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Science Questions and Answers - Class 7 End Term 2 2022 Set 2

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  1. Which one of the following is not a way of controlling internal parasites?
    1. Spraying,
    2. Proper sanitation.
    3. Deworming.
    4. Cooking food properly.
  2. Which of the following components of blood is the most abundant? 
    1. Platelets 
    2. White blood cells. 
    3. Plasma.
    4. Red blood cells
  3. The part of the breathing system where carbon dioxide is taken from the blood is the 
    1. nose
    2. windpipe.
    3. branchus.
    4. alveolus.
  4. The diagram below represents a maize flower
    The part labelled Pabove is made up of
    1. anthers and filament.
    2. filament and stamen.
    3. stigma and anthers.
    4. styles and stigmas.
  5. Which of the following foods given to a child suffering from me 
    1. Balanced diet. 
    2. Vitamins 
    3. Proteins.
    4. Mineral salts.
  6. Below are characteristics of a certain animal;.
    1. It breathes through lungs.
    2. It lays eggs.
    3. its body is covered with scales. .
    4. Its body temperature varies with the of the surrounding.  
      Which of the following animals cannot be put in the same group with the animal having the characteristics above?
      1. Snake.
      2. Crocodile.
      3. Gecko.
      4. Toad. 
  7. The diagram below represents a plant 
    Which one of the following plants does not store food in the same place as the plant drawn above?
    1. Sugarcane. 
    2. Irish potato.
    3. Arrowroot
    4. Ginger.
  8. Which one of the following statements is true about all amphibians? They 
    1. lay eggs on the land near water.
    2. have constant body temperature.
    3. have scales on their bodies. 
    4. have soft moist bodies.
  9. The liquid part of blood mainly
    1. transports digested food.
    2. transports oxygen around the body parts.
    3. stops bleeding after injuries.
    4. fights disease causing germs.
  10. Which one of the following livestock parasites does not affect the internal organs of an animal?
    1. Liverflukes.
    2. Fleas.
    3. Roundworms.
    4. Lungworms 
  11. Which one of the following physical changes during adolescence is correctly matched?
                    Boys                                   Girls  
    1. Broadening of hips                 growth of beards
    2. Wet dreams                            voice breaks
    3. Growth of beards                    menstrual flow
    4. Broadening of shoulders         production of sperms 
  12. For good health, one requires
    1. cleanliness and smoking.
    2. food and alcohol.
    3. sleep and drugs.
    4. sleep and exercise.
  13. Which of the following groups of materials are all insulators?
    1. Copper, plastic, wood. 
    2. Aluminium, plastic, glass.
    3. Glass, wood, plastic.
    4. Aluminium, silver, copper.
  14. Which one of the following is not a source of current electricity? 
    1. Dry cells.
    2. Electric cookers. 
    3. Solar panels.
    4. Geothermal station.
  15. The best way of staying away from drug abuse is by
    1. following parental advice. 
    2. imitating peer's behaviour. 
    3. trying to find out the effect.
    4. using legal drugs only.
  16. The following is a description of a certain method of food preservation:
    1. Dehydrates food.
    2. Kills germs. 
    3. Eliminates bad smell in faadi
    4. Common in both rural and urban areas.
      The method described above is
      1. refrigeration.
      2. sun drying.
      3. use of honey.
      4. freezing.
  17. All the following immunisable diseases in infants are vaccinated against at six, ten and fourteen weeks. Which one is not?
    1. Diptheria. 
    2. Pertusis. 
    3. Tetanus.
    4. Tuberculosis. 
  18. Revolution is the movement of the
    1. moon round the sun
    2. sun round the moon
    3. earth round the sun
    4. sun round the earth 
  19. The diagram below represents a man warming himself by the fire.
    Which one of the following shows how heat reaches the hands and the legs respectively? 
    1. Conduction, radiation 
    2. Radiation, conduction
    3. Convection, conduction
    4. Convection, radiation
  20. Which one of the following practices involves conservation of water by re using?
    1. Use of drip irrigation.
    2. Flushing toilets with water that has been used for rinsing clothes. 
    3. Storage of water for use in case of shortage.
    4. Collecting rain water from the roof of a house 
  21. Vibrating objects produce
    1. sound
    2. light
    3. heat
    4. force
  22. Which of the following statements is true about nimbus clouds?
    1. Are irregularly shaped.
    2. Appear in hot afternoon. 
    3. Are dome-shaped on top. 
    4. Are found high in the sky.
  23. Which of the following is not a type of a force?
    1. Gravitational pull.
    2. Weight
    3. Pressure.
    4. Friction.
  24. Which one of the following is a characteristic of wind pollinated flowers?
    1. Large in size
    2. Stigma bangs outside the flower
    3. Few heavy pollen grains
    4. Small anthers firmly attached to the filament.
  25. A pupil hanged her clothes on a clothline and noticed that it took long for them to dry. The weather was most likely to be
    1. cold and calm.
    2. cold and windy. 
    3. dry and cold. 
    4. hot and windy.
  26. Which one of the following body structure in the table below is not correctly matched with it function?
               Structure                     Function 
    1. Mouth                           food broken into small particles.
    2. Liver                             produces digestive juice.
    3. Large intestines           absorbs water and mineral salts
    4. Small intestines           stores undigested food 
  27. To measure force, we neea:
    1. beam balance.
    2. weighing balance.
    3. see-saw.
    4. spring balance. 
  28. What would happen if two wooden blocks weighing 10kg and 1kg respectively were to  be dropped from a height of 2m at the same time? They would
    1. break into pieces.
    2. reach the ground at the same time.
    3. add weight to air
    4. float in the air.
  29. Three of the diagrams below can be used to made use of in a periscope except 
    1. formation of images.
    2. reflection of light.
    3. obstruction of light to form shadows
    4. bouncing off of light.
  30. Which one of the following consists of only female parts of a power?
    1. Filament, anthers, style. Function
    2. Stigma, ovules, petals. food broken into
    3. Style, ovary, sepals. small particles.
    4. Stigma, ovary, style, produces digestive juice.
  31. Hookworms are not mally found in
    1. cattle and pigs.
    2. sheep and goats.
    3. pigs and poultry.
    4. sheep and cattle.
  32. Faeces and decaying animal and plant matter
    1. destroy crops.
    2. make the soil poor for cultivation.
    3. add humus to the soil.
    4. are of no importance to the soil.
  33. Which one of the following farm animals is correctly matched with its products?
    1. Goat -  mutton, skin, milk
    2. Sheep - hide, wool, milk
    3. Cow - milk, mohair, skin
    4. Pig - pork, cheese, skin
  34. Three of the following aspects of light ars Which one does not?
  35. Which one of the following is the smallest and largest planet respectively?
    1. Mercury and Jupiter
    2. Mercury and Neptune. 
    3. Jupiter and Venus.
    4. Saturn and Jupiter. 
  36. Which one of the following component of the environment is the most polluted?
    1. Water
    2. Air
    3. Plants
    4. Soil 
  37. Which one of the following is an artificial  method of lighting a house?
    1. Windows
    2. Translúscent roofs
    3. Large doors
    4. Bulbs and use of H. E. P electricity. 
  38. Which one of the following scientific statements on properties of matter is 
    1. Liquids have definite volume.
    2. Gases have no definite mass.
    3. Liquids have definite mess. 
    4. Solid have definite size and volume.
  39. The convection box below was set up and used by class 5 pupils to demonstrate convection of heat in air.
    If the candle was placed at the point marked X, at what point did the pupils put the smoldering rag to produce better results?
    1. 3
    2. 2
    3. 1
    4. 4
  40. Drainage, capillarity and aeration in soil all depend on
    1. the slopiness of land.
    2. proportional composition of the soil.
    3. colour and organic matter in the soil.
    4. type of mineral available in the soil.
  41. In which one of the following processes is carbon dioxide not used?
    1. Germination.
    2. Making plant food.
    3. Putting out fire.
    4. Preservation of soft drinks.
  42. The following are ways of maintainig tools except 
    1. repairing broken tools.
    2. improper use of tools.
    3. sharpening cutting tools.
    4. cleaning tools after use.
  43. Which of the following is false about arteries?
    1. They have big valves,
    2. Blood is under high pressure
    3. Have pulse.
    4. Have thick walls. 
  44. Below is an illustration of changes of states of matter.
    Which arrow shows the process that occur as a result of decrease in temperature?
    1. (iii), (iv)
    2. (ii), (iii)
    3. (i), (ii)
    4. (i), (iv) 
  45. Which of the following vaccine is administered thrice to infants through injection?
    1. Oral polio
    2. B.C.G vaccine
    3. DPT vaccine
    4. Anti-measles.
  46. Which one of the following is not a use of medicines?
    1. Causing diseases. 
    2. Relieving pain.
    3. Curing known diseases:
    4. Preventing diseases.
  47. Which pair of foods are the main sources of protective foods?
    1. Meat and eggs.
    2. Cereals and legumes.
    3. Yams and cassava
    4. Fruits and vegetables.
  48. Which one of the following is the best method of transporting water over a long distance?
    1. Cans
    2. Animals
    3. Pipes
    4. Tankers
  49. Which material below is not needed when  investigating the presence of air in soil?
    1. Water
    2. Candle
    3. Container
    4. Dry soil 
  50. Which one of the following is not a use of heat energy?
    1. Cooking food 
    2. Warming our bodies
    3. Drying clothes
    4. Seeing clearly 


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. B
  11. C
  12. D
  13. C
  14. D
  15. A
  16. D
  17. D
  18. C
  19. D
  20. B
  21. A
  22. A
  23. D
  24. B
  25. A
  26. D
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. D
  31. D
  32. C
  33. A
  34. D
  35. A
  36. B
  37. D
  38. A
  39. B
  40. B
  41. A
  42. B
  43. A
  44. B
  45. C
  46. A
  47. D
  48. C
  49. B
  50. D
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