- Social Problems And Christian Value
- Christian Values
- Social Problems
- Upholding Christian Values in Our Lives

Social Problems And Christian Value
Christian Values
- Justice is the quality of being fair and acting according to what is right.
- It involves condemning what is wrong and uphold what is right.
- Justice brings peace and harmony among people.
- Prophet Jeremiah condemns the injustice of :-
- Killing innocent people
- Mistreating foreigners
- Mistreating windows and orphans.
- Amos challenged the injustice in courts.
- He spoke against oppressing the poor
- Amos also condemned selling people in slavery.
- He also condemned false scales and overcharging customers.
- Apostle James condemned the rich who deny their laborers their wages. 10. He also condemned those who murder innocent people.
Quiz- Corruption in courts was condemned by________________
- Prophet Micah condemned the injustice of______________
- fairness is the value of being just and impartial
- it involves doing things according to laid down rules and regulations
- Fair people treat others as they would like to be treated.
- Joseph’s brothers treated him unfairly because his father loved him.
- They sold him to the Ishmaelite and he ended up in prison.
- Jesus refused to condemn a woman who had been caught in adultery,
- He treated her fairly and advised her to stop her immoral life.
- God expects us to treat all people with justice and fairness
Quiz- State two reasons why Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son
- ____________________
- ____________________
- _________________suggested that they should throw Joseph into a well
- _____________convinced his brothers to sell Joseph to the Ishmaelite.
- State two reasons why Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son
Honesty And Integrity
- Honesty and integrity are important Christian values
- Honest people tell the truth and do not steal.
- Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong morals
- People of integrity are upright, honest and sincere.
- They are just and honest in their behaviour.
- Prophet Elisha had a dishonest servant called Gehazi.
- Gehazi wanted to benefit financially from Elisha’s miracle
- He ended up getting leprosy together with his descendants
- God wants us to uphold justice and integrity
- We should tell the truth to all people at all times.
Quiz- Namaan got healed of his leprosy by __________________
- ___________ and __________ lied to the holy spirit
- _______________is the father of lies.
Social Problems
- Nepotism is the vice of showing favoritism to one’s relatives.
- It makes family members receive privileges they do not deserve.
- Nepotism at the workplace may result in the following :-
- Bitterness and rivalry
- Lack of love and concern
- Frustration and hopelessness
- Lack of teamwork
- Disrespect\poor work output.
- Jesus refused to show nepotism in his ministry
- He refused his mother and his brothers undue recognition.
- Jesus refused to grant James and John the right to sit beside Him in his kingdom
- To Jesus, leadership meant service to others not gaining special favour.
Quiz- The earthly brothers of Jesus were _____________
- James and John the sons of _________________ were also known as _________________
- Tribalism is the unfair treatment of people from other tribes.
- It involves granting unwarranted favours to members of one’s tribe.
- Tribalism comes from mistrust among members of different ethnic communitie
- It causes bitterness, pain and suffering to its victims.
- esus was denied water by a Samaritan woman because he ws a Jew
- He however gave the Samaritan woman life- giving water.
- Jesus taught his disciples not to discriminate against anyone.
- He was a universal savior as shown by the miracles of
- Healing the ten lepers
- Healing the centurion servant
- Healing a Canaanite woman’s daughter.
Quiz- To whom did Jesus say, “it is not good for me to take children’s food and give it to dogs”
____________________________ - The fear and hatred for people from other countries is called_____________________
- To whom did Jesus say, “it is not good for me to take children’s food and give it to dogs”
- Corruption is practiced by those who lack honesty and intergrity.
- It involves giving and receiving bribes.
- Bribes are given as money or service offered in return of a favour.
- Greed
- Selfishness
- Desire to quick riches
- Indiscipline.
- Corruption is prevalent when:-
- People win elections unfairly
- Police take handouts to flout traffic rules
- Justice is denied to court of laws
- Students are to schools they don’t deserve.
- Corruption can be overcome through
- Refusing to give or receive bribes.
- Reporting corruption to relevant authorities
- Creating awareness\supporting anti-corruption efforts.
- The ethics and Anti-Corruption commission is charged with fighting corruption.
- Jesus accepted Zacheus who denounced his former corrupt way of life.
Quiz- State two reasons why tax collectors were hated
- Define corruption
Mismanagement of Resources
- Resources are assets that are used to generate wealth
- here are three types of assets namely :-
- Natural resources
- Man-made resources
- Human resources.
- Natural resources are mismanaged through:-
- Pollution
- Over-mining
- Poaching.
- Man-made resources are mismanaged by:-
- VandalismFraud and embezzlement
- Neglect
- Arson
- Human resources are people who can be mismanaged through:-
- Being overworked and underworked
- Being denied promotion
- Being underpaid
- Being deployed outside their profession
- The bible teaches us to value all resources
- We should take care of all resources.
Quiz- List four natural resources
- ______________________
- ______________________
- ______________________
- ______________________
- NEMA stands for ____________________
- List four natural resources
Upholding Christian Values in Our Lives
- Christian values are virtues and principals that are worthy of upholding
- They include
- Justice
- Honesty
- Fairness
- Integrity
- Responsibility
- Humility
- Generosity
- Most Christian values are universal
- They are derived from the teachings of Jesus.
- They lead to forms of conduct that are universally considered worthwhile.
- Apostle Paul taught the Ephesians to be patient, humble and loving
- Christian values show that one has matured in faith.
- List three social evils that affect our society today
- __________________
- __________________
- __________________
- Which vice was EACC established to curb?
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