Write the material needed to do the following activities
- Drawing
- Erasing
- Painting
- Colouring
- Draw a straight line
Draw the following faces
- Sad
- Happy
Draw three animal forms
8 |
10 |
- We need a Y shaped stick, bottle tops and to make a shaker.
- srtring
- rope
- wire
- rubber
- While singing we open our
- mouth
- eyes
- ears
- hands
- "O God is good" is a song
- action
- sacred
- topical
- singing game
- A drum is played by.
- shaking
- blowing
- bowing
- hitting
- This is Mary's face. She likes.
- crying
- laughing
- singing
- smiling
- A shaker is played by.
- shaking
- hitting
- plucking
- bowing
- "Bless this our land and
- creation
- Nation
- God
- Strength
- "Ilete baraka
- wetu
- Letu
- kwetu
- yetu
- "Haki iwe ngao na
- mlinzi
- mwizi
- wezi
- lizi
- Firm may we stand to
- defend
- nation
- accord
- united
- Which one of the following is a kayamba?
- Which one of the following is a singing game?
- O God is good
- Watoto wadogo
- Are you sleeping
- Jesus love
- We sing to be
- hated
- tired
- angry
- happy
- We clap our while singing
- feet
- finger
- nails
- hands
- "Mabata madogo" is an example of. song
- singing game
- part
- sacred
- lullaby
- When there is too much rainfall can lead to:-
- drought
- famine
- floods
- erosion
- A is a group of people living together.
- community
- clan
- society
- union
- is an example of a happy occasion.
- Buril
- Funeral
- War
- Birthday
- During drought animals and people lack enough:-
- space
- food
- education
- land
- The crops that are grown for commercial purposes like tea and coffee are called crops.
- food
- cash
- enterprise
- project
- People usually cross a river using a:-
- stick
- tree
- rope
- bridge
- Most of the wild animals live in the:-
- forest
- house
- school
- market
- Name the following physical feature.
- hill
- mountain
- valley
- river
- Planting trees and flowers in our school makes it look:-
- beautiful
- ugly
- untidy
- unusual
- Being in a alone is not safe.
- church
- school
- hospital
- forest
- The main natural source of light is the:-
- sun
- moon
- electricity
- torch
- A cactus is a thorny plant that grows in areas.
- wet
- flooded
- dry
- swampy
- Rabbit is to hutch as pig is to:
- kennel
- shed
- sty
- pen
- A police or ambulance siren is sound that indicates:-
- danger
- joy
- celebrations
- speed
- We can separate mud from water by:-
- boiling
- decanting
- cooling
- storing
- We read the word of God from the.
- tusome
- bible
- story book
- primary mathematics
- Moses saw a burning
- house
- hill
- bush
- car
- Daniel was thrown into a.den of :-
- lions
- elephants
- snakes
- thieves
- Naaman was told to dip himself times in river Jordan.
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- is a member of the nuclear family.
- mother
- Aunt
- cousin
- Grandmother
- The first book in the New Testament is:-
- Mark
- John
- Revelation
- Matthew
- Noah built an for the Lord.
- house
- church
- ark
- school
- The Holy Bible has a total of books.
- 66
- 29
- 43
- 37
- Moses obeyed God at Mt_
- Kenya
- Sinai
- Galilee
- Horeb
- Aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents are members of an family.
- nuclear
- single
- extended
- many
- The three Hebrew men to bow to false God.
- refused
- agreed
- loved
- hated
- Jesus was laid in a after He was born.
- house
- cot
- manager
- basket
- Adam and Eve lived in the garden of:-
- Noah
- eden
- gethsemane
- galilee
- It is good to say the always
- bad things
- lies
- bad words
- truth
- Which one is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
- love
- hatred
- killing
- beating
- taught the disciples the Lord's prayer.
- Angels
- Jesus
- God
- Teachers
- The spirit helps us to do good things
- bad
- evil
- holy
- church
- When other people wrong us we should them
- beat
- abuse
- forgive
- hate
- The wife of Ananias was called:-
- Sapphira
- Eve
- Mary
- Tabitha
- King ordered Daniel to be thrown into a den of lions.
- Pharaoh
- David
- Darius
- Amos
- C
- A
- B
- D
- C
- A
- B
- C
- A
- A
- C
- B
- D
- D
- A
- C
- A
- D
- B
- B
- D
- A
- C
- A
- D
- D
- C
- C
- A
- B
- B
- C
- A
- C
- A
- D
- C
- A
- B
- C
- A
- C
- B
- D
- A
- B
- C
- C
- A
- C
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