Composing/ Creating Music
- Before creating music we need to know how to create rythm and beat
- You can use claps, sounds and taps
- These rythms are cretaed using our mouths, hands and our legs
Composing Music
Sol-fas ladder
- Music is combined of tunes. The tunes can be ascending or descending
- The rising and falling of tunes are organized in sol-fas Notation
- They are from low to high
d, r, m, f, s, l, t, d
doh, rey, me, fah, soh, lah, te, doh
- When the pitch goes from low to high
- When the pitch goes from high to low
- From the solfa notes we get the category of sounds.
- Bass - Men
- Tenor - Boys
- Alto - Women and girls
- Soprano - Women and girls
- Barrytone - Unisex
Solfa Signs
- They are signs or symbols used to denote or show a solfa note.
Doh Re Me
Descant Recorder
- It is a wind instrument played by blowing
- Its a type of flute
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