- Making our choices as Christians
- Choice made by Abraham
- Choice Made By Moses
- Choice Made By Ruth
- Choices made by Solomon
- Choices Made By Levi
- Choices made by Ananias and Sapphira
- Choices Made By Jesus during The Temptation
- Choosing To Belong To the Family Of Jesus Christ.

Making our choices as Christians
- As Christians we can choose to obey or disobey.
- God made Adam and Eve and put them in the Garden of Eden.
- He allowed them to eat from all trees apart from the one in the middle.
- It was the tree of knowledge.
- God gave them freedom to choose to obey or disobey.
- They disobeyed when they listened to the serpent and ate the forbidden fruit.
- They were punished by God.
- Adam and Eve made a wrong choice.
- _________ and _________ were the first parents.
- They lived in the Garden of _________ .
- Satan appeared to Eve in form of a _________
- From punishment of Adam and Eve Christians learn to _________
- Hide when naked
- Obey Gods’ commands
- Avoid talking to strangers
- Avoid snakes.
- Adam and Eve had 3 sons namely:-
_________ .

Choice made by Abraham
- Abraham was the son of Terah.
- Abraham was called by God when he was 75 yrs old.
- Abraham wife was called Sarah.
- Abraham got his son when he was 100yrs old and Sarah was 90 yrs.
- Their son was called Isaac.
- Isaac means laughter.
- God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son on Mt. Moriah
- As Abraham was about to sacrifice his son, God provided a ram.
- Abraham made a choice to trust and obey God.
- Isaac made a choice to obey his father.
- They made a good choice.
- Sarah servant was called?
- The promised son of Abraham was
- Isaac means
- Abraham was to sacrifice his son on mt.
- Instead of Isaac God provided a for sacrifice
- Goat
- Bull
- Ram
- Sheep

Choice Made By Moses
- Moses was the son of Amram and Jochebed.
- He was a brother to Mirriam and Aaron.
- Moses means “drawn from water”
- His wife was Zipporah the daughter of Jethro.
- Moses killed an Egyptina and run away to midian
- He was called by God when he was looking after Jethro sheep near Mt. Sinai
- God told Moses his name is I AM.
- God sent Moses to Egypt to deliver the children of Israelites.
- God told Moses to go with his brother Aaron.
- Moses and Aaron obeyed God and made a good choice
- _________ and _________ were the parents of moses.
- Moses means _________
- Moses had two sons _________ and _________ .
- Moses run away and went to _________
- _________ saw a buring bush.
- The call of moes in the bible is recorded in the book of

Choice Made By Ruth
- Naomi and her husband Elimelech lived in Bethlehem Judah
- They had two sons mahlon and Chillion.
- The family moved from Bethlehem to Moab because there was a famine.
- In moab, their sons married two Moabite women orpha and Ruth.
- Ruth was the wife of mahlon
- Orpha was the wife of chillion.
- Later the son and father died
- Naomi was left with her daughters in-law.
- Naomi chose to go back to Bethlehem.
- Orpha chose to go back to her people.
- Ruth chose t follow Naomi.
- Ruth made the correct choice.
- _________ and_________ were Naomi’s daughters in-law.
- _________ and _________ were the sons of Naomi.
- _________ was the wife of elimelech.
- This family was refugee in the land of _________
- Between Ruth and Orpha who was royal to Naomi?

Choices made by Solomon
- Solomon was the son of David and Bathsheba.
- He was the 3rd king of Israel.
- God appeared to him in a dream while at Gibeon
- Solomon asked God for wisdom to :-
- Rule God’s people with justice.
- To know the difference between good and bad.
- He made a very good choice.
- God gave him wisdom, understanding , wealth, honor and a long life.
- As Christians we should serve God by serving other people.
- _________ was the w\ise king.
- _________ and_________ were the parents odf Solomon
- _________ built a temple for God.
- After giving Solomon wisdom God also added him
_________ , _________ and_________

Choices Made By Levi
- Levi was a tax collector.
- He was also called Matthew.
- The tax-collectors were dishonest people.
- Jesus asked Levi to follow him.
- Levi left everything and followed Jesus.
- Levi made a good choice by following Jesus.
- He was one of the disciples of Jesus.
- Who among the disciples of Jesus was a tax collector?
- Another name for Mathew is?
- _________ is the first book of the gospel.

Choices made by Ananias and Sapphira
- The early church lived together nad shared what they had.
- They would sell their properties and bring money to the apostles.
- Ananias and sapphire sold a land that belonged to them.
- They did not give the whole amount of money to peter.
- They lied to the holy spirit.
- They died the same day because of cheating the holy spirit.
- They made a wrong choice.
- Selfishness and greed cause people to make the wrong choices.
- _________ and _________ cheated the Holy spirit.
- The story of Ananias and sapphire is found in the book of _________ .
- Ananias and sapphire took the money to apostle _________
- _________ and _________ made a wrong choice.

Choices Made By Jesus during The Temptation
- Jesus was baptized by John in RIVER Jordan
- After baptism he was filled by the holy spirit and he went to pray.
- Jesus prayed and fated for 40 days.
- Satan tempted Jesus three times. He told Jesus to:-
- Turn stones into bread.
- Worship him.
- To throw himself down.
- Jesus chose to reject the temptation of food, powere and fame.
- The holy spirit gave him power to overcome the temptations.
- We should also seek the help of the holy spirit and the word of God to be able to overcome the temptation.

Choosing To Belong To the Family Of Jesus Christ.
- The first family was started by God.
- It had Adam and Eve and their sons Cain., Abel and Seth.
- The church is the family of Jesus Christ.
- The family of Jesus Christ consist of those who believe and are baptized.
- Children should obey their parents.
- Parents should teach their children good Christian behaviors.
- Servant should respect and obey their master.
- _________ tempted Jesus.
- Jesus fasted for_________ days.
- Which was the second temptation
- “children obey your parent” this is a commandment with a _________
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