- The Meaning Of Sharing Of Work
- Serving Others
- Exploitation Of Children Through Work
- Types Of Voluntary Services

The Meaning Of Sharing Of Work
- Work is any task that requires mental or physical efforts to do.
- Sharing work means dividing task according to ability.
- Work should be shared at home, school, church and in the community.
- Sharing work is important because:-
- It makes work easy
- It makes work enjoyable
- It is less tiring.
- Work is done in a short time
- It promotes unity.
- When sharing work we should consider factors like:-
- Experience
- Age
- Ability
- Interest
- Availability of time.
- Work rate.
- Hannah and elkanah shared work by visiting Samuel.
- Jesus shared work with his disciples.
- We should desire to work with others.
Quiz- List three disadvantage of sharing work
- When sharing work we should consider factors like?
Sharing Work In The Traditional African Community
- In traditional African community, work was done to provide the basic family needs.
- In Tradition African Community everybody is expected.
- Work in traditional African community was shared according to :-
- Age
- Talents
- Status of the family
- Gender
- Ability
- Women shared domestic work like cooking, fetching water, firewood and looking after the young ones.
- Men were hunting, looking after cattle and digging.
- Children helped in grazing and looking after small ones.
- Those who were lazy were mocked through songs and riddles.
- The bible teaches us to carry one another’s burden
Quiz- Outline the work that was done by men in traditional African society.
__________ - Women were supposed to
__________ - Children helped looking afar __________ .
- Outline the work that was done by men in traditional African society.
Benefits Of Sharing Work
- Benefits of sharing work are
- It creates the spirit of teamwork
- It creates peace, love and unity among people.
- It brings joy and happiness.
- It brings understating among workers.
- It makes work easier
- Work is completed faster.
- It brings unity Acts 4:32-37.
Quiz- List down 4 characteristics of early believers according to acts 4:32-37.

Serving Others {Deuteronomy 24:19-21, Luke 10:29-37}
- Serving others means doing something for the good of others.
- It also means helping others without expecting to be paid back.\
- We serve others by :-
- Caring for the needy.
- Visiting homes for orphans
- Teaching others how to read and write.
- Cleaning the church.
- Helping in chores,
- Donating food and clothing for the needy.
- Praying for the needs of other people.
Quiz- The Jew in the good Samaritan parable was traveling from __________ to __________.
- Samaritans and Jews were __________
- Name two people who walked by and never helped the Jew
- Who is a good neighbor?

Exploitation Of Children Through Work
- Exploitation is when children are treated unfairly.
- Exploitation is also called child labour.
- Exploiting children is against the children rights.
- Children are exploited in the following ways
- Carrying heavy loads.
- Being employed at a young age.
- Hawking
- Being beach boys.
- Employed to pick tealeaves and coffee.
- Employed as house helps.
- All children have right to :-
- To be educated.
- To be loved.
- To be cared for.
- To life
- Good health care
- Be protected from exploitation.
Quiz- List for problems of exploiting children
- We should take care of the helpless such as

Types Of Voluntary Services {Mathew 9:35-38, Acts 4:32-37}
- Voluntary service is work done freely and willingly.
- Voluntary services include
- Collecting litter in the estate.
- Tree planting.
- Visiting children’s home.
- Cleaning drainage systems.
- Picking litter in the school compound.
- Cooking for the elderly people.
- Helping at social functions such as weddings and funerals.
- Jesus Christ offered voluntary services such as
- The early Christians offered voluntary services such as
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