Displaying items by tag: revision


  1. Which come following parts of a flower produces sex cells?
    1. Stigma and style
    2. Antlers and ovary
    3. Style and filament
    4. Pollen grains and ovules.
  2. Which one of the following vessels is correctly matched with its function?
    1. Aorta - Transports blood away from the heart
    2. Venacava - Transports blood from the heart.
    3. Artery - Transports deoxygenated blood.
    4. Vein - Transports Oxygenated blood.
  3. Which one of the following is the best way of controlling parasites that causes irritation on livestock?
    1. Handpicking
    2. Spraying
    3. Dipping
    4. Deworming
  4. Which of the following pairs of plants depends on other plants for support? 
    1. Tomatoes and passion
    2. Mango and oranges
    3. Passion and arrowroots:
    4. Cassava and sweet potato
  5. Which one of the following describes the best way of handling medicines at home?
    1. Storing medicine near the source off heat.
    2. Sharing medicine with the same ailment.
    3. Using soft drink bottles to store liquid medicine.
    4. Completing dosage even when one is feeling well.
  6. The diagram below represents a setup that can be used to investigate a certain aspect of heat.
    The heat reaches the metallic spring through
    1. convection only
    2. conduction and radiation
    3. radiation only
    4. conduction and convection.
  7. Which one of the following plants are mainly grown to produce threads for making ornaments?
    1. Cotton and flux,
    2. Palm trees and sugarcane
    3. Sisal and barley.
    4. Pyrethrum and coffee.
  8. Which one of the following is an adaptation of animals that mainly feed on flesh?
    1. Strong hind legs.
    2. Modified premolars and molars.
    3. Streamlined body:
    4. Strong hollow molars.
  9. Which one of the following is an advantage of in-organic fertilizer?
    1. Have long term effects.
    2. Spread weeds.
    3. Locally available.
    4. Increases rate of production.
  10. The diagram below represents a breathing system
    Which is the main process that take place in part marked V?
    1. Warming air.
    2. Absorption of air.
    3. Cleaning of air.
    4. Storing of clean air.
  11. The following were used to investigate factor that affects sinking and floating.
    1. wooden spoon.
    2. 1 piece of steel wool.
    3. Water in a transparent basin.
      The factor investigated was
      1. shape of the material
      2. type of material
      3. size of material
      4. mass of material.
  12. Which of the following materials have definite shape and mass?
    1. Oxygen. oil, stones.
    2. Steam, candle wax, leather.
    3. Water, kerosene, diesel.
    4. Nails, Ieaves, gravel.
  13. Which one of the following diseases is correctly matched with the date they are immunized?
       At birth  Fourteen week 
    A  Polio   Hepatitis B
    B  Tuberculosis   Measles
    C   Yellow fever   Tetanus
    D   Whooping cough   Polio
  14. When modelling the solar system, which materials are used 10 mount sun and planets?
    1. Glue and manilla paper.
    2. Thorns and wires. 
    3. Plasticine and clay.
    4. Paper mache and nails.
  15. The quantity of matter in an object is called
    1. Weight
    2. friction
    3. mass
    4. magnetic
  16. Which one of the following is a myth and misconception about HIV and AIDS?
    1. HIV is mainly spread through both fluids.
    2. AIDS develop in stages.
    3. Unsterilized piercing objects may spread HIV virus.
    4. Mosquito bite may spread HIV virus.
  17. Which one of the following statements is true about weather instrument?
    1. The tail of a windvane is smaller than the head.
    2. Raingauge measures two aspects of weather. 
    3. Windsock mainly measures the strength of wind.
    4. Scale of air thermometer reads from bottom to up.
  18. The diagram below represents an excretory organ.
    Name the parts labelled M
    1. sweat glands 
    2. sweat pores
    3. sweat duct
    4. dermis,
  19. Which pair of characteristics is common to lizard, toad, spiny ant cater and hawk?
    1. Varying body temperature, breathe through lungs,
    2. Lay eggs, have scales.
    3. Varying body temperature, have scales
    4. Lay eggs, breathe through lungs.
  20. Which one of the following materials is not needed when investigating drainage in soil?
    1. Cotton wool
    2. Funnel
    3. Collecting jars
    4. Measuring jars.
  21. In a certain activity, pupils were told to drop text book above their desks from different heights. This was to investigate
    1. amplification of sounds
    2. Types of sounds
    3. pollution of sounds 
    4. types of special sounds.
  22. Which of the following is the most  appropriate event for creating public awareness on HIV/AIDS for the youth
    1. Wedding ceremony. 
    2. Chief Baraza.
    3. Job interview
    4. Sports and games
  23. In an activity to investigate types of soil erosion pupils poured water at different positions of a slanting soil surface with channels. Which type of soil erosion were they demonstrating?
    1. Splash erosion.
    2. Sheet erosion.
    3. Gulley erosion.
    4. Rill erosion,
  24. Which changes of state of matter below require a substance to loss heat to the war surrounding?
    1. Evaporation and melting 
    2. Freezing and evaporation.
    3. Melting and condensation. 
    4. Condensation and freezing.
  25. Which one of the following is not a reason  why animals are fed commercial feeds?
    1. To increase milk production.
    2. To supplement other feeds.
    3. Provide specific nutrients to animals.
    4. Only given 10 animals under stall feeding,
  26. Which one of the following is the main reason of spreading dry grass around the stem of young plants? To, 
    1. conserve moisture ;
    2. control soil erosion 
    3. suffocate woods
    4. add nutrients to the soil.
  27. Which of the following is a way of using energy efficiently?
    1. Cooking using firewood.
    2. Using water to produce electricity.
    3. Using improved jiko
    4. Improving and network.
  28. A lactating mother eat food rich in calcium and phosphorous i order to
    1. Improve blood formation in the baby
    2. Improve immunity of the baby.
    3. Replace blood lost during giving birth
    4. Help formation of teeth and bones of the baby.
  29. Which of the following pairs of animals move by leaping and hopping? 
    1. Horse and kangaroo.
    2. Grasshopper and toad.
    3. Frog and ticks.
    4. Cricket and chameleon,     
  30. The following figure shows a common sign among diseases caused by poor sanitation.
    Which sign will it under R?
    1. Skin rashes.
    2. Violent diarrhoea.
    3. Blood in the stool.
    4. Pain in the joint.
  31. Three of the following are uses of heat at home expect
    1. Ironing clothes
    2. Scaring away pests
    3. Cooking
    4. Warming ourselves
  32. Which of the following is the correct procedure of separating of salt, rice husks and copper fillings?
    1. Dissolving - filtering -- use of a magnet - Evaporation.
    2. Use of magnet- dissolving - filtering - evaporation.
    3. Winnowing - dissolving - filtering - evaporation.
    4. Use of magnet - dissolving - sieving - evaporation.
  33. Which two types of food can be preserved by drying?
    1. Milk and fish,
    2. Coffee berries and vegetables,
    3. Arrow roots and honey.
    4. Meat and fruits. :
  34. A child has the following signs and symptoms.
    1. Sores at the corner of the mouth.
    2. Slow growth.
    3. Swollen face and checks.
      The disease is likely to be
      1. marasmus
      2. anaemia 
      3. ricket
      4. kwashiorkor
  35. Which of the following materials is correctly matched?
       Magnetic  Non magnetic  
     A   Razor blades  Copper wire
     B  Office pin  Steel wool
     C  Hair strand   Aluminium foil
     D  Wooden rod  Rubber bands
  36. Which one of the following is not a way of conserving soil?
    1. Ploughing along the contour.
    2. Practising rotational grazing.
    3. Burning long bushes to control weeds,
    4. Disposing kitchen refuse in the farm.
  37. The diagram below represents a periscope
    Which letter represents the image and object respectively?
    1. V and B.
    2. W and X 
    3. X and W
    4. V and W
  38. The following plants depends on animals for food except
    1. bladderwort
    2. sundow 
    3. pitcher plant 
    4. waterlily.
  39. Which of the following is best way of removing permanent hardness in water?
    1. Adding chemicals. 
    2. littering using clean materials.
    3. Using high temperature:
    4. Warming water.|
  40. The energy transformation that take place when dry cells are connected to a bulb is
    1. Chemical - electrical - light - heat
    2. Electrical - chemical -- heat - light
    3. Chemical - electrical - heat - light 
    4. Electrical - heat - chemical - light
  41. Which of the following is the characteristic of soil with low capillarily?
    1. Coarse particles.
    2. Sticky when wet
    3. Smooth texture.
    4. Best in farming.
  42. In which of the following activities is friction least useful?
    1. Riding a bicycle.
    2. Writing on exercise books.
    3. Pushing a crate of soda on the floor.
    4. Skating along the tarmac road.
  43. Which of the following is the second last stage of birth process?
    1. Release of afterbirth.
    2. Dilation of cervix.
    3. Bursting of amnion sac
    4. Culling of umbilical cord.
  44. Which of the following liquids will form one layer when put in a glass?
    1. Ink and oil.
    2. Diesel and paraffin.
    3. Milk and oil.
    4. Spirit and kerosene,
  45. In an activity, pupils collected the following materials.
    1. Drycells.
    2. Two wires of 15cm each.
    3. Different materials.
    4. A bulb.
      What were they likely to investigate?
      1. Good and poor conductors of electricity.
      2. Making a simple circuit
      3. Good and poor conductors of heat
      4. How current flow in different materials.
  46. Which one of the following is a way of  maintaining all simple tools?
    1. Oiling metallic parts,
    2. Sharpening cutting tools.
    3. Proper storage:
    4. Using regularly
  47. Which of the following sources of current electricity uses chemicals?
    1. Dynamo and solar panels.
    2. Dry cells and car ballery:
    3. Geothermal and biogas.
    4. Dynamo and dry cells.
  48. Which one of the followng is not a sign of food poisoning?
    1. Headache 
    2. Dehydration
    3. Fever
    4. Diarrhoea
  49. Which of the following parts of seed is correctly matched with its function?
    1. Radicle.- forms the seed leaf.
    2. Cotyledon - allow entry of water
    3. Hillum -- store food
    4. Plumule -- forms the embryo
  50. The diagram below shows a simple lever
    Which of the parts labeled E, G,T and II shows the fulcrum?
    1. H
    2. F
    3. G.

Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. A
  9. D
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. C
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. B
  22. D
  23. C
  24. D
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. D
  29. B
  30. A
  31. B
  32. C
  33. B
  34. D
  35. A
  36. A
  37. B
  38. D
  39. C
  40. C
  41. A
  42. C
  43. D
  44. B
  45. A
  46. C
  47. B
  48. A
  49. D
  50. C


Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 1 to 15. For each blank space, choose the best alternative from the choices given.

           Every day we come     1    situations which makes us sacrifice. We sacrifice our time, peace of mind , money , comfort and    2    our property. We give these to our relatives, friends and all those     3      we have interacted with, including the old, the sick, the needy and the      4       in the society. What makes us happy is that in the     5     , we leave such people      6      than they were before. Our hearts      7      with satisfaction when they say a    8      'Thank you'.
              9     , how much have you or are you ready to sacrifice for yourself? Some people do     10    little to improve themselves. take a look at this: You went to school but your     11     in pre-primary , primary and high school was paid by your parents. they paid for your college too and      12    , you got a job soon after. How much have you paid for    13     yourself to a higher level? Some have    14     much. They have sponsored themselves to go higher than their parents left them. This is what we all      15     to do.

  A B C D
1 into across between to
2 also then even more
3 who that which whom
4 vulnerable famous popular wealthy
5  time  place  end  way
6  fairer  better  happy  stronger
7  melt  flow  grow  glow
8 simple real happy stronger
9 Therefore However More so Though
10 very so too much
11 bill  money  fees  needs
12 slowly  carefully  lastly  luckily
13  rise  raise  bring  put up
14 seen  heard  done  kept
15  need  want  try  dream

For question 16 and 17, choose the alternative that can best replace the underlined word.

  1. the officers came to inspect the damage cause by the floods
    1. Evaluate
    2. Confirm
    3. Cheek
    4. Assess
  2. The schools debating contest began at two o'clock
    1. Competition
    2. Speaking
    3. testing
    4. rehearsal

in the questions 18 and 20, choose the alternative that best fills the blank space.

  1. He arrived late _______ the gate was still open
    1. therefore
    2. more so
    3. otherwise
    4. however
  2. "Were you treated at the hospital?"
    "Yes, ________."
    1. I got
    2. I was
    3. I were
    4. I got treated.
  3. Julia does not like travelling at night and __________.
    1. Solomon does neither
    2. neither does Solomon
    3. nor Solomon does
    4. nor does Solomon

In questions 21 to 23, choose the sentence that means the same as the underlined word 

  1. If Timothy had paid for the trip, he would have travelled.
    1. Timothy travelled paid for the trip too late to travel
    2. Timothy wanted to pay for the trip so that he could travel
    3. Timothy travelled although he did not pay for the trip
    4. Timothy did not pay for the trip so he did not ravel
  2. "I will visit the dentist," said Joan
    1. Joan said that I will visit the dentist the next day
    2. Joan said that she would visit the dentist tomorrow.
    3. Joan said that she would visit the dentist the following day
    4. Joan said that she will visit the dentist tomorrow
  3. The workers hardly rest while at work
    1. The workers never rest while at work
    2. The workers barely rest while at work
    3. The workers sometimes rest while at work.
    4. The workers do not like taking a rest while at work.

In questions 24 and 25 choose the sentence which is correctly punctuated.

    1. "Our exams will begin," said the teacher. "early in the morning."
    2.  "Our exams will begin," said the teacher. "Early un the morning."
    3. "Our exams will begin," said the teacher. early in the morning."
    4. "Our exams will begin, said the teacher, early in the morning."
    1. All Charles' childrens' shoes are black
    2. All Charle's childrens shoes are black
    3. All Charles children's shoes are black.
    4. All Charles' children's shoes are black.

Read the passage below and answer questions 26 to 38

           Daudi looked for his friends excitedly. He had made a discovery he believed would interest them. Just in the neighbouring farms, he had come across a squirrel. It looked big and good to eat  but then he knew he needed miracles to catch it. Many others had tired but only a handful were successful though he was sure with the brains they had, if combined, they could easily catch not just one but even four in a day. Each of them would carry a whole carcass home although the 'feast' would wait for three or so days.
           It was approaching three o'clock when he managed to assembled his 'soldiers' as he expected, they were excited. Naum said he knew how to make good traps and it would take him only minutes to do so. Tope, on the other hand, was good at tracking and so they were upbeat as they went through the hedge to Kauma's cassava farm. Tope reminded them that if they caught the four, they could inform Kauma and he would definitely reward them. However, Daudi hoped they would not be suspected of stealing the crop. The boys laid their traps at the entrance of the holes. They did not know whether the squirrels were in or out so they had only one option: to lie still and wait. The waiting period would depend on factors beyond their ability.
           In the next fifteen minutes or so, they saw a woman approaching the farm. She had a medium-sized reed basket and a short panga, the type used for harvesting cassava tubers. She looked left and right then crouched as she approached the farm. All the boys identified her positively: Teresa, the talkative woman who lived alone. creeping like a lizard, she went up near the centre of the farm. she was actually near the boys but out of earshot. She could not hear Naum describing her as the biggest squirrel they'd ever seen. She embarked on her business with skill and speed.
           A squirrel appeared as if from nowhere. it stood on its hind legs and looked at the woman. She picked up a stone, threw it at the creature and it swiftly shuttled towards the hedge. Another one followed and seemed to be hasty. Its head went right into the trap and was unlucky to get caught as the boys silently gave one another a 'high-five' for the achievement. However, Teresa saw it!
           The next activities happened faster than they expected. As the boys silenced themselves to see how Teresa would handle the situation, they heard shuffling and when they turned their heads, they almost stopped breathing. Kauma, the least expected person by both parties, appeared. he was accompanied by two young men and for the first time we, the trappers, felt really trapped.!
           In a matter of minutes , they were all out of the farm. The boys explained when and what had brought them into the farm. As they narrated how they had seen Teresa do all that she did, Kauma started smiling but when it reached where she went for the trapped squirrel, he laughed out loudly and everybody else except her, joined in. he was a kind man for he ordered us to be given our squirrel as he released Teresa unconditionally. He let her take the tubers she had harvested.

  1. What discovery had Daudi made?
    1. There were squirrels on the nearby farms
    2. Some neighbours had cassava.
    3. He had belief of interest.
    4. He has news that could excite them
  2. By saying he needed miracles to catch squirrels. Daudi meant
    1. no one had ever caught squirrels
    2. squirrels were mysterious creatures.
    3. It was almost an impossible task
    4. They boys were not good at catching squirrels
  3. Daudi believed they could catch even four squirrels per day because.
    1. The squirrels were everywhere.
    2. he had strong belief in their combined ability.
    3. he expected to be awarded for the achievement
    4. squirrels were not easy to catch by groups.
  4. According to the responsibilities they had.
    1. Daudi had no role to play.
    2. both Naum and Tope would work simultaneously.
    3. Tope would help find where the farms were
    4. Naum's skill would ve of most importance.
  5. The reason why Kauma would reward the boys is:
    1. He liked eating squirrel but was unable to trap them.
    2. The boys simply wanted permission to continue trapping.
    3. They would have assisted him to save his crop.
    4. no one else had ever caught squirrels on the farm.
  6. The boys would land themselves in trouble if
    1. more of their traps caught any squirrel
    2.  they were suspected of being thieves.
    3. they caught more than four squirrels
    4. one of them failed to take a carcass home.
  7. The boys' waiting period would depend on
    1. when a squirrel came in or out of the hole
    2. how many squirrels there were
    3. the number of squirrels they needed to catch
    4. how silent they could remain down there.
  8. The boys were suspicious of Teresa because.
    1. they all knew her well
    2. of what she carried and her movement
    3. she too liked catching squirrels
    4. she had no business at the farm.
  9. Naum's description of Teresa shows that he
    1. knew Teresa better than all the others
    2. could catch even very big squirrels
    3. wasn't quite sure if it was Teresa or a squirrel
    4. had some sense of humor.
  10. Why did Teresa throw a stone at the squirrel
    1. In order to kill it
    2. To make it enter its hole.
    3. To make it go away
    4. In order to test if it could get scared.
  11. What made the boys not to go fro the trapped squirrel immediately
    1. They wanted to catch more
    2. They were scared of Teresa
    3. The shuffling of feet distracted them
    4. They wanted to see Teresa's next move.
  12. Kauma must have laughed.
    1. as he realised Teresa was also an opportunist
    2. since he could not believe Teresa also ate squirrels
    3. because the boys were obviously lying
    4. as Teresa herself had not talked
  13. Kauma allowed Teresa to carry away the tubers
    1. to make sure she doesn't steal again
    2. as she behaved remorseful
    3. as he was a kind man at heart
    4. since he was thoroughly entertained

Read the passage below and the answer questions 39 to 50.

           Are you always saying 'Yes' to people whom you believe you should not? This is a bad habit  many of us suffer from though for a good reason. Many adults find themselves in this situation because of how they were raised.
           We were taught how to be polite and that came with always doing what we were told. Refusal to do so was seen as a backtalk and lack of discipline by parents, teachers and those in authority.
           Saying NO can be hard when you do not want to upset others, be a source of disappointment or just happen to be a people pleaser. Sometimes, you are scared of saying 'NO' for fear of feeling guilty afterwards, more so if you are in a position to help and have no valid reason to say "NO".
           A research study carried out by a social psychologist, in examining people's influence over others came to the conclusion that many people agree to do things they would prefer not to do to avoid the considerable discomfort of saying NO. Out of that, you find yourself being overwhelmed and unhappy because you said you would go for an event you did not want to attend or took up more work assignments when you are up in the neck with any deadlines.
           As valid as these fears may be, you need to mark deeply and fully understand why you need to say NO and for what reasons. Sometimes you just do not want to do it and it is time to say NO.
           Allow you say NO without lying which is usually the default for most of us matters, Be polite, firm and say you are not able to do whatever it is. You can follow up with responses like. "Let me get back to you." or "Let me think about it first then i'll get back to you."
           Learning to say NO is a huge favour to yourself. It will lessen your stress and pressure. Likewise, it will, it will enable you to do things you genuinely love and care about.

  1. According to the first sentence of the passage.
    1. there are many people who say YES unconsciously .
    2. You may be one of those who always say YES.
    3. people say YES when they mean NO
    4. you can decide to say YES and later NO.
  2. When you say YES to a person when you should not
    1. it is meant to please them.
    2. you suffer for it more than the other person.
    3. the person knows you are not serious
    4. you should explain the reason for it.
  3. A person who is well-raised is likely to
    1. say YES when he means exactly that
    2. Favour only the people he knows 
    3. to behave like a few adults
    4. fail to disappoint others.
  4. How do we get polite manners?
    1. When we don't disagree with others. 
    2. If many people talk well of us.
    3. Memory of home expectations and being obedient
    4. As long as we keep good company.
  5. Parents, teachers and people in authority are mentioned in the passage as
    1. those who teach us to be polite. 
    2. the only people known to be polite.
    3. those who feel uncomfortable with us.
    4. those who have both good and bad habit.
  6. When you tell a person NO, it's likely that
    1. he waits for his turn to tell you the same.
    2. he looks for one who could say YES.
    3. he realises you are actually polite.
    4. he gets disappointed.
  7. Why should one feel guilty after telling the other NO?
    1. We believe we too could be told NO
    2. When he knows he could have helped
    3. No one ever feel guilty when told NO.
    4. There is no reason completely for telling the other NO.
  8. When in company of others, many people
    1. forget to say NO when they should.
    2. say YES so that they are told the same. 
    3. feel comfortable to please the group.
    4. decide to say whatever they feel like.
  9. If you are invited to a party by a friend. you should stay
    1. NO is you don't intend to go. 
    2. YES even if you don't want to go.
    3. NO then surprise them by going.
    4. neither YES or NO.
  10. In most cases, when one says NO
    1. he should ensure it is well understood.
    2. it can later change to be a YES. 
    3. he must know the other person could be annoyed,
    4. he should do it genuinely and politely.
  11. It is possible to tell a person NO
    1. just intentionally to annoy him.
    2. without using the word itself.
    3. to make the person stop bothering you.
    4. to stress both the person and yourself
  12. The best title for this passage would be
    1. Ways of pleasing your friends.
    2. How lo communicate bad news to others.
    3. Be certain when you say NO.
    4. People do not mean what they say.


Below is the beginning of a story. Write and complete it in your own words making it as interesting as possible

The night was calm and still. all seemed fine. I was however awakened by joyful ullulations and .....

Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. C
  12. D
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A
  16. D
  17. A
  18. D
  19. B
  20. B
  21. D
  22. C
  23. B
  24. A
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. B
  29. D
  30. C
  31. B
  32. A
  33. B
  34. D
  35. C
  36. D
  37. A
  38. C
  39. B
  40. A
  41. D
  42. C
  43. A
  44. D
  45. B
  46. C
  47. A
  48. D
  49. B
  50. C


PART 1: Social Studies

SS map

Study the map of Kwetu area and use it to answer questions 1-7

  1. What is the direc of the church from the P.H.S?
    1. North East .
    2. South East
    3. South West
    4. North West
  2. The approximate area of the beef ranch is
    1. 63km2
    2. 18km2
    3. 35km2
    4. 56km2
  3. Which of the following economic activities is NOT carried out in the Northern part of Kwetu area?
    1. Tourism
    2. Crop far
    3. Ranching
    4. Trading,
  4. Who among the following is incharge of security in Kwetu area?
    1. Governor
    2. County Commissioner
    3. Senator
    4. Member of parliament
  5. People of Tawa town MAINLY belong to which religion?
    1. Christianity 
    2. Pagans
    3. Islamic
    4. Traditionalist
  6. Which one of the following crops can do well in the area where there is paddy field?
    1. Cotton
    2. Tea
    3. Coffee
    4. Wheat
  7. The MAIN factor influencing population distribution in Kwetu area is,
    1. transport
    2. religious factors
    3. relief
    4. job opportunities.
  8. Which of the following groups of people comprises of those who migrated in search for land to cultivate ONLY?
    1. Kamba, Borana, Luo
    2. Abaluhya, Taita, Ameru
    3. Abagusii, Baganda, Iteso
    4. Maasai, Taita, Pokomo
  9. The following are reasons why Africans resisted colonial rule in Kenya. Which one is NOT?
    1. Erosion of African culture
    2. Loss of independence
    3. Improvement of infrastructure
    4. Increase in number of landless and squatters.
  10. The time in Rabat 12°W is 8:12am, What is the time in Cairo Egypt 28°E?
    1. 2:40am
    2. 10:52am
    3. 6:32am
    4. 9:52am
  11. Which of the following factors explains why the coast of Namibia is hot and dry?
    1. The existence of cold Benguela current.
    2. It is found below the sea level.
    3. It has been affected by deforestation.
    4. It is caused by the shape of coastline.
  12. Three of the following are ways of managing, slow population growth. Which ONE isnot?
    1. Encouraging immigration.
    2. Providing family planning services.
    3. Increasing food production.
    4. Improving medical services
  13. The following places are associated with the early man. Which one is WRONGLY matched with the country is found in?
    1. Olduvai gorge - Tanzania
    2. Ngoloba - Tanzania
    3. Ismailia - Ehtiopia
    4. Koobi Fora - Kenya
  14. In which of the statements given below is NOT TRUE about civil marriage?
    1. Ite can be conducted at attorney general's office.
    2. The couple gives a three weeks notice before the wedding
    3. A marriage certificate is issued.
    4. It is done according to the culture and customs of the couple.
  15. The following are characteristics of a certain climatic region
    1. Rainfall range between 380mm to 500mm per year.
    2. Temperatures range between 22°C to 27°C
    3. The skies are generally clear.
      The climatic region described above is
      1. Semi-desert climate
      2. Savanna climate
      3. Desert climate
      4. Mediterranean climate
  16. The capital city of Angola is:
    1. Windhoek
    2. Luanda
    3. Gaborone
    4. Lusaka
  17. Three of the following are principles of democracy. Which one is NOT?
    1. Unequal opportunities
    2. Equality before the law
    3. Promotion of justice for all
    4. Power belongs to the people
  18. Which of the following water bodies borders Africa to the North East?
    1. Mediterranean Sea
    2. Atlantic ocean
    3. Red sea
    4. Indian ocean
  19. Which group of people gives below consist of semites ONLY?
    1. Hawa, Falasha, Arabs
    2. Tigreans, Ankara, Arabs
    3. Iraqw, Mbanga, Burunga
    4. Tigreans, Amhara, Pokomo

      Use the map of Africa below to answer
  20. The road marked His called
    1. Trams Africam highway.
    2. Coatonoa Gao Ouija highway.
    3. The Great North rand.
    4. Trans Sakaram bighoway.
  21. Which statementt is TRUE about the region marked M? The
    1. region lics withic the tropics.
    2. region expericaces ot wet summer and cold dry winters,
    3. rainfall in the region is caused by the westerlies winds.
    4. temperatures are high throughout the year.
  22. The country marked Y was colonized by the
    1. Germans
    2. French
    3. Halians
    4. British
  23. The tourist site marked X is
    1. Kruger National Park.
    2. Ancient town of Marakech.
    3. Cairo pyramic's.
    4. Victoria falls
  24. Three of the following are duties conducted by the Independent Electoral and Boudaries Commission, Which one is NOT?
    1. Register and maintain voters register.
    2. Conduct civic education to the voters.
    3. Review the electoral boundaries.
    4. Nominate candidates to take past elections.
  25. Which of the folr wing is NOT a hightamd forest?
    1. Cherangani forest
    2. Mt. Elgon forest.
    3. Arabuko - Sokoke Forest.
    4. Kakamega forest.
  26. In which of the towing National Parks do we have a game sanctuary for White Rhino?
    1. Lake Nakura National park.
    2. Meru Nationat park
    3. Nairobi Nationa park.
    4. Tsavo National park.
  27. The MAIN factor to consider whe starting, a mining industry 
    1. availability of water
    2. availability of raw material
    3. nearness to the market
    4. nearness to means of transport.
  28. The following characteristics fits a certain town in Kenya:
    1. Its growth was influenced by the early traders.
    2. The main town is built on an island,
    3. lt is considered to be a gateway to Eastern Africa.
    4. It is a military centre.
      The town describe above is
      1. Malindi
      2. Kisumu
      3. Mombasa
      4. Dar es salam
  29. Below are factors that favour fishing in Japan. Which one DOES NOT?
    1. Availability of loan from government
    2. Improved fishing technology.
    3. Formation of co-operatives that help in marketing.
    4. Availability of many rivers and lakes.
  30. Which river is WRONGLY matched with its source
    1. R. Nyando - Mt- Elgon
    2. R. Turkwel - Mt. Elgon
    3. R. Athi - Ngong hills
    4. R. Ewaso nyiro North - Aberdare
  31. Below are roles of the school in the community. Which one is NOT?
    1. The commmmmity donates land to the school.
    2. The members of the community gets employment in school.
    3. The school help to develop talents in the community.
    4. The school helps in preservation of the community culture
  32. Which of the following was NOT a requirement for one to be assimilated as a french citizen in West Africa?
    1. Be a Christian
    2. Accept the french administration
    3. Readiness to practice french way of life.
    4. Ability to read and write in English.
  33. The following description fits a prominent leader in Africa:
    1. Born in 1918
    2. Was imprisoned at Robbens Island
    3. Became the first democratically elected president in his country.
    4. Died on 2013
      The leader described above is
      1. Kwame ‘Nkrumah
      2. NelsonMandela
      3. Julius Nyerere
      4. Leopold Sedar Senghor
  34. Who is the head of court system in Kenya?
    1. Attomey General
    2. President
    3. Chief Justice
    4. Director of public prosecution
  35. Which of the following factors negatively influence trade in Eastern Africa?
    1. Political instability.
    2. Availability of market
    3. Good transport network.
    4. Production of different types of goods.
      The diagram below shows the map of Ghana. Use it to answer question 36
  36. Which factor influencing climate makes Accra to receive less rainfall than Axim?
    1. Shape of the coast line.
    2. Distance from the sea,
    3. Ocean currents
    4. Latitude
  37. The following are events that happened in Kenya:
    1. Kenya became a republic.
    2. The first legco was established.
    3. Kenya became a British colony.
    4. Kenya was declared a British protectorate.
      Which is the CORRECT order from the earliest?
      1. (iii) (i) (iv) (i)
      2. (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
      3. (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
      4. (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

        Use the diagram below to answer questions 38 and 39

  38. The feature above was formed through a process called
    1. Horst
    2. Volcanicity
    3. Folding
    4. Faulting,
  39. Among the following mountains which is NOT an example of the feature above?
    1. Ruwenzori
    2. Atlas mountain
    3. Danakil alps
    4. Usambara
  40. Which of the reasons below DOES NOT explain why Tswana of Botswana practice pastoralism?
    1. Low population density in the country.
    2. High amount rainfall in the region.
    3. Presence of island in most parts of the country.
    4. Poor soil that does not support farming.
  41. The founders of Old Ghana kingdom belongs to ONE of the following language groups. Which one?
    1. Mande speaker
    2. Kwa speaker
    3. Afro-Asiatic
    4. West Atlantic 
  42. Which of the following is a least import in Kenya?
    1. Machinery
    2. Petroleum products
    3. Crude
    4. Fertiliser
  43.  Johannesburg in South Africa has a high population density MAINLY because of 
    1. increased job opportunities to farming activities.
    2. high and reliable rainfall
    3. improved means of transport and communication.
    4. mining activities which created a lot of jobs.
  44. The MAIN reason why Miombo, woodland is sparsely populated is because the
    1. area is affected by floods.
    2. area has poor soils for agriculture,
    3. area is infested by the tsetse flies.
    4. relief of the area do not encourage settlement,
  45. Which of the following institutions controls how the government spends its money?
    1. Executive
    2. Central Bank of Kenya
    3. Parliament
    4. Judiciary
  46. The road sign shown below indicates one of the following. Which one?
    1. No entry
    2. Slippery road ahead
    3. Do not overtake
    4. A bend ahead
  47. Who among the following persons represents the interest of the county in parliament
    1. Governor
    2. Speaker of the National Assembly.
    3. Member of parliament
    4. Senator .
  48. The MAIN reason why we should conserve wildlife is
    1. for future generations
    2. to earn foreign exchange
    3. to encourage human wildlife conflict
    4. to ensure tourists come to Kenya
  49. The following statements indicate population structure of different countries:
    1. Majority of the population is aging.
    2. The majority live in rural areas.
    3. Most people work in the industries.
    4. There is low life expectancy
    5. High death rate
      Which of the combination is common for both Kenya and India?
      1. (i) (ii) (iii)
      2. (ii) (iii) (v)
      3. (ii) (iv) (v)
      4. (iv) (v) only
  50. Among the following officers in the government of the Nyamwezi who was in charge of information?
    1. Mtwale 
    2. Mteko
    3. Minule
    4. Kikoma
  51. The following information describes one of the early visitors:
    1. He owned British India navigation company.
    2. He was from Scotland
    3. His company administered East Africa on behalf of British government.
    4. He was a trader
      The early visitor described above is
      1. Carl Peters
      2. William Mackinnon
      3. Seyyid Said
      4. Henry Morton Stanley
  52. Three of the following, are ways im which citizens demonstrate patriotisa EXCEPT
    1. respecting other peoples property.
    2. participating in National polls.
    3. paying taxes
    4. sharing the secrets of the commtry with foreigners.
  53. Max imported a new car from Japan, What kind of tax will he pay at the post?
    1. Income tax
    2. Sales tax
    3. Cess tax
    4. Customs duty
  54. Which of the following factors is the DIOS important to consider when establishing a poultry farm?
    1. Availability of cheap labour.
    2. Large farm to keep the chickem.
    3. Nearn ess to a large urbam cemtre.
    4. Nearness to a source of power.
  55. The third line of the second stanza off Kenyan National Anthem is
    1. With heart both strong, amd true
    2. Build this our nation together.
    3. The heritage of splendour
    4. Service be our earnest endeavour
  56. Which of the following is the MAIN benefit of both Kariba and Volta river project?
    1. Industrial development.
    2. Inland transport
    3. Control of flooding of rivers.
    4. Irrigation of land
  57. The following characteristics describe a certain mineral. It is
    1. mined using open cast.
    2. mined on the floor of the rift valley
    3. used in making heat insulators
    4. formed from remains of small living things that live in water.
      The mineral described above is mined at
      1. Kienwarer
      2. Kariandesi
      3. Athi River
      4. Magadi
  58. The MAIN reason why the Konza - Magadi railway was constructed is to transport
    1. cows from Kajiado to Mombasa,
    2. soda ash to Mombasa.
    3. Sisal from dry parts of Kajiado.
    4. people to Magadi soda company.
  59. Who among the following persons do NOT attend Cabinet meetings?
    1. Attorney general
    2. Cabinet secretary
    3. Head of civil service
    4. Principal secretary
  60. Which of the following places isthe safest for pedestrians to cross a busy road? At
    1. the traffic lights
    2. a zebra crossing
    3. a round about
    4. a foot bridge

PART 2: Christian Religious Education

  1. Among the, following statements, which one shows that Human beings are special in God's creation? They were
    1. settled in the garden of Eden.
    2. told to multiply and fill the earth,
    3. created in the image and likeness of God,
    4. told to eat fruits from other trees.
  2. The MAIN reason why God chose to use Noah to save his Tamily from the great flood is because Noah:
    1. was righteous before God.
    2. BL was speaking with God face to face.
    3. knew how to build the ark.
    4. was the oldest man and wise.
  3. The following activities shows Abraham's obedience to God. Which one DOES NOT?
    1. A. Accepting to move from his native land to unknown place.
    2. Accepting to sacrifice his son Ishmael
    3. Circumcisingall the mak: in his household.
    4. Accepting to sacrifice his son Isaac.
  4. The following commandments show that God wanted the Isaelites to love him above all things. Which one DOES NOT?
    1. Observe the sabbath day and keep it holy.
    2. You should not worship any other god but me.
    3. Do not use my name for evil purposes.
    4. Do not bear false witness against someone,
  5. What is the MAIN reason why king Pharaoh did not want to let the Israelites go?
    1. The Egyptians would lose their source of labour.
    2. They had a good relationship with the Israelites,
    3. He did not want them to die in the wilderness.
    4. He was providing them with good foods.
  6. Who among the following led the Israelites to the promised land?
    1. Joshua
    2. Moses
    3. Aaron
    4. Gideon
  7. What is the MAIN reason why God rejected king Saul?
    1. He married many wives who worshipped foreign gods.
    2. He did not obey God’s commands
    3. He tried to kill David.
    4. He was defeated in the battlefield.
  8. Who among the following was NOT a judge in Israel?
    1. Deborah
    2. Gideon
    3. Samuel
    4. Solomon
  9. Who among the following prophets was there during the anointing of Solomon as a third king of Israel?
    1. Elijah
    2. Nathan
    3. Ahijah
    4. Samuel
  10. "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come a ruler over Israel..." This prophecy was from which prophet?"
    1. Jeremiah
    2. Hosea
    3. Micah
    4. Isaiah
  11. Jesus was once a refugee in?
    1. Jerusalem
    2. Egypt
    3. Nazareth
    4. Samaria
  12. Who among the following pairs were there during the presentation of Jesus inthe temple?
    1. Simeon and Anna 
    2. Elizabeth and Simeon   
    3. Zachariah and Anna
    4. John and James
  13. What was the MAIN message of Jesus when he taught his disciples the sermon on the mount?
    1. To give them power to preach.
    2. To prepare them for his second coming.
    3. To teach them how to heal the sick.
    4. How to live righteous lives.
  14. What do Christians learn from the encounter between Jesus and the people who brought an adulterous woman?
    1. We should punish the evil doers.
    2. We should not judge others.
    3. We should kill those who commit adultery.
    4. We should forgive others.
  15. "This is my beloved son with whom I am well pleased, please listen to him”. These words were said during?
    1. Baptism of Jesus 
    2. The transfiguration
    3. The last supper
    4. The crucifixion
  16. “Then he led them out of the city as far as Bethany, where he raised his hands and blessed them”. Which event is described above?
    1. The day of Pentecost
    2. The resurrection of Jesus
    3. The ascension of Jesus
    4. The arrest of Jesus
  17. The following are the parables of Jesus. Which one shows the need to show concern for others?
    1. The parable of the prodigal son.
    2. The parable of the widow and the judge.
    3. The parable of the good samaritan.
    4. The parable of the mustard seed.
  18. Which one of the following reasons explain why Jesus was rejected in his home town of Nazareth?
    1. He referred to himself as the Messiah
    2. He was a son of Joseph arid Mary.
    3. He referred to people as hypocrites.
    4. To fulfil the prophecy of prophet Isaiah.
  19. Which one of the following New Testament books is a prophetic book?
    1. Revelation
    2. Jude
    3. Acts
    4. Titus
  20. Which one of the following statements is NOT found in the Apostles Creed?
    1. Creator of heaven and earth.
    2. Lead us not into temptations.
    3. He will come to judge the living and the dead.
    4. He descended into hell.
  21. Which one of the following is NOT a way through which life of the unborn is protected in the traditional African society?
    1. Ensuring protection of the expectant mother from danger.
    2. Confining expectant mothers to the houses.
    3. Providing a healthy diet for expectant mothers.
    4. Avoiding overworking the expectant mothers.
  22. The following are reasons why Africans give sacrifices and offerings to God. Which one is NOT?
    1. Its a sign of appreciation for Gods gift of life.
    2. To seek God’s reconciliation and express fellowship with Him.
    3. Incase of any epidemic or when people fall sick.
    4. Inorder for God to provide them with a lot of wealth.
  23. Wedding were ceremonies found in both traditional African society and Christianity. Which one was found in both?
    1. Giving marriage certificates.
    2. Cutting the wedding cake.
    3. Praying for the couple.
    4. Making animal sacrifices.
  24. In traditional African communities what is the MAIN reason why ancestors are highly respected? They
    1. are the founders of a clan.
    2. link the living with God.
    3. lead people to worship.
    4. pray for the living
  25. What is the MAIN reason why children were considered very important in African traditional communities?
    1. They would inherit when the parents die.
    2. They ensured continuity of life.
    3. Inorder to take care of their parentsduring old age.
    4. To make the couple happy.
  26. Which one of the following is the BEST way Christian can spend leisure time?
    1. Reading the Bible
    2. Attending fellowships
    3. Visiting the sick
    4. Cleaning the compound
  27. Amina is your best friend. You have just discovered that she is keeping company of drug addicts. As a Christian how BEST can you help her?
    1. Report her to her parents
    2. Avoid her company
    3. Ask her to give you some money inorder not to report her.
    4. Talk to her about the dangers of drug abuse.
  28. Kamau was sent to the shop by his mother. He discovered that the shopkeeper gave him more money as change. As a Christian what should he do?
    1. Take the money to the children orphanage.
    2. Take the money to the church as an offering.
    3. Take the money back to the shopkeeper.
    4. Buy sweets and biscuits for himself and his friends.
  29. Which one of the following is FALSE about the early missionaries in Kenya? The
    1. mainly came to spread Christianity.
    2. colonised Africans.
    3. introduced formal education.
    4. were sent by the church missionary society.
  30. Who among the following was the first missionary in Kenya?
    1. Dr. Livingstone 
    2. Ludwig Krapf
    3. John Rebmann
    4. Michael Wood

Marking Scheme


  1. B
  2. A
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  4. D
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  9. C


  1. When the arrow head of a windvane points to the south, it shows that the wind is blowing from
    1. North
    2. South
    3. East
    4. West
  2. The following are symptoms of waterbome diseases.
    1. Pain in the joints
    2. Itching in the lower abdomen
    3. Blood stained stool
    4. Severe diarrhoea and vomiting
      Which pair ofthe above listed symptoms are for bilharzia?
      1. (i) and (iv)
      2. (ii) and (iv)
      3. (i) and (iii)
      4. (ii) and (iii)
  3. Heat from the fun reaches plants through
    1. conduction
    2. convection
    3. radiation
    4. convection and corduction
  4. The type of beak suitable for sucking nectar should be
    1. long and slender
    2. short and slightly curved
    3. short, straight and thick
    4. Flat with serrated edges
  5. The illustration below shows classification of plants.
    Which one of the following correctly shows: examples ofeach ofthe groups as show in the illustration?
    X Y Z
    A. Maize Fern Cactus
    B. Beans Algae Toadstool
    C. Cactus Acacia Mushroom
    D. Banana Cactus Puffballs
  6. When preparing compost manure, wood ash is added to the content in order to 
    1. ensure even decomposition
    2. introduce bacteria
    3. speed up decomposition process
    4. supply additional nutrients
  7. Which one of the following methods of controlling parasites cin be effectively used to do away with ticks and liver flukes?
    1. Spraying
    2. Deworming
    3. Rotational grazing
    4. Dusting
  8. The diagram below shows an improvised liquid thermometer. It is used to measure room temperature, In order to make the instrument more effective one should
    1. use a better scale
    2. use a wider straw
    3. use a plastic bottle
    4. use clear water
  9. Which one of the following shows the CORRECT order of foetal development in human body?
    1. Zygote → Embryo → Foetus
    2. Embryo → Foetus → Zygote
    3. Foetus → Zygote → Embryo
    4. Zygote → Foetus→ Embryo
  10. The following are functions of the placenta EXCEPT one. Which one?
    1. Provides food for the growing embryo
    2. Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
    3. Facilitates transfer of food
    4. Facilitates transfer of waste produets
  11. Which one of the following processes takes place immediately after the egg has been! released from the ovary?
    1. Implantation
    2. Reproduction
    3. Fertilisation
    4. Ovulation
  12. Study the food chain below. (the arrow points tothe eater)

    Mate → Chicken → Mongoose → Jackal
    Which one of the above feeding organisms will belong ‘othe same group as the mouse?
    1. Maize
    2. Chicken
    3. Mongoose
    4. Jackal
  13. Below is list of sexually transmitted infections
    1. Chrancroid
    2. Syphillis
    3. Genital herpes
    4. HIV and AIDS
      Which ones among the list are caused by a virus?
      1. (i) and (ii)
      2. (iii) and (v)
      3. (iv) and (v)
      4. (ii) and (v)
  14. Which one of the followings excretory produetsis excreted by the skin, lungs and Kidneys?
    1. Excess water
    2. Urea
    3. Salts
    4. Carbon dioxide
  15. When setting and carrying out an experiment on soil drainage, which one of the following need NOT be the same?
    1. Amountof water
    2. Amount of soil
    3. Type ofsoil
    4. Size of funnels
  16. The illustration below shows a simple homemade water filter.
    From the illustration letter, W as indicated will represent
    1. finesand
    2. coursesand
    3. pebbles
    4. charcoal
  17. Which one of the following shows the correct order of flow of urine from the Kidneys?
    1. Bladder → ureter → urethra
    2. Urethra → ureter → bladder
    3. Ureter → urethra → bladder
    4. Ureter → bladder → urethra,
  18. When hard waters mixed with soap it foms
    1. lather
    2. scum
    3. scale
    4. fur
  19. Which one of the following is the function of fibre in the diet?
    1. Absorption of digested food
    2. Getting rid of undigested food
    3. Adding nutrients to the body
    4. Helps indigestion of food
  20. Lactating mothers need food rich in iron in order to
    1. protect the young baby against diseases
    2. replace blood lost during perturtion 
    3. increase milk production
    4. develop strong bones in the baby
  21. The illustration below was st by standard  five pupils to investigate certain property of matter.
    The property being investigated was
    1. water exerts pressure
    2. water occupies space
    3. air has mass.
    4. air occupies space
  22. Which one of the following is NOT a sign of ill health on crops?
    1. Reduced yields
    2. Curled leaves
    3. Stunted growth
    4. Wilting
  23. Formers keep sheep and goats MAINLY for ___ and___ respectively.
    1. meat and mutton
    2. dairy milk and mutton
    3. mutton and mutton
    4. meat and mohair
  24. Which one of the following shows a pairof substances which CANNOT be separated easily?
    1. Water and cooking oil
    2. Water and salt
    3. Sugar and salt
    4. Cooking flour and salt
  25. Which one of the following methods of soil conservation can be used effectively to control the type of sail erosion shown below?
    1. Mulching
    2. Contour farming
    3. Terracing
    4. Cover cropping
  26. Which one of the following is NOT a method of grazing
    1. Zero grazing
    2. Herding
    3. Rotational grazing
    4. Paddocking
  27. Below is a classification  of types of crops
    Which pair of the above will give the farmer same nutrients when planted?
    1. Cereals and oil crops
    2. Legumes and fibre crops
    3. Fruits and tubers
    4. Beverages and fibre crops
  28. A boat made of iron will float on water while a pin made of iron too will sink on the same water. This is because of their difference in
    1. size
    2. shape
    3. weight
    4. material
  29. The illustration below shows the reproductive organ of a plant.
    Which one ofthe above named parts is incorretly matched with its function?
    Part of the
    A W Attracts insects fro fertilisation
    B X receives pollen gains
    C Y fertilization takes place
    D Z Protcts the young flower at bud stage
  30. Digestion of food does NOT take place is the
    1. mouth
    2. stomach
    3. small intestines
    4. large intestines
  31. Which of the following does NOT have mammary glands?
    1. Whale
    2. Shark
    3. Bat
    4. Spiny anteater
  32. Which one of the following bottles will produce the highest sound when hit with a metal object?
    1. Q
    2. S
    3. P
    4. R
  33. Which one of the following shows the 3rd and 6th planets in the solar system respectively?
    1. Earth and Saturn
    2. Mars and Uranus
    3. Earth and Uranus
    4. Mars and Saturn
  34. Dry fodder is
    1. Silage
    2. roughage
    3. hay
    4. concentrates
  35. One of the following methods of food preservation preserves food by absorbing moisture. Which one?
    1. Use af honey
    2. Canning
    3. Use of low temperature
    4. Salting
  36. The force of friction might be useful in the following activities except in
    1. drawing 
    2. walking 
    3. riding a bicycle 
    4. using a pulley
  37. The illustration below shows how matter can change from one state to another.
    Which pair of processes as shown above require an inerease in temperature?
    1. J and K
    2. K and L
    3. L and M 
    4. M and J
  38. The force that pulls things to the centre of the earth when they are dropped from a height is
    1. The force of friction
    2. The magnetic force
    3. The force of gravity
    4. Inertia
  39. Below is a pie chart that shows different air components in their relative amounts
    Which one of the following is NOT function of the part of the air labelled Z on the pie chart?
    1. Supporting buming
    2. Good for photosynthesis
    3. Preserves soft drinks
    4. Making fire extinguishers
  40. Which one of the following is NOT a cause of air pollution?
    1. Tobacco smoking
    2. Spraying farm chemicals
    3. Vehicle exhaust fumes
    4. Using excess fertilizers
  41. The following are sources of elcetric current EXCEPT one, Which one?
    1. Car battery
    2. Generators
    3. Dam
    4. Solar energy panels
  42. One of the following shows apair of major non-living components ofthe environment only. Which one?
    1. Light and sound
    2. Animals and plants
    3. Air and water
    4. Soil and heat
  43. Blood flows from the lungs through the
    1. pulmonary vein 
    2. aorta
    3. pulmonary artery 
    4. vena cava
  44. Which one ofthe fold wing shows pair of storage pests only?
    1. Weaver bird and weevil
    2. Aphids and cutworms
    3. Stalkborers and aphids
    4. Rats and termites
  45. Which one of the following methods of separating mixtures is incorrectly matched with thekind of particles it separates?
    Method The kifn oc mixture or particles separated
    A. Picking Big solid particles
    B. Winnowing A mixture of light and heavy solid particles
    C Sieving A mixture of small and large solid particles
    D Using magnet A mixture of magnetic particles
  46. Which of the following has the position of the load between the effort and fulcrum when in use?
    1. Wheelbarrow
    2. Clawhammer
    3. Crow bar
    4. Spade
  47. Which one of the following is NOT a way of reducing friction?
    1. Using lubricants
    2. Using rollers
    3. Increasing treads
    4. Streamlining,
  48. The BEST way to prevent a child from getting rickets is to
    1. feed the child with foods with plenty of vitamin D
    2. feed the child with foods like fruits plenty of vitamin G
    3. feed he child with enough of a balanced diet 
    4. feed the child with foods rich in proteins
  49. Which one ofthe following statements is CORRECT?
    1. Water expands when frozen
    2. Water contracts when heat
    3. Water expands when cooled
    4. Water expands more than solids and gases when heat
  50. Which one of the following is the BEST method of controlling weeds in a nursery bed
    1. Digging out
    2. Using chemicals
    3. Uprooting
    4. Slashing

 Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. B
  6. B
  7. A
  8. B
  9. C
  10. D
  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. D
  10. B
  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. D
  5. A
  6. C
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  1. D
  2. A
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. D
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. B
  5. A
  6. A
  7. D
  8. D
  9. A
  10. C


Soma vifungu vifuatavyo, Vina nafasi 1 mpaka 15. Kwa kila nafasi umepewa majibu manne.
Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa.

Msimu wa mvua ya masika   1  , wakulima huwa tayari   2  makonde yao kwa upanzi. Siku chache baada ya mvua   3  kuanza, mbegu huanza   4   na kunawiri.     5     kunyeshakwa mvua    6     huja na madhara yake pia, Maji yaliyotuama huwawezesha mbu kuzaana kwa wingi. Halikadhalika, maji haya husomba taka kutoha kila mahali. Matokeo ya hali hii huwa na mlipuko wa maradhi kama   7   . Mvua ambayo kwa kawaida    8   baraka huleta baa chungu nzima, Janga la njaa huwa    9  macho.

1 A. yanapowadia B. inapowadia C. unupowadia D. inayowadia
2 A. wameiandaa B. wameziandaa C. wameuandaa D. wameyaandaa
3 A. yenjowe B. wenyewe C. zenyewe D. muenyewe
4 A. kustawi B. kuchipuka C. kukomaa D. kupogoa
5 A. Ila B. Ingawa C. Angalau D. Lakini
6 A kiholela B. kiyoloya C. kidindia D. kwa haraka
7 A. waba,kichocho
na malaria
B. malale,kichocho
na mkamba
C. homa,kichocho
na surua
D. malaria, kisonono
na kipindupindu
8 A. imekuwa B. ilikuwa C. inakuwa D. Ingekuwa
9 A. imewaangazia B. limewakodolea C. imewakodolea D. inawaangalia


Mwanadamu anapaswa kuwana   10    maishani;aelewe    11     utotoni ni mambo yapi hasa angependa kutimiza kabla ya kula chumvi. Akishayajua haya, basi hana budi kuanza kujiweka    12     kuyafikia haya. Bidii pia ni muhimu sana maishani. Wahenga walituasa kuwa     13     . Tusikae   14      na kuyangoja maisha kujipitia   15    mkondo wa maji.

10 A. ndweo B. matayo C. malengo D. upweke
11 A. tangu B. hadi C. mpaka  D. kabla
12 A. stadi za B. mikakati ya C. ujuzi ya D. mwelekeo ya
13 A. penye nia
pana njia
B. ushikwapo
C. dhamira ni
D. ajizi ni nyumba
ya njaa
14  A. ugeta B. kitwea C. ange D. tutwe
15 A. mithili wa B. Mfano ya C. mithili ya D. mathalani wa

Kuanzia swali la 16 hadi 30, jibu kila swali kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Tambus orodha inayoangazia nomino za jumla pekee.
    1. majiy,maziwa, mchanga, unga
    2.  watoto, nyumba, kabati, meza
    3. woga,wiva, furaha, hofu
    4. bumba, kigaro,genge, halaiki
  2. Ni sentensi gani iliyotumia kihusishi kwa kuonyesha sababu ya kutenda jambo?
    1. Nimealikwa shereheni kwa Maria
    2. Alinijbu swali hilo kwa dharau
    3. Halima anapendwa kwa utulivu wake
    4. Baba alikuja mkutanoni kwa baiskeli
  3. Maelezo yapi ni sahihi kuhusu ufundi?
    1. Timazi hutumiwa kupimia usawa wa ukuta
    2. Jiriwa hutumiwa kufungia parafujo
    3. Mizani hutumiwa kupimia urefu
    4. Filifili hutumiwa kushikia ubao unapokatwa
  4. Tegua kitendaili kufuatacho:
    Nimemwona bikizee amejitwika machicha
    1. samaki
    2. mvi
    3. ajuza
    4. mnazi
  5. Nahau ipi ina maana ya kupata tabu?
    1. Kula mwande
    2. Enda nguu
    3. Enda mserego
    4. Kula mwata
  6. Jumla ya silabi katika mshororo wa shairi ni
    1. vina
    2. inkisari
    3. mizani
    4. mazida
  7. Kamilisha kwa kiulizi kifaacho zaidi
    Unataka nikusaidie ______?
    1. aje
    2. pi
    3. je
    4. vije
  8. Tabia ya kuongeza yasiyo ya kweli ili kutilia mkazo katika habari fulani huitwa _____
    1. chuku
    2. tafsida
    3. sitairi 
    4. kejeli
  9. Ainisha maneno yaliyokolezwa wino katika, sentensi ifuatayo,
    Haijulikani mtoto huyo alienda wapi.
    1. Kiashiria, kiwakilishi
    2. Kiwakilishi ,kielezi
    3. Kiwakilishi,kulizi
    4. Kivumishi,kielezi
  10. Ukitaka watu wakupishe njia utawaambia
    1. makiwa
    2. simile
    3. kunradhi
    4. hebu
  11. . Andika wingi wa sentensi ifuatayo
    Fundi mzuri amenikarabatia redio yangu
    1. Fundi wazuri wamenikarabatia redio zangu
    2. Mafundi mazuri yametukarabatia redio zetu
    3. Fundi wazuri wametukarabatia maredio yetu
    4. Mafundi wazuri wametukarabatia redio zetu
  12. Neno mkeka lina sauti ngapi?
    1. Mbili 
    2. Tatu
    3. Tano
    4. Nne
  13. Mtu akipatwa na tatizo huwa sio mwisho wake kwani muda mfupi atalitatua na kuendelea, Jumuisha ujumbe huu kwa methali
    1. Kuteleza sio kuanguka
    2. Baada ya kisa mkasa
    3. Kuunguako ndiko kuteketeako
    4. Kuti kava kuanguka si ajabu
  14. Kati ya ala zifuatazo, ipi niya kupuliza?
    1. Fidla
    2. Zumari
    3. Udi
    4. Marimba
  15. Ungo ni gamba la kaa. Ungo pia ni
    1. Kubaleghe kwa wasichana
    2. vumbi la kitu kilichosagwa,
    3. habar isiyo ya kweli
    4. kifaa cha kupepeta nafaka

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha wjibu maswali 31 ~ 40

Bwana Toza alikuwa mkaramfu, hivyo hulka yake ilihusudiwa na mabarubaru wengi. Ila falau wangalijua kuchuja, wangeiga yaliyo mema kama mbinu zake za kuzalisha mali zisikowa na ila na kuyatema yasiyofaa. likuwa si ajabu kuwaona wakembe wengi wakitia mirija kwenye mikebe wakaishidilia tumbaku na kuzivuta 'toza’ zao kama Bwana Toza. Kwa kufanya hivyo waljihisi,eti wamefikia upeo wa kunasibishwa na Bwana Toza aliyetosha! Wakaamini kuwa maadamu toza zilitoka ulaya na wakazi
wa huko wana maendeleo makuu, basi kila aivutaye hatimaye angepata ufanisi. Hii ni imani ya jabu inayowakabili hirimu-kuiga, kikasuku, Mzungu akija na miondoko ya kikwao, humwiga wakidhani huo ustaarabu hasa,

Sku zilivyozidi kupita, Bwana Toza akawaambukiza insi wengi uvutaji wa toza akajiona kama mflame aliyetawala himaya nzima ya wavuta mitemba. Wengine waliianza tabia hii kidogo kidogo lakini baada ya muda wakakolewa nayo wakawa watumwa, Waliokuwa wakiivutia maliwatoni, sasa wakaivuta hadharani, wakatafuta viko hasa ili wainue hadhi zao maadamu wanasibishyve na Bwana Toza, Akawa ambari nao zinduna.

Azima ya kufikia kilele huwafanya wakwasi kutafuta sia. Bwana Toza akang'amua kuwa sasa ana wafuasi tosha. Kwa hivyo akaona kuwa lau angekiwania kiti cha ubunge cha eneo la kwao, angejinyakulia kiti hicho bila shida. Uchaguzi ulipotangazwa, akajitwika mzigo wa hugaragazana na wawaniaji wengine. Akawakusanya wafuasi wake wa tozani, Kwa moyo na robo moja, wakashauriana, kuhusu jnsi ya kuwakabili wapinzani wao.

Ukawa ndio mwanzo mkoko ualike maua. Alama ya chama chao ikawa kiko. Basi katika mikutano ya kampeni wakaviwasha viko vyao na huku vyafuka moshi wangeviinua na kupasua hewa kukinadi chama chao.

Mara kwa mara Bwana Toza alizoea kuamka bukrata ila mara nyingj alijihisi kuwa amechoka tiki na kuregea parafujo za mwili,kutokana na mavune ya kampeni na mtindi aliopiga kila uchao.

Siku moja karibu na mwisho wa majira ya kampeni, Bwana Toza alifika kuwahutubia wafuasi wake waliokuwa wameongezeka kupita kiasi. Alikuwa bado hajapata nafuu. Hata hivyo alijikakarmua kwa shida, huku akikohoakohoa. Huku mkono watetema alisema, ‘kikoo!” Halaiki ikajibu kwa mwangwi ‘ikooo~o! ‘Mara ya pili akajaribu kusema, ‘kik-oho—ho-kho--kho—”

Badala ya kiko kikawa kikohozi kisichopoa. Hakuendelea. Akaanguka kifudifudi. Wafuasi wake wakamkimbilia na kugundua kuwa alikuwa amepaliwa na pumzi, Wakajaribu maarifa yote ya huduma ya kwanza, walimvuvia, wakampepesa, wakambinyabinya kifua lakini wapi! Jitihada za ‘kuinusuru aushi ya Bwan Toza kitambo kile, Mambo yote yakafikia hatima ya ghafla.

Upasusi ulipofanywa ulionyesha kuwa Bwana Toza alimalizwa na toza. Pafu lilikuwa jeusi kama kaa lilininginiwa na masizi meng ajabu. Ripoti hi iliposomwa mbele ya wafuasi wake, wakaduwaa macho pima, Mitemba ikaanza kuwadondoka kutoka midomoni mmoja mmoja.

  1. Chagua kaulisahihi kulingana na aya ya kwanza:
    1. Sifa za Bwana Toza ziliwavutia vjana wote
    2. Bwana Toza likuwa mtu wa furaha
    3. Bwana Toza alijipatia mali kw njia haramu
    4. Mambo yote ya Bwana Toza yalifaa
  2. Wakembe walitia mirija kwenye mikebe
    1. ili wapate viko vya kuvutia tumbaku
    2. kwa maelekezo ya Bwana Toza
    3. kwa kuogopa kushike vikoa halisi
    4. ili wajiinganishe na Bwana Toza
  3. Kosa kubwa la vijana kulingana na makala
    1. kupuuza ustaarabu wao na kuiga hata yasiyofaa
    2. kuiga ustaarabu wakigeni pamoja na wa kwao
    3. kuvutiwa na maendeleo ya nchi za ulaya
    4. kuvuta viko vilivyotengenezewa ulaya,
  4. Wengine walianzia tabia hii kidogo kidogo lakini baada ya muda wakakolewa nayo wakawa watumwa’ Ni methali gani inayoambatana na kauli hii?
    1. Anayeonja asali huchonga mzinga.
    2. Abadi abadi kamba hukata jiwe.
    3. Kupanda mchongoma kushuka ndio ngoma.
    4. Mwanzo wa ngoma ni lele
  5. Kilichomifanya Bwana Toza kujitosa katika ulingo wa siasa ni
    1. kujitafutia sifa zaidi
    2. kujitafutia kipato zaidi
    3. kupata wafuasi zaidi
    4. kusumbuliwa na pesa
  6. Alama ya chama cha Bwana Toza ilikuwa
    1. sigara
    2. mtemba
    3. mrija
    4. vidole
  7. Uchovu wa Bwana Toza ulichangiwa na
    1. ugonjwa na kampeni
    2. uzee na ulevi
    3. uchovu na ulevi
    4. uchovu na kuamka mapema
  8. Moana ya‘kuanguka kifudifudi' ni
    1. kuangukia mgongo
    2. kuanguka bila hiari
    3. kuanguka kwa kishindo
    4. kuangukia tumbo
  9. Wafuasi watipojuzwakuhusu chanzo cha mauti ya Bwana Toza
    1. walipigwa na butwaa
    2. walichanganyiki wa sana
    3. waliogopa sana
    4. walipiga kamsa
  10. Kichwa mwafaka kwa makala haya ni
    1. Madhara ya ulevi
    2. Kifo cha mtu wa watu
    3. Madhara ya tumbaku
    4. Mbio za sakafuni huishia ukingoni

Yasoma makala haya kisha ujibu maswali 41 ~ 50

Adinasi walio na kasoro ya macho, miguu, masikio na kadhalika,ambao kwa bahati mbaya tunawaita vipofu, viwete na viziwi, Kwa kukosa majina bora zaidi, wanahitaji macho, miguu, nasikio na hata mikono yetu. Ni mara ngapi watu hao wamekosa watu wa kuwaongoza kuvuka barabarani au hata 'gurufuni? Mara ngapi watu waliolemaa miguu wameachwa tu waozee mahali pamoja bila kupata mtu wa kuwageuza hata waliapo kwa uchovu na maumivu? Ni mara ngapi wamekosa wa kuwapeleka ‘watakapo; wengine hata kunyimwa viti vya magurudumu hata vipatikanapo?

Kijumla, hasa katika Janibu za Afrika, wengi wanaowapata watoto waatilifu hudhani wamechomekwa mizizi au kuapizwa na wazee wao waliowatangulia, Huku wakinaonea wana buheri wa hamsa wa ishirini si ajabu kusikia kuwa mtoto alizaliva miaka kadhaa iliyopita na kufichwa hata mvunguni mwa kitanda katika humba klichofichama. Si ajabu pia kuwaona wata kam hata wakienda vilingeni kupungiwa wanao. Utawaona wakwasi wenye mashamba madal basari, mapana kama uwanja wa ahera wenye matumbo kama viriba na waendeshao magari ya kifahari wakiingia vilingeni mali mengi na mwanawe asipone, hali hii huzidisha tu dhuluma kwa muatilifu kwa kuwa sasa huonekana kama mjalaana.

Watoto waatilifu pia hubaguliwa kimasomo, Sijui aliyefichwa mvunguni atapata elimu lini? Vipi? Wao huchukuliwa eti kasoro waonekanazo nazo zitawakwaza masomoni. Hata serikal ikijaribu kuwatengenezea shule maalum, bado kunao wanaowanyima wango nafasi bila kujua kuwa Maulana humyima huyu hiki na kumpa kile. Kuwanyima fursa ya kuvitambua vipawa vyao ni dhuluma isiyomithilika.

Ajabu ni kuwa, waatilifu wakomaapo, wengi hukaa bila kupata wa kuwaoa au kuoa licha ya juhudi zao za kujimudu kiuchumi na kijamii. Wengi huchelea kubezwa eti wameoa 'wasiojiweza’. Jitihada za wengi kuwaoa watilifu zimevuliwa mbeleko na watu wa familia za

Kuchekwa kukebehiwa na kudharauliwa huwaletea simanzi waatilifu hawa na hujiona kara kizazi kisicho na thamani. Na ni nani aliyechagua au kuamua kuzaliwa katika hali aliyo kwayo? Ni nani aliyesema kuwa tusio na uatilifu ulio dhahiri tumekamilika? Je tukichungua kila mmoja wetu upungufu tulio nao kisha tudhulumive tutateta? Aliyekupa wewe kiti ndiye aliyenipa mini kumbi. Waidha, mdharau biu hubiuka yeye.

  1. Mwandishi anaonekana kutokubaliana na
    1. majina mbalimbali wanayoitwa walemavu
    2. hali ya watu kupata ulemavu mbalimbali
    3. kuwa yapo mambo wasiyoyaweza waatilifu
    4. walemavu wanahitaji msaada wa wazima
  2. Kukosa kumsaidia mlemavu kuvuka njia ni ukosefi wa
    1. uzalendo
    2. huruma
    3. amani
    4. upole
  3. Gurufu kulingana na makala ni
    1. barabara yenye kuruba nyingi
    2. barabara pana za mijini
    3. baraste isiyo na shughuli nyingi
    4. barabara yenye magari mengi
  4. Njia bora zaidi ya kuwaauni wate wenye ulemavuni
    1. kuwapeleka ila mahal wanapotaka
    2. kuwanunulia chochote wanachohijati
    3. kuwaongoza kuvumbua namna ya kijikimu
    4. kuwahurumia kutokana na maumbile yao
  5. Kauli gani SI sahihi kuhusu mitazamo ya ulemavu barani Afrika?
    1. Ulemavu husababishwa na laana ya wazee
    2. Uailifu hutokana na kurogwa na wenye nia mbaya
    3. Uatilifu humalizwa kwa uganga wa kienyeji
    4. Ulemavu ni jambo la kudura tu
  6. Zifuatazo ni ishara za ukwasi zilizoangaziwa kwenye makala haya ila
    1. tumbo kubwa lililoshuka
    2. makonde makubwa
    3. kumiliki magari mengi
    4. magari ya kifahari
  7. Manufaa ya elimu kulingana na mwandishi ni
    1. utambuzi wa vipawa
    2. kutimiza haki za watoto
    3. kujipatia ajira nzuri
    4. kuyatawala mazingira
  8. Watu hawapendi kuwaoa au kuolewa na walemavu kwa
    1. kuogopa majukumu
    2. kuhofia kudharauliwa
    3. kuwaona kama kinyaa
    4. kutowaona kama binadamu
  9. Mtu asiyewesa kusikia huitwa
    1. bubu
    2. toinyo
    3. kibunye
    4. kiduko
  10. Msimamo wa mwandishi katika aya ya mwisho ni kuwa
    1. Mungu pekee ndiye mpaji na mtoaji wa yote tuliyonayo
    2. Kila mmoja wetu ana kasoro za walemavu
    3. Familia ni kikwazo katika ndoa za walemavu
    4. Wanyonge wanapodharauliwa huwa hawana thamani tena


Endeleza insha ifuatayo ma kuifanya iwe ya kusisimua

Ilikuwa asubuhi ya kawaida kama nyingine. hakuna aliyetazamia kuwa tungekumbwa na mkasa kama huo

Mwongozo wa kusahihisha

  1. A
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. A
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. C
  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. B
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. C
  7. D
  8. A
  9. D
  10. D
  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. A
  7. C
  8. D
  9. D
  10. C
  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C


Read the passage below:It contains blank spaces numbered 1-15. For each blank'space choose the BEST alternative choices given

Crying is not always a      1          of sadness. Many people,       2        , cry because of pain but       3          are cases when people cry due to the pain of      4            . Take , for example,       5            you go to an accident       6           . At first, you may see a         7       standing there, doing nothing but looking sad. then a friend you know well comes and       8         into uncontrollable wail after recognising the      9         . You would definitely join in because of your friend's pain.
People also cry when they are extremely happy      10          the cases are        11        few. Such people laugh until you see them shed tears. There are also who cry but because of some       12         reasons, no tears are       13        seen. To the very elderly ones , crying is accompanied           14   either a kind of        15       or movement. Crying , therefore, does not take a specific fashion.
that means the SAME. as the underlined one.

1 A. sign B. reason C. result D. cause
2 A. otherwise B. moreover C. of course D. furthermore
3 A. they're B. there C. they D. their
4 A. another B. the others C. other D. others
5 A. as B. while C. when D. then
6 A. scene B. spot C. scenery D. seen
7 A. mob B. crowd C. gang D. congregation
8 A. run B. looks C. goes D. breaks
9 A. person B. victim C. sick D. infected
10 A. so B. more C. although D. for
11 A. very B. so C. too D. more
12 A. funny B. comon C. minor D. strange
13 A. even B. ever C. rarely D. never
14 A. by B. to C. with D. at
15 A. pose B. hatch C. dance D. walk

For questions 16 to 17, choose the option which BEST fills the blank space in the sentences below.

  1. In our school, we write _________ a fountain pen.
    1. in
    2. with
    3. by
    4. from
  2. I could have gone to hospital if I _______ sick in the morning.
    1. had been feeling
    2. felt
    3. was feeling
    4. had felt

For questions 18 and 19 choose the sentence that means the SAME as the underlined one.

  1. You ought to pay attention in class.
    1. You may pay attention in class.
    2. You can pay attention in class.
    3. You should pay attention in class.
    4. You have to pay attention in class.
  2. He will not only come but also bring the present he had promised.
    1. He will come and likewise bring the present he had promised.
    2. He will come and confirm that he had promised to bring the present
    3. He will come and probably bring the present he had promised.
    4. If he  bring the present he had promised, he will come.

in questions 20 and 21, choose the best alternative that means the OPPOSITE of the underlined word:

  1. Wheat flour is very fine.
    1. Rough :
    2. Tough
    3. Coarse
    4. Hard
  2. He behaves in a civilised manner.
    1. Strange
    2. Barbaric
    3. Cruel
    4. Ancient

In questions:22 and.23, choose the, BEST, arrangement of the given sentences to make sensible paragraphs. :

    1. She could not use all that they had brought her.
    2. I became a beneficiary as a result of that
    3. My sister was once visited by her friends.
    4. She received a number of presents from them.
      1. (iii),(i),(ii),(iv)
      2. (iii),(iv),(ii),(i)
      3. (iii),(iv),(i),(ii)
      4. (iii),(ii),(iv),(i)
    1. I watched some passengers disembark from it. 
    2. The bus came to a halt at the bus stop
    3. We were soon on our way to town.
    4. The vacant seats were soon occupied again.
      1. (ii),(i),(iv),(iii)
      2. (ii),(iv),(i),(iii)
      3. (ii),(iii),(i),(iv)
      4. (ii),(i),(iii),(iv)

 For questions 24 and 25 choose the sentence which is CORRECTLY punctuated.

    1. Phares shouted, "Look out." 
    2. Phares shouted "Look out!"  
    3. Phares shouted, "look out!"  
    4. Phares shouted, "Look out!"   
    1. Maralal medical centre has run out of water.
    2. Maralal Medical Centre has run out of water.
    3. Maralal Medical centre has run out of water.
    4. Maralal medical Centre has run out of water.

Read the passage below and then answer questions 26 to 38.

Long ago, Frog did not have the hoarse voice he has today. Infact, he was a well-known singer who would be paid handsomely to perform at various functions. He liked this and bragged about it openly, not knowing that one false turn could put a Stop to his fame.

Although he was famous, he was not liked due to one thing. He had the habit of stealing but this was unknown to many people. Hé stole cabbages and carrots from time to time but for sweet potatoes, it was like a daily routine. He liked eating them raw, boiled or roasted. He would salivate as they got roasted in an open fire just outside his house. He would not wait for them to roast as he greedily salivated. That is why he ate them while still warm. He was lazy and never watt farm like the others did.

During one harvesting season, people did not invite him much. He , therefore, found himself lacking food while the others had plenty to eat. Had he got the usual invitations, the situation would have been very different. He therefore resorted to his other way of getting food- stealing, For carrots and cabbages, he stole them late in the night and hid them in his bedroom so that not even his visitors would know he ever had anything edible in the house.

It was when he stole from Hare's farm that he got himself into trouble, Hare hid himself up in the big tree at the edge of his farm to keep watch over his carrots and cabbages that he had tended and watered for a long time. It was approaching midnight when he saw something moving towards the farm. After recovering from the fright, he identified the thief for he walked in a special way. As soon as the thief was through, he left and went home. 

The following day, he visited Squirrel. He was given instructions to follow carefully and stop thieves from reaping where they did not sow. So the very following day, he went to the farm. As soon as he saw the thief arrive, he ran to Frog’s home, lit a fire at the normal fireplace and started roasting some potatoes in which he had wedged in some pebbles carefully. He then went back to his waiting area, just behind the fence to wait for the thief to return. It was cold, dark and frightening, but he eventually heard the happy whistling, a signal of the return of a happy man.

He came straight to where the nice aroma of roasting potatoes was coming from. Whenever he saw some nice meat, he always stopped being cautious and this is what Squirrel had told Hare. Frog took two long Ieaps and was there. In just a couple of minutes, he had swallowed a number of them before he realised that it was actually quite hot. He had no time to think when the heat started burning him from within. He croaked loudly and headed straight for the pond where he dipped himself:

He survived but he lost his golden voice. From that day, Frog learnt a lesson of his life but décided to keep trying to sing again. This is what you hear at the ponds during the rainy season.

  1. From the first paragraph, it is true to say that
    1. frog's hoarse voice started because of singing.
    2. frog was very proud of his voice.
    3. frog wass well known though he had a hoarse voice.
    4. frog was not paid as much as he would have wished during the shows
  2. Which of the following was Frog ignorant about?
    1. Functions he was always needed to perform at.
    2. How much he was valued by others
    3. He was an excellent singer.
    4. The possibility of losing his talent.
  3. What made Frog’s popularty to drop?
    1. His shows were not as attractive as expected.
    2. He was too proud to be liked by many.
    3. Some people had known he was a thief.
    4. He had been caught stealing from others.
  4. The fact that the Frog would salivate as the potatoes got roasted shows that
    1. he was very greedy.
    2. the potatoes were very sweet,
    3. he used to steal daily.
    4. the stealing was not a sccret.
  5. Why.did Frog use to eat the sweet potatoes while they were still warm?
    1. They tasted sweeter when still warm.
    2. He lacked the patience to wait.
    3. He did not want others to find him eating.
    4. Stolen potatoes are usually sweeter.
  6. Frog liked eating sweet potatoes all the time because
    1. it was his favourite. 
    2. he found them easier to steal.
    3. many people grew it near his home.
    4. he was given a lot of it
  7. What caused Frog’s temptations to steal increase?
    1. People had too much work to do on their farms.
    2. Frog lacked visitors at his home
    3. He stole carrots and cabbages during the night easily.
    4. His shows became less popular with time.
  8. The movement that helped Hare to identify the thief in darkness is:
    1. hopping
    2. prowling
    3. staggering
    4. croaking
  9. How did the other animals contribute towards making Frog to steal?
    1. They took too long to catch him.
    2. His invitations to stage shows became less.
    3. They grew more crops than they could consume.
    4. They listened to him as he bragged about his voice:
  10. Why did Hare decide to wedge pebbles into the sweet potatoes before roasting them?
    1. To ensure the potatoes remained hot for along time —
    2. Tomake the potataes smell nice even at a distance.
    3. It could have been an instruction from Squirell
    4. He wanted Frog to eat less potatoes than usual
  11. Frog did not realise the potatoes he was eating had pebbles in them because
    1. he was too greedy to chew the potatoes. 
    2. he was used to eating thems
    3. hare had roasted them nicely.
    4. .it was not the first time he was stealing
  12. Whom do you think could bear the blame for Frog’s downfall? 
    1. Squirrel
    2. Those who invite him to perform.
    3. Hare
    4. The farm owners from whom he stole.
  13. Which of the following proverbs well BEST be used to Summarise this story?
    1. A new broom sweeps clean.
    2. Charity begins at home. 
    3. We never miss the water until thé well runs dry
    4.  The days of a thief are numbered.

Read the passage-below and then answer the questions 39-50

Teachers in the North-Eastern Kenya are an unhappy lot. It is said that people from other ethnic groups or religions perceived to be from far off regions are unwanted. They left the region and as they did so, most public servants who could find other jobs also left and there is no possibility of them returning there.

Those that felt their security was guaranteed braved their way back to serve the nation. They went there, knowing well that others have moved away and that means there would be more work for them. This is what led some teachers to camp at the Teaches Service headquarters in Nairobi. The teachers indicated that they were willing to serve anywhere else in the country except the North-Eastern. They expected to be posted to new stations.

One will ask if this is a fair decision to make given the children in those risky areas also leave an equal right to education like their counterparts in other regions. 

On the other hand, is it fair to force someone to work in an area he or she perceives to be unsafe? Which is stronger, the right of the child or the forceful posting of a disgruntled employee? Teaching is said to be a noble profession and cannot be equated to the amount of money the teachers get paid. It is a service that trains a whole,being into being an acceptable membér of the society.

The government has used threats, insults and intimidation to make the teachers go to work. They have been threatened with being sacked and even reminded to think of whom they are. The government should have remembered that the insecurity the teachers are running away from is real and not imagined. The main issue here is security and the government has only verbally repeated to the teachers that they would be safe. No additional police officers have been deployed in such areas to show the government’s concern.

One wonders why the employer, too, told the teachers that they could be replaced at the snap of a finger. This strategy, honestly can’t work because those replacing them will equally soon demand the same security immediately and they too are replaced, what happens next?

Education of a child has almost nothing to do with what the teacher verbally communicates. It has a lot to do with what the teacher expects to impart in the mind of the child. A teacher working under stress is more dangerous to the children's welfare and cannot be expected to deliver.

  1. What has made teachers in the North-Eastern Kenya unhappy?
    1. An anonymous statement regarding their security.
    2. People from some ethnic groups scared them off.
    3. Two religious groups were contradicting themselves on the teachers' issues.
    4. The government does not seem to want them in those regions.
  2. Public servants who returned tothe North-Eastern Kenya
    1. returned there because the teachers returned
    2. wanted tose if the threat was genuine or not.
    3. did so because they had no alternative.
    4. decided to go against the teachers' decision.
  3. Why would there be more work for the few who moved back to the North-Eastern Kenya? They would
    1. work against the wish of the local people.
    2. be unwilling to work as hard as expected.
    3. be harassed by the people they serve.
    4. still have to serve the whole population.
  4. The MAIN reason why some teachers camped at the Teachers Service Commission headquarters is because
    1. they had not received a pay rise for a long time. .
    2. the number of teachers returning was too small.
    3. they were protesting against those who had gone back to work
    4. they felt the security of all teachers was lacking.
  5. How would the government solve this problem after transferring the teachers but without employing more teachers?
    1. Increase the number of teachers willing to go there.
    2. Get teachers from elsewhere and post them to North-Eastern Kenya.
    3. Allow teachers to choose where they wanted to work.
    4. Force the unwilling teachers to return there.
  6. Transferring of teachers as demanded by the teachers would MOST LIKELY cause
    1. improvement of education standards .
    2. discomfort to the locals of North-Eastem Kenya.
    3. imbalance of teachers’ mumbers.
    4. indisciptine amonp seadents:
  7. As the teachers and the government maintained their stand against each other.
    1. Pupils suffered.
    2. teachers suffered.
    3. the government relaxed.
    4. the sucrity agents had no work.
  8. The government's use of threats, insults and intimidation to make teachers return to work suggests that
    1. It has finally found a way of dealing with the teachers
    2. the teachers have started returning slowly
    3. teachers can only be formed in order to return to work.
    4. it is desperate to ensure learning resumes.
  9. What do teachers expect the government to do in terms of their security?
    1. To be convinced that they will be safer than earlier.
    2. Practically put measures they can in place on the ground,
    3. To be assured of their security by the police.
    4. To be given guns to use for self-defence.
  10. A teacher, according to the passage
    1. works best under threats and intimidation.
    2. can work only where he or she wants
    3. is being paid less than what he or she should be
    4. needs to be given more security than any other employee
  11. Why is the teachers' employer not adressing the real issue raised by the teachers? It
    1. doesn't seem to respond to the teachers' demand.
    2. has enough teachers to replace the ones on strike.
    3. is used to the continuous strikes of the teachers
    4. does not believe the teachers are in any danger.
  12. the BEST title for this passage, would be
    1. Causes of strikes among teachers
    2. How security of the country can be improved.
    3. Security officers in North Eastern Kenya need education,
    4. The stand-off between teachers and government.


Below is the beginning of a story. Complete it in your won words, making it as interesting as you can

We arrive at the venue of a championship early. Already , many teams in brightly coloured kits had come and we were sure the whistle would soon be blown...

Marking Scheme

  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D
  1. B
  2. C
  3. A
  4. B
  5. D
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. B
  6. A
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  1. A
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. A
  1. B
  2. D
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. B
  9. B
  10. D


  1. Which of the following number is 4,256,352.021
    1. Fourmillion two hundred and fifty six thousand three hundred and fifty two and twenty one hundredths.
    2. Fourmillion two hundred and fifty six thousand three hundred and fifty two thousand.
    3. Fourmillion two hundred and fifly six thousand three hundred and fifty two and twenty one thousandth
    4. Fourmillion two hundred and fifty six thousand three hundred and fifty two and two hundred tenth.
  2. What is the value of 2 in the number 563.1427?
    1. Thousandth
    2. 2/100
    3. 0.02
    4. Two thousandth
  3. How many days were there between 21st December 2011 and 3rd March 2012.
    1. 73
    2. 71
    3. 72
    4. 74
  4. Round off the following number to the nearest hundredth
    1. 368
    2. 368.0
    3. 368.00
    4. 368.000
  5. What isthe value of
    2(6²-4²) - 8 x 6 ÷ 2
            2 x 4
    1. 40
    2. 24
    3. 16
    4. 2
  6. Chepngeno bought the following items from the shop.
    3kg rice @ shs.82
    2 bars of soup @ shs.115
    250 of washing powder for 65
    ½ litre of cooking oil @ shs.60 per ¼ litres
    4g of maize meal @ shs.95 per 2kg packet
    If she paid using 2-500 shillings notes, how much balance did she get?
    1. 149
    2. 851
    3. 89
    4. 179
  7. In the figure below line PQis parallel to line ST, Line UV is a transversal

    Which of the following statements is not TRUE
    1. a + g = 180°
    2. b=g
    3. a+c = e+h
    4. d+h = f+c
  8. What is the sum of the square of ²/₃ andthe square root 6¼?
    1. 6¹¹/₁₂
    2. 2¹⁷/₁₈
    3. 6²⁵/₃₆
  9. Which one of the following is the seventh number in the sequence?
    2,4,7,12,19, __, __
    1. 30
    2. 41
    3. 13
    4. 43
  10. Which one of the following is the simplest form of
    1.   3a+5b  
    2. 4a+7b
    3.    3a+b   
    4.    4a+3b  
  11. Below is a train timetable from town A to F
    Town Arrival
    A   6:00am
    B 8:20am  8:35am
    C 10:45am  11:05am
    D 12:40pm 12:55pm
    E 2:10pm 2:25pm
    F 3:15pm 3:30pm
    How long did the train take to travel fom town B to town E?
    1. 5hrs 50mnin
    2. 5hrs 35min,
    3. 6hrs 05min
    4. 4hrs 50min
  12. The rectangle below is drawn to scale1cm: 50:000cm.
    What isthe actual area in hectares?”
    1. 60000 hectares
    2. 600 hectares
    3. 60 hectares
    4. 6 hectares
  13. The diagram below shows an isosceles triangle
    Calculate the area ofthe triangle.
    1. 350cm²
    2. 175cm²
    3. 336cm²
    4. 168cm²
  14. The diagram below is par ofa Rhombus ABCD
    Complete the Rhombus and drop a perpendicular from point to meet AB at X.
    What is the measure of the line XB?
    1. 4cm
    2. 5cm
    3. 4.5cm
    4. 6.7cm
  15. Onyango paid 12,375 for a TV after getting 25% discount, What was the marked price of the TV set?
    1. Shs4125
    2. Shs.9281.25
    3. Shs.16,500
    4. Shs.4,200
  16. Three buses leave the bus station at an interval of 24min, 36min and 48min. If they all left the bus stationat 8:10am, when will they eave station together again?
    1. 10:34am
    2. 11:34am,
    3. 9:34am
    4. 10:34pm
  17. A rectangular water tank measures 2.4m long, 1.2m wide and 0.9m high. It contains water to a height of 0.75m, how many more litres of water are required to fill the tank?
    1. 2160litres
    2. 2592litres
    3. 1620lites
    4. 432litres
  18. The fractions ½,⁷/₉,³/₈,⁵/₇ are to be arranged from the largest to the smallest. Which of the following is the correct order?
    1. ⁷/₉,½ ,⁵/₇ ,³/₈
    2. ⁷/₉,⁵/₇ ,³/₈ ,½
    3. ⁷/₉,⁵/₇ ,½ ,³/₈
    4. ⁵/₇,⁷/₉ ,½ ,³/₈
  19. The following are characteristics of quadilaterals
    1. Diagonals bisect at right angle.
    2. Diagonals are equal
    3. All angles are equal
    4. Opposite sides are equal and parallel
    5. All sides are equal
      Which combination is true for both square, and rhombus?
      1. (i)(iv)(v)
      2. (i)(iv)(ii)
      3. (ii)(iii)(iv)
      4. (iii)(iv)(v)
  20. The number of incoming flights recorded at Jomo Kenya Interatonal airport in certain months of the year are recorded below.
    Month June July Aug Sep Oct
    No. of flights 83 97 103 79 107
    Which two consecutive months recorded the highest mean of incoming fights?
    1. August and October
    2. Julyand August
    3. June and September
    4. September and Uetober
  21. Construct triangle PQR in which PQ=6.7cm.Tem QR= 5.8 and PR=7.1cm,Bisect angle QRP and let the sector meet Line PQ at M.
    What isthe size ofangle PRM?
    1. 40°
    2. 90°
    3. 23° 
    4. 67°
  22. What is the value of xin
    4(x-3) + 2(3+x) = 3
       2             4     
    1. 4¹/₅
    2. 3
    3. 5
  23. A packet is in form of a pyramid with rectangular base. Which of the following statements is true about the number of edges and vertices?
    1. 8 edges, 3 vertices
    2. 5 edges, 8 vertices
    3. 9 edges, 6 vertices
    4. 6 edges, 9 vertices
  24. A company employed 12 people to complete a peace of work in 4 dys. After working the first day 3 people did not work again. How many days did the work take to be complete?
    1. 4 days   
    2. 6 days
    3. 5¹/₃ days
    4. 5 days
  25. Which of the following sets of measurement will form a right angled triangle?
    1. 0.7cm, 2.4cm, 2.5cm
    2. 0:05cm, 0.12cm, 1.3cm
    3. 0.8fcm, 15cm, 1.7cm
    4. 3cm, 0.4cm, 5cm
  26. A lorry was loaded  with 50 bags of maize, 35 bags of and 24 bags of Ndengu. If a bag of maize weighed 90kgs while that of beans weighed 75kg, a bag of Ndengu weighed 60kg. How much was the total mass off the lorry and the load if an empty lorry has a mass of 2.75 tonnes?
    1. 8.563 tonnes
    2. 7.125 tonnes
    3. 11.315 tonnes
    4. 4.5 tonnes
  27. Gathuma bought a piece of land for 2 million shillings. He sub-divided the land into twenty five equal plots. He sold each plot at shs.100,000, What was the percentage profit?
    1. 20%
    2. 40%
    3. 50%
    4. 25%
  28. The table below shows the number of crates of soda sold by a distributor in one week.
    Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
    52 46 65 75 34

    Which bar graph correctly show this information?
  29. Jamal deposited 50,000 ina bank that earns 5% simple interest per annum. How much interest was in his account after 1½ years?
    1. 53,750shs.
    2. 3,750shs.
    3. 7,300shs.
    4. 57,500shs.
  30. During the first lady half marathon on zero campaign 250 men took part. The number of women was three times that of men and 1250 less than that of boys. The number of girls was 200 more than that of boys. How many people in total participated inthe function?
    1. 2400
    2. 5200
    3. 1700
    4. 4200
  31. The cash price of a Generator is 24,000. The hire purchase price is 25% more than cash price. Nanok bought it on hire purchase paying 25% of the hire purchase as the deposit and the rest in 12 equal instalments. How much was, each instalment?
    1. shs.2,000
    2. shs.22,500
    3. shs.1 875
    4. shs.7,500
  32. The figure below shows a trapezium PQRS. Line PQ is parallel to RS. Line PQ=13cm, line RS=7cm and line QR=10cm,
    Whats the area of the figure?
    1. 80cm
    2. 100em
    3. 200cm
    4. 160cm
  33. What is the value of
    3.2 ÷ 0.8 + 2(0.26+3.74)
            3.6 ÷ 0.9
    1. 0.003,
    2. 0.03
    3. 0.3
    4. 3
  34. A sales lady earns a monthly salary of shs.12500, Shes also paid 2.5% on all the sales above 200,000. In one month she sold 25 cartons of books each worth 30,000. How much money did she earn as commission that month?
    1. 26 250
    2. 18 750
    3. 13 730
    4. 31 250
  35. Four boys Kantet, Mkoko, Owuor and Anyona contributed some money to buy a ball. Anyona contributed x while Mkoko contributed 1/3 of what Anyona contributed. Owuor contributed sh.200 less than the total for both Anyona and Mkoko, Kantet contributed 100 more than Anyona. If the total amount raised was 2,700, which ofthe following equation can be used to find the amount raised by each boy?
    1. 3x + 2/3x + 300 = 2700
    2. 3x + 2/3x - 100 = 2700
    3. 2x + 2/3x - 300 = 2700
    4. 2x + 1/3x - 100 = 2700
  36. At te beginning of the year 2013, the total number of leopards and buffalo at Ruma National park was 18,000. 15% of these animals were leopard. At the end ofthe year the leopard increased by 20% while the buffalo reduced by 20%. What was the total numberof animals at the park by the end ofthe year?
    1. 14 400
    2. 12 240
    3. 3 240
    4. 15 480
  37. The diagram below shows Wakaba's plot of land.
    Calculate the length ofthe wire needed to fence the land using three strands of wire
    1. 3720m
    2. 1240m
    3. 880m
    4. 800m
  38. The table below shows the number of cars that passed near Waka school ina certain week. Number for Thursday is not shown.
    Day Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat
    No. of
     29  33  41    47  37

    If the mean number of cars was 36, what is the sum of mode and median?
    1. 29
    2. 64
    3. 35
    4. 55
  39. In a certain factory 3/5 of the employees are women. On a day when 3/20 of the women were absent, 306 women were present. How many men are there in the factory?
    1. 600
    2. 360
    3. 54
    4. 240
  40. The perimeter ofa rectangle is 36cm.The width is 4cm less than the length .Calculate twice its area.
    1. 77cm²
    2. 55cm²
    3. 154cm²
    4. 110cm²
  41. A motorist drove for 40min ata speed of 90km/hr from home to town. He took 24min to drive back home. Calculate the average speed for the whole journey.
    1. 150km/hr
    2. 225km/hr
    3. 112½km/hr
    4. 120km/hr
  42. Ole Munyere shared a number of cows: To his four children. Their shares were Timothy 0.3, Gloria 0.11, Sein 0.19 Naiserian 0.17. Ifthe children gota total of 462 cows, how many cows did he remain with?
    1. 138
    2. 0.23
    3. 600
    4. 0.77
  43. In a meeting there were 840 attendants. The ratio of men to women was 3:4. Later 60 men left while 60 women joined. What was the new ratio of men to women?
    1. 1:1
    2. 4:3
    3. 9:5
    4. 5:9
  44. The diagram below shows which type of a triangle?
    1. Right angled triangle
    2. Scalene
    3. Isosceles triangle
    4. Equilateral triangle
  45. The diagram below shows a wooden solid
    Calculate the sure area taking π=3.14
    1. 2590.5cm2
    2. 1906.5cm2
    3. 706.5cm2
    4. 3790.5cm2
  46. Duale’s watch loses 15sec every hour. The watch was set right on Monday 8:30am. What time didit show on Friday the same week when the correct time was 8:30am?
    1. 8:54am
    2. 8:54pm
    3. 8:06am
    4. 8:06pm
  47. A triangular plot of land measures 75m by 125m by 150m is to be fenced. The posts are to be 2.5m apart. How many posts are required?
    1. 141
    2. 15
    3. 14
    4. 140
  48. Sathya Sair School received 120 cartons of milk. Each carton contain 21 -2dl packets of milk. How many litres of milk were received by the school?
    1. 504 litres
    2. 5040 litres
    3. 252 litres
    4. 2520 litres
  49. Which of the following shapes will be the next in the pattern?
  50. The graph below shows apart of Nyaga’s Journey from Tharaka Nithi to Nyahururu a distance of 280km. After driving for 1½hrs his vehicle broke down and took one hour to repair.
    What was his spood afr repairing the car?
    1. 16 8/17 km/hr
    2. 25 km/hr
    3. 40 km/hr
    4. 12 ½km/hr

Marking Scheme

  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. B
  5. C
  6. C
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. D
  1. C
  2. D
  3. C
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  1. C
  2. C
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  1. D
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. A
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. B
  6. B
  7. B
  8. B
  9. A
  10. A


Maagizo ya mwanafunzi

  • Karatasi hii ina sehemu sita kuu
  • Jibu Maswali yote kulingana na maagizo

Sehemu 1: Mazungumzo ya ana kwa ana (alama 5)
Ugonjwa husorotesha afya ya mwanadamu na kusababisha utumizi wa hela ni lengo lisilofaa.

  1. Ni ugonjwa upi ambao umewapa Wakenya tumbo joto?
  2. Ugonjwa huo ulioutaja katika swali Ia (a) waweza epukika vipi?
  3. Ni ugumu upi uliopata baada ya kutokea kwa ugonjwa huo?
  4. Taja magonjwa mengine yanayowasumbua Wakenya?
  5. Ungekuwa dakatari ungewasaidiaje wagonjwa wanaopata homa ya tumbo kilo mare?

Sehemu 2: Ufahamu wa Kusikiliza (alama 5)
Msikilize mwalimu akisoma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu Maswali yafuatayo

Mimi naitwa Riziki. Nina miaka kumi. Mimi husomea katika shule ya msingi ya Pande. Shule yetu iko katikati ya jimbo Ia Kiambu na Kitui. Nilijiunga na shule hii miaka miwili iliyopita. Sasa niko katika gredi ya site. Mwalimu wetu wa darasa ni Bi. Malimo. Somo ninalolipenda ni la Kilimo. Somo hill hupendwa pia na wanafunzi wenzangu. Mwalimu wetu wa Kilimo ni Bwana Mtume.

  1.  Msemaji ana miaka mingapi?
  2. Je ikiwa msemaji yuko gredi ya site mwaka huu, miaka miwili iliyopita alikuwa darasa lipi?
  3. Eleza pale shule ya msemaji inapatikana?
  4. Kwa nini somo la Kilimo line wanafunzi wengi?
  5. Tajo masomo mengine yaliyo katika gredi ya site?

Sehemu 3: Kusoma kwa sauti (alama 15)

Wanyama hawa wawili walianza safari ya kuelekea kwa 5imba. Walipofika karibu na lango kuu Ia mfalme 5imba, walikuta mkusanyiko wa Wanyama wengine. Wote wakatarajia mfalme wao awape suluhu ya tatizo lao. Walijikokota na kukaribia mzee Tembo. Sungura alimsihi kwa upole amueleze pale wangepata maji. Mzee Tembo alimuonea huruma na kumtilia maji kidogo aliyokuwa ameyaweka kwenye mdomo wake. Mfalme 5imba alionekana akijikokota kwa umbali akija. Alipowafikia akazirai. Wanyama wote walitawanyika na kumwacha Mzee Chui akimuhudumia mfalme wao. Walielekea kwenye mto uliokuwa karibu. Kwa mshangao walipata Mzee Kobe akiyatega maji yaliyokuwa yameanza kutiririka.

Sehemu 4: Ufahamu wa kusoma (alama 6)
Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu swali Ia 1 hadi 6

Hapo zamani za kale walikuwepo watu ambao walikuwa wanaishi karibu na pwani. Kazi yao ilikuwa kuvua, na siku zote walikuwa wanavua samaki wadogo wadogo. Siku moja alitokezea bwana mmoja akaenda baharini akabahatika kuvua samaki mkubwa sana. Yeye mwenyewe akaanza kushangaa kumuona yule samaki mkubwa, na akaanza kusema ningempata samaki kama huyu ningetajirika. Kilo siku tunakuja pwani tunapata samaki wadogo wadogo, hapo akajiuliza samaki huyu nimfanye nini?

Akaenda kumwita baba yake. Baba mtu alipofika akaanza kushangaa na kusema samaki huyu mkubwa si jawahi kumuona, sasa wakaanza kushauriana. Baba yake akasema bora tukawaite jamaa waje kumtazama. Wale jamaa walipofika na wao wakaanza kushangaa na kusema; "samaki mkubwa, samaki kama huyu hatujawahi kumvua maisha yetu." Na wao wakasema; "twendeni tukamwite sheha." 5heha alipokuja alishangaa na akasema; "Bora tukawamwite Mfalme aje kumuona." Alipokuja Mfalme no yeye alishangaa na kusema; "Bora tukamwite mzungu aje kumpiga picha."

Hapo waliondoka wakaenda kumchukua mzungu, na mzungu alipofika akasema;"Mngelimuweka kiile nikampiga picha lakini hapa anazunguuka nitampiga vipi?" Wale watu wakajibu mpige hivyo hivyo, na huku maji yanajaa na yule samaki akachukuliwa na maji, na kuenda nke baharini wakakosa utajiri pamoja na samaki.


  1. Watu wa Kijiji hiki walikuwa wanafanya kazi gani?
  2. Kamilisha sentensi. Mvuvi alipovua Samaki mkubwa
  3. Jamaa walipoitwa walisihi nani aweze kuitwa?
  4. Mfalme alipoitwa alisisitiza nani ajulishwe kuhusu Samaici huyo mkubwa?
  5. Je, wanaki jiji hawa walipata utajiri waliokuwa wakiomba?
  6. Ipe hadithi hii mada ya kufana?

Sehemu 5: Saruf (alama 24)

  1. Andika maneno haya katika ukubwa     
    1. Mgongo
    2. Ngoma
    3. Mkono
  2. Kamilisha methali         
    1. Mtaka cha mvunguni _______________________________________
    2. _______________________________________ marejeo ni ngamani
    3. Msiba wa kujitakia ________________________________________
  3. Andika sentensi hizi kwa wakati uliopita
    1. Mtoto ataenda shuleni
    2. Mwanafunzi anaandaa sima
    3. Mtego umemnasa paka
  4. Kanusha sentensi hizi
    1. Tulienda kanisani
    2. Vita vilileta njaa
    3. Mjumbe wetu alifanya kazi nzuri
  5. Kamilisha tashbihi hizi
    1. Kigeugeu kama
    2. Mwaminifu kama
    3. Msumbufu kama
  6. Andika vinyume yya vitenzi hivi
    1. Rudi
    2. Vua
    3. Tua
    4. Lia
  7. Andika kwa maneno
    1. Shilingi 2,345
    2. Vijiko 199
    3. Mkate 1/2
    4. Saa 4.15

Sehemu 6: Kuandika (alma 10)
Kamilisha mtungo ufuatao. Ufanye uwe wa kuvutia mno

Jua lilionekana likichomoza kwa umbalL Nami nilifungua jicho langu kulia, kisha kushoto nakuelekea. 

Mwongozo wa Kusahihisha

Sehemu 1

  • Mwanafunzi anapaswa kuongea na kujibu maswali ipasavyo

Sehemu 2

  • Mwanafunzi anapaswa kuongea na kujibu maswali ipasavyo

Sehemu 3

    1. Kuvua samaki
    2. Alishangaa/ alistaajabu
    3. Sheha
    4. Mzungu
    5. La, samaki alitowekea kwa maji yaliyokuwa yamejaa
    6. Sahihisha mada kulingana na muktadha


    1. Gongo
    2. Goma
    3. Kono
    1. Sharti ainame
    2. Mwenda tezi na omo
    3. Hauna kilio      
    1. Mtoto alienda shuleni
    2. Mwanafunzi aliandaa stima
    3. Mtego ulimnasa paka
    1. Hatukuenda shuleni
    2. Vuta havikuleta njaa
    3. Mtego ulimnasa paka  
    1. Kinyonga
    2. Njiwa
    3. Mwanambuzi
    1. Enda
    2. Vaa
    3. Tia
    4. Cheka   
    1. shilingi elfu mbili mia tatu arobaini na tano
    2. Vijiko mia moja tisini na tisa 
    3. mkate nusu
    4. saa kumi na robo



  • This paper consists of 30 Questions.
  • Answer all the questions.
  • Show all the working in the spaces provided below each question.


  1. What is the total value of digit 8 after working out 23457 + 9130?
  2. The number of litres of pesticides used to kill locusts in the month of June. was 897. This was less the number used in May. If the number of litres of pesticides used in May was 5678, use the place value table to show place values of the reduction of pesticide used?
  3. Write the following in words. Kshs 46,987
  4. Round off 809976 to the nearest thousand.
  5. Mwakazi's total marks in assessments for the year 2021 and 2022 were as follows; 345,457,387,298,460,323. Arrange his performance in a descending order?
  6. A school has 960 pupils. The school has two streams from Grade one to six and two streams in class 7 and 8. How many pupils are there per stream?
  7. Mwaura had Kshs 7654 and Tim had Kshs 8765. They put the amount in one ac count. How much did they have altogether ?
  8. Find the volume of;
  9. A book costs sh 345. What is the cost of 20 such books?
  10. Work out;
    36= 6 x 5 + 8 - 12=
  11. Convert 7035 millilitres into litres and millilitres.
  12. Calculate the area of the figure.
  13. Fill in the missing number
    __ = 63/72
  14. Solve the equation
    W + 7=13
  15. A carpenter had a piece of wood 73m 50 cm long. It was cut into 7 equal pieces. How many pieces were cut?
  16. Find the sum of the largest and smallest number formed by the digits below.
  17. Which of the following lines are parallel?
  18. What is the next number in the pattern? 2,4,8, 16, 32, _____________?
  19. Convert 0.09 into a fraction.
  20. Find the difference between the LCM and GCD of 5, 10 and 15.
  21. Work out;
    km           m
      5          575
      x              4
  22. Convert 10345 metres into km and metres.
  23. Work out 
    40.4 + 0.77 + 3.5 =
  24. Caleb bought the following items from a shop;
    2 kg of rice @ sh 130
    A loaf of bread for sh 80
    2 packets of milk @ sh 55
    A 2 kg packet of maize flour for sh 115
    He paid using 4 - sh 200 notes. Calculate her balance.
  25. Calculate the distance round the figure.
  26. Simplify the fraction.
  27. Convert 240 hours into days.
  28. How many small tins will fill the big tin?
  29. Mary had W mangoes. She ate 5 mangoes and gave her friends 8 mangoes. Form an equation to show the number of mangoes that remained?
  30. The graph below shows the number of litres of milk sold by a farmer during the week.

    If a litre of mi lk cost sh 50, how much money did the farmer collect on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. 

Marking Scheme

  1. 80/ Eighty
  2. 4781
  3. Forty six thousand nine hundred and eighty seven
  4. 810000
  5. 460, 457, 387, 345, 323, 298
  6. 60
  7. Sh 16 419
  8. 360cm3
  9. Sh 6900
  10. 26
  11. π 35ml
  12. 270m2
  13. 7
  14. W=6
  15. 10m 50cm
  16. 11588
  17. C
  18. 64
  19. 9/100
  20. 55
  21. 22km 300m
  22. 10km 345m
  23. 44.67
  24. Sh 235
  25. 140m
  26. 2/3
  27. 10 days
  28. 48
  29. W-13
  30. Sh 5750



Zoezi La 1: Kusikiliza Na Kuzungumza
Mwalimu amwamkue mwanafunzi nn kumwomba akar. Mwalimu ajitambulishe.

"Mimi ni mwalimu ____________ . Nitakusimulia kisa kisha nikuulize rnaswali kukihusu."

Katika miaka ya hivi karibuni, familia nyingi zimekuwa zikihangaika kutokana na uhaba wa mapato ya kutosha kuyakimu mahitaji muhimu. Ni kweli kuwa
zimeweza kujipatia milo mitatu ya siku kama inavyostahili. Hali ya umaskini imekuwa dondandugu lisilosikia dawa wala kafara. Yapo mengi ambayo yamechangia hali hii.

Miongoni mwa mambo yaliyochangia hapa ni kuzorota kwa uchumi nchini kutokana no changamoto za janga la Korona na idadi kubwa ya wananchi wasio na ajira. Hali hizi huzuia mzunguko wa hela no hivyo, baadhi ya wananchi hubaki maskini hohehahe. Hata hivyo, kulingana na ripoti ya Wizara ya Afya, kwa sasa makali ya Korona yamepungua na nina matumaini kuwa hall ya kawaida itarejea, inshallah. (Mwalimu arudie

  1. Akahangaiko makubwa katika miaka michache iliyopita yamesababishwa na nini? (Mwanafunzi ajibu)
  2. Ninaposerna milo mitatu, nina manna gani? (Mwanafunzi ajibu)
  3.  Kulingana na makala hays, ycrtaje mambo makuu yaliyochangia hail ya umaskini nchini. (Mwanafunzi ajibu)
  4. Mzunguko Wa peso ukiwa duni, wananchi krtesekaje? (Mwanafunzi ajibu)
  5. Kwa sasa !tuna matumaini gani katika kuokoa hall ya umaskini nchini?
    (Mwanafunzi ajibu)

Zoezi La 2: Kusoma Kwa Sauti

Kinara wa shule yetu anaitwa Bibi Maua. Yeye ni mrefu kiasi. Mwalimu Maua arnelciongoza chombo hiki tangu miaka minne iliyopita.

Mwalimu Maua alichukua usukani kutoka kwa bwana Maporomoko ambaye karibu aizamishe hii shule yetu katika bahari ya matatizo. Nidhamu shuleni ilikuwa imezorota mno, nayo matokeo yakawa vivyo hivyo.

Pindi alipofika, matokeo na nidhamu zilianza kuimarika. Saul shule yetu ni tajika. Jinn la shule yetu ya Bongochonjo linang'aa. Wengi hawaamini masikio yao
kuwa sisi ni jogoo katika nidhamu na matokeo.



Zoezi La 3: Kusoma Kwa Ufahamu.
Soma fahamu hizi  kisha ujibu 

    Siku moja tulipokuwa tukienda shambani na dada yangu, tuliwaona watu wengi waliokuwa wakiangalia kitu ambacho hatukukielewa. 5151 tulipoona hivyo, tulikimbia it; nasi tukajionee ni kitu gani ambacho watu walikuwa wakikitazama kwa makini kiasi

    Tulipofika katika mkusanyiko ule, tulishangaa kuona kuwa alikuwa ni jamaa nunoja aliyekuwa amepigwa vibaya na watu waliokuwa na hasira. Dada yangu alipouliza kiss no maana ya yale yote, ajuza mmoja alimweleza kuwa jamaa huyo alikuwa amemwibia mama mmoja mzigo wake uliokuwa na bidhaa zake nyingi.
    1.  Umati ule wa watu uli uwa ukiangalia nini?
    2. Safari ya kuelekea shambani ilifungwa na watu wangapi?
    3. Dada wa mwandishi aii,juaje kilichokuwa kimejiri?
    4. Kwa maoni yako, hatua gani ingekuwa bora zaidi baada ya kumkarnata mwizi yule?
    5. Mama aliyeibiwa aliibiwa nini?


    Maji ni uhai. Bib maji, hakuna binadamu hata mmoja ambaye angeweza kuishi. Watu wote huyategemea maji moja kwa moja. Maji hayo hutumika kwa njia mbalimbali kama vile kunywa, kupikia, kuoshea na shughuli nyingine nyingi za nyumbani. Mvua inapokosekana, maji hutumika kunyunyizia mimeo. Maji yatumiwayo kunyunyizia huweza kupatikana mitoni, mabwawani no maziwani. Moji yana uwezo wa kuzalisha nguvu za umeme. Mto Tana, kwa mfano, huzalisha nguvu za stima. Samaki huishi majini na kwa hivyo, shughuli za uvuvi hutegemea maji. Hivi ni kusema wavuvi huyatumia maji kupata pesa. Samaki wapikwapo vizuri, huwa Iishe nzuri na yenye afya.
    1. Ni nini maana ya maji ni uhai?
    2. Maji yana umuhimu gani kwa wavuvi?
    3. Unadhani stima inayozalishwa kupitia nguvu za maji huweza kutusaidia vipi?
    4. Kulingana na ufahamu, baadhi ya vyanzo vya maji ni vipi?
    5. Tumeambiwa kuwa mto Tana una umaarufu gani?



Zoezi La 5: Kuandika
Anza insha yako kwa maneno yafuatayo:

Siku moja tulitoka shuleni jioni kama ilivyokuwa kawaida. Tulipofika karibu na nyumbani,

Mwongozo wa Kusahihisha  

Sehemu A:
Zoezi la I:
1-5 Mwanafrunzi ajibu

Zoezi la 2
Mwanafunzi asome taarifa kwa sauti

Sehemu B
Zoezi la 3:

Ufahamu I

  1. Jamaa aliyepigwa
  2. Wawili
  3. Aliambiwa na ajuza
  4. Mwanafunzi aeleze
  5. Mzigo

Ufahamu II

  1. Ni muhimu kama uhai
  2. Huwaweka hai samaki
  3. Mwanafunzi aeleze
  4. Mito, mabwawa, maziwa
  5. Huzalisha stima
  6. Vifaru weusi
  7. Ndovu
  8. Kwa maji ya chumvi
  9. KWa shingo upande
  10. Ili wasiuawe

Zoezi la 4: Sarufi

  1. Alhamisi
  2. Nairobi
  3. Yohana
  4. Mzinga
  5. kafiri
  6. marara
  7. Meza hizi zilinunuliwa jana jioni
  8. Nguo ilifuliwa ikaanikwa jioni
  9. Kamba zenyewe zilikatika baada ya kununuliwa
  10. Mwanafunzi atunge
  11. Mwanafunzi atunge
  12. Mwanafunzi atunge
  13. Dizi
  14. Jiti
  15. Jibwa
  16. Mwanafunzi akanushe
  17. Mwanafunzi akanushe
  18. Mwanafunzi akanushe
  19. Mwanafunzi akanushe
  20. Mwanafunzi akanushe
  21. Mawe
  22. Jiko
  23. Jani
  24. chini ya
  25. Ala!
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