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Wednesday, 22 September 2021 08:28

Citizenship - Class 6 Social Studies Revision Notes


  • This is love for ones country
  • It is an element of a good citizen
  • A person who loves his country is called a patriot

Ways of demonstrating patriotism

  1. Obeying the laws
  2. Respecting other people and their property
  3. Participating in elections
  4. Offering services when called upon
  5. Payment of taxes
  6. Keeping the secrets of the countries
  7. Not engaging in corruption
  8. Talking good of our country
  9. Being royal
  10. Attending national celebrations
  11. Giving support to other kenyans

African Socialism

  • It is a national philosophy
  • It was adopted in the year 1965
  • Was introduced by Jomo Kenyatta and Tom Mboya
  • It was established through the introduction of sessional paper no.10 of 1965
  • It emphasizes the spirit of togetherness
  • It aims at achieving political and economic development
  • It encourages equal treatment
  • People are encouraged to live in harmony

Importances of African Socialism

  1. It promotes political democracy
  2. It emphasizes equality of all
  3. It urges people to respect others rights
  4. Encourages the development of mutual responsibilities
  5. It units all kenyans
  6. It encourages equal distribution of wealth
  7. vii. It encourages development in kenya

Democracy And Human Rights


  • It means majority rule
  • In democracy majority of the people’s will is respected

Main principles of democracy

  • Principles of democracy refers to rules that are generally acceptable in governance
  • They include;
    1. Promotion of justice to all
    2. Promotion of equality before the law
    3. Promotion of freedom for all people
    4. Provision of equal opportunities for all citizens
    5. Recongnizing that power belongs to citizens
    6. Respect of people’s rights
    7. In democracy elections are valued

Human Rights

  • These are freedoms and privileges entitled to all Kenyans
  • They are in chapter four of the constitution
  • The section in the constitution with the human rights is called the bill of rights


  1. Right to life
  2. Right to education
  3. Right to information
  4. Right to vote
  5. Right to own property
  6. Right to equality
  7. Right to shelter
  8. Right to food
  9. Right to marry


  • Ability to make choices or do things without being stopped by others
  • They include;
    1. Freedom of worship
    2. Freedom of movement
    3. Freedom of assembly
    4. Freedom of association
    5. Freedom of expression
    6. Freedom from discrimination
    7. Freedom of speech

Rights of People With Special Needs

  1. Right to access special education
  2. Right to equal employment
  3. Right to protected from discrimination
  4. Right to access special equipments
  5. Right to be represented in parliament
  6. Right to equality before the law
  7. Right to fair trial

Responsibility of Persons With Special Needs

  1. They should be law abiding
  2. Respect their leaders
  3. They should not misuse their privaleges
  4. They should not misuse their rights
  5. They should take responsibilities to build the nation
  6. Participating in elections
  7. Take part in community projects
  8. Being elected in leadership positions.

Law Peace and Conflict Resolution


  • Rules guiding people to ensure peace and harmony


  • A state of calmness when there is no war

Conflict resolution

  • This is the process or act of solving or settling a disagreement.

Factors that Promote Peace

  1. Tolerance
  2. Equal opportunities for all
  3. Equal distribution of resources
  4. Dialogue i.e discussing issues to bring understanding
  5. Games and sports
  6. Obeying the laws
  7. Respecting others
  8. Accountability of all people fairly
  9. Listenning to the opinion of others

Factors that Undermine Peace

  • These are things that result to a conflict
    1. Religious differences
    2. Political differences
    3. Civil wars
      Border disputes
    4. Unequal distribution of resources
    5. Robberies and cattle rustling.
    6. Uneployment
    7. Corruption
    8. Unequal application of the rule of law
    9. Intolerance
    10. Violation of people’s rights
    11. Tribalism and nepotism

Importance of Peace

  1. Leads to development
  2. Children are able to learn and go to school freely
  3. Leads to effective governance
  4. Tourism is developed
  5. In a peaceful state people enjoy their rights and freedoms
  6. Promotes good relations between people and country
  7. Promotes businesses and investments
  8. People can move freely to places within

The Government of Kenya

Arms of The Government

  1. Legislature
  2. Executive
  3. Judiciary


  • Held after every five years
  • Supervised by the IEBC – independent electoral and boundaries commission

Functions of IEBC

  1. Register voters
  2. Keeping and revising voters registers
  3. Registering and clearing candidates for elections
  4. Conducting of voters education
  5. Establishing polling stations
  6. Supervising of elections
  7. Counting of votes and announcing results
  8. Review the contituencies boundaries
  9. Supervising and conducting a referendum
  10. Recommends the creation of new constituencies
  11. Appoints and trains officials to supervise elections
  12. Determines the number each political party will niominate in the parliament
  13. Sets the campaign period
  14. Announces the election dates
  15. Settles disputes related to nomination

The Civil Electoral Process in Kenya

  • Carried out in a ward
  • The head of a ward is the county represetative or the member of the county assembly
  • County representatives are elected by the citizens

Qualifications of a County Representative

  1. Must be a kenyan citizen
  2. Must be 18years and above
  3. Must be able to read and write in both english and kiswahili
  4. Must be a registered voter
  5. Must be a member of a party or an independent candidate
  6. Must be of sound mind
  7. Must be staying in the ward
  8. Must be supported by atleast seven members of a ward
  9. Must have an ID card
  10. Must present his nomination papers to the returning officer
  11. Must pay a nomination fee of 1000 to the IEBC

The Electoral Process

  1. Dissolution of the county assembly
  2. The speaker declares all the seats vacant
  3. IEBC announces the election date
  4. Political parties nominate their civil candidates
  5. Candidates present nomination papers to the IEBC
  6. IEBC announces the campaign period
  7. IEBC organizes voting equipments and materials
  8. IEBC appoints and trains election officials
  9. Election materials are taken to polling stations
  10. Voting is done from 6.00am to 5.00 pm on the day of election
  11. Voting is done by the use of secret ballots
  12. Counting of votes is done and witnessed by the observers and party representatives
  13. Presiding officers announces results at the polling stations
  14. All polling stations in the ward submit their counted votes to the returning officer and the winner is officially announced.

How a County Representative May Lose His Civil Seat

  1. In case of death
  2. Resignation from the seat
  3. If declared bankrupt by a court of law
  4. If civil election is nullified
  5. If he is jailed for more than six months
  6. Incase of a nominated county representative the IEBC may nullify the nomination
  7. Incase one is declared insane
  8. In case one looses his kenyan citizenship
  9. Resignation or defecting from his/her party
  10. If he misses 8 consecutive sittings in the county assembly.

Jesus Frees And Commands

The Meaning of Christian Freedom

  • Freedom is the state or condition of being unrestrained.
  • It does not mean doing as one wishes
  • True freedom must be accompanied by responsibility
  • Truly free people respect and obey lawful authority
  • They do not allow themselves to be enslaved by immoral things.
  • Jesus death on the cross set Christians free
  • Human being however still has freedom to choose their destiny.
  • God grants us the free will to choose life or death.
  • Each choice we make have consequences
  • We should protect or freedom by living according to Jesus’ teachings.


  1. Galatians 5:1 says
  2. We may be free to do anything but _______________________________

Jesus Shows His Obidience to God

  • Jesus is God’s only son
  • He is the first born of creations
  • He was born of virgin Mary who had conceived through immaculate conception
  • The baby Jesus was always obedient to his earthly parents
  • He grew up gaining favour with God and men.
  • He obeyed his heavenly father and accomplished his mission on earth
  • He restrained Peter who wanted to protect him using violence.
  • Jesus was obedient to his father even unto death
  • He condemned anyone who came in the way of God’s will.
  • We should emulate Jesus obedient to lawful authority.


  1. Peter cut the ear of _________________ was a servant of _________________
  2. “Those who live by the sword shall also die by the sword”. These words were said by ______________ to_____________

Jesus' Reaction Towards Freedom

  • Jesus taught his disciples to obey his commandments
  • He said that those who obey his commandments would know the truth
  • Those who know the truth, Jesus said, would be set free.
  • True freedom, Jesus taught, comes from being informed
  • Everyone who sins is a slave of sins.
  • Jesus’ teaching makes people free by taking away sin and immorality
  • We should work to inform people about Jesus and quality life
  • Such people will make informed choices.
  • We should desire to achieve true freedom.
  • We should also help other to make the most informed decisions.


  1. John 8:31-32 says ______________________________________
  2. True freedom must be accompanied by ______________________

Jesus Christ's Respect for Authority

  • Jesus grew up as an obedient child
  • When he was eight days old, he was circumcised according to the law of Moses.
  • When Jesus was forty days old he was presented at the temple for dedication.
  • He attended the Passover feast in Jerusalem when he was twelve years old
  • Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist so as to fulfill God’s wish.
  • He began his ministry in Galilee and had twelve disciples.
  • Jesus taught his disciples to respect lawful authority.
  • He supported payment of taxes and sent peter to pay temple tax
  • The Pharisee tried to trap Jesus on the issue of paying taxes.
  • He evaded their trap and said “ give to Ceaser what belongs to ceaser and to God what belongs to God”


  1. State three accusations brought against Jesus before Pilate, the governor 2. When Jesus was born, who was the Roman Emperor?

Personal Freedom

Personal Freedom in Relation to Ourselves

  • It is important to use our personal freedom wisely
  • Our freedom of action should be exercised in a cautious manner
  • Freedom should never be a stumbling block to others
  •  All Christians should exercise freedom by being of good character
  • Freedom should never be misused to cover up evil
  • We should commit ourselves to God in all we do.
  • We should not engage in drug abuse or immorality.
  • We should use our freedom to serve God and others.


  1. List two other words which mean the same as freedom
  2. According to Apostle Peter, freedom should not be used

Personal Freedom in Relation to Authority

  • Christians should submit to lawful and relevant authority.
  • Lawful authorities are instituted by God.
  • Those who oppose lawful authority oppose God and will be punished. 4. Christians should be peaceful, friendly and law abiding.
  • They should not talk ill of anyone especially those in authorities.
  • Instead, Christians should support and pray for their leaders
  •  They should also show concern genuinely for everyone.
  • God is pleased when we use our personal freedom to support those in authority.


  1. Romans 13:1 says
  2. Who are the lawful authorities in a
    1. School
    2. Church
    3. District
    4. County
    5. Country

Personal Freedom in Relation to Parents And the Community

  • Children exercise personal freedom depending on the environment
  • If parents are too strict children may be fearful.
  • Lenient parents allow children to exercise personal freedom
  • Such children are able to express their opinion on family issues.
  • Children should not use their personal freedom to disrespect parents.
  • Jesus used his personal freedom to grow up as an obedient child.
  • He chose to remain in the House of God but also obeyed his parents.
  • Jesus ended up being loved by his parents, other people and God.


  1. Jesus attended the Passover in _______when he was ____________years old.
  2. Jesus responses to Satan in the second and third temptations were
    1. ______________
    2. ______________

Loyalty to The State

  1. Christians should be loyal to their country and those in authority.
  2. They can show their loyalty by:
    1. Respecting the law of the land
    2. Paying taxes
    3. Reporting crime to authorities.
    4. Promoting peace and justice
    5. Participating in community development.
    6. Creating awareness on the constitution.
  3. The bible encourages us to obey lawful authority.
  4. It is our Christian duty to pray for those in authority.
  5. Christians should be willing to participate in census and fulfill other civic responsibilities.
  6. God will always reward those who dutifully respect the rule of law.


  1. Name two founding fathers of Kenya
  2. The loyalty pledge exhorts us to be loyal to.
    1. ________________
    2. ________________
  3. Titus 3:1-2 says
Published in CRE Class 8 Notes
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