Soil Erosion
Soil erosion is the carrying away of the top soil from one place to another.
Agents of Soil Erosion
They are things that carry soil from one place to another. They include;
- Water
- wind
Factors that Influence Soil Erosion
- Slope of land
- Type of soil
- Vegetation cover
- Amount of rainfall
- Human activities
Types of Soil Erosion
- Splash erosion
- Sheet erosion
- Rill erosion
- Gulley erosion
Splash Erosion
It occurs when raindrops fall on bare loose soil.
It can be controlled by;
- Planting cover crops
- mulching
Sheet Erosion
It occurs when water or wind carries away thin uniform layers of the topsoil.
It is not easily noticed
It occurs on gentle slopes.
Best controlled by;
- Planting cover crops
- Planting trees
- Landslides are caused by sheet erosion
Rill Erosion
It occurs when water flows down a slope and make small shallow channels. The channels are known as rills. it is common on gentle sloping areas.
It can be controlled by;
- Terracing
- Contour farming
- Strip cropping
Gulley Erosion
It occurs when water make deep channels , they are known as gulleys.
Gulley erosion leads to the formation of V-shaped or U-shaped channels.
It is common on bare hill slopes.
It can be controlled by;
- Gabions
- Porous dams
- Check dams
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