- Which of the following is wet media used while smudging?
- Crayon
- Pencil graphite
- Ink
- Charcoal
- Why is overlapping important while arranging still life?
- Overlapping helps to create depth in drawings making the drawings look 3-Dimensional
- Overlapping helps the artist to create texture in drawing
- Overlapping helps the artist to create tone
- Overlapping helps to create balance in the drawing
- The following are the steps that a grade 4 followed while making a crayon etched drawing
- Scratching the ink using a sharp tool
- Applying wax crayon on a surface
- Let the ink dry
- Applying ink on the wax surface
Arrange the steps from the first to the last- i,iv,iii,ii
- ii,i,iv,iii
- ii,iii,iv,i
- ii,iv,iii,i
- Dan was drawing some fruits while looking at them and drawing. What type of drawing is this?
- Drawing from memory
- Drawing from observation
- Drawing from imagination
- Drawing still life
- Look at the picture below keenly. Where is the light coming from?
- L
- K
- N
- M
- A grade 4 learner was painting a pot using a brown colour. He wanted to create a light tone on some parts of the pot. How could he create a light tone while painting?
- By adding black paint to the brown colour
- By using more brown colour
- By adding white paint to the brown colour
- By using less brown colour
- Making pictures using lines and shades is known as
- modelling
- drawing
- painting
- smearing
- The following are materials needed when creating value gradation strip. Which one is not?
- Clay
- Pencil
- Drawing paper
- Ruler
- What is tone?
- Tone is the feeling of a surface
- Tone is the gradual change from dark to light
- Tone is the lightness or darkness of a surface
- Tone is applying colour on a surface
- The following are materials and tools used in crayon etching. Which one is not?
- Toothpick
- Paint brush
- Black Indian Ink
- Pencil graphite
- Which type of song would a mother sing to make a baby sleep?
- Sacred song
- Lullaby
- Story song
- Folk song
- We describe the ______________________ of a song when we use words like loud or soft
- pitch
- height
- tempo
- dynamic
- Which verse of the Kenya nationa! anthem ends with the word shukrani?
- Four
- Two
- One
- Three
- In which group of musical instruments do we classify the instrument below?
- Wooden
- Percussion
- Stringed
- Wind
- Items like chairs and baskets that are used in a singing game are called
- gifts
- props
- toys
- costumes
- We can tell the difference between two notes on a piano because they have different _____________________
- pitch
- rhythm
- style
- fun
- "Tushangilie Kenya taifa letu tukufu "is a common Kenyan __________________ song.
- action
- sacred
- patriotic
- story song
- Moving our bodies in rhythm when responding to music is called ______________________
- choir
- dancing
- sound
- rythm
- The melody of a song can simply be called the ______________________ of the song.
- words
- tune
- dynamics
- tempo
- The following are costumes that we can wear when performing folk songs. Which one is not?
- Sisal skirts
- Necklaces
- Jingles
- Guitar
Study the map of Kina area and answer questions 21-25.
- On which side of the map is the forest found?
- North West
- North East
- South West
- South East
- Which cash crop is grown in Kina area?
- Maize
- Coffee
- Tea
- Sisal
- The elected head of Kina area is likely to be a
- Governor
- Senator
- Chief
- Assistant chief
- The presence of the church in the area shows that people in Kina area are
- Christians
- Muslims
- Pagans
- Hindus
- The main means of transport in Kina area is
- railway
- road
- air
- water
- Grade four learners made a tour to a nearby slum area. They found many people living together. This type of population distribution is said to be
- sparsely populated
- densely populated
- scattered
- linear
- Which one of the following is not a physical feature?
- Mountains
- Rivers
- Valleys
- Winds
- Traditional items preserved in museums are called
- artefacts
- products
- models
- monuments
- During the rainy season, farmers engage in
- ploughing
- planting
- winnowing
- harvesting
- The four main points of a compass are known as
- cardinal points
- relief feature
- paths
- regions
- Interdependence is important in the following ways except
- people live in unity and harmony
- people are able to get what they want
- people learn from each other
- people steal from each other
- Grade 4 Social Studies teacher asked learners to identify historic built environment. Who gave a wrong answer?
- Risper - Cultural centres
- John - Huts
- Peter - Museums
- Ann Monuments
- Kenya is divided into how many counties?
- 10
- 47
- 12
- 18
- Law and order in our county is maintained by
- teachers
- the governor
- police
- judges
- A good leader should have all the following qualities except
- hardworking
- honesty
- arrogance
- humility
C.R.E (15 marks)
- Creation stories are recorded in the book of
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Numbers
- Acts of Apostles
- Who among the following is known as the "Father of faith"?
- Noah
- David
- Abraham
- Moses
- "You created every part of me; You put me together in my mother's womb. "This verse is found in the book of
- Proverbs
- Psalms
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Why are human beings special in God's creation? They
- were created in God's image
- were created from the soil
- were created last
- were created male and female
- Grade four CRE teacher asked learners to identify ways of coping with emotions. Which one is not?
- Praying and relying on God
- Playing with friends
- Speaking to someone we trust about our feelings
- Staying alone to think deeper
- Who among the following made a wrong choice?
- Annania and Saphira
- Naomi
- Noah
- Abraham
- Who among the following raped his half sister Tamar?
- Amnon
- Jonadab
- Solomon
- Absolom
- According to 1 Corithians 6:19, our bodies are the temples of the
- blood
- flesh
- Holy spirit
- Lord
- Three of the following are attributes of God. Which one is not?
- Creator
- Loving
- Protector
- Sinner
- Which one of the following books of the Bible is not found in the New Testament?
- Luke
- Matthew
- Ruth
- Jude
- The tax collector who climbed a sycamore tree to see Jesus was called
- Zacchaeus
- Simon
- Levi
- John
- The name Jesus means
- Emmanuel
- Saviour
- Teacher
- Light
- While playing in the field, a grade four learner hit his friend with a stick. As a Christian, what should the pupil who hit the other one do?
- Run away
- Apologise and say sorry
- Report to the teacher
- Keep quiet
- Who among the following was prevented by an angel from going to curse the Israelites?
- Balak
- Balaam
- Jonnah
- Darius
- From the story where Samson killed a lion, we learn that we should
- kill wild animals
- ask God to enable us beat people
- trust in God
- stay away from danger
I.R.E (15 marks)
- Allah is one and he has no family. This is a teaching of surah
- Ikhlas
- Fatiha
- Falaq
- Maun
- Who among the following persons was cursed in surah Al-Masad?
- Abraha
- Abu Talib
- Abu Lahab
- Hamza
- Which two surahs are referred to as Muadhatain?
- Naas and Ikhlas
- Naas and Falaq
- Falaq and Ikhlas
- Fatiha and Naas
- Maryam a grade four learner lacks patience in all that she does. Which surah would you advise her to read?
- Humaza
- Ikhlas
- Maun
- Asr
- Who was the first man to be created by Allah (S.W.T)?
- Yaqub
- Adam
- Luqman
- Issa
- Muslims should respect the religion of other people. This teaching is found in surah
- Kafirun
- Kauthar
- Maun
- Masad
- According to the hadith of the prophet (SAW) we should always say the truth even though it is
- good
- bitter
- strong
- sweet
- Which one of the following is not a manner of eating in Islam?
- Saying Bismillahi before eating
- Saying Alhamdulillahi after eating
- Washing hands after eating
- Using a spoon
- Which of the following attributes of Allah means the creator?
- Al-Malik
- Al-Qudus
- Al-Azeez
- Al-Khaaliq
- Who among the following prophets of Allah was given the Injil?
- Daud
- Ibrahim
- Iss
- Musa
- How many children did prophet Muhammad (SAW) have?
- Seven
- Six
- Four
- Three
- How many rakaat are performed in the fardh prayer done after sunset?
- Four
- Three
- Two
- One
- While fasting in the month of Ramadhan, Jamal a grade 4 learner did the following things. Which of them nullified his fast?
- Talking
- Laughing
- Eating intentionally
- Sleeping
- Muslims greet one another by saying
- Asalaam aleykum
- Hello
- Good morning
- Shikamoo
- Which one of the following terms signals the end of swalat?
- Jalsa
- Tashahud
- It'dal
- Taslim

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- D
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