Friday, 24 March 2023 11:05

Creative Arts and Social Studies Questions and Answers - Grade 4 Opener Exams Term 1 2023 Set 6

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  1. Which technique can be used to show dark and light effect? (Smudge technique, Mounting technique)
  2. Name two materials needed for crayon etching?
  3. We make the tone of a colour brighter by adding colour   (black, white)
  4. When we mix primary colours we get secondary colours. Which one of the following is not a secondary colour?
    1. Purple
    2. Blue
    3. Orange
    4. Green
  5. Draw the objects shown below in the spaces provided. Use smudge technique to show light and dark effect. 
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 17.04.33
  6. The art of creating pictures by applying paints on a surface with brushes is called _______________
    (painting, colouring)
  7. ____________________ is the lightness or darkness of a colour. (Texture, Tone)
    1. mounting.
    2. photography
    3. calligraphy
    4. basketry
  8. Colour or paint the shape below using your favourite colour. 
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 17.12.36
  9. Peter and Jane cut several pictures from old magazines and pasted them on a cardboard. Which type of art were they doing? (Painting, Drawing, Montage, Crayon etching).
  10. Name two tools you can use to shade an image.


  1. A folk song is sung by a group of people led __________________by a(solo, soloist)
  2. A group of people singing together is called a
    1. choir
    2. solo
    3. trio
    4. duet
  3. What is the name of the instrument shown below?
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 17.35.36
  4. Which one of the following is not a national holiday?
    1. Mashujaa day
    2. Boxing day
    3. Jamhuri day
    4. Madaraka day
  5. When playing wind instruments we blow in air through the ___________________ piece. (mouth, body)
  6. Name any two costumes worn by traditional song singers.
  7. Songs sung to praise a country are called ______________________ songs
    1. National
    2. round
    3. patriotic
    4. singing games
  8. The instrument shown below is played by
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 18.27.55 
    1. hiting
    2. shaking
    3. plucking
    4. blowing 
  9. Instruments that are played alongside the folk songs are called ________________________
    (accompaniment, props)
  10. Songs are also called __________________ music (vocal, instrumental)


  1. An instrument used to show the direction of a place is known as ________________________
  2. Vasco da gama pillar in Mombasa is an example of _______________(built environment, physical features)
  3. A long period without rain is called  _____________________(drought, desert)
  4. Name two ways of caring for historic built  environments in our country.
  5. Name the compass points correctly.
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 20.23.27
  6. How can the following things destroy plants?
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 20.24.35People collect rain water from the roof during ____________________-____season. (rainy, cold)
  7. Which one of the following is not an example of a man-made features?
    1. Road
    2. Bridge
    3. Dam
    4. Lake
  8. Name two mountains found in Kenya.
  9. What is the name of your county?
  10. The sun rises in the _____________________and sets in the __________________(East, North, South, West
  11. Farmers plant during the _______________________ season (rainy, dry)
  12. Write two examples of built enviroments.
  13. Rivers which have water throughout the year are called _________________ rivers (seasonal, permanent)
  14. Name two crops grown in your county?


  1. God is _____________________he does not sin.  (holy, unholy)
  2. Which family is made up of mother, father and children? (Nuclear, Extended)
  3. Name two qualities of God.
  4. How many days did God take to create the world and everything in the earth? (Six, Seven)
  5. Amnon the son of David wronged her sister by__________________her. (beating, raping)
  6. My body is the ________________________ of the holy spirit. (temple, spirit)
  7. Jesus grew up in the home town of ______________________(Nazareth, Bethlem)
  8. Who were the first people to be created by God?
  9. Which one of the following is a good choice?
    1. Being sad.
    2. Not completing your work.
    3. Taking care of God's creations
    4. Disrespecting others.
  10. Birds and sea creatures were created on day ______________________(5, 6)
  11. We are created in the ___________________ and __________________ of God.
    1. holiness
    2. ability
    3. image
    4. likeness
  12. Write down two bad thoughts.
  13. Which man in the bible was swallowed by a big fish?
    1. Isaiah
    2. Jonah
    3. Nineveh
    4. Jacob 
  14. The writers of the bible were guided by _____________________(Holy spirit, men of the world)
  15. List two ways you can protect yourself from sexual abuse.


  1. Ar-Rahhmaan, Ar-Rahiim and Al-Maalik are names of Allah mentioned in surah
    1. khlas
    2. Fatiha
    3. Naas
    4. Nasr
  2. Which two surahs are referred to as Al- Mu'awidhatayn? Surahs
    1. Naas and Falaq.
    2. Fatiha and Ikhlas.
    3. Masad and Nasr.
    4. Kafirun and Lahab.
  3. The wife of AbuLahad was called
    1. Ummu Kulthum.
    2. Ummul Khair
    3. Ummu Mabad
    4. Ummul Jamil
  4. You have passed your exams very well, but one of your classmates feels envious and jealous of your success. You should recite surah
    1. Al-Ikhals
    2. Al-Nasr
    3. An-Naas
    4. Al-Kafirun
  5. Who is our best teacher and an example of good behaviour?
    1. Prophet Muhammad
    2. Angel Jibril
    3. Our Mosque Imaam
    4. Our parents.
  6. When we start eating food we should say
    1. Mashallah
    2. Bismillah
    3. Allahu Akbar
    4. Alhamdulillah
  7. This tooth brush made form a stick is called
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 22.05.51
    1. Mistwara
    2. Mihraab
    3. Minbar
    4. Miswaak
  8. Which one is not a pillar of Iman? Belief in
    1. Angels
    2. holy books
    3. Swalah
    4. the Last Day.
  9. Prophet Muhammad was an orphan. He lost his father and mother. He grew up in house of his uncle called
    1. AbuTwalib
    2. AbuLahab
    3. Abbas
    4. Hamza
  10. Who of these people is Swalah should recite, "Subhaana Rabiyal a'ala"?
  11. Swaum said to Hamid, "Yarhamkallah".
    This is because Swaum heard Hamid
    1. cough
    2. sneeze
    3. pass wind
    4. hicup
  12. Choose the person who prays in this place of worship.
    Screenshot 2023 03 25 at 22.09.47
    1. A Muslim
    2. A Christian
    3. An idol worshipper
    4. A Hindu
  13. Which one of these is not a tool used for ccasing the environment?
    1. A folk jembe
    2. Wheelbarrow
    3. Rake
    4. Panga
  14. The first month of the Islamic Calender is
    1. Rajab
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Muharram
    4. DhulHijja
  15. On the Eid day, muslims recite ____________________ as they wait for Swalatul Eid.
    1. Basmala
    2. Tahliil
    3. Istighfaar
    4. Takbira



  1. Smudge technique.
  2. Wax crayons, stiff paper, black paint, scrapping tools, soapy water etc.
  3. White
  4. B
  5. Correct smudge technique
  6. Painting
  7. Tone
  8. Correct colouring / painting
  9. Montage
  10. Graphite, charcoal, pencil etc


  1. Soloist
  2. choir
  3. drum
  4. B
  5. mouth 
  6. Sisal skirts, maasi shukas, headgears e.t.c
  7. C
  8. D
  9. Accompaniment
  10. vocal


  1. Compass
  2. Built environment
  3. Drought
    • Educating people on their importance.
    • Erecting electric fences around them.
    •  Repairing broken parts. 
    1. North
    2. East
    3. South
    4. West
    1. Scorching them.
    2. Eating the plants.
  7. Rainy
  8. Lake
  9. (Mt. Kenya, Longonot, - (Correct answers)
  10. Correct answer.
  11. East, West
  12. Rainy
  13. Museums, monuments, forts, buildings
  14. Permanent
  15. (Correct answer) 


  1. Holy
  2. Nuclear
  3. Sole creator, holy faithful, loving
  4. Six
  5. Raping
  6. Temple
  7. Bethlehem
  8. Adam and Eve
  9. Taking care of God's creations.
  10. Day 5
  11. Image and likeness.
  12. Being unfair, discouraging others, hating others, being selfish.
  13. Jonah
  14. Holy Spirit
    • Not being alone with strangers.
    • Not accepting gifts from strangers
    • Reporting anyone touching you inappropriately. 


  1. B
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. D
  8. C
  9. A
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. D
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