- There were nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety people in a meeting. What is the number of people in symbols?
- 9000990
- 9990
- 9999
- 90999
- There were 3645 antelopes in a park. What is the place value of digit 3?
- Thousands
- Hundreds
- Tens
- Ones
- In a test, five learners had their scores as follows:
Jane - 386
Peris - 412
Kamau - 400
Akello - 299
Dennis - 397
Dennis was the ___________________ position- first
- second
- third
- fifth
- In a farm, a farmer has 26301 pigs. What is the total value of digit 6 in the number of pigs?
- 6000
- Thousands
- 600
- Hundreds
- Mary bought a bag for sh.350 and a pair of shoes for sh. 70. How much did she pay?
- sh. 280
- sh. 320
- sh. 380
- sh. 420
- Tom stayed at his uncle's place for 9 weeks. How many days are these?
- 54
- 63
- 90
- 16
- 32 ÷ 8 = 8 x _____ = 32
- 3
- 5
- 4
- 6
- A trader had 380 eggs. He sold 150 of them. How many eggs remained?
- 230
- 330
- 130
- 530
- What is the time?
- Six o'clock
- Quarter to six o'clock
- Half past nine o'clock
- Quarter past five o'clock
- We sell or buy milk in
- kilograms
- metres
- litres
- kilometres
- Name the shapes below
A B C A. oval rectangle circle B. circle square oval C. circle rectangle oval D. circle triangle oval - In a national park there were 362 lions, 652 warthogs, 403 hyenas and 215 antelopes. Arrange their numbers from the smallest to the largest.
- 652, 403, 215, 362
- 215, 362, 403, 652
- 362, 652, 403, 215
- 652, 403, 362, 215
- Take away 48 from 372 =
- 324
- 334
- 420
- 336
- Multiply: 9 x0 =
- 9
- 0
- 90
- 900
- A 500 shilling note is equal to ______________________ one hundred shilling notes.
- 5000
- 500
- 50
- 5
- H Min
23 43
−10 27
- 13hr 24 min
- 34hr 10 min
- 13hr 16 min
- 33hr 70 min
- An eighth of 24 is
- 12
- 8
- 4
- 3
- Write the number shown in the abacus
- 649
- 469
- 946
- 648
- Sasha had 30 sweets. She shared the sweets equally among her 6 friends. How many sweets did each of them get?
- 24
- 5
- 6
- 36
- Which one is heavier, 5kg of sand or 5kg of wool?
- Sand
- Wool
- Both
- None
- Fill in the missing number
101, 106, 111, 116,________________________- 121
- 111
- 120
- 122
- Put together 953 and 47
- 990
- 900
- 906
- 1000
- Our head teacher had a sh. 1000 note. She bought a dress for sh. 800. What was her balance?
- sh.1800
- sh.600
- sh. 200
- sh. 400
- A ____________________________ is a need in our daily life.
- bicycle
- television
- toy car
- food
- What is the time from the digital clock?
- Fifteen minutes to one
- Half past one
- Fifteen minutes past one
- One minute to five
- A petrol tank had 749 litres of petrol. The motorcars used 360 litres. How much petrol remained in the tank?
- 289 litres
- 389 litres
- 1109 litres
- 429 litres
- Complete
3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 =
_______ X ________ = ________- 9 X 3 = 27
- 2 X 9 = 18
- 6 X 3 = 12
- 3 X 6 = 18
- 56
- 7
- 8
- 9
- Ali walked from the gate to the flag post then to the staffroom.
What is the distance from the gate to the staffroom?- 6 metres
- 9 metres
- 18 metres
- 12 metres
- How do you move from A to B then to C?
- Move straight then turn left
- Move straight then turn right
- Turn right then move straight
- Turn left then move straight

- B
- A
- C
- A
- D
- B
- C
- A
- B
- C
- C
- B
- A
- B
- D
- C
- D
- A
- B
- D
- A
- D
- C
- D
- C
- B
- D
- D
- C
- A
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