- What is 7009 written in words?
- Seven hundred and nine
- Seventy thousand and nine
- Seven thousand and nine
- Seven hundred thousand and nine
- What is the place value of 7 in the number 3780?
- Tens
- Hundreds
- Thousands
- Ones
- Add:
1809 + 8 =- 9809
- 1807
- 1889
- 1817
- During an Agriculture lesson, learners planted 9123 tree seedlings. What is the total value of digit 9 in the number of planted trees seedlings?
- 9000
- 20
- 9100
- 3120
- The number of cows among four brothers are 261, 162, 216, 126. Arrange the number of cows from the largest to the smallest?
- 126, 162, 216, 261
- 261, 126, 162, 216
- 216, 261, 162, 126
- 261, 216, 162, 126
- A learner was given 9 coloured pencils by his teacher. How many coloured pencils were these in Roman numerals?
- viii
- ix
- iv
- xi
- In a certain town there are 4273 men and 2397 children. How many people are there altogether?
- 6670
- 6570
- 6569
- 6870
- There are 7 days in a week. How many days are there in 9 weeks altogether?
- 63
- 56
- 36
- 16
- Which one of the following is an acute angle?
- Tony had 42 exercise books. He shared the books equally among his 6 friends. How may books did each get?
- 9
- 7
- 36
- 8
- What is the time?
- Seven minutes to 11
- Eleven minutes to seven
- Twenty minutes to eleven
- Thirty five minutes past 10
- Koech had 72 mangoes. He shared the mangoes equally among 9 children. How many mangoes did each get?
- 8
- 7
- 9
- 3
- Mwanza had sh. 1650. He bought 1kg of cooking oil for sh. 560. How much money was he left with?
- 1010
- 1600
- 1090
- 1190
- The mass of a bag of maize is 299kg. What is the mass of the bag of maize to the nearest tens?
- 290
- 300
- 298
- 200
- What is the multiple of 5 and 9?
- 14
- 59
- 54
- 45
- Arrange these fractions from the largest to the smallest
1/8, ½, 1/6, ¼- ½, ¼, 1/6, 1/8
- ¼, 1/6, 1/8, ½
- ½, 1/8, 1/6, ¼
- 1/8, 1/6, ¼, ½
- Work out:
H Min
9 45
+3 30
- 12h 75 min
- 12h 15 min
- 13h 15 min
- 12h 75 min
- Work out:
M cm
36 6
−24 9
- 12m 03cm
- 12m 15cm
- 10m 15cm
- 11m 97cm
- Which multiple of 8 comes before 72?
- 56
- 64
- 80
- 63
- Which one of the following list consists of odd numbers only?
- 13, 27, 105, 89
- 38, 79, 203, 65
- 12, 64, 58, 76
- 14, 22, 87, 101
- Work out the perimeter of the figure below
- 30cm
- 48cm
- 60cm
- 36cm
- How many sh. 20 coins are there in sh. 500?
- 100
- 5
- 10
- 25
- Convert 650 cents to shillings and cents
- sh. 6.65 cents
- sh. 6.50 cents
- sh. 50.65 cents
- sh. 5.60 cents
- Work out:
1784 litres + 349 litres =- 2133 litres
- 2033 litres
- 1039 litres
- 1133 litres
- A fruit vender had 99 oranges. She sold the oranges in groups of 6. How many oranges remained?
- 16
- 93
- 63
- 3
- Which fraction is shaded?
- 4/10
- 6/10
- 5/10
- 2/10
- Which of the following is an even number?
- 99
- 37
- 108
- 85
- Jane bought 6 oranges on Monday, 8 oranges on Tuesday, 10 oranges on Wednesday, 12 oranges on Thursday. How many oranges did she buy on Friday?
- 14 oranges
- 13 oranges
- 16 oranges
- 18 oranges
- Round off 642 to the nearest tens
- 600
- 640
- 620
- 643
- List the first 4 multiples of 6
- 6, 8, 10, 12
- 0, 12, 16, 18
- 12, 18, 24, 30
- 6, 12, 18, 24

- C
- B
- D
- A
- D
- B
- A
- A
- B
- B
- C
- A
- C
- B
- D
- A
- C
- D
- B
- A
- C
- D
- B
- A
- D
- B
- C
- A
- B
- D
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