Roda.
  3. Inawezekana kuwa msalani ni 
    1. chooni. 
    2. shuleni. 
    3. darasani. 
    4. uwanjani.
  4. Kulingana na mazungumzo haya, nyama ambayo haijapikwa vizuri huweza kuwa na · 
    1. ladha ya kuvutia.
    2. viini hatari. 
    3. rangi ya kuvutia. 
    4. harufu nzuri mno.
  5. Baada ya kengele kukirizwa, Rao na Koi 
    1. waliwatembelea Roda na Hamisi. 
    2. walielekea uwanjani. 
    3. walikaa chini ya mti. 
    4. walielekea darasani. 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 6 hadi 8.
Mimi na familia yangu tunaishi katika nyumba kubwa sana. Mimi ndimi mtoto wa pekee katika familia yangu, yaani, sina dada wala kaka. Baba yangu ni mwalimu katika shule ya msingi ya Nyotanjema naye mama yangu ni mwuguzi katika hospitali ya Ponaupesi. Baba yangu anayo magari mawili, moja jekundu na jingine jeusi. Hata hivyo, mara nyingi yeye hulitumia lile jeusi. Yeye hunipeleka shuleni kila asubuhi.
Ninaye mbwa nimpendaye. Mbwa huyo anaitwa Papi. Kila Jumamosi, mimi humwosha na kuyachana manyoya yake. Ingawa mimi ndimi mtoto wa pekee, sijihisi mpweke. Ninao wazazi na mbwa ambao huwa nami ninapowahitaji.

  1. Kulingana na taarifa, si kweli kusema kuwa 
    1. mwandishi hana dada. 
    2. katika nyumba hiyo, kunao watu watatu tu.
    3. mwandishi humsafisha mbwa wake kila siku. 
    4. mwandishi hajihisi mpweke.
  2. Baba wa mwandishi ana
    1. magari mawili na nyumba kubwa. 
    2. gari moja jeusi na mbwa mmoja.
    3. mbwa na gari jekundu. 
    4. nyumba kubwa na mbwa.
  3. Papi ni
    1. paka wa mwandishi. 
    2. mbwa. 
    3. rafiki wa mwandishi. 
    4. mama wa mwandishi.
  4. Ni nani huwa na mwandishi anapokuwa mpweke? 
    1. Marafiki zake. 
    2. Watu wa ukoo wake. 
    3. Mbwa wake na wazazi wake. 
    4. Mbwa wake.

Soma kifungu kafuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 10 hadi 12.
Jumamosi hiyo ni moja kati ya zile ambazo siwezi kuzisahau. Ilikuwa asubuhi angavu. ve joto kiasi na upepo uliovuma kwa maringo ya tausi jike. Huko juu, ndege waliimba na kuruka ovyo kutoka tawi hadi tawi. Hakika, ilikuwa ni siku ambayo wenyeji wa Kokotoa walikuwa wameisubiri kwa hamu.
Chaurembo na Ramadhani wangefunga ndoa. Harusi yenyewe ilikuwa katika kanisa la Hosana. Maarusi walipofika, watu walikusanyika wakiimba na kucheza kwa furaha. Baada ya harusi, wageni walikula na kunywa kwa furaha. Baadaye, kila mmoja alijiendea zake akiwa na furaha tele.

  1. Kulingana na kifungu, harusi hii ilikuwa lini? 
    1. Jumapili. 
    2. Jumamosi. 
    3. Jumatatu. 
    4. Ijumaa.
  2. Mwandishi wa taarifa hii ana maana gani anaposema huko juu
    1. Mtini. 
    2. Majini.
    3. Kanisani. 
    4. Nyumbani.
  3. Watu walikusanyika, kuimba na kucheza 
    1. baada ya kula na kunywa. 
    2. wakienda nyumbani. 
    3. maarusi walipoingia.
    4. nyumbani kwao. 

Soma kifungu kafuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 13 hadi 15.
Dukakuu la Tulizo liko katika kaunti ya Konambaya. Ingawa kunayo madukakuu mengine, Tulizo ndilo kubwa zaidi. Limejengwa kando ya barabara kuu ya Jogoo katikati ya kituo cha polisi cha Pingu na soko la Malimali. Mwenye duka hilo anaitwa bwana Sahara. Bwana Sahara amewaajiri wafanyakazi sita. Wengi wao ni wanaume. Hata hivyo, wanawake wachache waliomo hufanya kazi nyepesi nyepesi tu.
Bwana Sahara huhakikisha kuwa wateja wote wamehudumiwa vyema. Huwataka waende wakiwa wameridhika, Wakazi wengi hulipenda duka hili la bwana Sahara kwa sababu humo, wao hupata kila wanachohitaji kutoka unga hadi matunda

  1. Kulingana na habari, ni kweli kusema kuwa
    1. kunayo maduka mengine makubwa Konambaya. 
    2. barabara ya Jogoo iko kati ya soko na kituo cha polisi. 
    3. bwana Sahara hawezi kufanya kazi peke yake dukani mle. 
    4. kuna bidhaa chache dukani Tulizo.
  2. Dukakuu la Tulizo limejengwa 
    1. kando ya barabara kuu ya Jogoo. 
    2. nyuma ya soko la Malimali. 
    3. mbele ya kituo cha poliso cha Pingu. 
    4. juu ya kaunti ya Konambaya.
  3. Wakazi wanalipenda duka hili kwa kuwa 
    1. bidhaa huuzwa kwa bei rahisi. 
    2. wanunuzi hupata bidhaa wanazohitaji.
    3. bwana Sahara hupenda wateja wake wakifurahi. 
    4. kuna unga na matunda kwa wingi. 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa tamu ilinukia.

Fisi _____16_____ na njaa, aliamua kuelekea sehemu ambayo harufu ya _____17_____ yake, Alipofika katika njiapanda, hakujua aelekee kushoto au_____18_____ .Kwa ajili ya _____19_____ aliamua kuzifuata njia zote mbili. Hapo ndipo alipasuka na_____20_____ papo hapo.

    1. alipozidi
    2. alizidisha
    3. alipozidishwa
    4. alipozidiwa
    1. chakula
    2. mate
    3. nyama
    4. viazi
    1.  kulia
    2. kucheka
    3. katikati
    4. nyuma
    1. bidii 
    2. tamaa
    3. utamu
    4. kutamani
    1. kula
    2. kushiba
    3. kufufuka
    4. kufa

Katika suala 21-30. jibu swali kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Kitenzi shinda katika kauli ya kutendwa huwa 
    1. shindana.
    2. shindwa.
    3. shindika.
    4. shindiwa.
  2. Chagua orodha ya wanyama wa porini pekee. 
    1. Ngiri, kifaru, twiga.
    2. Punda, ngiri, mbogo. 
    3. Paa, ndovu, ngamia.
    4. Nguruwe, paka, mbwa.
  3. Shida ni kwa tatizo kama vile televisheni ni kwa
    1. redio.
    2. rununu.
    3. runinga.
    4. barua
  4. Ni upi wingi wa: Kiazi kilipikwa kikaiva? 
    1. Viazi zilipikwa zikaiva. 
    2. Viazi vilipikwa vikaiva. 
    3. Kiazi zilipikwa zikaiva. 
    4. Viazi ilipikwa ikaiva.
  5. Chagua neno ambalo halipo katika ngeli ya LI-LI. 
    1. Jani.
    2. Joto!
    3. Jua
    4. Jasho.
  6. Mchungwa huzaa machungwa. Mnazi huzaa
    1. nanasi.
    2. minazi
    3. mnanasi.
    4. nazi
  7. Kamilisha methali ifuatayo: Mtoto umleavyo ndivyo
    1. akuavyo. 
    2. akuwapo
    3. achezavyo.
    4. aliavyo
  8. Bendera ya taifa letu inazo rangi ngapi? 
    1. Tano.
    2. Nne
    3. Tatu.
    4. Mbili
  9. Mstari mmoja katika ubeti wa shairi huitwa
    1. mshororo
    2. sentensi
    3. mizani
    4. kibwagizo
  10. Wazazi wachache tu ndio waliofika mkutanoni. Neno lililopigiwa mstari ni
    1. kielezi.
    2. kiunganishi.
    3. kiwakilishi
    4. kivumishi.


swa ms timer


  1. 964 vehicles were recorded at Makutano junction. What is this number in words?
    1. Nine hundred and forty six. 
    2. Nine hundred and sixty four. 
    3. Six hundred and ninety four.
    4. Six hundred and forty nine.
  2. What is the total value of the underlined digit in the number 24 936? 
    1. Thousands. 
    2. 400. 
    3. 4000. 
    4. 40 000.
  3. A lorry carried eight hundred and ninety seven iron sheets. How many iron sheets were these in symbols? 
    1. 978 
    2. 879 
    3. 987 
    4. 897
  4. Round off 857 to the nearest ten
    1. 800
    2. 860 
    3. 850 
    4. 900
  5. The number of male voters was 5 565 while that of female voters was 3 479. What was the total number of voters?
    1. 9044 
    2. 9 054 
    3. 9 144 
    4. 9 154
  6. Out of 2 642 sacks of maize harvested, 1 349 were sold and the rest kept in the store. How many sacks were kept in the store? 
    1. 3 991
    2. 3 981 
    3. 1 293
    4. 1 283
  7. Musa had 7 balloons to decorate a tent during a wedding ceremony. 3 of the balloons were pink and the rest were blue. What part of the balloons were blue?
    1. 3/7
    2. 4/7
    3. 7/10
    4. 3/10
  8. Work out:
    1. 90
    2. 72 
    3. 9
  9. A class of 35 learners was told to bring 11 beads each. How many beads were brought altogether? 
    1. 385 
    2. 46 
    3. 375 
    4. 305
  10. In the number 3.486, which digit is in the hundredths place value? 
    1. 8
    2. 4

Use the map below to answer the following questions
11 12 ada

  1. Kingi walked from the classroom to the staffroom through the flagpost. What distance did he cover?
    1. 20m 
    2. 50m
    3. 70m
    4. 120m
  2. How far is it from the flagpost to the staffroom than from the classroom to the staffroom in centimetres?
    1. 500cm
    2. 50cm
    3. 5cm
    4. 95cm

Study the figure below and use it to answer the following questions.
13 adadad

  1. How many rows are there in the figure above?
    1. 5
    2. 10
    3. 15
    4. 50
  2. How many columns can you count?
    1. 15
    2. 50
    3. 10
    4. 5
  3. Amunga is 29kg and his younger sister is 18kg. What is their total mass?
    1. 11kg
    2. 57kg
    3. 48kg
    4. 47kg
  4. How many half kilograms are there in 20kg?
    1. 40
    2. 10 
    3. 80
  5. Work out:
    68kg - 39kg = ................
    1. 28kg
    2. 38kg
    3. 29kg 
    4. 39kg
  6. Which one of the following shows an example of a want?
    18 adada
  7. A lesson started at the time shown on the clockface below.
    19 dadad
    If the lesson lasted for 35 minutes, at what time did it end? 
    1. 8.15
    2. 8.05
    3. 8.40
    4. 8.40
  8. How many minutes are there in 3 hours? 
    1. 60
    2. 20 
    3. 120
    4. 180
  9. Which one of the following is not a property of a rectangle? 
    1. It is a three sided figure.
    2. Opposite sides are parallel.
    3. It has four angles.
    4. Each angle is a right angle.
  10. Four girls shared z oranges. Which of the following expressions shows the number of oranges cach girl got? 
    1. 4z
    2. 4÷z . 
    3. 4+z
    4. 4-z
  11. Mwamburi was given 15 balloons to share with his friends. p of them were white and 4 of them were blue. How many balloons were white? 
    1. 19
    2. 11
    3. 8
    4. 5
  12. What is the name of the type of line used to draw an oval? 
    1. Curved. 
    2. Zigzag. 
    3. Wavy. 
    4. Straight
  13. What is the next shape in the pattern below?
    25 adadad
    25 2 adadad

The table below shows types and the number of fruits e mother brought home in five days

fruits   number
bananas 15 
apples 13
oranges 10
pinapples 11
mangoes 12
  1. Which two types of fruits added up to a total 252 
    1. Mangoes and apples. 
    2. Oranges and pineapples. 
    3. Bananas and apples. 
    4. Pineapples and apples.
  2.  How many more bananas were brought than oranges?
    1. 15
    2. 10
    3. 5
    4. 25
  3. What was the lowest number of fruits brought that week?
    1. 15
    2. 10
    3. 12
    4. 11
  4. Which type of fruits was the most?
    1. Oranges.
    2. Pineapples.
    3. Apples
    4. Bananas
  5. What was the total number of fruits brought that week? 
    1. 51
    2. 61
    3. 59
    4. 69


maths ms timer


  1. The part of a computer that is used to process data is called the
    1. monitor.
    2. CPU.
    3. mouse.
    4. keyboard.
  2. Which of the following parts of a computer shows a printer?
    2 adadad
  3. For a digital device to operate after connection, there must be
    1. data.
    2. information.
    3. a camera.
    4. power.
  4. Which of the following lists consists of liquids only?
    1. Juice, water, porridge.
    2. Chalk, urine, air. 
    3. Oxygen, tea, stone. 
    4. Charcoal, dust, pencil.
  5. A Grade 4 pupil put a maize cob in water as shown below.
    5 adada
    The maize cob did not go down into the water. The maize cob, therefore, is an example of 
    1. solids.
    2. floaters.
    3. materials
    4. sinkers.
  6. Which one of the following substances will take the shape of the container carrying it? 
    1. Plasticine. 
    2. candle wax
    3. Water.
    4. Bottle top.
  7. The following are characteristics of matter:
    1. No definite shape.
    2. Have definite volumes.
    3. Definite mass.
    4. Expand when heated.
      Which pair of characteristics applies to all states of matter?
      1. i, ii
      2. i, iii
      3. iii, iv
      4. ii, iv
  8. During an experiment, Grade four pupils set up an experiment as shown below.
    8 adadad
    What was the conclusion after the experiment?
    1. Air expands when heated. 
    2. Air has mass. 
    3. Air contracts when cooled.
    4. Matter has volume. 
  9. Which of the following statements is true about pollution? 
    1. Polluted water can lead to waterborne diseases. 
    2. Polluted water has harmful substances. 
    3. Smoke and bad smell pollute water.
    4. Polluted water can lead to coughs. 
  10. Which of the following types of teeth shows a premolar?
    10 adadada

The following chart shows a part of the classification of animals.
11 sdsfsfs

  1. Which of the following animals can be used to replace R?
    1. Housefly.
    2. Millipede.
    3. Hen.
    4. Spider.
  2. Which animal was wrongly grouped?
    1. Frog.
    2. Fish.
    3. Snake.
    4. Butterfly.
  3. In the human digestive system, absorption of water and mineral salts takes place in the
    1. rectum.
    2. small intestines.
    3. mouth
    4. large intestines.
  4. All animals
    1. make their own food.
    2. lay eggs. 
    3. die.
    4. give birth to live young ones.
  5. We can take good care of our animals by
    1. watering them.
    2. naming them. 
    3. slaughtering them. 
    4. overworking them.


  1. Below is a domestic animal reared in Kenya.
    16 adada
    The animal above
    1. provides milk for the farmer.
    2. gives quality meat. 
    3. offers services to the farmer. 
    4. gives the farmer quality wool.
  2. Which one of the following is an example of cereals?
    17 adada
  3. Which of the following vegetables gives us food from its roots? 
    1. Spinach. 
    2. Carrots.
    3. Onions.
    4. Sukumawiki. 
  4. All the following are vegetables except 
    1. kales.
    2. cabbage..
    3. tomatoes. 
    4. barley. 
  5. The structure drawn below was seen in Mkulima's garden.
    20 adada
    The structure drawn above is known as a
    1. seedbed. 
    2. container garden. 
    3. cash crop. 
    4. watering can.
  6. Study the crossword puzzle below.
    21 asddadd
    Which of the following farm tools is not in the grid above? 
    1. Rake.
    2. jembe
    3. Spade.
    4. panga
  7. All the following are needed for the preparation of compost manure except 
    1. ash and maize stalks. 
    2. kitchen refuse and grass. 
    3. polythene papers and glass. 
    4. farmyard manure and top soil.
  8. The type of soil which holds the least amount of water is used for
    1. building. 
    2. farming.
    3. decoration.
    4. modelling.
  9. Which one of the following is not a use of water in the farm?
    1. Irrigation. 
    2. watering animals
    3. Cooking.
    4. claening tools
  10. The type of soil with the smallest particles is called
    1. alluvial soil
    2. clay soil.
    3. loam soil
    4. sand soil.


  1. Which of the following foods is not sold in a general grocery?
    1. Onions.
    2. milk
    3. Carrots.
    4. Tomatoes.
  2. Toto ate the following foods for her lunch.
    Chapati + x + beans
    If she ate a balanced diet, what does X represent?
    1. Milk.
    2. meat
    3. Chips.
    4. Cabbage.
  3. Which of the following foods protects us from diseases? 
    28 adadad
  4. When preserving milk,
    1. high standard of cleanliness must be observed.
    2. we should use new sacks. 
    3. we must always use refrigerators. 
    4. it should be dried first.
  5. Choose a list of fragile kitchen utensils.
    1. Plastic cup, cooking stick, sufuria.
    2. Metallic bowl, flask, glass. 
    3. Pot, enamel cup, plastic plate. 
    4. Flask, glass, enamel plate.
  6. Which of the following pairs of foods can be fried?
    1. Mandazi and eggs. 
    2. Milk and chapati. 
    3. Sorghum and rice. 
    4. Millet and bread.
  7. The most common fuel in most rural areas is 
    1. gas.
    2. kerosene. 
    3. firewood. 
    4. charcoal.
  8. Study the pair of shoes drawn below.
    33 aADADA
    The type of shoes drawn above are made of
    1. fabric.
    2. rubber. 
    3. canvas
    4. wool.
  9. Drawn below is a material used for cleaning at home.
    34 adadada
    The material drawn above is called a
    1. jembe.
    2. slasher. 
    3. broom.
    4. rake.
  10. Which one of the following can be used for making a simple ball?
    1. Rags
    2. Metals 
    3. Wires
    4. Stones


  1. Which of the following is common about front crawl, crouch surface dive and standing surface drive? They are all 
    1. practised in the field.
    2. pool activities.
    3. practised the same way.
    4. dangerous.
  2. Over arm pass can be practised in all the following games except
    1. handball.
    2. netball
    3. basketball
    4. football
  3. Study the illustration shown below.
    38 adadada
    The gymnastics move demonstrated above is called
    1. wheelbarrow balance.
    2. shoulder roll. 
    3. headstand. 
    4. handstand.
  4. Which one of the following is not an importance of taking water? It 
    1. lubricates joints.
    2. makes the game easier. 
    3. flushes body wastes.
    4. boosts skin health and beauty.
  5. Which one of the following should be eaten in less than two hours before the game? 
    1. Water. 
    2. Carbohydrates
    3. Proteins
    4. Vitamins.
  6. The technique shown below can be used in frisbee.
    41 adadad
    The skill demonstrated above is called 
    1. one handed rim catch.
    2. single-handed rim catch.
    3. fore hand throw.
    4. back hand throw.
  7. Study the rope work technique shown below.
    42 adadad
    The rope work skill shown above is called 
    1. single bounce
    2. double bounce.
    3. single foot bounce. 
    4. one foot bounce.
  8. When improvising a ball, we lastly
    1. collect the materials we need. 
    2. clean up the working arca. 
    3. tighten the strips around the rags. 
    4. test the ball by kicking it.
  9. Jumping off and landing with both feet together is an activity in 
    1. standing long jump. 
    2. standing start in athletics. 
    3. instep pass in soccer. 
    4. underhand pass.
  10. Following rules and instructions during sports
    1. makes us lose in competitions. 
    2. is not allowed for big boys and girls. 
    3. ensures our safety. 
    4. should be discouraged by all.
  11. Which one of the following moves is not associated with gymnastics?
    1. Egg roll.
    2. Forward roll. 
    3. Eye roll
    4. Backward roll.
  12. Musila saw a player in a position like the one shown below.
    47 adadada
    Which game was the player likely to be playing?
    1. Athletics.
    2. Rounders
    3. Handball.
    4. Jump rope.
  13. When practising head stand, all the following parts touch the ground except the 
    1. left hand. 
    2. head
    3. right hand
    4. legs.
  14. Which one of the following is not a harmful drug used in the community?
    1. Alcohol.
    2. Miraa.
    3. Cigarette.
    4. Juice.
  15. When one wants to learn swimming, it is advisable to use a
    1. floater
    2. net
    3. string
    4. sack


integrated sci ms timer


Read the following conversation and then answer questions 1 to 3.
Teacher: Excuse me class, what is the weather today?
All: The weather today is sunny.
Teacher: You are right. Who knows the activities expected during such weather? (Some learners raise their hands while calling the teacher to select them.) Yes Omari.
Omari: I think during such weather, we can comfortably fly our kites.
Teacher: A good trial Omari. Any other...yes Mwende.
Mwende: (She stands) During such weather, we can dry our clothes and grains.
Teacher: Very good Mwende, one clap for her please. (They clap.)Please sit down. Now, I want us to discuss what happens when the weather is rainy.
Ian: When the weather is rainy, we can do some planting and weeding. Our animals also get enough pasture.
Mary: Yes teacher. We also harvest rain water.
Teacher: Wonderful children. And I think...
Kasuku: Excuse me teacher, when do we need to put on heavy clothes?
Teacher: Who can answer Kasuku? (Silence) Well, Kasuku, we need them when the weather is cold. When you go home today, go and find out what happens when the weather is windy. Put your points down in your note books. I shall check them tomorrow. Goodbye everyone.
All: Goodbye teacher!

  1. Omari said that sunny weather is good for
    1. drying grains. 
    2. flying kites. 
    3. wearing heavy clothes. 
    4. drying clothes.
  2. According to this conversation, during rainy weather, we cannot 
    1. harvest rain water. 
    2. carry out weeding. 
    3. do some planting. 
    4. fly our kites.
  3. Probably, the learners did not answer Kasuku's question because
    1. they did not want her to know the answer.
    2. they wanted the teacher to answer it. 
    3. none of them knew the answer. 
    4. they preferred to be silent.
  4. Where would the learners write their points? In their 
    1. diaries. 
    2. Bibles.
    3. dictionaries.
    4. notebooks.
  5. The teacher told Kasuku that we wear heavy clothes during
    1. cold weather.
    2. rainy seasons.
    3. windy seasons.
    4. wet seasons. 

Read the passage and then answer questions 6 to 2
Jabali had two daughters, Becky and Joan. The girls were twins whose mother died when they were still very young. Their father took care of them very well, teaching them what to do and what to avoid. Becky followed what the father said but Joan did not. Every time, Joan was in a mistake. Becky always reminded her sister of their father's advice but she could not take any word from her. One day, they visited their aunt who received them warmly. She prepared some yams for them. They enjoyed the traditional food. Later, they all went to bed. When the aunt woke up, her smart phone was nowhere to be seen. She asked them who may have seen it. They both denied. Shortly afterwards, a phone was heard ringing in Joans's pocket. She had nowhere to hide her head.

  1. Where was Becky and Joan's mother? She 
    1. had moved to another part of the village. 
    2. had died. 
    3. was in another room. 
    4. had travelled abroad.
  2. We can say that the father in the story was 
    1. caring.
    2. careless. 
    3. strong.
    4. married.
  3. Who was rude according to this story?
    1. Joan 
    2. Becky 
    3. Becky and Joan 
    4. The twins' aunt.
  4. Joan bad nowhere to hide her head because of
    1. theft.
    2. the phone. 
    3. punishment. 
    4. embarrassment. 

Read the passage and then answer questions 10 to 12.
Otoyo was the strongest bull in the whole of Kopokopo village. Other bulls like Yona, Yuda and Nono could not beat him. One evening, Kopokopo elders planned for a bullfight. Mapambano field was full of villagers. They gathered in small groups of upto ten people, each group trying to guess the final result of the bullfight. Most of the people knew about Otoyo's strength, so, they all placed their bets on him. Suddenly, Alfayo, Otoyo's master stood in the middle of Mapambano field together with his champion, Otoyo. Kaparo, Yuda's master moved to the centre with his Yuda. Some elders stood supported by their walking sticks yet some were seated on the grass. Before the challenge started, a heavy rain started falling with big and heavy drops. No one waited. Even the elderly members found their legs out of the field with speed!

  1. Which one of the following statements is true according to the passage? 
    1. Out of the five bulls mentioned, one was the strongest.
    2. Most villagers knew of Otoyo's strength.
    3. Otoyo won the bullfight.
    4. No one was scared by the heavy rain.
  2. Why do you think some elders were supported by their walking sticks? 
    1. They could not stand for long.
    2. Most of them were strong. 
    3. The weather was rainy. 
    4. There was nowhere to sit.
  3. After the rain had started, who was left in Mapambano field? 
    1. Kaparo and his bull. 
    2. Otoyo and his master. 
    3. The elderly members. 
    4. No one was left. 

Read the passage and then answer questions 13 to 15.
Taking care of the environment is very important so as to maintain high standards of hygiene or cleanliness. All the litter around should be picked and thrown in pits. Those that can completely burn should be burnt. Those that can rot should be used to prepare compost manure. Banana peels, leaves and kitchen refuse can easily rot. Some wastes like plastic, glass and metals can be recycled and made into new items. Some that can neither rot, burn out nor be recycled to be buried in deep pits to minimise the chances of accidents. When empty tins are left lying anyhow in the compound, they become mosquito breeding areas when it rains because they collect and keep rain water. These tins should either be buried, recycled or reused.

  1. Why is it important to take care of the environment?
    1. Because it is a national rule.
    2. So that the rate of hygiene is reduced.
    3. To maintain high standards of cleanliness.
    4. So as to breathe contaminated air.
  2. Which of the following materials can all easily rot?
    1. Kitchen refuse, banana peels, leaves.
    2. Glass, leaves, plastic.
    3. Banana peels, kitchen refuse, glass.
    4. Plastic, glass, metals.
  3. For a healthy environment, all the following should be done to empty tins except 
    1. burying.
    2. recycling. 
    3. reusing. 
    4. burning. 

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given.
From the city to my grandmother's village is a long _____16_____I had planned to visit her during the long holiday. When my father gave me the _____17_____, I was very happy. The journey would _____18_____ any day. The following Saturday, I woke up very early in the _____19_____, headed to the stage and boarded a _____20_____

    1. place
    2. distant
    3. distance
    4. road
    1. payment
    2. fare
    3. bill
    4. coins
    1. stop
    2. end
    3. starts
    4. begin
    1. morning
    2. evening
    3. midday
    4. afternoon
    1. bus
    2. train
    3. ship
    4. jet

For questions 21 to 23, select the best conjunction to fill in the blanks.

  1. The patient wanted neither tablet medicines __________injection.
    1. or
    2. and
    3. but
    4. nor
  2. The compound was full of litter we had swept it the previous day. 
    1. because
    2. yet
    3. or
    4. for
  3. She suffered from cholera she did not boil her drinking water.
    1. because
    2. so
    3. but
    4. yet

In questions 24 to 26. change the given positive statements to negative statements.

  1. Farm produce gives the family enough income. Farm produce 
    1. gives the family less income.
    2. does not give the family enough income.
    3. gives the family no income.
    4. does not give the family any income.
  2. I like working in the farm. I
    1. like idling in the farm. .
    2. hate working at home.
    3. don't like working in the farm.
    4. don't like working in school.
  3. We can carry out our activities. We
    1. can carry out their activities. 
    2. cannot carry in our activities.
    3. can carry in their activities.
    4. cannot carry out our activities.

For questions 27 to 30, use the correct word to fill in the blanks.

  1. How__________ sugar did she buy? 
    1. much
    2. any.
    3. many
    4. some
  2. Is there __________pupil in the field?
    1. some
    2. any
    3. much
    4. any
  3. How __________computers are in the lab?
    1. much 
    2. many
    3. any
    4. may
  4. There is __________food in the cupboard.
    1. some
    2. many 
    3. any
    4. most


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  1. Read and write the following number in words;
    4 tens 0 thousands 8 hundreds 0 tens 8 ones
    1. Four thousand eight hundred and eight 
    2. Forty thousand eight hundred and eighty 
    3. Forty thousand eight hundred and eight 
    4. Forty ten thousands eight hundred and eight
  2. Which of the following numbers decreases by 100? 
    1. 4325, 4225, 4125, 4100 
    2. 3379, 3279, 3109, 3009 
    3. 5555, 5455, 5355, 5205 
    4. 7315, 7215, 7115, 7015
  3. During a test five learners scored marks as follows:
    Allan - 385
    Mercy - 407
    Tony - 390
    Patrick - 431
    Stella - 415
    What was the difference between the first and the last pupil?
    1. 30
    2. 23
    3. 46
    4. 24
  4. Griffin bought a bag for sh 799. What was the price of the bag rounded off to the nearest ten. 
    1. 790
    2. 800
    3. 810
    4. 700
  5. A shopkeeper sells plates in groups of six. Which of the following number of spoons can be arranged in groups of 6?
    1. 63
    2. 72
    3. 56
    4. 76
  6. Write the next number in the pattern;
    47, 44, 39, 32,.......
    1. 23
    2. 30
    3. 27
    4. 29
  7. A trader bought two trays of eggs each containing 30 eggs. He sold 13 eggs. How many eggs remained?
    1. 37
    2. 17
    3. 47
    4. 57
  8. A factory processes 10000 packets of milk daily. A trader bought 7345 packets. How many packets remained?
    1. 3345.
    2. 2655
    3. 3655
    4. 2654
  9. The triangular shape below was made using pieces of metal bars.
    9 adada
    What was the total length of the metal bars in metres and centimeres?
    1. 2 m 2 cm
    2. 20 m 20 cm
    3. 2 m
    4. 2m 20 cm
  10. Kerubo bought twelve quarter kg of beans. How many kg of beans did she buy?
    1. 31
    2. 48
    3. 6
    4. 24
  11. Calculate the volume of the given cubes.
    1. 120
    2. 180
    3. 150
    4. 100
  12. Write the place value of digit 8 in the number 53.08. 
    1. Hundredths 
    2. Oneth 
    3. Tenths
    4. Hundreds
  13. Arrange the decimal numbers from the largest to the smallest.
    2.02, 2.20, 2.0, 0.22 
    1. 0.22, 2.0, 2.02, 2.20
    2. 2.20, 2.0, 0.22, 0.22 
    3. 0.22, 2.02, 2.0, 2.20 
    4. 2.20, 2.02, 2.0, 0.22
  14. Calculate the distance round the figure.
    14 adadada
    1. 60 cm 
    2. 95 cm
    3. 120 cm
    4. 240 cm
  15. Work out;
    15 asadada
    1. 1m 74 cm 
    2. 10 m 74 cm
    3. 10 m 14 cm
    4. 13 m 14 cm
  16. Grade Four pupils at Utugi Primary school used a manilla paper to make a model of a shape which would form a box. They made a box which had six equal square faces. The learners made a model of a 
    1. cuboid 
    2. square 
    3. cylinder 
    4. cube
  17. A family uses two half litre packets of milk daily. How many litres of milk will the family use in 10 days? 
    1. 5
    2. 20 
    3. 10
    4. 12
  18. A school PTA meeting took 220 minutes. How many hours and minutes did it take? 
    1. 2 h 20 min 
    2. 3h 40 min
    3. 9h 4 min 
    4. 3h 20 min
  19. Which of the following statements is false? 
    1. A square has four lines of symmetry 
    2. A rectangle has two lines of symmetry 
    3. A rectangle has two opposite sides equal
    4. A square has two lines of symmetry
  20. Alvin has eight rabbits. He sold each rabbit for sh 4t. How much money did he get altogether? 
    1. Sh 12t
    2. Sh 84t
    3. Sh 32t
    4. Sh 64t
  21. Identify the obtuse angle in the diagram below.
    21 adadad
    1. D
    2. C
    3. A
    4. B
  22. Simplify the expression;
    9g - 5g + g 
    1. 15g
    2. 78 
    3. 4g
    4. 5g
  23. Grade 4 learners at Highridge Academy used a clock to learn about clockwise and anticlockwise turs. Who among the following made quarter turn anticlockwise?
    23 adadada
  24. A family went for a holiday for 240 hours. For how many days was the holiday?
    1. 10
    2. 24
    3. 6
  25. A pencil cost sh 12.50. What is the cost of 5 such pencils altogether?
    1. Sh 50 250 cts
    2. Sh 62 50 cts 
    3. Sh 625
    4. Sh 60 50 cts
  26. Convert 20/9 into a mixed fraction;
    1. 32/9
    2. 11/9
    3. 22/9
    4. 22/3
  27. Six rubbers cost sh 54. What is the cost of each rubber? 
    1. Sh 7
    2. Sh 9
    3. Sh 5
    4. Sh 8
  28. Fill in the missing numbers in the table.
    28 adadada
    1. T-6, W-56 
    2. W = 72, T-54
    3. W = 56. T-72
    4. T = 72. W = 54
  29. Kenya Red Cross donated 75 bags of rice each 50 kg to a family in one village. How many kg of rice did the family get altogether? 
    1. 3500
    2. 3750
    3. 3755
    4. 3850
  30. A green grocer recorded fruits as follows during a day's sales,
    30 adadada
    Which fruits were recorded the same number on that day? 
    1. Oranges and bananas 
    2. Avocadoes and mangoes 
    3. Mangoes and apples 
    4. Bananas and mangoes


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