Wednesday, 15 March 2023 06:01

Science Questions and Answers - Class 8 Mid Term Exams Term 1 2023 Set 4

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  1. When light moves from one medium to another, it
    1. bounces.
    2. bends.
    3. splits.
    4. is absorbed.
  2. The materials which allow some light to pass through 
    1. improve privacy.
    2. enable one to see clearly.
    3. are said to be transparent.
    4. are used to make car windscreens.
  3. In order to increase the rate at which a substance dissolves in a solvent, one shouldn't
    1. increase the temperature of the solute.
    2. stir the mixture thoroughly.
    3. increase the surface area of the solute.
    4. increase the temperature of the solvent.
  4. Which statement below does not describe cumulus clouds? They
    1. are dark grey in colour. 
    2. are white and cotton like. 
    3. form high in the sky.
    4. have a flat base.
  5. Which substance below has a definite mass but no definite shape?
    1. Flour.
    2. Stone.
    3. Office glue.
    4. Steam.
  6. Which one of the following is not a necessary condition for seeds to germinate?
    1. Moisture.
    2. Soil.
    3. Air.
    4. Warmth.
  7. The pests that burrow in the maize plant while it is growing are
    1. cutworms.
    2. stalkborers.
    3. aphids.
    4. weaver birds.
  8. Which one of the following is the best method for Lucy to use to control weeds on a very small piece of land with vegetables?
    1. Using herbicides.
    2. Uprooting. 
    3. Digging out.
    4. Burning them.
  9. The loudness or softness of sound is its
    1. vibration.
    2. volume.
    3. pitch.
    4. echo.
  10. The diagram below shows the composition of air.
    The part which makes bulbs glow without blowing is labelled
    1. i
    2. ii
    3. iii
    4. iv
  11. The vaccines given to a baby at birth prevents them against
    1. polio and tuberculosis.
    2. measles and yellow fever. 
    3. pertussis and tetanus. 
    4. diphtheria and measles.
  12. Which one of the following is not a reason for preserving food? To 
    1. avoid wastage of the food.
    2. sell the food when prices are favourable.
    3. consume the food when nutrients are plenty.
    4. keep the food for future use.
  13. Which one of the following human intestinal worms can one get by eating raw meat?
    1. Hookworms.
    2. Pinworms.
    3. Roundworms.
    4. Tapeworms.
  14. Which one of the following methods of preserving food is modern?
    1. Smoking.
    2. Using honey.
    3. Canning.
    4. Drying.
  15. Which of thee following sets of foodstuffs is suitable for a child suffering from marasmus?
    1. Apples, eggs, oranges, meat. 
    2. Beans, kales, mangoes, sweet potatoes.
    3. Rice, bananas, maize, cabbage.
    4. Sausages, potatoes, chicken, cooked bananas.
  16. Which one of the following is not an effect of heat on matter?
    1. Expansion.
    2. Melting.
    3. Condensation.
    4. Evaporation.
  17. The following are activities that take place during breathing:
    1. Volume of the chest cavity decreases.
    2. Ribs move upwards and outwards.
    3. Lungs shrink.
    4. The diaphragm muscles relax.
      Which of the activities take place during breathing out?
      1. i
      2. ii
      3. iii
      4. iv
  18. The diagram below shows the approximate percentages of the gases that make up air.
    Which one of the following processes does not require the part labelled L?
    1. Combustion.
    2. Germination.
    3. Making plant food.
    4. Respiration.
  19. When the arrow head of a windvane points to the south, it shows that wind is the blowing from
    1. east.
    2. west.
    3. north.
    4. south.
  20. Which one of the following levers has the position of the load between the effort and the fulcrum when in use?
    1. Wheelbarrow.
    2. Claw hammer.
    3. Spade.
    4. Crowbar.
  21. Which one of the following statements  is not correct about liquids?
    1. Some liquids expand when frozen.
    2. Liquids contract when heated. 
    3. Liquids expand when heated.
    4. Liquids expand more than solids when heated.
  22. Which one of the following is not a way or reducing the force that opposes motion?
    1. Making treads.
    2. Using rollers.
    3. Streamlining.
    4. Using grease and lubricating oil.
  23. Which of the pairs below shows major non-living components of the environment?
    1. Light and sound.
    2. Animals and plants.
    3. Air and water.
    4. Soil and heat.
  24. Which one of the following is not a source of electric current?
    1. Car battery.
    2. Generator.
    3. Water fall.
    4. Wind turbines.
  25. Which one of the following does not lead to air pollution?
    1. Smoking bhang in public. 
    2. Spraying farm chemicals and aerosols.
    3. Vehicle exhaust fumes.
    4. Use of excessive fertilizers.
  26. Which of the following statements is not correct about separation of mixtures?
    1. Picking is used to separate big solid particles.
    2. Winnowing is suitable for separating a mixture of light and heavy solid particles.
    3. Sieving separates a mixture of small and large solid particles.
    4. A mixture of magnetic materials can be separated using a magnet.
  27. The illustration below shows how matter changes from one state to another.
    A pair of processes that requires reduction of heat is
    1. M and P.
    2. N and 
    3. M and N
    4. P and Q
  28. Which one of the following mammals does not give birth to a live young one?
    1. Whale.
    2. Bat.
    3. Platypus.
    4. Nile perch.
  29. The diagram below shows the solar system.
    Which one of the following shows the planets marked X and Y?
       X   Y 
     A.   Earth   Neptune 
     B.  Earth   Saturn
     C.  Venus   Jupiter
     D.  Mars   Saturn 
  30. A metallic nail sinks in water while a metallic ship floats on water. This is due to the difference in
    1. material.
    2. shape.
    3. size.
    4. mass.
  31. The diagram below shows a flower.
    Which of the labelled parts attracts insects?
    1. W
    2. X
    3. Y
    4. Z
  32. Which of the following animals are kept mainly for mutton production? 
    1. Sheep and pigs.
    2. Goats and sheep.
    3. Cattle and camels.
    4. Goats and camels.
  33. Which one of the following is not a method of rotational grazing?
    1. Zero grazing.
    2. Tethering.
    3. Paddocking
    4. Strip grazing.
  34. The most appropriate method of controlling the type of erosion commonly experienced along the roofs is
    1. mulching.
    2. contour farming.
    3. terracing.
    4. planting grass.
  35. The diagram below shows an experiment conducted by Grade five pupils.
    They realized that water did not enter the glass. The best conclusion they made from the experiment was that
    1. water exerts pressure.
    2. water occupies space.
    3. air has mass.
    4. matter occupies space.
  36. Which one of the following is the function of fibre in the diet? Fibre
    1. helps in digestion of food.
    2. adds more nutrients to the body.
    3. helps in the removal of undigested food.
    4. helps in absorption of digested food.
  37. Which one of the following is not likely to increase the pressure of a liquid in a container?
    1. Increasing the amount of liquid.
    2. Reducing the diameter of the container.
    3. Using a narrow container.
    4. Raising the container.
  38. Which one of the following plants does not manufacture its own food?
    1. Moulds.
    2. Fern.
    3. Grass.
    4. Cactus.
  39. The following are the processes of germination of a seed but not in order:
    1. Emergence of the plumule. 
    2. Absorption of water and air. 
    3. Bursting of the testa. 
    4. Emergence of the radicle.
      Which one of the following is the correct order?
      1. iii, iv, i, ii
      2. ii, iii, iv, i
      3. i, iv, iii, ii
      4. iii, ii, i, iv
  40. Which one of the following pairs of diseases can be controlled through draining away stagnant water?
    1. Bilharzia and malaria.
    2. Bilharzia and typhoid.
    3. Cholera and typhoid.
    4. Cholera and malaria.
  41. Which one of the following is a way of controlling the spread of HIV/AIDS among the youth?
    1. Using condoms.
    2. Abstinence.
    3. Sticking to one faithful uninfected partner.
    4. Creating awareness.
  42. In which of the following is the force of friction least needed?
    1. Closing the door.
    2. Walking downhill.
    3. Writing on the chalkboard.
    4. Stopping a speeding motor cycle.
  43. Which one of the following groups has animals with similar characteristics?
    1. Beetle, scorpion, ant.
    2. Mite, wasp, spider.
    3. Termite, tick, grasshopper
    4. Wasp, ant, housefly
  44. The diagram below shows an excretory organ.
    Which pair of substances is removed by this organ?
    1. Water and carbondioxide.
    2. Water and urea.
    3. Urea and salts.
    4. Lactic acid and salt.
  45. Which of the following prevents a baby from shock and bumps?
    1. Umbilical cord.
    2. Placenta.
    3. Amniotic sac.
    4. Amniotic fluid.
  46. Which of the following components is found in all environments?
    1. Water.
    2. Air.
    3. Heat.
    4. Plants.
  47. A pupil set up an experiment below to investigate a certain component of heat.
    The pupil did not make correct conclusion from the experiment because 
    1. he used a small candle.
    2. he used a metal box instead of a wooden box.
    3. wrong placement of the candle.
    4. wrong placement of the burning paper.
  48. Which statement about vertebrates is correct?
    1. Fish and amphibians are warm blooded.
    2. Mammals and birds give birth to live young ones.
    3. Reptiles and birds have internal fertilization.
    4. Fish and birds have external fertilization.
  49. Which pair of blood vessels is correctly matched with the nature of blood in it?
       Deoxygenated    Oxygenated 
     A.    Aorta  venacava 
     B.  Venacava  pulmonary artery 
     C.  Pulmonary artery   aorta
     D.  Pulmonary vein  aorta
  50. The diagram below shows a simple lever.
    The simple machine works the same way as
    1. a crowbar
    2. an inclined plane 
    3. wheelbarrow
    4. spade


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. B
  8. B
  9. B
  10. A
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. D
  15. B
  16. C
  17. B
  18. C
  19. D
  20. A
  21. B
  22. A
  23. C
  24. C
  25. D
  26. D
  27. D
  28. C
  29. B
  30. B
  31. A
  32. B
  33. A
  34. D
  35. D
  36. C
  37. D
  38. A
  39. B
  40. A
  41. B
  42. A
  43. D
  44. A
  45. D
  46. B
  47. C
  48. C
  49. C
  50. A
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