Displaying items by tag: KCPE Prediction

  1. The property of light used in the working of a candle in a dark room is that light
    1. disperses in different directions.
    2. spreads in all directions
    3. bend at a corner
    4. travel in a straight line.
  2. Which of the following is the function of the last teeth to be shed?
    1. Tearing food.
    2. Holding food.
    3. Grinding food.
    4. Cutting food.
  3. Which of the following plants are correctly matched with the type of root system?
       Fibrous root     Tap root 
     A.   Green grams  Onion 
     B.  Wandering jew   Sisal 
     C.  Cocnut  Acacia
     D.  Millet  Sorghum 
  4. In the structure of the mammalian heart, the blood vessel that carries blood to the Left auricle is the
    1. Pulmonary vein
    2. Aorta
    3. Pulmonary artery
    4. Vena cava
  5. Which one of the following statements about reproduction in human beings is correct?
    1. The embryo develops into a zygote.
    2. Amniotic fluid nourishes the foctus.
    3. Ovulation takes place in the oviduct.
    4. Labour pain is caused by contraction of the uterine walls.
  6. Which of the following is the main information usually given when obtaining medicine from a doctor?
    1. Disposal method of the medicine.
    2. The prescribed dose. 
    3. How to store the medicine.
    4. Duration to complete dose.
  7. Which of the following ways do plants depend on animals?
    1. Nutrients and shelter.
    2. Shade and medicine.
    3. Pollination and carbon dioxide. 
    4. Habitat and pollination.
  8. Which one of the following diseases cannot be prevented by maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation?
    1. Cholera
    2. Bilharzia
    3. Typhoid
    4. Malaria.
  9. Which one of the following pairs make up the embryo of a maize seed?
    1. Plumule and endosperm.
    2. Radicle and plumule.
    3. Endosperm and cotyledon.
    4. Cotyledon and radicle.
  10. The diagram below was set up to demonstrate a certain aspect of light.
    The aspect of light that was being demonstrated was
    1. spitting of light.
    2. bending of light.
    3. bouncing of light.
    4. how light travels.
  11. The following are advantages of manure and fertilizers:
    1. improve soil structure.
    2. nutrients are released immediately
    3. bind soil particles together.
    4. have specific amount of nutrients.
    5. have long term effect in the soil.
      Which statements are true about fertilizers?
      1. (i) and (iv)
      2. (iv) and (v)
      3. (ii) and (iv)
      4. (iii) and (v)
  12. Which one of the following is not true about pressure exerted by liquids? Pressure in liquids increases when
    1. depth of liquid is increased.
    2. diameter of container is reduced.
    3. container with liquid is raised.
    4. amount of liquid is increased.
  13. Which one of the following is an effect of IIIV infection to the family?
    1. Increases number of orphans.
    2. Lowering of self-esteem.
    3. Poor performance at work.
    4. Increased number of school drop-outs.
  14. Which one of the following groups consist of non-flowering plants?
    1. Mushroom, grass, toadstool. 
    2. Conifers, cabbage, sisal.
    3. Mould, onions, bracket tree.
    4. Algae, moss, liverworts
  15. Which one of the following is true about solids and liquids? Both have 
    1. indefinite mass
    2. definite volume Bindefinite volume.
    3. definite shape 
    4. indefinite volume.
  16. Which one of the following pairs consist of planets, with the shortest orbits?
    1. Mars and Jupiter.
    2. Earth and Saturn.
    3. Venus and Mercury.
    4. Neptune and Uranus.
  17. Which one of the following is a renewable source of energy?
    1. Natural gas
    2. Kerosene
    3. Diesel
    4. Biogas.
  18. The diagram below shows a method of conserving water.
    The method of water conservation shown above is
    1. recycling water.
    2. using water sparingly.
    3. re-using water.
    4. harvesting water. 
  19. Which one of the following animalslay eggs, has constant body temperature and its body is covered with fur?
    1. Spiny ant cater
    2. Whale
    3. Shark
    4. Flying fox.
  20. Which one of the following is the function of the rectum?
    1. Absorbs water.
    2. Absorbs digested food.
    3. Stores undigested food.
    4. Completes digestion of food.
  21. Which one of the following levers can work with the fulcrum between the load and effort?
    1. Fishing rod.
    2. Wheel barrow
    3. Spade
    4. Crowbar
  22. The diagram below shows a single fixed pulley.
    At what position should a spring balance be fixed in order to measure the force applied?
    1. Q
    2. T
    3. R
    4. S
  23. Among the following, which one does not contain chemical energy?
    1. Food
    2. Dynamo
    3. Car battery
    4. Charcoal
  24. The best way of controlling whooping cough is by
    1. avoiding crowded places. 
    2. drinking boiled milk.
    3. vaccination.
    4. treatment.
  25. Which of the following is not an essential constituent of commercial animal feeds?
    1. Roughage
    2. Proteins
    3. Carbohydrate
    4. Vitamins.
  26. Special sounds can have all the following meanings except
    1. when someone needs help.
    2. when a baby is happy.
    3. change from one activity to another.
    4. give way on the road.
  27. The component of air that makes up 0.97% of the atmosphere is used in
    1. breathing.
    2. making bulbs.
    3. preservation of soft drinks.
    4. making plant proteins 
  28. Which one of the following parasite control measure is capable of controlling lungworms and ticks?
    1. Paddocking
    2. Spraying
    3. Dipping
    4. Deworming
  29. Sound travels poorest in
    1. vacuum
    2. copper
    3. air
    4. water.
  30. The diagram below represents the female reproductive system.
    In the diagram above the part marked W is the place where
    1. implantatin of zygote take place.
    2. development of the embryo take place.
    3. mature ovum is released. D
    4. fusion of sex cell take place.
  31. The following are facts about HIV/AIDS except AIDS
    1. is caused by a virus called HIV.
    2. is transmitted through blood transfusion.
    3. has no cure.
    4. is a curse and not a disease.
  32. A mixture of beans and sorghum can be separated by either
    1. picking or sieving
    2. sieving or winnowing
    3. winnowing or decanting
    4. decanting or sieving
  33. Which of the following is the main reason for food preservation? To A
    1. develop its flavour.
    2. use it later.
    3. retain nutrients.
    4. retain its colour.
  34. Which one of the following plants store food in the stem?
    1. Sweet potatoes
    2. Arrow roots
    3. Cassava
    4. Irish potatoes
  35. A suitable diet for a child with rapid heartbeat and pale fingernails is 
    1. beans and beef.
    2. rice and carrots.
    3. .spinach and kidney.
    4. potatoes and eggs.
  36. Which one of the following would be observed when two similar balloons are rubbed against the same material then brought close together? They
    1. would attract each other.
    2. would burst
    3. will neither attract nor repel
    4. would repel each other.
  37. Class four pupils put a long piece of wire in water and it sank. They cut the same piece of wire into two equal pieces and they still sank. Which factor affecting floating and sinking were they investigating?.
    1. Size
    2. Weight 
    3. Material
    4. Shape.
  38. The following are some effects of drug abuse;
    1. Withdrawal symptoms.
    2. Truancy
    3. Addiction
    4. Drug induced accidents
    5. Lack of concentration
      Which one of the following consists of health effects only?
      1. (i) and (iv)
      2. (ii) and (iii)
      3. (v) and (ii)
      4. (iii) and (v)
  39. Which one of the following statements is true about the second stage of HIV infection? 
    1. This is a dangerous stage of infection.
    2. If HIV test is carried out the result is positive.
    3. The body is weak and cannotfight infection.
    4. There are visible signs.
  40. Class five pupils put wet tea leaves in a transparent glass container filled with water and heated it gently at the bottom. Which one of the following aspects of matter were they investigating?
    1. Convection in air. 
    2. Conduction in solids.
    3. Convection in liquids
    4. Radiation in air.
  41. The main reason why ball bearings are used between parts that are in contact is to
    1. absorb unnecessary sound.
    2. make the machine last longer.
    3. increase the grip between the parts.
    4. reduce opposing force.
  42. The diagram below shows a compost heap.
    From the above diagram, it is true to say that 
    1. layer O feeds the decomposers.
    2. layer N is made of top soil.
    3. the manure is made by animals waste.
    4. the manure contain specific nutrients.
  43. During a science lesson, pupils carried out the following activities:
    1. put a young plant in coloured water for some hours.
    2. cut the stem and leaves after sometime and observed the part cut.
      Which process in plants were they investigating?
      1. Absorption
      2. Transpiration
      3. Transportation
      4. Photosynthesis
  44. Which one of the following is true about the energy saving jiko?
    1. It cooks faster than other jikos
    2. Less fuel is used.
    3. It is made from cheap materials. 
    4. It is portable.
  45. Which of the following is not a major non-living component of environment?
    1. Water
    2. Plant
    3. Soil
    4. Air.
  46. Which of the following physical changes during adolescence take place in both boys and girls? 
    1. Increase in height and weight. 
    2. Hips broaden.
    3. Broadening of shoulders.
    4. Menstruation starts.
  47. Air is polluted by all the following ways except
    1. vehicle exhaust fumes.
    2. smoking tobacco.
    3. decomposing vegetable matter. 
    4. gases from burning domestic waste.
  48. The diagram below shows an inclined plane.
    Which one of the following should be done to use less effort? 
    1. Increase the length CA.
    2. Reduce the length BA.
    3. the length AB.
    4. Reduce the length CB.
  49. Which one of the following materials is non magnetic?
    1. Steel wool
    2. Sewing needle
    3. Staple pins
    4. Aluminium plate.
  50. A pen and a book were released two metres above the ground at the same time. Which of these statements is true about the observation done?
    1. Pen hit the ground first. 
    2. Both hit the ground at the same time.
    3. The book was the last to hit the ground.
    4. The book and the pen hit the ground almost the same time.


  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. B
  10. B
  11. C
  12. C
  13. A
  14. D
  15. B
  16. C
  17. D
  18. B
  19. A
  20. C
  21. D
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. B
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D
  31. D
  32. A
  33. B
  34. D
  35. C
  36. D
  37. A
  38. D
  39. B
  40. C
  41. D
  42. A
  43. C
  44. B
  45. B
  46. A
  47. C
  48. A
  49. D
  50. B

Soma vifungu vifuatavyo. Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne hapo. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa

Kila mzalendo wa nchi yetu hii tukufu, ___1___   ____ 2___ mashine ___3___  huwa na kazi ___4___ kufanya. ___5___
mzalendo mmoja atashindwa kutekeleza jukumu ____6___ ,wengine___7___. Ni muhimu mzalendo kuitunza nchi yake asije akaishia ___8____ atakapopata shughuli zake zimekwama.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   mfano   zaidi   kama   sawa 
 2.  iliyo  ilivyo   ilipo   iliko 
 3.  :  ,  ;  __
 4.  inayohitajika   anayohitajika   wanaohitajika   zinazohitajika 
 5.  Maadamu  Ingawa  Ikiwa  Angalau 
 6.  aliyotengewa  alilotengewa   zilizotengewa   ilivyotengewa 
 7.  wataathiriana  wataathirikia   wataathiria   wataathiriwa 
 8.  kujikwaa ulimi   kujifia kikondoo   kujitia shemere   kujiuma kidole 

Sherehe ya kuadhimisha siku ya kuzaliwa kwa dada yangu ___9___. Tuliamka alfajiri na mapema ___10___. Tulikuwa na hamu kuu ya kuona binamu na bintiamu wetu wa toka nitoke yaani; ___11___ wetu. Baada ya kupata kisebeho, ___12___ kuelekea sokoni ___13___ tulinunua mboga za kila aina. Si mchicha, si kabeji, si ___14___ sukumawiki ___15___ alimradi tulikuwa na vingi vya kununua.

   A   B   C   D 
 9.   itakuwa ikiwadia   ikiwa iliwadia   ikawa inawadia   ilikuwa imewadia 
 10.   kuzitayarisha  kuwatayarisha   kujitayarisha   kupatayarisha 
 11.  wakoi  wanuna   masomo   maumbu 
 12.  tulishika zamu  tulishika kani  tulishika usukani   tulishika tariki 
 13.  ambayo  ambako   ambalo  ambao
 14.  mtungo wa  tita la  kicha cha  chane ya 
 15.  ___  ...  !  :

Kutoka swali la 16 - 30, jibu swali kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Kanusha
    Mtamba aliyenunuliwa jana ameuzwa tena.
    1. Mtamba aliyenunuliwa jana hakuuzwa tena.
    2. Mtamba ambaye hakununuliwa jana hakuuzwa tena.
    3. Mtamba hakununuliwa wala hakuunzwa tena.
    4. Mtamba aliyenunuliwa jana hajauzwa tena.
  2. Neno 'mtakimbiliana' lina silabi ngapi?
    1. 7
    2. 13
    3. 6
    4. 8
  3. Ni maelezo yapi yaliyo sahihi?
    1. Mloto ni mshororo wa pili katika ubeti wa shairi.
    2. Tarbia ni mashairi yenye beti nne
    3. Ngonjera ni shairi linalozungumzia historia ya mtu fulani.
    4. Mwandamizi ni kipande cha pili katika mshororo wa shairi.
  4. Ipi ni nomino nadhania?
    1. Kionjamchuzi.
    2. Kikosi.
    3. Uhodari.
    4. Mchanga.
  5. Sentensi: "Nyumbani mwao mlishiba watu na kuwatapika wengine nje", imetumia tamathali gani za usemi?
    1. Tashhisi, chuku.
    2. Tashbihi, kinaya.
    3. Sitiari, nahau.
    4. Sitiari, chuku.
  6. Andika wingi wa
    Wakala alikutatulia shida uliyokuwa nayo
    1. Nyakala waliwatatulia shida mlizokuwa nazo.
    2. Wakala waliwatatulia shida mlizokuwa nazo.
    3. Mawakala waliwatatulia shida mlizokuwa nazo.
    4. Mawakala walimtatulia shida mlizokuwa nazo.
  7. Chagua sentensi yenye kiwakilishi halisi
    1. Watu wale walieleza haja zao ila wanyonge ndio waliosaidiwa kwanza.
    2. Vijana hodari walipongezwa lakini wengine walikashifiwa.
    3. Daktari alimtibu mgonjwa wa kwanza lakini yule wa pili hakutibiwa.
    4. Tulitembea mjini kwa uangalifu ila mmoja wetu aliteleza na kuanguka.
  8. Ni nini maana ya kujipalia makaa ni?
    1. Kujiletea jambo
    2. Kujiwekea makaa
    3. Kujiletea madhara
    4. Kujisababishia jambo.
  9. Kitita ni kwa pesa. Tano ni kwa ______________________________
    1. funguo
    2. ndizi
    3. chokaa
    4. ngozi.
  10. Kucha ni kwa binadamu, mapezi ni kwa
    1. ndege
    2. wanyama
    3. wadudu
    4. samaki.
  11. Chagua jibu lenye kivumishi kilichoundwa kutokana na kitenzi
    1. Mpishi - mapishi. 
    2. Babaika - babaifu
    3. Angaza - mwanga
    4. Samehe - msamaha.
  12. Ni senteni ipi ambayo imetumia 'kwa' ya kuonyesha sababu ya jambo fulani kutokea? 
    1. Mwanafunzi amemwamkua mzazi wake kwa heshima.
    2. Mwalimu alimtuza alama nane kwa kumi.
    3. Wazee kwa vijana walipinga mswada huo wa fedha.
    4. Mkimbizi alituzwa kwa kushinda mbio hizo.
  13. Ni sentensi ipi inayoonyesha hali ya kutegemea?
    1. Msaidieni kuuinua dawati hilo.
    2. Mwalimu akija atawapeleka uwanjani.
    3. Mulika alisikiliza ushauri akaokoka.
    4. Changarawe ambayo ilisombwa iliuzwa.
  14. Chagua sentensi sahihi
    1. Alifua samaki wengi.
    2. Alifua samaki nyingi.
    3. Alivua samaki wengi.
    4. Alivua samaki nyingi.
  15. Chagua kihusishi katika sentensi hii Najua tofauti baina ya mazingira na mazingara.
    1. najua
    2. na mazingara
    3. tofauti
    4. baina ya

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 31 - 40.

Katika miaka ya hivi karibuni, kumeshuhudiwa mabadiliko makubwa ya kijamii katika taifa letu. Miongoni mwa mabadiliko hayo ni kule kuendelea kwa taifa kuwa changa. Hii ina maana kuwa wananchi vijana walio na miaka chini ya thelathini na mitano ni wengi zaidi ya wale wenye umri mkubwa kuliko huo. Kwa sababu ya juhudi kubwa ya serikali, kufikia takriban miaka thelathini na mitano iliyopita, mbinu ya kujua kusoma na kuandika huchukuliwa kuwa kitu cha kawaida kama vile kuvaa nguo.

Tukitupa macho nyuma kabla ya utawala wa kikoloni kuingia huku kwetu yapata karne moja tu iliyopita, tutaona kuwa hali ilikuwa tofauti kabisa. Jumuiya zilizoishi katika sehemu ya bara hazikuwa zimeona wala kusikia mtu akiandika wala kusoma. Angetokea mtu awasomee makala wangemwona kama mwehu anayeboboka ovyo, kwani hicho kilikuwa kioja kikubwa.

Jumuiya za pwani zilikuwa na hali tofauti. Karne kadhaa hapo awali, wananchi hawa walikuwa wametembelewa na Waarabu kwa sababu ya kufanya biashara na kuwahubiria dini ya Kiislamu. Maingiliano haya yaliwanufaisha wananchi kwa njia ambayo labda haikukusudiwa. Walipata ujuzi wa kusoma na kuandika hati ya kiarabu ili waweze kusoma Koran katika lugha ya Kiarabu. Baadaye walitumia hati hiyo kuandika lugha zao za kienyeji. Maandishi mengi yalikuwa na lengo la kuhifadhi mafunzo ya dini ya Kiislamu.

Tukizingatia wazo hili la kuzichunguza baadhi ya jumuiya zilizoishi bara, tutaona kuwa zilikuwa na aina ya uandishi. Katika jumuiya mojawapo, kwa mfano, mgeni aliposema angekuja kutembea baada ya siku kumi, wenyeji wake walichukua ukambaa. Wakatengeneza mafundo kumi. Kila fundo liliwakilisha siku moja. Kila kulipokucha waliondoa fundo moja, mpaka fundo la kumi. Hii ikiwa njia mahususi ya kuhifadhi habari na ililingana na ile ya kuandika. Tunaweza kusema kuwa ilikuwa Wakoloni hawakuwa na mfumo mpya, labda kufikia sasa jumuiya hiyo ingekuwa imevumbua njia nyingine ya uandishi

  1. Kwa nini taifa letu linaweza kuitwa changa?
    1. Halikui kwa sababu ya vijana wengi.
    2. Kwa sababu si la zamani sana.
    3. Hakuna wananchi wenye umri mkubwa. 
    4. Idadi kubwa ya wananchi ni vijana.
  2. Watu wengi nchini wanajua kusoma na kuandika kwa sababu
    1. kumekuwa na utulivu nchini.
    2. wananchi wanaona faida ya kujua kusoma na kuandika.
    3. wananchi wenyewe wamefanya bidii.
    4. kumekuwa na mpango uliotekelezwa kwa miaka thelathini na mitano.
  3. Kwa mujibu wa taarifa hii, neno jingine lenyenmaana sawa na mbinu ni
    1. mafunzo
    2. wazo
    3. stadi
    4. hati.
  4. Ukoloni uliingia lini huku kwetu? 
    1. Miaka mia mbili iliyopita.
    2. Karibu miaka mia moja iliyopita.
    3. Karibu miaka hamsini iliyopita. 
    4. Miaka mia tatu iliyopita.
  5. Ni nini maana ya neno kioja?
    1. Ghasia.
    2. Ajabu.
    3. Maarifa.
    4. Wendawazimu.
  6. Ujuzi wa kusoma na kuandika ulifika pwani
    1. wakati wa kuingia kwa ukoloni
    2. muda mrefu kabla ya ukoloni
    3. muda mfupi baada ya ukoloni
    4. muda mrefu baada ya ukoloni.
  7. Chagua kifungu kilicho sahihi zaidi kukamilisha sentensi hii:
    Wenyeji wa pwani walitumia hati ya Kiarabu
    1. kusomea na kuandikia Koran na lugha zao.
    2. kusomea na kuandikia Kiarabu na lugha zao.
    3. kusomea na kuandikia Kiarabu.
    4. kusomea na kuandikia Kiswahili.
  8. Shabaha kuu ya kuandika wakati huo wa zamani ilikuwa
    1. kuhifadhi mafunzo ya dini za wenyeji
    2. kuendeleza lugha ya Kiarabu
    3. kuendeleza hati ya Kiarabu
    4. kuhifadhi mafunzo ya Kiislamu.
  9. Chagua jibu lililo sahihi zaidi
    Mwandishi analinganisha kuandika na kule kutengeneza mafundo kwa sababu
    1. shughuli zote mbili zilifanywa kwa mikono
    2. shughuli zote mbili zilikuwa zikifanywa kwa wakati mmoja
    3. shughuli zote mbili zilikuwa na lengo la kuhifadhi habari
    4. shughuli zote :nbili zilifanywa na wataalamu.
  10. Katika aya ya mwisho, maoni ya mwandishi ni
    1. kuja kwa Wakoloni kulibadilisha utaratibu bora wa uandishi
    2. kuja kwa Wakoloni kulibadilisha matumizi ya mafundo
    3. kuja kwa Wakoloni kuliendeleza njia ya uandishi
    4. kuja kwa Wakoloni kuliendeleza matumizi ya mafundo.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 41 - 50.

Baada ya uhuru, Kenya ilihitaji kuikweza lugha moja ya kiasili kuwa lugha ya taifa. Wakenya hawakutaka kuitumia lugha ya Kiingereza kama lugha ya taifa. Hii ilionekana kuwa lugha ya kikoloni na kigeni. Hali ya kuwepo lugha nyingi nchini ilitatiza uchaguzi wa lugha moja. Kila kabila lilitarajia lugha yake kuchaguliwa, jambo ambalo lilikuwa gumu. Kuchagua Kiingereza hakungefaa kwani, mbali na wasomi, raia wengi hawakukijua. Hata sasa wananchi wengi bado hawajakimudu.

Serikali ilishughulikia suala hili la uteuzi. Hatimaye, Kiswahili kilitunukiwa hadhi ya kuchaguliwa. Kama lugha ya taifa, Kiswhili hutumika katika maongezi ya kawaida, mawasiliano ya kibiashara na kadhalika. Kiswahili kilichaguliwa kwa sababu kadhaa. Kwanza, baadhi ya wasomi walifikiria kuwa lugha hii ilikuwa na asili ya Kiarabu. Kwa sababu hii walifikiria kuwa, Kiswahili hakikuwa lugha ya kabila lolote. Pili, wengine waliamini kwamba Kiswahili ni mchanganyiko wa lugha ya Kiarabu na lugha za kiafrika. Hivyo kingekubaliwa na makabila yote. Hata hivyo, wasomi wengine walishikilia kuwa hii ilikuwa ni lugha ya Kiafrika asilia bila mchanganyiko wowote.

Hivi leo hakuna ubishi wowote kuhusu asili ya Kiswahili. Hii ina maana kuwa Kiswahili kimekubalika kama lugha ya kiasili Afrika Mashariki. Pia ni kitambulisho cha utaifa wa nchi kama Kenya na Tanzania. Isitoshe, Kiswahili ni lugha mojawapo ya lugha za taifa nchini Kongo, Burundi na Rwanda.

  1. Ni nini kilichotatiza uchanguzi wa lugha ya taifa?
    1. Wakenya hawakutaka kuchagua lugha ya kikoloni.
    2. Makabila na lugha nyingi nchini Kenya.
    3. Hakukuwa na lugha maalum ya kiasili ambayo ingechaguliwa.
    4. Wakenya walijua lugha nyingi tofauti.
  2. Kwa nini haingefaa kuchagua Kiingereza? 
    1. Ilikuwa lugha ya wasomi na raia.
    2. Ilionekana kama lugha ngumu isiyoweza kueleweka.
    3. Si watu wengi walioweza kukiongea.
    4. Wenyeji walichukia wageni na lugha yao.
  3. Kulingana na taarifa, lugha ya taifa hutumika vipi nchini Kenya?
    1. Katika mawasiliano ya siasa na shughuli rasmi.
    2. Katika maongezi na mawasiliano ya serikali.
    3. Katika mawasiliano ya kawaida, biashara, siasa na dini.
    4. Katika maongezi ya kawaida na dini.
  4. Kwa nini Kiswahili kilichaguliwa hatimaye kuwa lugha ya taifa?
    1. Kwa sababu kilifikiriwa kuwa si lugha ya kundi lolote.
    2. Kwa sababu kilitumika kwingi barani Afrika.
    3. Kwa sababu uamuzi huo ulitolewa na wasomi.
    4. Kwa sababu kilifikiriwa tu kuwa ni lugha ya Kiarabu.
  5. Maana ya neno hatimaye ni
    1. mwishowe
    2. aghalabu
    3. tena
    4. mwanzoni.
  6. Uliposoma habari hii ulipata jumla ya maoni mangapi juu ya asili ya Kiswahili?
    1. Manne.
    2. Moja.
    3. Matatu.
    4. Mawili.
  7. Maana ya neno hadhi kama lilivyotumika katika kifungu ni
    1. ubora
    2. staha
    3. zawadi
    4. umaarufu.
  8. Lugha ya taifa nchini ni muhimu kwa kuwa 
    1. inapendwa na wananchi wote
    2. hutumika na watu wengi
    3. huimarisha amani na nchi jirani
    4. ni kitambulisho cha utaifa.
  9. Maana ya hakuna ubishi wowote ni
    1. hakuna kukubaliana tena
    2. hakuna jambo lisilo wazi
    3. hakuna jambo la kujadiliana
    4. hakuna pingamizi zozote.
  10. "Kiswahili ni lugha mojawapo ya lugha za taifa' inamaanisha
    1. ndiyo lugha pekee ya taifa
    2. ni lugha ya kimataifa
    3. ni lugha ya kiasili
    4. kuna lugha nyinginezo za taifa.


Mwandikie rafiki yako barua huku ukimweleza namna ambavyo utatumia wakati wako wa likizo ili kujinufaisha.


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. A
  19. C
  20. A
  21. C
  22. B
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  24. C
  25. D
  26. B
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  30. D
  31. D
  32. D
  33. C
  34. B
  35. B
  36. C
  37. A
  38. D
  39. C
  40. C
  41. B
  42. C
  43. C
  44. A
  45. A
  46. C
  47. B
  48. D
  49. D
  50. D

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

No one can __1__ that they have never felt hungry. Hunger __2__ gradually and when it __3__ climax, it is not possible to hide it at all. If you were asleep, it automatically wakes you up. This happens __4__ you have taken a long time before __5__ a meal. There could be __6__ reasons for this, for example, when you are travelling __7__ a bus to a far place and __8__, if it stopped for the passengers to cat, the __9__ could make them reach their destinations very late. __10__,  the worst one is when the __11__ mealtime reaches and there is no sign of either food or indication that someone could be cooking any time soon.

Hunger affects people differently. For me, my leg muscles __12__, I develop some mild headache and yawn for abnormally a long time.
__13__ such times, I don't seem to see well and my hearing too somehow gets __14__. The most interesting thing is that I __15__ my temper without any provocation. The moment I eat, I feel normal.

   A   B   C   D 
 1.   claim   say   confirm   remember 
 2.  comes   stays   hits   strikes 
 3.  pass  feels   reaches  arrives 
 4.  if  as  while  when 
 5.  eating  taking   cleaning   finishing 
 6.  varied  specific   clear  known 
 7.  in  at   on   by 
 8.  surely  unfortunately   really  truly
 9.  stop  speed  time  delay
 10.   Therefore   However  Moreover   Although
 11.  usual  correct  exact  eating
 12.  freeze  stretch  ache  expand
 13.  At  For  Over  In
 14.  closed  affected  changed  infected
 15.  gain  loose  recall  lose

For questions 16 and 17, choose the alternative that best completes the statements given.

  1. You didn't have to run across the road, _________________________? 
    1. did you
    2. had you
    3. didn't you
    4. haven't you
  2. She rarely fails to complete her work, _________________________?A
    1. did she
    2. . isn't it
    3. does she
    4. is it

For questions 18 and 19, choose the alternative that means the same as the underlined words.

  1. The salt Jane bought had very fine particles.
    1. bright
    2. tiny
    3. light
    4. white
  2. The boy made noise exactly like that of the crow.
    1. twitter
    2. sing
    3. crow
    4. caw

For questions 20 to 21, choose the best alternative that is pronounced in the same way as the underlined one.

  1. The wind blew down the big tree. 
    1. blow
    2. drown
    3. blue
    4. few
  2. The lost purse was finally recovered.
    1. pass
    2. curse
    3. bus
    4. past 

For questions 22 and 23, re-arrange the given sentences in order to form a sensible paragraph.

    1. She told of how people first came onto the earth.
    2. We really enjoyed listening to her.
    3. She also told stories about giants and strange creatures.
    4. Mela's grandmother liked to tell stories.
      1. (iv), (iii), (ii); (i)
      2. (iv), (ii), (i), (iii)
      3. (iv), (ii), (iii), (i) 
      4. (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)
    1. Some of the material can be borrowed for a short period of timc.
    2. Large volumes of written and unwritten materials are stored there.
    3. There is usually some space for one to sit and read what cannot be borrowed.
    4. A library is one of the richest sources of information.
      1. (iii), (iv), (i), (ii)
      2. (iii), (ii), (i), (iv) 
      3. (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)
      4. (iii), (ii), (iv), (i)

For questions 24 and 25, choose the sentence which means the same as the underlined sentence.

  1. Had the ball not got punctured, would have played.
    1. We have played though the ball got punctured.
    2. Though the ball got punctured, we can still play.
    3. We are not playing since the.ball got punctured.
    4. We wished the ball had not got punctured so that we play.
  2. Neither Rehema nor Rita was punished for lateness.
    1. None of them was punished for lateness.
    2. Only Rita was punished for lateness.
    3. Both Rehema and Rita were punished for lateness.
    4. Rita perhaps was punished for lateness.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

The men were happy. Their plan to help one of them had worked out very well. They had agreed to rebuilt a house for Ruka whose house had got burnt down without the proper cause being established. He was at a neighbour's house, late in the evening when they heard people screaming about a fire. Little did he know that he was the victim. He heard them screaming that he was being burnt to death in the house that was already being consumed by flames. They rushed out to his compound but by the time they reached, no one could go near the burning house as it was too dangerous. They waited until it died down then the men sat down and Ruka told them that indeed, he had left a pot of beans boiling and it was not the first time. To him that could not have caused the fire but even if they knew, it wouldn't help much. The resolution was that all the villagers would assemble at Ruka's home the following morning and help construct him a new house.

Many sympathisers turned up with personal equipment and materials for the task ahead. Women came along with buckets, crockery, utensils and food items. They were also at hand to assist here and there as they waited for their main task of the day; mudding. Everybody was busy and jolly. By around three o'clock, the mudding was done and the door fixed. The men sat in groups to take a well-deserved rest and meal which was served by the women.

When the eating was over, the people started leaving in groups of twos and threes. Only a few neighbours were still around, keeping Ruka company next to his new house. It was then that they saw Kasai staggering towards them. At first, they felt uncomfortable because he had failed to heed to the call to assist a neighbour as expected. However, retaliation was not acceptable in the society. He approached them and mumbled a greeting to which they responded. No one asked him to apologise for the omission but he humbly did it and blamed his greed for alcohol. They laughed out loudly and since the pots of food were still lying next to them, they advised him to wash his hands and eat. Refusal to eat communal food offered would be taken in bad faith so he served himself and ate.

They were talking about life generally when Kasai told them he was seriously considering stopping consumption of alcohol. He explained that he had planned to join the rest that morning but when Tawa called on him and offered to buy him some drink, he changed his mind. Tawa seemed to have a lot of money which was not usual. It was while they were drinking that Tawa confided in him that he had caused the fire at Ruka's home accidentally.

He explained that he knew Ruka kept some money in the house and the exact location so he waited till he saw Ruka move to his neighbour's compound. He prowled into the room and as he was taking the money from the box, he realised the man had many nice clothes that he never wore. He decided to pick them too but when he reached near the fire place, he heard a movement that scared him stiff. The clothes dropped and he was already in flight through the door when he realised it was the cat that had scared him. He kept going and never looked back. The clothes must have caught fire and spread it to the firewood that was lying near the fireplace.

Kasai said he would report this to the elder so that his conscience could be clear. Dumb-founded by the revelation, the others watched as he stood up to go but Ruka asked him to sit down briefly. "Please tell your friend that the money he stole belongs to the village elder. He sold off some of his livestock and asked me to keep the money for him. Since he didn't burn the house intentionally, we shall forgive him for that but he must bring back all the money, including what the two of you have spent. You can now go."

Without saying a word, Kasai rose and started staggering away in the same fashion he had come.

  1. Why do you think did the men's plan work out well?
    1. Building a new house had never been an issue to them.
    2. It w as the first time they wereperforming such a task.
    3. Ruka's house had got burnt down suddenly.
    4. There was positive response from the villagers.
  2. Why was it difficult to tell what had caused the fire?
    1.  Ruka's house was close to that of his neighbour.
    2. Ruka had left everything in order before he left.
    3. The house got burnt late in the evening.
    4. The food had not cooked for a long time.
  3. Those who were screaming that Ruka was dying in the house
    1. did so through imagination.
    2. had heard so many others screaming.
    3. simply wanted swift action taken.
    4. remembered a burning house usually trapped people inside.
  4. Which of the four words below means the same as dangerous' as used in the first paragraph?
    1. Fatal
    2. Fierce
    3. Scaring
    4. Risky
  5. Knowing the cause of the fire wouldn't help much because
    1. the screaming had already stopped. 
    2. the house wasn't an expensive one.
    3. the damage was irreversible.
    4. all the villagers were willing to give help.
  6. The women had come with food items to
    1. demonstrate that they knew how to cook very well.
    2. make work flow for the volunteers.
    3. ensure that all those who ate did the work expected.
    4. show how food could keep people working for such time.
  7. Why did some men remain behind after eating?
    1. Their homes were the nearest to Ruka's.
    2. They wanted Ruka to confirm if he was happy with the house.
    3. They felt too exhausted to start walking way immediately.
    4. They didn't seem to be in any hurry.
  8. The main reason why Kasai mumbled a greeting was because he
    1. was not in the right state of mind.
    2. believed they suspected him.
    3. knew they would not welcome him.
    4. had been hungry for long time.
  9. Kasai was considering stopping drinking alcohol because
    1. it was making him keep wrong company.
    2. it made him fail to join the others.
    3. he was getting uncomfortable.with its results.
    4. being consistently drunk was affecting his health.
  10. The relationship between Ruka and Tawa before the theft is likely to have been
    1. cordial
    2. unfortunate
    3. suspicious
    4. hostile
  11. How did Tawa cause the fire that burnt down the house?
    1. He noticed that some food was cooking as he was leaving hurriedly.
    2. He was attracted to steal clothes. 
    3. The cat stopped him from moving fast enough.
    4. He realised he had carried too many things at ago.
  12. Ruka can best be described as
    1. short-tempered
    2. unpredictable
    3. social but suspicious.
    4. calm and reasonable.
  13. What would be the best summary.for this passage?
    1. You should not put too much trust in others.
    2. People should always help the less fortunate in the society.
    3. A tragedy can make people change behaviour completely.
    4. Drinking alcohol can change. people's character.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 39 to 50

Itchy skin can be irritating and annoying, especially when you cannot pinpoint the cause. One day, you might feel fine but the very next one, you are ceaselessly scratching your arms, legs and body. There are many reasons that lead to these.

Itching all over is just an indication of dry, dehydrated skin. The lack of enough sebum (an oily and waxy material produced by the body's sebaceous glands) and natural oils cause the skin to become dry. When the skin's barrier is damaged, receptors in the skin respond by changing the type of signal being sent, resulting in the sensation of itchiness.

The problem, however, has a solution. Always rinse your skin with a gentle body wash to remove any irritants. Afterwards, apply a soothing moisturising lotion or oil, which will help your skin retain moisture. More importantly, focus on moisturising from the inside out. Make sure you drink around eight glasses of water a day and eat a healthy, balanced diet. It is also important to steer clear of hot shower- they strip your skin of natural oils and irritate it.

If you feel itchy after spending a lot of time outdoors, it is possible your skin is recovering from a sunburn. Skin that has been sunburned is dry and tight, which can cause itching. Sunburn causes your skin to become irritated and itchy by releasing inflammatory messengers that make your skin have uncomfortable itchy sensation.

You can control this by wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen every day. This will prevent your skin from further sun damage. To treat sun burns, apply an aloc vera lotion. You can also cut a fresh aloe vera leaf and apply the juice and rinse off after ten minutes.

While your skin is healing, take care to stay out of direct sunlight. Wear clothes that cover your arms, chest and legs. It is also good idea to wear a hat and sunglasses whenever you need to go outside.

If you notice itchiness after a long workout session, or after just being outdoors, sweat may be the culprit. Sweating, especially when it is more than usual, has been linked to acute itching. Luckily, this type is very rare. Those who suffer from it, at times, do not even suspect its cause.

Combined with water contact, perspiration such as while showering, swimming. or simply getting caught in the rain, can cause itching. This condition is known as aqua genic urticarial. This is immune-related reaction that can cause spots to appear on your skin after it comes into contact with water

  1. If your skin irritates and itches, you should
    1. get medication before it spreads fast. 
    2. try to find out what causes it. 
    3. review the type of food you eat.
    4. check the oils you use after showering.
  2. The main issue with skin problems is that it
    1. is difficult to predict.
    2. can affect any part of the body.
    3. makes you scratch for long hours.
    4. makes everyone know you are unwell.
  3. To keep your skin moist, it could be good to
    1. avoid excess exposure to the sun. 
    2. all the food you cat should contain water.
    3. ensure your sebaceous glands function well.
    4. regulate the quantity of water you take daily. 
  4. The main cause of the skin barrier damage is
    1. failure iucntify your skin problem.
    2. excessively scratching for too long.
    3. irritation of the skin.
    4. when the skin has inadequate sebum.
  5. What is the main function of moisturiser?
    1. Retention of the moisture.
    2. Keeping the skin bright and soft.
    3. Allowing sweat to flow out when it is hot.
    4. Stops any feeling of itchiness.
  6. By focusing on moisturising from the inside out, the writer suggests that
    1. you should consistently drink a lot of water daily.
    2. what you eat or drink can heip moisturise your skin.
    3. taking more time indoors than being outside is important.
    4. you sould avoid excessive intake of liquids.
  7. Why should we avoid hot showers?
    1. The heat causes the expansion of the skin.
    2. The skin gets irritated when it cools down.
    3. Hot water affects the natural skin cover.
    4. The temperature of the water can burn the skin.
  8. The eight glasses of water mentioned in the passage is
    1. what cures any skin ailment.
    2. the recommended quantity.
    3. what many people find difficult to drink.
    4. the highest number one should take. 
  9. Rinsing aloe vera juice after ten minutes 
    1. stops its further effect on the skin.
    2. gives the skin the clean look it deserves.
    3. shows that it has started treating the skin.
    4. clears off any healing effect it has.
  10. If one wears clothes that cover the arms legs and the chest, it is because
    1. the skin changes resistance continuously.
    2. it is difficult to treat skin problems. 
    3. clothes can control the skin temperature.
    4. direct sunlight affects the skin..
  11. How can one tell if he or she has aqua genic urticarial?
    1. Itching when one has taken shower.
    2. Failure to tell what your skin problem is.
    3. Presence of any change of colour on the skin.
    4. If you itch after a long work out session.
  12. The best title for this passage would be:
    1. Different types of human skin.
    2. What makes your skin feel itchy.
    3. Effects of the wrong skin treatment. 
    4. Changes that take place to your skin.


You have 40 minutes to write yor composition. Below is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your own words, making it as interesting as you can.

We left home earlier than usual because we had a good reason to reach school before the others. As we were approaching the school gate, however, we noticed somethig unusual. ...................................................................................


  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  10. B
  11. A
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D
  23. C
  24. C
  25. A
  26. D
  27. B
  28. A
  29. D
  30. C
  31. B
  32. D
  33. A
  34. C
  35. A
  36. B
  37. D
  38. C
  39. B
  40. A
  41. C
  42. D
  43. A
  44. B
  45. C
  46. B
  47. A
  48. D
  49. C
  50. B
  1. What is 3197619 written in words?
    1. Three million one hundred and ninety seven thousand six hundred and nineteen.
    2. Three million one and ninety seven thousand six hundred and nineteen. 
    3. Three million one hundred and seventy six thousand six hundred and nineteen.
    4. Thirty one million one hundred and ninety seven thousand six hundred and nineteen.
  2. What is 878.9952 rounded off to the nearest hundredths?
    1. 878.00
    2. 878.90
    3. 879.00
    4. 879.90
  3. What is the difference in value between the total values of digits 6 and 8 in the number 2367854?
    1. 60000
    2. 850
    3. 6700
    4. 59200
  4. What is the value of
    180 ÷ 12 x 20 x 28 ÷ 56 + 7 − 2?
    1. 155
    2. 515
    3. 154
    4. 145
  5. What is the value of x in 3/5x + x − 1 = 5
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 47/11 
    4. 41/11 
  6. Which of the following decimals represents 4:57
    1. 0.8
    2. 5.9
    3. 4.9
    4. 0.45
  7. Which one of the following statements is correct?
    1. 2/7 > 0.28
    2. 0.28 < 2/7 
    3. 2/7 < 0.28
    4. 2/7 = 0.28
  8. The area of a square cardboard is 1024cm2. What is the perimeter of the cardboard?
    1. 4096cm
    2. 265cm
    3. 128cm
    4. 144cm
  9. Richard bought the following items from a shop;
    4 packets of milk @ sh. 60
    3kg of tomatoes for sh. 180
    4 rolls of tissue paper @sh. 35
    21/2 kg of onions @ sh. 60 per kg
    If he paid with sh. 1000note, how much balance did he receive?
    1. Sh. 290
    2. Sh. 353
    3. Sh. 710
    4. Sh. 565
  10. What is the value of
     11/2 − 1/4 × 11/3   ?
    1. 1
    2. 7/10 
    3. 7/18 
    4. 117/18 
  11. A community function was attended by 269 men, 1081 women and 4036 children. How many more children than adults were at the function?
    1. 5836
    2. 2955
    3. 1356
    4. 2686 
  12. Below are lines meeting at different points.
    What is the measure of angle EDB?
    1. 99°
    2. 60°
    3. 120°
    4. 123°
  13. A meeting started at 8.45am. The meeting ended after 6hours 55minutes. At what time did the meeting end?
    1. 3.40pm
    2. 3.40am
    3. 2.40pm
    4. 3.00am
  14. What is the next number in the pattern
    81/2, 41/4, 21/8, 11/16, _____________________?
    1. 1/4 
    2. 17/32 
    3. 1/8 
    4. 32/17 
  15. The pie chart below represents how a farmer used his 12 hectare farm.
    How many more hectares did he use for growing beans than maize?
    1. 3
    2. 2
    3. 5
    4. 1
  16. Nanjala bought 240 fruits at sh. 15 each. She paid sh. 400 for transport to the market. She sold the fruits and made 50% profit. What is the selling price for each fruit?
    1. Sh. 25.00
    2. Sh. 22.50
    3. Sh. 24.00
    4. Sh. 16.70
  17. A playing field is rectangular in shape. The length is 96m and each of the diagonals is 100m long.
    What is the width of the playing field?
    1. 98m
    2. 28m
    3. 196m
    4. 56m
  18. Hussein had 8 one thousand shilling notes, 7 five hundred shilling notes and 15 two hundred shilling notes. He changed all the money into five hundred shilling notes. How many notes did he get?
    1. 145
    2. 290
    3. 29
    4. 60  
  19. Three bells ring at intervals of 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 45 minutes respectively. If the bells rang together at 9.45am, at what time would the bells ring together again? 
    1. 11.15pm
    2. 1.30pm
    3. 10.15am
    4. 11.15am
  20. Ngombe is paid a basic salary of sh. 36000. For any sales above sh. 150000, he is paid a commission of 5%. In one month he sold goods worth sh. 480000. How much altogether did he earn that month?
    1. Sh. 52500
    2. Sh. 31500
    3. Sh. 16500
    4. Sh. 60000
  21. A section of a road measuring 4km is represented by a length of 10cm. Which one of the following is the scale of the map?
    1. 1:400
    2. 1:4000
    3. 1:40000
    4. 1:400000
  22. Japheth made an open cylindrical container with metal sheets. The internal diameter of the container is 42cm and the height is 60cm. He painted all the internal surfaces. What is the total area painted? (Тakе л = 22/7 )
    1. 10692cm2
    2. 7920cm2
    3. 83160cm2
    4. 9306cm2
  23. In a school the number of workers is r. The number of learners is eight times the number of teachers. The number of workers is nine less than the number of teachers. How many people are in the school?
    1. 10r − 63
    2. 10r +81
    3. 10r − 81
    4. 10r + 18
  24. A milk factory processed 2500litres of milk. 0.78 of the milk was sold to supermarkets while 0.3 of the remainder was donated to nearby schools. The remaining amount of milk was given to the factory staff. How many litres of milk was given to the staff?
    1. 505
    2. 1950
    3. 156
    4. 385
  25. Twelve people can complete a construction in 24 days. If 4 of the people failed to turn up, how many more days would it take the remaining people to complete the construction?
    1. 12
    2. 8
    3. 16
    4. 36
  26. Mwethya used 1/6 of her salary on transport, 1/3 on food, 1/4 of the remainder on rent and saved the rest. If she saved sh. 6000, how much did she spend on both transport and food?
    1. Sh. 6000
    2. Sh. 5000
    3. Sh. 8000
    4. Sh. 4000 
  27. The cash price of a table is sh. 40800. The hire purchase price is 20% more than the cash price. Mutuku bought it on hire purchase terms. He paid a deposit and the balance in 18 equal monthly intalments of sh. 1450 per month. How much deposit did he pay?
    1. Sh. 14700
    2. Sh. 489600
    3. Sh. 26100
    4. Sh. 22860
  28. A supermarket uses 8 bottles of hand sanitizer everyday to sanitize the customers. Each bottle contains 250ml. How many litres of the sanitizer did the supermarket use in the month of February 2020?
    1. 60
    2. 62
    3. 56
    4. 58
  29. Nadia made a profit of sh. 9600 in the month of December. This was a 20% increase from November. How much profit did she make in November? 
    1. Sh. 7600
    2. Sh. 10560
    3. Sh. 11500
    4. Sh. 8000
  30. Chepkorir had two tonnes of sugar. He repacked the sugar into 500 grams packets. How many packets did he obtain?
    1. 400
    2. 4000
    3. 40000
    4. 400000
  31. Draw a triangle ABC where AB = 6.5cm, BC= 7cm and AC = 5.3cm. Bisect angle CAB. Drop a perpendicular from C to AB. Let the perpendicular line and this bisector to meet at E. What is the measure of angle CEA?
    1. 162°
    2. 54°
    3. 126°
    4. 234°
  32. In the year 2015, 6th January was on a Tuesday. Which day was it on 14th May of the same year?
    1. Saturday.
    2. Wednesday.
    3. Thursday.
    4. Friday.
  33. What is the value of m in
    3/2(2m + 4) + 6 = 10?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 5
  34. Machogu borrowed sh. 80000 from a financial institution that charged a simple interest at the rate of 21% per annum. How much did he pay back after 2 years?
    1. Sh. 117128
    2. Sh. 113600
    3. Sh. 33600
    4. Sh. 37128 
  35. What is the value of
    12.0 − 0.6 of 0.4 + 3.24 ?
    1. 5
    2. 2.6
    3. 26
    4. 50
  36. The figure below represents a half cylindrical solid. The diameter is 14cm and it is 30cm long.
    What is the volume of the solid? (Тake π = 22/7)
    1. 4620cm3
    2. 660cm3
    3. 1234cm3
    4. 2310cm3
  37. The figure below represents a garden. It is in the shape of a quarter circle of radius 14m and a trapezium.
    What is the area of the garden? (Таkе л = 22/7)
    1. 518m2
    2. 770m2
    3. 462m22
    4. 500m2
  38. The perimeter of a rectangular farm is 442m. The length of the farm is 128m. What is the width of the farm?
    1. 186m
    2. 93m
    3. 110m
    4. 157m
  39. The table below shows an adult's fare in shillings from town J to P. Children pay half the fare for adults.
    Aketch travelled with his three children from L to P through N. How much did they pay?
    1. Sh. 425
    2. Sh. 300
    3. Sh. 350
    4. 210
  40. Joshua paid sh. 5980 for a mobile phone after getting a discount of 8%. What was the marked price of the phone?
    1. Sh. 5501
    2. Sh. 6500
    3. Sh. 6099
    4. Sh. 6459
  41. The following are properties of a certain quadrilateral;
    1. Two pairs of parallel lines
    2. All angles are equal
    3. Diagonals are equal
    4. Diagonals do not bisect at right angles
    5. Opposite sides are equal and parallel
      Which quadrilateral has the above properties?
      1. Square.
      2. Rhombus.
      3. Parallelogram
      4. Rectangle.
  42. A tank of water is 3.5m long, 2.5m wide and 3m high. How many litres of water can the tank hold when full ?
    1. 262.5
    2. 26.25
    3. 262.5
    4. 26250
  43. The perimeter of the isosceles triangle below is 90cm. Two of the sides are 25cm and 40cm.
    What is the area of the triangle?
    1. 500cm2
    2. 600cm2
    3. 300cm2
    4. 150cm2
  44. In a class of 40 pupils, the mean score in a test was 65marks. The mean score for the last 30 pupils was 58. What is the total score for the first 10 pupils?
    1. 1740
    2. 2600
    3. 86
    4. 860
  45. The diagram below is a rhombus. BD and AC are the diagonals. Angle EDC = 20°.
    What is the size of angle BAD?
    1. 140°
    2. 110°
    3. 40°
    4. 70°
  46. Amos drove from Nairobi to Kisumu a distance of 336km at a speed of 84km/h. On his way back, he drove at a speed of 56km/h. What was his average speed for the whole journey?
    1. 70km/hr
    2. 24km/hr
    3. 67.2km/hr 
    4. 33.6km/hr
  47. The figure below represents the net of a solid
    Which one of the following can be formed from the net above?
    1. Square prism.
    2. Triangular pyramid.
    3. Triangular prism.
    4. Square pyramid.
  48. A 33 seater bus and 11 seater matatu were to transport 319 people to a function. If the matatu made an extra trip than the bus, how many people did the matatu transport?
    1. 23
    2. 77
    3. 88
    4. 231
  49. Construct a triangle JKL in which JK = 5cm, JL = 7cm and angle KJL = 115°. Draw a circle to touch the vertices of the triangle. What is half the diameter of the circle? 
    1. 14.4cm
    2. 7.4cm
    3. 10.2cm
    4. 5.6cm
  50. The graph below represents the journey's of Mose and Alex driving in opposite directions
    How far from town M was Alex when Mose stopped resting?
    1. 400km
    2. 350km
    3. 150km
    4. 09km


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. A
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. D
  20. A
  21. C
  22. D
  23. B
  24. D
  25. A
  26. C
  27. D
  28. D
  29. D
  30. B
  31. C
  32. C
  33. A
  34. B
  35. D
  36. D
  37. A
  38. B
  39. A
  40. B
  41. D
  42. D
  43. C
  44. D
  45. A
  46. C
  47. D
  48. C
  49. D
  50. D
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