Monday, 01 November 2021 12:23

Social Studies Questions and Answers - Class 6 End of Term 2 Exams Set 1

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  1. The main cash crop grown in Sino area is
    1. Coffee
    2. Tea
    3. Sisal
    4. Pyrethrum
  2. Which one of the following services is not provided for in Sino area?
    1. Tourisin services.
    2. Administrative services. 
    3. Recreational services. 
    4. An educational services,
  3. The settlement pattern in the area is
    1. linear
    2. densely
    3. sparsely
    4. cluster
  4. The chief in Sino town is supervised by the
    1. Police officer
    2. County Commissioner
    3. Regional commissioner
    4. Assistant county commissioner
  5. The climate to the south west of sino area is likely to be 
    1. warm and wet
    2. cool and dry
    3. cool and wet 
    4. hot and dry
  6. People of sino area are
    1. Pagans
    2. Muslims
    3. Buddhists
    4. Christians
  7. The highest point in Sino area is likely to be found in the 
    1. North
    2. North West 
    3. South West
    4. South
  8. The following are factors that influence population distribution in Kenya except
    1. religion
    2. transport
    3. rainfall
    4. Soil
  9. Which one of the following forests in Kenya is an example of a lowland forest? 
    1. Turbo
    2. Mau forest
    3. Arabuko Sokoke
    4. Kakamega forest
  10. The main cause of soil erosion at Northern Kenya is
    1. Mono-cropping
    2.  poor methods of farming
    3. deforestation
    4. overstocking
  11. Which one of the following climatic region has the following characteristics
    1. It is generally warm and wer 
    2. Mean annual temperature is between 18°c and 21°c
    3. higher areas are cooler with some recording 0°c
    4. It receives rainfall throughout the year
      The climatic region described above is
      1. semi desert climatic region
      2. tropical climatic region
      3. modified tropical climate region
      4. modified equatorial climate of the coastal region
  12. Which one of the following area is below sea level?
    1. Jabel Narra
    2. Berbera
    3. Omo valley
    4. Danakil depression
  13. Which one of the following weather instruments is correctly matched with its use?
    1. Direction of wind - hygrometer
    2. Speed of wind - anemometer
    3. Amount of water vapour - raingauge
    4. Rainfall - barometer
  14. The main coffee growing areas in Ethio pia are
    1. Harar and Kaffa
    2. Berbera and Ras Dashan
    3. Dire Dawa and Asmara
    4. Addis Ababa and Harar 
  15. Below are some communities in Eastern Africa. Which one is not nilotic?
    1. Iteso.
    2. Samburu 
    3. Nandi
    4. Orma
  16. The following are functions of a clan. Which one is not? 
    1. Looked for wives for the young men
    2. Controlled the grazing land
    3. Settled disputes among members
    4. Owned land on behalf of the community
  17. Which one of the following lakes is not found in the western branch of the Rift valley
    1. L. Natron
    2. L. Tanganyika
    3. L. Edward
    4. Lake Albert

      Use the diagram below to answer questions 18 and 19.
  18. The lines labelled 23 1/2°S and 0° respectively are known as
    1. Equator and tropical cancer
    2. Tropic of cancer and tropical of capricon
    3. Tropical of capricon and equator
    4. Tropical of caner and Equator
  19. When is the sun overhead at the line labelled 23 1/2°N
    1. December
    2. September
    3. June
    4. March
  20. Which one of the following does not undermine peace in the society?
    1. Tribalism.
    2. Racism.
    3. Nepotism.
    4. Fairness.
  21. The following were traditional fish preservation methods except
    1. Salting
    2. Freezing 
    3. Smoking
    4. Sun drying
  22. One of the following Kenya traditional leaders has a town named after him. Who is he?
    1. Sakawa
    2. Koitalel arap Samoei
    3. Masaku
    4. Mekatilili wa Menza
  23. Which one of the following is a major threat to natural forests in Kenya today?
    1. Drought.
    2. Cutting trees for firewood. 
    3. Forest fires.
    4. Cutting trees for settlement 
  24. Among the Kalenjin, age group was formed by
    1. .people who married at the same time
    2. people born at different times
    3. people who were initiated almost at the same time
    4. people who worked together
  25. The largest national park in Kenya is
    1. Tsavo national park
    2. Sibiloi national park
    3. Nairobi national park
    4. Amboseli national park
  26. Which one of the following is the main reason for migration of the Bantu from cradle land?
    1. Search for pasture and water
    2. Spirit of adventure
    3. Population pressure
    4. Search for land for cultivation
  27. The following countries in Eastern Africa are crossed by Equator except
    1. Somalia
    2. Uganda
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Kenya
  28. The North Eastern part of Kenya is sparsely populated because
    1. the area receives unreliable rainfall
    2. the area is occupied by Somalia refugees
    3. the area has many wild animals
    4. the area is to cold to occupy
  29. The equator divides the earth into two parts called
    1. Southern and Eastern hemispheres
    2. Northern and Western hemispheres
    3. Northern and Southern hemispheres
    4. Western and Southern hemispheres
  30. The main reason why maize is widely grown in Tanzania
    1. It is grown for export 
    2. It is grown to feed animals
    3. It is a staple food
    4. It is easily grown
  31. Which of the following is an example of a traditional industry? 
    1. Meat canning
    2. Iron working
    3. Tea processing
    4. Textile industry

      Use the map of Eastern Africa to artswer question 32 to 36.
  32. The water mass marked Q is the
    1. Indian Ocean
    2. Mediterranean sea
    3. Pacific occan
    4. Red sea
  33. The capital city of the country marked Z is
    1. Juba
    2. Khartoum
    3. Asmara
    4. Mogadishu
  34. The country marked R is 
    1. Eritrea
    2. Djibouti 
    3. Rwanda
    4. Sudan
  35. The main factor that has influenced rainfall distribution at the area marked M on the map is
    1. latitude
    2. siape of coastline
    3. altitude
    4. distance from a large water body
  36. The main economic activity of the community that migrated along the route marked Z is
    1. Tradin
    2. Pastoralism
    3. Cultivation
    4. Fishing
  37. Which one of the following Eastern Africa countries does not have a well an access to the sea?
    1. Somalia
    2. Kenya.
    3. Sudan.
    4. Ethiopia
  38. Which one of the following kingdoms was ruled by Nabongo Mumia?
    1. Bunyoro
    2. Baganda
    3. Abawanga
    4. Nyamwezi
  39. When is the Heroes day celebrated in Kenya
    1. 10th October 
    2. 20th October
    3. May 1st
    4. June 1st
  40. Which one of the following countries of Eastern Africa is most populated?
    1. Tanzania
    2. Sudan
    3. Kenya
    4. Ethiopia
  41. The following communities in Kenya resisted the British rule. Which one did not
    1. Agiriama
    2. The Nandi
    3. The Maasai
    4. The Abagusii
  42. According to Africa beliefs the last rite of passage is
    1. marriage
    2. birth
    3. initiation
    4. death 
  43. Which one of the following factor mainly influencés convectional rainfall?
    1. Relief 
    2. Large water bodies
    3. Latitude
    4. Vegetation
  44. Which one of the following communities in Eastern Africa is a Bantu?
    1. Amharic
    2. Pokomo
    3. Luo
    4. Rendile
  45. The road sign drawn below indicates
    1. danger ahead 
    2. bumps ahead
    3. no entry
    4. pedestrian crossing
  46. The main problem facing beef farming Kenya and Tanzania is
    1. prolonged drought
    2. competition from imported meat
    3. pests and diseases
    4. inadequate market
  47. The main duty of the legislature is to
    1. make laws
    2. maintain law and order
    3. punish law breakers 
    4. defend the country
  48. In Kenya mangrove forests are found at
    1. Rift valley
    2. Highlands
    3. Coastal region
    4. Lake basin
  49. Who is the head of county executive committee
    1. Deputy Governor
    2. Senator
    3. County representative
    4. County Governor
  50. The following minerals are mined through open cast except
    1. diatomite
    2. soda ash
    3. flourspar
    4. limestone
  51. Who among the following communities is not a highland nilote?
    1. Nandi
    2. Sabaot
    3. Iteso
    4. Bongomek
  52. The main type of fish that is caught from L. Tanganyika is
    1. Dagaa
    2. Trout
    3. Nile perch
    4. Tilapia
  53. Who among the following people is an ex official in the National Assembly?
    1. Chief justice 
    2. Attorney general
    3. Clerk to the assembly
    4. Speaker
  54. The official language in Ethiopia is
    1. French
    2. Shilluk
    3. Tingirinya
    4. Amharic
  55. Which one of the following are example: of assembly industries except?
    1. Tourism.
    2. Radio and television
    3. Motor vehicle
    4. Bicycle assembling
  56. . Who was the second vice president in Kenya
    1. Daniel Moi
    2. Josephat Karanja
    3. Mwai Kibaki
    4. Joseph Murumbi 
  57. Which one of the following lake is formed when lava blocks a river channel and water collects behind the lava wall?
    1. L. Jipe
    2. L. Shala 
    3. L. Tana
    4. L. Gambi
  58. Which one of the following factors leads to negative population growth in a place
    1. Better hygiene
    2. Medical care
    3. Civil war
    4. Good educations
  59. The main way of becoming a Kenya citizen is through
    1. registration
    2. birth
    3. dual citizenship
    4. recommendation
  60. The Agiriama resistance to colonial rule was led by
    1. Mekatilili
    2. Samoei
    3. Lenana
    4. Nabongo


  1. Which one of the following was duty given to human being by God according to Genesis?
    1. To preach the world of God
    2. To take care of God's creation
    3. To pray always
    4. To eat well
  2. Who among the following people was told to build the ark by God
    1. Abraham
    2. Lot
    3. Noah
    4. Deborah
  3. "Leave your home, your relatives and your father's house and go to a place that I will show you" (Genesis 12:1) To whom were these words said?
    1. Moses
    2. Lot
    3. Abraham
    4. Jonah
  4. The Israelites did the following with the blood of the lamb that they slaughtered during passover night. Which one was it?
    1. They gave it out to their neighbours
    2. They put it out to their neighbours
    3. They gave it to their leader Moses
    4. They smeared on door posts 65.
  5. The following prophet foretold the killing of baby boys in Israel. Who is he?
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Elijah
    3. Isaiah
    4. Hosea
  6. The following words were said about Jesus by angle Gabriel. The child will
    1. be mighty
    2. be Holy
    3. not be shaved
    4. heal many of their disease
  7. Among the gift brought to Jesus by the wise men represented priesthood
    1. frankincense
    2. myrrh
    3. gold
    4. silver
  8. "This is my body, which is given for you." These words were said by Jesus during his 
    1. arrest at Gethsemane
    2. crucification at Golgotha 
    3. last supper at Jerusalem
    4. ascension of Bethany
  9. Jesus is a sure hope for mankind. Which event mark his victory over death
    1. Easter
    2. Christmas
    3. temptation
    4. pentecost
  10. The last book in the new testament is called
    1. Malachi
    2. Matthew
    3. Revelation
    4. Genesis
  11. After Jesus Christ ascended to heaven, the disciples remained in Jerusalem to
    1. avoid being arrested
    2. wait for his return
    3. eat the last meal
    4. wait for the holy spirit
  12. The first person to be killed because of his faith in Jesus was called
    1. Stephen
    2. Judas
    3. Paul
    4. Nicanor 
  13. We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus on
    1. Good friday 
    2. Easter Monday
    3. Easter Sunday
    4. Good monday
  14. Christians take care of the environment mainly because it is
    1. source of money
    2. source of food
    3. tourist attraction
    4. God's creation
  15. The main way to receive eternal life is through
    1. confession of our sins
    2. participating in the holy
    3. participating in prayers
    4. faith in Jesus christ
  16. Who among the following people did not witness the resurrection of Jesus?
    1. Salome
    2. Mary
    3. Zechariah
    4. Peter
  17. New life in the traditional African societies was marked by the following except
    1. circumcision
    2. marriage
    3. baptism
    4. birth
  18. In which of the following ways are Christians best in reducing the spread of HIV and AIDS
    1. educating people to change their behaviours
    2. avoiding mixing with sinner 
    3. distributing medicines to the sick
    4. providing food to the sick
  19. The main teaching that Christians learn from the parable of the sower is to
    1. use God's word temporarily 
    2. use God's word to heart others
    3. read and ignore God's word
    4. receive and retain God's word
  20. Who among the following people in the Bible offered his tomb for the burial of Jesus?
    1. Simon of cyrene
    2. Joseph of Arimathea
    3. Nicodemus
    4. Joseph of cyrene
  21. Gideon defeated the midianites mainly because
    1. believed in God
    2. was strong and mighty 
    3. was from a great calm
    4. had many soldiers
  22. Tabitha made clothes for widows and orphans. Which fruit of the Holy Spirit did she have?
    1. Peace
    2. Love
    3. Joy
    4. Self-control
  23. Laziness was discouraged in African traditional society. Which one of the following was work done in the African traditional society?
    1. Teaching
    2. Shopkeeper
    3. Hunting
    4. Driver
  24. The lesson that Christians learn from the Jesus miracle of healing the centurion servant is that
    1. had power over nature
    2. should have faith
    3. had power over life
    4. had power to forgive sins
  25. Your classmate, Sam, has found out the person who stole his T-shirt. As a Christi Sam should
    1. request the thief to return it
    2. call his friends to help him beat him up
    3. force the thief to make a public confession of his sin
    4. inform the neighbours who the thief is
  26. Jane is a std 6 girl. Her parent cannot afford to buy books for her. What can the children in her class do for her
    1. hate her 
    2. take her shopping for clothes
    3. send her away
    4. share books with her
  27. In Kasiga school, the headteacher asked pupils to bring some dry foodstuff to give to the people affected by drought in the country. As a Christian, what is the best thing for sophic do
    1. forego eating break and save money to buy flour for the affected people
    2. do nothing about it since she is not working
    3. tell ot ser children whose parents are rich to bring foodstuff
    4. pray that God helps those people
  28. Collins lost many of his brothers and sisters who also left behind children. What is the best thing for him to do as a Christian? 
    1. forgot those children and concentrate of taking care of her own children
    2. advice those children to leave school and work for her on her farm for a fee
    3. try her best to assist the orphans by providing for them food and education
    4. send those children away to live on the streets 
  29. Magdalene, a std 6 girl sees three pupils fighting. As a Christian what should she do
    1. pass and leave them fighting
    2. stop them form fighting
    3. report the mater to the parents
    4. report to the headteacher
  30. Damaris is a weak pupil in class. As a Christian what advise would you give her
    1. start a small business
    2. visit a magician
    3. study hard and ask God for guidance
    4. go to church every week


  1. D
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. C
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. D
  16. A
  17. A
  18. C
  19. C
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. D
  24. C
  25. A
  26. C
  27. C
  28. A
  29. C
  30. C
  31. B
  32. A
  33. C
  34. B
  35. B
  36. A
  37. D
  38. C
  39. B
  40. D
  41. C
  42. D
  43. B
  44. B
  45. A
  46. C
  47. A
  48. C
  49. D
  50. B
  51. C
  52. A
  53. D
  54. D
  55. A
  56. D
  57. C
  58. C
  59. B
  60. A
  61. B
  62. C
  63. C
  64. D
  65. A
  66. B
  67. A
  68. C
  69. A
  70. C
  71. D
  72. A
  73. B
  74. D
  75. D
  76. C
  77. C
  78. A
  79. D
  80. B
  81. A
  82. B
  83. C
  84. B
  85. A
  86. D
  87. A
  88. C
  89. B
  90. C
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