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in Mathematics Form 3 by

Mrs.Langat ,primary school head teacher earns a basic salary of sh.38,300 house allowance of sh.12,000 and radical ,allowance of sh.3,600 every month. She claims a family relief of sh.1172 and insurance relief of 10% of the premium paid. Using tax rates table below.

Taxable income£(p.a)Tax(Ksh/£) 
 1-8800 2
 8801-16800 3
 16801-24800 5
 24801 - 36800 7
 36801-48800 9
 over 48800 10

  1. Calculate Mrs.Langats annual taxable income in Kenya pound per annum.
  2. Tax due evenly month from Mrs.Langat. 
  3. If the following deductions are made every month from her salary,
    w.c p.s 2 % of basic salary
    life insurance premium of sh.4600
    sacco van repayment of sh.14,200
    • the total deductions.
    • Her net pay for very month. 

1 Answer

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  1. 38300 + 1200 + 3600          
    53900 x 12 = k£ 32,340 pa 
  2. 32,340
    8800 x2=17600  
    8000 x 3= 24,000
    8000 x 5= 40,000
    6540 x 7=   45,780   
    Monthly = 127,380 = 10,615   
    Less ……. 1172
    • 3/100 x 4600 = 198 
            = 9,245
      total decuctions:(9245+776+4600+4200)=Sh.28,821
    • Net pay = 53900-28821=Sh.25079

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