Displaying items by tag: End of Term 2



  1. You have been given this question booklet and a separate answer sheet.
  2. Do any necessary rough work in this booklet.
  3. When you have chosen your answer, mark it on ANSWER SHEET, not in the question booklet.


  1. Use an ordinary pencil. 
  2. Make sure that you have written on the answer sheet:
  3. By drawing a dark line inside the correct numbered boxes mark your full Assessment Number in the grid near the top of the answer sheet.
  4. Do not make any marks outside the boxes.
  5. Keep your answer sheet as clean as possible and do not fold it.
  6. For each of the Question, answers are given. The answers are lettered A, B, C, and D. In each case only ONE of the four answers is correct. Choose the correct answer.
  7. On the answer sheet the correct answer is to be shown by drawing a dark line inside the box in which the letter you have chosen is written.
    In the Question Booklet:
    23. The cheapest way of preserving fish is
    1. freezing
    2. sun drying
    3. smoking
    4. canning
      The correct answer is B (sun drying)
      On the answer sheet:
      23. [A] [B] [C] [D]
  8. Your dark line MUST be within the box. 
  9. For each question ONLY ONE box is to be marked in each set of four boxes.



  1. What is still life drawing? 
    1. Drawing from observation 
    2. Drawing plants 
    3. Drawing from imagination 
    4. Drawing of non-moving objects
  2. Grace, a grade 5 pupil, was making baskets using twinning technique. Which natural materials could she use to make the basket? 
    1. Nylon
    2. Plastic
    3. Nylon threads
    4. Sisal fibres
  3. Three of the following are parts of a book jacket. Which one is not?
    1. A spine
    2. A Back cover
    3. A flap
    4. Decorated pictures
  4. Kimathi mixed colours to paint in a colour wheel. Which colour did he get after mixing red and orange?
    1. Amber
    2. Pink
    3. Red - orange
    4. Purple
  5. Which career is related with the skill and talent of making quality pictures?
    1. Painting
    2. Photography
    3. Design
    4. Fashon design
  6. Which of the following techniques can be used to create a dark effect on the picture below
    6 d
    1. Painting
    2. Colouring
    3. Stippling technique
    4. Scratching technique
  7. Tonal variation can be created through addition of one of the following pairs of colours. Which one?
    1. Orange and white
    2. White and black
    3. Yellow and green
    4. Green and black
  8. The following are used in painting except
    1. Crayon
    2. Sponge
    3. Spatula
    4. Point brush 
  9.                                  makes a piece of artwork attractive.
    1. Balance 
    2. Colour
    3. Texture
    4. Size
  10. The following materials are used in crayon etching except
    1. mounting surface
    2. glue
    3. sharp tools
    4. water


  1. The following are all ornaments except
    1. necklaces
    2. anklet
    3. earing
    4. descant 
  2. Grade 5 pupils were told to compose a song about HIV/AIDs. What type of song did they compose?
    1. Love song
    2. Patriotic song
    3. Action song
    4. Topical song
  3. A drum is a musical instrument that is played by
    1. shaking
    2. hitting
    3. blowing
    4. plucking
  4. The musical instrument drawn below is known as
    14 d
    1. Wandidi 
    2. Nyatiti
    3. Obukamo
    4. Piano
  5. Three of the following are benefits of songs in the community. Which one is not
    1. For entertainment
    2. To pass information
    3. To curse people
    4. To preserve culture
  6. Which of the following song are performed to lure children to sleep?
    1. Work songs 
    2. Play songs
    3. Lullaby songs
    4. Action songs
  7. Which one of the following elements refers to the speed of a song?
    1. Tempo
    2. Pitch
    3. Dynamics
    4. Structure
  8. The Kenya National Anthem has                            stanzas.
    1. 1
    2. 4
  9. What is the name of the traditional musical instrument shown below?
    19 d
    1. Drum 
    2. Horn
    3. Guitar
    4. Piano 
  10. Songs sung to show love and respect to our country are known as                                  songs. 
    1. patriotic 
    2. love 
    3. topical 
    4. action

Use the map of KIGI are below to answer questions that follow:

kigi area map

  1. Which is the main religion in Kigi area
    1. Islamic
    2. Christianity
    3. Hindu
    4. Traditional
  2. Kigi area is likely to be a
    1. Sub county
    2. Country
    3. County
    4. Ward
  3. River Kigi flows from                            to                               
    1. South West to North East
    2. South East to North East
    3. North East to South West
    4. North West to South East 
  4. What is the settlement pattern evident in Kigi Area? 
    1. clustered
    2. Linear
    3. Dense
    4. Sparse 
  5. The climate of the South Western part of Kigi Area is likely to be
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and dry 
    3. cool and wet 
    4. hot and dry
  6.                                            is something that we use to create wealth.
    1. Resource 
    2. Economic activity 
    3. Trade
    4. Farming

Use the diagram below to answer questions 27 and 28

27 d

  1. The latitude marked 'b' is likely to be
    1. prime meridian
    2. Tropic of Cancer
    3. Arctic circle
    4. Equator 
  2. The latitude labelled T measures
    1. 23 1/2° N
    2. 23 1/2° S
    3. 66 1/2° S
    4. 23 1/2° S 
  3. The following are qualitites of good leader except
    1. Kind
    2. Honest 
    3. Responsible
    4. Arrogant

Study the map below and answer questions 20 to 32

30 d

  1. The drainage feature marked D is
    1. R. Athi 
    2. R. Tana
    3. R. Turkwel
    4. L. Victoria
  2. The physical feature marked B was formed through a process known as 
    1. faulting and uplifting 
    2. faulting and sinking 
    3. volcanicity 
    4. down warping
  3. Which of the following rivers has its mouth in the drainage feature marked C? 
    1. River Migori 
    2. River Yala 
    3. River Turkwel 
    4. River Sagana
  4. Which feature is formed at the point where River Tana flows into the Indian Ocean? 
    1. Tributarys
    2. Valley
    3. Delta
    4. Estuary 
  5. A person who belongs to a certain country is known as
    1. patriot
    2. resident
    3. citizen
    4. foreigner 
  6. A low-lying flat land is known as a
    1. plateau
    2. plain
    3. valley
    4. highland 
  7. Which one of the following is the highest mountain in Eastern Africa?
    1. Mt. Kenya
    2. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    3. Mt. Elgon
    4. Mt. Ruwenzori 
  8. The main work of the police is to
    1. arrest criminals
    2. protect the leaders
    3. maintain law and order
    4. kill the law breakers 
  9. Which group below is made up of Bantu speakers in Uganda?
    1. Agikuyu, Ameru, Aembu
    2. Wanyamwezi, Wayao, Chagga 
    3. Baganda, Basoga, Batoro
    4. Banyore, Abagusii, Wangoni 
  10. Eastern Africa has                            countries. 
    1. 11
    2. 12
    3. 13
    4. 14 
  11. General election in Kenya take place after every                            years.
    1. 15
    2. 10
    3. 5

SECTION B: C.R.E (20mks)

  1. Grade six learners were discussing the Biblical story of creation using their Bible. From theri discussion, they found that human beings were created on: 
    1. the fourth day 
    2. the third day 
    3. the fifth day
    4.  the sixth day 
  2. Which one of the following lessons can grade six pupil best learn from the story of Abraham? 
    1. To be honest 
    2. To trust in God 
    3. To be helpful
    4.  To be generous 
  3. Whic of the following is NOT a gospel book? 
    1. Acts
    2. Luke
    3. John
    4. John 
  4. Which one of the following boxes contain a pair of gifts of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Love
    2. Faithfulness
    3. Healing
    4. Preaching
  5. A grade six CRE teacher asked the
    pupils to complete the beatitude below: "Happy are the pure in heart ......" Which one of the following responses that they gave was CORRECT? 
    1. they will receive what God has promised
    2. they will see God
    3. they will be called children of God
    4. They will be comforted
  6. Grace was asked to take care of her siblings by her mother while she was away but she did not do that. The christian value that she lacked is: 
    1. Honesty 
    2. Wisdom 
    3. Obedience 
    4. Joy
  7. Which of the following was the first miracle that Jesus performed? 
    1. Turning water into wine. 
    2. Raising Lazarus 
    3. Feeding the hungry crowd 
    4. Healing the bleeding woman
  8. Which one of the following is NOT a factor that Lincoh, a grade six pupil, should consider when choosing a friend? 
    1. Disobedient 
    2. Hardworking 
    3. Irresponsible 
    4. Wealthy
  9. In which of the following ways can the residents of Mtwapa village do to care for their environment?
    1. Planting along river banks 
    2. Cutting doen trees 
    3. Planting trees 
    4. Blowing charcoal
  10. You have discovered that your best friend at school is suffering from an incurable disease. As a christian, what is the BEST thing for you to do? 
    1. Advice him or her to transfer to another school 
    2. Tell him or her to donate blood 
    3. Tell him or her to leave school. 
    4. Advice her or him to seek medical attention.


marking scheme


Read the following conversation and then answer questions 1 to 3.

Kadzo: Hello Katana. How was the competition? Mkala told me that you met your match.

Katana: Hello Kadzo. Yeah, Mkala is right. I used to think I am the best runner in this county until I met one Kobole from Makongeni.

Kadzo: Well, I think Mr. Maloba will have to do something extra in his coaching, else, it may get stiffer and stiffer.

Katana: We have time. The best thing is that I was the second after Kobole. The first three are to represent the region nationally.

Kadzo: I wish you all the best as you plan to train for the same. I shall encourage Mr. Maloba to try new coaching methods on you.

Katana: Thank you so much Kadzo. I am looking forward to emerging the best nationally.

  1. Possibly, which sports activity did Katana take part in?
    1. Javelin
    2. Athletics
    3. Shotput
    4. Kabaddi
  2. According to this conversation, who is Mr. Maloba?
    1. An athlete 
    2. A trainee
    3. A teacher
    4. A coach
  3. Which one of the following describes Katana's character? 
    1. Accepts defeat and plans to be better. 
    2. Stubborn and never allows competition.
    3. Lazy and plans to practise more and more.
    4. Hardworking but never plans to better himself.
  4. From this conversation, it is true to say that the competition was 
    1. easy. 
    2. stiff. 
    3. noble.
    4. hard.
  5. Who was the first runner-up? 
    1. Kobole. 
    2. Katana.
    3. Kadzo. 
    4. We are not told. 

Read the passage and then answer questions 6 to 2.
The schools were closed and everyone else was at home. One Monday morning, we were going to our farm with my two siblings. On our way, we came by a crowd of people by the road very busy watching something we did not know. Immediately we saw them. we ran as fast as our thin legs could carry us so as to see what was going on.
On reaching that spot, we were astonished to find out that on the ground, lay a young man who was badly beaten by an angry mob. My youngest sister could not hold back her curiosity "What happened to him?" She asked one old woman.
"The young man snatched one lady's handbag and in the process of running away with it, an angry mob caught up with him and did all this to him," the old woman explained.

  1. When they saw the crowd, what did the writer and her siblings do? They
    1. decided to run away. 
    2. did not do anything. 
    3. went their way. 
    4. went and saw what had happened.
  2. How many children were going to the farm?
    1. Two
    2. Four
    3. Three
    4. One
  3. Who narrated the story to the writer's youngest sister? 
    1. The young man.
    2. An old woman. 
    3. The angry crowd.
    4. Her elder brother.
  4. The young man who was lying down was 
    1. dead. 
    2. crying. 
    3. injured. 
    4. stealing. 

Read the passage and then answer questions 10 to 12.
Our city, Bumaye, spent a harsh period of eight months without proper supply of water. During that period, everyone in the city had a hard time. Some even had to travel over very long distances to get a drop. Livestock was no better. Beautiful plantations along the highways had to die oft. However, the residents never gave up. They prayed and prayed for another six months. There was no sign of rain. Many of them gave up and let Him do His will. At the beginning of the seventh month, God listened to His people. There were dark clouds up there. Soon, the problem was over.

  1. For how long did Bumaye operate with the water shortage?
    1. One year 
    2. Six months 
    3. One year and two months 
    4. Eight months
  2. In the passage, livestock was no better has been underlined. What does it mean? Cows, sheep and goats.
    1. did not suffer. 
    2. also suffered.
    3. were not good.
    4. survived.
  3. Why do you think the residents had to pray? They
    1. were tired of rain. 
    2. loved their God. 
    3. liked praying.
    4. wanted rain. 

Read the passage and then answer questions 5 to 1.
There are many possible reasons why you may be fat. Some people are fat because of the way their glands work in their bodies. Other people are fat because of eating too much of the wrong foods. Some foods which fatten when eaten include cakes, biscuits, chocolates, crisps and many others.
A healthy body requires a diet of four main groups which contain proteins, carbohydrates. vitamins and minerals every day. There is proteins in legumes, milk, flesh and eggs. It is difficult to give the best advice on becoming slim. A doctor who knows a person's medical history is the best. The doctor is the one who is able to decide what factors have caused a person to be overweight. He advices which diet to take and which exercises to do.

  1. According to the passage, how many groups of food does the body need to be healthy? 
    1. Five
    2. Four
    3. Three
    4. Two
  2. To know the reason why someone is overweight, it is important to get the person's
    1. friends.
    2. teacher.
    3. medical history.
    4. records.
  3. Eating too much of wrong foods leads to
    1. slimness. 
    2. overfeeding. 
    3. hunger.
    4. fatness. 

Read the passage below. It contains blank spaces numbered 16 to 20. For each blank space, select the best alternative from the choices given

The education sector in our country                        16                        that every child must attend school since education is the key to success. While in school, learners are expected to work                        17                         so as to                         18                        and succeed in life. However, some learners are extremely lazy. They never want to scratch their heads but instead, they become                         19                         on others who are smarter for almost everything including answering their                         20                         oral questions.

    1. consists
    2. insists
    3. insist
    4. consist
    1. hardest
    2. slowly
    3. smartest
    4. tirelessly
    1. conceal 
    2. excel
    3. councel
    4. excess
    1. independent
    2. dependence
    3. dependent
    4. independence
    1. teachers' 
    2. teacher's
    3. teacher
    4. teachers 

For questions 21 to 23. choose the alternative that best completes the sentences.

  1. They woke up early and                        to their camp. 
    1. go
    2. went 
    3. goes
    4. going
  2. Did they                            the bags with them?
    1. carried
    2. carrying
    3. carries
    4. carry
  3. The young girl                              her blouse before hanging it on the line.
    1. wrong
    2. wring
    3. wrung
    4. wringed

For question 24, choose the sentence that is correctly punctuated. 

    1. "What is your name!" he asked me.
    2. What an awesome day? 
    3. "Lie down!" He barked.
    4. She likes washing on tuesdays.

For questions 25 to 27 choose the opposite of the underlined words.

  1. My uncle is very tall.
    1. feeble
    2. small 
    3. short
    4. long
  2. Our teacher of English is ill.
    1. sick
    2. well
    3. beautiful
    4. pretty
  3. The road was wet yesterday.
    1. dry
    2. narrow 
    3. soggy
    4. dirty

For questions 28 to 30, choose the best word from the alternatives to fill the blank spaces.

  1. We have been studying                         eight o'clock.
    1. at
    2. for
    3. on
    4. since
  2. Every citizen                             the right to free speech. 
    1. have 
    2. is
    3. get
    4. has
  3. She had never been to Nakuru before,                      she?
    1. had
    2. has
    3. hadn't
    4. haven't


eng timer ms



  1. The following are functions of stems in plants. Which one is not? 
    1. They store water for the plant 
    2. They store food 
    3. They transport food from the leaves. 
    4. They make food for the plant
  2. Pupils from Maua Primary School tied a clear polythene paper on a plant leaf. After sometime they noticed some droplets inside the polythene bag. What were they likely to be investigating? 
    1. Photosynthesis 
    2. Respiration 
    3. Transpiration
    4. Absorption
  3. What is the name of invertebrate shown below
    d 3
    1. Millipede 
    2. Centipede 
    3. Snake 
    4. Caterpillar
  4. Which component of blood helps in blood clotting? 
    1. Red blood cells 
    2. Platelets 
    3. White blood cells
    4. Plasma
  5. In the female reproductive system, fertilization takes place in the
    1. oviduct
    2. Uterus
    3. Ovaries
    4. Vagina
  6. The following are ways of reducing water wastage. Which one is not? 
    1. reparring leaking taps
    2. using drip irrigation
    3. turning off water taps after use.
    4. avoiding use of water
  7. Study the diagram below.
    The following crops have the same type of roots as shown above. Which one does NOT? 
    1. Maize 
    2. Grass 
    3. Rice
    4. Beans
  8. The following are characteristics of an invertebrate:
    1. Has six legs 
    2. Has three body parts
      Which of the following insects is likely to have the characteristics above? 
      1. Housefly 
      2. Tick 
      3. Spider
      4. Millipede
  9. The diagram below shows parts of the female reproductive systerm.
    The part marked C is known as 
    1. uterus 
    2. ovary
    3. oviduct
    4. birth canal
  10. A person who gives blood during transfussion is known as the
    1. donor 
    2. recipient 
    3. giver
    4. doctor
  11. The transfer of heat from a source without using any medium is known as
    1. convection 
    2. radiation
    3. reflection
    4. conduction
  12. The following are effects of sound pollution. Which one is not? 
    1. Hearing problem 
    2. Irritability 
    3. Sleep disturbance
    4. Good communication 
  13. Which one of the following is not a physical property of acids? 
    1. They taste sour. 
    2. They turn blue litmus paper red.
    3. They are corrosive.
    4. They turn red litmus paper blue.
  14. The change of liquid state of matter to gaseous state through heating is known as 
    1. melting 
    2. evaporation
    3. condensation
    4. freezing 
  15. The                          is a thin sheet of muscle that separates the chest and the abdomen.
    1. diaphragm
    2. gullet 
    3. lungs 
    4. ribcage
  16. Which one of the following shows the correct order of change of state of matter? 
    1. Solid → Gas → Liquid 
    2. Solid → Liquid Gas 
    3. Gas → Solid → Liquid 
    4. Liquid → Solid → Gas
      Use the diagram below to answer question
  17. Digestion of food starts at the part marked:
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4
  18. d18
    Grade five pupils performed the experiment above. Which pin was the first to fall?
    1. B
    2. A
    3. D
    4. none
  19. Grade six learners did the experiment below.
    Where should the candle be placed when performing the experiment above?
    1. B
    2. D


  1. Which one of the following is an indigenous cereal crop?
    1. yams 
    2. Sorghum 
    3. Arrow roots
    4. Pig weed
  2. The following are advantages of sunken bed. Which one is not? 
    1. They retain moisture 
    2. They capture maximum rainfall 
    3. They keep roots cooler
    4. They cause soil erosion
  3. Landside is a form of                        erosion.
    1. rill
    2. sheet
    3. gulley
    4. splash
  4. The following are creeping crops except 
    1. pumpkin 
    2. watermelon 
    3. sorghum
    4. grapevine
  5. Giving drugs to animals to get rid of parasites is called
    1. watering
    2. deworming
    3. vet care
    4. drenching 
  6. The method of irrigation shown below is called                             
    1. basin irrigation
    2. drip irrigation
    3. pipe irrigation
    4. flood irrigation 
  7. Teacher Grace, a grade 6 Agriculture teacher intended to clean the bush in her farm. Which safety clothing should she wear?
    1. Gumboots, goggles, overcoat 
    2. Rubber, gloves, face mask, ear buds. 
    3. Shoes, face masks, rubber gloves
    4. Shirt, trouser, hat
  8. The following activities contribute to soil fertility in the farm. Which one does not?
    1. Use of organic manure 
    2. Mulching
    3. Burning
    4. Recovering soil 
  9. Identify this type of deterrent?
    1. Thorny fence
    2. Deflector 
    3. Wire mesh
    4. Traps 
  10. A female sheep is known as
    1. Ram
    2. Lamb 
    3. Ewe
    4. Sheep


  1. The following items are used as cosmetics. Which one is not?
    1. Lotion
    2. Eyeshadow
    3. Lipstick
    4. Watch 
  2. Dangers of mising cosmetics include all the following except
    1. They make one look appealing.
    2. They can cause skin irritation
    3. They can cause eye infection
    4. They can cause allergic reactions.
  3. Adolescence is a stage between the ages of
    1. 9 - 12 years
    2. 9 - 13 years
    3. 13 - 19 years
    4. 8 - 15 years
  4. The following foods are sources of iron. Which one is not? 
    1. Oranges
    2. Tuna fish
    3. Liver
    4. Spinach
  5. One of the following is a reason why we preserve meat. Which one?
    1. To remove fat 
    2. To make it more
    3. To make it tastier
    4. To make it last longer 
  6. Which one of the following is not a cooking equipment?
    1. Electric cooker
    2. Pot
    3. Paraffin stove
    4. Charcoal jiko 
  7. The causes of obesity are listed below. Which one is not? 
    1. Excess intake of fat 
    2. Lack of regular exercises 
    3. Maintaining a healthy body weight
    4. Eating junk foods 
  8. The needlework tool shown below is used for
    1. storing the sewing kit 
    2. protecting the tailor 
    3. holding thread
    4. storing pins and needles 
  9. The following are factors to consider when choosing buttons. Which one is not?
    1. The person you are buying the buttons for
    2. The colour of the garment 
    3. The size of the button 
    4. The number of button holes
  10. Which one of the following is not a permanent stitch? 
    1. Loop stitch
    2. Long and short tacking stitch 
    3. Overlock stitch
    4. Back stitch


  1. Grade 6 girls of Nyahururu Academy were having a swimming lesson. One girl lay on one side in the water as she swam in water. What is the name given to this swimming stroke? 
    1. Back stroke 
    2. Breast stroke 
    3. Side stroke
    4. Butterfly stroke 
  2. Below are steps in the scissor technique in high jump. Arrange them in the correct order:
    1. Approach 
    2. The flight 
    3. The take off
    4. Landing
      1. (ii), (i), (iii), (iv)
      2. (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)
      3. (iv), (iii), (i), (ii)
      4. (iii), (ii), (iv), (i) 
  3. Which equipment below is correctly matched with the event where they are used?
    1. Baton - Javelin
    2. Shot - Non-visual baton exchange
    3. Javelin - Shot put
    4. Cross bar - High jump 
  4. Below is an equipment used in standing discus. What is its name?
    1. Marking flag 
    2. Score card 
    3. Таре
    4. Flag
  5. Trapping is a skill performed by soccer players. Which part of the body can be used to trap the ball?
    1. Face 
    2. Ankle 
    3. Thigh
    4. Arm 
  6. Tackling in handball involves
    1. rolling the ball on the ground continuously 
    2. throwing the ball in the goal 
    3. stopping an attacking player with the hands and the chest
    4. catching the ball using a "W" formation
  7. Which one of the following is not a fault in a volleyball game? 
    1. Stepping on or over the line on a serve. 
    2. Reaching under the net and crossing the line.
    3. Hitting the ball twice in a row.
    4. Serving the ball over the net
  8. What is tagging in rugby?
    1. Pulling tags or stripes from the Striker carrying the ball to restrict their attack on the tryline.
    2. Passing the ball to the team mate. 
    3. Opposing the scoring
    4. Throwing the ball that was offside.
  9. Which one of the following is not a quality of a good leader?
    1. Charisma 
    2. High motivation 
    3. Good communication
    4. Selfish 
  10. In netball, which of these positions is not allowed in the D?
    1. Goal attract
    2. Centre
    3. Goal defence
    4. Goal shooter


 sci marking scheme


Soma mazungumzo yafuatayo kisha ujibu maswali 1-5.

(Ni wakati wa mapumziko shuleni. Mwalimu na mwanafunzi wanajadiliana.)

Mwanafunzi: Shikamoo mwalimu. Nimefurahi kukupata bila shughuli nyingi.

Mwalimu: Marahaba Zigwembe. Nimemaliza kuzikagua insha zenu punde tu. Eh! Naona mnaendelea vizuri katika uandishi.

Mwanafunzi: Siyaamini masikio yangu. Awali tulikuwa mbumbumbu mno katika uandishi. Sina budi kukushukuru kwa juhudi zako tumbi nzima.

Mwalimu: Hilo ndilo jukumu langu; kuwanoa muwe wembe. (Kimya kidogo) Haya kibibi, ungependa nikusaidieje leo?

Mwanafunzi: (Huku akiketi mkabala na mwalimu) Bi. Chui, suala la kutofautisha vihisishi na vihusishi linaniiemea pakubwa. Sijui ni...

Mwalimu: (Akichanua uso kwa tabasamu angavu) Zigwembe, ni kama kwamba ulijua. Hilo ndilo funzo linalofuata baada ya kipindi hiki cha mapumziko. Nitatoa ufafanuzi kemkem darasani.

Mwanafunzi: (Akiinuka kuondoka) Sawasawa mwalimu, tukutane darasani niupate uhondo huo.

  1. Kilichomfurahisha mwalimu mwanzoni mwa mazungumzo haya ni
    1. kutokuwa na shughuli nyingi. 
    2. hatua waliyoipiga wanafunzi wake katika uandishi. 
    3. kuwa hapo awali, wanafunzi wake walikuwa mbumbumbu.
    4. kwamba alikuwa amemaliza kuhakiki insha.
  2. Yawezekana kuwa mazungumzo haya yalitukia mnamo majira ya
    1. alfajiri.
    2. usiku.
    3. adhuhuri.
    4. asubuhi.
  3. Unadhani ni kwa nini mwanafunzi hakuyaamini masikio yake? 
    1. Hakuyaamini maneno ya mwalimu.
    2. Mwalimu aliyatilia chumvi maelezo yake.
    3. Hakuamini kuimarika kwao ghafla katika uandishi 
    4. Maneno ya mwalimu hayakuwa na ukweli wowote.
  4. Kulingana na mazungumzo haya, ni kweli kusema kuwa mwalimu huyu ni 
    1. hodari.
    2. hatari.
    3. mjanja.
    4. mwongo.
  5. Je, kwa nini Bi. Chui hakumfafanulia
    Zigwembe tofauti baina ya vihisishi na vihusishi? 
    1. Alikuwa na shughuli chungu nzima. 
    2. Alitaka awaeleze wote darasani katika kipindi kilichofuata. 
    3. Alihitaji wanafunzi wengi ili kutoa maelezo yake. 
    4. Wakati ulikuwa umeyoyoma.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 6 hadi 8.
Serikali inapaswa kuwaelimisha wakulima nchini. Hivi ni kwa sababu ya upungufu wa mazao ya kilimo. Wakulima wengi wamepungukiwa na ujuzi wa shughuli za ukulima. Hivyo basi, kuna haja ya kuwafunza njia za kunyunyizia mazao yao dawa. Pia inafaa wafunzwe njia bora za upanzi. Kwa wengine, kutumia mbolea huwa ni jambo wasilolijua wala kulithamini. Hii hupunguza mazao ikiwa mashamba hayana rutuba.
Kwa wanaofuga wanyama na ndege kama vile kuku, wanapaswa kufundishwa mbinu za kukabiliana na magonjwa kama ville sotoka kwa ng'ombe na kideri kwa kuku. Maafisa wa kilimo kukabiliana na magonjwa kama vile sotoka kwa ng'ombe na kideri kwa kuku. Maafisa wa kilimo hawana budi  kuwa katika mstari wa mbele katika kuwapa wakulima misaada ya kila aina maana kilimo ni uti wa mgongo wa taifa letu.

  1. Kulingana na taarifa, ni kwa nini mazao ya kilimo yamepungua?
    1. Wakulima hawafanyi bidii.
    2. Wakulima hawana ujuzi unaohitajika. 
    3. Kuna upungufu mkubwa wa mvua.
    4. Kwa sababu kuna ukame uliokithiri nchini.
  2. Taarifa hii inasema kuwa, kwa wakulima wengine, matumizi ya mbolea 
    1. ni kitu muhimu mno. 
    2. ni jambo geni wasilolielewa. 
    3. hustalili kufunzwa na maafisa wa kilimo.
    4. ni jambo walilo na mazoea makuu nalo.
  3. Kulingana na ufahamu, si kweli kusema kuwa
    1. serikali haina budi kuwapa wakulima mafunzo kemkem.
    2. mashamba yasiyo na rutuba huhitaji mbolea. 
    3. sotoka huwaathiri sana kuku huku ng'ombe wakiugua kideri. 
    4. si wakulima wote wanatambua mbinu bora za kilimo.
  4. Sehemu iliyopigiwa mstari mwishoni mwa taarifa hii ina maana gani?
    1. Taifa letu linategemea sana kilimo. 
    2. Wananchi wengi wa nchi hii ni wakulima.
    3. Wananchi wote wa nchi hii ni wakulima. 
    4. Wakulima wa humu nchini hawana budi kuongeza bidii kazini.

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 9 hadi 12.
Juzi tulipokuwa sebuleni tukitazama runinga, mjomba alianza kutusimulia jinsi ambavyo mwalimu wao alikuwa akiwaeleza kuhusu umuhimu wa miti. Alianza kwa kusema kuwa mwalimu wao alisema kuwa miti huwa ni maskani ya wanyama mbalimbali, sanasana nyuni ambao hutengeneza viota vyao na kutagia mayai humo. Aliendelea kutuambia kuwa wanyama wengine wanaotegemea miti kama makazi ni wanyamapori kama vile simba, chui, pundamilia na wengine. Si hayo tu, aidha, alisema kuwa miti huweza kutumiwa kujengea, kuundia samani na pia kutumika kama dawa ambapo sehemu mbalimbali za miti hutumika kutibia magonjwa mbalimbali. Tulipokuwa tumechoka kumsikiliza, alituaga na kila mmoja wetu akaelekea kulala ili turauke siku iliyofuata.

  1. Msimulizi na wenzake walikuwa wakisimuliwa kuhusu nini?
    1. Madhara ya wanyama.
    2. Matumizi ya maji. 
    3. Umuhimu wa miti.
    4. Wanyama wa porini.
  2. Yawezekana kuwa masimulizi haya yalifanyika
    1. adhuhuri.
    2. asubuhi.
    3. alasiri.
    4. usiku.
  3. Kulingana na habari hii, miti hutusaidia katika haya yote ila kutupa 
    1. dawa 
    2. kuni.
    3. vifaa vya ujenzi. 
    4. vifaa vya kutengenezea samani. 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho kisha ujibu maswali 13 hadi 15.
Hapo zamani za kale, palikuwa na sungura na mbwa. Wanyama hawa walikuwa marafiki wa kufa kuzikana. Naam, walipendana kama uta na upote. Wanyama hawa walipokuwa makaoni mwao, mbwa alimwambia sungura kuwa yeye alihisi njaa sana. Aliendelea kumwambia kuwa angependa kumla yeye kwa kuwa sungura huwa na nyama nzuri na tamu. Kusikia vile, sungura alijifanya kutojali ingawa alishtuka sana moyoni. Punde kidogo wakati mbwa alikuwa ameangalia kando, sungura alitoweka na kuingia kichakani. Tangu siku hiyo, mbwa aliana kumwinda sungura mahali popote wakati wowote.

  1. Kulingana na taarifa hii, unadhani ni kwa nini sungura hujificha kichakani? 
    1. Asipatikane na mbwa. 
    2. Anaendelea kumtafuta mbwa. 
    3. Anaaibika anapomwona mbwa
    4.  Anatafuta mawindo humo. 
  2. Kwa maoni yako, mbwa alikuwa
    1. rafiki wa dhati.
    2. rafiki mnafiki.
    3. na nyama bora zaidi.
    4. rafiki mzuri.
  3. Sungura alipata mwanya wa kutoweka pale ambapo 
    1. mbwa alimwambia nyama yake ilikuwa tamu. 
    2. walikuwa wamekaa maskanini kwao.
    3. mbwa alikuwa ameangalia kando.
    4. mbwa alitoweka na kuingia kichakani. 

Soma kifungu kifuatacho. Chagua jibu lifaalo zaidi kati ya yale uliyopewa
Visa vya watu kuwaua wake, waume au watoto wao vimekuwa _16__ sana siku hizi. Si jambo _17_ mtu kufikia hatua kama _18_ . Hakika, ni_19_ mkubwa. Si hayo tu, wengine hufikia hatua ya kujiangamiza wao wenyewe kwa kujitoa uhai. Binadamu wanafaa kujua njia_20_ za kusuluhisha matatizo yao kuliko kuchinjana na kuuana.

    1. mingi
    2. wengi 
    3. nyingi
    4. vingi 
    1. jema
    2. nzuri
    3. baya
    4. mbaya 
    1. hili
    2. hiyo
    3. hizi
    4. huo 
    1. mnyama
    2. wanyama 
    3. unyama
    4. kinyama
    1. mzuri
    2. fupi
    3. ndefu
    4. bora 

Katika swali la 21-30. jibu swali kulingana na maagizo uliyopewa.

  1. Chagua sentensi ambayo haina kivumishi cha sifa. 
    1. Tuliambiwa kuwa Mombasa kuna joto jingi. 
    2. Rama alilila tunda bichi. 
    3. Chakula tulichoandaliwa kilikuwa kitamu. 
    4. Mwalimu wetu wa lugha ni mnene.
  2. Hii, huyu na lile vyote ni
    1. vielezi vya mahali. 
    2. vivumishi viashiria. 
    3. viwakilishi vionyeshi. 
    4. vivumishi halisi.
  3. Sehemu inayosukuma damu ienee mwilini ni
    1. ini
    2. ubongo.
    3. figo.
    4. moyo.
  4. Tegua kitendawili hiki. Hawa wanaingia, hawa wanatoka. 
    1. Samaki.
    2. Maji.
    3. Nyuki.
    4. Nzi.
  5. Chagua orodha ya vivumishi vya aina moja.
    1. Nene, wako, vyetu.
    2. Hii, wao, chafu.
    3. Letu, yao, chake.
    4. Huyu, wangu, bovu.
  6. Jibu la alamsiki ni
    1. marahaba.
    2. nawe pia
    3. jaala.
    4. binuru.
  7. Ni neno lipi kati ya haya litakuwa la mwisho katika kamusi?
    1. Kibindo
    2. Kibanda
    3. Kibarua
    4. Kibanio
  8. Chagua sentensi yenye matumizi yasiyo sahihi ya amba.
    1. Ambao waliwasili mapema walipata nafasi.
    2. Wanyama ambao waliogongwa na lori wameondolewa.
    3. Mafunzo ambayo tulipewa yametufaa. 
    4. Ambao hawana vitabu wasome magazeti.
  9. Msimu wa mvua nyingi huitwa 
    1. masika.
    2. vuli. 
    3. mafuriko. 
    4. 'iangazi.
  10. Chagua sentensi iliyotumia lugha ya adabu.
    1. Mtoto amekojoa kitandani. 
    2. Shangazi yangu amejifungua salam 
    3. Wanawake wenye mimba wapewe viti.
    4. Mgonjwa alihara hadi akafa.


swa timer ms


Read the conversation below and answer questions 1 - 5


Serian: Naeku, did you hear the loud sound from the power saw yesterday morning?

Naeku: Yes, I did. The sound was very unpleasant. I also heard loud sound from a plane that was landing in the afternoon.

Serian: Where was the loud music that I heard at night coming from?

Naeku: It was from the new music store that was being opened. The loud music was very
irritating. I was unable to sleep.

Serian: There are many activities that cause sound pollution in our locality. We must find ways of protecting ourselves from effects of this pollution.

Naeku: Sure. We must do something about this.

  1. Who heard the loud sound from a plane in the afternoon? 
    1. Naeku 
    2. Serian
    3. Pilot
    4. Co-pilot
  2. Why was Naeku unable to sleep?
    1. There were thieves
    2. There was loud music
    3. There were so many people in the surrounding
    4. There were many activities around
  3. The sounds produced in the learners locality were 
    1. pleasant
    2. Unpleasant
    3. Good
    4. Soothing
  4. What is the opposite of the word 'loud' as used in the conversation?
    1. Soft 
    2. Low 
    3. Pitch
    4. Slow
  5. Sound pollution can be caused by the following except 
    1. When a power saw is in use 
    2. When a gun is fired 
    3. When a plane takes off 
    4. When someone is snoring

Question 6 to 10: Read the passage below and answer questions


One day, the Hare made fun of the slow Tortoise. The Tortoise quietly replied that if the Hare would run a race with him, he would prove that he was not slow. The race bagan and the Hare quickly leaped ahead at a great pace. He was soon so far in front that he decided to have a little sleep.
Plodding steadily on, the Tortoise presently passod straight on. After a time, The Hare awoke and reached on. When he reached the winning post however, he found that the Tortoise had already arrived. Slow but sure wins the race.

  1. Who won the race?
    1. Tortoise 
    2. Hare 
    3. Both
    4. None
  2. The tortoise passed the hare when 
    1. The hare was sleeping 
    2. The hare was resting 
    3. The hare was eating
    4. The hare was running.
  3. What happened when the hare woke up? 
    1. He ran and won
    2. He saw the tortoise
    3. He went back
    4. He continued with the race.
  4. When the race began
    1. The hare slept
    2. The hare won 
    3. The tortoise was leading 
    4. The hare was leading
  5. This story teaches us 
    1. to be proud 
    2. to be slow but sure 
    3. not to sleep 
    4. to do things in a hurry.

Questions 11 to 15: Read the passage below and answer questions that follows


The mobile phone has become closer to us than our closest friends or even our partners. Without a phone, we feel incomplete, Although there are many uses of the mobile phone, the phone also has many disadvantages. We have become very lazy. A phone call is enough to pass a message.
Many people do not care whether they hurt or excite you. They feel they have saved time. We have become too busy even to chat with a friend. A phone is easier for us than visiting the friend.
We also have doctors who consult and treat patients on the phone. If it is right? I do not think so. The results are wrong prescriptions that can lead to prolonged illness or even death. It is through phone messages or calls that many people have suffered the loss of a loved one. Many people have had family break ups due to use of mobile phones. Is it worth the effort to buy and keep a phone?
The crime rate went up immediately the mobile phone was introduced. Many people were able to make quick money from stolen phones. Many pick pockets have also lost their lives while trying to steal mobile phones. Children in school have not been left out. The mobile phone has led many pupils into trouble. Some pupils have been tempted to use phones in the national examinations to pass answers. This has brought the pupils a lot of trouble. Some pupils have already been arrested and their exam results cancelled. This is big loss to the pupils and their parents.

  1. According to the passage, the mobile phone 
    1. is very expensive 
    2. has become very useless
    3. is treated as a close friend
    4. is not treated as a close friend
  2. How has the mobilr telephone made us lazy?
    1. We have to pass a message by going to see the person
    2. It does all the work for us 
    3. Many people use it 
    4. People use it to pass a message
  3. According to the passage, without a phone,                                       
    1. we are complete
    2. we are happy
    3. we feel incomplete
    4. we are incomplete
  4. Why do many people choose to use the telephone? 
    1. It is more expensive
    2. It helps one to meet many people 
    3. It saves time
    4. It helps us meet people
  5. Which is the best title for the passage?
    1. Advantages of telephones
    2. The use of a mobile phone
    3. The mobile phone
    4. Disadvantages of a mboile phone. 

Question 16 to 20: Reading the passage and then fill in the blank spaces numbered 16 - 20 correctly
One day, Tom                  16                       going to school.                  17                       met a stranger                  18                       demanded to greet hi. Tom                  19                       know what to do. He shouted                  20                       for help. 

    1. is
    2. were
    3. are
    4. was
    1. she
    2. Him
    3. He
    4. You
    1. which
    2. who
    3. whom
    4. whose
    1. don't
    2. doesn't
    3. didn't
    4. aren't
    1. slowly
    2. quickly
    3. greedily
    4. loudly 

Question 21 to 22: GRAMMAR
Add a correct question tag. 

  1. She will not come                               
    1. won't she? 
    2. will she? 
    3. can she?
    4. does she? 
  2. We shall pay you a visit                           
    1.  shall we?
    2. will we?
    3. won't we?
    4. shan't we?

For questions 23 to 26. Select the best word to fill the gaps

  1. Short rains have                                        
    1. begin
    2. began 
    3. beginning
    4. begun
  2. Either John or Jane                             the money. 
    1. has
    2. have
    3. having
    4. is
  3. All                            are required to attend the president's meeting.
    1. chief
    2. chieves
    3. chiefs
    4. chiefs
  4. One knife, many                                 
    1. knives
    2. knifes 
    3. Knife
    4. knivies

Identify the adjectives in these sentences 

  1. He owns a big land
    1. a
    2. owns
    3. He
    4. big
  2. The fierce lion attacked us 
    1. Lion
    2. attacked
    3. us
    4. fierce

For question 29 - 30. Complete the collective nouns

  1.                             of musicians.
    1. group
    2. troop
    3. band
    4. team 
  2.                                of directors. 
    1. bored 
    2. bench 
    3. board 
    4. bond


Complete the story below.

When I woke up that morning, the day looked good. I did my preparation very quickly ..................................................................


eng marking scheme


  1. The composition will be assessed according to the following guidelines. 
  2. The maximum mark will be 40 and the minimum mark 01.
    Does the script show that the candidate can communicate accurately, fluently and imaginatively in Englis

Accuracy (16 marks)

  1. Correct tense and agreement of verbs 
  2. Accurate use of vocabulary (4 marks)
  3. Correct spelling (4 marks)
  4. Correct punctuation (4 marks)

Fluency (16 marks)

  1. Correct flow of the story (4 marks) 
  2. Well sequenced sentence and connected paragraphs (4 marks
  3. Correct spelling (4 marks)
  4. Ideas developed in logic sequence (4 marks)

Imagination (8 marks)

  1. Unusual but appropriate use of words (4 marks)
  2. Variety of structure (4 marks)

NB: Please teachers are requested to scrutinize this marking scheme before use, it is worth

  1. Write the place value of 9 in the number 903456.
  2. Write in figures. Eight hundred and eighty thousand eight hundred and eight.
  3. The number of pupils in four schools was as follows. Arrange the numbers from the largest to the smallest.3033, 3003, 3303, 3330.
  4. Write 23/5 as a mixed fraction.
  5. 48 is a multiple of 8. Write the next two multiples of 8.
  6. Round off 809763 to the nearest thousand.
  7. A class has 42 pupils. Each pupil received sh 425 for buying stationery during the term. How much money did the class receive altogether?
  8. Identify the angle drawn below.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 1 Q8
  9. Circle all the numbers divisible by 2,5 and 10.
    (725, 130, 924,880, 470, 433)
  10. Find the HCF of 24 and 36.
  11. A farmer sold 3550 eggs in the month of June, 6252 in July and 2042 in August. How many eggs altogether were sold during the three months?
  12. Calculate area by counting the square.
  13. Work out:
    − 763756
  14. Sheila was depositing sh 4000 everytime she visited the bank. She has sh 16000 in the bank. Write the total amount in the book after every deposit fo five visits.
    16000, _______,  _______,  _______,  _______,  _______
  15. Work out; 
    8/10 − 5/10 =
  16. Work out; 12 − 8 ÷ 4 =
  17. What is the time on the clockface? ____________
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 1 Q17
  18. How many ¼ kg are in 5¼kg of sugar? _________
  19. Complete the division wheel.
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 1 Q19
    K - 
    W -
  20. Find the LCM of 10 and 15. _____________________
  21. Work out;
    sh    cts
    8      5 6
    ×         5
  22. Convert 5½ hours into minutes.  ______________________
  23. Fill in the missing number
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 1 Q23
  24. Convert 0.33 into a fraction. ________________
  25. What is the quotient of 72 and 9 ____________________
  26. A chair costs sh 820. What is the cost of 5 such chairs? ________________
  27. Allan has 3n apples and Mary has 4f apples. What is the total number of apples they have altogether? _______________
  28. The price of items in a shop is as follows: \
    Grade 5 End Term 2 Set 1 Q28
    Halama bought two packets of milk, a loaf of bread and 1 kg packet of sugar.
    How much did she pay for the items? ___________________
  29. A piece of wood 31m 38 cm long was cut into 6 equal pieces. How long was each piece?
  30. Write the next number in the pattern below:
    5,7, 11, 17, 25, _____________


  1. Hundred thousands
  2. 880808
  3. 3330, 3303, 3033, 3003
  4. 43/5
  5. 56, 64
  6. 810000
  7. sh. 17850
  8. Obtuse angle
  9. 130, 880, 470
  10. 12
  11. 11844
  12. 42
  13. 70771
  14. 20000, 24000, 28000, 32000, 36000
  15. 3/10
  16. 10
  17. 5:45/ Quareter to six/45 minutes past five
  18. 21
  19. K - 8
    W - 2
  20. 30
  21. Sh 42 80cts
  22. 330min
  23. 16
  24. 33/100
  25. 8
  26. 4100
  27. 3n + 4f
  28. 250
  29. 5m 23cm
  30. 35


  1. The following animals have common characteristics EXCEPT:
    1. toad.
    2. Newt. 
    3. turtles . 
    4. frog.
  2. Which one of the following factors does NOT affect floating and sinking?
    1. Shape.
    2. Mass. 
    3. Material.
    4. Size.
  3. The diagram below shows the movement of water when boiling.
    q3 utagytfgda
    The process of heat transfer is known as 
    1. convection. 
    2. radiation 
    3. conduction.
    4. condensation.
  4. Bilharzia worms mainly affects the
    1. kidney and bladder. 
    2. bladder and intestine. 
    3. lungs and liver 
    4. intestine and kidney.
  5. std 5 pupils tied a leaf using a transparent polythene bag. Droplets of water were observed the following day. What conclusion did they make? 
    1. Photosynthesis took place. 
    2. Absorption of leaves.
    3. Transportation took place. ·
    4. Transpiration took place.
  6. In which one of the following stages of HIV infection is the virus LEAST likely to spread from one person to another? 
    1. Full blown stage. 
    2. Window stage. 
    3. Asymptomatic stage. 
    4. Symptomatic stage.
  7. A child has the following signs and symptoms. 
    1. Get out of breath. 
    2. Dizziness.
    3. Pale skin.
      The child should be fed on 
      1. yams and cassava. 
      2. kidney and spinach.
      3. carrots and spinach. 
      4. beans and maize.
  8. Heat is important in all the following ways EXCEPT:
    1. cooking. 
    2. warming the house. 
    3. scaring away pests. 
    4. melting ice into water.
  9. Which one of the following crops stores food in the stem? 
    1. Sweet potatoes. 
    2. Sugarcane. 
    3. Carrot. 
    4. Onion.
  10. Class 5 pupils constructed the weather instrument below.
    q10 utfada
    The mistake made during the construction was
    1. using narrow tube. 
    2. labelling of scale. 
    3. using air tight cork. 
    4. colouring the water.
  11. Liquids and gases have 
    1. definite shape. 
    2. definite volume. 
    3. indefinite mass.
    4. definite mass. 
  12. Swimmers itch is a major sign of someone suffering from 
    1. cholera.
    2. malaria. 
    3. bilharzia. 
    4. typhoid. 
  13. Which one of the following materials will occupy the least space? 
    1. 1kg of dry saw dust. 
    2. Ikg of cotton wool. 
    3. Ikg of sand.
    4. None of the above. 
  14. Which one of the following is NOT a special sound?
    1. Abell.
    2. Hooting 
    3. Screaming. 
    4. Fire engine siren.
  15. Which one of the following DOES NOT produce light? 
    1. Moon.
    2. Glowworm.
    3. Sun.
    4. Stars. 
  16. Which of these states of matter remains in the same state on heating? 
    1. Metal rod. 
    2. water.
    3. Cooking gas.
    4. Petrol. 
  17. The following are tuber crops EXCEPT:
    1. arrowroots.
    2. onions.
    3. cassava.
    4. carrot.
  18. Which type of soil erosion can be caused by both wind and water? 
    1. Gulley erosion. 
    2. Rill erosion
    3. Sheet erosion.
    4. Splash erosion. 
  19. Which one of the following is NOT an energy giving food?
    1. Honey.
    2. Ripe banana. 
    3. Bread.
    4. Irish potato. 
  20. Which one of the following vaccines are given to a child at the age of 9 months?
    1. Yellow fever and anti measles. 
    2. Anti measles and DPT. 
    3. DPT and BCG
    4. Anti measles and Anti polio. 
  21. The diagram below shows a type of a grazing method.
    q21 nhfatrfda
    Which statement is CORRECT about the above method? 
    1. The land is divided using electric fence. 
    2. Animals graze on each paddock at a time. 
    3. Animals are commonly fed on hay.
    4. It is commonly used in highly populated areas.
  22. The diagram below shows a set-up used to demonstrate a certain aspect of matter.
    q22 yhrfada
    What was likely to happen after some time? 
    1. The balloon expanded. 
    2. Air gets into the balloon.
    3. Balloon remained the same in size. 
    4. Balloon contracts.
  23. Which one of the following produces fluid in which sperms swim through? 
    1. Sperm duct. 
    2. Testes. 
    3. Urethra.
    4. Glands. 
  24. One of the following is NOT a function of the roots?
    1. Absorption.
    2. Food storage.
    3. Support.
    4. Breathing.
  25. Which of the following vaccines is given through the mouth?
    1. BCG
    2. Anti Polio.
    3. DPT.
    4. Anti measles. 
  26. A bird was seen basking in the sun. It is true to say that:
    1. its body temperature rose. 
    2. its body temperature falls. 
    3. its body temperature rose then drops.
    4. its body temperature remained the same. 
  27. A planet seen late in the evening and early in the morning is LIKELY to be:
    1. Mercury
    2. Venus. 
    3. Mars.
    4. Saturn.
  28. Which one of the following protects a flower during the bud stage? 
    1. Petals.
    2. Sepals.
    3. Stalk.
    4. Stigma.
  29. When water is cooled under extreme temperature it
    1. condenses. 
    2. freezes.
    3. evaporates.
    4. expands. 
  30. "The experiment below was performed by class 4 pupils. The experiment proved that 
    q30 iyg7tg
    1. soil contains water.
    2. soil contains small animals. 
    3. soil contains air.
    4. soil contains humus.
  31. Which of the following vitamins below is CORRECTLY matched with its function?
               Name of vitamin          Function in the body 
    1. Vitamin                        Formation of blood and healthy blood vessels 
    2. Vitamin A                     Proper digestion and healthy working of brain.
    3. Vitamin K                    Control blood clotting.
    4. Vitamin D                    For growth and healthy gums and skin.

Study the diagram below and answer questions 32- 33
q32 jgaytda

  1.  Which type of soil is good for modelling?
    1. S
    2. R
    3. S and T 
  2. When performing which variable should not be the same?
    1. Size of straws. 
    2. Type of soil. 
    3. Time taken.
    4. Size of cotton wool. 
  3. Class 6 pupils collected different flowers from the school compound. Their teacher told them to draw the pistil only. Which of these shows the CORRECT sketch of the pistil?
    q34 hjgvatfrda
  4. Which one of the following is the odd one out?
    1.  Sunflower. 
    2. Coconut. 
    3. Palm.
    4. Sisal.
  5. The food nutrient that helps in growth of muscles is known as 
    1. proteins.
    2. vitamins. 
    3. carbohydrates. 
    4. body building.
  6. Which one of the following diseases CANNOT be easily passed from one person to another?
    1. T.B
    2. Tetanus. 
    3. Malaria.
    4. Measles. 
  7. Which one of the following is NOT a problem related to teeth?
    1. Tooth decay. 
    2. Bleeding gums. 
    3. Deciduous.
    4. Bad smell. 
  8. Removing wool from sheep is called 
    1. curing.
    2. shaving. 
    3. wooling.
    4. shearing.
  9. Std 5 pupils performed the experiment below.
    q40 ujygytds
    What were the pupils investigating? 
    1. The paper moved up and down. 
    2. Convection of heat in air. 
    3. The paper got burnt.
    4. The paper moved up.
  10.  A pupil classified some animals as shown in the chart below.
    q41 vutgtad
    Which animal was NOT classified correctly?
    1. Housefly.
    2. Chameleon. 
    3. Spider.
    4. Lizard.
  11. Which one of the following is NOT a fungal infection? 
    1. Yeast.
    2. Athlete's foot. 
    3. Ringworm. 
    4. Dandruff.
  12. Three of the following are good reasons for using medicines EXCEPT:
    1. to supplement body vitamins and mineral salts. 
    2. to prevent us from diseases. 
    3. to cure us from diseases.
    4. to beat deadline of the expiry date. 
  13. The tiny hole found on a seed which lets in air and water during germination is known as 
    1. hilum.
    2. micropyle.
    3. testa.
    4. cotyledon. 
  14. Which one of the following is NOT a commercial feed? 
    1. Lucerne.
    2. Fish meal. 
    3. Sunflower. 
    4. Salt licks.
  15. Any substance that is taken into the body to maintain good health is called 
    1. food.
    2. nutrient. 
    3. protein.
    4. balanced diet. 
  16. In which of these ways does AIDS affect the body? 
    1. It makes you slim. 
    2. It has no effect for many years. 
    3. You feel tired all the time.
    4. It reduces the body's ability to fight diseases. 
  17. Which one of the following statement is NOT correct? 
    1. The loudness of a sound varies with height
    2.  A whisper is a soft sound. 
    3. The shape of the cars of a rabbit increases the softness of a sound. 
    4. The shape of the ears of a dog amplifies the sound from any source.
  18.  Which one of the following is a source of animal fat?
    1. Butter. 
    2. Margarine. 
    3. Cooking oil.
    4. Soya beans. 
  19. Which one of the following substances will change its states on both heating and cooling? 
    1. Metallic ball. 
    2. Oxygen. 
    3. Wood glue. 
    4. Ice.

Marking Scheme

sc ms


  1. Which of the following is ninety two thousand seven hundred fifty seven and fourteen thousandths
    1. 92757.14
    2. 92757.014 
    3. 9275714
    4. 927571400
  2. What is the value of digit 6 in 7610315
    1. hundred thousands 
    2. six hundred thousand 
    3. millions 
    4. tens of thousands
  3. What must be multiplied by 0.07 to get 7
    1. 100
    2. 10
    3. 0.1
    4. 0.01
  4. What is the sum of the next two missing numbers 1,3,6,10,15 
    1. 21
    2. 28 
    3. 49
    4. 7
  5. What is the value of 
    3/5 + 1/3 of (4/7 - 1/5) ÷ 2/3 
    1. 23/10
    2. 11/14
    3. 51/5
    4. 13/10
  6. If a=3, b=a-1 and c = b +4
    a2 + c
    2b - 1
    1. 5
    2. 3
    3. 7
    4. 1
  7. Jared deposited sh 24000 in a bank which pays 15% simple interest. He withdrew all the interest after 11/2 years. How much money did he withdrew 
    1. Sh 4040
    2. Sh 3600
    3. Sh 5400
    4. Sh 2940
  8. James fenced his rectangular piece of land measuring 50m by 25m. Using five strands of wire what length of wire did he use
    1. 750m
    2. 600m
    3. 375m
    4. 150m
  9. What is the next number in the sequence below
    1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8
    1. 2
    2. 11/8
    3. 11/7
    4. 1
  10. What is the value of 8.229 + 4 correct to the nearest thousandths
    1. 2.058
    2. 2.0573 
    3. 2.573
    4. 2.057
  11. Mwangi drives 21/2hrs at an average speed of 64km/h and later drives 50km at 100km/h. What is his average speed for the whole journey
    1. 50km/h
    2. 70km/h 
    3. 3km/h
    4. 210km/h
  12. Mkulima bought a radio cassette on hire purchase terms. He paid a deposit of sh 5000 and there after 15 monthly installments of Sh 1200 each. If the total amount he paid was Sh 3000 more than the marked price, what was the marked price of the radio cassette
    1. Sh 23000
    2. Sh 13000
    3. Sh 26000
    4. Sh 20000
  13. Find the perimeter of the shape below in metres
    13 jhagda
    1. 460mm
    2. 300cm
    3. 4.6m
    4. 52m
  14. Elijah scored an average mark of 63% in six tests in the first five, his score was 67%. 58%, 72%, 53% and 60%. What was his score in the sixth test?
    1. 378
    2. 69
    3. 68
    4. 75.6
  15. Nyambura bought the following items from a shop
    2kg of flour for sh 150
    3kg of rice @sh 70
    2 bars of soap @sh 110
    2kg of cooking fat @sh 100
    2 boxes of matches for sh 10
    If she gave the shopkeeper sh 1000 note, how much balance did she receive
    1. Sh 50
    2. Sh 210
    3. Sh 950
    4. Sh 790
  16. What is the sum of the next two prime numbers after 83
    1. 172
    2. 186
    3. 170
    4. 176 
  17. In the figure below angle BAC is 52° and angle ACB is 48°. Find the measure of angle t
    17 ajgduyta
    1. 100°
    2. 80°
    3. 48°
    4. 52°
  18. Which of the following measurements will form a right angled triangle
    1. 7cm, 8cm, 10cm
    2. 2.5cm, 6cm, 6.5cm
    3. 4cm, 6cm, 10cm
    4. 5cm, 6cm, 7cm
  19. An orange tree was 160cm. The height of the tree increased by 71/2 find the new height of the orange tree 
    1. 2671/2 cm
    2. 1071/2cm 
    3. 172cm
    4. 167cm
  20. Five men working at the same rate can dig a shamba in 12 days. How many days will 15 men take
    1. 4 days
    2. 60 days
    3. 27 days
    4. 17 days 
  21. 5(7 - 3e) + 3 (9e + 2)
    1. 12e +41
    2. 12e-41
    3. 42e-2a
    4. 42e = 2a
  22. Find the perimeter of the given figure below
    (take pie to be π =31/7 )
    22 kjhgatfgda
    1. 108m
    2. 90m
    3. 80m
    4. 108m2
  23. King'ong'o and Muriasi shared sh 750 in the ratio of 7:8 respectively how much Muriasi get
    1. Sh 500
    2. Sh 400
    3. Sh 250
    4. Sh 350
  24. The price of a radio was reduced by 20% in a reduction sale. If maina bought it at Sh 5600, what was the original price of the radio
    1. Sh 1400
    2. Sh 7000
    3. Sh 6000
    4. Sh 8000
  25. The mean weight of 8 chicken is 31/2kg. The total weight of three of the chicken is 13kg what is the mean weight of the remaining five chicken in grammes
    1. 3000
    2. 28
    3. 3
  26. The area of a triangle is 96cm2. If its base is 12cm what is the height of the triangle
    1. 16cm
    2. 32cm
    3. 24cm
    4. 12cm 
  27. What is the value of
    0.48 x 0.24
    0.24 x 0.06
    1. 8
    2. 800
    3. 0.8
    4. 80
  28. The table below shows the number of goats sold in a week
    Day  Mon  Tue  Wed  Thur Fri
    No Sold  43  40  39  46  42
     What was the median number of goats sold
    1. 41
    2. 43
    3. 42
    4. 39
  29. The charges for sending a telegram are sh 12 for ten words or less. Sh 1.00 is paid for each extra work. A tax of 18% of the total is then charged. How much did Sophia pay to the nearest five cents for the telegram below
    1. Sh 15.34
    2. Sh 15.30
    3. Sh 15.50
    4. Sh 15.35 30.
  30. A pick up carried 14 cartons. Each carton had 200 tins. What is the total mass of the tins in tonnes if each tin was 500g
    1. 14
    2. 14000
    3. 1.4
    4. 1400 
  31. The ration of sheep to cows in a flock is 5:3. If there are 130 less cows than sheep. How many cows are in the flock
    1. 390
    2. 520
    3. 325
    4. 195
  32. On a map the scale used is 1:5000. A piece of land is drepresented on a drawing by a length of 3cm by 2cm. Find the actual area of the land in hectares
    1. 6ha
    2. 1.5ha
    3. 300ha
    4. 0.3ha
  33. Find the size of the angle marked L
    33 jhagytfda
    1. 114°
    2. 66°
    3. 132°
    4. 48°
  34. Tap A takes 6 hours to fill a tank while tap B takes 8 hours to fill the same tank. What fraction of the tank is filled by both taps in 1 hour 
    1. 1/24
    2. 7/24
    3. 1/8
    4. 1/6
  35. Which is the shortest length of wire from which equal pieces of length 32cm, 28cm and 36cm can be obtained without a remainder
    1. 4cm
    2. 96cm
    3. 2016cm
    4. 120cm
  36. Work out
    (0.9)2 + √0.0196 
    1. 0.95
    2. 0.14 
    3. 0.81
    4. 0.95 
  37. Arrange the following ascending order
    2/3, 0,42, 5/8 and 0.44
    1. 0,42,2/3, 0.44, 5/8
    2. 0,42,0.44,5/8,2/3
    3. 2/3,5/8,0,42,0.44
    4. 0,42,2/3,0.44,5/8
  38. Calculate the area of the closed cylinder shown below 
    π = 22
    38 khasguhyfsa
    1. 1034cm2
    2. 880cm2
    3. 1188cm2
    4. 308cm2
  39. The table below gives the distance in kilometres between town F to K
    39 ayiguuyda
    What is the distance between town F and K via G
    1. 150
    2. 320
    3. 240
    4. 390 
  40. What is the value of
    (3y + 4b) - (2y + b)
    If b=6 and y=10 
    1. 28
    2. 80
    3. 40
    4. 54
  41. Karanja bought 5.86kg of potatoes, Kamau bought half what Karanja bought and Omondi bought 3 times what Kamau bought. What was the total mass of the potatoes bought by the three people
    1. 8.79
    2. 14.65
    3. 11.79
    4. 17.58 42.
  42. What is twice the value of w in the figure below
    42 jhagda
    1. 40
    2. 80
    3. 50
    4. 36
  43. Three hundred and sixty four people contributed Sh 450 each to buy a piece of land. How much did they contribute all ! together
    1. Sh 814
    2. Sh 136800
    3. Sh 163800
    4. Sh 16380
  44. What is the distance of the given figure below in metres
    44 jhfahytfda
    1. 10.665m
    2. 10665m
    3. 1066.5m
    4. 106.65m 
  45. Wendy is p years old. Her father is 7 times as old as wendy. How old will her father be in 30 years time?
    1. 7p + 30
    2. 8p + 60
    3. 2p + 30
    4. p + 30
  46. A rectangular tank measures 3.2m by 12m by 4.5m high. Find the volume of the tank in cubic metres
    1. 172.8m3
    2. 172800m3
    3. 1.728m3
    4. 1728m3
  47. Mwango visited her aunt on January 20th 2016. He went back home on 3rd March 2016. How many nights did she sleep at her aunt's place
    1. 91
    2. 44
    3. 43
    4. 42
  48. Solve the inequality below
    2x - 2 > x+3
         2        4
    1. x>12/5
    2. x>21/3
    3. x<1 2/5
    4. x<21/3
  49. Construct triangle PQR in which QP-6cm, PR-4.5cm and angle PRO is 1200. Draw a circle that passes point PQR. What is the diameter of the circle? 
    1. 6.8cm
    2. 10.6cm
    3. 3.4cm
    4. 5.3cm 
  50. The graph below shows Nyangweso's journey from Nyeri to Migori by car. He started his journey at 8.00a.m and arrived ar 3.30 p.m
    50 iyga utyda
    What was his average speed after lunch 
    1. 50km/h
    2. 150km/h
    3. 66 km/h
    4. 557 km/h


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