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  1. Clouds that are dark grey in colour
    1. indicate fine weather.
    2. have a flat base.
    3. appear low in the sky.
    4. look like bundles of cotton wool.
  2. The following are advantages of soft water except one. Which one is it?
    1. Less soap is used.
    2. Does not contain minerals.
    3. Lathers easily with soap.
    4. Less energy is used when washing.
  3. Soil pollution is caused by all the following except
    1. treated sewage.
    2. floods
    3. acid rain.
    4. excess fertilizers.
  4. Which among the following animals has scales on its body?
    1. Newt 
    2. Lizard
    3. Toad
    4. Whale
  5. Class four pupils set up an experiment as shown below.
    Which component of soil were they investigating?
    1. Water and air.
    2. Living organisms.
    3. Organic matter. 
    4. Mineral salts.
  6. Soil erosion depends on all the following factors except
    1. the slope of the land.
    2. type of soil in an area.
    3. mineral content of the soil.
    4.  plant cover in an area.
  7. Plants depend on each other for the following except
    1. habitat
    2. shelter
    3. support
    4. air
  8. Which of the following mixtures can be separated by sieving?
    1. Flour and maize grains.
    2. Sand and water.
    3. Sorghum and husks.
    4. Beans and maize.
  9. An insect pollinated flower has one of the following characteristics. Which one?
    1. Has powdery pollen grains.
    2. Produces nectar.
    3. Has dull petals.
    4. Produces many pollen grains.
  10. Which pair of liquids will mix with milk and engine oil respectively?
    1. Methylated spirit, diesel.
    2. Cooking oil, water
    3. Ink, water.
    4. Diesel, water.
  11. Which of the following signs of ill health in livestock is not an immediate sign?
    1. Coughing
    2. Stunted growth.
    3. Blood in stools.
    4. Rough coat.
  12. Class five pupils carried out the experiment below.
    After sometimes the wax melted and the pin fell off. This was mainly because of
    1. conduction of heat
    2. radiation and convection of heat.
    3. dispersion of heat.
    4. convection of heat.
  13. Which of the animals below is a herbivorous animal?
    1. Pig
    2. Dog
    3. Chimpanzee
    4. Hippopotamus
  14. Which method of food preservation below is both a modern and a traditional method?
    1. Refrigeration
    2. Salting
    3. Smoking
    4. Use of low temperatures
  15. Among the following examples of states of matter, which one does not have definite volume?
    1. Sand particles.
    2. Water.
    3. Smoke.
    4. Ice
  16. The main reason why mothers are advised feed their infants on breast milk is because breast milk
    1. is easy to digest.
    2. is free from diseases.
    3. boosts the infants immunity
    4. is wholesome at right temperature.
  17. Which one of the following manures release nutrients fast into the soil for plants?
    1. Farm yard manure.
    2. Compost manure.
    3. Green manure.
    4. Urea.
  18. All the following excretory products are removed by the skin except
    1. excess water.
    2. excess salts.
    3. lactic acid.
    4. carbon dioxide.
  19. The diagram below represents a plant that is able to grow in a dry habitat.
    Which one of the following is not an adaptive feature found in the above plant?
    1. Green stem for making food.
    2. Thick waxy cuticle on the stem.
    3. Succulent stem for storing water.
    4. Has thin leaves to make food.
  20. Which group below consists of only diseases Which oron below that are immunisable?
    1. Whooping cough, Tuberculosis, Bilharzia
    2. Measles, Tetanus, Malaria.
    3. Yellow fever, Tuberculosis, Diphtheria.
    4. Cholera, Malaria, Poliomyelitis
  21. Which one of the following pairs of plants is correctly matched with the type of root system?
    Tap root Fibrous roots
    1. Grass Maize
    2. Blackjack Cabbage
    3. Coconut Acacia
    4. Kales Onions
  22. In a food chain green plants represent the
    1. primary consumers.
    2. secondary consumers.
    3. primary producers.
    4. tertiary consumers.
  23. Which one of the following livestock parasites attacks the liver and lungs of livestocks?
    1.  Liverfluke 
    2. Tapeworms
    3. Lungworms
    4. Hookworms
  24. The diagram below shows an excretory system in human being.
    The parts labelled W, X and Y respectively are:
    1. Kidney, bladder, urethra
    2. Urethra, kidney, ureter
    3. Ureter, bladder, urethra
    4. Urethra, bladder, ureter
  25. Three of the following are all illegal drugs. Which one is not?
    1. Bhang
    2. Alcohol
    3. Cocaine
    4. Heroin
  26. Soil conservation is done through the following ways except one. Which one?
    1. Mulching.
    2. Planting trees.
    3. Ploughing across the contours.
    4. Not burning vegetation cover.
  27. The crop pest that cuts the stems of seedlings is called
    1. cutworm
    2. aphids
    3. weevil
    4. stalk-borer
  28. A person in the incubation stage of HIV infection will show
    1. signs and test negative.
    2. no signs and test negative.
    3. signs, symptoms and test positive.
    4. no signs, no symptoms and test positive.
  29. A bird that has flat serrated beak is likely to feed on
    1. nectar
    2. grains
    3. filtering foods from water
    4. flesh
  30. Educating masses is a way of controlling the spread of HIV and AIDS. It can be carried out through all the following ways except
    1. public rallies 
    2. job interviews
    3. seminars
    4. weddings.
  31. Which group of animal feeds below provides livestock with mineral salts only when fed?
    1. Green fodder and honey.
    2. Bonemeal and salt lick.
    3. Bran and mollases.
    4. Fish meal and lucerne.
  32. Which one of the following parasites does not attack pigs?
    1. Louse 
    2. Flea
    3. Mite
    4. Ticks
  33. The diagram below shows a weather instrument made by std. 5 pupils.
    The weather instrument did not function wel! because
    1. they used a scale reading from top to bottom
    2. they used a narrow straw.
    3. they used a thin walled glass bottle.
    4. they used coloured water.
  34. Which of the following transformation of energy occurs in the electromagnet?
    1. Electrical Magnetic Chemical Heat
    2. Chemical Electrical Magnetic Light
    3. Chemical Electrical Electromagnet
    4. Electrical+Chemical Magnetic
  35. A machine
    1. reduces the amount of work.
    2. increases effort used.
    3. makes work easier.
    4. increases the amount of work done.
  36. A class 7 pupil tried to push a box towards the direction shown by force.
    Which arrow shows the direction of friction force?
    1. M
    2. L
    3. K
  37. The following animals have same way of movement except
    1. flea
    2. ladybird
    3. wasp
    4. butterfly
  38. In which of the following processes is energy correctly classified under renewable and non-renewable?
    Renewable Non-renewable
    1. Wind Charcoal
    2. Coal Petrol
    3. Natural gas Firewood
    4. Biogas Diesel
  39. Which of the following is not a symptom of food poisoning?
    1. Fever
    2. Pain in joints
    3. Diarrhoea
    4. Vomiting
  40. Which one of the following is not an effect of livestock diseases?
    1. Lower yields.
    2. Red iced quality of products.
    3. Stunted growth.
    4. Transmission diseases to human beings.
  41. Which one of the following is not an air pollutant?
    1. Burning tyres.
    2. Sewage effluents.
    3. Vehicle exhaust fumes.
    4. Industrial gases.
  42. During breathing out
    1. diaphragm flattens,
    2. lungs expand.
    3. ribs move upwards and outwards.
    4. diaphragm becomes dome shaped.
  43. The diagram below shows a set up made by std. 5 pupils.
    The process investigated is
    1. evaporation
    2. condensation
    3. convection
    4. freezing
  44. Which pair of activities below requires streamlining of the body to reduce friction?
    1. Swimming and flying.
    2. Reproduction and flying.
    3. Feeding and swimming.
    4. Reproduction and feeding.
  45. The implantation of the foetus takes place in
    1. fallopian tube.
    2. uterus.
    3. vagina.
    4. oviduct.
  46. The two gases that dissolve in water to make acid rain are:
    1. Sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide.
    2. Carbon monoxide and nitrogen
    3. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen.
    4. Oxygen and carbon dioxid
  47. To gei extra iron, an expectant mother should feel on
    1. ugali
    2. spinach
    3. potatoes
    4. Bananas
  48. The two liquids that can be used as lubricants are
    1. engine oil and grease.
    2. diesel and grease.
    3. petrol and diesel.
    4. engine oil and petrol
  49. When an arrow of a windvane points to the East, the wind must be blowing from
    1. East 
    2. West
    3. North
    4. South
  50. Which of the following animals is a herbivore?
    1. Chimpanzee
    2. Zebra
    3. Pig
    4. Tiger

Marking Scheme

  1. C
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
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  12. B
  13. D
  14. D
  15. C
  16. C
  17. D
  18. D
  19. D
  20. C
  21. D
  22. C
  23. A
  24. D
  25. B
  26. C
  27. A
  28. D
  29. C
  30. B
  31. B
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  33. A
  34. C
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  36. B
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  49. A
  50. B