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in CRE Form 1 by
State the national goal of education

4 Answers

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  1. Foster nationalism, patriotism and promote national unity
    Kenya's people belong to different communities, races and religions, but these differences need not divide them. They must be able to live and interact as Kenyans. It is a paramount duty of education to help the youth acquire this sense of nationhood by removing conflicts and by promoting positive attitudes of mutual respect, which enable them to live together in harmony, and foster patriotism in order to make a positive contribution to the life of the nation.
  2. Promote social, economical, technological and industrial needs for national development
    Education should prepare the youth of the country to play an effective and productive role in the life of the nation.
    1. Social Needs
      Education in Kenya must prepare children for the changes in attitudes and relationships , which are necessary for the smooth progress of a rapidly developing economy. There is bound to be a silent social revolution following in the wake of rapid modernization. Education should assist our youth to adapt to this change.
    2. Economic Needs
      Education in Kenya should produce citizens with skills, knowledge, expertise and personal qualities that are required to support a growing economy. Kenya is building up a modem and independent economy, which is need of adequate domestic manpower.
    3. Technological and Industrial Needs
      Education in Kenya should provide the learners with the necessary skills and attitudes for industrial development. Kenya recognizes the rapid industrial and technological changes taking place, especially in the developed world.
      We can only be part of this development if our education system deliberately focused on knowledge, skills and attitudes that will prepare the youth for these changing global trends.
  3. Promote individual development and self- fulfillment
    Education should provide opportunities for the fullest development of individual talents and personality. It should assist children to develop their potential, interests and abilities. A vital aspect of individual development is character building.
  4. Promote sound moral and religious values
    Education should provide for the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enhance acquisition of sound moral values and help children to grow up into self-disciplined, self-reliant and integrated citizens.
  5. Promote social equality and responsibility
    Education should promote social equality and foster a sense of social responsibility within an education system which provides equal educational opportunities for all. It should give all children varied and challenging opportunities for collective and corporate social services irrespective of gender, ability or geographical environment.
  6. Promote respect for and development of Kenya's rich and varied cultures
    Education should instill in the youth of Kenya an understanding of past and present cultures and their valid place in contemporary society. The children should be able to blend the best of traditional values with the changed requirements that follow rapid development in order to build a stable and modem society.
  7. Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nation
    Kenya is part of the international community. It is a part of the complicated and interdependent network of peoples and nations. Education should therefore lead the youth of the country to accept membership in this international community with all the obligations, responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.
  8. Promote positive attitudes towards good health and environmental protection
    Education should inculcate in the youth the value of good health in order to avoid indulging in activities that will lead to physical or mental ill health. It should foster positive attitudes towards environmental development and conservation. It should lead the youth to appreciate the need for a healthy environment.
0 votes
1.National unity
2.National development
3.Individual development and self fulfilment
4.lnternatiinal consciousness
5.Respect and promote cultural heritage
7.promote social equality and responsibility 
0 votes
Ways in which cRE promote national unity 
0 votes
It fosters nationalism and unity
Promotes national development
Promotes social equality and responsibility
Promotes individual development and self-fulfillment
Promotes respect of cultural heritage
Promotes international consciousness and positive attitude towards good health
Promotes good morals and religious values 
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