Front crawl - a stroke where the arms are moved alternately overhead accompanied by a flutter kick to propel a swimmer orward.
Body Position While Swimming
- Keep your body flat, lie facing down in the water with your body kept in line with the water surface.
- Keeping the body straight makes swimming easier.
Arm Movement
- Arm pull- Practice it with your palms facing down, pull in line with your body with a slightly bent elbow all the way to the side of your upper thigh.
- Arm recovery -with your hand close to your upper thigh, lift the arm out of the water with bent elbow. Reach forward over the water with a bent elbow and enter the water with our fingerprints.
Leg Action
- Involves straightening the legs with pointed toes.
- Ankles remain relaxed and flexible.
- Kick the legs up and down in a continuous motion.
- Do not bend the legs.
Safety Tips.
- Swimming in proper costume.
- Leave your shoes in the changing room/
- Take a shower before entering the pool.
- Tuck long hair or hold it tightly.
- Visit the toilet before getting into the pool.
- No pushing each other into the water or play around the pool.
- Do not dive in the shallow end of the pool.
- Have an adult who knows how to swim with you when around the pool and during swimming.
- No eating or chewing gum during swimming lessons
- If you have an open wound or bruise, don't get in the pool.
- Do not swim immediately after taking meals.
- Ensure there is a life saver on alert.
Flutter kick: A basic skill in swimming used to stabilize and propel your body forward in the water with your legs.

Crouch Surface Dive.
How To Perform The Crouch Surface Dive.
- Start from a crouch position.
- Curl the toes of the front around the edge of the pool with the other foot slightly behind.
- The arms and hands are pointed at the entry point with the head tucked in.
- Push off from the feet and straighten at the knees to dive.
Safety tips
- Do not dive if not accompanied by swimming teacher/ instructor.
- Diving should be performed in pools with adequate water.
- Do not dive when there are swimmers in the diving area.
- Always observe safety rules when swimming.
Deck: a raised flat surface.
Standing Surface Dive.
- Standing surface dive is a shallow dive performed from a standing position.
Practicing Standing Surface Dive.
- Stand with the feet together, toes curled over the edge of the pool.
- Place arms straight above the head toucvhing the ears wiht the arms.
- Bend the knees slightly
- Tuck chin, bend at the waist pointing fingers towards the water.
- Tilt towards push off from the feet, through the hips and dive into the water fingers first.
- As the leg follows, the upper body straightens and then out then out and the point toe out.
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