- What is 90601854 written in words?
- Ninety million sixty one thousand eight hundred and fifty four.
- Ninety million six hundred and one thousand eight hundred and fifty four.
- Nine million six hundred and one thousand eight hundred and fifty four.
- Nine million thirty one thousand eight hundred and fifty four,
- What is the total value of digit 8 in the number 70805102?
- Hundred thousand
- Sixty thousand
- Eight thousand
- Eight hundred thousand
- What is the number 984.2793 rounded off to the nearest hundredths?
- 984.30
- 984.28
- 984.279
- 984.3
- Subtract 4. from 7.
- 3¼
- 3¾
- 2¼
- 2¾
- What is the value of 34136 divided by 34?
- 104
- 10004
- 1004
- 14
- What is the value of 3/8 - of 4/5 2/3?
- 1/5
- 3/10
- 3/40
- 3/20
- Work out 7.5 x 0.45
0.25- 13.5
- 0.135
- 1.35
- 0.0135
- What is the size of the angle marked g in the figure below?
- 48°
- 132°
- 40°
- 38°
- A square has an area of 619/25 cm. Find its length
- 169/25cm
- 102/5 cm
- 5/13 cm
- 23/5 cm
- What is the expression
12(p+5k +2)+5(2p-4k+3) in its simplest form?- 22p - 40k +39
- 32p+80k+ 39
- 22p+40k+ 39
- 32p+ 70k - 39
- Wamai sold a pair of trousers for shs. 1530 after making a 15% loss. What was the buying price of the pair of trousers?
- shs. 1275
- shs. 2100
- shs. 1800
- shs. 1600
- Senaipei covered a distance of 54km within I hour. What was her speed in metres per second?
- 15
- 54
- 0.9
- 30
- Which of the following fractions is a non terminating fraction?
- 1/5
- 1/9
- 1/8
- 4/16
- What is the value of 384+89+10-44 of 45 +15?
- 142
- 351
- 3785
- 461
- Which of the following numbers is not divisible by 11?
- 7238
- 60311
- 90937
- 81730
- Work out the perimeter of the figure shown below twice. (Take n=22/7)
- 120cm
- 148cm
- 240cm
- 280cm
- A farmer packed 5.4 tonnes of maize in bags of 600 grammes sending them to the market. How many packets of maize did he send to the market?
- 90
- 9000
- 900
- 90000
- The following are properties of a quadrilateral
- All sides are equal.
- Diagonals are equal.
- All angles are right angles.
- Diagonals bisect each other at right angles.
Which quadrilateral is described above?- Rhombus
- Trapezium
- Square
- Rectangle
- A school parents meeting ended at 12.10p.m. after taking a periodef 2 hours. At what time had the meeting started in 24hr clock system?
- 0925h
- 1455h
- 0255h
- 0825h
- Karega, Mutahi and Mbithe shared some money. Mutahi got 2/7 of the money and Mbithe got 2/3 of the remainder. What fraction of the money did Karega receive?
- 16/21
- 11/21
- 5/12
- 1/21
- What is the next number in the sequence below? 16,21,28, 37, 48,
- 85
- 61
- 59
- 63
- Muli bought 8 chairs at shs. 240 each. He later sold them all at shs. 1000 more than the buying price. What was the profit for each chair?
- shs. 365
- shs. 225
- shs. 125
- shs. 135
- What is the product of H.C.F. and L.C.M.of 18, 24 and 36?
- 72
- 432
- 78
- 66
- Find the area of the shaded part.
- 96cm2
- 192cm2
- 720cm2
- 528cm2
- The mean of seven numbers is 4. Six of the numbers are 2,3. 1.2.7 and 8. What is the seventh number?
- 5
- 3
- 4
- 2
- Miriam bought the following items: 3 packets of maize flour a shs. 90 2kg of rice for shs. 170 1½ kg of potatoes at shs.50 per kg 2 loaves of bread at shs. 48 cach If she had shs. 800, how much money was she left with?
- shs. 708
- shs. 611
- shs. 92
- shs. 189
- In the diagram below line RV=VS=ST and angle VRS=70°
What is the size of angle TVR?- 75°
- 35°
- 40°
- 90°
- What is the value of (0.14)2?
- 0.0196
- 19.6
- 0.196
- 1.96
- A bicycle wheel, has a diameter of 70cm. How many kilometers will it cover after making 4000 turns?
- 0.88km
- 8.8km
- 88km
- 880km
- After the increase of fuel, the fare from Malindi to Kilifi was increased by 20%. What was the new price if it was shs. 150 before increasing?
- shs. 60
- shs. 180
- shs. 120
- shs 30
- Simplify the inequality below 4m-14<14 - 3m
- m=4
- m<0
- m<28
- m<4
- Momanyi sold eggs from 5" January to 5 March 2019. For how many days altogether did he sell the eggs?
- 59
- 61
- 58
- 60
- What is 6.5% as a decimal?
- 0.065
- 0.60
- 0.65
- 65
- Find the volume of the rectangular tank below when ¾ full of water in m2
- 160000cm2
- 40000cm2
- 0.12m2
- 0.04m2
- The area of a rectangle is 350m2. The length of a rectangle is 25cm. Calculate its perimeter.
- 50m
- 64m
- 78m
- 39m
- The table below shows commission rates by the post office for sending money locally.
Commission Inland
Value of the order shs cts Not exceeding 500
501 - 1000
1001 - 3000
3001 - 5000
5001 - 10000
10001 - 20000
20001 - 30000
30001 - 3500042
00- shs. 736
- shs 3950
- shs. 23686
- shs. 22950
- What is the sum of faces vertices and edges of an open cuboid?
- 480
- 26
- 25
- 20
- A family uses 2-2dl packets of milk everyday. How many litres did the family use in the month of February year 2020?
- 116L
- 11.2L
- 112L
- 11.6L
- Workout twice the value of
3x + 4y - 27
2x + y
if x=2. y=4 and z=3- 8
- 16
- 4
- 2
- What is the sum of the first 17 odd numbers?
- 153
- 167
- 289
- 169
- Tumaini primary school has 480 pupils. 45% are boys. Has many more girls than boys are there in the school?
- 264
- 44
- 220
- 48
- What is the value of 82(92 - 32)?
42 x 62- 8
- 30
- 26
- 74
- What is the place value of digit 9 in the product of 2.45 and 0.12?
- Tenths
- Tens
- Hundredths
- Thousandths
- In Majimatamu primary school std. 7 class has 24 boys and 36 girls. During a Kiswahili lesson 1/8 of the boys and ¼ of the girls didn't do their homework. How many pupils did their homework?
- 12
- 48
- 27
- 21
- The pie chart below shows how Kalewa spent his monthly salary of sh. 48000
How much did Kalewa spend on schoolo fees than on rent?- shs. 800
- shs 12000
- shs. 3000
- shs.4000
- Arrange the following fractions from the smaijest to the largest 2/3, 4/7, 0.75, 0.6
- 2/3,0.6,0.75,4/7
- 2/3,0.75,0.6,4/7
- 0.75,2/3 ,0.6,4/7
- 4/7,0.6,2/3 ,0.75
- A farmer fenced his rectangular plot of land shown below using 3 strands of wire. He also left a gate of 10m.
What is the total length of the wire?- 270m
- 830m
- 810m
- 280m
- A path is drawn on a map on a scale of lem rep 80m. What length on the map would represent a distance of 7.2km?
- 9cm
- 0.9cm
- 90cm
- 0.09cm
- Construct triangle ABC such that AB =6cm, BC= 8cm and AC-10cm. What is the measure of angle ACB?
- 90°
- 37°
- 53°
- 60°
- The graph below shows Mwakanda's journey from Kericho to Nakuru.
How many kilometres had he covered at Act 11.30a.m?- 45km
- 50km
- 55km
- 60km

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