Study the map of Mosocho Area below and answer questions 1 to 7.
- The general direction of flow of river Mogusi is__________________.
- North East to South West
- North West to South East
- South East to North west
- South West to North East
- The approximate length of the tarmac road in Mosocho area is _____________________.
- 10km
- 12km
- 15km
- 11km
- The natural vegetation found at Eroga centre is found in areas where climate is ___________________.
- hot and wet
- wet and cool
- cool and dry
- hot and dry
- The highest point in Mosocho area is
- Manga hill
- Nyakoe shopping centre
- Eroga centre
- Maarani market
- Mosocho Area can be described as a ____________________.
- County
- Division
- District
- Location
- Which one of the following social facility is missing in Mosocho area?
- Education
- Health
- Security
- Recreation
- The industry that can best suit Manga Division is _______________________.
- manufacturing
- lumbering
- service industry
- assembly industry
- Which early creature was in late stone age period in human evolutions?
- Homo Habillis
- Homo Erectus
- Homo Sapien
- Australopithecus
- Which mineral is used in lining fancies, making water filters and chalk making?
- Fluorspar
- Soda ash
- Diatomite
- Limestone
- Listed are the functions of independent Electoral and Boundaries commission. Which one is not?
- Conducting and supervising elections
- Preparing a register of the voters
- Buying electors cards to those who register as voters
- Announcing the result after elections
- Which one of the following is not a cocoa growing area in Ghana?
- Obuasi
- Konongo
- Kumasi
- Tema
- Which one of the following is a role of school in community development?
- Give children opportunity to acquire knowledge.
- Purchases school books.
- Ensure the welfare of teachers.
- Ensure good academic standards.
- Pastoral farming among the Fulani people is favoured by the following conditions except __________________.
- The Fulani occupy an extensive grassland.
- The areas occupied by Fulani receive heavy rainfall.
- Absence of tsetse flies in the grassland.
- Population of Fulani is low.
- Which one of the following does not describe longitudes?
- Run from North to South.
- The main meridian passes through Accra city in Ghana.
- They are parallel to each other.
- They are measured using degrees.
- Who among the following early visitors in Eastern Africa was not a trader?
- William Mackinnon
- Seyyid Said
- Carl Peters
- John Speke
- Which one of the following is not a way of losing parliamentary seat?
- If an M.P is imprisoned for six or more months.
- If an MP has defected from his/her sponsoring party.
- If an MP miss eight consecutive sittings in parliament.
- If an MP opposes the government.
- Which person founded Imperial British East Africa Company IBEACO?
- Sir William Macknnon
- Karl peter
- Sir Edward Notthey
- Fredrick Lugard
- Which soils are also know as the young soils?
- Alluvial soils
- Loamy soils
- Clay soils
- Sandy soils
- They are also called Arabs.
- Came to the coastal areas of Kenya using dhows.
- Came to trade with the coastal communities of Kenya.
- Intermarried with coastal Bantu communities to give rise to the Swahili people.
Which main language group is described above?- Nilotes
- Bantu
- Semites
- Cushites
- The National Assembly is made up of how many elected members to represent constituencies
- 47 members
- 290 members
- 16 nominated members
- 12 members
Which one of the following shows an example of mountain formed above?- Mt. Kenya
- Cape ranges in South Africa
- Ruwenzori ranges
- Mt. Lognonot
- Three of the following are objectives of SADC. Which one is not?
- Promote trade and widen market
- Promote and defend peace and security
- Promote friendly relations among member states
- Encourage industrial development in West Africa
- Which one of the following is not main tourist attraction in Mauritius?
- Coast beaches
- Ruins of Europeans settlement
- Warm climate
- Prehistoric Sites
- The following are political organization of the San People except._____________________.
- Chieftainship was hereditary.
- Were organized into small units called bands.
- The leadership was not clearly defined.
- Decisions were reached through a consensus.
- Time in new Delhi, India is 3.00pm at 80° East. What will be the time in Accra the Capital city of Ghana 0°?
- 8.40 pm
- 5.20 pm
- 12.00 pm
- 9.40 am
- Which climate has been described below?
- It experiences very high temperatures during the day
- It experiences very low temperatures at night
- Rainfall ranges between 125mm to 250 mm per year
- Tropical climate
- Desert climate
- Mountain climate
- Equatorial climate
- Which type of vegetation has been labelled XXX in the map below?
- Mountain vegetation
- Equatorial vegetation
- Savannah vegetation
- Mediterranean vegetation
- What part of Africa is sparsely populated?
- The Congo forest
- Ethiopian highlands
- Nile valley
- Lake Victoria basin
- Which one of the following is not a language group found in West Africa?
- Mande group
- Afro-Asiatic
- Bantu
- Kwa speakers
- In which river is Kariba dam project located?
- River Zambezi
- River Orange
- River Limpopo
- River Volta
- Which example of fish can be found in inland fishing grounds?
- Mackerel
- Mud fish
- Mullet
- Lobsters
- Which one is a negative influence ofphysical features to human activity?
- Plains provide good pasture for livestock.
- Lakes and rives provide fishing grounds.
- Plains encourage flooding in some areas.
- Mountain encourages sports.
- Which of the following activities is not carried out in lakes?
- Fishing
- Transport
- Crop farming
- Mining
- It was practised in areas that had low population.
- Involved clearing and burning of bushes.
- Simple tools were used to cultivate.
The above is description of a type of traditional method of farming. Which one is it?- Bush fallowing farming
- Shifting cultivation farming
- Mixed farming
- Subsistence farming
- Which of the following is not a way of managing slow population growth?
- Encouraging Emigration
- Increasing food production
- Improving social services
- Encouraging immigration
- Which mineral is mined using drilling?
- Copper
- Gold
- Petroleum
- Soda ash
- Which factor is not an influence of industrial development in South Africa?
- Political instability
- Availability of labour
- Infrastructure
- Ready market
- The following are importance of peace in the society except
- The country grows and develop well.
- People live happily.
- The country becomes poor.
- Children go to school safely and learn without fear.
- Which one of the following is a right of a person with special needs?
- They should be given equal opportunities with others
- They should always be favoured
- They should do what they want
- They should be employed without education
- The Secretary Cabinet of Education is
- Prof Jacob Kaimenyi
- Charity Ngilu
- William Ruto
- Ezekiel Mochogu
- Who among the following collaborated with European rule?
- Kabaka Mwanga
- Samori Toure
- Kabaka Mutesa 1
- Koitale Arap Samoei
- The following is the description of a prominent leader in Eastern Africa.
- Was born in 1891.
- He was son of a chief of Zanaki tribe.
- He was also called Ras tafari Makinnon.
- He died in 1975.
The leader described above is ________________________.- Julius Nyerere
- Mzee Jomo Kenyatta
- Haile Sellasie
- Nelson Mandera
- The prehistoric site in Eastern Africa near lake Natron in Tanzania is called _____________________.
- Hyrax hill
- Ngoloba
- Olduvai Gorge
- Naikotome
- The Fouta Djallon plateau is found in which country of Africa?
- Guinea-
- Nigeria
- Angola
- Southern Sudan
- Which is the best among the ways citizens demonstrate patriotism?
- Not standing at attention when singing the National anthem.
- Encouraging corruption and giving bribes.
- Paying taxes to the poor people.
- Caring for and conserving the environment.
- Three of the following are ways of curbing drug and substance abuse. Which one is not?
- Enforcing strict law as on drugs abuse.
- Public should be educated on dangers using drugs.
- Strengthening police inspection at borders.
- Killing the drug dealers.
- Which one of the following is a benefit of democracy?
- People are not treated fairly
- Democracy gives people the right to own property
- Some communities are favoured than others
- Does not promote freedom
Study the map of East Africa below and use it to answer the questions 48 to 50.
- Which language group followed the route labelled AAAA?
- Semites
- Cushites
- Bantus
- Nilotes
- Which economic activity is carried out in the part marked XXX?
- Tourism
- Fishing
- Trading
- Farming
- Which is the capital city of the country marked YYY?
- Jinja
- Juba
- Addis Ababa
- Dodoma
- The river marked R is ___________________.
- R. Ruvuma
- R. Rufiji
- R. Athi
- R. Shibell
- Which one is not included among the institutions of marriage establishment?
- Customary marriage
- Blood marriage
- Civil marriage
- Religious marriage
- Forestry in Swaziland is different from forestry in DR. Congo. Which one is the most correct answer in Swaziland?
- Forests are only natural resources.
- Forests are found in Eastern region.
- Forest are mainly planted.
- Forests are mainly hard wood trees in Swaziland.
- Among the listed benefits of democracy. which is the least?
- Democracy gives people rights to own property.
- All people are treated equally.
- People are treated fairly
- Democratic practices do not promote peace and prosperity.
- Which major international road connects Eastern Africa and West Africa?
- Trans-Africa highway.
- Great North road.
- Trans Saharan Highway.
- Catonou-Gao-Oudja highway.
- The following are uses of a symbol on a map. Which one is correct?
- To show the direction
- Measure distance on a map
- Make map beautiful
- Interpret information on a map
- Which one of the following best describes the mythical theory of origin?
- God or Allah created all things.
- The Maasai descended from Ole Mwenje with cattle form heaven.
- Human beings have developed through stages overtime.
- None of the above
- The following are reasons why death rates in Kenya are high. Which one is not true?
- Poor medical services.
- Outbreak of disease.
- Poor hygiene and nutrition.
- Good nutrition.
- Which one of the following was not a KAU leader arrested during the state of emergency?
- Fred Kuba!
- Paul Ngei
- Jomo Kenyatta
- Oliver
- Tribalism and nepotism are both forms of ____________________
- racialism
- discrimination
- neo-colonialism
- traditionalism
- God gave human beings the responsibility to do all the following except ______________________.
- cultivate the land
- use creation for their benefits
- to rule some animals
- name all birds and animals
- "Leave your land and go to a country that! will show you" These words were said to
- Jacob
- Abraham
- Moses
- Noah
- The following are reasons why Moses was not willing to go back to Egypt except ________________________.
- he had killed an Egyptian
- he was not a good speaker
- he lacked knowledge of Yahweh
- God had appeared to him in a burning bush
- ______________________ was an annual event celebrated every year to remember deliverance from slavery in Egypt.
- Passover
- Last supper
- Pentecost
- Transfiguration
- Which one of the following is not an importance of the Passover to the Israelites?
- They were saved from the angel of death
- It saved them from slavery in Egypt
- It led to killing of all Egyptians in Egypt
- It is celebrated as a thanks -giving
- Why is the commandment of love known as the greatest?
- It is a gift of the Holy spirit
- It is above the law of God
- It summarizes all the laws of God
- It was given by Moses
- Who among the following kings committed adultery?
- Ahab
- David
- Saul
- Hosea
- The king who took the role of a prophet and made a sacrifice was ________________________.
- Ahab
- Hosea
- David
- Saul
- When King David sinned prophet ________________________ was sent to rebuke him?
- Nathan
- Zadock
- Samuel
- Ahijah
- The following happened during the time of prophet Elijah except
- He challenged the prophets of Baal
- Prophesied 3 years drought in Israel
- Healed the bad water and made it good
- He was fed by ravens
- Why did Jesus Christ agree to be baptised even though he had no sin?
- To get a new name
- it was a tradition to be baptized
- To obey John the baptist
- To fulfill the will of God
- Who found baby Jesus lying in a manger wrapped in strips of clothe immediately after His birth?
- Annah
- Shepherds
- Wisemen
- Simeon
- During presentation of Jesus, Simeon stated the following except ___________________________.
- Jesus would bring salvation to all people
- Jesus would bring glory to the people of Israe!
- Jesus would set Jerusalem free
- Jesus would be a light to reveal God's will
- "This is my own dear son with who" I am pleased. During which occasions were these words said?
- Birth of Jesus Christ
- Transfiguration
- Death of Jesus Christ
- Baptism of Jesus Christ
- _________________________ led Christ to the wilderness after his baptism.
- Holy spirit
- Satan
- Disciples
- John the baptist
- The miracles of Jesus Christ demonstrated the following except, _________________________
- God's glory and powers.
- His power over life.
- His power over human begins.
- How leaders should serve people.
- Which one of the following is the teaching of Jesus on fasting?
- Be cheerful and do it privately.
- Look miserable in order to win sympathy of people.
- Tell people we are fasting and no food to be brought.
- Avoid peoples company as they will ask us to eat.
- Jesus used ___________________________ to reveal the secrets of the kingdom of God to his disciples and people.
- prayers
- beatitudes
- miracles
- parables
- "This cup is God's new covenant sealed with my blood, which is poured out for you." When were these words said?
- Praying at the garden of Gethsemane
- Last supper
- Pentecost
- Passover
- During the day of Pentecost people from all over the world had gathered in Jerusalem to _______________________.
- celebrate Passover
- listen to the disciples
- wait for the holy spirit
- repent their sins
- Who composed the apostles creed for all Christians?
- Disciples
- Jesus
- God
- Apostles
- Who baptized the Ethiopian Eunuch?
- John the baptist
- Phillip
- Jesus
- Peter
- Which gift was given to Solomon by God?
- Healing
- Faith
- Wisdom
- Working miracles
- Which is the best way of reconciling with God in African traditional religion?
- Offerings
- Prayers
- Ritual and rites
- Sacrifices
- Which one of the following practices is not compatible with African Traditional Society?
- Female circumcision
- Going to school
- Polygamy
- Cham and amulets
- Which one of the following is a difference between African Traditional Society understanding on continuity of life and Christian understanding?
- Believe in judgement.
- Life is cyclic.
- Those who die become spirits.
- Life continues in spiritual world.
- In order to accept ourselves and others we should do the following except _________________________.
- avoid being critical about ourselves
- avoid being critical about others
- accept ourselves the way we were created
- try to change others
- The following are reasons why children are engaged in child labour. Which one is not?
- To become famous
- Due to poverty
- High cost of living
- After being orphans
- David's son, Amnon, committed one of the following sexual misuse, which one is it?
- Adultery
- Prostitution
- Incest
- Fornication
- Kamau's wife is sick, his church does not believe in hospital treatment. What advice can you, as Christian give to Kamau?
- Take him to the prophet who can pray for his wife
- Have Kamau arrested by the police
- Tell him to take her to hospital
- Encourage him to continue praying persistently
- Which one of the following chapters of the Quran is known as the mother of Quran?
- Fatiha
- Nas
- Ikhlas
- Maun
- Which one of the following surah talks about the unity of Allah (s.w)?
- Fiil
- Kauthar
- Ikhlas
- Falaq
- Which one of the following is the correct teaching of surah Al-Fatiha?
- Knowledge is a duty.
- Allah (s.w) is the king of kings.
- Muslims should not associate Allah (s.w) with other things.
- The prophet is a great friend of Allah (s.w)
- Which of the following pairs of surahs is recited to seek for Allah's protection?
- Nas and Maun
- Falaq and Ikhlas
- Ikhlas and Nas
- Nas and Falaq
- The only surah in the Quran that has "Bismillahi" as part of its verses is:-
- Falaq
- ikhlas
- Fatiha
- Maun
- The prophet (s.a.w) said that Muslims are like a single building each brick holds the other. What was the prophet (s.a.w) referring to:-
- unity of Muslims
- love among Muslims
- co-operation between Muslims
- Muslim brotherhood
- Which one of the following is not among Islamic manners of toileting?
- Enter with the left foot.
- Carrying the Quran in the pocket
- Coming out with the right foot
- Saying ghufranakka when coming out
- Which one of the following sunnah salat is performed to seek for rain from Allah(s.w)?
- Istikharah
- Tarawen
- Dhuha
- Istisqal
- Which one of the following is a sunnah act of udhu?
- Washing the face
- Washing the feet
- Washing the hair
- Rinsing the mouth
- Which one of the following things does not nullify Saum?
- Eating intentionally
- Vomiting intentionally
- Swallowing saliva
- Swallowing
- Which is the miqaat for pilgrims of East Africa?
- Yalamlam
- Dhul- Hulaifa
- Dhatil - Irq
- Juhfa
- Which one of the following items is not liable for zakat?
- Cattle
- Beans
- Utensils
- Money
- Who among the following angels of Allah (s.w) is correctly matched with his duty?
- Jibril - incharge of death
- Mikail - incharge of rain
- Ridhwam incharge of hell
- Izrail-incharge of wahy
- The scrolls were given to prophet
- Musa
- Daud
- Mohammad
- Ibrahim
- The first prophet of Allah (s.w) to be sent to the world was
- Mohammad
- Nuh
- Adam
- Issa
- How many rakaat has swalatul subh?
- Two
- Three
- Four
- One
- What should one say when he/she hears a Muslim sneezing?
- Subhanallah
- Maashallah
- Allahu Akbar
- Yarhamkallah
- Amina a girl in standard seven has developed bad habits of disobeying her parents. What advice would you give her as a friend?
- Tell her to continue with the habit.
- Threaten to report her to the polite.
- Tell her why its wrong to disobey parents
- Stop your friendship immediately
- How many goats are slaughtered during the Aqiqa of a baby boy?
- One
- Three
- Two
- Four
- What was the name of the horse that prophet Mohammad (s.a.w) used during the journey of Isra-wai-miraaj?
- Buraq
- Mahmud
- Suraqah
- Zaruf
- The main reason why hoarding is prohibited in isiam is
- it makes some people rich.
- it can cause death.
- it is a form of injustice.
- it removes blessings from the goods
- Which one of the following is not a quality of a Muslim leader?
- Intelligent
- Arrogant
- Knowledgeable
- Generous
- Which cave did prophet Mohammed (s.a.w) hide during hijrah?
- Hirah
- Tuwa
- Hunain
- Thaur
- Who among the following is the only child who survived the prophet (s.a.w)?
- Fatma
- Zainab
- Ibrahim
- Ruqaya
- The last rightly guided caliph of Islam was
- Uthman
- Abubakr
- Umar
- Ali
- The first woman to embrace Islam was
- Aisha
- Khadijah
- Sumaya
- Mariam
- Which town was Amina bint Wahab from
- Makkah
- Taif
- Madina
- Madyam
- Who wrote the treaty of Hudaibiyah on behalf of the Quraish?
- Suhail bin Amru
- Uthman bin Affan
- Abubakar Assidiq
- Ali bin Abi Talib
- The prophet of Allah (s.w) who had the powers of commanding wind was,______________________.
- Ibrahim
- Musa
- Mohammad
- Suleiman
- The place of worship for the hindus is, _________________________.
- Church
- Temple
- Synagogue
- Mosque

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