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goba area

Study the map of Goba area and use to answer questions 1-7.

  1. Many people have settled in Seru village because
    1. the area receives high rainfall
    2. they work in the nearby forest
    3. the area is well served by roads
    4. the land has flat relief.
  2. Which one of the following products is transported along the railway line to Bego town?
    1. Timber
    2. Pulp
    3. Tree logs
    4. Meat.
  3. The approximate area of the forest reserve in Goba area is
    1. 8.0km2
    2. 4.1km2
    3. 6.1km2
    4. 2.km2
  4. The general direction of Wado town from the beef ranch is
    1. South West
    2. South
    3. East
    4. North East
  5. The highest part of Goba area is around
    1. the beef ranch
    2. Meso hill
    3. the forest
    4. Wado town
  6. Bego town started mainly as a result of
    1. the road junction
    2. high rainfall
    3. the paper factory
    4. administrative offices.
  7. The main economic activity in Goba area is
    1. tourism
    2. trading
    3. farming
    4. forestry.
  8. The Bantu settlement at Shugwaya was disrupted by the
    1. Samburu
    2. Ngoni
    3. Somali
    4. Galla.
  9. Which one of the following is role of pupils in school management?
    1. Cleaning the school compound.
    2. Preparing the school routine.
    3. Making school rules.
    4. Implementing school routine.
  10. Below are conditions for growing a certain crop.
    1. Cool highland conditions.
    2. Deep, well drained volcanic soils.
    3. High rainfall throughout the year.
      The conditions listed above favour the growing of
      1. cotton
      2. tea
      3. sugarcane
      4. cocoa.
  11. The main reason for the formation of the Organization of African Unity(OAU) was that
    1. some countries were still under colonial rule
    2. member countries wanted closer relations
    3. member states wanted to promote democracy
    4. African countries wanted to promote trade.
  12. Which one of the following statements about the theory of evolution is correct?
    1. Human beings evolved from ape-like creatures.
    2. Human beings had bigger brains.
    3. Homo erectus made iron tools.
    4. Australopithecus walked upright.
  13. The diagram below shows the formation of a mountain.
    13 adada
    Which one of the following pairs is made up of mountains formed through the process shown above?
    1. Danakil Alps and Mau ranges.
    2. Mount Ruwenzori and Pare highlands.
    3. Mount Elgon and Mount Meru.
    4. Atlas mountains and Cape ranges.
  14. The democratic right of the people is abused when
    1. elections are rigged
    2. parliament is dissolved
    3. suspected lawbreakerss are arrested
    4. police disperse violent demonstrators.
  15. Which one of the following was not a reason for the expansion of the kingdom Old Ghana?
    1. Wealth acquired from trade.
    2. Presence of a strong army.
    3. Spread of Islam in West Africa.
    4. Availability of high rainfall.
  16. The main reason for the coming of Seyyid Said to Eastern Africa was to
    1. find a sea route to India
    2. find the source of River Nile
    3. control the coastal trade
    4. acquire colonies in Eastern Africa.
  17. Which one of the following countries borders Kenya to the North West?
    1. Uganda
    2. Sudan
    3. Ethiopia
    4. South Sudan.
  18. The method used to extract copper from the ground in Zambia is
    1. opencast
    2. drilling
    3. deep shaft
    4. scooping.
  19. The collaboration of the Maasai people with the British during the colonial period in Kenya led to
    1. construction off schools in Maasai land
    2. settlement of Europeans in Maasai land
    3. Maasai acquiring cattle from the British
    4. recruit of Maasai youth in the army.
  20. Which one of the following statements about a will is correct? It
    1. shows the property of the deceased
    2. outlines how the property of the deceased is to be shared
    3. outlines the laws in a family
    4. is a document issued at marriage.
  21. Which one of the following groups is made up of countries that are crossed by the Trans-Saharan Highway?
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  22. In Germany, most people people live in towns because
    1. the towns are highly industrious
    2. the towns experience high rainfall 
    3. most people are educated
    4. people have small families.
  23. Which of following areas experience convectional rainfall?
    1. Ethiopian highlands.
    2. Southern Tanzania.
    3. Lake Victoria basin
    4. Central highlands in Kenya.
  24. When the Hehe people resisted German colonial rule in Tanganyika, they were led by
    1. Chief Mirambo
    2. Chief mkwawa
    3. Kinjeketile Ngwale
    4. Abushiri.
  25. Which one of the of the following is way of involving people with special needs in community development?
    1. Exempting them from paying taxes. 
    2. Forming political parties for them.
    3. Nominating them to the senate.
    4. Making laws to protect them.
  26. The main cause of the migration of the Luo people from the Nile valley in Sudan was
    1. droughts
    2. epidemics
    3. conflicts
    4. overpopulation.
  27. Which one of the following was done by Kabaka Mwanga of the Buganda kingdom during the colonial period? He
    1. signed peace treaties with the British
    2. collaborated with the British
    3. resisted British rule in Uganda
    4. gave land to white settlers.
  28. Which one of the following statements about lines of longitude is not true?
    1. start and end at the poles
    2. influence time on earth
    3. affect climate
    4. run from North to South.
  29. Which one of the following is an effort done by African countries to attract more tourists?
    1. Advertising places of interest. 
    2. Building hotels near game park.
    3. Fencing game parks.
    4. Building houses for the tourist.

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 30 to 33.

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  1. Which one of the following communities settled in the shaded area marked G during the migration period?
    1. Abaluyia
    2. Aembu
    3. Taita
    4. Abagusii.
  2. Three of the following are uses of the mineral mined at the place marked J. Which one is not?
    1. Producing toothpaste. 
    2. Making water filters.
    3. Strengthening steel.
    4. Manufacturing of cement.
  3. Which one of the following statements about the town marked S is not true?
    1. It was visited by early visitors.
    2. It is Kenya's largest sea port.
    3. It is a major tourist destination.
    4. It has a domestic airport.
  4. Natural vegetation in the shaded area marked N consists of
    1. tall grass
    2. scattered thorny trees
    3. dense mountain forests
    4. dry shrubs.
  5. The struggle for independence in Zimbabwe took along period of time because
    1. white settlers did not want to leave
    2. Africans were not well organised 
    3. there were few educated Africans
    4. Africans lacked strong leaders.
  6. The main imports of the countries of Eastern Africa are
    1. coffee and tea
    2. flowers and minerals 
    3. canned meat and drinks
    4. petroleum and machinery.
  7. An age group is made up of people who
    1. are initiated around the same time
    2. have a common ancestor
    3. live in the same area
    4. speak a similar language.
  8. The main cause of conflict among communities in pastoral areas in Kenya is
    1. low levels of education
    2. lack of natural resources
    3. differences in political opinions
    4. competition for pasture.
  9. Which one of the following Europeans nations is correctly matched with the policy it used to administer its colonies?
    1. Britain-Assimilation
    2. Portugal-Association.
    3. Belgium-Direct rule.
    4. France-Indirect rule.
  10. Three of the following were roles of the council of elders among the Ameru people. Which one was not?
    1. Leading the community to war.
    2. Maintaining community customs.
    3. Solving disputes among the people.
    4. Allocating land to the people.
  11. A similarity in sisal growing in Kenya and Tanzania is that in both countries sisal is
    1. grown in large plantation
    2. the largest export crop
    3. grown under irrigation
    4. grown in the cool wet highlands.
  12. Nyeri town receives higher rainfall than Nanyuki town because
    1. Nyeri lies at a higher altitude
    2. Nanyuki is far from large water bodies
    3. Nanyuki has cool and almost dry winds
    4. Nyeri lies near the Equator.
  13. Many young people in Kenya move to town in order to
    1. live with their parents
    2. search for jobs
    3. join schools
    4. seek for treatment.
  14. The diagram below represents a weather instrument.
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    The weather instrument shown above is used to measure
    1. air pressure
    2. amount of rainfall
    3. amount of water vapour
    4. temperature.
  15. Which one of the following statements about the forests of Swaziland and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is true?
    1. They have hardwood trees. 
    2. They are sources of timber.
    3. Trees are planted in straight rows.
    4. They provide pulp for paper making.
  16. A child born by Kenya citizens outside Kenya acquire Kenyan citizenship by
    1. birth
    2. naturalization
    3. registration
    4. application.
  17. The winds that bring rainfall to the Cape region of South Africa are
    1. South Westerlies
    2. Harmattan winds
    3. North East monsoon winds.
    4. Westerly winds.
  18. In Kenya petroleum is refined in
    1. Kisumu
    2. Nairobi
    3. Eldorect
    4. Mombasa.
  19. Which one of the following forms of modern communication consist of print media?
    1. Radio and television.
    2. Internet and e-mail.
    3. Newspapers and magazines.
    4. Telephone and letters.
  20. Which one of the following is a way of preserving people's culture?
    1. Studying fossils of early human beings.
    2. Keeping traditional artefact in museums.
    3. Promoting the use of a national language.
    4. Establishing places of worship.
  21. Lake Bangweulu in Zambia and lake Kyoga in Uganda were formed through
    1. downwarping
    2. erosion
    3. faulting
    4. volcanicity.
  22. The main factor that influences population distribution is
    1. distribution of minerals
    2. availability of jobs
    3. relief of the land
    4. amount of rainfall.
  23. Which one of the following depressions is correctly matched with the country it is found?
      Depression  Country 
    A  Qattarra  Egypt
    B  Danakil  Mali
    C  El Djouf  Botswana
    D  Kalahari  Ethiopia
  24. The title of the army officer in traditional Nyamwezi chiefdom was
    1. Kikoma
    2. Mtwale
    3. Minule
    4. Mganwe
  25. Which one of the following is a negative effect on the environment by industries?
    1. Destruction of roads by heavy trucks.
    2. Injuries to workers in factories.
    3. Emission of smoke into the atmosphere.
    4. Establishment of slums around around industries.
  26. Which one of the following groups of communities entered Kenya from the North during the migration period?
    1. Abaluyia, Abagusii, Abakuria.
    2. Pokot, Samburu, Maasai
    3. Taita, Pokomo, Mijikenda
    4. Akamba, Agikuyu, Ameru.
  27. Below is a description of a town in Eastern Africa.
    1. It is the headquarter of a regional body. 
    2. It is located in a maize growing area.
    3. It lies along the Great North Road.
      The town described above is
      1. Addis Ababa
      2. Djibouti
      3. Arusha
      4. Nairobi.
  28. On a voting day in Kenya, citizens are expected to
    1. cast their votes into the ballot box
    2. count the votes casted
    3. distribute election materials
    4. conduct voter registration.
  29. A by-election in a ward can be caused by the following factors except if an elected member
    1. is jailed for more than six months
    2. is declared to be bankrupt
    3. is declared to be of unsound mind
    4. goes out of the country without permission.
  30. A person becomes the speaker of the county assembly through
    1. election by members of a county assembly
    2. nomination by a political party
    3. appointment by the government
    4. election by registered voters in a county.
  31. In Kenya, the judicial arm of the government is headed by
    1. attorney general
    2. chief justice
    3. president
    4. speaker.



  1. God emphasized the value of institution of marriage during creation when He
    1. put Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden
    2. created human being in his image
    3. brought Eve to Adam
    4. gave human beings power over creation.
  2. The story of Abraham leaving Haran to unknown lands teaches Christians to
    1. obey God's commands
    2. repent their sins
    3. forgive their enemies
    4. take care of their families.
  3. When Jacob and his family moved to Egypt, they lived in the land of
    1. Midian
    2. Shechem
    3. Moriah
    4. Goshen
  4. The eating of bitter herbs by the Israelites during the Passover in Egypt showed
    1. their days of suffering as slaves
    2. their hurry to leave Egypt
    3. that they hated the Egyptians
    4. their commitment to serve God
  5. Which one of the following events took place during the Exodus?
    1. Samuel became a judge.
    2. Bezalel made the covenant box.
    3. Gideon defeated the Midianites.
    4. Saul was anointed king of Israel.
  6. One of the reasons why the Israelites demanded for a king was that
    1. they had become too many
    2. they wanted to have land of their them
    3. the Philistines were ruling them
    4. they wanted to be like the other nations.
  7. The name of the wife of Uriah whom King David took was
    1. Abigail
    2. Jezebel
    3. Bethsheba
    4. Maerab
  8. Which one of the following prophesies was made by Jeremiah?
    1. God would write laws on people's heart.
    2. Jesus would be born in Bethlehem.
    3. The Israelites would be ruled by Romans.
    4. Jesus would be the suffering servant.
  9. A common miracle performed by both prophet Elijah and Jesus was 
    1. multiplying oil
    2. raising dead people
    3. healing lepers
    4. walking on water
  10. Mary visited Elizabeth after Angel Gabriel spoke to her in order to
    1. help her relative in time of pregnancy
    2. obey the angel's command
    3. live with Elizabeth
    4. confirm the angel's message.
  11. Which one of the following was done by Herod when Jesus was born? He
    1. visited Joseph and Mary
    2. ordered for a census
    3. ordered for killing of baby boys
    4. presented gifts to Jesus.
  12. When some soldiers went to John the Baptist, he advised them to
    1. obey the Roman rulers
    2. pay their taxes promptly
    3. avoid accusing people falsely
    4. rest on the sabbath.
  13. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus teaches Christians to
    1. help the needy
    2. accept other people to church
    3. forgive their enemies
    4. bring more people to church.
  14. A Christian value seen in the bleeding woman who touched Jesus's clothes is 
    1. courage
    2. humility
    3. patience
    4. faith.
  15. When Jesus taught about who is the greatest, He used a
    1. coin 
    2. child
    3. fish
    4. sheep.
  16. Jesus forgave the sins of one of the robbers crucified with Him because
    1. the thief was innocent
    2. the thief had defended Jesus before Pilate
    3. the thief was repentant
    4. Jesus knew the thief.
  17. Which one of the following events took place on the day Jesus ascended to heaven?
    1. Jesus's clothes changed to dazzling white.
    2. There was a miraculous catch of fish.
    3. Jesus walked on water.
    4. Two angels appeared to the disciples.
  18. The disciples were inside a closed room in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost because they were
    1. afraid of persecution
    2. singing
    3. praying and fasting
    4. choosing the seven deacons.
  19. The work that was given to the seven deacons chosen by the disciples was 
    1. preaching to the gentiles
    2. taking charge of finances
    3. protecting the disciples from persecution
    4. working miracles.
  20. Philip was led by the spirit to the road that went to Gaza in order to
    1. preach to non-Jews
    2. covenant Saul
    3. meet an Ethiopian Eunuch
    4. baptize Cornelius and his family.
  21. Who among the following women was raised by Peter in Joppa?
    1. Mary
    2. Tabitha
    3. Lydia
    4. Salome.
  22. In traditional African communities, people get married mainly to
    1. be respected in the society
    2. get wealth
    3. get children
    4. get companionship.
  23. Which one of the following belief's about death in traditional African communities is true?
    1. All deaths are caused by witchcraft.
    2. Death is the end of life.
    3. Spirits of the dead live in another world.
    4. The dead will resurrect.
  24. Which one of the following rites of passage marks a change from childhood to adulthood in traditional African communities?
    1. Initiation
    2. Naming
    3. Marriage
    4. Conception.
  25. People offer sacrifices in shrines in traditional African communities inorder to
    1. share with ancestors
    2. appease God
    3. eat sacrificial meals
    4. help the needy.
  26. Akoth, a standard eight pupil has free time during the school holiday. She can best help the community by
    1. reading motivational novels 
    2. attending birthday parties
    3. joining the church choir 
    4. visiting the home of an elderly woman and wash her clothes.
  27. Which one of the following activities by Christians is a way of conserving the environment?
    1. Felling trees to make charcoal.
    2. Taking part in soil conservation measures.
    3. Growing crops for sale.
    4. Dumping waste on the roadside.
  28. In Kenya, the church has established learning institutions in order to
    1. offer free education
    2. promote literacy in the country
    3. help needy children
    4. create jobs in the country.
  29. Which one of the following activities by Christians is an act of charity?
    1. Meeting together for prayers.
    2. Singing in the church choir.
    3. Preaching in the villages.
    4. Donating food to famine victims.
  30. Christians help the government in fighting drug abuse by
    1. arresting people who misuse drugs
    2. discouraging the importation of drugs
    3. educating people on the effects of drug abuse
    4. avoiding places where drugs are sold.


  1. Which verse comes after the verse below? "Wadhuhaa Wallaili Idhaa Sajaa....."
    1. Wala saufa yuutwika rabbuka fatardhwaa.
    2. Maa wadaaka rabbuka wamaa kalaa.
    3. Wawajadaka dhwaalan fahada.
    4. Wa ammaa biniimat rabbika fahaddith.
  2. "Say I seek refuge in the Lord of mankind" This is a verse found in surah
    1. Al-Falq
    2. An-Nasr
    3. Al-Kafirun
    4. An-Nas.
  3. Which surah talks about oneness of Allah?
    1. Surah Maun
    2. Surah Ikhlas
    3. Surah Fill
    4. Surah Kauthar.
  4. According to the surah Alaq, Allah (S.W) created man from
    1. a clot of blood
    2. a flash of light 
    3. soil
    4. water.
  5. Who among the following attempted to destroy the Holy Kaaba in the Ful?
    1. Abulahab
    2. Abraha Ashram
    3. Dhul Karnaine
    4. Raaghibu Bahira.
  6. According to the Hadith of the prophet(S.AW) Allah (S.W) hates the following things. Which one among them is Israaf?
    1. Sinful acts.
    2. Asking too many questions.
    3. Waste of wealth.
    4. Useless talks.
  7. From the teachings of the prophet we learn that a generous man is far away from
    1. blames
    2. gibr
    3. hypocrisy
    4. hellfire.
  8. According to the prophet's tradition, a bright man
    1. judges his soul
    2. follows the wishes of his soul
    3. spots and avoids evil
    4. encourages good and forbids evil.
  9. The best act we learn from Hadith is
    1. visiting grave yards to pray for the dead
    2. performing swalah on its time 
    3. praying with others in Jamaa
    4. maintaining cleanliness.
  10. Which one of following acts is done by all Muslims and fosters unity among them?
    1. Putting on robes during Idd.
    2. Celebrating Midd-un-Nabii.
    3. Facing Qibla during prayers.
    4. Breaking Swaum with dates.
  11. A Muslim who observes five daily prayers will perform a minimum of ............................ rakaats everyday.
    1. 11
    2. 25
    3. 15
    4. 17
  12. Who among the following people are allowed to join Muslims in Idd prayers but should only listen to Khutba and not pray swalah?
    1. Men and Janaba.
    2. Women in heidh and Nifas.
    3. Women in Janaba.
    4. Men and Women with Najis Mughalladha.
  13. The correct order of obligations towards the Mayyit is
    1. Salaat-Kaffan-Ghusul - Dafan
    2. Dafan-Kaffan - Ghusul-Salaat
    3. Ghusul-Kaffan - Salaat - Dafan.
    4. Ghusul - Salaat-Kafan - Dafan.
  14. Which of the following is not a piece of cloth prepared for shrouding of the dead? 
    1. Ihraam
    2. Lifaafa
    3. Qamis
    4. Izaar.
  15. The prophet (p.b.u.h) warned the rich Muslims that wealth not paid for zakkat shall on the day of Qiyama
    1. but turned into a big snake
    2. be blown off as dust
    3. be turned into charcoal of fire
    4. be snatched from the owners.
  16. A special meal taken by fasting Muslims past midnight before the fasting hour is known as
    1. walima
    2. twaam
    3. suhuur
    4. iftah.
  17. Which of the following is a measure of water which according to sharia cannot be dirtfied by simple najis?
    1. Shibr
    2. Quratun
    3. Qiblatein
    4. Qulatein.
  18. How many rakaats are performed in fajr prayer?
    1. Three
    2. Two
    3. Four
    4. Five.
  19. What is the duty performed by angel Mikail (AS)?
    1. Record deeds.
    2. Wil blow a trumphet.
    3. Distribute or control rainfall. 
    4. Question.
  20. Which of the following holy books was revealed in pieces for a period of 23 years?
    1. Holy Injil.
    2. Holy Quran.
    3. Holy Taurat.
    4. Holy Sahuf.
  21. Muslims believe that whatever befalls them, good or bad in life all comes from Allah(S.W). Which pillar carries this belief?
    Belief in
    1. in last day
    2. Allah
    3. Holybooks
    4. Qadr.
  22. What is Tagwa? The
    1. fear of Allah
    2. relianceon Allah
    3. forgiveness of Allah
    4. guidance of Allah.
  23. Who among the following demonstrated a spirit of good relationship with members of other religions?
    1. Ahab 
    2. Negus
    3. Firaun
    4. Herod.
  24. Allah created man so as to
    1. worship Him
    2. make wealth
    3. reproduce children
    4. control creatures.
  25. The cloth of the Islamic male should cover from
    1. head to toe
    2. navel to knee
    3. shoulder to feet
    4. the whole body.
  26. Below is a description of a battle.
    -Muslims were much fewer than the Quraish Kafirs.
    -Allah (SW) send angels to help Muslims.
    -70 prisoners of war were captured.
    Which battle of war was this? Battle of
    1. Uhud
    2. Khandaq
    3. Süfiin
    4. Badr.
  27. Where did the prophet Muhammad (p.b.a.) build his grand Masjid? In
    1. Syria
    2. Makka
    3. Madina
    4. Jerusalem
  28. Who among the following was not a prophet?
    1. Idris 
    2. Luqman
    3. Lut 
    4. Dhulkifl.
  29. Allah(SW) punished the people of Shuaib for
    1. injustice in measure
    2. anal sex-zinaa
    3. idol worship
    4. disobedience to the prophet.
  30. Which of the following points is not a Miqar?
    1. Yamlam
    2. Dhul-Hulaifa
    3. Qarn al-Manzil
    4. Ashawt.


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