Thursday, 13 July 2023 10:00

Social Studies & Religious Education Questions and Answers - Class 8 End Term Exams Term 2 2023 Set 2

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Study the map of POTE AREA and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. What is the general flow of River Pote in Pote area?
    1. South East to North West
    2. North West to South
    3. North East to South West
    4. South East to West
  2. What is the length of the railway in the map in kilometres?
    1. 5km
    2. 5.8km
    3. 6.2km
    4. 4.7km
  3. The population distribution in Pote area is mainly influenced by;
    1. transport system
    2. drainage system
    3. economic system
    4. security.
  4. The feature formed at the mouth of R. Pote is known as;
    1. confluence
    2. delta
    3. estuary
    4. tributary
  5. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Pote area?
    1. Fishing
    2. Mining
    3. Crop farming
    4. Lumbering.
  6. The type of soil found at the mouth of R. Pote is likely to be;
    1. black valcanic
    2. alluvial soil
    3. sandy soil 
    4. volcanic soil
  7. Pote town has grown to its present size mainly because of;
    1. government policy
    2. mining activities
    3. presence of a road junction
    4. security
  8. The following are Nilotes found in Eastern Africa. Which one did not disperse from Pubungu Pakwach?
    1. Lugbara, Acholi
    2. Luo, Acholi "
    3. Lango, Labwor
    4. Dinka, Shilluk
  9. Which one of the following was not a function of the clan elders in traditional African Societies?
    1. It protected the community
    2. It solved disputes
    3. It gave members a sense of belonging
    4. It assisted one another during difficulties
  10. Below are descriptions of a certain hominid.
    1. Made tools from stones.
    2. Ate cooked food.
    3. Communicated through speech.
      The hominid described is likely to be;
      1. Homo Erectus
      2. Homo Habilis
      3. Australopithicus
      4. Zijanthropus Boisei.
  11. The taking up of responsibilities and position of a person who has passed on is terms as;
    1. inheritance
    2. law of succession
    3. letter of administration
    4. succession.
  12. Which one of the following types of marriages allows polygamy and a marriage certificate to be issued?
    1. Civil marriage.
    2. Islamic marriage.
    3. Christian marriage.
    4. Customary marriage.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 13 and 14.


  1. The part marked Q is called;
    1. dyke
    2. lava
    3. vent
    4. conelet
  2. All the following are examples of the lakes formed at part R except;
    1. L. Paradise
    2. L. Shala
    3. L. Chala
    4. L Teleki.
  3. Which one of the following countries was used to resettle the freed slaves?
    1. Ethiopia
    2. Sierra Leone
    3. Nigeria
    4. Liberia.
  4. Why do police officers attend political rallies?
    1. To protect politicians.
    2. To control rioters.
    3. To ensure that those in attendance are secure.
    4. Because it is a requirement of the law.
  5. The main reason why Kenyans waged armed struggle against the colonialists was to;
    1. gain political independence
    2. get back their land
    3. get Western education
    4. protect their culture.
  6. It is the responsibility of the parents in a family to;
    1. buy anything their children ask for
    2. provide basic needs to their children
    3. beat their children
    4. respect and obey their children.
  7. Which one of the following statements is true about the weather instrument below?
    1. The tail points where the wind is blowing
    2. It is used to measure the strength of wind
    3. It is used to show the speed of wind
    4. The arrow points where the wind is blowing from.
  8. Which one of the following is the main factor that influences the population distribution in Africa?
    1. Economic factors
    2. Government policy
    3. Physical factors
    4. Social factors.
  9. The following are statements about a leader in Africa.
    1. He was champion of Pan Africanism 
    2. He led his country to independence
    3. He was a founder member of OAU
    4. He retired voluntarily from active politics.
      The leader described above is likely to be;
      1. Leopold Sedar Senghor
      2. Nelson Mandela
      3. Jomo Kenyatta
      4. Haile Selassie.
  10. Which one of the following is the main reason that led to the fall of Buganda Kingdom?
    1. Collapse of the long distance trade.
    2. The coming of the British colonizers. 
    3. Succession disputes.
    4. Attacks by the almoravids.
  11. The government of Kenya spends its revenue in all the following ways except
    1. paying its workers
    2. building roads
    3. supporting emergency services 
    4. paying fines for the law breakers.
  12. In the past, the Maasai and the Agikuyu mainly interacted through;
    1. wars
    2. ceremonies
    3. trade
    4. games and sports

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 25 to 29.


  1. The capital city of the country marked Q is;
    1. Moron
    2. Bamako
    3. Naukchott
    4. Antananarivo.
  2. Name the prevailing winds marked S;
    1. Harmattan winds
    2. Westerly winds
    3. North East trade winds
    4. South East monsoon
  3. The best explanation as to why the region marked XXX is sparsely populated is;
    1. it is covered with thick forest
    2. It is hot and dry
    3. It is mountainous
    4. It experiences floods.
  4. The country marked R is a former colony of the; 
    1. British
    2. Spain 
    3. Portuguese
    4. Germans.
  5. The mountain marked T was formed as a result of; 
    1. volcanicity
    2. faulting and uplifting
    3. folding
    4. erosion.
  6. The main difference between the Fulani of Nigeria and the Maasai of Kenya is that;
    1. the Maasai keep cattle, sheep and goats while the Fulani keep pigs and camels only
    2. the Fulani use horse back to scout for pastures while the Maasai do not 
    3. the Maasai live in temporary structures while the Fulani live in permanent structure
    4. the Fulani depend on meat and milk while the Maasai grow crops to supplement their diet.
  7. Which one of the following pre-historic sites is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
    1. Olduvai Gorge - Uganda 
    2. River Omo Basin - Tanzania
    3. Orlogesaillie - Kenya
    4. Ishango - Ethiopia.
  8. Which one of the following is negative effect of physical features?
    1. Provide water for irrigation
    2. Help in the formation of rainfall
    3. They are sources of minerals
    4. They hamper construction of roads
  9. Which one of the following reasons has contributed to the high life expectancy in Germany?
    1. High standards of living.
    2. Small families.
    3. High population density.
    4. More old people.
  10. The following are political organisations formed in Kenya before 1939. Which one was the earliest?
    1. Young Kikuyu Association
    2. Kikuyu Association
    3. Young Kavirondo Association
    4. East African Association.
  11. The Harambee spirit is one of the national philosophies. It united Kenyans in eradicating all the following except;
    1. colonialism
    2. poverty
    3. diseases
    4. illiteracy
  12. In a school, conflicts can be resolved using the following methods except;
    1. mediation
    2. arbitration
    3. litigation
    4. negolfation.
  13. Which one of the following is not a use of cloves?
    1. Making body oils and lotion
    2. Making perfumes
    3. Food preservation
    4. Spicing food.
  14. Which one of the following is not a similarity in tourist attractions in kenya and Switzerland?
    1. Cultural attractions
    2. Snow-capped mountains
    3. Beautiful scenery
    4. Warm climate throughout the year.
  15. The following are problems facing settlement schemes in Kenya except:
    1. ethnic hatred and conflict
    2. improved standards of living 
    3. poor state of roads
    4. inability to repay loans.
  16. Three of the following factors lead to slow population growth. which one does not?
    1. Favourable climate
    2. High standards of living
    3. Higher education
    4. Late marriages.
  17. Which one of the following is not a role of the school management committee? 
    1. Deciding on new development.
    2. Hiring and dismissing school workers. 
    3. Representing government in the school. 
    4. Ensuring that the school standards are maintained.
  18. The following are traditional methods of observing weather. Which one indicated the coming of a dry season?
    1. A sudden rise in temperature
    2. The smell of moist soil
    3. Shedding of leaves by some trees
    4. Presence of dew in the morning.
  19. Three of the following are negative factors that influence climate change except;
    1. afforestation
    2. industrialisation
    3. global warming
    4. use of petrol as a source of energy.
  20. Which one of the following is not an importance of marriage institution in a community?
    1. Enhance unity and co-operation.
    2. Provide companionship.
    3. Promotes HIV/AIDS transmission.
    4. Develops responsibilities.
  21. The diagram below shows a road sign. It is an example of;
    1. warning sign 
    2. regulatory sign
    3. informative sign
    4. no entry.
  22. Which one of the following UN agencies deals with the plight of refugees?
    1. UNESCO
    2. UNICEF
    3. UNHCR
    4. UNEP
  23. Three of the following are effects of the revolution of the earth. Which one is not?
    1. Causes different in seasons
    2. Causes difference in length of day and night
    3. Causes difference in time along different longitude
    4. Influences the position of the midday sun.
  24. L. Tana and L. Kivu were formed through a process called;
    1. downwarping 
    2. volcanicity
    3. erosion
    4. human activities.
  25. Kamenju wants to start a bakery business. Which one of the following factors should he consider most?
    1. Availability of a market.
    2. Government policy.
    3. Security,
    4. Availability of raw materials.
  26. The Berlin conference marked the beginning of;
    1. abolition of slave trade
    2. partition of Africa
    3. establishment of traditional government 
    4. construction of the railway line.
  27. The following are true statements about the Khoisan! Which one is not?
    1. They had a yellowish-brown complexion. 
    2. Their language has a click sound. 
    3. They were the earliest inhabitants of South Africa.
    4. They both had a centralized form of government.
  28. The method of irrigation used in Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme is;
    1. Basin irrigation 
    2. Furrow irrigation
    3. Overhead irrigation
    4. Sprinkle irrigation.
  29. The method of fishing shown in the diagram below is likely to be used in;
    1. fish ponds
    2. deep seas 
    3. lakes
    4. big rivers,
  30. The third chapter of the Kenya constitution deals with;
    1. the republic
    2. land and environment
    3. citizenship
    4. bill of rights.
  31. Which one of the following is the cheapest method of fish preservation?
    1. Sun drying
    2. Smoking
    3. Salting
    4. Canning:
  32. Which one of the following is a cause of conflict in the society?
    1. Corruption
    2. Democracy
    3. Fair distribution of resources
    4. patriotism.
  33. Cases concerning children are heard by the;
    1. Court of appeal
    2. The Supreme court
    3. Juvenile court
    4. Court martial.
  34. The best place to cross a busy road is;
    1. zebra crossing
    2. flyover
    3. round about
    4. foot bridge.
  35. Which one of the following was not a requirement for assimilation in West Africa?
    1. Readiness to practise French culture
    2. Ability to read and write in French
    3. Converting to Islamic
    4. One had to have only one wife.
  36. The following are countries of Africa. which one is correctly matched with its capital city?
    1. Angola - Port Novo
    2. Ivory Coast - Abidjan
    3. Egypt - Praia
    4. South Africa - Pretoria



  1. The main reason why God sent man out of the garden of Eden was;
    1. the man had known good and evil
    2. the woman convinced man that the fruit was good
    3. man disobeyed God
    4. The serpent was cunning.
  2. After the floods, the first thing that Noah did was;
    1. counting the number of animals in the ark
    2. singing praises to God
    3. making an altar to the Lord
    4. opening the floodgates of heaven.
  3. Abraham is considered to be righteous because;
    1. he did not have children
    2. Sarah was old
    3. he gave birth to Isaac in old age
    4. he had faith in God.
  4. Joseph refused to have sex with Potiphars wife. Which commandment did he obey?
    1. Seventh
    2. Sixth
    3. Tenth
    4. Eighth
  5. These activities occurred during the passover. Which one is not correctly matched with its meaning?
    1. Blood on doorposts - protection
    2. Bitter herbs - slavery
    3. Eat while standing - hurry
    4. Unleavened bread - protection
  6. When Moses ran away from Egypt, he fled to;
    1. the land of Moab
    2. the land of Midian
    3. Jerusalem city
    4. Canaan.
  7. Which one of the following commandments did Ahab break? 
    1. Do not covet.
    2. Do not commit adultery.
    3. Observe the Sabbath day and keep it Holy
    4. Honour your father and mother.
  8. Which one of the following miracles was performed by both Elisha and Elijah? A
    1. Healed people from leprosy.
    2. Multiplying oil.
    3. Raising the widow's son.
    4. Prophetical coming of the drought.
  9. Who among the only judges is Israel defeated his enemies with only 300 soldiers?
    1. Deborah
    2. Gideon
    3. Samson
    4. Samuel
  10. Who among the following prophets of the Old Testament prophesied about the coming of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Joel
    2. Isaiah
    3. Micah
    4. Jeremiah.
  11. Why did King Herod tell the wisemen to pass through his place and tell him about baby Jesus?
    1. He wanted to worship the baby.
    2. He wanted to be famous.
    3. He wanted to see his parents
    4. He wanted to kill the baby.
  12. When emperor Augustus ordered a census to be taken, Joseph went to the town of Bethlehem because;
    1. it was a religious center
    2. it was nearer Nazareth
    3. it was his ancestor's birth place
    4. he was commanded by an angel.
  13. When was Zachariah the father of John the Baptist doing, when an angel appeared to him? He was,
    1. preaching in the temple
    2. asleep
    3. offering a sacrifice
    4. burning incense.
  14. "This is my own dear son with whom I am well pleased." These words were spoken during;
    1. the birth of Jesus
    2. the baptism of Jesus
    3. transfiguration of Jesus
    4. ascension of Jesus.
  15. Which one of the following was not a teaching of Jesus about our enemies? We should;
    1. Be careful when eating with them
    2. love them.
    3. pray for them
    4. forgive them.
  16. The following accusations were made against Jesus when he was living with the Jews. which one was not? He was accused of;
    1. blasphemy
    2. claiming to be king
    3. working on the sabbath
    4. fighting against corruption.
  17. When Jesus was celebrating passover with his disciples during the last supper, he;
    1. named the greatest among the twelve disciples
    2. became transfigured
    3. fed 5000 people
    4. washed his disciple.
  18. Who offered his tomb for the burial of Jesus?
    1. Simon of Cyrene
    2. Simon Peter
    3. Joseph of Arimathea 
    4. Andrew.
  19. Which one of the following happened on the day of Pentesoct?
    1. 3000 people were converted.
    2. Holy Spirit came down inform of a dove.
    3. Jesus ascended to heaven.
    4. There was darkness for three hours.
  20. Which one of the following statements found in the Apostle's creed shows that God is the Supreme being?
    1. Born of the virgin.
    2. Suffered under Pontius Pilate.
    3. Descended to the earth.
    4. Creator of Heaven and earth.
  21. The following are fruits of the Holy Spirit except
    1. healing
    2. peace
    3. joy
    4. goodness.
  22. Which one of the following beliefs is found both in traditional African Societies and Christian?
    1. Jesus is the center of worship
    2. They believe in reading the scripture
    3. They believe in life after death.
    4. They believe in God created everything.
  23. Sacrifices in Traditional African Communities were offered to;
    1. appreciate God's gift of life
    2. break the relationship between the living and the ancestors
    3. be in good relation with God 
    4. enable procreation,
  24. A baby was welcomed in the clan in Traditional African communities by; 
    1. ululations done by the women
    2. offering sacrifices and giving offerings
    3. bringing presents to the baby 
    4. poring libations severally.
  25. What was the significance of shedding of bllod during circumcission in traditional African societies?
    1. To unite them with the ancestors
    2. To make them special members 
    3. To make them strong and healthy
    4. To prevent them from feeling pain.
  26. The following are benefits of sharing work except;
    1. harmony
    2. better relationship
    3. discomfort
    4. happiness.
  27. The best way for a christian to spend his leisure time is by;
    1. playing football
    2. watching movies 
    3. visiting the sick
    4. visiting friends.
  28. Different learners celebrated the birth of Jesus in different ways. Who did not celebrate correctly?
    1. Anitah - Giving offering in church
    2. Janet - Sharing food in a beer party.
    3. Mariannah - Join her friends in a beer party.
    4. Paulette - Attends a worship service.
  29. Which one of the following statements best shows how christians are helping to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS?
    1. Counselling those who are sick
    2. Providing drugs to the sick
    3. Keeping away from sinners
    4. Teaching others on behaviour change and morality.
  30. Who translated the New Testament Bible to Kiswahili?
    1. Jacob Ehdarat
    2. Johanne Rebman 
    3. Ludwig Krapf
    4. Dr. David Livingstone



  1. A lesson that Muslims learn from Surah At-Takathur is that they should
    1. take care of orphans
    2. worship only one God
    3. keep away from worldly things
    4. observe punctuality in salah
  2. Which one of the following is a teaching from Surah Nasr?
    1. Allah is the Creator of the universe
    2. Victory comes from Allah
    3. Man was created in the best from 
    4. Muslims should help the poor
  3. Which one of the following verses from the Quran is found in Surah Al-Kauthar?
    1. "Verily, you shall see the blazing fire"
    2. "Woe to every slanderer and backbiter"
    3. "And the mountains will be like carded wool"
    4. "Pray to your Lord and sacrifice to him alone"
  4. The Night of Qadr occurs in the month of
    1. Dhul Hijjah
    2. Dhul Qaadah
    3. Ramadhan
    4. Muharram
  5. The main message of Surah Al Ikhlas is
    1. Seerah
    2. Tawheed
    3. Muamalat
    4. fiqh
  6. The Surah that asks Muslims to seek refuge from the mischief of created beings is
    1. Al Fatihah
    2. Al Lahab
    3. Al Kafirun
    4. Al Falaq
  7. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said, "He is not among us who eats and fills up his stomach while his neighbor is hungry." The main teaching of this Hadith is: Muslims must;
    1. Not eat before their neighbours have eaten
    2. Treat their neighbours like brothers and sisters
    3. Not discriminate against their neighbours
    4. Share their food with their needy neighbours
  8. Which one of the following is an Islamic rule on eating?
    1. Eat the food when it is hot
    2. Start by reciting Bismillah
    3. Recite Alhamdulillah while eating
    4. Food should be eaten in a standing position
  9. Which one of the following Hadith condemns corruption in society?
    1. "The curse of Allah befalls on both the giver and the recipient of a bribe"
    2. "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not annoy his neighbor"
    3. "Tell the truth even though it is bitter"
    4. "Whoever is not thankful to people is not thankful to Allah"
  10. A sunnah act which is performed in preparation for Friday prayer is
    1. facing Qibla
    2. covering Aurah
    3. performing Wudhu
    4. performing Ghusl
  11. Which one of the following acts nullifies Saum?
    1. taking injection
    2. cooking food
    3. drinking water
    4. crying loudly
  12. Tayammum is an alternative to wudhu. Which parts of the body are common to both?
    1. forehead and ears 
    2. legs and mouth
    3. face and legs
    4. arms and face
  13. The duty of Angel Israfil is
    1. blowing the trumpet
    2. removing the souls
    3. recording deeds
    4. bringing rain
  14. Who among the following Prophets of Allah showed the highest level of patience?
    1. Yusuf (AS) when thrown into the well 
    2. Issa (AS) when he was rejected by his community
    3. Ibrahim (AS) on the fate of his sacrifice
    4. Muhammad (SAW) on the instruction to leave Makkah
  15. The main reason why Muslims offer greetings before other utterances is because;
    1. It is a way of making friends
    2. It is a way of showing concern
    3. It is a dua
    4. It is a way of drawing attention
  16. Which one of the following acts is most likely to lead to corruption?
    1. begging
    2. gambling
    3. taking part in sports.
    4. Borrowing money.
  17. When is the dua Alhamdulillah recited?
    1. Before entering the toilet
    2. Before meals
    3. When slaughtering an animal
    4. After completing a task
  18. During Lailatul Isra Wal Miraj the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was commanded to
    1. fast during kamadhan
    2. give Zakat
    3. offer five daily prayers 
    4. perform Hajj
  19. Which one of the following is the best way of celebrating Idd-ul-Fitr?
    1. Giving zakatul fitr and going for prayers
    2. Wearing new clothes and holding a feast
    3. Going for a family outing
    4. Visiting friends and relatives
  20. Which one of the following events took place in the month of Muharram?
    1. Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was born
    2. The Muslims conquered Makka
    3. Prophet Musa (AS) freed the Banu Israi from Firaun
    4. Muslims defeated the Quraish in the battle of Badr
  21. Ali who owns a shop gives the following business practices as his secrets of success. Which one of them is allowed in Islam?
    1. Hiding goods and selling them at a higher price later
    2. Allowing people to take goods and pay later
    3. Selling goods after their expiry date
    4. Lending money and charging interest on it
  22. Which one of the following business practices is forbidden in Islam?
    1. making profit
    2. charging interest
    3. selling goods on credit 
    4. giving loans
  23. Three of the following are reasons why begging is discouraged in Islam. Which one is not?
    1. It leads to a waste of time 
    2. It encourages laziness 
    3. It leads to loss of self-respect
    4. It is a means of getting rich
  24. The first Muslim visitors to the Coast of Kenya came as
    1. traders
    2. preachers
    3. farmers
    4. doctors
  25. Which one of the following events took place during Laila-tul-Qadr?
    1. The Prophet gave his Last Sermon 
    2. The Prophet was born
    3. The Prophet hid in the Cave of Thaur 
    4. The first revelation of the Quran
  26. Who advised the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) to dig a trench round Madina during the battle of Khandaq?
    1. Abu Bakr
    2. Umar Ibn Khattab
    3. Salman Alfarsi
    4. Abu Talib
  27. The first child to embrace Islam was 
    1. Ali
    2. Zaid
    3. Omar
    4. Uthman
  28. Majority of the Coastal tribes of Kenya embraced Islam mainly because they;
    1. Were forced by the Arab traders
    2. Admired the religious aspect of the Islam
    3. Were attracted to the open Islamic preaching
    4. Participated in debate with the Arabs
  29. Who among the following attended the prayer led by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) at Baitul-Muqqadas during Miiraj?
    1. Prophets
    2. Swahaba
    3. Angels
    4. Family members
  30. Which one of the following is the place of worship for the Hindus?
    1. Synagogue
    2. Temple
    3. Church
    4. Mosque



  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. A
  14. D
  15. D
  16. C
  17. A
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. C
  25. D
  26. C
  27. B
  28. C
  29. C
  30. B
  31. C
  32. D
  33. A
  34. B
  35. A
  36. C
  37. C
  38. D
  39. B
  40. B
  41. C
  42. C
  43. A
  44. C
  45. B
  46. C
  47. C
  48. B
  49. A
  50. B
  51. D
  52. A
  53. B
  54. C
  55. A
  56. A
  57. C
  58. D
  59. C
  60. D


  1. C
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. A
  16. D
  17. D
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. A
  22. D
  23. C
  24. A
  25. A
  26. C
  27. C
  28. C
  29. D
  30. C


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. C
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. A
  20. B
  21. B
  22. B
  23. D
  24. D
  25. D
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. A
  30. A
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