Displaying items by tag: New life in the community

New Life in Traditional African Society

  • New life means change/transformation a person goes through in life.
  • New life involves stages in life i.e rites of passage
  • Rites of passage include:-
    1. Birth
    2. Initiation
    3. Marriage
    4. Death.
  1. Birth

    • Marks the beginning of new life after delivery
    • Naming done by the women of the clan.
    • Naming depends on one’s community.
    • Newborn welcomed with gifts and ceremonies.
    • Mother underwent ritual cleansing after delivery.
  2. Initiation

    • Passage from childhood to adulthood.
    • Ceremonies include circumcision, removal of teeth, tattooing e.t.c
    • Bloodshed joins the initiates with the ancestors.
    • Bathing in the river signifies casting/riding off childhood.
    • Initiates kept in isolation period {seclusion} to be taught responsible adult behavior.
    • Gateway to marriage.
  3. Marriage

    • Mainly for having children {seals marriage}
    • Polygamous nature.
    • Choosing of marriage partners done by community.
    • Divorce rare because wife belongs to the community.
    • Married couple takes up new family responsibilities.
  4. Death

    • Joins the dead to the ancestral world.
    • One starts a new life in the spiritual world.
    • The deceased family starts a new life without the deceased.
      Nb:- new life can be experienced when people move to new areas.
      Genesis 12:1-9 Abraham moved from ___________ to _____________ .

New Life in Christianity {2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:17 -32}

  1. Starts when Christians believe and accept Jesus in their lives.
  2. Christians are followers of Jesus Christ.
  3. Baptism is a symbol of new life in Christ.
  4. Christians are filled with the Holy Spirit who helps them live a holy life by avoiding evil deeds.
  5. The Holy Spirit helps Christians practice Christian values.
  6. We share new life in Christ by:-
    1. Reading the bible
    2. Singing in choir
    3. _______________
    4. _______________
    5. _______________

How We Give Our Lives to God

  • When we dedicate our lives to God, the Holy Spirit controls our lives
  • We give our lives to God by:
    1. Praying and reading the bible
    2. Praising and worshiping God.
    3. Giving offerings.
    4. Participating in community projects
    5. ___________________
    6. ___________________
    7. ___________________

Genesis 12:1-9
The Call of Abraham

  • Called while at _________ and commanded to move to _______________
  • Abraham agreed because he had a great faith in ________________
  • God promised Abraham:-
    1. Many descendants
    2. Great nation
    3. Blessings
    4. Protection
    5. Land
    6. Son
    7. Great name.

Malachi 3:8-12

  • Tithe – a tenth of one’s income [money or possession]
  • God wants us to give part of our income as a way of giving our lives.

God Sharing With Us a New Life {Titus 3:4-8}
By :-

  1. By giving us Jesus to sane man from sins
  2. Giving us Holy Spirit who is our helper.
  3. Showing mercy, kindness, love and grace.
  4. Promising and giving eternal life.

Christian Sharing With Others{Acts 2:44-47, 4:34-35, 6:1-6}

  • The early Christians lived a common life by:-
    1. Preached together
    2. Prayed together.
    3. ________________
    4. ________________
    5. ________________

Christians share new life by:-

  1. Helping others
  2. Doing good to others
  3. Sharing word of God.
  4. ________________
  5. ________________

How Ancestors Served the Clan {Genesis 1:26-29}

  • Clan- group of people with the same/common ancestor
  • Ancestors served God by?-
    1. Performing special duties i.e. healing, making rain, priestly duties, protection, solving disputes e.t.c.
    2. Protecting the community- warriors
    3. Offering sacrifices- priests
    4. Teaching virtues and values
    5. Keeping custom and cultures.
    6. Settling disputes.
    7. Caring for members of the community
    8. _______________________
    9. _______________________

How Ancestors Shared Their Possession {Matthew 25:33-40}

  • Life was communal- each member was catered for according to needs.
  • The gap between the rich and the poor was minimized.
  • A person’s wealth was measured in term of:-
    1. Number of children
    2. Number of animals
    3. Size of land
    4. Number of wives
      • Cultivated land belonged to the aged.
      • Shared work
      • Welcomed strangers.

Mathew 25:33-40

  • We will be judged according to how we share our possession especially with the needy.
  • We should show concern for the needy.

How Christians Share Talent/Skills with Others

  • God given talents include
    1. Singing
    2. Teaching
    3. _________________
    4. _________________
    5. _________________
    6. _________________
  • Talents are special gifts given by God.
  • Skills are learnt and perfected.
  • Christians should use different talents and skills to do the work of God.

How Christians Share Their New Life with Jesus{Mathew 25:33-40}

  • Christians share their new life with Jesus by helping the needy e.g.:-
    1. Visiting prisoners
    2. Feeding the hungry
    3. Clothing the naked.
    4. Caring for the sick and the aged.
    5. Welcoming strangers.
  • When Christians help the needy Jesus assure them of great reward i.e will join Him and rejoice forever in heaven.

Revision questions

  1. Primary CRE 6 pg 26-27, 1-11
  2. Quick reading CRE pg 11-12, 1-10
  3. Spotlight CRE 6 pg 12-15
Published in CRE Class 6 Notes