Physical Health Education - Grade 5 Schemes of Work Term 1 2023

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WK LSN Strand Sub strand Specific learning outcomes Key inquiry Questions Learning experiences learning resources assessment method refl
 1  1 GAMES AND SPORTS Athletic truck Event: Medium starts in sprints

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the body alignment in Medium Sprint Start
  2. use drills to practice the Medium Sprint Start in races
  3. Appreciate the medium sprint start in starting sprint races in athletics. 
  1. Which are the safety considerations to observe when running the 50m? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to watch a video clip on the Medium Sprint Start
  • demonstrate the body alignment in medium sprint start by running 50m
    and get feedback from the teacher
  • Practice the medium sprint start and use the provided checklist to give each
    other feedback
  • use drills to practice the medium sprint start 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   2    Athletic truck Event: Medium starts in sprints 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. use drills to practice the Medium Sprint Start in races
  2. play racing games using the Medium Sprint Start and observe safety
  3. Appreciate the medium sprint start in starting sprint races in athletics. 

  1. Which are the safety considerations to observe when running the 50m?

 The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to watch a video clip on the Medium Sprint Start
  • demonstrate the body alignment in medium sprint start by running 50m
    and get feedback from the teacher
  • Practice the medium sprint start and use the provided checklist to give each
    other feedback
  • use drills to practice the medium sprint start
  •  Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   3   Elongated start in races 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the body alignment in Elongated start in races for skill acquisition
  2. discuss the health benefits gained through participating in running
  3. enjoy starting races using the Elongated start 
  1. How different is the Elongated start in races from the Medium Sprint Start? 


The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • use the digital devices to watch a video clip on the Elongated start in races
  • demonstrate the body alignment in Elongated start in races and get feedback from the teacher
  • practice the elongated start and use provided checklist to give feedback to each other
  • use drills to practice the Elongated start in races 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   4   Elongated start in races 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. discuss the health benefits gained through participating in running
  2. use drills to practice the Elongated start in races
  3. enjoy starting races using the Elongated start
  4. Observe safety when performing Elongated start in races 
  1. How different is the Elongated start in races from the Medium Sprint Start?
  • discuss the health benefits gained by participating in running
  • observe safety when performing the Elongated start in races
  • Pray racing game by using the
  • Elongated start in races for fun and enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attir
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   5   Run through finish technique 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the ‘Run through finish’ technique in race to enhance learning
  2.  practice the ‘Run through finish’ technique for skill acquisition
  3. observe safety when practicing the ‘Run through finish’ technique
  4. appreciate the ‘Run through finish’ technique in races
    for a good finish
  1. Which other method can be used to finish a race? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Demonstrate the ‘Run through finish’ and get feedback from the teacher
  • Practice the ‘Run through finish’ in races and give each other feedback
  • Use drills to practice the ‘Run through finish’ in races
  • Play racing games and use the ‘Run through finish’ and observe safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
 2  1   improvising the relay Baton 

 By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1.  identify and gather locally available materials for improvising the relay Baton
  2. observe safety when improvising the relay Baton to avoid injuries  
  3. use improvised relay Baton to play games for fun and
  1. Why is it important to improvise play items?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Learners interact with digital
    technology to find out the shape of a relay baton
  • Learners identify and gather locally available materials that can be used to
    improvise durable relay batons
  • Creatively improvise age appropriate relay Batons using correct measurements
  •  Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   2   improvising the relay Baton 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. creatively improvise age appropriate relay batons for use during relay races
  2. observe safety when improvising the relay Baton to avoid injuries
  3. use improvised relay Baton to play games for fun and enjoyment 
  1. Why is it important to improvise play items? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Learners interact with digital technology to find out the shape of a relay baton
  • learners identify and gather locally available materials that can be used toimprovise durable relay batons
  • creatively improvise age
    appropriate relay Batons using correct measurements 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   3   improvising the relay Baton 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. dispose waste after improvisation for environmental care
  2.  observe safety when improvising the relay Baton to avoid injuries
  3. use improvised relay Baton to play games for fun and enjoyment 
  1. Why is it important to improvise play items? 
  • Clean the working area and dispose of waste appropriately
  • Play games using improvised batons and observe safety 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   4   Visual Baton exchange 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1.  practice the visual baton change technique in relays for skill acquisition
  2. use drill to practice the visual baton change in relays
  3. display joy when appreciating in the relay races 
  1. How is relay baton change useful in daily life 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with technology to observe the visual baton change in relays
  • Demonstrate the visual baton exchange technique in relays and get feedback from the teacher
  • Use the provided checklist to give each other feedback when practicing the visual baton exchange technique
  • Use drills to develop the visual baton change technique
    in relays 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   5    Visual Baton exchange 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to: 

  1. practice the visual baton change technique in relays for skill acquisition
  2. use drill to practice the visual baton change in relays
  3. display joy when appreciating in the relay races
  1.  How is relay baton change useful in daily life

 The learner is guided individually or in groups to:  

  • Interact with technology to observe the visual baton change in relays
  • Demonstrate the visual baton exchange technique in relays and get feedback from the teacher
  • Use the provided checklist to give each other feedback when practicing the visual baton exchange technique
  • Use drillls to develop the visual baton change technique in relays 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire 
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
 3  1    Visual Baton exchange 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. Creatively come up with drills to practice the visual baton change technique
  2. play games that involve visual baton change in relays and observe safety
  3. display joy when appreciating in the relay races 
  1. How is relay baton change useful in daily life
  • Creatively come up with own drills to practice the visual baton change technique
  • Practice the visual baton change technique and use provided checklist to give each other feedback
  • participate in shuttle relays in small groups, and use visual baton exchange while observing safety 
  •  Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   2    Visual Baton exchange 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. Creatively come up with drills to practice the visual baton change technique
  2. play games that involve visual baton change in relays and observe safety
  3. display joy when appreciating in the relayraces 
  1. How is relay baton change useful in daily life 


  • Creatively come up with own drills to practice the visual baton change technique
  • Practice the visual baton change technique and use provided checklist to give each other feedback
  • participate in shuttle relays in small groups, and use visual baton exchange while observing safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   3   Hurdles Approach, 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the Approach, Take off, Flight and hurdle clearance for skill acquisition
  2. discuss the safety considerations to observe  when performing the hurdle event
  3. enjoy participating in the hurdle races


  1. How can respect for classmates be demonstrated during hurdle events?
  2. How does participation in hurdle events enhance fitness for an individual? 

 The learner is guided individually or in groups to use digital devices and other sources of information to:

  • Find out what hurdle events are and the distances covered.
  • Watch a video or videos on hurdle clearance 
  • Observe the foot placement over the hurdles when clearing demonstrate the Approach, Take off, Flight and Hurdle clearance and get feedback from the teacher
  • Approach, Take Off, Flight and Hurdle Clearance and give each other feedback
  • Use drills to practice the Approach, Take Off and Flight and give each other feedback
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   4    Take off, 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the Approach, Take off, Flight and hurdle clearance for skill acquisition
  2.  discuss the safety considerations to observe when performing the hurdle event
  3. enjoy participating in the hurdle races
  1. How can respect for classmates be demonstrated during hurdle events?
  2. How does participation in hurdle events enhance fitness for an individual? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to use digital devices and other sources of information to:

  • find out what hurdle events are and the distances covered.
  • Watch a video or videos on
    hurdle clearance
  • Move the foot placement over the hurdles when clearing
  • Demonstrate the Approach, Take off, Flight and Hurdle clearance and get feedback from the teacher
  • Approach, Take Off, Flight and Hurdle Clearance and give each other feedback
  • Use drills to practice the Approach, Take Off and Flight and give each other feedback 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   5   Flight and hurdle clearance 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. use drills and age appropriate hurdles to practice the Approach, Take off, Flight and hurdle clearance for competence in hurdle events
  2. creatively come up with own drills to practice the
  3. discuss the safety considerations to observe when performing the hurdle event 
  1. How can respect for classmates be demonstrated during hurdle events?
  2. How does participation in hurdle events enhance fitness for an individual?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to use digital devices and other sources of information to:

  • Find out what hurdle events are and the distances covered. Watch a video or videos on hurdle clearance observe the foot placement over the hurdles when clearing
  • Approach, take off, Flight and hurdle clearance
  • Demonstrate the Approach, Take off, Flight and Hurdle clearance and get feedback from the teacher
  • Demonstrate the approach, Take Off, Flight and Hurdle Clearance and give each other feedbackuse drills to practice the Approach, Take Off and Flight and give each other feedback
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
 4  1   Flight and hurdle clearance 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. use drills and age appropriate hurdles to practice the Approach, Take off, Flight and hurdle clearance for competence in hurdle events
  2. creatively come up with own drills to practice the Approach, take off, Flight and hurdle clearance
  3. discuss the safety considerations to observe when performing the hurdle event
  1. How can respect for classmates be demonstrated during hurdle events?
  2. How does participation in hurdle events enhance fitness for an individual? 
  • Creatively come up with drills to practice the Approach, Take Off, Flight and Hurdle Clearance
  • Use provided checklist to give each other feedback when practicing the
  • Approach, Take Off, Flight and Hurdle Clearance
  • practice the approach, take off, flight and hurdle clearance while focusing on: coordination, reaction time and speed play racing game over age appropriate hurdles and observe safety 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   2   Field Events: Long jump 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. familiarize with the facility and the equipment for long jump
  2. identify the sections of the Long jump area to enhance skill development
  3. discuss the most appropriate locally available material for filling the long jump pit
  4. play games that involve
    jumping for fun and observe safety 
  1. Which locally available materials can be used to fill in, the long jump pit? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Use provided sketches, pictures or use the digital media to watch images of the long jump facility and observe the take-off board the runway and the jumping pit
  • Discuss the most approriate
    locally available material for filling the long jump pit
    play games that involve
    jumping for fun and observe safety 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   3     Long jump technique 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to: 

  1. How can skills in long jump be helpful in daily life?
  2. Why should an athlete take off from the take-off board during long jump? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to: 

  1. practice the approach run, take off, flight and landing in long jump
  2. play games that enhance approach run, take off, flight and landing in long jump and observe safety
  3. appreciate Long jump as a sport  use digital devices and watch video clips of the long jump event and observe the approach run, take off, flight and landing
  4. demonstrate the approach run, take off, flight and landing and get feedback from the teacher
  5. practice the approach run, take off, flight and landing give each other feedback 
  •  Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  •  Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   4    Long jump technique 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the approach run, take off, flight and landing in long jump
  2. play games that enhance approach run, take off, flight and landing in long jump and observe safety
  3.  appreciate Long jump as a sport 
  1. How can skills in long jump be helpful in daily life?
  2. Why should an athlete take off from the take-off board during long jump? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • use digital devices and watch video clips of the long jump event and observe the approach run, take off, flight and landing
  • demonstrate the approach run, take off, flight and landing and get feedback from the teacher
  • practice the approach run,
    take off, flight and landing give each other feedback 
  •  Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   5   Long jump technique 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the approach run, take off, flight and landing in long jump
  2. play games that enhance approach run, take off, flight and landing in long jump and observe safety
  3. appreciate Long jump as a sport
  1. How can skills in long jump be helpful in daily life?
  2. Why should an athlete take off from the take-off board during long jump?

 The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • use digital devices and watch video clips of the long jump event and observe the approach run, take off, flight and landing
  • demonstrate the approach run, take off, flight and landing and get feedback from the teacher
  • practice the approach run,
    take off, flight and landing give each other feedback 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
 5  1   Long jump technique 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. use drills to practice the approach run, take off,  flight and landing in long jump
  2. establish the running rhyme in long jump for accurate stepping on the take-off board
  3. appreciate Long jump 
 1. How can skills in long jump be helpful in daily life?
2. Why should an as a sport athlete take off from the take-off board during long jump?   
  • establish the running rhyme in long jump to establish the takeoff foot
  • use provided checklist to give each other feedback when practicing the approach run, take off, flight and landing
  • observe the long jump rules when taking part in the long jump event
  • Play games for fun and enjoyment and observe safety use appropriate drills to practice the approach run, take off, flight and landing 
  •  Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   2   Long jump technique 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. use drills to practice the approach run, take off, flight and landing in long jump
  2. play games that enhance approach run, take off, flight and landing in long jump and observe safety
  3. appreciate Long jump as a sport 
  1. How can skills in long jump be helpful in daily life?
  2. Why should an athlete take off from the take-off board during long jump? 
  • establish the running rhyme in long jump to establish the takeoff foot
  • use provided checklist to give each other feedback when practicing the approach run, take off, flight and landing
  • Observe the long jump rules when taking part in the long jump event
  • Play games for fun and enjoyment and observe safety ppropriate drills to practice the approach run, take off, flight and landing
  •  Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  •  Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   3   Standing Discus 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. familiarize with the facility, equipment and the sector in discus
  2.  observe safety when improvising the discus
  3. play games that involve throwing for fun and observe safety
  1. Which locally available materials can be used to make the discus? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Use digital devices to watch
    video clips of the discuss facility, equipment and the sector
  • use digital devices and other
    sources of information to find out
    • the shape of the discuss
    • the weight of the discus for their age
  • learners Identify and gather locally available materials that can be used to improvise a durable discuss creatively improvise an ageappropriate discus 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   4   Standing Discus 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. familiarize with the facility, equipment and the sector in discus
  2. observe safety when improvising the discus
  3. play games that involve throwing for fun and observe safety 
  1. Which locally available materials can be used to make the discus? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Use digital devices to watch
    video clips of the discuss facility, equipment and the sector
  • use digital devices and other
    sources of information to find out
    • the shape of the discuss
    • the weight of the discus for their age
  • and gather locally available materials that can be used to improvise a durable discuss
    appropriate discus 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   5   Standing Discus 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. identify and gather locally available materials for improvising the discus
  2. observe safety when improvising the discus
  3. play games that involve throwing for fun and observe safety 
  1. Which locally available materials can be used to make the discus? 

 The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Use digital devices and other
    video clips of the discuss facility, equipment and the sector
  • use digital devices and other
    sources of information to find out
    • the shape of the discuss
    •  the weight of the discus for their age
  • learners identify and gather
    locally available materials that can be used to improvise a durable discuss
    creatively improvise an age appropriate discus
  •  Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
 6  1   Standing Discus 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:
a. identify and gather locally available materials for improvising the discus
b. observe safety when improvising the discus 
c. play games that involve throwing for fun and observe safety o the shape of the discuss
o the weight of the discus for their age

  1. Which locally available materials can be used to make the discus? 

 The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • use digital devices to watch video clips of the discuss facility, equipment and the sector
  • Use digital devices and othersources of information to find out
  • locally available materials that can be used to improvise a durable discuss 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lim
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  •  Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports


   2   Standing Discus 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. creatively improvise age appropriate discuss
  2. dispose waste appropriately after improvising for environmental care
  3.  observe safety when improvising the discus
  4. play games that involve
    throwing for fun and observe safety 
  1. Which locally available materials can be used to make the discus? 

Clean the working and dispose waste appropriately

  • Play games using improvised discus and observe safety
  • Play games involving discuss throwing area and  equipment for fun and enjoyment.
  • Creatively improvise an age
    appropriate discus
  •  Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   3   Standing Discus 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. creatively improvise age appropriate discuss
  2. dispose waste appropriately after improvising for environmental care
  3. observe safety when improvising the discus
  4. play games that involve throwing for fun and observe safety 

  1. Which locally available materials can be used to make the discus?
  • clean the working area and dispose waste appropriately
  • play games using improvised discus and observe safety
  • Play games involving discus throwing area and equipment for fun and enjoyment.
  • creatively improvise and age appropriate game
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  •  Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   4   Standing discus technique 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the stance, grip, swing, release and recovery in standing discuss
  2. apply rules when practicing the standing discus relates well with the team during practice
  3. Watch a video clip on standing discuss 
  1. Which is the best way to hold/grip the discus when taking a standing throw?
  2. Which locally available materials can be used to make the discus? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Use digital devices to watch
  • A video clip on the standing discuss and observe the
    • grip,
    • swing,
    • release and recovery
  • demonstrate the stance ,grips
    swing, release and recovery and get feedback from the teacher
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   5   Standing discus technique 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to: 

  1. practice the stance, grip, swing, release and recovery in standing discuss
  2. apply rules when practicing the standing discus relates well with the team during practice
  3. Watch a video clip on standing discuss

Which is the best way to hold/grip the 
discus when taking a standing throw? 
2. Which locally available materials can be used to make the discus?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Use digital devices to watch
  • A video clip on the standing discuss and observe the
    •  grip,
    • swing,
    • release and recovery
  • demonstrate the stance ,grips swing, release and recovery and get feedback from the teacher
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports 
 7  1     Standing discus technique 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. use drills to practice the stance, grip, swing, release and recovery in standing discuss
  2.  play throwing games using relay batons to practice the stance, grip, swing, release and recovery
  3. apply rules when practicing the standing discus relates well with the team during

  1. Which is the best way to hold/grip the discus when taking a standing throw?
  2. Which locally available materials can be used to make the discus? 
  • practice the standing discus and give each other feedback
  • Use drills to practice the stance, grip, swing, release and recovery
  • use bean bags to play throwing games and use the stance, grip, swing, release and recovery and observe safety
  • observe rules when participating in standing discuss 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   2   Standing discus technique 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. use drills to practice the stance, grip, swing, release and recovery in standing discuss
  2. play throwing games using relay batons to practice the stance, grip, swing, release and recovery
  3. apply rules when practicing the standing discus relates
    well with the team during practice
  1.  Which is the best way to hold/grip the discus when taking a standing throw?
  2. Which locally available materials can be used to make the discus? 
  • practice the standing discus and give each other feedback
  • Use drills to practice the stance, grip, swing, release and recovery
  • use bean bags to play throwing games and use the stance, grip, swing, release and recovery and observe safety
  • Observe rules when participating in standing discuss 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  •  Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   3   Straddle and Straddle cross: Rope work 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the term straddle as used in skipping rope
  2. practice the straddle and straddle cross for skill acquisition 
  3. observe safety when practicing the straddle to avoid injuries
  4. play skipping games for fun and enjoyment
  1. What other combinations can be made in straddle? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with digital to observe the straddle
    practice the straddle and straddle cross and get feedback from the teacher
    stationery, backwards forwards and with eyes closed
  • alternate jumping rope with feet together and straddle
    play skipping games with friends for fun and enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports


   4   Straddle and Straddle cross: Rope work 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the term straddle as used in skipping rope
  2. practice the straddle and straddle cross for skill acquisition
  3. observe safety when practicing the straddle to avoid injuries
  4. initiate skipping games when with friends 
  1. What other combinations can be made in straddle?

 The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with digital to observe the straddle
  • Practice the straddle and straddle cross and get feedback from the teacher
  • practice the straddle while stationery, backwards forwards and with eyes closed
  • alternate jumping rope with feet together and straddle
  • play skipping games with friends for fun and enjoyment 
  • Field markers
  • Open fiel
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   5    Skier 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the term skier as used in skipping rope
  2. practice the skier for skill acquisition
  3. observe safety when practicing the skier to avoid injuries
  4. play skipping games for enjoyment 
  1. Which skipping technique can be combined with skier? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with digital to observe the skier
    practice the skier and get feedback from the teacher
  • practice the skier while stationery, backwards forwards and with eyes closed and
 • Field markers
• Open field
• Sports attire
• Lime
• Videos
• Resource person
• Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
 8  1    Skier 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the term skier as used in skipping rope
  2. practice the skier for skill acquisition
  3. observe safety when practicing the skier to avoid injuries
  4. play skipping games for
  1. Which skipping technique can be combined with skier? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • interact with digital to observe the skier
  • practice the skier and get feedback from the teacher
  • practice the skier while stationery, backwards forwards and with eyes closed
  • play games for fun and enjoyment 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   2   Heels tap 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the term Heel taps as used in skipping rope
  2. practice Heel taps for skill acquisition
  3. observe safety when practicing the skier to avoid injuries
  4. play games for enjoyment interact with digital to observe the Heel taps
  1. How does skipping contribute to good health?

The learner is guided individually and in groups to: 

  • practice the Heel taps and get feedback from the teacher
  • practice the heel tap while stationery, backwards forwards and with eyes closed
  • play games for fun and enjoyment
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  •  Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   3   Heels tap 

By the end of the sub strand the learner should be able to:

  1. explain the term Heel taps as used in skipping rope
  2. practice Heel taps for skill acquisition
  3. observe safety when practicing the skier to avoid injuries
  4. play games for enjoyment 
  1. How does skipping contribute to good health? 

The learner is guided individually and in groups to:

  • interact with digital to observe the Heel taps
  • practice the Heel taps and get feedback from the teacher
  • practice the heel tap while stationery, backwards forwards and with eyes closed
  • play games for fun and enjoyment 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   4   Soccer Passes: Push pass 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the push pass for skill acquisition
  2. use drills to practice the push pass for skill masterly
  3. appreciate the push pass as an essential skill when playing soccer 
  1. Which is the direction of the supporting foot when taking the push pass  

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Use digital media to watch how a push pass is taken
  • Demonstrate a push pass and get feedback from the teacher
  • Practice the push pass and give each other feedback
  • use drills to practice the push pass
  • create own drills and practice the push pass
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   5   Soccer Passes: Push pass 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. use drills to practice the push pass for skill masterly
  2. use the push pass in playing games and observe safety
  3. appreciate the push pass as an essential skill when playing soccer 
  1. Which is the direction of the supporting foot when taking the push pass ?
  • discuss the contribution of the ‘spirit of sports value
  • ‘Teamwork for good performance- use health or excellence
  • use the push pass in playing games and observe safety
  • appreciate the push pass as an essential skill when playing soccer
  • create own drills and practice the push pass 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
 9  1   Wall pass 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. identify the position of the players when the wall pass is take
  2.  practice the wall pass for skill acquisition
  3. play minor soccer games and use the wall pass while observing safety
  4. appreciate wall pass as necessary skill in soccer 
  1. How many players are involved in a wall pass?
  2. Why does the referee award a wall pass? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Watch taking of wall pass in soccer and observe the players position
  • Demonstrate the wall pass and get feedback from the teacher
  • Practice the wall pass
    observe the rules when taking the wall pass play minor soccer games and use the wall pass observe safety while playing the minor soccer game 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   2   Wall pass 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice the wall pass for skill acquisition
  2.  use drills to practice the wall pass for skill masterly
  3.  play minor soccer games and use the wall pass while observing safety
  4. appreciate wall pass as necessary skill in soccer 
  1. How many players are involved in a wall pass?
  2. Why does the referee award a wall pass? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Watch taking of wall pass in soccer and observe the players position
  • Demonstrate the wall pass and get feedback from the teacher
  • Use drills to practice the wall pass
  • observe the rules when taking the wall pass minor soccer
  • games and use the wall pass
    safety while playing the minor soccer game
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   3    Outside of the foot pass

 By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. identify the part of the body called Outside of the foot for body awareness
  2. practice passing the ball using the Outside of the foot to enhance learning
  3. play modified soccer games for fun and enjoyment while observing safety
  4. Appreciate passing the ball using the Outside of the foot in soccer
  1. Which other parts of the body can be used to pass the ball in soccer? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • Interact with technology to identify the part of the body called Outside of the foot
  • demonstrate passing the ball using the Outside of the foot and get feedback from the teacher
  • discuss the ‘spirit of sports value’ fair play in competitions
  • Play modified soccer games for fun and enjoyment while observing safety
  • Appreciate passing the ball using the Outside of the foot in soccer
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   4    Outside of the foot pass 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. practice passing the ball using the Outside of the foot to enhance learning
  2. use drills to practice passing the ball using the Outside of the foot for skill masterly
  3. play modified soccer games for fun and enjoyment while observing safety
  4. Appreciate passing the ball using the Outside of the foot in soccer
  1. Which other parts of the body can be used to pass the ball in soccer?

 The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • demonstrate passing the ball using the Outside of the foot and get feedback from the teacher
  • use drills to practice passing the ball using the Outside of the foot for skill masterly
  • discuss the ‘spirit of sports value’ fair play in competitions
  • play modified soccer games for fun and enjoyment while observing safety
  • appreciate passing the ball
    using the Outside of the foot in soccer 
  •  Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports


By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. familiarize with the field and the equipment for different players in softball
  2. demonstrate the procedure for choosing the correct bat for a player
  3. differentiate between the catcher’s mitts and fielding gloves in softball 
  1. How can softball be polarized in primary schools in Kenya?

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • use digital devices or other sources of information to view the softball field and the equipment for different players
  • demonstrate the procedure for choosing the correct bat and get feedback from the teacher
  • use digital devices and other sources of information to differentiate between the
    catcher’s mitts and fielding gloves
  •  Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
 10  1   Field, equipment and choosing bat

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. familiarize with the field and the equipment for different players in softball
  2. demonstrate the procedure
    for choosing the correct bat for a player 
  3. differentiate between the catcher’s mitts and fielding gloves in softball
  1. How can softball be polarized in primary schools in Kenya? 

The learner is guided individually or in groups to:

  • use digital devices or other sources of information to view the softball field and the equipment for different players 
  • demonstrate the procedure for choosing the correct bat and get feedback from the teacher
  • use digital devices anfd other sources of information to differentiate between the catcher’s mitts and fielding
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  •  Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports


   2    Responsibilities and
Qualities infielder 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. list the responsibilities of infield players for good defense
  2.  outline the qualities of a good infielder for excellent play
  3. position the infield players in respective positions of play at the start of game
  4. play games for fun and enjoyment and observesafety 
  1. Which are the key positions that make up the infield players?
  • The learner is guided individually or in groups to interact with digital
    media to find out the: players. Value
  • ‘Character and Education And observe safety 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   3   Responsibilities and
Qualities infielder 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1.  list the responsibilities of infield players for good defense
  2. outline the qualities of a good infielder for excellent play
  3. position the infield players in respective positions of play at the start of game
  4. play games for fun and enjoyment and observe
  1. Which are the key positions that make up the infield players?
  • The learner is guided individually or in groups to interact with digital media to find out the:
  • responsibilities of infiled players.
  • Value ‘Character and Education safety 
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   4   Responsibilities and
Qualities Outfield player 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1.  list the responsibilities of Outfield players for good defense
  2. outline the qualities of a good Outfield player for excellent play
  3. position the Outfield players in respective positions of play at the start of game
  4. observe rules when playing softball for safety and fair play
  5. play modified softball for fun 
  1. Which are the key positions that make up the Outfield players?
  • The learner is guided individually or in groups to interact with digital
    media to find out the: players.
  • ‘Character and Education safety
  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attire
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources 
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
   5   Responsibilities and
Qualities Outfield player 

By the end of the sub strands, the learner should be able to:

  1. list the responsibilities of Outfield players for good defense
  2. outline the qualities of a good Outfield player for excellent play
  3. position the Outfield players in respective positions of play at the start of game
  4. observe rules when playing softball for safety and fair play
  5.  play modified softball for
  1. Which are the key positions that
    make up the Outfield players?


The learner is guided individually or in groups to interact with digital media to find out the: 

  • responsibilities of infield players
  • qualities of a good Infielder 
  • discuss the spirit of sports


  • Field markers
  • Open field
  • Sports attir
  • Lime
  • Videos
  • Resource person
  • Required resources
  • Observation checklists
  • Portfolio
  • Progress reports
Read 488 times Last modified on Monday, 21 November 2022 09:52

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