Displaying items by tag: term 2 opener


  1. The technique that involves using dots to create value and make an object look like solid while on a drawing surface is known as
    1. cross hatching
    2. smudging
    3. stippling
    4. collage
  2. What is the main function of soap in crayon etching?
    1. To make the crayons mix well.
    2. To make the Indian ink to stick well on the waxed surface.
    3. To add texture and beauty to the crayon composition.
    4. To make the surface smooth for scratching.
  3. Alice modelled the item below.
    She can use the following methods to decorate it except
    1. incising
    2. embossing
    3. stamping
    4. kneading
  4. Junet described what calligraphy is. Which one is the correct answer?
    1. The art of writing on a surface using a pen. 
    2. The art of writing using a brush and paint. 
    3. The art of writing with a beautiful handwriting using a special pen.
    4. An art of writing words and drawing pictures.
  5. Grade six learners explained what tertiary colours are. Choose the correct answer they gave?
    1. Any colour obtained from nature.
    2. Colours obtained by mixing primary and secondary colours in equal proportion.
    3. Colours obtained by mixing two or more colours.
    4. Colours obtained by mixing primary colours.
  6. Which of these statements best describes montage?
    1. The art of cutting pictures.
    2. The art of cutting and pasting pictures on a surface.
    3. The art of drawing pictures on a surface.
    4. The art of creating pictures on a surface.
  7. Which option shows the best source of montage pictures?
    1. Textbooks
    2. Storybooks
    3. Dictionary
    4. Old newspapers and magazines
  8. The following are factors to consider when painting. Which one is not?
    1. Subject matter
    2. Proportionality
    3. The type of paint palette.
    4. Centre of interest.
  9. Onyango drew the picture below. What is the name of the art shown?
    1. Stick puppet
    2. Glove puppet
    3. Marionette
    4. Rod puppet
  10. Which pair consists of natural materials that are used in basketry?
    1. Polyester, yarn
    2. Wool, nylon
    3. Carbon fibre, reeds
    4. Raffia, sisal fibre


  1. Which of the following lines is found in the East African Community anthem?
    1. Ee Mungu tunakuomba.
    2. Ee Mungu wewe ni mkuu.
    3. Ee Mungu twaomba uilinde.
    4. Wewe ni Mungu wetu.
  2. The highness or lowness of voice while singing is called _______________________________
    1. rhythm
    2. pitch
    3. melody
    4. volume
  3. "Muturiru" is wind instrument that is used by which community in Kenya?
    1. Luhya
    2. Kikuyu
    3. Mijikenda
    4. Kalenjin
  4. What is the French rhythm of the note below?
    1. Taa-aa
    2. Ta-te
    3. Taa
    4. Taa-aa-aa
  5. A certain community group is singing dirges. The songs being sang are most likely
    1. funeral songs
    2. wedding songs
    3. initiation songs
    4. praise songs
  6. The following are performance etiquettes when presenting folk songs. Which one is not?
    1. Dress appropriately.
    2. Maintain enough space between participants.
    3. Never acknowledge the applause from the audience.
    4. Do not stare at the audience whenever one of the presenters makes a mistake.
  7. The following are aspects of a folk song except one. Which one it is?
    1. Occasions
    2. Instrumentation
    3. Participants
    4. Body adornment.
  8. A grade seven learner was singing the song below.
    Wash you hands,
    Osha mikono,
    Sisi sote,
    Wash your hands.
    The above song is an example of ______________________________________
    1. action song
    2. sacred song
    3. topical song
    4. lullaby song
  9. The following are roles of a soloist. Which one is not?
    1. Starting a dance.
    2. Pitching singers so that they sing without straining.
    3. Addressing the audience while commanding singers.
    4. Creating disharmony.
  10. Which of the following musical instruments is played by bowing?
    1. Orutu
    2. Chivoti
    3. Biringi
    4. Nzumari



Study the map of Kita area and answer questions 21-25

  1. Peter walked from the forest to lake Kita. Which direction was he walking from?
    1. North West
    2. South East
    3. South West
    4. North East
  2. The climate in the North Western part of Kita area is
    1. hot and wet
    2. cool and wet
    3. hot and dry
    4. cool and dry
  3. The following economic activities are practised in Kita area except
    1. lumbering
    2. mining
    3. farming
    4. fishing
  4. The elected head of Kita area is a
    1. County Commissioner
    2. Chief
    3. Governor
    4. Senator
  5. The type of settlement in Kita area is mainly
    1. clustered
    2. linear
    3. sparse
    4. scattered
  6. Grade six learners were asked to identify the countries of Eastern Africa. Who among the following was wrong?
    1. Sophia - Somalia
    2. Lydiah- Democratic Republic of Congo
    3. Obed - Eritrea
    4. Richard - South Sudan
  7. Identify the position of Eastern Africa in terms of longitudes and latitudes
    1. 17° W, 51° E and 37° N and 35° S 
    2. 23°E, 51°E and 22°N, 12°S
    3. 37°W, 35°E, 17°W, 51'S
    4. 22°E, 12°E and 23°N, 51°S
  8. Grade six learners were asked by their Social Studies teacher to name the physical feature drawn below. Who gave a wrong answer?
    1. Ruwenzori mountains
    2. Mt. Kenya
    3. Mt. Meru
    4. Mt. Kilimanjaro
  9. The diagram above was formed through a process known as
    1. faulting
    2. volcanicity
    3. folding
    4. erosion
  10. The Great Rift valley passes through the following countries except
    1. Kenya
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Sudan
    4. Uganda
  11. A group of people who descended from a common ancestor is called
    1. family
    2. clan
    3. tribe
    4. community

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 32-34.


  1. The town marked Z is
    1. Addis Ababa
    2. Juba
    3. Khartourm
    4. Mogadishu
  2. The shaded lake marked Y was formed as a result of
    1. downwarping
    2. volcanicity
    3. faulting
    4. erosion
  3. The country marked X is
    1. Eritrea
    2. Djibouti
    3. Somalia
    4. Ethiopia
  4. Which pair of communities consists of River Lake Nilotes?
    1. Shilluk, Nuer
    2. Acholi, Jie
    3. Luo, Ogiek
    4. Njemps, Dorobo



  1. Grade six learners in Kumi primary school were asked by their CRE teacher to state what was created by God on the 5th day. Who among them gave the correct answer?
    1. James-sun, moon and stars
    2. Jane-sea creatures and birds
    3. John-earth, sea and plants
    4. Josphine - the skY
  2. Which one of the following parables of Jesus teaches Christians to use our God given talents well? The parable of the
    1. mustard seed
    2. sower
    3. three servants
    4. ten virgins
  3. According to Exodus 31:3, whom did God choose to build the covenant box?
    1. Hur
    2. Uri
    3. Bezalel
    4. Judah
  4. A group of people related by blood, marriage or adoption is called
    1. clan
    2. family
    3. tribe
    4. age group
  5. Which one of the following is not a type of marriage recognized in Kenya?
    1. Come we stay marriage
    2. Christian marriage
    3. Customary marriage
    4. Civil marriage
  6. The time we have when we are free from normal routine work is called
    1. celebration time
    2. leisure time
    3. personal time
    4. idle time
  7. The books of the law in the Bible include three of the following except 
    1. Genesis
    2. Exodus
    3. Leviticus
    4. Proverbs
  8. Which of the ten commandments teaches Christians to respect their marriages?
    1. The 5th
    2. The 6th
    3. The 7th
    4. The 8th
  9. According to Jesus, the greatest commandment is the commandment of
    1. wisdom
    2. love
    3. respect to human life
    4. respect to people's property
  10. Samson defeated the Philistines because
    1. of God's power in him
    2. of the unshaved hair
    3. of his own strength
    4. of his own secrets
  11. Grade six learners were asked by their C.R.E teacher to identify the miracles of prophet Elisha. Who did not give the right response?
    1. Feeding 1000 prophets
    2. Healing Naaman of his leprosy
    3. Raising the son of the widow of Zarephath
    4. Floating and recovering the lost axe head
  12. Which response did Jesus give when the devil asked him to throw himself down from the top of the temple?
    1. Man shall not live on bread alone
    2. Worship the lord your God and serve only him
    3. Do not put the Lord your God to test 
    4. I am the light of the world
  13. Jesus healed the Roman officer's servant because
    1. of the servant's faith
    2. of the officer's faith
    3. Jesus had mercy on him
    4. he was righteous
  14. During which miracle did Jesus weep?
    1. Crucification
    2. Raising of Lazarus
    3. Changing water into wine
    4. Baptism
  15. On your way to school, you find two of your school mates in grade three fighting over the ownership of a pen. As a Christian, what should you do?
    1. Run to school so as not to get late
    2. Help one of them who is your friend
    3. Report them to the head teacher
    4. Separate them and try to find out who the owner of the pen is.



  1. Rahma a grade six learner found her friends backbiting their teacher. Which surah can she encourage them to read?
    1. Al-Fatiha
    2. Al-Humaza
    3. Al-Falaq
    4. Al-Quraish
  2. "Except those who believe and recommend one another to patience, "This quotation is from surah
    1. Asr
    2. Maun
    3. Masad
    4. Fiil
  3. The surah of the Qur'an that must be recited in every prayer is
    1. An-Naas
    2. Al-Falaq
    3. Al-Humaza
    4. Al-Fatiha
  4. Zakaria left his home to school in a long sleeved shirt and a pair of shorts. Which part of his body was naked?
    1. The head
    2. The stomach
    3. The navel
    4. The knees
  5. Muhammad is a farmer who has planted many trees. Three of the following are importance of planting trees except 
    1. provide shade for people
    2. provide food for people and birds
    3. provide home for people
    4. provide home for birds
  6. Three of the following are bounties that Allah has given human beings. Which one is not?
    1. Health
    2. Women
    3. Legs
    4. Life
  7. Muna a grade six learner was discussing with his friend the pillars of Iman. How many pillars do you think they are likely to have discussed?
    1. Six
    2. Seven
    3. Eight
    4. Four
  8. Three of the following are qualities of a Mutaqeen. Which one is not?
    1. They fear Allah
    2. They avoid all sins
    3. They commit shirk
    4. They give out in charity
  9. Hasfa was preparing a wall chart for class on the Angels of Allah and their duties. Which angel did she record as the angel of Wahy?
    1. Mikail
    2. Ridhwan
    3. Jibril
    4. Izrail
  10. Which one of the following prayer is performed at 6.30 pm?
    1. Isha
    2. Dhuhr
    3. Asr
    4. Maghrib
  11. While discussing the attributes of Allah, Maslah a grade six learner wanted to know from her friends the meaning of Al-Khaaliq. What was the possible answer that Maslah may have received?
    1. The creator
    2. The sustainer
    3. The judge
    4. The fashioner
  12. On his way to school, Mullah a grade six learner collected broken pieces of bottles from the road and threw them away in the dustbins alongside the road. This act is referred to as
    1. sadaqah
    2. zakah
    3. goodness
    4. kindness
  13. Three of the following are characteristics of the angels of Allah. Which one is not?
    1. They are neither male nor female
    2. They eat and drink
    3. They are made from light
    4. They do not disobey Allah (S.W.T)
  14. Which one of the following is the first month of Islamic calender?
    1. safar
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Muharram
    4. Shaban
  15. Nasteha a grade six learner was studying on the family tree of the prophet (S.A.W). Whom do you think she is likely to have found out to be the mother of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)? 
    1. Halima
    2. Khadija
    3. Aisha
    4. Amina



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  14. C
  15. D


  1. A grade 6 learner drew the diagram below on the board. Identify the parts labelled M, N and Q respectively.
    1. Vena cava, aorta, right ventricle
    2. Left auricle, pulmonary artery, right ventricle
    3. Left ventricle, vena cava, right auricle
    4. Right ventricle, aorta, left auricle
  2. Which of the following substances turns red litmus paper blue?
    1. Lemon juice
    2. Wood ash solution
    3. Sour milk
    4. Grape juice
  3. During adolescence, an adolescent undergoes many physical changes. Which of the following changes will not be experienced in an adolescent boy?
    1. Shoulders broaden 
    2. Hips broaden
    3. Increase in height and weight
    4. Growth of hair in pubic area
  4. During a visit to a nearby hospital, Grade 6 learners were able to learn about blood transfusion. Among the following statements, which one is not correct about blood transfusion?
    1. Blood group AB is a universal donor 
    2. Blood group O is a universal donor
    3. Blood group B can only receive blood from group O and B
    4. Blood group A can donate blood to a person with group AB
  5. The following are signs and symptoms of a disease that were observed in a patient.
    1. Fever and sweating at night
    2. Pain in the chest when coughing
    3. Dry and frequent coughs for a long time
    4. Losing weight over a short period of time
      Which among the following diseases does not belong to the same group with the disease described above?
      1. Asthma
      2. Pneumonia
      3. Influenza
      4. Bilharzia
  6. Joseph wrote the following characteristics of invertebrates during a Science and Technology lesson
    1. Their body is divided into three body parts 
    2. They have an antennae
    3. Their body is divided into two parts
    4. Have simple eyes
    5. Have a moist skin
      Which of the following pairs consists of characteristics of spiders and ticks?
      1. i and ii
      2. iii and iv
      3. i and v
      4. iv and i
  7. Grade 6 learners were provided with a list of vertebrates and were asked to place animals from the same group together. Which among the following was not correct?
    1. Kite, dove, eagle
    2. Lizard, snake, chameleon
    3. Trout, dolphine, nile perch
    4. Salamander, frog, newt
  8. Peter a grade 6 learner drew a diagram showing a summary of the changes in states of matter. Which of the labelled processes will involve an increase in heat?
    1. F and G
    2. P and Q
    3. P and G
    4. F and P
  9. During a class discussion, grade 5 learners were discussing about fungi. Among the discussed fungi below, which one is mainly used to make medicine
    1. Yeast
    2. Puffball
    3. Mushroom
    4. PenicillinICE
  10. Rael listed components of a word document as shown below
    1. Title bar
    2. Ribbon
    3. Status bar
    4. Word pad
    5. Microsoft word
    6. Typing area
      Which one among the ones Rael listed were not correct?
      1. i, vi
      2. iv, v
      3. iii, iv
      4. ii, v
  11. Amos a grade 6 learner tied a plant leaf with a transparent balloon as shown below. After some hours he went back to make an observation.
    What was he most likely investigating? 
    1. Transpiration
    2. Respiration
    3. Photosynthesis
    4. Chlorophyll
  12. The following are statements about different states of matter. Which among the statements is not correct about matter?
    1. Chalk dust has indefinite shape
    2. Water vapour has indefinite shape
    3. Juice does not has definite shape
    4. A stone has a definite shape
  13. During a Science and Technology revision lesson, grade 6 learners were asked to state the bone that protects the skull from injuries. Which correct answer did they give?
    1. Backbone
    2. Limb bones
    3. Rib cage
    4. Skull
  14. For heat to transfer from one point to another, different media can be used. Which among the following modes of heat transfer can be used in both liquids and gases?
    1. Radiation
    2. Conduction
    3. Convection
    4. Radiation and convection
  15. Okumu was studying safety rules. Which of the following safety rules should he observe while preparing for a nature walk?
    1. Wearing school uniform
    2. Carrying extra clothes
    3. Taking plenty of water
    4. Wearing protective clothing


  1. During Agriculture lesson in grade 6,learners were asked to match indigenous crops with their edible parts. Which one of the following is correctly matched with the part which is edible?
    1. Cassava-stem
    2. Sweet potatoes - stem
    3. Sorghum-roots
    4. Spider weed-leaves
  2. Learners visited a farmer near their school and they were able to discover that the main problem he was facing was destruction of crops by wild animals. They advised him to use a scaring method that involves use of sound. Which of the following methods was he advised to use?
    1. Euphorbia
    2. Rattle metals
    3. Scare crow
    4. Electric lights
  3. Grade 6 learners were asked to identify planting materials for establishing creeping crops. Which among the following creeping crops can be grown through splits?
    1. Thorn melon
    2. Pumpkins
    3. Strawberries
    4. Passion
  4. During a discussion about soil erosion, Kerenoh  drew a diagram on the board to demonstrate a certain method of soil erosion as shown below.
    Which among the following methods of controlling soil erosion can be used to control the type of soil erosion shown above?
    1. Planting ground covers
    2. Planting trees
    3. Building gabbions
    4. Ploughing along the contours
  5. A farmer was seen preparing an organic waste pit. Which of the following is an importance of the organic waste materials to the soil?
    1. Fasten breakdown of soil
    2. Improve movement of air in the soil
    3. Improve soil's ability to hold water
    4. Provide nutrients to plants
  6. A farmer spread some dry plant materials on his crop farm. What is the function of the materials be used in the farm?
    1. Cool the soil
    2. Prevent surface run-off
    3. Prevent soil erosion
    4. Prevent loss of water
  7. After planting seedlings, a farmer realised that some had dried. He then decided to replace them. The process of replacing dried up seedlings after transplanting is called
    1. thinning
    2. gapping
    3. prunning
    4. hardening
  8. Grade 6 learners were discussing about the importance of maintaining appropriate number of small domestic animals. Which among them is not correct?
    1. To avoid overcrowding
    2. To reduce the resources used to take care of them
    3. To reduce the chances of spreading diseases
    4. To get more rich
  9. After experiencing heavy rainfall, a farmer visited his farm and was able to notice that part of his farm soil had reduced and increased in another part. What processes would have taken place respectively?
    1. Erosion and deposition
    2. Erosion and mulching
    3. Deposition and erosion
    4. Mulching and deposition
  10. The following are reasons for training plants. Which one is not?
    1. To protect plants from damage
    2. To improve flower and fruit size quality
    3. To protect plants from direct sunlight
    4. To improve plant appearance


  1. Benta, Ouma and Kelany made the posters shown
    Who among them made posters that show the reasons why we boil food?
    1. Benta, Ouma and Kelany
    2. Ouma and Kelany
    3. Benta and Kelany
    4. Benta and Ouma
  2. Purity's mother always preserves excess milk she gets from her dairy cow for other uses. Which one of the following is a reason why she preserves the milk? To
    1. make the milk easy to transport 
    2. increase the amount of milk
    3. avoid milking the cow always
    4. avoid feeding the cow always
  3. Bella has finished taking water using a glass. She wants to clean the glass using a soft cloth. Which of the following is a reason why she should use a soft cloth to clean the glass?
    1. To avoid using the glass regularly
    2. To make the glass shine
    3. The soft cloth is easily available
    4. To avoid scratching the glass
  4. When hanging her dress on the clothes line to dry, Jamila realized that the dress had two missing buttons. She decided to go and buy buttons to fix on her dress. Which group of needlework tools will Jamila need to fix the missing buttons?
    1. Pins, pin cushion, thread, ruler
    2. Scissors, needle, thimble, pins
    3. Needle, thread, thimble, scissors
    4. Thread, thimble, pins, ruler
  5. Which of the following would be the first step Jamila will take when threading the needle to fix the buttons?
    1. Put the thread through the eye of the needle
    2. Cut a piece of thread using an appropriate tool
    3. Pull the thread through the eye of the needle
    4. Hold the needle between the thumb and the index finger
  6. During a Home Science lesson, the teacher came with the following sewing tool.
    Identify the tool.
    1. Pin cushion
    2. Thimble
    3. Tape measure
    4. Needle
  7. The steps below are taken when offering first aid to an epilepsy patient. Arrange them in the correct order.
    1. Remove anything around the person that may cause injury
    2. Loosen anything around the neck
    3. Put a folded sweater under the head
    4. Let the person lie on the ground
      1. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
      2. (ii), (iv), (iii), (i)
      3. (iii), (i), (iv), (ii)
      4. (iv), (i), (iii), (ii)
  8. A budget is important because of the following reasons except
    1. helps save money for future use
    2. makes one waste money
    3. enables us to keep records for reference
    4. helps us live within what we can afford
  9. Which one of the following is an expense?
    1. Buying cosmetics and accessories
    2. Selling masks
    3. Selling sanitizers
    4. Selling farm produce
  10. Grade six learners were asked by their Home Science teacher to write down what they will eat for lunch. Four learners wrote the following
    Magret: Chips and soda
    Sophy: Githeri, cabbage and avocado
    Tina: Chapati and a cup of porridge
    Fred: Ugali and kales
    Who ate a balanced diet?
    1. Fred
    2. Sophy
    3. Tina
    4. Magret


  1. Four grade six learners were asked to give out the styles of high jump. Who among them was not correct?
    1. Peter - The scissors
    2. Sam - Western roll
    3. Sarah - Straddle
    4. Janet - Skier
  2. After two minutes of play, Rachel complained of severe pain in her ankle. Which of the following could be the cause of the pain?
    1. She had not warmed up before getting into the game
    2. She did not have her shoes on during the game
    3. She ate a lot of food before getting into the game
    4. She did not drink enough water before the game
  3. A player was disqualified from the school team for being involved in drugs and substance abuse. Which group of substances below is the player likely to have used?
    1. Alcohol, glue and milk
    2. Glue, water and bhang
    3. Glue, alcohol and bhang
    4. Bhang, milk and alcohol
  4. During an inter-class athletics competition, a teacher can use ____________________________ to start off athletes in a race.
    1. bats
    2. batons
    3. starting blocks
    4. clappers
  5. While playing kabaddi, the raiders are the
    1. defensive players
    2. attacking players
    3. reserve players
    4. players who have just joined the game
  6. You have been tasked by your team members to improvise a relay race baton. Which group of items would be appropriate for you to use?
    1. Manilla papers, timbers, nails
    2. Manilla papers, nails, glue
    3. Manilla papers, glue, scissors
    4. Manilla papers, timber, glu
  7. The equipment marked K below are used in high jump. Name them
    1. Posts
    2. Upright bars
    3. Cross bars
    4. Lanes
  8. Which word describes a feeling of having lost hope and confidence when playing
    1. Dedication
    2. Commitment
    3. Demoralized
    4. Fair play
  9. The following words describe how integrity can be displayed in games and sports except
    1. respect
    2. fair play
    3. honesty
    4. injustice
  10. The following statements are true about baton exchange. Which one is false?
    1. The baton should not be thrown
    2. The baton can be exchanged anywhere
    3. Lanes should not be obstructed
    4. The baton should be carried in the hand
  11. Below is a compilation of games and sporting activities. Which combination requires a rope as an equipment?
    1. Tug of war and rope skipping
    2. Netball and basketball
    3. Handball and Rugby
    4. Softball and rounders
  12. Which of the following games is played using a disk?
    1. Handball
    2. Netball
    3. Frisbee
    4. Volleball
  13. Grade six learners were having a swimming gala in their school. One of the learners almost drowned but he was saved. Which swimming stroke is likely to have been used in saving the learner?
    1. Breastroke
    2. Sidestroke
    3. Freestyle
    4. Butterfly
  14. Physical exercise does all the following to the body except
    1. relieves stress
    2. burns excess fats in the body
    3. makes one physically fit
    4. makes one thin
  15. The following diseases are signs and symptoms of a strain. Which one is not?
    1. Swelling
    2. pain
    3. Muscle cramping
    4. Fractured limb bone



  1. C
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  15. D


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  7. B
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  10. B


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. B
  8. C
  9. D
  10. B
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. D

Kusikiliza na kuzungumza

Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali.


Juma :         Shikamoo mwalimu?
Bw. Bakari: Marahaba Juma. (Akimwashiria akae) Karibu uketi.
Juma :         (Akiketi) Asante sana mwalimu.
Bw. Bakari: Darasani unaendeleaje na masomo?
Juma :         Mwalimu, ninaendelea vizuri. Ninajikaza kwani mvumilivu hula mbivu.
Bw. Bakari: (Akitikisa kichwa) vizuri sana Juma. Nina furaha sana kusikia kuwa unafanya bidii za mchwa. Je, kuna somo                                          linalokutatiza?
Juma :        Naam mwalimu! Somo la Kiswahili linanipatia changamoto nyingi. Ninajaribu juu chini kujikaza ili nilielewe vizuri.
Bw. Bakari: Bidii ni muhimu sana kama ulivyosema. Vilevile unafaa kufanya mazoezi ya kusikiliza na kuzungumza Kiswahili. Ukifanya                      hivi utazidi kukipenda Kiswahili.
Juma :        (Akitikisa kichwa kukubaliana naye) Siku hizi huwa nasikiliza vipindi vya Kiswahili kwenye redio na kutazama habari katika                       Kiswahili. Baadaye huwaelezea wenzangu niliyosikia.
Bw. Bakari: Vizuri sana. Hiyo ni hatua ya kutia moyo. Zaidi ya hayo hakikisha unauliza maswali darasani mahali ambapo hujaelewa.
Juma :         Huwa naogopa kuchekwa na wenzangu kwani wanakielewa Kiswahili kuniliko mimi.
Bw. Bakari: (Akimkata kauli) Kuogopa? Kumbuka kuuliza si ujinga.
Juma :         (Akiwazia maneno hayo) Nimekuelewa mwalimu. Kutoka leo nitaanza kuuliza maswali.
Bw. Bakari: Vilevile uwe ukisoma vitabu vya Kiswahili ili ukuze ubunifu wako hasa katika kuandika.
Juma :         Nitafanya hivyo kwa sababu nataka kuwa mwandishi bora darasani.
Bw. Bakari: Aidha kumbuka kushirikiana na wenzako masomoni kwani mkono mmoja haulei mwana.
Juma :         Ndio mwalimu. Nitaufuata ushauri huo. Ninaelewa kuwa umoja ni nguvu...
Bw. Bakari:(Akimchachawiza) Nao utengano ni udhaifu. Ninaona sasa umepata mwamko mpya. Hakikisha umefanya yale                                        tuliyozungumzia. Sasa enda darasani ukaendelee na masomo yako.
Juma :        (Akiondoka) Asante mwalimu. Mungu akujalie mema.

  1. Mwanafunzi alimwamkua mwalimu wake Shikamoo kuonyesha maadili gani?
    1. Bidii
    2. Heshima
    3. Huruma
    4. Uoga
  2. Juma anapata changamoto katika somo gani?
    1. Hesabu
    2. Kiswahili
    3. Kiingereza
    4. Sayansi
  3. Ili kukuza stadi ya kusikiliza na kuzungumza Juma anafanya nini?
    1. Kusikiliza na kutazana vipindi kisha kuwaelezea wenzake.
    2. Kusoma vitabu vya Kiswahili.
    3. Kuandika insha nyingi.
    4. Kushirikiana na wenzake.
  4. Je, ungeyasikiliza mazungumzo ya mwalimu na mwanafunzi, ungejifunza nini?
    1. Kuongea na mwalimu humfanya mwanafunzi asifiwe.
    2. Si vizuri kuuliza maswali sana darasani.
    3. Ni vizuri kutafuta ushauri-nasaha kutoka kwa wakubwa wako.
    4. Somo la Kiswahili ni gumu sana.
  5. Methali 'mkono mmoja haulei mwana' inatufunza kuwa na:
    1. Bidii
    2. Ushirikiano
    3. Upole
    4. Utengano

Swali la 6 hadi la 8

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali. Songambele


Kijiji cha Songambele kina wakazi wengi sana. Wakazi hawa walifurahia utulivu kwa muda mrefu. Hata hivyo, likizo iliyopita wanakijiji walilalamikia mienendo mibaya ya baadhi ya vijana. Kuna vijana ambao walivalia mavazi yasiyofaa. Kuna wale ambao walianza kukataa kwenda shuleni. Wengine hawakutii watu wazima. Walisahau kuwa heshima si utumwa.

Bi.Mwema ni mmoja wa wanakijiji hiki. Alikuwa na shirika lake kwa jina, Boresha Vijana. Kupitia kwa shirika hili, alitumia redio kuwaelimisha vijana kuhusu mienendo mizuri. Aliandaa siku ya michezo kijijini. Vikundi mbalimbali vilishiriki. Baada ya michezo hii, washindi walituzwa. Bi.Mwema alitumia nafasi hii kuwashauri.

Bidii ya Bi.Mwema ilifaulu. Vijana waliokuwa wamepotoka walibadilika. Wanakijiji walifurahi. Walitambua juhudi za Bi.Mwema. Waliandaa sherehe kubwa. Walimtuza Bi.Mwema kwa juhudi zake. Hakika, mcheza kwao hutuzwa.

  1. Wakazi wa kijiji cha Songambele walifurahia _______________________________ kwa muda mrefu.
    1. maandamano
    2. amani
    3. vijana
    4. shida
  2. Kulingana na aya ya kwanza baadhi ya vijana walikosa maadili gani?
    1. Utiifu
    2. Umoja
    3. Bidii
    4. Ukarimu
  3. Maana ya neno andaa kama ilivyotumika katika kifungu hiki ni:
    1. Tayarisha
    2. Safari
    3. Zuru
    4. Maliza

Swali la 9 hadi la 12

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali.


Kwa muhibu Pendo,
Pokea salamu nyingi kutoka kwangu. Hujambo? Natumai huna neno. Mimi ni mzima. Ninaendelea vizuri na masomo yangu. Musimu huu wa masika huku kwetu kuna mvua nyingi sana. Wazazi na walimu wanahakikisha kuwa tumejikinga vilivyo na mvua na mbu ambao wameongezeka. Kwa kufanya hivi hatutapata magonjwa kama vile Mafua, Nimonia na Malaria. Nakushauri pia uwe mwangalifu.

Madhumuni ya kukuandikia barua hii ni kukupa mawaidha kuhusu faida za mahusiano mema na wenzako shuleni. Kuanzia ukiwa na uhusiano mzuri na wenzako, utaweza kushirikiana nao. Umoja huu utakufaa masomoni na maishani. Utaweza kujifunza mengi kutoka kwa wenzako. Vilevile ukiwa na matatizo watakusaidia. Kumbuka kuwa umoja ni nguvu utengano ni udhaifu.

Kuongezea mahusiano mema huleta heshima. Wahenga walisema kuwa heshima si utumwa. Ukimheshimu mwenzako atakupenda na kukukubali jinsi ulivyo. Heshima kwa wengine huondoa uadui ambao huleta utengano shuleni. Wanafunzi hushirikiana na kufanya vyema masomoni. Kusema kweli mahusiano mema ni uti wa mgongo wa elimu.

Licha ya hayo amani huletwa na mahusiano mema. Mwanafunzi akitangamana na wengine huweza kuwaelewa nao kumwelewa. Shuleni kuna wanafunzi wenye hali mbalimbali. Utangamano mzuri wa wanafunzi hukuza amani. Amani huwawezesha kusoma vyema bila usumbufu wowote. Huweza kujifunza mengi na kuwa mwerevu zaidi.

Ninatumai nimekuongezea maarifa sahibu yangu. Hakikisha unahusiana vyema na wenzako ili uishi maisha mema. Kwaheri!

Wako wa moyoni,
Amara Mwara

  1. Kifungu ulichokisoma ni cha aina gani?
    1. Masimulizi
    2. Barua ya kirafiki
    3. Barua rasmi
    4. Wasifu
  2. Mwandishi aliandika barua hii katika msimu gani?
    A. Wa jua kali
    B. Wa baridi kali
    C. Wa mvua nyingi
    D. Wa mvua ndogo ndogo.
  3. Mwandishi wa barua hii ni nani?
    1. Tamara
    2. Amara
    3. Mwalimu
    4. Mzazi
  4. Gani si manufaa ya mahusiano mema kulingana na kifungu?
    1. Heshima
    2. Umoja
    3. Amani
    4. Fujo

Swali la 13 hadi la 15

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali.


Siku moja tulizuru hospitali na kumuuliza daktari kiungo kilicho muhimu kuliko vingine. Daktari alitueleza kuwa mwili wa binadamu una viungo mbalimbali vinavyotekeleza kazi tofautitofauti. Viungo vinavyomeng'enya au kusaga chakula ni tumbo kongosho, uchengelele, utumbo mpana, nyongo, kibofu cha nyongo, kibole na wengu. Ubongo na uti wa mgongo huwezesha mwili kujifahamu. Moyo nao huzungusha damu mwilini. Hatimaye zoloto na pafu hutumika katika mfumo wa hewa. Ni vigumu kusema ni kiungo kipi kilicho muhimu kuliko vingine. Tunafaa kutunza viungo hivi. Tunafaa kufanya kazi kwa kuchangizana kama viungo vya mwili.

  1. Neno tulizuru lina maana sawa na
    1. tuliuliza
    2. tulitoka
    3. tuliona
    4. tulitembea
  2. Kifungu hiki kinazungumzia nini?
    1. Utunzaji wa viungo vya mwili.
    2. Viungo vya ndani vya mwili.
    3. Viungo muhimu kuliko vingine
    4. Viungo vya ndani na vya nje vya mwili
  3. Kulingana na kifungu:
    1. Hakuna kiungo kilicho muhimu kuliko kingine.
    2. Moyo ni muhimu kuliko viungo vingine vyote.
    3. Kuna viungo muhimu kuliko vingine.
    4. Mapafu ni muhimu kuliko moyo.

Swali la 16 hadi la 20

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Kwa kila swali umepewa majibu manne. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Muhula ___16__ tulifunzwa mambo __17__ katika somo __18__ ninalipenda sana Kiswahili. Tulifundishwa vivumishi vya sifa kama vile  __19__ na viwakilishi vya nafsi kama vile __20__.

   A   B   C   D 
 16.   uliopita   iliyopita   zilizopita   kilichopita 
 17.  kingi  wengi   vingi   mengi 
 18.  ambayo   ambazo   ambalo  ambao
 19.  changu  kubwa  hili  watatu
 20.  mimi  huu  kumi  dogo


Swali la 21 hadi la 30

Chagua jibu sahihi.

  1. Hii ni picha ya mchezaji. Anacheza mchezo gani?
    1. Chesi
    2. Kandanda
    3. Tenisi
    4. Jugwe
  2. Hili ni jedwali la maneno. Chagua jibu linaloonyesha vitenzi?
     A   shamba   Mimi   Wangu 
     B  lakini  Lo!   Polepole 
     C  lala  Soma   palilia
     D  Nyuma ya   Igiza   Pendwa 
  3. Kati ya maneno haya ni gani litakuja mwisho kialfabeti?
    1. Kavu
    2. Kaa
    3. Kaza
    4. Hal
  4. Ni maneno yapi yaliyo katika ngeli moja?
    1. Ukuta, unywele, uzi
    2. Mkeka, sikio, jicho
    3. Nyusi, goti, tumbo 
    4. Pafu, moyo, ini
  5. Chagua jibu ambalo ni wingi wa sentensi:
    Mpera wa mkulima mrefu una ua.
    1. Mpera wa wakulima warefu una maua. 
    2. Mipera ya wakulima warefu ina maua.
    3. Mipera ya mkulima mrefu ina maua. 
    4. Mipera ya wakulima warefu ina nyua.
  6. Chagua maamkuzi au maagano ya wakati wowote
    1. Masalkheri
    2. Sabalkheri
    3. Alamsiki
    4. Salaam aleikum!
  7. Ni maelezo gani yasiyo sahihi kuhusu alama za uakifishi?
    1. Alama ya hisi hutumiwa kuonyesha mshangao.
    2. Alama ya ritifaa hutumiwa katika maneno yenye ving'ong'o
    3. Koloni hutumika kuonyesha hisia mbalimbali.
    4. Alama ya kiulizi hutumika katika sentensi ambayo ni swali.
  8. Chagua sentensi ambayo imetumia kirejeshi 'amba-' vizuri.
    1. Waimbaji ambaye hawakuimba walienda.
    2. Kalamu ambayo imevunjika ni yangu.
    3. Mkeka ambalo umeanguka ni huu.
    4. Meza ambacho imejengwa ni nzuri.
  9. Kamilisha tashbihi hii:
    Mlafi kama ________________________________
    1. Fisi
    2. Chiriku
    3. Kasuku
    4. Nzi
  10. Chagua jibu ambalo ni tofauti na mengine.
    1. Kiangazi
    2. Masika 
    3. Kipupwe 
    4. Mafuriko


Umepewa dakika 40 kuandika insha yako

Andika insha ya kusisimua kuhusu mada ifuatayo:



  1. B
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. D
  14. B
  15. A
  16. A
  17. D
  18. C
  19. B
  20. A
  21. B
  22. C
  23. C
  24. A
  25. B
  26. D
  27. C
  28. B
  29. A
  30. D
  1. Njuguna lives near River Ogopa. He realized River Ogopa is polluted. Which one of the following is a pollutant that is likely pollute
    the river?
    1. Plants
    2. Animal wastes
    3. Small fish
    4. Rain
  2. Mrs. Ogutu asked grade four learners to describe clean water. Four learners wrote the following answers.
    1. Waringa - Tasteless.
    2. Oguda- Sweet.
    3. Nyipir- No smell.
    4. Nyangidi- Colorless.
      Who wrote the wrong answer?
      1. Waringa
      2. Nyangidi
      3. Nyipir
      4. Oguda
  3. Diseases caused by drinking polluted water are called
    1. Contaminated diseases
    2. Water-borne diseases
    3. Common disease
    4. Dangerous diseases
  4. Grade four learners filled one glass with water mixed with oil and another glass with clean water. They planted three bean seeds in each container. What did they observe?
    1. Seeds in the glass with oil germinated.
    2. Seeds in the glass with clean water germinated.
    3. Seeds germinated in both glasses.
    4. Seeds did not germinate in any glass.
  5. Which of the following types of teeth is correctly matched with its function?
     Type of teeth   Function 
     A. Incisors  Tearing food 
     B. Canines  Biting food
     C. Molars  Tearing
     D. Premolars  Chewing
  6. Grade four learners were discussingmexamples of air pollutants during Science and Technology lesson. Which one of the following did they not identify as an air pollutant?
    1. Smoke
    2. Dust
    3. Clouds
    4. Bad smell
  7. Plants make their food through a process called
    1. germination
    2. photosynthesis
    3. reproduction
    4. feeding.
  8. Valentine was doing research on characteristics of living things. Which one of the following is not a characteristic Valentine found out during her research?
    1. Growth
    2. Feeding
    3. Movement
    4. Smell
  9. The picture below shows a goat observed by grade four learners during a nature walk.
    Which characteristic of animals is shown in the picture above?
    1. Reproduction
    2. Feeding
    3. Growth
    4. Dying
  10. The table below shows functions of different parts of the digestive system. Which part of the digestive system is not correctly matched with its function?
     Part   Function 
     A. Mouth   Digestion of food 
     B. Stomach   Killing germs in the food 
     C. Small intestines   Absorption of water
     D. Large Intestines  Absorption of mineral salts 
  11. Grade four learners were asked to take photographs of plants around their school. Which digital device were they likely to use to the photographs?
    1. Radio
    2. Television
    3. Camera
    4. Computer
  12. Grade four learners wanted to make a homemade water filter. The teacher gave them a list of materials needed to make the water filter. Which one of the materials below was not in the list?
    1. Sand
    2. Charcoal
    3. Cotton wool
    4. Clay soil

The picture below shows smoke from a factory observed by grade four learners on their way home. Use it to answer questions 13-15.


  1. Smoke is an example of_____________________________ pollutant.
    1. air
    2. soil
    3. water
    4. animals
  2. Pollution shown in the picture can be controlled by
    1. use of tall Chimneys
    2. using dust bins
    3. burning charcoal
    4. sprinkling water.
  3. The smoke shown in the picture can affect all the following except one. Which one?
    1. Human beings
    2. Aeroplanes
    3. Plants
    4. Birds
  4. Leo saw the boy as shown in the picture while in the hospital. What is the boy suffering from?
    1. Headache
    2. Vomiting
    3. Stomachache
    4. Toothache.
  5. Maria was told her mother to open all windows and doors while cleaning the house. What is the purpose of doing so?
    1. To allow everyone to see what she was doing.
    2. To allow in fresh air.
    3. To prevent other people from getting in.
    4. To throw away rubbish through them. 
  6. It is recommended that children should play to be healthy. What games do we play in our locality?
    1. Baseball
    2. Hide and seek
    3. Truth or dare
    4. Chess.
  7. Children need the following in order to be healthy except
    1. food
    2. clothing
    3. play
    4. videogames.
  8. What is the name of the play item shown in the picture below?
    1. Ball
    2. Chess board
    3. Marbles
    4. Hoola hoop.
  9. Ashley was asked by her mother to sweep the compound. What tool did she require to complete the task?
    1. Broom
    2. Mop
    3. Brush
    4. Sponge
  10. The following are points about healthy habits. Which one is not a healthy habit?
    1. Brushing teeth twice a day.
    2. Bathing every day.
    3. Playing football.
    4. Eating lots of sweets.
  11. Regina has been sent by her mother to buy a toy for her little brother. Which of the following is not a factor she will consider before buying?
    1. Durability of the toy.
    2. The price of the toy.
    3. Popularity of the toy.
    4. Safe to play with.
  12. Which is the most commonly used fuel in the rural areas?
    1. Charcoal
    2. Firewood
    3. Electricity
    4. Gas.
  13. Amos is getting ready to go to school. What type of shoes are most appropriate for him to wear to school?
    1. Plastic shoes
    2. Leather shoes
    3. Rubber shoes
    4. Slippers.
  14. The picture below shows a cleaning material. What is it used for?
    1. Sweeping
    2. Putting rubbish
    3. Dusting
    4. Mopping.
  15. Wendy would like to take good care of her leather shoes for them to last long. Which material is most effective to do that?
    1. Scrubbing brush.
    2. Sponge and soapy water.
    3. Shoe polish.
    4. Oil.
  16. Leonard found his classmate behind the classroom clutching his stomach and vomiting. What should he do?
    1. Give him some medicine.
    2. Take him home.
    3. Tell the teacher on duty.
    4. Leave him alone.
  17. A dentist talked to learners about the dangers of eating too many sweets without brushing teeth. What are the consequences?
    1. Your teeth will get a cavity.
    2. Teeth will grow bigger.
    3. Nothing will happen.
    4. Teeth will become yellow.
  18. Elijah took an old jerry-can and cut it into half and then shaped it till it was flat. What cleaning material was he making?
    1. Dust bin
    2. Duster
    3. Mop bucket
    4. Dust pan.
  19. What safety precautions must you observe when running races?
    1. Take off your shoes in order to run faster.
    2. Push others out of the way to go ahead.
    3. Remove any sharp objects from the track.
    4. Cross in front of the others to win.
  20. You will be participating in athletics. What is the name of the place where the events take place?
    1. Field track.
    2. Athletics track.
    3. Athletics lines.
    4. Football pitch.
  21. What type of start is shown in the picture below?
    1. Jump start.
    2. Standing start.
    3. Sprint start.
    4. Elongated start.
  22. The following are materials that can be used to improvise a soccer ball. Which one is not?
    1. Waste paper.
    2. Sisal string.
    3. Pieces of old cloth.
    4. Sand.
  23. Your class has been selected to participate in a game of soccer. How many players do you need in the game?
    1. Eleven
    2. Five
    3. Ten
    4. Seven.
  24. Before participating in any sport, you must engage in warm up activities. Why is it important to do so? It
    1. helps reduce muscle soreness
    2. makes you look tough
    3. prevents you from getting tired
    4. helps you become strong.
  25. The equipment shown below is used in a particular sport. Which sport is it?
    1. Soccer.
    2. Rounders
    3. Hockey.
    4. Baseball.
  26. What name is given to the technique where you kneel and hold the ball with both hands above your head?
    1. Kneeling head throw.
    2. Kneeling double hand throw.
    3. Kneeling overhead throw.
    4. Overhead pass.
  27. There are different sizes of balls for children of different ages. What size of ball do six- and seven-year-olds use?
    1. Size five
    2. Size four
    3. Size three
    4. Size two.
  28. The following are types of passes used when playing ball. Which one is not used in football?
    1. Chest pass.
    2. Inside of the foot pass.
    3. Instep pass.
    4. Outside of the foot pass.
  29. Which soil holds the most water?
    1. Clay.
    2. Sand
    3. Loam.
    4. Silt
  30. Grade 4 learners were asked to collect materials they were to use to make a compost heap. Who among the following learners collected the wrong materials?
    1. Wageni - Cut grass
    2. Oloo - Kitchen refuse
    3. Rose - Polythene bag.
    4. Peter - Animal waste
  31. Juma established a nursery bed and planted tree tomato seeds. After sometime, he went and removed the excess seedlings. Which activity did he carry out?
    1. Weeding
    2. Pinning
    3. Gapping
    4. Thinning.

Identify the following feature used to scare away some small animals from the farm. Use it to answer questions 44-45.


  1. Which one of the following is not a material needed when constructing the feature above?
    1. Clothes
    2. Clay
    3. Sticks
    4. Grass
  2. Which one of the following small animals is not scared away by the above feature in the farm.
    1. Moles
    2. Weaverbird
    3. Mousebird
    4. Monkeys.
  3. Grade 4 learners were asked to state the uses of water in the farm. Which one of the following is not?
    1. Swimming.
    2. Washing farm tool
    3. Watering animals
    4. Mixing farm chemicals
  4. Identify the type of nursery bed shown below.
    1. Sunken nursery bed
    2. Container nursery bed
    3. Ground nursery bed
    4. Raised nursery bed.
  5. Grade 4 learners were asked to state ways of taking care of established fruit trees. Which one of the following is not?
    1. Fencing
    2. Watering
    3. Cutting them down
    4. Removing excess branches.
  6. During an Agriculture lesson, learners in grade 4 were asked to get information on small wild animals that destroy crops using digital devices. Which one of the following devices was not used?
    1. Manilla paper
    2. Tablet
    3. Laptop
    4. Smartphone.
  7. Which one of the following is not a way of preparing a fruit tree for planting?
    1. Extracting the seeds from fruits.
    2. Washing the seeds
    3. Drying the seeds.
    4. Cutting the seeds


  1. What is twenty two million two hundred ar two thousand two hundred and two and two hundredths written in figures?
    1. 20202202.02
    2. 22202202.02
    3. 22202202.2 
    4. 22202022.02
  2. How many groups of tenths in the total valu of digit five in the number 345.69?
    1. 50
    2. 5
    3. 500
    4. 0.5
  3. What is the place value of digit 7 obtained after working out 0.03:40?
    1. Hundredth 
    2. Thousandth 
    3. Tenths
    4. Ten thousandth
  4. Work out;
    3(42 - 32) + 20 ÷ 5 - 2 x 5 + 1 
    1. 16
    2. 27 
    3. 7
    4. 8
  5. During a wedding ceremony children were twice the number of adults. Women were twenty more than men. If the children were 248, how many men attended the wedding? 
    1. 124
    2. 62 
    3. 52
    4. 72
  6. What is the value of; 4/5 + ¼ (½ - 1/5) of 3/÷ ¼ 
    1. 189/400
    2. 73/80
    3. 213/80
    4. 189/40
  7. Round off 5799.9996 to the nearest thousandth 
    1. 5800.000 
    2. 5799.000 
    3. 5799.999
    4. 5800
  8. Eighty one electricity poles were used to supply electricity between two towns at an interval of 50 m. Find the distance from the firs to the last pole in km 
    1. 4.1 km
    2. 4100 km
    3. 40 km
    4. 4 km
  9. Calculate the area of the shaded part.
    1. 56 cm2
    2. 120 cm2
    3. 184 cm2
    4. 64 cm2
  10. What is the sum of the next two numbers in the pattern; 5, 9, 18, 34, 59, 
    1. 176
    2. 239
    3. 144
    4. 154
  11. Sheila spends ¼ of her salary on rent 1/3 on food and 2/3 of the remainder on school. If she saves the rest, what fraction of the salary is her savings?
    1. 5/18
    2. 2/5
    3. 13/18
    4. 5/36
  12. A section of a road 17.5 km is represented by a line 3.5 cm on the map. Find the scale on the map. 
    1. 1:500000
    2. 1:5 
    3. 1:50000
    4. 1:5000
  13. Simplify: ¼ of 2r2 - wp
                      tw - wp
    if r=p+2, t=5, p=4, w-p-2 
    1. 10
    2. 3.6
    3. 5
    4. 28
  14. Find the measure of the obtuse angle QRS in the figure below.
    1. 197º
    2. 163º
    3. 207º
    4. 183º
  15. The fare from Meru to Nairobi was increased from sh 600 to sh 800 during the christmas holiday. What was the ratio increase? 
    1. 3:4
    2. 30:4
    3. 40:3
    4. 4:3
  16. A wheel made 2000 revolutions and covered a distance of 3.52 km. Calculate the radius of the wheel 
    1. 56 cm
    2. 42 cm
    3. 28 cm
    4. 21 cm
  17. Which statement is true? 
    1. 0.8 = 8/9
    2. 8/9>0.8
    3. 0.8>8/9
    4. 8/9<0.8
  18. In Butengi Primary School the ratio of girls to boys is 5:3. There are 180 less boys than girls. How many pupils are in the school? 
    1. 450
    2. 600
    3. 720
    4. 800
  19. A watch gains 12 seconds every hour. It was set right on Monday at 2.00 pm. What time did it show after 10 hours? 
    1. 12.02 am
    2. 11.58 pm 
    3. 12.02 pm
    4. 4.00 pm
  20. The height of the tank below is 1.2 m. It has water upto a depth of 70 cm. How many litres are needed to fill the tank?
    1. 144 L
    2. 6L
    3. 84 L
    4. 60 L
  21. Simplify;
    4(3y + 4x) - 3(2y + 3x)
    1. 6y + 25x
    2. 6y + 7x
    3. 18y + 25x
    4. 6y - 7x
  22. A trader bought 200 cabbages for sh 10 per cabbage. He used sh 240 for lunch and transport. On the way 20 cabbages were spoilt and he sold the rest at sh 18 per cabbage. Calculate his profit. 
    1. sh 1000
    2. sh 5240
    3. sh 2240
    4. sh 1240
  23. David earns sh 25500 after working for 30 days. How much less will he earn if he is absent for 6 days?
    1. sh 30600
    2. sh 20400
    3. sh 5100
    4. sh 6200
  24. The figure below shows a table mat made of cotton material.
    Calculate the area of material used to make it? 
    1. 342 cm2
    2. 1162 cm2
    3. 1540 cm2
    4. 770 cm2
  25. Which of the following measurements will form a right angled triangle?
    1. 5m, 1.2m, 1.3m
    2. 0.3m, 0.4m, 5m
    3. 1.2m, 1.6m, 2.5m
    4. 1m, 2.4m, 2.6m
  26. By selling a jacket for sh , Dan gave the customer a 10% discount. How much more would the customer have paid if the discount was 7%?
    1. sh 45
    2. sh 1500
    3. sh 105
    4. sh 1395
  27. Convert 12 % into a ratio
    1. 1:8
    2. 1:80
    3. 1:4
    4. 1:40
  28. Calculate the volume of the solid below in cubic centimetres. (x = 22/7)
    1. 4620
    2. 1234
    3. 2310
    4. 420
  29. Solve for m in the equation; m/2m+1/4 = 4
    1. 8
    2. 51/3
    3. 5
  30. Oloo deposited sh 30000 in a bank that paid simple interest at the rate of 5% per month. How much interest was in his account at the end of 1 year and 2 months? 
    1. sh 21000 
    2. sh 51000 
    3. sh 1750
    4. sh 31750
  31. Monica is twice as old as her daughter. The daughter is 5 years older than the brother. In five years time the sum of their ages will be 90. If the brother is n years old, how old is the mother now?
    1. 25
    2. 65
    3. 45
    4. 40
  32. Work out; 4.5 x 2.4 ÷ 0.8 - 2.7
                           0.35 +0.55 
    1. 1.2
    2. 12
    3. 120
    4. 24
  33. The hire purchase price of a fridge is 20% more than the cash price. The cash price is sh 20000. Henry bought it by paying a deposit of sh 8000 and the rest in instalments of sh 800 per month. For how long did he pay for the fridge?
    1. 15 months . 
    2. 14 years
    3. 1 years
    4. 16 months
  34. Thirty men can clear a piece of land in 20 days. How much longer would it take to clear the land if six men failed to turn up? 
    1. 25
    2. 10
    3. 5
    4. 8
  35. In the figure below PQ and RS are parallel lines.
    Find the measure of angle EFD. 
    1. 72º
    2. 122º
    3. 108º
    4. 100º
  36. A driver was to cover a 350 km journey driving at a speed of 70km/hr. He started at 0830 hours, expecting to arrive on time. However, he had to stop after driving for two hours to refuel and take lunch which took 30 minutes. At what speed must he drive to arrive at the expected time?
    1. 84km/h
    2. 105 km/h
    3. 100 km/h
    4. 70 km/h
  37. A piece of land measures 100 m by 50m. It is fenced using 5 strands of wire leaving a distance 10 metres for the gate. Calculate the length of wire used. 
    1. 300 m
    2. 5000 m
    3. 1500 m
    4. 1450 m
  38. Calculate the area of the rhombus. The diagonal line LM is 60 m.
    1. 2400 m2
    2. 3000 m2
    3. 1200 m2
    4. 6000 m2
  39. A bus arrived in Nairobi at 4.40 am on Monday after travelling for 8h 30 minutes from Mombasa. On which day and time had the bus left Mombasa? 
    1. Sunday, 8.10 am 
    2. Sunday, 8.10 pm 
    3. Monday, 8.10 am 
    4. Monday, 8.30 pm
  40. Kamau bought the following items from a shop;
    3½kg of rice @sh120
    1½kg of meat @sh 240
    2 loaves of bread @sh 50
    2-2kg packets of unga @ sh 110
    What balance did he get if he paid for the items using 3-sh 500 notes? 
    1. sh 1100
    2. sh 1210
    3. sh 290
    4. sh 400
  41. Construct triangle PQR where line PQ = 9cm, QR-12 cm and angle PQR is a right angle. Draw a circle touching the sides of the triangle. Measure hthe radius.
    1. 3 cm
    2. 3.5 cm
    3. 6 cm
    4. 7 cm
  42. The diagonal of a rectangular piece of land is 50m. On of its shorter sides is 14m. Calculate its perimeter.
    1. 48 m
    2. 124 m
    3. 62 m
    4. 672 m
  43. Calculate the surface area of the closed cylindrical tank below.
    1. 11.88 m2
    2. 10.34 m2
    3. 3.08 m2
    4. 1188 m2
  44. A salesman is paid a basic salary of 5% on value of goods sold up to sh 120000. He is also paid a commission of 2% on goods sold above 120000. Calculate his total salary during a month in which he sold goods worth sh 300000? 
    1. sh 6000
    2. sh 7500
    3. sh 10500
    4. sh 13500
  45. The following are characteristics of a quadrilateral;
    1. Diagonals are not equal
    2. Some angles are equal
    3. Interiror angles add up to four right angles
    4. All sides are equal.
      The quadrilaterial described above is a;
      1. Rhombus
      2. Rectangle
      3. Parallelogram
      4. Square
  46. The mean of 6 numbers is 7.5. Five of the numbers are 10, 7, 8, 9 and 3. Find the sum of median and mode. 
    1. 8
    2. 17
    3. 15.5
    4. 16
  47. A tank has water to a level of 2000 cm. A family uses 20% of the water daily. Find the level of water at the end of the second day?
    1. 1200
    2. 1600
    3. 1280
    4. 1400
  48. The table below show the marks scored by a pupil during a test.
    SCORE 88 84 68 90 70
    If a pic chart was to be drawn, what angle would represent Kiswahili? 
    1. 79,2
    2. 63
    3. 81
    4. 61.2
  49. What is the difference of the LCM of 12 and 8 and the GCD of 22 and 66? 
    1. 46
    2. 13
    3. 528
      The graph below shows the number of trays of eggs sold by a farmer during the week.
  50. If a tray holds 30 eggs, on which day did the farmer collect 1050 eggs?
    1. Monday
    2. Wednesday
    3. Friday
    4. Thursday


  1. B
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