Displaying items by tag: religious education


                                                                RIMBA AREA

Study the map of Rimba Area provided and answer questions 1 - 7.

  1. The land in Rimba area rises from
    1. North West to South East
    2. North West to North East
    3. North East to South East
    4. South West to North East.
  2. The following economic activities are carried out in Rimba area except
    1. cattle rearing
    2. fishing
    3. banking
    4. trading.
  3. What is the approximate length of the murram road in Rimba area?
    1. 5 km.
    2. 13 km.
    3. 8 km.
    4. 6 km.   
  4. The main factor that has influenced population settlements in Rimba area is
    1. transport
    2. security
    3. climate
    4. water.
  5. The religious building in Rimba area is used by
    1. Buddhists
    2. Muslims
    3. Christians
    4. Hindus.
  6. The social service that is urgently required by people in Rimba area is
    1. education
    2. security
    3. recreation
    4. health.
  7. Which of the following statements is true about Rimba area?
    1. The development is due to the quarry.
    2. River Safi drains into Lake Rimba.
    3. There are many cattle dips.
    4. Rimba area is administered by a chief.
  8. Which one of the following groups of communities in Kenya consists of Western Bantu?
    1. Agikuyu, Ambeere, Atharaka. 
    2. Mijikenda, Pokomo, Adawida.
    3. Abakuria, Abaluhyia, Abasuba.
    4. Ameru, Abasuba, Akamba.
  9. Which one of the following is not a traditional method of foretelling weather?
    1. use of a rain gauge.
    2. croaking of frogs.
    3. migration of some birds.
    4. shedding of leaves of some trees.
  10. Which one of the following treatment was not given by traditional African medicine men?
    1. Mental disorder treatment.
    2. Fixing broken bones.
    3. Heart operation.
    4. Digestive disorder treatment.
  11. Below are statements describing a traditional form of government in East Africa.
    1. Grouped villages.
    2. Had a Parliament.
    3. Divided into sub counties.
    4. Leadership was inherited.
    5. Ruled by chiefs.
      Which one of the following combinations of statements describe the Nyamwezi?
      1. (i), (ii), (iv).
      2. (ii), (iii), (v).
      3. (iii), (iv), (v).
      4. (i), (iv), (v).
  12. The statements below describe the migration of a community into Kenya during the pre-colonial period.
    1. They migrated from South-West Ethiopia.
    2. They settled near Mount Moroto.
    3. They settled on the floor of the Rift Valley.
    4. They spread around the floor of the Rift Valley in search of pasture.
      The community described above is the
      1. Sabaot
      2. Acholi
      3. Turkana
      4. Pokot.
  13. The diagram below shows a weather measuring instrument.
    The instrument is used to measure the amount of water
    1. in the atmosphere
    2. on the ground
    3. from the rains
    4. from the plants.
  14. The diagram below shows the process of formation of a mountain.
    The process is known as
    1. Volcanicity
    2. Faulting
    3. Deposition
    4. Folding.
  15. Below are some of the leaders in Kenya.
    1. Masinde Muliro
    2. Daniel arap Moi
    3. Oginga Odinga
    4. Mwai Kibaki
    5. Tom Mboya
      Who among the groups of leaders fought for the re-introduction of multi-party democracy in 1991? 
      1. (iii) (v) (ii).
      2. (iii), (ii), (i)
      3. (iii), (ii), (iv)
      4. (i), (iii), (iv)
  16. Forty youth from Makueni County were employed in the Magadi Soda factory in Kajiado County where they are living. This type of migration is called
    1. Rural to rural
    2. Urban to urban
    3. Rural to urban
    4. Urban to rural.
  17. Which one of the following is not true about traditional education in Kenya? It enabled
    1. one to marry many wives
    2. one to earn a living
    3. the youth to become responsible
    4. the youth to be self reliant.
  18. Which one of the following pre-historic sites is found in Tanzania?
    1. Nsongezi.
    2. Afar Depression.
    3. Fort Tenan.
    4. Kalambo.
  19. Below are statements about a famous traditional leader in Kenya.
    1. He was a respected medicineman. 
    2. He prophesied the coming of Europeans.
    3. He felt Europeans would harm the Africans.
    4. He died in 1904.
      The leader described above is
      1. Mekatilili wa Menza
      2. Koitalel arap Samoei
      3. Sakawa
      4. Masaku.
  20. Which one of the following types of mountain vegetation is found below the bare rock?
    1. Savannah.
    2. Bamboo.
    3. Rain forest. 
    4. Moorland.
  21. The following are characteristics of an early human being.
    1. cooked food.
    2. walked straight and upright.
    3. kept domestic animals.
    4. built simple houses.
      The early human being described above is
      1. Homo Sapien
      2. Home Erectus
      3. Homo Habilis
      4. Kenyapithecus.
  22. Which season is experienced in the northern hemisphere in the month of December?
    1. Winter.
    2. Summer.
    3. Autumn. 
    4. Spring.
  23. Juma, a Class 8 pupil asked his teacher for the meaning of bush fallowing. The teacher's response was that it is
    1. growing of both food and cash crops 
    2. growing of crops and keeping of livestock
    3. leaving the land idle to regain fertility before using it again
    4. moving to a new land after the soil in the present land is exhausted.
  24. Three of the following are problems facing poultry farming in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Expensive poultry feeds. 
    2. Shortage of land.
    3. Diseases that kill birds.
    4. Changes in prices of poultry products.

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 25 to 28


  1. The language group that migrated into Kenya using the route marked J is
    1. Nilotes
    2. Cushites
    3. Bantu
    4. Semites.
  2. The river marked K is
    1. Ewaso Nyiro North
    2. Tana
    3. Galana Sabaki
    4. Ewaso Nyiro South.
  3. The game reserve marked L is
    1. Maasai Mara
    2. Serengeti
    3. Tsavo
    4. Ruma.
  4. The town marked M is
    1. Kakamega
    2. Kisumu
    3. Eldoret
    4. Homa Bay.
  5. Class 7 pupils visited Masinga dam on River Tana for an education tour. One of the pupils asked the tour guide why the dam was built. The guide told them that the main reason why the dam was built was to
        1. provide a fishing site
        2. generate hydoelectricity
        3. provide water for domestic use
        4. create a recreation centre.
  6. Jane plans to go to Uganda to sell bananas. Which problem is she likely to face?
    1. Poor transport.
    2. Difference in currency.
    3. Political instability.
    4. Similarity of goods.
  7. Which one of the following is the least cause of conflicts in school?
    1. Reporting each other.
    2. Using other learners' property. 
    3. Bullying each other.
    4. Performing well in class.
  8. The following are characteristics of a type of soil.
    1. It has small particles.
    2. It has high water retention.
    3. It is difficult to plough
    4. It is dark in colour.
      The type of soil described above is
      1. Clay
      2. Sandy
      3. Loam
      4. Alluvial  
  9. Which one of the following is a reason why Lewanika collaborated with the British?
    1. To get back his land.
    2. For protection from other European powers.
    3. For spread of christianity in his Kingdom. 
    4. To stop slave trade.
  10. Which of the combinations of crops below are grown in horticultural farming? A
    1. Cabbages, millet, pawpaw.
    2. Potatoes, beets, bananas.
    3. Onion, apples, roses.
    4. Rice, tomatoes, carnations.
  11. One of the reasons why the Tswana practise nomadic pastoralism is that
    1. the area receives low rainfall 
    2. they own large herds of livestock
    3. they have large tracks of land
    4. they like migrating with animals.
  12. The main contribution of coffee farming to the economy of Ethiopia is that, it
    1. earns foreign exchange
    2. creates employment
    3. develops infrastructure
    4. leads to growth of industries.
  13. Below are some uses of a crop.
    1. Used to make perfumes.
    2. Used to make dental medicine
    3. Used to make soap.
    4. Used as a flavour in cakes.
      The crop described above is
      1. Cocoa
      2. Cloves 
      3. Onions 
      4. Chillies.
  14. The main problem facing industries in Kenya is
    1. limited markets
    2. inadequate capital
    3. inadequate skilled labour
    4. limited raw materials.
  15. The following are reasons for the establishment of settlement schemes in Kenya except
    1. to settle the landless
    2. to reduce population pressure
    3. to create job opportunities
    4. to increase food production.
  16. Who among the following leaders is correctly matched with the resistance group they led
           Movement            Leader
    1. Hehe                     Mkwawa
    2. Mandinka              Kabaka Mwanga
    3. Buganda               Mekatilili
    4. Giriama                 Samori Toure
  17. Below are uses of a certain mineral. It is used:
    1. as food for animals.
    2. to manufacture soap. 
    3. for domestic purposes.
    4. to prevent a human disease.
      The mineral described above is
      1. diatomite
      2. fluorspar
      3. salt
      4. limestone.
  18. Which one of the following countries was colonized by France?
    1. Egypt.
    2. Angola.
    3. Morocco.
    4. Cameroon.
  19. The following statements describe a type of democracy.
    1. Citizens elect representatives.
    2. Elected members make laws.
    3. Government appoints officials to implement policies.
      The type of democracy described above is 
      1. indirect democracy
      2. direct democracy
      3. civic democracy
      4. pure democracy.
  20. Which one of the following is not true about tourism in Kenya?
    1. Tourism brings many religions to Kenya
    2. Tourism creates jobs for Kenyans.
    3. Tourism earns Kenya foreign exchange.
    4. Tourism promotes international relations.
  21. Below are some causes of soil erosion.
    1. High rainfall.
    2. Monocropping.
    3. Shifting cultivation.
    4. Weak soil structure.
    5. Overstocking.
      Which one of the following combinations of causes is as result of human activities?
      1. (i), (ii), (iii).
      2. (ii), (iii), (v). 
      3. (i), (iii), (iv).
      4. (i), (iii), (v).
  22. Domestic tourism refers to the visit of local people
    1. to another country to preach
    2. in their own country for pleasure 
    3. in their own country for seminars
    4. to other countries for pleasure.
  23. Fatuma, a Standard 8 pupil sees a person being beaten by some people. The best action for her to take is to A
    1. talk to the people to stop 
    2. run away from the scene
    3. let the people continue beating the pupil D
    4. call for help from other people.
  24. The right to health care is referred to as
    1. civil right
    2. social right
    3. economic right
    4. environmental right.
  25. Which one of the following statements is true about fish farming in both Kenya and Japan?
    1. Fish is sold through co-operatives.
    2. Fish is the leading export.
    3. Both have a strong fishing culture.
    4. Both rear salt and fresh water fish.
  26. John a Standard 8 pupil found a Grade 4 pupil lying on the floor unconscious. The best action to take is to
    1. shout for help
    2. run away from the scene
    3. report the matter to the teacher 
    4. administer first aid.
  27. Which one of the following is the role of school management committee?
    1. Organize relevant teaching materials.
    2. Maintain cleanliness in the school.
    3. Plan for development of the school.
    4. Transfer teachers.
  28. The following are processing industries except
    1. Soda ash factory in Magadi
    2. Milk factory in Naivasha
    3. Sugar factory in Mumias
    4. Shoe factory in Limuru.
  29. Which one of the following practices may lead to drug abuse?
    1. Using preventive medicine.
    2. Healthy leisure activities. 
    3. Monitoring use of medicine. 
    4. Selling medicine in shops.
  30. The following tasks are carried out by people in Kenya.
    1. Paying taxes.
    2. Attending religious seminars.
    3. Participating in elections.
    4. Taking care of one's property.
    5. Taking care of the environment.
      Which combination of the tasks above consist of responsibilities of a Kenyan citizen?
      1. (i), (iii), (v). 
      2. (iii), (iv), (v).
      3. (ii), (iii), (v). D
      4. (i), (iv), (v).
  31. Three of the following are responsibilities of the United Nations. Which one is not?
    1. Settling disputes between countries. 
    2. Settling refugees.
    3. Providing famine relief.
    4. Discussing internal security.
  32. Which one of the following philosophies was adopted by the Kenya government at independence?
    1. Nyayo.
    2. African socialism.
    3. Uhuru na kazi.
    4. Harambee.
  33. Who among the following nominates Cabinet Secretaries in Kenya? The
    1. President
    2. National Assembly
    3. Senate
    4. Judiciary.  5
  34. We show respect to our National Anthem by
    1. learning it in Kiswahili
    2. singing it many times
    3. standing at attention when singing it 
    4. singing it in English and Kiswahili.
  35. Who among the following is not a member of the County Assembly in Kenya?
    1. Ward representatives
    2. Nominated members.
    3. Youth representatives.
    4. Deputy Governors.
  36. The work of Kenya Defence Forces is to
    1. arrest law breakers
    2. assist in making laws
    3. provide protection from external attacks
    4. provide protection from internal conflicts.




  1. From the Genesis stories of creation, Adam and Eve were placed in the garden of Eden by God in order to
    1. be saved from dangerous animals
    2. till and protect the garden
    3. name the animals in the garden
    4. eat the fruits from all the trees in the garden.
  2. A lesson Christians learn from the incident when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac is that they should be
    1. obedient to God
    2. honest in their lives
    3. respectful to other
    4. joyful when serving God.
  3. "God has made me a ruler over all Egypt,come to me without delay" (Genesis 45:9). These words said by Joseph to his brothers when he received them in Egypt demonstrate that he
    1. was planning to enslave them
    2. was planning to give them leadership positions
    3. owned a lot of land in Egypt 
    4. had forgiven his brothers.
  4. Who among the following people was chosen by God to assist Moses to deliver the Israelites from Egypt?
    1. Caleb.
    2. Joshua.
    3. Jethro.
    4. Aaron.
  5. "I am who I am" (Exodus 3:14). These words were spoken by God to Moses when he was
    1. crossing the Red Sea
    2. receiving the Ten Commandments from God
    3. performing miracles in Egypt 
    4. being called by God.
  6. Ruth chose to go with her mother in-law Naomi back to Bethlehem mainly because she
    1. wanted to visit her relatives in Bethlehem
    2. hoped to get a husband in Bethlehem
    3. desired to worship the God of Naomi
    4. desired to live in a new place with Naomi.
  7. King David promoted the worship of God in Israel mainly by
    1. bringing the covenant box to Jerusale
    2. making sacrifices to God
    3. preparing materials for the building of the temple in Jerusalem
    4. singing and dancing for God.
  8. A lesson Christians learn from the rich woman from Shunem when she built a room for prophet Elisha is that they should
    1. ask for favours from servants of God
    2. build places of worship
    3. give gifts to their friends
    4. take care of the servants of God.
  9. Which one of the following statements is a teaching of the new covenant foretold by prophet Jeremiah? God would
    1. write his laws upon people's hearts
    2. write the laws on stone tablets
    3. make the Israelites a kingdom of priests 
    4. make Israel a great nation.
  10. Which one of the following statements were said by the angel to the women who went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus?
    1. "What are you talking about to each other as you walk along?".
    2. "Do not be afraid... God has heard your prayer."
    3. "Go and make the tomb as secure as you can".
    4. "He is not here, he has risen ".
  11. Which one of the following statements was said by Simon about baby Jesus when he was presented by his parents for dedication in the temple? He will
    1. be called the son of the Most High 
    2. be a light to reveal God's will to the Gentiles
    3. be a great man in the sight of the Lord 
    4. have an everlasting kingdom.
  12. "The scripture says, worship the Lord your God and serve Him only" (Luke 4:8). These words were said by Jesus
    1. during the Sermon on the Mount
    2. when he was sending his disciples on a mission
    3. when he was being tried before pilate 
    4. during his temptation in the wilderness.
  13. A lesson Christians learn from the incident in which Jesus told a rich man to sell all he had and give the money to the poor is that they should
    1. use their wealth to serve others 
    2. seek spiritual wealth
    3. have limited material possessions 
    4. give all their wealth to the poor.
  14. A parable of Jesus that shows how different people receive the word of God is the parable of the
    1. mustard seed
    2. sower
    3. three servants
    4. Good Samaritan.
  15. The main lesson Christians learn from the incident when Jesus raised Jairus' daughter from death is that they should 
    1. seek help from others
    2. work for God
    3. comfort those who have problems
    4. have faith in God.
  16. Which one of the following is a reason Jesus was baptized in River Jordan? In order to
    1. purify himself
    2. receive the holy spirit
    3. fulfill the law of Moses
    4. please John the Baptist.
  17. A lesson Christians learn from Philip when he explained scriptures to the Ethiopian Eunuch who was on his way from Jerusalem is that they should
    1. avoid asking questions to strangers
    2. be led by the Holy Spirit
    3. travel to different places
    4. read many books.
  18. Which one of the following is a reason why deacons were chosen in the early church? To
    1. be in charge of the distribution of food
    2. perform miracles in church
    3. preach the good news
    4. organize singing in the church.
  19. "I have no money at all but I will give what I have..." (Acts 3:6). These you words were said by Peter when he was about to
    1. baptize Cornelius in Caesarea
    2. heal the lame man at the Beautiful Gate
    3. raise Tabitha back to life in Joppa 
    4. heal Aeneas in Lydda.
  20. Which one of the following statements is a teaching from the Apostles' Creed?
    1. "May your Kingdom come"
    2. "Forgive us our sins"
    3. "He ascended into heaven"
    4. "Happy are pure in heart."
  21. Which one of the following is a gift of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Joy.
    2. Healing.
    3. Patience
    4. Self control.
  22. In traditional African communities but pregnancy is valued mainly because it 
    1. is a time for the expectant mother to receive gifts
    2. gives the expectant mother time to rest 
    3. is a sign of the arrival of a new member of the community 
    4. provides an opportunity for relatives to visit the expectant mother.
  23. The main reason why people are encouraged to get married in both traditional African communities and Christianity is in order to
    1. to raise their status
    2. have children
    3. to get wealth
    4. to get labour.
  24. In traditional African communities members of a family share duties mainly to
    1. avoid idleness of some members
    2. please the ancestors
    3. develop different talents
    4. provide for the needs of the family.
  25. Christians in Kenya should obey those in authority because
    1. God expects them to do so
    2. those in authority are powerful
    3. It is a way of pleasing them
    4. they will be rewarded for doing so.
  26. On her way home from school, Joan findssome Grade 3 pupils stealing mangoes from a nearby farm. As a Christian, what is the correct action for Joan to take? She should A
    1. take the mangoes and return them to the owner of the farm
    2. stop them from stealing and tell them to respect other people's property
    3. ask those pupils to give her some of the mangoes
    4. report the matter to their class teacher.
  27. Your deskmate, Hellen, tells you that her parents are infected with HIV and she is finding it difficult to care for them. As a Christian what is the best advice to give Hellen? Tell her to
    1. seek help from the church
    2. come and stay with you
    3. go and stay with her relatives
    4. request the classmates to assist.
  28. Your deskmate, Brian, tells you that he does not like collecting rubbish because he feels this is manual work. As a Christian what is the correct advice for you to give Brian? Tell him
    1. the benefits of a clean environment 
    2. to request his parents to transfer him to another school
    3. to be hiding when others are working
    4. that you will be doing the work for him.
  29. You discover that your classmate, Stella, has a habit of taking alcohol during the weekend and she invites you to join her in the habit. What is the correct action for you to take? 
    1. Tell your classmates about it.
    2. Tell Stella's parents about her behaviour. 
    3. Refuse and tell her the effects of alcohol abuse.
    4. Refuse and stop talking to her.
  30. Your friend Carol tells you that her aunt who recently came from another country and is staying with them is showing symptoms of COVID-19. The aunt has refused to isolate herself and therefore Carol fears she might have contracted the virus. What is the best advice for you to give Carol? Tell her to 
    1. Isolate herself and not to share any item with other family members
    2. go and live with another relative who stays far
    3. go for a COVID-19 test and encourage her aunt and other family members to do the same.
    4. request her parents to send her aunt away so that they can be safe.



  1. A Surah that promises Prophet Muhammad (P.b.u.h) success in his mission is
    1. A-Tiin
    2. At-takathur
    3. Al-Asr
    4. An-Nasr
  2. Omar was giving a talk in class on why Muslims should assist orphans. The Surah he should refer to is
    1. Al-Lahab
    2. Al-Inshirah
    3. Al-Maun
    4. Al-Fatiha.
  3. Muslims are urged to pray to Allah andmake sacrifices to Him in Surah
    1. Al-Kauthar
    2. Al-Aadiyat 
    3. Al-Ikhlas
    4.  Al-Lahab.
  4. 'Illa ladhina amanu wa'amilu swalihaat'. This verse is found in Surah
    1. Al-Humaza
    2. Al-Asr
    3. Al-Qadar
    4. Al-Falaq.
  5. Muslims are warned against gathering of be wealth in Surah
    1. Al-Kafirun
    2. Al-Qariah 
    3. Al-Humaza 
    4. Al-Zilzilah.
  6. Which among the following is a characteristic of a hypocrite according to the Hadith of the Prophet (P.b.u.h)?
    1. Takes riba.
    2. Betrays trust.
    3. Neglects swalat. 
    4. Disrespects parents.
  7. Which one of the following is a rule of eating according to the Hadith of the Prophet (P.b.u.h)?
    1. Eating what is in front of you.
    2. Saying alhamdulillah when you start eating.
    3. Saying bismillah when you finish eating.
    4. Eating food that is good for you.
  8. Which among the following is not a condition of saum? One must
    1. be a Muslim
    2. be mature and sane
    3. be in the state of wudhu
    4. make the intention (nia) to fast.
  9. The tashahud is recited during
    1. Idd celebrations
    2. Aqiqah celebrations
    3. the performance of swalat
    4. the performance of Hajj.
  10. During performance of wudhu, Hassan washed the following parts of his body
    1. feet
    2. ears
    3. hands
    4. face
      Which of the above are fardh parts of wudhu?
      1. (ii) (iii) (iv).
      2. (ii) (i) (iii).
      3. (i) (ii) (iv).
      4. (i) (iii) (iv).
  11. A pilgrim in a state of Ihram is not allowed to
    1. take a bath
    2. brush teeth
    3. use perfume
    4. eat meat.
  12. Fatma, a Grade 6 pupil performed a three rakaat sunnah prayer after Isha prayer. Which among the following prayers did she perform?
    1. Witr.
    2. Ba'adiya.
    3. Khusuf.
    4. Taraweh.
  13. 'Bismillah' is a phrase used by Muslims when they
    1. start to do something
    2. get something good
    3. face problems in life
    4. wake up in the morning.
  14. Your classmate Mariam is disappointed because she did not qualify to join the debate team. What is the best advice that you can give her? Tell her to
    1. stop participating in debate
    2. continue participating in debate
    3. join another club
    4. concentrate on her studies.
  15. Jamal your friend tells you that he accidentally took another person's shoes after Dhuhr prayers in the mosque. The correct advise you would give him is that he should ob od live
    1. throw the shoes away
    2. donate the shoes to the poor
    3. keep the shoes and wear them
    4. take the shoes back to the mosque.
  16. Which among the following statements is true about the angels of Allah? They
    1. eat and drink
    2. received books
    3. obey the commands of Allah
    4. obey the teachings of the Prophet.
  17. Which among the following is the correct order of the last four Prophets of Allah? 
    1. Zakariyah, Issa, Yahya,Muhammad.
    2. Zakariyah, Yahya, Issa,Muhammad. 
    3. Yahya, Zakariyah, Issa,Muhammad.
    4. Yahya, Issa, Zakariyah,Muhammad.
  18. Ali, a Grade 4 pupil has been abusing his classmates and has decided to repent after realising his mistake. Which one of the following attributes of Allah will encourage him to seek for repentance?
    1. Al-Jabbar.
    2. Al-Muumin.
    3. Al-Aziz. 
    4. Al-Rahim.
  19. The first event of the last day is
    1. destiny
    2. judgement
    3. resurrection
    4. assembling.
  20. Which one of the following business practices should be avoided by Muslims
    1. Charging interest on loans.
    2. Selling goods on credit.
    3. Earning profit from goods sold.
    4. Selling equipment for sports.
  21. When choosing a friend in your class, you should consider one who is
    1. quiet
    2. famous
    3. rich
    4. humble.
  22. A'adhama Ilahu ajrak. This dua is said for
    1. a bereaved person
    2. a disabled person
    3. a dead person
    4. a sick person.
  23. The main reason why many Muslims lost their lives during the battle of Uhud is because they
    1. were few in number and the Quraish were many
    2. did not follow instructions from the Prophet
    3. had insufficient weapons
    4. were overpowered by the enemy.
  24. Which one of the following events happened in the year of sorrow
    1. Muslims were expelled from Makka.
    2. The death of the Prophet (P.b.u.h).
    3. The death of Lady Khadija and Abu Talib.
    4. Muslims were prevented from performing Hajj.
  25. The last sermon of the Prophet was at
    1. Mount Arafat
    2. Mount Swafa
    3. Masjid Quba
    4. Masjid Nabawi.
  26. Which among the following activities helped in the spread of Islam along the Coast of Kenya between the 15th and 19th century? A
    1. building of the Kenya Uganda railway.
    2. translation of the Quran into Kiswahili.
    3. intermarriage between the Portuguese and Arabs.
    4. intermarriage between the Africans and Arabs.
  27. Which among the following festivals is correctly matched with the month in which it is celebrated?
           Festival              Month
    1. Idd-ul-Addha       Rajab.
    2. Idd-ul-fitr             Shawwal.
    3. Isra-wal-Miraj      Dhulhijja
    4. Milad-un-Nabi     Muharram
  28. Which among the following months is not among the ash-hurul-hurum?
    1. Muharram.
    2. Dhul-Qaada.
    3. Rajab.
    4. Ramadhan.
  29. A common act among all Muslims is
    1. wearing white garments
    2. eating with hands
    3. facing Qibla during Swalat
    4. breaking fast with dates.
  30. Who among the following was the son of Nabi Adam?
    1. Habil.
    2. Suleiman.
    3. Yunus.
    4. Ismail.



  1. Which of the following Panch Mahabhoot is correctly matched with its quality?
           Panch Mahabhoot            Quality
    1. Jala                                     taste
    2. Agni                                    warmth
    3. Vayu                                   smell
    4. Akash                                 touch
  2. The attribute of Parmatma that is shown in the Sikh greeting, 'Sat sri Akal' is
    1. Loving
    2. Knowledgeable
    3. Powerful
    4. Eternal.
  3. Which of the following was done by Lord Vishnu in his Matsya Avatar?
    1. Saved mankind from destruction.
    2. Gave moral values to humanity.
    3. Protected the Divine Knowledge.
    4. Destroyed Evil. ide-mu-ballM
  4. The following statements described a Jain Tirthankar:
    1. He was the 23rd Tirthankar.
    2. Lord Indra protected him during his meditation.
    3. He preached Ratna Traya.
    4. He attained moksha on Samet Shikhar.
      The Tirthankar described is
      1. Parshwanath
      2. Shantinath
      3. Mallinath
      4. Neminath.
  5. Which one of the following was the main achievement of Guru Gobind Singh? He
    1. defended Hinduism.
    2. composed the poem 'Chandani Charitra.'
    3. founded the Khalsa Panth.
    4. chose Banda Bahadur as his successor.
  6. Who among the following personalities stopped the practice of animal sacrifice? 
    1. Lord Buddha.
    2. Shradhanand Swami.
    3. Vallabhacharya Guru.
    4. Ramanujacharya.
  7. The following incidents happened according to the epic Ramayana:
    1. Rama, Sita and Laxman went to the forest for 14 years.
    2. Hanuman located Sita in Ashok Vatika.
    3. Rama and Laxman helped Vishwamitra to kill the evil beings in his ashram and neighbouring land.
    4. Rama killed Ravan.
    5. Rama broke the bow of Parshuram.
      The correct order of the incidents is:
      1. v, i, iv, ii, iii
      2. i, ii, iii, iv, v
      3. ii, i, v, iii, iv
      4. iii, v, i, ii, iv.
  8. During which of the holy days is Kalpasutra read?
    1. Navratri.
    2. Paryushan.
    3. Diwali.
    4. Holi.
  9. Purusharth is a Hindu principle that encourages devotees mainly to
    1. satisfy desires
    2. follow ethics and morals
    3. make an honest living
    4. attain self-enlightenment.
  10. The following are the teachings of Guru Nanak except
    1. earn honestly
    2. practise penance 
    3. pray sincerely
    4. help the needy.
  11. Ajay, a standard 8 pupil, gets angry easily. His parents advised him to practise the principle of
    1. Akrothe
    2. Ahimsa
    3. Sheel
    4. Satya   
  12. Which one of the following principles of Dharma is correctly matched with its practice?
          Principle                Practice
    1. Dharma                 Self-control
    2. Dama                    Honesty
    3. Dhruti                    Patience
    4. Asteya                   Sincerity
  13. The principle that guides a person towards attainment of moksha is
    1. Asteya
    2. Kshama
    3. Vidya
    4. Shaucham.  
  14. The best way to achieve mental purity is through
    1. studying scriptures
    2. meditation practised regularly
    3. visiting places of worship
    4. listening to religious discourses.
  15. Which of the following ceremonies is performed by a Sikh devotee?
    1. Nishkraman.
    2. Upanayan.
    3. Chudakarma.
    4. Amrit Chakhna.
  16. The first Sanskar performed after a Hindu baby is born is
    1. Jatkarma
    2. Namkarna
    3. Chudakarma
    4. Nishkarman.
  17. The Buddhist devotees offer prayers in their place of worship which is known as
    1. Derasar
    2. Stupa
    3. Gurudwara
    4. Mandir.
  18. Which of the following is a place of pilgrimage which is important to devotees of Lord Vishnu and Lord Buddha?
    1. Abu.
    2. Palitana.
    3. Bodhi Gaya.
    4. Kashi.
  19. A unique common feature which is performed for celebrating festivals in Sikhism is
    1. fireworks
    2. sprinkling of colours
    3. playing raas and garba
    4. langar.
  20. Which one of the following is performed for the ustav of Navratri?
    1. Installing the Garbo in the venue.
    2. Burning the effigy of Ravan.
    3. Lighting a bonfire.
    4. Having a funfair.
  21. Which utsav is celebrated for a personality who taught Hindus to keep their promise at any cost?
    1. Janmashtmi.
    2. Ram Navmi.
    3. Shivratri.
    4. Holi.
  22. Who among the following yogis practised karma yoga?
    1. Bhagirath, Nivedita.
    2. Tulsidas, Surdas.
    3. Raja Janak, Nachiketa.
    4. Ramdas, Chandanbala.
  23. The following are the steps for performing a yogasana:
    1. Lying on the ground face up.
    2. Relaxing every part of the body.
    3. Removing tension and thoughts.
    4. Staying still with eyes closed.
    5. Being still for a few minutes.
    6. Turn on the side and get into a sitting position.
      The asana described above is
      1. Vajrasan
      2. Padmasan
      3. Shavasan
      4. Shalbhasan.
  24. Raja Janak was given the knowledge of attaining moksha by sage
    1. Vashishta
    2. Yagnavalkaya
    3. Changadeva
    4. Ashtavakra.
  25. Sumaira noticed that some of the neighbours have been scattering litter all over the compound. The best action for Sumaira to take is to
    1. dispose off the litter and ignore them
    2. sensitize the neighbours on the importance of proper litter disposal
    3. complain to the caretaker about the issue
    4. tell her parents what the neighbours are doing.
  26. Vivek, a Standard 8 pupil has a parent who was infected by COVID-19 and has been in the hospital for a long time. The class teacher and his class mates raised the funds to pay part of the hospital bill. The sadachar demonstrated by their action is
    1. tolerance
    2. obedience
    3. respect
    4. compassion.
  27. Your friend, Paras, has been spending a lot of his time playing computer games and his performance in school is dropping drastically. What is the correct advice for you to give Paras?
    1. Tell him to balance his study time withplay time.
    2.   Ask him to give you his computer games.
    3. Tell him to seek for advice from other classmates.
    4. Request him to transfer to a different school.
  28. The best way for Grade 6 pupils to demonstrate care for the environment is by 
    1. sweeping their classroom
    2. dusting the bookshelf
    3. planting trees
    4. keeping the grass short.
  29. Hindus pay tribute to their ancestors and departed souls of their family members in the month of
    1. Kartik
    2. Bhadrapad
    3. Chaitra
    4. Falgun.
  30. Who among the following is worshipped on Nirjala Ekadashi?
    1. Lord Buddha.
    2. Lord Rama.
    3. Lord Vishnu.
    4. Lord Hanuman.


Study the map of Pali area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. What is the approximate length of the murram road in Pali arca?
    1. 15km
    2. 12km
    3. 8km
    4. 10km
  2. The population distribution in Pali arca is likely to be influenced by 
    1. transport and communication 
    2. crop farming
    3. drainage
    4. mining activities.
  3. The land in Pali area slopes towards
    1. North West
    2. South East
    3. North East
    4. South West
  4. Most of the residents of Pali area are
    1. Muslims
    2. Traditionalists
    3. Christians
    4. Pagans.
  5. The main economic activity in Pali area is
    1. trading
    2. mining
    3. farming
    4. pastoral farming
  6. The climate in Pali area is likely to be
    1. Hot and dry
    2. Hot and wet 
    3. Cool and humid
    4. Cool and wet
  7. Three of the following social services are offered in Pali town. Which one is not?
    1. Security
    2. Education
    3. Health
    4. Recreation
  8. Which one of the following mountains was formed through faulting and uplifting?
    1. Ras Dashan mountains.
    2. The Aberdares:
    3. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    4. Mt. Cameroon
  9. Three of the following make up the school administration. Which one does not? The
    1. headteacher.
    2. deputy headteacher
    3. school president
    4. school committee
  10. The Pokomo migrated from Shungwaya in order to
    1. look for fertile land for farming.
    2. search water and pasture for their animals.
    3. escape attack from the Galla.
    4. reduce overpopulation in Shungwaya.
  11. Three of the following traditional leaders collaborated with the British. Which one did not?
    1. Lewanika
    2. Nabongo Mumia
    3. Oloibon Lenana
    4. Kabaka Mwanga.
  12. The Miombo highlands of Tanzania and Lambwe valley in Kenya are sparsely populated mainly due to
    1. pests and diseases
    2. poor drainage.
    3. harsh climatic conditions. 
    4. government policy
  13. Cultural artefacts are important mainly because they
    1. are preserved in national museums.
    2. were used by our ancestors.
    3. preserve people's culture.
    4. attract tourists who bring foreign exchange.
  14. Which one of the following groups belong to the plain nilotes of Kenya?
  15. The diagram below shows the formation of a type of rainfall.
    The type of rainfall represented in the diagram above is
    1. relief rainfall.
    2. frontal rainfall
    3. convectional rainfall
    4. orographic rainfall
  16. The early political association in Kenya played the following roles in the struggle for independence except
    1. presenting African grievances to the international community.
    2. promoting nationalism.
    3. communicating the feeling of Africans to the colonialists.
    4. leading Kenya to independence.
  17. The best way of resolving conflict involving two neighbours in the society is through
    1. dialogue
    2. litigation
    3. use of a commission of enquiry. 
    4. mediation.
  18. The best method of reducing human-wildlife conflict in Kenya is
    1. using the Kenya Defence Forces to protect wildlife.
    2. employing more game wardens.
    3. educating Kenyans on the importance of wildlife.
    4. erecting electric fences around game parks and forests.
  19. The following are roles of the deputy headteacher in a primary school except
    1. coordinating duties of the members of staff.
    2. supervising class attendance by teachers.
    3. acting as a secretary during school committee meetings.
    4. writing minutes during staff meetings.

Use the map of Kenya provided below to answer questions 20 to 23


  1. The town marked M is
    1. Kisumu
    2. Thika
    3. Eldoret
    4. Nakuru
  2. The country marked W is
    1. South Sudan
    2. Uganda
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Sudan
  3. The national park marked K is 
    1. Arawale
    2. Sibiloi
    3. Lake Nakuru National Park
    4. Malka Mari
  4. The climate experienced in the shaded region marked T is mainly influenced by
    1. winds
    2. relief and altitude
    3. latitude
    4. nearness to a large water mass.
  5. Which one of the following is not a basic need of family members?
    1. Food
    2. Clothing 
    3. Education
    4. Shelter
  6. Which of the following is a responsibility of persons with special needs?
    1. Taking part in national building. 
    2. paying all taxes like other citizens.
    3. Promoting social injustice.
    4. Taking bribes from business people.
  7. The following are characteristics of a type of soil.
    1. Found in highlands
    2. It is very fertile.
    3. Deep and well drained
    4. Red in colour
      The type of soil described above is 
      1. loamy soil
      2. volcanic soil 
      3. alluvial soil
      4. black cotton soil.
  8. The British used indirect-rule to colonize the northern part of Nigeria mainly because the
    1. British officers were often sick with malaria.
    2. cost of running the colony directly was high.
    3. protectorate was large.
    4. region had poor transport and communication networks.
  9. The first aid is mainly given in order to
    1. prevent further injury.
    2. promote recovery.
    3. save life
    4. enable the injured person to get to a doctor
  10. Which one of the following methods was not used in Tanganyika during the struggle for independence?
    1. Boycotts
    2. Diplomacy
    3. Motions through the LegCo
    4. Armed struggle.
  11. Below are characteristics of a climatic region in Africa.
    1. Rainfall ranges from 380mm to 2000mm per year.
    2. Temperatures range between 15°C and 25°C.
    3. The region experiences a hot rainy season and a cool dry season.
      The climatic region described above is likely to be
      1. savannah climatic region.
      2. semi-desert climatic region.
      3. mediterranean climatic region.
      4. equitorial climatic region  
  12. The most commonly used form of transport in Kenya is
    1. air
    2. railway
    3. road
    4. water
  13. Three of the following are roles of political parties in Kenya. Which one is not? To
    1. Encourage citizens to vote
    2. Encourage abuse of human rights.
    3. Keep the government on its toes.
    4. Promote freedom of association.
  14. The Equator (0°) passes through all the following African countries except
    1. Uganda
    2. Gabon
    3. Rwanda
    4. Somalia
  15. The main contribution of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta to the people of Kenya is that he
    1. led Kenya to independence.
    2. introduced the spirit of Harambee.
    3. Established settlement schemes.
    4. United Kenyans through the Kenya African National Union (KANU).
  16. Natural forests in Kenya are preserved mainly to protect
    1. sources of medicine.
    2. home for wildlife. 
    3. rare species of trees.
    4. water catchment areas.
  17. The main effect of HIV and AIDS on population growth is
    1. reduced life expectancy.
    2. slower population growth.
    3. high population losses.
    4. increased number of orphans.
  18. The backyard rearing of birds is practiced by most people because
    1. the birds have better meat. 
    2. it is cheap to keep the birds.
    3. traditional types of chickens are kept.
    4. birds are not affected by pests and diseases.
  19. River Nile and Niger have one thing in common. It is that they
    1. flow through Egypt.
    2. have estuaries.
    3. Rise in the equatorial climatic region.
    4. have deltas.
  20. A government officer who employs his close relatives in government positions practices
    1. nepotism
    2. ethnicity
    3. regionalism
    4. tribalism
  21. The African Union (AU) was mainly formed in order to
    1. promote unity among African states.
    2. promote friendly relations between African countries and other countries of the world.
    3. Promote trade in Africa.
    4. End colonialism in Africa.
  22. The most common problem facing the expansion of communication systems in Africa is
    1. inadequate capital
    2. illiteracy
    3. Lack of electricity
    4. Lack of skilled personnel.  
  23. Tea farming is important to the 20C Drought and famine economy of Kenya mainly because it
    1. gives most Kenyans employment. 
    2. improves standards of living. 
    3. is a source of foreign exchange. 
    4. is a source of income to farmers.
  24. The newest way of interaction among Kenya communities is 
    1. Trade
    2. Social media
    3. Education
    4. Facebook
  25. Three of the following are fresh water lakes in Africa. Which one is not?
    1. Lake Malawi
    2. Lake Natron
    3. Lake Chad
    4. Lake Tanganyika
  26. The main problem facing multi- purpose river projects in Africa is
    1. Displacement of People
    2. Siltation
    3. Water borne diseases.
    4. Reduced water levels downstream.
  27. The main method of improving the tourism sector in Kenya is to
    1. building more hotels and game parks.
    2. curbing poaching in all game parks.
    3. improving security by fighting insecurity and terrorism.
    4. advertising our tourist attractions home and abroad.
  28. The main problem facing beef farming in Kenya and Tanzania is 
    1. Poor quality breeds.
    2. Animals discases
    3. Drought and famine
    4. Land pressure.
  29. The appropriate action to take before crossing a busy road is to
    1. Cross the road when it is clear. 
    2. Look right and left then cross the road.
    3. Look left and right then cross the road.
    4. Run across the road.
  30. A foreigner intending to acquire citizenship in Kenya by registration must have
    1. lived in Kenya for at least two years.
    2. adequate knowledge of Kiswahili and English.
    3. a lot of wealth.'
    4. connections in the government.
  31. Three of the following are business opportunities in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Provision of services.
    2. Transportation.
    3. Farming
    4. Smuggling of goods.
  32. Which one of the following was not involved in shifting cultivation in the past?
    1. Practicing crop rotation.
    2. Cultivation of small portions of land at a time.
    3. use of land over and over again.
    4. Doing farming activities by hand.
  33. In Kenya, general elections are held
    1. When a sitting member of parliament dies.
    2. after every five years.
    3. in all constituencies on separate days.
    4. to clect the president only.
  34. In Kenya, the rights and freedoms of citizens are contained in the A
    1. Attorney-general's chambers.
    2. Hansard
    3. School syllabi
    4. Bill of rights.
  35. The arm of government that makes and amends laws is the
    1. Executive
    2. Judiciary
    3. Legislature
    4. Cabinet
  36. Cases involving children in Kenya. are heard by the
    1. juvenile courts 
    2. Kadhi's courts
    3. courts martial
    4. magistrate courts
  37. Which one of the following is a symbol of national unity?
    1. The national language.
    2. The national anthem. 
    3. National schools.
    4. The constitution
  38. Who appoints judges in Kenya
    1. Chief Justice
    2. The Supreme Court
    3. The Judicial Service Commission.
    4. The President.
  39. The following are sources of revenue for county governments in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Sale of bonds and treasure bills. 
    2. Sales of business licenses. 
    3. Loans from the national government.
    4. Property rates.
  40. Which one of the following is true about indirect democracy?
    1. There are no elections to choose leaders.
    2. All people are leaders in government.
    3. Citizens make all decisions involving their activities.
    4. Leaders make decision on behalf of the citizens.
  41. The method of irrigation used in Perkerra irrigation scheme is
    1. Drip irrigation.
    2. Basin irrigation
    3. Furrow irrigation
    4. Canal irrigation



  1. According to Genesis stories of creation, which one of the following answers is wrongly matched?
    1. Day 2 Day and night
    2. Day 3 - Sea, land and vegetation
    3. Day 4 Heavenly bodies
    4. Day 5 Sea creature and birds
  2. "At last here is one of my own kind-bone taken from my bone and flesh from my flesh." Gen 2. From this verse Christians should
    1. make use of God's creation.
    2. marry and bring up families.
    3. practice equality in their homes.
    4. learn that human beings were last to be created.
  3. Which one of the following was the main reason why Abraham instructed his son Isaac to get a wife from their relatives?
    1. Their neighbours were hostile.
    2. The Canaanites were uncircumcised.
    3. There were no women in Canaan to marry.
    4. Their neighbouring communities were idol worshippers.
  4. Three of the following were done by Moses when he was living in Egypt. Which one was not? He
    1. accepted God's call.
    2. killed an Egyptian.
    3. performed miracles before the king.
    4. received the ten commandments.
  5. Which of the following events took place during the exodus?
    1. Call of Moses in the desert.
    2. Building of the ark of covenant
    3. Killing of the Egyptians firstborns.
    4. Turning of water into wine.
  6. When travelling through the desert during exodus the Israelites were led at day time by 
    1. a cloud
    2. a pillar of light.
    3. a flaming sword
    4. ark of the covenant
  7. What was the name of the woman who hid the Israelite spies in Jericho?
    1. Rachael
    2. Rahab
    3. Abigail
    4. Jael
  8. The following are facts about a certain King in Israel:
    1. He ruled for twenty years.
    2. God rejected him.
    3. He was killed in war.
      Who among the following kings is described above?
      1. Josiah
      2. Ahab
      3. Saul
      4. David.
  9. Which one of the following miracles was done by prophet Elisha?
    1. Healing a blind man.
    2. Calling fire from heaven.
    3. Multiplication of bread.
    4. Casting demons from a woman.
  10. "He has provided for us a mighty saviour, a descendant of his servant David" Luke 1:69. Who among the following prophets made the above prophesy?
    1. Isaiah
    2. Hosea
    3. Zechariah
    4. Jeremiah.
  11. Which one of the following is the main reason why Herod was not happy when he heard about the birth of Jesus Christ?
    1. The wisemen had deceived him. 
    2. He wanted to remain the king.
    3. He wanted his son to inherit his kingship.
    4. He had not yet seen the baby.
  12. The teachings of John the Baptist mainly dwelt in.
    1. helping the needy people.
    2. teachings of the law of Moses.
    3. teaching people against idol worship.
    4. change of people's sinful way of life. 
  13. What advice did John the Baptist give to the soldiers who went to him to be baptised?
    1. Obey people in the authority.
    2. Do not accuse anyone falsely.
    3. Do not be misled by the false prophets.
    4. Do not take more than what is required.
  14. During the sermon on the mount, Jesus taught that happy are the peacemakers for they shall
    1. be shown mercy.
    2. be comforted
    3. see God
    4. be called children of God.
  15. The teaching of the parable of the lost coin, teaches Christians that they should 
    1. repent their sins.
    2. love their neighbours.
    3. be ready to forgive others.
    4. bring more people to God's kingdom.
  16. "Do not take a purse or bag or sandals" Luke 10:4. Jesus gave these instructions to his disciples when He
    1. sent them out to preach.
    2. taught them the Lord's prayer.
    3. met them on the way to Emmaus.
    4. sent them to prepare the last supper.
  17. Which one of the following Christian values is learnt from the parable of the prodigal son?
    1. Tolerance
    2. Humility
    3. Forgiveness
    4. Persistence
  18. Which of the following events did not take place on the night that Jesus was arrested?
    1. Jesus prayed on a mountain.
    2. Simon denied Jesus three times.
    3. Jesus healed the car of a slave.
    4. Judas Iscariot hanged himself.
  19. "Surely this was a righteous man" Luke 23:47. These words were said by
    1. the woman who went to the tomb. 
    2. the thief crucified alongside Jesus.
    3. Pilate when Jesus was brought before him.
    4. the Roman officer when Jesus died on the cross.
  20. Which of the following happened when Jesus was taken up in heaven?
    1. Angels spoke to the disciples.
    2. A cloud covered the disciples.
    3. A voice was heard from heaven.
    4. The Holy Spirit came down in. form of a dove.
  21. Which one of the following is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Kindness
    2. Goodness
    3. Faith
    4. Faithfulness
  22. Which of the following is the reason why people were surprised when they heard the disciples speaking on the day of Pentecost? 
    1. The disciples were drunk with wine. 
    2. The disciples had done miraculous things.
    3. There was wind blowing and tongues of fire.
    4. The disciples were speaking in foreign languages
  23. Three of the following were done by the carly Christians except one. Which one? They
    1. ate together joyfully.
    2. build synagogues all over Israel.
    3. took the good news to other lands. 
    4. sold their property and gave the money to the poor.
  24. The following values were taught by our ancestors except
    1. hardwork
    2. injustice
    3. purity
    4. honesty
  25. Which one of the following customs was not used when naming children traditional African communities?
    1. The child's wish.
    2. Time of the day.
    3. Type of the weather.
    4. To remember the ancestors.
  26. In traditional African societies, marriage was important because it
    1. is presided over by elders.
    2. ensured continuity of life.
    3. shows that a woman can give birth.
    4. shows that marriage partners are chosen by parents.
  27. Who one of the following is not a good use of leisure time for a standard eight pupil? 
    1. Taking part in a football match. 
    2. Participating in cleaning the streets.
    3. Fetching firewood for an old woman. 
    4. Watching a romantic movie on a TV.
  28. Kalekye a standard eight pupil was given more money by the shopkeeper after buying some items from a shop. She just went home quietly and hid the money. What Christian value does Kalekye lack?
    1. Honesty
    2. Loyalty
    3. Faithfulness
    4. Kindness
  29. Nekesa a born again Christian realises that Wasike whom she wants to get married to is a drunkard. As a Christian what is the best thing for her to do?
    1. Stop the marriage plans
    2. Join Wasike in drinking
    3. Talk to Wasike to stop drinking
    4. Advise Wasike to be drinking a little.
  30. Which one of the following was not done by the European missionaries when they came to Kenya? They
    1. treated diseases.
    2. translated the bible.
    3. baptised the converts languages.
    4. intermarried with Africans.



  1. Allah (S.W.T) has blessed you with many favours. What should you do according to the teachings of Surah Ad-Dhuha?
    1. Be proud of them.
    2. Teach them out.
    3. Conceal them.
    4. Explain them.
  2. Below are verses from Surah Al-Fiyl. 
    1. Faja-alahum ka'aṣfin maakuul.
    2. Tarmiihim bihjaaratin min sijjiil
    3. Alam-tara kaifa faa'la rabbuka bi-ashaabil fiyl
    4. Wa arsala aleihim twayran abaabiil.
    5. Alam yaj'al kaidahum fii tadh-liil
      The correct order of the above verses is
      1. (iii), (iv), (v), (ii), (i)
      2. (ii), (i), (iv), (v), (iii)
      3. (iii), (v), (iv), (ii), (i)
      4. (iv), (iii), (v), (i), (ii)
  3. To easily comprehend the knowledge that one is being taught, surah Alaq guides that learners should
    1. commit the knowledge into memory 
    2. take note of points using a pen.
    3. repeat the lesson, time and again. 
    4. put the lessons into practice.
  4. Who among the following people is not warned of a heavy punishment in Surah Al-Maun? Those who
    1. backbite others.
    2. discourage feeding the poor.
    3. do good deeds only to be seen.
    4. perform some salaats and skip others. 
  5. Which of the following things are believers asked to seek from Allah (S. W.T) in the Surah An-Nasr?
    1. Forgiveness
    2. Knowledge
    3. Protection
    4. Guidance
  6. The prophet (S.A. W) said, "Fear Allah in respect of these dumb animals and ride them when they are fit to be rode and get off them when they are tired." This hadith teaches Muslims about
    1. justice to animals.
    2. responsibility to animals..
    3. relationship with animals.
    4. kindness to animals
  7. Complete the following hadith of the prophet; "What will mostly take people to paradise will be the fear of Allah and
    1. obedience to leaders.
    2. good behaviour
    3. avoiding the evil
    4. love for the prophet (S.A. W)
  8. Muslims should endeavour to always be the first to give greetings, whenever they meet their brother Muslims because of a benefit taught by the prophet (S.A. W) in his hadith. Which one?
    1. It washes their sins like tree shedding leaves.
    2. The rewards are more than being greeted.
    3. They become close to Allah (S.W.T).
    4. As a way of identification that you are Muslim.
  9. You have committed an evil, may be without knowing, as a learned Muslim what should you do almost immediately?
    1. Follow it up with a good deed.
    2. Find a place and perform Sijdatu Sah-wa.
    3. Make efforts to control another evil.
    4. Recite a repentance supplication.
  10. Which one of the following is a pillar of Imaan?
    1. Praying to Allah as though you see Him.
    2. Accepting life situations the way they befall you.
    3. Performing prayers with thumaanina and ghushuu.
    4. Convincing people to know and practice Kalima.
  11. Which one of the following names of Allah shows that He is the giver?
    1. Al-Razaaq
    2. Al-Khaaliq
    3. Al-Qahhaar
    4. Al-Wahhaab.
  12. Which among the following scriptures was revealed to Nabii Musa (A.S)?
    1. Zabur
    2. Injiil
    3. Taurat
    4. Suhuf.
  13. In which posture of Swalah should a Muslim in prayer recite Tashahhud?
    1. Prostration.
    2. Sitting
    3. Bending
    4. Standing.
  14. While performing Salatul Janaza, when will you recite the supplication for the dead! In the
    1. third takbira
    2. first takbira
    3. fourth takbira
    4. second takbira
  15. Zaid is a Muslim farmer. He invites you on his farm to see his animals and advice him on how he should pay zakkat. On visiting you witness 60 goats, two camels, 30 sheep and 25 cows. Which animal would you advice him to first give out as zakkat? 
    1. Cows
    2. Camels
    3. Sheep
    4. Goats
  16. Which of the following is an act ofmTayammum?
    1. Drying the far with a porous stone after urinating.
    2. Rinsing the mouth with water.
    3. Wiping the face with dusty hands.
    4. Immersing the whole body in water.
  17. Which form of pilgrimage are Muslim faithfuls allowed by Sharia to perform more than the ones in their lifetime?
    1. Ifrad
    2. Umra
    3. Tamatu
    4. Qiran-
  18. Which of the qualities made the Qureish admire Muhammad's character?
    1. Generosity
    2. Hospitality
    3. Humility
    4. Trustworthiness
  19. Which one of the following stories teaches Muslims that Islamic brotherhood is far much better than brotherhood by blood relation? When
    1. Ibrahim was thrown into the fire and never burnt.
    2. Canaan perished in floods as Nabii Nuh saw.
    3. Yusuf was thrown in a ditch and survived.
    4. Qabil killed Habil.
  20. Which advice will you give to your close friend who likes using abusive language? To
    1. avoid by keeping quiet.
    2. speak in low voice and tone.
    3. use simple language.
    4. mind whom you speak to.
  21. Who among the following was an agent of spread of Islam along the coast of East Africa?
    1. Construction of Kenya-Uganda railway.
    2. Advent of Muslim missionaries
    3. Intermarriage
    4. The removal of Portuguese.
  22. The means of earning a living acceptable in the Islamic muamalaat is
    1. selling expired goods cheaply. 
    2. lending money on interest.
    3. selling, foreign currency
    4. adulteration of goods to meet customer demands.
  23. At the age of twelve, Muhammad (SAW) travelled to Shaam for trade training in the company of
    1. Maisara Khadijah's helper.
    2. a Christian monk Raaghibu Bahira
    3. his close friend Abubakkar Swiddiiq.
    4. his uncle AbuTalib.
  24. Who among the following people is prayed for a supplication - "Yarhamkallah"? One who
    1. sneezes
    2. coughs
    3. performs excellently 
    4. travels
  25. Which of the following was a form of persecution that the Qureish used to punish the early Muslim converts?
    1. Demolishing their houses.
    2. Beating them up
    3. Killing them.
    4. Boycotting them.
  26. Who suckled the prophet (S.A. W) away from his own mother? Mama
    1. Halima
    2. Aisha
    3. Khadija
    4. Ayman
  27. It is recommended that before Muslims attend Idd-ul-fitr,
    1. perform istinjaa
    2. perform a sunna prayer 
    3. they wear white clothes.
    4. they eat something.
  28. Which one of the following is the first ' month of the Islamic calendar?
    1. Muharram
    2. Ramadhan
    3. Rajab
    4. Dhul-hijja
  29. Islam recommends circumcision for boys mainly to
    1. reduce spread of HIV/AIDS.
    2. initiate them to adulthood.
    3. encourage cleanliness.
    4. as a sunna of Ibrahim,
  30. Which one of the following statements about Nabii Yusuf is true?
    1. He revenged against his brother.
    2. Allah gave him inspiration through dreams.
    3. He was jailed because of Zinaa.
    4. He rose to a minister in his own homeland.



  1. B
  2. B
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D
  7. D
  8. B
  9. C
  10. C
  11. D
  12. A
  13. C
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. A
  18. D
  19. C
  20. A
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. B
  28. C
  29. D
  30. A
  31. C
  32. B
  33. C
  34. C
  35. D
  36. C
  37. B
  38. D
  39. A
  40. A
  41. A
  42. C
  43. B
  44. B
  45. B
  46. D
  47. C
  48. A
  49. B
  50. D
  51. A
  52. B
  53. D
  54. C
  55. A
  56. B
  57. D
  58. A
  59. D
  60. C


  1. A
  2. B
  3. D
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. B
  8. C
  9. C
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. B
  14. D
  15. D
  16. A
  17. C
  18. A
  19. D
  20. B
  21. C
  22. D
  23. B
  24. B
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. C
  30. D


  1. D
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. D
  12. C
  13. B
  14. A
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. C
  23. D
  24. A
  25. B
  26. A
  27. D
  28. A
  29. B
  30. B



Study the map of POTE AREA and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. What is the general flow of River Pote in Pote area?
    1. South East to North West
    2. North West to South
    3. North East to South West
    4. South East to West
  2. What is the length of the railway in the map in kilometres?
    1. 5km
    2. 5.8km
    3. 6.2km
    4. 4.7km
  3. The population distribution in Pote area is mainly influenced by;
    1. transport system
    2. drainage system
    3. economic system
    4. security.
  4. The feature formed at the mouth of R. Pote is known as;
    1. confluence
    2. delta
    3. estuary
    4. tributary
  5. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Pote area?
    1. Fishing
    2. Mining
    3. Crop farming
    4. Lumbering.
  6. The type of soil found at the mouth of R. Pote is likely to be;
    1. black valcanic
    2. alluvial soil
    3. sandy soil 
    4. volcanic soil
  7. Pote town has grown to its present size mainly because of;
    1. government policy
    2. mining activities
    3. presence of a road junction
    4. security
  8. The following are Nilotes found in Eastern Africa. Which one did not disperse from Pubungu Pakwach?
    1. Lugbara, Acholi
    2. Luo, Acholi "
    3. Lango, Labwor
    4. Dinka, Shilluk
  9. Which one of the following was not a function of the clan elders in traditional African Societies?
    1. It protected the community
    2. It solved disputes
    3. It gave members a sense of belonging
    4. It assisted one another during difficulties
  10. Below are descriptions of a certain hominid.
    1. Made tools from stones.
    2. Ate cooked food.
    3. Communicated through speech.
      The hominid described is likely to be;
      1. Homo Erectus
      2. Homo Habilis
      3. Australopithicus
      4. Zijanthropus Boisei.
  11. The taking up of responsibilities and position of a person who has passed on is terms as;
    1. inheritance
    2. law of succession
    3. letter of administration
    4. succession.
  12. Which one of the following types of marriages allows polygamy and a marriage certificate to be issued?
    1. Civil marriage.
    2. Islamic marriage.
    3. Christian marriage.
    4. Customary marriage.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 13 and 14.


  1. The part marked Q is called;
    1. dyke
    2. lava
    3. vent
    4. conelet
  2. All the following are examples of the lakes formed at part R except;
    1. L. Paradise
    2. L. Shala
    3. L. Chala
    4. L Teleki.
  3. Which one of the following countries was used to resettle the freed slaves?
    1. Ethiopia
    2. Sierra Leone
    3. Nigeria
    4. Liberia.
  4. Why do police officers attend political rallies?
    1. To protect politicians.
    2. To control rioters.
    3. To ensure that those in attendance are secure.
    4. Because it is a requirement of the law.
  5. The main reason why Kenyans waged armed struggle against the colonialists was to;
    1. gain political independence
    2. get back their land
    3. get Western education
    4. protect their culture.
  6. It is the responsibility of the parents in a family to;
    1. buy anything their children ask for
    2. provide basic needs to their children
    3. beat their children
    4. respect and obey their children.
  7. Which one of the following statements is true about the weather instrument below?
    1. The tail points where the wind is blowing
    2. It is used to measure the strength of wind
    3. It is used to show the speed of wind
    4. The arrow points where the wind is blowing from.
  8. Which one of the following is the main factor that influences the population distribution in Africa?
    1. Economic factors
    2. Government policy
    3. Physical factors
    4. Social factors.
  9. The following are statements about a leader in Africa.
    1. He was champion of Pan Africanism 
    2. He led his country to independence
    3. He was a founder member of OAU
    4. He retired voluntarily from active politics.
      The leader described above is likely to be;
      1. Leopold Sedar Senghor
      2. Nelson Mandela
      3. Jomo Kenyatta
      4. Haile Selassie.
  10. Which one of the following is the main reason that led to the fall of Buganda Kingdom?
    1. Collapse of the long distance trade.
    2. The coming of the British colonizers. 
    3. Succession disputes.
    4. Attacks by the almoravids.
  11. The government of Kenya spends its revenue in all the following ways except
    1. paying its workers
    2. building roads
    3. supporting emergency services 
    4. paying fines for the law breakers.
  12. In the past, the Maasai and the Agikuyu mainly interacted through;
    1. wars
    2. ceremonies
    3. trade
    4. games and sports

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 25 to 29.


  1. The capital city of the country marked Q is;
    1. Moron
    2. Bamako
    3. Naukchott
    4. Antananarivo.
  2. Name the prevailing winds marked S;
    1. Harmattan winds
    2. Westerly winds
    3. North East trade winds
    4. South East monsoon
  3. The best explanation as to why the region marked XXX is sparsely populated is;
    1. it is covered with thick forest
    2. It is hot and dry
    3. It is mountainous
    4. It experiences floods.
  4. The country marked R is a former colony of the; 
    1. British
    2. Spain 
    3. Portuguese
    4. Germans.
  5. The mountain marked T was formed as a result of; 
    1. volcanicity
    2. faulting and uplifting
    3. folding
    4. erosion.
  6. The main difference between the Fulani of Nigeria and the Maasai of Kenya is that;
    1. the Maasai keep cattle, sheep and goats while the Fulani keep pigs and camels only
    2. the Fulani use horse back to scout for pastures while the Maasai do not 
    3. the Maasai live in temporary structures while the Fulani live in permanent structure
    4. the Fulani depend on meat and milk while the Maasai grow crops to supplement their diet.
  7. Which one of the following pre-historic sites is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
    1. Olduvai Gorge - Uganda 
    2. River Omo Basin - Tanzania
    3. Orlogesaillie - Kenya
    4. Ishango - Ethiopia.
  8. Which one of the following is negative effect of physical features?
    1. Provide water for irrigation
    2. Help in the formation of rainfall
    3. They are sources of minerals
    4. They hamper construction of roads
  9. Which one of the following reasons has contributed to the high life expectancy in Germany?
    1. High standards of living.
    2. Small families.
    3. High population density.
    4. More old people.
  10. The following are political organisations formed in Kenya before 1939. Which one was the earliest?
    1. Young Kikuyu Association
    2. Kikuyu Association
    3. Young Kavirondo Association
    4. East African Association.
  11. The Harambee spirit is one of the national philosophies. It united Kenyans in eradicating all the following except;
    1. colonialism
    2. poverty
    3. diseases
    4. illiteracy
  12. In a school, conflicts can be resolved using the following methods except;
    1. mediation
    2. arbitration
    3. litigation
    4. negolfation.
  13. Which one of the following is not a use of cloves?
    1. Making body oils and lotion
    2. Making perfumes
    3. Food preservation
    4. Spicing food.
  14. Which one of the following is not a similarity in tourist attractions in kenya and Switzerland?
    1. Cultural attractions
    2. Snow-capped mountains
    3. Beautiful scenery
    4. Warm climate throughout the year.
  15. The following are problems facing settlement schemes in Kenya except:
    1. ethnic hatred and conflict
    2. improved standards of living 
    3. poor state of roads
    4. inability to repay loans.
  16. Three of the following factors lead to slow population growth. which one does not?
    1. Favourable climate
    2. High standards of living
    3. Higher education
    4. Late marriages.
  17. Which one of the following is not a role of the school management committee? 
    1. Deciding on new development.
    2. Hiring and dismissing school workers. 
    3. Representing government in the school. 
    4. Ensuring that the school standards are maintained.
  18. The following are traditional methods of observing weather. Which one indicated the coming of a dry season?
    1. A sudden rise in temperature
    2. The smell of moist soil
    3. Shedding of leaves by some trees
    4. Presence of dew in the morning.
  19. Three of the following are negative factors that influence climate change except;
    1. afforestation
    2. industrialisation
    3. global warming
    4. use of petrol as a source of energy.
  20. Which one of the following is not an importance of marriage institution in a community?
    1. Enhance unity and co-operation.
    2. Provide companionship.
    3. Promotes HIV/AIDS transmission.
    4. Develops responsibilities.
  21. The diagram below shows a road sign. It is an example of;
    1. warning sign 
    2. regulatory sign
    3. informative sign
    4. no entry.
  22. Which one of the following UN agencies deals with the plight of refugees?
    1. UNESCO
    2. UNICEF
    3. UNHCR
    4. UNEP
  23. Three of the following are effects of the revolution of the earth. Which one is not?
    1. Causes different in seasons
    2. Causes difference in length of day and night
    3. Causes difference in time along different longitude
    4. Influences the position of the midday sun.
  24. L. Tana and L. Kivu were formed through a process called;
    1. downwarping 
    2. volcanicity
    3. erosion
    4. human activities.
  25. Kamenju wants to start a bakery business. Which one of the following factors should he consider most?
    1. Availability of a market.
    2. Government policy.
    3. Security,
    4. Availability of raw materials.
  26. The Berlin conference marked the beginning of;
    1. abolition of slave trade
    2. partition of Africa
    3. establishment of traditional government 
    4. construction of the railway line.
  27. The following are true statements about the Khoisan! Which one is not?
    1. They had a yellowish-brown complexion. 
    2. Their language has a click sound. 
    3. They were the earliest inhabitants of South Africa.
    4. They both had a centralized form of government.
  28. The method of irrigation used in Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme is;
    1. Basin irrigation 
    2. Furrow irrigation
    3. Overhead irrigation
    4. Sprinkle irrigation.
  29. The method of fishing shown in the diagram below is likely to be used in;
    1. fish ponds
    2. deep seas 
    3. lakes
    4. big rivers,
  30. The third chapter of the Kenya constitution deals with;
    1. the republic
    2. land and environment
    3. citizenship
    4. bill of rights.
  31. Which one of the following is the cheapest method of fish preservation?
    1. Sun drying
    2. Smoking
    3. Salting
    4. Canning:
  32. Which one of the following is a cause of conflict in the society?
    1. Corruption
    2. Democracy
    3. Fair distribution of resources
    4. patriotism.
  33. Cases concerning children are heard by the;
    1. Court of appeal
    2. The Supreme court
    3. Juvenile court
    4. Court martial.
  34. The best place to cross a busy road is;
    1. zebra crossing
    2. flyover
    3. round about
    4. foot bridge.
  35. Which one of the following was not a requirement for assimilation in West Africa?
    1. Readiness to practise French culture
    2. Ability to read and write in French
    3. Converting to Islamic
    4. One had to have only one wife.
  36. The following are countries of Africa. which one is correctly matched with its capital city?
    1. Angola - Port Novo
    2. Ivory Coast - Abidjan
    3. Egypt - Praia
    4. South Africa - Pretoria



  1. The main reason why God sent man out of the garden of Eden was;
    1. the man had known good and evil
    2. the woman convinced man that the fruit was good
    3. man disobeyed God
    4. The serpent was cunning.
  2. After the floods, the first thing that Noah did was;
    1. counting the number of animals in the ark
    2. singing praises to God
    3. making an altar to the Lord
    4. opening the floodgates of heaven.
  3. Abraham is considered to be righteous because;
    1. he did not have children
    2. Sarah was old
    3. he gave birth to Isaac in old age
    4. he had faith in God.
  4. Joseph refused to have sex with Potiphars wife. Which commandment did he obey?
    1. Seventh
    2. Sixth
    3. Tenth
    4. Eighth
  5. These activities occurred during the passover. Which one is not correctly matched with its meaning?
    1. Blood on doorposts - protection
    2. Bitter herbs - slavery
    3. Eat while standing - hurry
    4. Unleavened bread - protection
  6. When Moses ran away from Egypt, he fled to;
    1. the land of Moab
    2. the land of Midian
    3. Jerusalem city
    4. Canaan.
  7. Which one of the following commandments did Ahab break? 
    1. Do not covet.
    2. Do not commit adultery.
    3. Observe the Sabbath day and keep it Holy
    4. Honour your father and mother.
  8. Which one of the following miracles was performed by both Elisha and Elijah? A
    1. Healed people from leprosy.
    2. Multiplying oil.
    3. Raising the widow's son.
    4. Prophetical coming of the drought.
  9. Who among the only judges is Israel defeated his enemies with only 300 soldiers?
    1. Deborah
    2. Gideon
    3. Samson
    4. Samuel
  10. Who among the following prophets of the Old Testament prophesied about the coming of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Joel
    2. Isaiah
    3. Micah
    4. Jeremiah.
  11. Why did King Herod tell the wisemen to pass through his place and tell him about baby Jesus?
    1. He wanted to worship the baby.
    2. He wanted to be famous.
    3. He wanted to see his parents
    4. He wanted to kill the baby.
  12. When emperor Augustus ordered a census to be taken, Joseph went to the town of Bethlehem because;
    1. it was a religious center
    2. it was nearer Nazareth
    3. it was his ancestor's birth place
    4. he was commanded by an angel.
  13. When was Zachariah the father of John the Baptist doing, when an angel appeared to him? He was,
    1. preaching in the temple
    2. asleep
    3. offering a sacrifice
    4. burning incense.
  14. "This is my own dear son with whom I am well pleased." These words were spoken during;
    1. the birth of Jesus
    2. the baptism of Jesus
    3. transfiguration of Jesus
    4. ascension of Jesus.
  15. Which one of the following was not a teaching of Jesus about our enemies? We should;
    1. Be careful when eating with them
    2. love them.
    3. pray for them
    4. forgive them.
  16. The following accusations were made against Jesus when he was living with the Jews. which one was not? He was accused of;
    1. blasphemy
    2. claiming to be king
    3. working on the sabbath
    4. fighting against corruption.
  17. When Jesus was celebrating passover with his disciples during the last supper, he;
    1. named the greatest among the twelve disciples
    2. became transfigured
    3. fed 5000 people
    4. washed his disciple.
  18. Who offered his tomb for the burial of Jesus?
    1. Simon of Cyrene
    2. Simon Peter
    3. Joseph of Arimathea 
    4. Andrew.
  19. Which one of the following happened on the day of Pentesoct?
    1. 3000 people were converted.
    2. Holy Spirit came down inform of a dove.
    3. Jesus ascended to heaven.
    4. There was darkness for three hours.
  20. Which one of the following statements found in the Apostle's creed shows that God is the Supreme being?
    1. Born of the virgin.
    2. Suffered under Pontius Pilate.
    3. Descended to the earth.
    4. Creator of Heaven and earth.
  21. The following are fruits of the Holy Spirit except
    1. healing
    2. peace
    3. joy
    4. goodness.
  22. Which one of the following beliefs is found both in traditional African Societies and Christian?
    1. Jesus is the center of worship
    2. They believe in reading the scripture
    3. They believe in life after death.
    4. They believe in God created everything.
  23. Sacrifices in Traditional African Communities were offered to;
    1. appreciate God's gift of life
    2. break the relationship between the living and the ancestors
    3. be in good relation with God 
    4. enable procreation,
  24. A baby was welcomed in the clan in Traditional African communities by; 
    1. ululations done by the women
    2. offering sacrifices and giving offerings
    3. bringing presents to the baby 
    4. poring libations severally.
  25. What was the significance of shedding of bllod during circumcission in traditional African societies?
    1. To unite them with the ancestors
    2. To make them special members 
    3. To make them strong and healthy
    4. To prevent them from feeling pain.
  26. The following are benefits of sharing work except;
    1. harmony
    2. better relationship
    3. discomfort
    4. happiness.
  27. The best way for a christian to spend his leisure time is by;
    1. playing football
    2. watching movies 
    3. visiting the sick
    4. visiting friends.
  28. Different learners celebrated the birth of Jesus in different ways. Who did not celebrate correctly?
    1. Anitah - Giving offering in church
    2. Janet - Sharing food in a beer party.
    3. Mariannah - Join her friends in a beer party.
    4. Paulette - Attends a worship service.
  29. Which one of the following statements best shows how christians are helping to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS?
    1. Counselling those who are sick
    2. Providing drugs to the sick
    3. Keeping away from sinners
    4. Teaching others on behaviour change and morality.
  30. Who translated the New Testament Bible to Kiswahili?
    1. Jacob Ehdarat
    2. Johanne Rebman 
    3. Ludwig Krapf
    4. Dr. David Livingstone



  1. A lesson that Muslims learn from Surah At-Takathur is that they should
    1. take care of orphans
    2. worship only one God
    3. keep away from worldly things
    4. observe punctuality in salah
  2. Which one of the following is a teaching from Surah Nasr?
    1. Allah is the Creator of the universe
    2. Victory comes from Allah
    3. Man was created in the best from 
    4. Muslims should help the poor
  3. Which one of the following verses from the Quran is found in Surah Al-Kauthar?
    1. "Verily, you shall see the blazing fire"
    2. "Woe to every slanderer and backbiter"
    3. "And the mountains will be like carded wool"
    4. "Pray to your Lord and sacrifice to him alone"
  4. The Night of Qadr occurs in the month of
    1. Dhul Hijjah
    2. Dhul Qaadah
    3. Ramadhan
    4. Muharram
  5. The main message of Surah Al Ikhlas is
    1. Seerah
    2. Tawheed
    3. Muamalat
    4. fiqh
  6. The Surah that asks Muslims to seek refuge from the mischief of created beings is
    1. Al Fatihah
    2. Al Lahab
    3. Al Kafirun
    4. Al Falaq
  7. The Prophet (p.b.u.h.) said, "He is not among us who eats and fills up his stomach while his neighbor is hungry." The main teaching of this Hadith is: Muslims must;
    1. Not eat before their neighbours have eaten
    2. Treat their neighbours like brothers and sisters
    3. Not discriminate against their neighbours
    4. Share their food with their needy neighbours
  8. Which one of the following is an Islamic rule on eating?
    1. Eat the food when it is hot
    2. Start by reciting Bismillah
    3. Recite Alhamdulillah while eating
    4. Food should be eaten in a standing position
  9. Which one of the following Hadith condemns corruption in society?
    1. "The curse of Allah befalls on both the giver and the recipient of a bribe"
    2. "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should not annoy his neighbor"
    3. "Tell the truth even though it is bitter"
    4. "Whoever is not thankful to people is not thankful to Allah"
  10. A sunnah act which is performed in preparation for Friday prayer is
    1. facing Qibla
    2. covering Aurah
    3. performing Wudhu
    4. performing Ghusl
  11. Which one of the following acts nullifies Saum?
    1. taking injection
    2. cooking food
    3. drinking water
    4. crying loudly
  12. Tayammum is an alternative to wudhu. Which parts of the body are common to both?
    1. forehead and ears 
    2. legs and mouth
    3. face and legs
    4. arms and face
  13. The duty of Angel Israfil is
    1. blowing the trumpet
    2. removing the souls
    3. recording deeds
    4. bringing rain
  14. Who among the following Prophets of Allah showed the highest level of patience?
    1. Yusuf (AS) when thrown into the well 
    2. Issa (AS) when he was rejected by his community
    3. Ibrahim (AS) on the fate of his sacrifice
    4. Muhammad (SAW) on the instruction to leave Makkah
  15. The main reason why Muslims offer greetings before other utterances is because;
    1. It is a way of making friends
    2. It is a way of showing concern
    3. It is a dua
    4. It is a way of drawing attention
  16. Which one of the following acts is most likely to lead to corruption?
    1. begging
    2. gambling
    3. taking part in sports.
    4. Borrowing money.
  17. When is the dua Alhamdulillah recited?
    1. Before entering the toilet
    2. Before meals
    3. When slaughtering an animal
    4. After completing a task
  18. During Lailatul Isra Wal Miraj the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) was commanded to
    1. fast during kamadhan
    2. give Zakat
    3. offer five daily prayers 
    4. perform Hajj
  19. Which one of the following is the best way of celebrating Idd-ul-Fitr?
    1. Giving zakatul fitr and going for prayers
    2. Wearing new clothes and holding a feast
    3. Going for a family outing
    4. Visiting friends and relatives
  20. Which one of the following events took place in the month of Muharram?
    1. Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was born
    2. The Muslims conquered Makka
    3. Prophet Musa (AS) freed the Banu Israi from Firaun
    4. Muslims defeated the Quraish in the battle of Badr
  21. Ali who owns a shop gives the following business practices as his secrets of success. Which one of them is allowed in Islam?
    1. Hiding goods and selling them at a higher price later
    2. Allowing people to take goods and pay later
    3. Selling goods after their expiry date
    4. Lending money and charging interest on it
  22. Which one of the following business practices is forbidden in Islam?
    1. making profit
    2. charging interest
    3. selling goods on credit 
    4. giving loans
  23. Three of the following are reasons why begging is discouraged in Islam. Which one is not?
    1. It leads to a waste of time 
    2. It encourages laziness 
    3. It leads to loss of self-respect
    4. It is a means of getting rich
  24. The first Muslim visitors to the Coast of Kenya came as
    1. traders
    2. preachers
    3. farmers
    4. doctors
  25. Which one of the following events took place during Laila-tul-Qadr?
    1. The Prophet gave his Last Sermon 
    2. The Prophet was born
    3. The Prophet hid in the Cave of Thaur 
    4. The first revelation of the Quran
  26. Who advised the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) to dig a trench round Madina during the battle of Khandaq?
    1. Abu Bakr
    2. Umar Ibn Khattab
    3. Salman Alfarsi
    4. Abu Talib
  27. The first child to embrace Islam was 
    1. Ali
    2. Zaid
    3. Omar
    4. Uthman
  28. Majority of the Coastal tribes of Kenya embraced Islam mainly because they;
    1. Were forced by the Arab traders
    2. Admired the religious aspect of the Islam
    3. Were attracted to the open Islamic preaching
    4. Participated in debate with the Arabs
  29. Who among the following attended the prayer led by Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) at Baitul-Muqqadas during Miiraj?
    1. Prophets
    2. Swahaba
    3. Angels
    4. Family members
  30. Which one of the following is the place of worship for the Hindus?
    1. Synagogue
    2. Temple
    3. Church
    4. Mosque



  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. D
  9. A
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. A
  14. D
  15. D
  16. C
  17. A
  18. B
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. B
  23. D
  24. C
  25. D
  26. C
  27. B
  28. C
  29. C
  30. B
  31. C
  32. D
  33. A
  34. B
  35. A
  36. C
  37. C
  38. D
  39. B
  40. B
  41. C
  42. C
  43. A
  44. C
  45. B
  46. C
  47. C
  48. B
  49. A
  50. B
  51. D
  52. A
  53. B
  54. C
  55. A
  56. A
  57. C
  58. D
  59. C
  60. D


  1. C
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. A
  11. D
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. A
  16. D
  17. D
  18. C
  19. A
  20. D
  21. A
  22. D
  23. C
  24. A
  25. A
  26. C
  27. C
  28. C
  29. D
  30. C


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. C
  5. D
  6. A
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. C
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. D
  16. C
  17. B
  18. A
  19. A
  20. B
  21. B
  22. B
  23. D
  24. D
  25. D
  26. B
  27. D
  28. A
  29. A
  30. A


Study the map of Lima area and answer questions 1-7.


  1. The direction of the flow of river Lima in Lima area is from
    1. South to North
    2. North West to South Eastern
    3. North to South
    4. South East to North West.
  2. What is the approximate length of the tarmac road from the junction to the Northern end in Lima area?
    1. 5km
    2. 7.5km
    3. 12.5km
    4. 9km 
  3. Lima town serves the people of Lima area in three of the following ways except
    1. industrial centre
    2. administrative centre
    3. religious centre
    4. health centre.
  4. The main factor which has influenced the distribution of settlement in Lima area is likely to be
    1. rainfall
    2. good drainage
    3. economic activities
    4. transport network.
  5. The main reason why the forest in the South Eastern part of Lima area is conserved is that it
    1. is a water catchment area
    2. has rare species of trees
    3. is a home of wildlife
    4. is a source of timber.
  6. Three of the following economic activities are carried out in Lima area except
    1. fishing
    2. lumbering
    3. cash crop growing
    4. mining,
  7. The climate of the South Western part of Lima area is most likely to be
    1. cool and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. hot and wet
    4. cool and dry.
  8. Lambwe valley, Miombo woodland and Kidepo Valley have one thing in common. It is that they
    1. are densely populated
    2. hot and dry climate
    3. have inadequate rainfall
    4. are sparsely populated.
  9. Which one of the following was a way of educating the youth in traditional African society?
    1. Asking the learner to write notes.
    2. Using a fixed timetable.
    3. Attaching the learners to an expert.
    4. Teaching boys and girls similar skills.
  10. Which one of the following communities is likely to be found in Tunisia?
    1. Iraqw
    2. Tuaregs
    3. Aramanik
    4. Chewa.
  11. Which one of the following pre-historic sites in Eastern Africa is located at the Eastern side of lake Turkana?
    1. Koobi Fora
    2. Magosi
    3. Olorgesailie
    4. Olduvai Gorge.
  12. Which one of the following least contributed to the building of Aswan High Dam in Egypt? To
    1. provide water for irrigation
    2. generate hydro-electric power
    3. attract tourists
    4. provide water transport.
  13. The following are problems facing pastoralism in Africa except
    1. prolonged drough
    2. pests and diseases
    3. inadequate labour
    4. shortage of grazing land.
  14. The time at Ramciel 40° E is 2.00 pm. What is the time in Lome 5°W?
    1. 11.00 am
    2. 5.00 pm
    3. 5.00 am
    4. 11.00 pm.
  15. The main challenge facing pyrethrum growing in Kenya today is
    1. lack of capital
    2. competition from synthetic insecticides
    3. harsh weather condition
    4. shortage of water for irrigation.
  16. The main tourist attraction in Mauritius is
    1. a variety of wildlife
    2. historical site
    3. warm sandy beaches
    4. peoples culture.
  17. Which one of the following Islands is not located in Indian Ocean?
    1. Mauritiu
    2. Comoros
    3. Seychelles
    4. Sao Tome and Principe.
  18. The main reason for the coming of the Arabs to the East African coast was that they
    1. wanted to build port Jesus
    2. were looking for the source of river Nile
    3. wanted to trade with people in the region
    4. wanted to establish maize plantation in the region.
  19. The main reason for the establishment of irrigation schemes in Kenya was to
    1. increase crop production
    2. to provide farms to the people who had no land
    3. to reduce pressure on land
    4. to improve standards of living in rural areas.
  20. The main reason why the Luo migrated from their original homeland into Kenya was to
    1. look for new fishing areas
    2. look for water and pasture for their animals
    3. avoid epidemics
    4. look for fertile land to grow crops.

Use the diagram below to answer question 21.


  1. Three of the following mountains were formed through the process shown on the diagram above except
    1. Danakil Alps
    2. Mt. Ruwenzori
    3. Mt. Pare
    4. Mt. Meru.
  2. Which of the following colonial systems of administration was used by the French to rule Senegal
    1. Assimilation
    2. Paternalism
    3. Direct rule
    4. Indirect rule.
  3. The Nyamwezi had a centralized system of government. The title of the person incharge of information was known as
    1. Katikiro
    2. Omulamuzi
    3. Kikoma
    4. Rugaruga.
  4. The main problem facing fishing in Lake Victoria is
    1. water hyacinth
    2. drought in the region
    3. pollution from industries
    4. excess evaporation.
  5. To be a citizen of Kenya by registration, one must meet three of the following conditions except
    1. be 21 years old and above
    2. one of the parents must be a Kenyan
    3. lived in the country for at least 7 years
    4. be of good moral character.
  6. Which one of the following statements is true about succession and inheritance of family wealth?
    1. Intestate succession is followed when a person dies after preparing a will.
    2. Testate succession is followed when there is no will.
    3. The sons of the deceased get a bigger share than the daughters.
    4. Both boys and girls have an equal share of the estate.
  7. Which one of the following groups consists of fresh water lakes?
    1. L. Elementaita, L. Naivasha, L. Albert.
    2. L. Edward, L. Tanganyika, L. Albert.
    3. L. Naivasha, L. Tanganyika, L. Albert.
    4. L. Nakuru, L. Natron, L. Baringo.
  8. Which one of the following factors mainly determine the vegetation that grows on the mountain?
    1. Rainfall.
    2. Human activities.
    3. Altitude.
    4. Wild animals.
  9. The following early visitors to Eastern Africa came from Europe except
    1. John Speke
    2. Vasco da Gama
    3. Seyyid Said
    4. Carl Peters.
  10. Which one of the following is an effect of rotation of the Earth?
    1. Causes seasons.
    2. Influences the position of the midday sun.
    3. Causes differences in the length of the day and night.
    4. Causes differences in the time along different meridians.
  11. The main problem facing road transport in Kenya is
    1. high cost of construction and maintenance
    2. careless road users
    3. accidents
    4. failure to obey traffic rules.
  12. Which one of the following is a function of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission?
    1. Listen to election petitions.
    2. Register political parties.
    3. Conduct and supervise elections.
    4. Campaign for candidates.

Use the map below to answer questions 33-36.


  1. The climatic region marked T has all the following characteristics except that it
    1. has two dry seasons
    2. receives rainfall throughout the year
    3. is hot and wet throughout the year
    4. annual temperature range is high.
  2. The capital city of the country marked Q is
    1. Cairo
    2. Tripoli
    3. Dakar
    4. Bamako.
  3. The Island country marked K was colonized by
    1. British
    2. France
    3. Italy
    4. Portuguese.
  4. An effect of the ocean current marked F to the  adjacent land is that it
    1. brings a lot of rainfall in the area
    2. brings mist and fog in the area causing desertification
    3. makes the area to be densely populated
    4. makes the area to be rich in agriculture.
  5. The best method of curbing drug and substance use in Africa is
    1. establishing strict laws
    2. banning the use of drugs
    3. creating awareness on the dangers of drugs
    4. keeping people away from drug sellers.
  6. The following are conditions necessary for the growth of a certain crop.
    1. Well drained volcanic soils.
    2. Hot and wet climate.
    3. Low altitude.
      The conditions described above are suitable for the growth of
      1. tea
      2. cotton
      3. cocoa
      4. sisal.
  7. Which one of the following factors influences the climate of Axim region in Ghana?
    1. Human activities.
    2. Shape of the coastline.
    3. Relief and physical features.
    4. Distance from a large water body.
  8. Which one of the following factors has influenced population distribution of the North Eastern parts of Kenya?
    1. Relief
    2. Climate
    3. Pests and diseases
    4. Vegetation.
  9. The best way of promoting tourism in Kenya is by
    1. improving security
    2. improving publicity abroad
    3. building more tourist hote
    4. training guides.
  10. Which one of the following methods of irrigation is used in Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme?
    1. Drip irrigation.
    2. Overhead irrigation.
    3. Sprinkler irrigation.
    4. Basin irrigation.
  11. Rural to rural migration is mainly influenced by
    1. search for employment
    2. search for fertile land for farming
    3. search for better schools
    4. spirit of adventure.
  12. Which one of the following statements about Haile Selassie's achievement is true? He
    1. made Ethiopia a democratic state
    2. was the first chairman of OAU
    3. defeated the Italians at the battle of Adowa
    4. shared power with council of elders.
  13. Which one of the following lakes was formed through the process shown below?
    1. L. Shakababo
    2. L. Chad
    3. L. Edward
    4. L. Shala
  14. The main reason why British used indirect rule in Northern Nigeria was that
    1. the country was too large
    2. they feared the harsh climate in the North
    3. they lacked enough administrators
    4. the existing African governments were willing to help in administration.
  15. The Old Ghana Kingdom among the Soninke people rose due the following factors except
    1. trans-Saharan trade
    2. well trained army
    3. able leader
    4. assistance from the British.
  16. The first African minister to be nominated to the Legislative council was
    1. B.A Ohanga
    2. Eliud Mathu
    3. Jomo Kenyatta
    4. Dedan Kimathi.
  17. The following is a description of a certain poultry farming method.
    1. Birds are kept in house throughout their lives. 
    2. Water and feed is provided.
    3. Saw dust is spread on the floor for warmth.
      The poultry farming method described above is
      1. battery cage system.
      2. fold system
      3. deep litter system
      4. free range system.
  18. The main threat to the forests in Africa is
    1. drought
    2. pests and diseases
    3. human activities
    4. forest fires.
  19. Which one of the following African states is not a member of IGAD?
    1. Kenya
    2. Tanzania
    3. Somalia
    4. Uganda.
  20. African socialism has led to three of the following except
    1. uniform development in the system of education
    2. promoted fairness and justice in the society 
    3. discrimination of minority group
    4. establishment of co-operative societies.
  21. Newspaper is not commonly used in rural areas as a way of communication because
    1. many people are illiterate
    2. it is slow
    3. it depends on mobile phones
    4. most areas have poor roads.
  22. Three of the following are ways in which human rights are abused. Which one is not?
    1. Mob justice.
    2. Wrongful arrest.
    3. Forcing children to go to school.
    4. Discrimination.
  23. During the 2007-2008 post-election violence in Kenya, the conflicting parties resolved their conflicts through
    1. litigation
    2. negotiation
    3. conciliation
    4. mediation.
  24. The main function of the prisons department in Kenya is to
    1. punish law breakers
    2. give manual labour to prisoners
    3. rehabilitate criminals
    4. defend the country.
  25. The secretary to the school management committee is the
    1. chairman
    2. deputy headteacher
    3. headteacher
    4. treasurer.
  26. The best way to protect children against abuse is through
    1. giving stiff punishments to the abusers
    2. education the society on children protection
    3. enforcing laws that protect children
    4. educating children on the rights.
  27. The following factors promote peace in the society except
    1.  intolerance
    2. dialogue
    3. transparency
    4. equal opportunity for all.
  28. In Kenya, one may lose a civic seat if he/she is 
    1. convicted of an election office by a court of law
    2. is sentenced to a jail term of two months 
    3. was voted in genuinely without any election offence
    4. is sick.




  1. Three of the following are consequences of the fall of human beings. Which one is not?
    1. Woman would suffer pain while giving birth.
    2. Suffering came upon all human beings.
    3. The relationship between God and man became stronger.
    4. Death was introduced.
  2. Who among the sons of Jacob was Jesus' ancestor?
    1. Joseph
    2. Judah
    3. Levi
    4. Benjamin.
  3. "You must have many children so that your descendants will live all over the earth" (Genesis 9:7). Who among the following people was told these words by God?
    1. Jacob
    2. Adam
    3. Lot
    4. Noah.
  4. Which one of the following statements best describes patriarchs?
    1. The followers of Jesus Christ.
    2. The founding fathers of the nation of Israel.
    3. The ancestors of Israel.
    4. The ancestors of the nation of Judah.
  5. In which one of the following countries did Moses flee to when King Pharaoh sought to kill him?
    1. Canaan
    2. Midian
    3. Moab
    4. Haram.
  6. Which one of the following activities did the Israelites do during the Passover night?
    1. Ate boiled meat.
    2. Drank wine.
    3. Ate unleavened bread.
    4. Ate leavened bread.
  7. Who among the following judges was a prophetess?
    1. Barak
    2. Shamgar
    3. Othniel
    4. Deborah.
  8. According to Samuel 7:5-17, which of the following is not a promise that God gave to David?
    1. David's name would be great.
    2. God would allow him to marry many wives.
    3. A heir from his house would sit on the throne.
    4. God would establish an everlasting kingdom for him.
  9. Who among the following people was given the name "Israel" by God?
    1. Joseph
    2. Isaac
    3. Moses
    4. Jacob.
  10. Christians should be ready to suffer for their faith because
    1. they want to show their faith 
    2. its normal and good to suffer
    3. Jesus Christ also suffered
    4. in life we need to undergo suffering.
  11. Where was Mary the mother of Jesus living when angel Gabriel appeared to her to tell her that she would give birth to Jesus? 
    1. Bethlehem
    2. Nazareth
    3. Galilee
    4. Jerusalem.
  12. On the night when Jesus was born, angels appeared to
    1. King Herod
    2. Shepherds
    3. Wisemen
    4. Pharisees.
  13. Who among the following people witnessed the dedication of the baby Jesus in the temple?
    1. Elizabeth
    2. Martha
    3. Anna
    4. Mary Magdalene.
  14. Which one of the following miracles of Jesus teaches about concern and sharing?
    1. Turning water into wine.
    2. Feeding the five thousand people. 
    3. Miraculous catch of fish.
    4. The healing of the blind Bartimaeus.
  15. Which one of the following parables teaches about forgiveness? The parables of
    1. the prodigal son.
    2. good Samaritan.
    3. rich man and Lazarus.
    4. mustard seed.
  16. From the teaching of Jesus on forgiveness in the Lord's prayer, Christians learn that they should forgive
    1. those who ask for it
    2. those who wrong them
    3. as many times as possible
    4. without expecting returns.
  17. When did the two followers of Jesus walking to Emmaus come to know that He was the risen Lord? When He
    1. accepted to stay with them
    2. explained to them
    3. asked them what they were talking about 
    4. shared bread with them.
  18. When Philip met the Ethiopian Eunuch, the Eunuch was reading about
    1. coming of the Holy spirit.
    2. baptism of Jesus.
    3. suffering of the Messiah.
    4. transfiguration of Jesus.
  19. Who among the following people were sent to take money to help the believers in Judea?
    1. Silas and James.
    2. Barnabas and Paul.
    3. Philip and Matthew.
    4. Andrew and Matthias.
  20. When Jesus was brought to Pilate during His trial, the following were the accusations given about Him except
    1. claiming to be the son of God
    2. telling people not to pay tax
    3. inciting people to riot
    4. claiming to be the king of the Jews.
  21. Which one of the following practices is common in both Christianity and traditional African ceremonies?
    1. Offering thanksgiving to God in church.
    2. Presentation of a new born baby to the church for blessings.
    3. Baptismal ceremony of the new born child. 
    4. Parental blessing of the newly born baby.
  22. Why was dowry important in traditional African community? It
    1. showed the importance of the girl 
    2. helped the parents of the girl to become rich
    3. served as the marriage certificate
    4. was a sign of appreciation to the parents of the girl.
  23. The main reason why children were taught using stories in traditional African society was to
    1. keep them occupied
    2. teach them moral values
    3. entertain them
    4. teach them history of their community.
  24. Your friend Michelle has been diagnosed to be HIV positive. What is the best action for you to take?
    1. Advise her to register herself in a special school.
    2. Avoid her company completely.
    3. Advise her to transfer to another school.
    4. Encourage her to seek medication.
  25. Who among the following traditional African specialists was considered harmful in the society?
    1. Seers
    2. Sorcerers
    3. Herbalists
    4. Rainmakers.
  26. Elizabeth, your cousin who has just finished her Primary school education realises that she has a lot of free time in the evening. As a Christian, what would be the best advice to give her on how to spend her leisure time?
    1. Listen to gospel music.
    2. Lock herself in her room and sleep.
    3. Visit a home for the aged and help them. 
    4. Play football with her friends.
  27. Joy has a habit of cheating her parents that she needs money to buy books but instead she buys snacks. As a Christian, the best advice to give her is that she should be
    1. hardworking
    2. honest
    3. faithful
    4. caring.
  28. You have just discovered that your friend Kim is keeping a company of drug addicts. As a Christian, what is the best thing to do?
    1. Report him to his parents.
    2. Avoid him completely.
    3. Talk to him about the dangers of drugs.
    4. Join him in taking the drugs.
  29. Which one of the following is an act of charity by the church?
    1. Planting trees.
    2. Donating food to the aged.
    3. Preaching the word of God to all the people.
    4. Cleaning the streets.
  30. Nehemiah, a class 8 boy goes to school without food due to poverty. What is the best way to help him?
    1. Share your food with him.
    2. Inform his class teacher about the problem. 
    3. Take some food for him from the school kitchen.
    4. Advice him to drop out of school.




  1. The Holy Quran was revealed in a period of
    1. 25 years
    2. 40 years
    3. 12 years
    4. 23 years.
  2. The following chapters send warning messages to people who may engage in some wrong doings except
    1. Surah Dhuhaa
    2. Surah at-Takathur
    3. Surah al-Lahab
    4. Surah al-Maun.
  3. Which of the following is a verse from surah- Al-Kafirum?
    1. "Therefore turn in prayers to your Lord and sacrifice."
    2. "Woe to every slanderer and backbiter."
    3. "To you be your religion and to me my religion."
    4. "And He send against them birds in flocks."
  4. Allah(S.W) created man from a clot of blood. This is according to surah
    1. Al-Bayyina
    2. Al-Aadiyyat
    3. Al-Ala
    4. Al-Inshirah.
  5. Which one of the following is a teaching from surah Al-Tiyn?
    1. Muslims should help the poor.
    2. Victory comes from Allah.
    3. Allah is the creator of the universe.
    4. Man was created in the best form.
  6. From the teachings of the prophet, all the following people will enter paradise except those with
    1. good behaviour
    2. faith
    3. fear of Allah
    4. patience.
  7. The prophet (p.b.u.h) advised Muslims that every good deed is
    1. Swadaqa
    2. Zakkat
    3. a debt
    4. tax
  8. "Allah, with your name I die and return to life." This is the dua we recite at the time of
    1. death
    2. darkness
    3. sleep
    4. danger.
  9. According to the hadith of the prophet (S.A.W), how many thousands are rewarded to a Muslim who greets, "Assalam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh"?
    1. 30
    2. 20
    3. 40
    4. 10
  10. Which of the following is a fardh practice of udhu?
    1. Washing recomended parts three times each.
    2. Starting with Bismillah.
    3. Saying dua after udhu.
    4. Washing recomended parts in the correct order.
  11. In which posture of swalah do we recite the supplication "Subhaan Rabbi al-Adhiim?" In
    1. Sujuud
    2. Julius
    3. Rukuu
    4. Qiyam.
  12. Which one of the following phrases is said in Iqama alone?
    1. Hayya alal Swalah.
    2. Qad Qaamat Swalah.
    3. Ash-hadu anlaa ilaaha illallah.
    4. Aswalatu Khairum mina naum.
  13. Which of the following najasaat should be cleaned by washing seven times in order to finish it?
    1. Blood.
    2. Urine of a baby.
    3. Saliva of a puppy.
    4. Vomit.
  14. Which of the following items is not given out as Zakkat?
    1. Fruits and vegetables.
    2. Money.
    3. Camels.
    4. Household furniture.
  15. Which one of the following actions will not nullify swalah?
    1. Passing wind.
    2. Turning away from Qibla.
    3. Reciting long chapters in Quran.
    4. Making movements in Swalah.
  16. It is obligatory for Muslims who go for Hajj to 
    1. stand at Arafa
    2. drink from Zamzam
    3. visit the tomb of the prophet
    4. go for Hajj repeatedly.
  17. Which one of the following is not an obligation towards the dead Muslims?
    1. Tayammum
    2. Dafuu
    3. Kafan
    4. Ghusul.
  18. How many pillars of Iman do Muslims believe in?
    1. Five
    2. Six
    3. Three
    4. Seven.
  19. Which one of the following phrases is a trust of Muslims that something will happen in the will of Allah?(S.W)
    1. Mashallah
    2. Inshallah
    3. Bi fadhilillah
    4. Wabillahi Tawfig.
  20. The attribute of Allah Al-Muumin' means the
    1. powerful
    2. loved
    3. soverign
    4. trusted.
  21. Who among the following prophets of Allah never received a Holy book?
    1. Daud (A.S)
    2. Nuh(A.S)
    3. Ibrahim(A.S)
    4. Issa(A.S)
  22. The following are all examples of Tawakkul except
    1. lock your vehicle leave it to Allah for security
    2. leave the door of a mosque open and trust in Allah
    3. tie your camel and Allah make you understand
    4. read hard and pray that Allah make you understand.
  23. Which one of the following business practices is acceptable in Islam?
    1. Selling goods in monopoly
    2. making exorbitant profits
    3. charging interest
    4. hiding the defects of goods.
  24. For an Islamic Nikah to proceed, there must be
    1. a decided place for honeymoon
    2. a mosque as a place of the function
    3. full dowry paid
    4. witnesses from both sides.
  25. What did the prophet (p.b.u.h) do to the Aws and Khazray communities at Aqaba? He
    1. taught them Islam
    2. asked them to protect Muslims
    3. made peace between them
    4. set them free from slavery.
  26. At the time he was being attacked by the Ban Thaqif tribesmen, the prophet was accompanied by
    1. Zaid bun Thaabit
    2. Zaid bin Haritha
    3. Abubakkar Swiddiiq
    4. Bilal bin Rabbah.
  27. The immediate action taken by the prophet (p.b.u.h) after arrival in Madina was
    1. building a mosque
    2. forming a constitution 
    3. calling elections
    4. planning for battles.
  28. Which one of the following prayers have two adhaans?
    1. Fajr and Magrib.
    2. Idd and Juma.
    3. Juma and Fajr.
    4. Idd Fitr and Idd Adha-ha.
  29. During Isra Wal Miraj trip, the prophet travelled on a miraculous horse known as
    1. Al-Qaswa
    2. Al-Hud hud
    3. Raf-Rafin
    4. Al-Buraq
  30. In the mosque, the Immam gives his Khutba sermon while standing on a
    1. Musalla
    2. Minbar
    3. Mihraab
    4. Munaar.


  1. D
  2. B
  3. A
  4. C
  5. A
  6. D
  7. B
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. C
  13. C
  14. A
  15. B
  16. C
  17. D
  18. C
  19. A
  20. B
  21. D
  22. A
  23. C
  24. A
  25. B
  26. D
  27. C
  28. C
  29. C
  30. D
  31. A
  32. C
  33. A
  34. A
  35. B
  36. B
  37. C
  38. C
  39. B
  40. B
  41. B
  42. D
  43. B
  44. B
  45. A
  46. D
  47. D
  48. B
  49. C
  50. C
  51. B
  52. C
  53. A
  54. C
  55. D
  56. C
  57. C
  58. B
  59. A
  60. A


  1. C
  2. B
  3. D
  4. B
  5. B
  6. C
  7. D
  8. B
  9. D
  10. C
  11. B
  12. B
  13. C
  14. A
  15. A
  16. B
  17. D
  18. C
  19. B
  20. A
  21. D
  22. D
  23. B
  24. D
  25. B
  26. C
  27. B
  28. C
  29. A
  30. B


  1. D
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. A
  10. D
  11. C
  12. B
  13. C
  14. D
  15. C
  16. A
  17. A
  18. B
  19. B
  20. D
  21. B
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. C
  26. B
  27. A
  28. C
  29. D
  30. B


Study the map of Dhiru Area to answer questions 1-7

  1. What is the approximate length of the tarmac road in Dhiru area?
    1. 25km
    2. 21km
    3. 18km
    4. 11.5km
  2. The murram road in Dhiru area is most likely used to transport
    1. stones
    2. fish
    3. timber
    4. coffee
  3. The head of Dhiru area is most likely to be a
    1. chief
    2. County Commissioner
    3. governor
    4. District Officer
  4. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Dhiru area?
    1. Fishing
    2. Mining
    3. Trading
    4. Pastrolism
  5. The main source of water in Dhiru area is
    1. river
    2. lake
    3. boreholes
    4. rainfall
  6. River Shalla in Dhiru area flows from
    1.  North West
    2. North East
    3. South West
    4. South East
  7. Which one of the following is not a service found in Sola town?
    1. Health services
    2.  Education services
    3. Religion services
    4. Recreational services
  8. During the colonial period the development of transport systems was aimed at
    1. creating jobs for Africans
    2. facilitating movement of goods
    3. promoting African nationalists activities
    4. encouraging cultural interaction among communities
  9. Which one of the following statements is true of the Wanyamwezi chiefs during the pre-colonial period?
    1. They were appointed by a council of elders
    2. They were from the maternal clan
    3. They were not hereditary
    4. They were succeeded by their daughters
  10. Below are characteristics of a climate experienced in Africa:
    1. It is experienced between latitude 20° and 39° South
    2. It has hot and wet summers
    3. The rainfall ranges between 400 and 1200mm per annum
    4. The annual temperatures are about 20°C
      The climatic region described above is
      1. tropical
      2. temperate
      3. mediterranean
      4. equatorial

Use the map of Kenya to answer questions 11-14

  1. The hydro electric power station at the place marked A is
    1. Owen falls
    2. Turkwel
    3. Masinga
    4. Sondu-Miriu
  2. The main function of the town marked B
    1. mining
    2.  industrial
    3. tourism
    4. administrative
  3. The game park found at the place marked C is
    1. Ruma
    2. Maasai Mara
    3. Ndere island
    4. Saiwa island
  4. The physical feature at the place marked D is a
    1. crater lake
    2. swamp
    3. mountain
    4. rift valley
  5. Below are statements about a political association in Kenya during the colonial period:
    1. It opposed the imposition of hut tax
    2. It opposed European interference with African culture.
    3. It advocated for the establishment of independent schools
    4. It protected against the Kipande system
      The organisation described above was
      1. Young Kikuyu Association
      2. Ukamba Members Association
      3. Kikuyu Central Association
      4. Taita Hills Association
  6. The Wanyamwezi of Central Tanganyika were ruled by chiefs during the pre-colonial
    period. The title of a chief was
    1. Mugabe
    2. Ntemi
    3. Wanyamphala
    4. Wanyikulu
  7. Which one of the following has been an achievement of African socialism in Kenya?
    1. Equitable distribution of resources
    2. Elimination of illiteracy in the country
    3. Increased participation of people in development project
    4. Reduction of the gap between the rich and the poor
  8. Below are some sources of national government revenue. Which one of the groups earns highest?
    1. Customs and excise loans
    2. Sales of government properties Court fines
    3. Income tax Value added tax
    4. Grants and Aids Sales of licences
  9. Which one of the following is associated with the British rule in Kenya?
    1. Powers of traditional rulers were reduced
    2. African were reduced as DC's
    3. The governor was elected by white settlers
    4. Africans were represented in the Legco
  10. Which one of the following is not a responsibility of the local authorities of Kenya?
    1. Providing social services
    2. Issuing trade licences
    3. Allocation land for development
    4. Issuing permits for meeting in towns
  11. Three of the following are rights of spouses in marriage. Which one is not?
    1. Right to unfaithfulness
    2. Right to be loved
    3. Right to decision making
    4. Right to ownership of property
  12. The following are sparsely populated areas of Africa except
    1. the Sahel region
    2. Miombo woodlands
    3. the Nile valley
    4. Lambwe valley
  13. Which one of the following is the main function of a school?
    1. To assist learners develop positive rules
    2. To foster the development of national unity
    3. To assist learners develop their talents
    4. To prepare the youth for the world of work
  14. Which one of the following statement best explains why the Kenya highlands have a high population density?
    1. The area has deep, rich volcanic soils
    2. The region receives high and reliable rainfall
    3. There is a well developed transport network
    4. The area has a concentration of industries

Use the map of Eastern Africa below to answer questions 25-29

  1. The mineral extracted from the place marked P is
    1. copper
    2. soda ash
    3. gold
    4. silver
  2. The mountain range marked Q was formed through
    1. faulting
    2. erosional activities
    3. folding
    4. volcanic activities
  3. The vegetation found in the area marked R consist of
    1. forests
    2. scrubs
    3. papyrus and reeds
    4. health and moorland
  4. Which one of the following statements is true of the country marked S?
    1. It is a major exporter of coffee
    2. It has a well developed railway network
    3. It is mainly inhabited by Cushites
    4. It is the headquarters of the IGAD
  5. Which one of the following is the main reason why the river at point marked T is difficult for navigation?
    1. It has a plenty of floating vegetation
    2. The river is flowing through a swampy area
    3. Low volume of water at sometime in the year
    4. It has several waterfalls and cataracts.
  6. Which one of the following factors least contributed to the settlement of Asians in Eastern Africa after building of the Kenya- Uganda railway?
    1. Over population in the country.
    2. Availability of business opportunities in East Africa
    3. They were not allowed to return to their country
    4. They were required to build more railways
  7. Which one of the following countries is not a member of United Nations?
    1. Britain
    2. France
    3. Taiwan
    4. Russia
  8. In Kenya parliamentary sessions are chaired by
    1. the leader of government business
    2. the speaker
    3. the leader of opposition in parliament
    4. the sergent at arms
  9. Below are some problems of rapid population growth in Kenya:
    1. Land fragmentation
    2. Scarcity of land
    3. Development of slums
    4. High dependency
    5. Food shortage
      Which combination of the above problems are commonly felt in the rural areas?
      1. i, ii, v
      2. i, ii, iii
      3. iii, iv, v
      4. i, ii, iv
  10. Below are some methods of soil conservation:
    1. Crop farming
    2. Crop rotation
    3. Cover cropping
    4. Contour ploughing
    5. Strip farming
      Which combination of the above conservation methods would be used to control splash erosion?
      1. i, ii, iii
      2. i, ii,
      3. i, iii, v
      4. i, ii, iv
  11. The imposition of colonial rule in Africa was mainly facilitated by
    1. activities of European missionaries
    2. military superiorith of the Europeans
    3. lack of unity around African community
    4. riverly among African leaders
  12. Which one of the following is not a role of political parties in democracy?
    1. To assist in development activities
    2. To oppose the failures of the ruling party
    3. To encourage wananchi to vote
    4. To keep the government alert
  13. Below are some problems facing wildlife in Kenya:
    1. Attack by poachers
    2. Drought
    3. Fires
    4. Inadequate capital
    5. Litter in the park
      Which combination of the above problems can be solved with the assistance of the community?
      1. i, iii, iv
      2. i, iii, v
      3. i. ii, ii, v
      4. ii, iii, v
  14. The picture below is of a weather measuring instrument.
    The instrument above is used to measure
    1. wind movement
    2. strength of wind
    3. speed of wind
    4. amount of wind
  15. Which one of the following factors least promoted European settlers farming in Kenya?
    1. Availability of unoccupied land
    2. Presence of Kenya-Uganda railway
    3. Unavailability of cash crop
    4. Suppot offered by the colonial administration
  16. Which one of the following statements explains why Nelson Mandela is considered to be great son of Africa?
    1. He served for only one term as president
    2. He retired as president of South Africa
    3. He spent most of his time fighting for his people
    4. He is the mediator of peace in the continent
  17. Major Hassan Kamau has been suspected to have been involved in a bank robbery. To which one of the following courts would he be taken for trial?
    1. Court of appeal
    2. Court martial
    3. High court
    4. Kadhis court
  18. Three of the following are ways in which citizen of Kenya may participate in their government. Which one is not?
    1. Paying their taxes
    2. Obeying the laws of the land
    3. Protecting the environment
    4. Owning properties
  19. Below are some of the processes during the holding of national elections:
    1. Educating of voters
    2. Identifying of polling stations
    3. Registration of candidates
    4. Checking of voters registers
    5. Buying of election materials
      Which is the correct order in which the above activities shall be carried out?
      1. i, ii, iii, iv, v
      2. iii, iv, i, v, ii
      3. ii, iii, iv, v, i
      4. iii, iv, v, i, ii
  20. Which one of the following is not a benefit of National unity?
    1. People live in harmony
    2. People easily share resources
    3. People interact easily
    4. People have religious differences
  21. Below are some of the human rights contained in the bill of rights?
    1. Freedom of thought
    2. Freedom of expression
    3. Right to privacy
    4. Right to liberty
    5. Freedom of movement
      Which combination of the above rights consists of civil rights?
      1. i, ii, iii
      2. ii, iii, iv
      3. i, iv, v
      4. iii, iv, v
  22. Which group of the African countries are members of both COMESA and SADC?
    1. Seychelles, Mauritius, Lesotho
    2. Madagascar, Swaziland, Lesotho
    3. Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Namibia
    4. DR Congo, Botswana, Zambia
  23. Which one of the following is the main quality of marriage?
    1. Love
    2. Faithfulness
    3. Tolerance
    4. Respect
  24. Three of the following factors explain the slow rate of development of railway transport in Africa. Which one does not?
    1. It is not a popular means of transport
    2. It is expensive to build
    3. It is expensive to transport bulky goods
    4. The railways have different gauges
  25. Which one of the following was not one of the reasons why Europeans powers scrambled for Africa?
    1. The African chiefs asked them to come and give them protection
    2. They wanted a source of raw materials
    3. They wanted to settle a surplus population
    4. The European powers wanted to show their power
  26. Which one of the following is the main reason why the government encouraged the setting up of jua kali industries?
    1. Make sure of waste iron materials
    2. Production of cheap goods
    3. Creation of job opportunities
    4. They require little space
  27. Which one of the following lakes of Kenya receives the least of tourists?
    1. Naivasha
    2. Baringo
    3. Magadi
    4. Bogoria
  28. Why does the government need foreign currency yet it has its own currency?
    1. To pay for exports
    2. To pay foreign workers
    3. To pay for imports
    4. To keep in the bank
  29. Three of the following are reasons why first Aid is administered to victims of accidents. Which one is not?
    1. To save life accidents.
    2. To reduce pain
    3. To show kindness
    4. To promote recovery
  30. Which one of the following was not a festival among African communities?
    1. Harvest
    2. Birth
    3. Initiation
    4. Drama
  31. In traditional Africanl societies messages of an attack by another community was passed on to the people by
    1. beating drums
    2. sending smoke signals
    3. blowing a cow's horn
    4. sending messengers
  32. Olduvai Gorge is an important pre-historic site in
    1. Kenya
    2. Sudan
    3. Ethiopia
    4. Tanzania
  33. Which one of the following UN agencies has its headquarters in Nairobi?
    1. UNESCO
    2. UNHCR
    3. UNEP
    4. UNDP
  34. Three of the following are duties of the Njuri Njeke council of the Ameru. Which one is not?
    1. They settle disputes among the members
    2. They punish people who break moral laws
    3. They perform religious rituals
    4. They select family heads
  35. Below are African nationalists in the struggle of Kenya's independence. Who among them was nominated to Legco during the colonial period?
    1. Eliud Mathu
    2. B.A Ohanga
    3. Joseph Murumbi
    4. Tom Mboya
  36. Three of the following are causes of conflict in families. Which one is not?
    1. Lack of education
    2. Lack of respect
    3. Lack of money
    4. Lack of trust



  1. According to the Genesis story of creation God created water creatures and birds on the day.
    1. second
    2. third
    3. fourth
    4. fifth
  2. Who among the following was Samuel's step mother?
    1. Rebecca
    2. Sarah
    3. Penninah
    4. Hannah
  3. The following are statements that prophet Isaiah used to describe Jesus. Which one is not?
    1. Lamb of God
    2. Wonderful counsellor
    3. Prince of peace
    4. Mighty God
  4. Which of the following books of the Old testament is a historic book?
    1. Deutronomy
    2. Psalm
    3. Leviticus
    4. Ezra
  5. Who among the following people annointed David as the second king of Israel?
    1. Zaddock
    2. Nathan
    3. Samuel
    4. Saul
  6. God called Moses when he was living in
    1. Midian
    2. Horan
    3. Ur
    4. Egypt
  7. On which of the following mountains did Elijah the prophet of God put the prophets of Baal to a contest?
    1. Mt. Moriah
    2. Mt. Nebo
    3. Mt. carmel
    4. Mt. Horeb
  8. Which of the following was the main lesson that the people of Israel learnt about God from the ten plagues?
    1. God dislikes idolatry
    2. God hates proud leaders
    3. God is the creator
    4. God is loving and kind
  9. God is described in very many.words. The name omnipresent means God is
    1. great
    2. powerful
    3. everywhere
    4. everything
  10. Who among the following leaders did the Holy Spirit manifest upon and enabled him to conquer enemies with only 300 soliders?
    1. Joshua
    2. Gideon
    3. Saul
    4. David
  11. Which of the following couples were the parents of John the baptist?
    1. Isaac and Rebecca
    2. Hannah and Elikanah
    3. Abraham and Sarah
    4. Elizabeth and Zachariah
  12. Which of the following Christian occassion is correctly matched with its celebration?
    1. Good Friday - The death of Jesus
    2. Easter Monday - The day of arrest of Jesus
    3. Advent - The birth of Jesus
    4. Pentecost - Ascencion of Jesus
  13. Who among the following disciples informed Jesus that there was a boy with two fish and five loaves during the feedingof the five thousand people?
    1. Peter
    2. John
    3. Philip
    4. Andrew
  14. Jesus appeared to Cheophas and his friends when they were on their way to
    1. Nazareth
    2. Jericho
    3. Galilee
    4. Emmaus
  15. The disciples of Jesus were given the authority to go and do all the following except
    1. preach
    2. punish sinners
    3. drive away demons
    4. heal the sick
  16. In which town did Jesus raise the widow's son?
    1. Cana
    2. Nazareth
    3. Nain
    4. Bethlehem
  17. Which of the following was the main reason why Paul was called by God?
    1. To preach the word of God to the Gentiles
    2. To stop pesecuting christians
    3. To go to Damascus
    4. To heal the sick
  18. On the day of pentecost the Holy spirit came down in form of
    1. clouds
    2. smoke
    3. fire
    4. dove
  19. Which of the following titles was given to Jesus by John the Baptist?
    1. The mighty king
    2. The lamb of God
    3. Bread of life
    4. Wonderful counselor
  20. Which of the following acts were performed by elders in traditional Africa communities during worship?
    1. Serving the holy communion
    2. Baptising members
    3. Reciting the creed
    4. Sacrificing animals
  21. Which of the following activities was practised in traditional African communities so that the dead could share with the living?
    1. Building shrines
    2. Pouring libation
    3. Naming
    4. Initiation
  22. Which of the following ways of worship is common to both Christianity and traditional African religion?
    1. Reciting prayers
    2. Baptising believers
    3. Making sacrifices
    4. Reading the bible
  23. Which of the following practices in traditional African society was mainly conducted by the priest?
    1. Naming children
    2. Punishing criminals
    3. Circumcision
    4. Offering sacrifices
  24. Which of the following is the best explanation as to why some people were wealthy in traditional African societies? They were
    1. wise
    2. blessed by God
    3. generous
    4. hardworking
  25. Carol was sent by her mother to buy 1kg meat at a nearby butchery. The butcher gave him more change than was necessary. As a Christian he should
    1. go to another butchery and buy another meat for an elderly woman
    2. take the money to church
    3. buy a gift for her sel
    4. return the extra balance to the butcher
  26. Muthoni took lunch belonging to Mueni and ate it. As a Christian, Mueni should
    1. tell Muthoni never to do it again
    2. ask Muthoni to pay it
    3. announce it to the whole class
    4. report the matter to the class prefect
  27. Which of the following is the best way to use leisure time after completing examinations?
    1. Visit a relative
    2. Listen to music
    3. Go for holiday in the beaches,
    4. Visit the sick and elderly
  28. Moraa a class seven pupil at Keroka Academy finds two boys from class four fighting on their way home. As a Christian, Moraa should
    1. leave them and report the matter to the headteacher the following day
    2. separate them and ask them to go to their homes
    3. scream and call for help
    4. ignore them
  29. In the Apostle's Creed the Catholic church refers to
    1. the holy christians
    2. the holy catholic church
    3. the Everlasting church
    4. the universal church
  30. The main work of the clergy is to
    1. build churches
    2. punish sinners
    3. preach the gospel
    4. collect church funds



  1. Which one of the following Surahs asks Muslims never to delay the five daily prayers?
    1. Al-Maun
    2. Fatiha
    3. A-tiin
    4. Ikhlas
  2. The main message of Surah Al-Takaathur is
    1. the last day
    2. oneness of Allah
    3. importance of time.
    4. evil of searching for wealth
  3. The Quranic verse “Fa-innama alyusri yusraa" is found in Surah
    1. Humaza
    2. Fiyl
    3. Bayyina
    4. Inshirrah
  4. In which of the following Surahs is man said to be created in the best form?
    1. Tiin
    2. Al-Asr
    3. Al-Qariah
    4. Al-Kaafiruun
  5. Which pair of Surahs are referred to as "Muwathatain"?
    1. Al-Ikhlas and Al-Nasr
    2. Al-Alaq and Al-Lahab
    3. Al-Falq and Annaas
    4. Annas and Al-Ikhlas
  6. The prophet (p.b.u.h) said. "Worship Allah as you see Him. If you don't see Him, He sees you." This hadith is on
    1. Tawheed
    2. Ihsaan
    3. Taqwa
    4. Iman
  7. According to the teaching of the prophet (p.b.u.h), the person exempted to fast during the month of Ramadhan may be
    1. the traveller
    2. the poor
    3. the orphan
    4. the God-fearing
  8. Which among the following statements is true about the Jumaa prayer?
    1. It must have two hotuba
    2. It should have a maximum of 40 people
    3. It is not only performed on Friday
    4. It doesn't have 'Iqaama'
  9. When performing Tayammum, which two parts of the body are involved?
    1. Mouth and legs
    2. Face and arms
    3. Ears and hands
    4. Forehead and arms
  10. One of the pillars of Islam is used when one is embracing Islam
    1. Hajj
    2. Salaat
    3. Zakat
    4. Shahada
  11. When praying for the dead, the prayer for the prophet (p.b.u.h) is said after_____ Takbiir
    1. fourth
    2. third
    3. second
    4. first
  12. Which of the following is the best way of caring for the people infected with HIV/ AIDS?
    1. Keep their status a secret
    2. Pray for them
    3. Encourage them to live positively
    4. Provide them with food
  13. The following are recipients of Zakah. Which one is not?
    1. Poor, debtor, wayfarer
    2. Poor, needy, collectors
    3. Orphan, widow, sick
    4. Slaves, needy, poor
  14. Children in schools are encouraged to observe punctuality because it
    1. makes them avoid punishment
    2. trains one to be responsible
    3. gives them enough time to play
    4. promotes better performance in exams
  15. One of the attributes of Allah is "Al- Razaq". This means
    1. the giver
    2. the creator
    3. the designer
    4. the provider
  16. Among the angels of Allah, Angel Ridhwan is assigned duties including being in charge of
    1. paradise
    2. rain
    3. hell fire
    4. revelation
  17. The Caliph who compiled the Holy Quran was
    1. Abubakar Assidiq
    2. Uthman bin Affan
    3. Ali bin Abu Talib
    4. Umar bin Khattab
  18. "Ash-Hurul-Hurum" as used in islam refers to
    1. Islamic calendar
    2. fasting months
    3. sacred months
    4. birthdays
  19. The best way to attract people to Islam is by
    1. being role models
    2. inviting them to the mosque
    3. competing them to embrace Islam
    4. welcoming them to Islamic ceremonies
  20. On his way to school, Hussein a grade one pupil meets his grandfather. Hussein should greet him by saying
    1. Assalam Alaykum
    2. Shikamoo
    3. Swubah-ul-Kheri
    4. good morning
  21. The following are places of worship. Which onc suits Hindus?
    1. Synagogue
    2. Mosque
    3. Church
    4. Temple
  22. Which one of the following principles is practiced will reduce the spread of COVID 19?
    1. Feasting
    2. Distancing closely
    3. Sanitising
    4. Sharing beddings
  23. 12th Rabiul Awwal is an important date of Musim. Why is it?
    1. Marks Eidul Fitr
    2. Marks the birth of prophet Mohammad
    3. Marks the birth of prophet's father
    4. Marks the day of Hijra
  24. The best way a Muslim can show appreciations for blessings from Allah is by
    1. visiting the sick
    2. visiting the graves
    3. watching football
    4. attending miladun-Nabi
  25. The reason why the battle of Uhud was lost is because
    1. the Muslims disobeyed prophet Muhammad's orders
    2. the Quraish were too many
    3. Muslims were weak
    4. some Muslims surrendered
  26. Who was the foster mother of prophet Mohammad (S.A.W)?
    1. Amina
    2. Aisha
    3. Khadija
    4. Halima
  27. The Muslims fast on the day of 10th Dhul-Hijja. Which important event takes place on this day?
    1. Throwing stones at Jamarat
    2. Running between Safar and Marwa
    3. Standing at Arafa field
    4. Reading of Quran the whole day
  28. The following are not reasons learnt from the story of Nur except
    1.  Muslims should exercise virtue of forgiveness
    2. Muslims should take care of their blood relations only
    3. Muslims should cooperate with each other in religious matters
    4. Muslims should remain steadfast in their religion despite hardships
  29. Which one of the following faradh prayers has the shortest period within which it should be performed?
    1. Isha
    2. Fajr
    3. Dhuhur
    4. Maghrib
  30. The Caliph who wrote the treaty of Hudaibiya was
    1. Ali bin Abu Talib
    2. Uthman bin Affan
    3. Abubakar Assidiq
    4. Umar bin Khattab



  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. D
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
  11. C
  12. A
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  14. C
  15. A
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  18. C
  19. D
  20. D
  21. A
  22. C
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  25. B
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  28. C
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  36. B
  37. B
  38. B
  39. B
  40. C
  41. B
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  43. C
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  45. C
  46. C
  47. A
  48. C
  49. A
  50. C
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  52. C
  53. C
  54. D
  55. A
  56. D
  57. B
  58. D
  59. A
  60. A


  1. D
  2. C
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. A
  7. C
  8. C
  9. C
  10. B
  11. D
  12. A
  13. D
  14. D
  15. B
  16. C
  17. A
  18. C
  19. B
  20. D
  21. B
  22. C
  23. D
  24. D
  25. D
  26. A
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. C


  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. A
  7. A
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  9. B
  10. D
  11. B
  12. D
  13. C
  14. B
  15. C
  16. C
  17. A
  18. A
  19. A
  20. A
  21. D
  22. C
  23. A
  24. A
  25. A
  26. D
  27. B
  28. B
  29. C
  30. C


Study the map of Kobura Area above and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in Kobura area is likely to rise towards
    1. South West
    2. North East
    3. South East
    4. North West
  2. What is the approximate length of the murram road in Kobura area?
    1. 35km
    2. 13.4km
    3. 31km
    4. 6.2km
  3. The climate of North Western part of Kobura area can be described as
    1. cool and wet
    2. hot and humid
    3. hot and dry
    4. hot and wet 
  4. Which economic activity is least likely to be carried out in Kobura area?
    1. Fishing
    2. Tourism
    3. Livestock keeping
    4. Mining
  5. Who among the following administrators represents the national government in Kobura area?
    1. County Commissioner
    2. County Governor
    3. Member of County Assembly
    4. Senator
  6. The residents of the Eastern part of Kobura area are dorminantly
    1. Muslims
    2. Hindus
    3. Christians and Muslims
    4. Christians
  7. Which one of the following African rivers does not have a similar feature as the one found at the mouth of River Koko in Kobura area?
    1. River Senegal 
    2. River Zambezi 
    3. River Niger
    4. River Congo
  8. A family is a group of people related by the following ways except
    1. blood
    2. adoption 
    3. marriage
    4. initiation
  9. The diagram below represents a weather instrument
    It is mainly used to
    1. show direction of wind
    2. show direction and strength of wind
    3. measure strength of wind
    4. measure strength and speed of wind
  10. The following are forms of informal education. Which one is not?
    1. Use of special training skills
    2. Use of guided training
    3. Use of riddles and imitation
    4. Use of songs and proverbs
  11. Which lake was not formed through the process below?
    1. Lake Itasy
    2. Lake Gambi
    3. Lake Utange
    4. Lake Manzala
  12. The time at Suna 40°E is 11.50 am. What time will it be at Nyandiwa 10°E?
    1. 9.50 am
    2. 9.50 pm
    3. 1.50 am
    4. 1.50 pm
  13. Which one of the following communities belong to the plain Nilotes?
    1. Falasha, Iraqw, Maasai, Iteso
    2. Tugen, Keiyo, Chagga, Luo
    3. Ilchamus, Karamajong, Samburu, Turkana
    4. Shilluk, Turkana, Maasai, Samburu
  14. Who among the following was the Nyamwezi religious leader in traditional African society?
    1. Wanyikulu
    2. Wanyamphala
    3. Mugabe
    4. Liqoqo

Use the diagram below to answer questions 15- 16


  1. Which economic activity can be effectively carried out in the zone marked S?
    1. Bee keeping
    2. Pastoralism
    3. Lumbering
    4. Mining
  2. The vegetation in the diagram above is mainly influenced by
    1. rainfall
    2. temperature
    3. altitude
    4. latitude
  3. The following are characteristics of a certain type of vegetation;
    1. trees are tall
    2. trees have thick barks
    3. presence of tall elephant grass
    4. trees have small leaves and thorns
      The above vegetation is likely to be
      1. Humid sub-tropical
      2. Equatorial
      3. Mediterranean
      4. Savannah
  4. The following are duties of the school management committee except
    1. recruitment of non-teaching staff
    2. maintaining the school traditions
    3. collecting funds to develop the school
    4. disciplining the non performing teaching staff
  5. Which statement is not true about the Homo Erectus?
    1. It made simple tools from rock pebbles 
    2. It invented the use of fire
    3. It was the first to acquire an upright posture
    4. It was the first homid to communicate verbally
  6. What is the main problem facing wildlife in Eastern Africa?
    1. Political stability in the region
    2. Insecurity
    3. Illegal killing of the wildlife
    4. High taxes
  7. The following are negative effects of colonial rule in Africa. Which one is not?
    1. Abolition of slave trade
    2. Improvement of infrastructure
    3. Establishment of towns
    4. Creation of African Reserves
  8. The following are communities from West Africa
    1. Ewe
    2. Fa
    3. Nzoma
    4. Guu
      The above communities belong to the
      1. Kwa speakers
      2. Voltaic speakers
      3. Afro-Asiatic speakers
      4. West- Atlantic speakers
  9. Which institution of marriage is presided over by a registrar?
    1. Customary
    2. Civil
    3. Muslim
    4. Christian
  10. Under the law of succession, who among the following qualifies to inherit the estates of a dead family head?
    1. The wife
    2. The eldest son
    3. All the bonafide family members
    4. The parents of the deceased
  11. Which country is correctly matched with its capital city?
    1. Equatorial Guinea- Conakry
    2. Togo - Porto Novo
    3. Senegal - Lilongwe
    4. Lesotho - Maseru
  12. Which method of fishing is illustrated below?
    1. Gill net
    2. Trawling
    3. Purse seining
    4. Long lining
  13. Which type of fish is commonly caught in Lorian swamp?
    1. Trout
    2. Black bass 
    3. Mudfish
    4. Catfish
  14. The following tree species are harvested by *clear cutting method in Swaziland except
    1. pine
    2. cypress
    3. teak
    4. eucalyptus
  15. Which type of road sign is shown below?
    1. Right turn bend sign
    2. Informative sign
    3. Warning sign
    4. Regulatory sign
  16. Below are statements about a certain mineral
    1. mined on the floor of the Rifi valley.
    2. used for softening water in large scale 
    3. used to make soap, glass and paper
      The mineral described above is
      1. diatomite
      2. petroleum
      3. soda ash
      4. fluorspar
  17. Who among the following carly visitors to Eastern Africa was a trader who owned ships? 
    1. Seyyid Said
    2. William Mackinnon
    3. Carl Peters
    4. David Livingstone
  18. Which one of the following is the main factor to consider when establishing a sugarcane factory?
    1. Source of labour
    2. Raw materials
    3. Ready market
    4. Power supply
  19. The main problem facing pastoral farming in Africa is
    1. lack of adequate pasture and water
    2. cattle rustling and banditry
    3. lack of enough grazing land
    4. livestock diseases and parasites
  20. Which one is the safest point to cross a busy highway?
    1. At pedestrian crossing
    2. At by pass
    3. At footbridge
    4. At bumps
  21. Most of the youth in Africa today mainly interact through
    1. games and sports
    2. trading activitics
    3. cducation
    4. conferences and seminars
  22. The following are examples of service industries except
    1. shoe repair and shinning
    2. meat canning
    3. hair dressing
    4. insurance
  23. Which one of the following is the most effective way of conserving forestry in Kenya?
    1. Encouraging the use of paraffin and charcoal
    2. Educating people on the dangers of forestry
    3. Employing more forest rangers
    4. Educating the public on the importance of forestry
  24. The best way of protecting children from abuse is by
    1. making them do their assignments
    2. employing more care givers
    3. educating them on common abuses
    4. educating them on the risk of the abuses
  25. Which one is not a condition that favours the growing of pyrethrum in Kenya?
    1. High rainfall of between 1000 mm- 1500 mm annually
    2. Cool temperatures of between 27°C - 30°C
    3. High altitude of over 1800 metres above the sea level
    4. Well drained fertile acidic soils

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 40-43


  1. The Island marked X is a former colony of
    1. France
    2. Portugal
    3. Britain
    4. Germany
  2. Which country is not connected by the International Highway marked Q?
    1. Democratic Republic of Congo
    2. Central African Republic
    3. Uganda
    4. Chad
  3. What was the reason for the establishment
    of the multipurpose river project marked,S?
    1. Promote tourism
    2. Increase food production
    3. Generate hydro-electric power
    4. Control flood at the lower Niger
  4. Which of the following climatic factors was mainly influenced the condition in the country marked R?
    1. Ocean currents
    2. Prevailing winds
    3. Nearness of water bodies
    4. Distance from the equator
  5. Which one is not a symbol of national unity? The
    1. National Anthem
    2. Coat of Arms
    3. Public scal
    4. Constitution
  6. Which system of Administration did King Locpold use to set colony in Congo?
    1. Indirect rule
    2. Assimilation
    3. Paternalism
    4. Direct rule
  7. The following countries withdrew their membership from the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) except
    1. Zimbabwe
    2. Mozambique
    3. Angol
    4. Namibia
  8. The body in- charge of election in Kenya is mandated by the constitution to do the following duties except
    1. identifying constituency boundaries
    2. nullifying election results
    3. preparing election materials
    4. carrying out civil education
  9. Which community did not resist the European occupation in its territory?
    1. The Lozi
    2. The Mandinka
    3. The Hehe
    4. The Ababukusu
  10. Which one of the following is the quickest method for transporting horticultural crops to the airport?
    1. Water
    2. Road
    3. Air
    4. Railway
  11. The constitution of Kenya is important in that 
    1. it contains the records of parliamentary proceedings
    2. it contains government policies
    3. it shows how a country is governed
    4. it is the supreme law of the country
  12. The Chief Executive Officer of the school set up is
    1. the County Director of Education
    2. the Headteacher
    3. the Deputy Headteacher
    4. the School Treasurer
  13. Who among the following is the chief lawyer to the executive arm of government?
    1. Chief Justice
    2. Speaker
    3. Attorney General
    4. President
  14. Which one of the following ways of solving conflicts involves investigations by an independent party to establish the facts on the issues causing the disagreements?
    1. Enquiry
    2. Conciliation
    3. Mediation
    4. Arbitration
  15. Which colour of the national flag shows the peace enjoyed by all the Kenyan citizens?
    1. Green
    2. White
    3. Red
    4. Black 
  16. Which political party did Kwame Nkurumah use to lead Ghana to attain independence? 
    1. Ghana African National Union
    2. United Gold Coast Convention
    3. Conventional People's Party 
    4. African National Congress CB005
  17. The rights and freedoms of individuals are contained in chapter
    1. four
    2. live
    3. one
    4. three
  18. Which one of the following is not a quality of a good citizen?
    1. Law abiding
    2. Paying taxes promptly
    3. Attending national celebrations
    4. Hoarding essential goods
  19. Swaziland is headed by
    1. an elected king
    2. an elected president
    3. an appointed prime minister
    4. a hereditary king
  20. What is the main crop grown under irrigation at the Pekerra irrigation scheme in Baringo county?
    1. Cotton
    2. Rice
    3. Watermelon
    4. Seed maize
  21. Pupils at Nyanginja primary school elected their school "Governor". Which form of democracy did they practise?
    1. Dictatorship democracy
    2. Direct democracy
    3. Representative democracy
    4. Parliamentary democracy



  1. Which one of the following is the main duty given to Adam and Eve when God created them? They were told to
    1. obey the commandments
    2. offer sacrifices to God 
    3. take care of living things
    4. obey the prophets of God
  2. What do Christians learn from the action of Abraham giving his son for a sacrifice to God? They learn that they should be
    1. generous
    2. obedient to God's commands
    3. offering their sons as sacrifices
    4. patient as God fulfils promises
  3. Esau wanted to kill his brother Jacob because
    1. their father loved Jacob more 
    2. Jacob had taken his blessings
    3. Jacob had taken his livestock
    4. God had refused Esau's sacrifice
  4. Joshua is known for doing one of the following. Which one is it? He
    1. subdivided the land to Israelites 
    2. led the Israelites to cross Red sea 
    3. provided manna to Israelites
    4. performed the ten plaques
  5. When Moses saw the burning bush near Mt. Sinai, he
    1. drove the flock away
    2. ran away in fear
    3. offered a sacrifice
    4. went closer to look at the bush
  6. According to Exodus 35:3-33, Bezalel the son of Uri had one of the following talents. Which one is it?
    1. He could interpret dreams
    2. He could make carvings from wood
    3. He had the ability to make tents
    4. He was a skillful clothmaker
  7. One of the following people helped in the healing of Naaman the Syrian army officer. It was
    1. the young Jewish house girl
    2. Gehazi
    3. prophet Elijah
    4. prophet Jeremiah
  8. "You are not the one they have rejected. I am the one they have rejected as their king." 1 Samuel 8:7. These words were said by God when
    1. He rejected Saul as their first king in Israel
    2. the Israelites defeated the Philistines
    3. the Israelites demanded for a king
    4. the Israelites complained to Moses
  9. King Solomon angered God by
    1. killing the prophets of God
    2. taking back the Jewish land from the foreigners
    3. allowing idol worship in Israel
    4. misusing the wisdom given to him
  10. Which one of the following event took place when Jesus was born?
    1. Zechariah became dumb
    2. Mary visited Elizabeth
    3. A violent earthquake occurred
    4. An army of angels sang
  11. Which one of the following events took place first?
    1. The annunciation of the birth of John
    2. The annunciation of the birth of Jesus 
    3. The visit of baby Jesus by the shepherds
    4. Mary's visit to Elizabeth
  12. When Jesus was presented on the temple. Simeon said all the following about Him except that He would
    1. bring salvation to all people
    2. be the light of gentiles
    3. be called son of God
    4. bring glory to the people of Israel
  13. Which one of the following is the reason why people complained when Jesus went to Zaccheaus house? Because he
    1. was a sinner
    2. was a very good man
    3. cheated Jesus into going to his house
    4. was not rich enough to have Jesus visit him
  14. Which one of the following parables of Jesus teaches about storing our riches in heaven. The parable of the
    1. rich fool
    2. sower
    3. mustard seed
    4. prodigal son
  15. Which one of the following statements from New Testament is a beatitude?
    1. "The Lord is with you and has greatly blessed you."
    2. "Happy are those who believe without seeing me."
    3. "How happy you are to believe the Lord's message."
    4. Happy are those who are merciful to others, God will be merciful to them
  16. The following events took place during Jesus' baptism
    1. a voice was heard from heaven
    2. the Holy Spirit came down in form of a dove
    3. John the Baptist baptised Jesus
    4. heaven opened
      Which is the correct order in which the events took place?
      1. iii, iv, ii, i
      2. iii, iv, i, ii 
      3. i, ii, iv iii
      4. iii, ii, iv, i
  17. The word "Catholic" in the Apostle's Creed refers to
    1. a Roman church
    2. church of the Catholics
    3. Christian's church
    4. a universal church
  18. What lesson do Christians learn from Peter's vision in Joppa?
    1. Christians should help the needy
    2. We are all equal before God
    3. We should only speak to those who are holy
    4. We should not welcome strangers, they are very dangerous
  19. Which one of the following activities by the early church best shows how their members lived in unity?
    1. Singing praises
    2. Baptising one another
    3. Reciting the scriptures
    4. Sharing food
  20. Which one of the following beliefs about death is common to both Christians and traditional African Communities?
    1. The dead will resurrect on the last day 
    2. The dead go to heaven
    3. The dead live forever
    4. The dead will be reborn in a relative
  21. Which one of the following is the best way of reconciling evildoers to God in traditional African communities?
    1. Offering sacrifices
    2. Visiting shrines
    3. Making libation
    4. Calling on God's name
  22. Which one of the following ceremonies in Traditional African Society showed that one had become an adult?
    1. Naming
    2. Initiation
    3. Marriage
    4. Death
  23. Which one of the following is a way of expressing justice?
    1. Sharing our resources with others
    2. Mistreating foreigners and poor people
    3. Selling cheap goods to others
    4. Bearing false witnesses to others
  24. Suffering has to be accepted as part of discipleship in this world because a disciple has to
    1. show readiness to die for his/her faith if need be
    2. accept extreme poverty as a necessary condition for his/her calling
    3. give priority to the suffering of his/her parents
    4. show joy to leave his/her family in order to serve the Lord
  25. Jesus was humiliated, persecuted and died. When persecuted, Christians should
    1. pray a negative prayer to those persecuting them
    2. persecute those who are persecuting them
    3. have a positive prayer to the one persecuting them
    4. hate those who are persecuting them
  26. Which one of the following statements does not describe the character of God according to the traditional African society?
    1. God is merciful
    2. God is the sustainer of the universe
    3. God is holy
    4. God is jealous
  27. Which one of the following drugs cause the following harms?
    1. cause deterioration of the brain cells
    2. cause hostility
    3. cause careless behaviour
      1. Alcohol
      2. Cigarettes
      3. Miraa 
      4. Glue
  28. Which one of the following best promote a good relationship between parents and their children?
    1. Children being allowed to visit their relatives
    2. Parents being role models to their children
    3. Children asking for advice from their parents
    4. Parents paying fees for their children
  29. Ngotho, a standard eight pupil from Gathima Primary school bought an exercise book. On reaching home, he found out that the shopkeeper packed two books. As a Christian, he should
    1. give the extra book to a friend
    2. donate the extra book to a sibling
    3. return the extra book to the shopkeeper 
    4. keep the extra book for future use
  30. Why should Christians report law-breakers to the police?
    1. In order to be rewarded by the authorities 
    2. It is a Christian obligation to safeguard peace
    3. It is a Christians duty to punish evildoers 
    4. To earn respect from the community 



  1. The first revelation came to the prophet (SAW) while he was meditating in
    1. heaven
    2. Madinah
    3. Makkah
    4. cave Hira
  2. Which surah of the Quran is known as the mother of the Quran?
    A. Fatiha
    B. Lahab
    C. Nasr
    D. Asr
  3. Which one of the following is a lesson from surah Asr?
    1. Muslims should be truthful and patient
    2. We should not backbite others
    3. Good people will enter paradise
    4. Human beings are at a loss
  4. Surah Nas and Falaq are also known as
    1. Ummul Quran
    2. Muawidhatein
    3. Nisfu quran
    4. Ulumul seera
  5. A person who fears Allah (SWT) is a
    1. Swabirin
    2. Munafiqun
    3. Muttaqin
    4. Swalihin
  6. From the teachings of the prophet (SAW) we learn that a neighbour who is a Muslim and a relative has
    1. one right
    2. three rights
    3. five rights
    4. zero rights
  7. "Muslims are like one body, when one part is ailing the whole body becomes sick" This hadith teaches on
    1. kindness
    2. generosity. 
    3. friendship
    4. unity
  8. One of the following is an example of najis Mukhafafa. Which one is it?
    1. Urine of a baby boy only feeding on breastmilk
    2. Milk from an animal which is haram
    3. Dust during the dry season
    4. Food cooked by a non- Muslim
  9. When performing wudhu, it is sunnah to 
    1. use clean sand
    2. mention the prophet's name
    3. wash cach part once
    4. wash cach part three times
  10. The prophet's father was called
    1. Abu talib
    2. Abdul-Mutalib
    3. Abdillahi
    4. Khalid bin Walid
  11. Who among the following prophets is correctly matched with the scripture revealed to him?
    1. Daud - Injil
    2. Musa - Taurat
    3. Issa - Suhuf
    4. Ibrahim - Zabur
  12. On her way to Madrasa, Saida, a standard eight pupil saw a hen trapped by a piece of string. What was the best thing for Saida to do?
    1. Go back home and call her parents
    2. Report to the nearest police station 
    3. Free the hen and put it in her bag
    4. Free the hen and leave it free
  13. Which of the following is a recipient of Zakah?
    1. The old
    2. Non believers
    3. New converts
    4. The disabled
  14. Which one of the following is haram for a Muslim man?
    1. Silk
    2. Cotton
    3. Plastic utensils
    4. Heavy clothes.
  15. Why is the Islamic calendar called lunar calendar?
    1. It takes long before the year ends 
    2. The calendar has more months
    3. The prophet (SAW) commanded so
    4. We use the moon to determine the beginning and ending of the month
  16. One of the following is a nullifier of Saum. Which one is it?
    1. Backbiting
    2. Sleeping in the afternoon
    3. Eating deliberately
    4. Fighting
  17. The virtue that Nabii Musa (AS) learnt from Al-Khidhr was
    1. truthfulness
    2. righteousness 
    3. faith
    4. patience
  18. Prophet Issa(AS) performed miracles by the will of Allah(SWT). Among them
    1. bringing the dead back to life
    2. spliting the sea into two
    3. entering paradise on a horse
    4. opening closed doors using a broom
  19. The angel who is incharge of weather and vegetation is
    1. Mikail
    2. Israfil
    3. Jibril
    4. Ridhwan
  20. The given of Swalah was given to the prophet (SAW) in the month of
    1. Ramadhan
    2. Muharram
    3. Rajab
    4. Dhul-Hijja
  21. The prophet (SAW) said, "If you want to do something _________________________________
    1. tell the authority
    2. ask for permission 
    3. it has to be approved
    4. think of its outcome
  22. The treaty signed between the Muslims and the Quraish in the 6th year after Hijra is
    1. Khandaq
    2. Hudaibiyya
    3. Aqaba
    4. Hunain
  23. The main reason why Muslims were defeated in the Battle of Ummud is that
    1. the rain was too much
    2. the Quraish were more than the Muslims 
    3. the archers were very few
    4. the archers disobeyed the prophet (SAW)
  24. Before the coming of Islam, the Arabs used to
    1. bury their daughters alive
    2. create wealth from farming 
    3. pray and worship one God
    4. marry their siblings
  25. The migration of Muslims and the prophet (SAW) from Makkah to Madina is called 
    1. Qiraha
    2. Aqaba
    3. Hijra
    4. Jihad
  26. Which is the best way of celebrating your birthday as a Muslim?
    1. Fasting
    2. Cutting a cake
    3. Watching a movie
    4. Going for swimming
  27. When do Muslims celebrate Idul-Adh-ha?
    1. 1st Shawwal
    2. 10th Dhul-Hijja
    3. 5th Rajab
    4. 30th Ramadhan
  28. Which one of the following practices is observed during a Muslim marriage ceremony?
    1. The bride and groom exchange rings
    2. The parents are given dowry
    3. The bride and groom hold hands
    4. The bridegroom pay dowry
  29. Eddat for a widow takes
    1. ten years and six days
    2. three months
    3. four months and ten days
    4. seven.days
  30. It is sunnah for a Muslim to fast on
    1. Sunday
    2. Monday
    3. Saturday
    4. Tuesday



  1. B
  2. C
  3. C
  4. D
  5. A
  6. D
  7. C
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. A
  13. C
  14. A
  15. A
  16. C
  17. D
  18. D
  19. A
  20. C
  21. D
  22. A
  23. B
  24. C
  25. D
  26. A
  27. C
  28. C
  29. B
  30. C
  31. B
  32. B
  33. A
  34. C
  35. C
  36. B
  37. D
  38. C
  39. B
  40. A
  41. D
  42. C
  43. A
  44. D
  45. C
  46. A
  47. B
  48. A
  49. B
  50. D
  51. B
  52. C
  53. A
  54. B
  55. C
  56. A
  57. D
  58. D
  59. D
  60. C


  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. B
  7. A
  8. C
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. A
  14. A
  15. D
  16. A
  17. D
  18. A
  19. D
  20. C
  21. C
  22. B
  23. A
  24. A
  25. C
  26. D
  27. A
  28. B
  29. C
  30. B


  1. D
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. B
  7. D
  8. A
  9. D
  10. C
  11. B
  12. D
  13. C
  14. A
  15. D
  16. C
  17. D
  18. A
  19. A
  20. C
  21. D
  22. B
  23. D
  24. A
  25. C
  26. A
  27. B
  28. D
  29. C
  30. B






Study the map of Guta area and use to answer questions 1- 7.

  1. The land in Guta area generally slopes towards
    1. South East
    2. North West
    3. North East
    4. South West.
  2. Three of the following statements about the Southern part of Guta area are true.
    Which one is not? The area
    1. has high population
    2. has clay soil
    3. has steep slopes
    4. receives high rainfall.
  3. The drainage feature formed along the river at the point marked R is
    1. a delta
    2. a meander
    3. an estuary
    4. an ox bow lake.
  4. Climate in the North Eastern part of Guta area can be described as
    1. hot and dry
    2. cool and dry
    3. cool and wet
    4. hot and wet.
  5. Which one of the following is an economic importance of lake Bale? It is a source of
    1. rainfall
    2. a river
    3. fish
    4. water for irrigation.
  6. The elected head of Guta area is a
    1. county commissioner
    2. county representative
    3. chief
    4. governor
  7. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Guta area?
    1. Lumbering
    2. Fishing
    3. Trading
    4. Crop farming.
  8. Which one of the following was not a way of interaction among communities in the pre-colonial period?
    1. Marriage
    2. Education
    3. Migration
    4. Trade.
  9. Which one of the following factors contributed to the growth of the kingdom of Old Ghana?
    1. Wealth from Trans Saharan trade.
    2. Spread of Islam in West Africa.
    3. Conquest of West Africa by the French.
    4. Introduction of new farming methods.
  10. The following are benefits of pastoral farming. Which one is not?
    1. It is a source of livelihood for pastoralists.
    2. Large herds of livestock are a symbol of wealth.
    3. It utilizes highly populated areas.
    4. It is a source of foreign exchange.
  11. Below are traditional methods of weather observation.
    1. Growing of new leaves on plants.
    2. Appearance of locusts.
    3. Shedding of leaves by trees.
    4. Rise in night temperatures.
      Which combination consist of methods that indicate the approach of a wet season?
      1. (ii) and (iii)
      2. (iii) and (iv)
      3. (i) and (ii)
      4. (i) and (iv)
  12. Three of the following statements about the population of Kenya are true. Which one is not?
    1. Population growth rate is high.
    2. Most people live in urban centres.
    3. Population of the youth is high.
    4. Most people depend on farming.
  13. Which one of the following crops is grown in reclaimed areas in Nertherlands?
    1. Wheat
    2. Sugarcane
    3. Flowers
    4. Tea.
  14. The main reason why the Luo people migrated from the Nile valley was
    1. search for fish
    2. attacks by the Galla people
    3. overpopulation in the area
    4. frequent droughts in the area.
  15. Before the coming of Europeans to Kenya, age groups among the Agikuyu people were made up of people who
    1. migrated from the same area
    2. presided over ceremonies
    3. had a common ancestor.
    4. were born around the same time.
  16. Which one of the following groups is made up of cash crops grown in Kenya?
    1. Tea, pyrethrum, coffee.
    2. Millet, yams, sugarcane
    3. Sweet potato, maize, rice
    4. Cotton, coconut, sorghum.
  17. The diagram below represents the formation of relief rainfall.
    Three of the following areas experience the type of rainfall illustrated above. Which one does not?
    1. Southern Tanzania
    2. Southern Uganda
    3. Ethiopian highlands
    4. Nyika plateau highlands.
  18. When Ludwing Krapf came to Kenya in 1844, he
    1. discovered the source of River Nile
    2. explored parts of central Africa
    3. built a school at Rabai near Mombasa
    4. visited Kabaka Mutesa I of Buganda kingdom.
  19. Commercial poultry near urban centres in Kenya is favoured by
    1. availability of highland conditions
    2. presence of cool highland conditions
    3. presence of cheap labour
    4. availability of market for poultry products.
  20. Three of the following are benefits of Jua Kali industries. Which one is not?
    1. Exports earn foreign exchange.
    2. Provision of employment.
    3. Use locally available raw materials.
    4. Earning of income from the sale of the products.
  21. Who among the following is not a member of Board of Management in a school?
    1. Chairperson
    2. Headteacher
    3. Chief
    4. School sponsor
  22. The main reason why Arabs came to Eastern Africa before the 19th century was to
    1. search for trade goods
    2. establish towns along the coast
    3. stop trade in slaves
    4. partition Eastern Africa.
  23. Rice farmers in Mwea irrigation scheme are faced by the problem of
    1. lack of rice seedlings.
    2. siltation of water canals
    3. inadequate market for rice products
    4. lack of skilled labour in rice farms..
  24. Persons with disabilities are nominated to the senate in order to
    1. provide employment for them
    2. improve their standards of living
    3. increase members of the senate
    4. obey the constitution of Kenya.
  25. Areas along the equator experience high temperatures because the
    1. areas have low altitude
    2. areas experience high rainfall
    3. sun is always overhead
    4. areas have large water bodies.
  26. Attainment of independence in Zimbabwe was mainly hastened by
    1. formation of political parties by Africans
    2. presence of few white settlers in the colony
    3. armed struggle by the Africans
    4. support for Africans from Europeans.
  27. Gold in South Africa is extracted from the ground using
    1. dredging method
    2. deep shaft method
    3. drilling method
    4. opencast method.
  28. Mwangi sold his piece of land in Nyeri county and bought a bigger parcel of land in Nakuru county. The main cause of his action was that he wanted to
    1. get better farming land
    2. search for employment
    3. search for better social amenities
    4. escape conflicts.
  29. Which one of the following statements about the law of succession is correct?
    1. All children get a share of family property.
    2. A second wife does not inherit property.
    3. Daughters do not get a share of the estate.
    4. The first son gets a bigger share of the estate.
  30. The colonial policy used by Europeans in administering Belgian Congo was
    1. indirect rule
    2. association
    3. assimilation
    4. direct rule.

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 31 to 34.


  1. Three of the following statements about the river marked P are true. Which one is not? It
    1. is a major inland waterway
    2. originates from highland areas
    3. has been dammed to generate electricity
    4. ends in a delta.
  2. Which one of the following language groups used the route marked Z during the migration period?
    1. Bantu
    2. NiloteS
    3. Cushites
    4. Semites.
  3. The pre-historic site marked T is
    1. Fort Ternan
    2. Kariandusi
    3. Hyrax hill
    4. Ollorgesaillie
  4. Which one of the following minerals is mined at the place marked S?
    1. Diatomite
    2. Soda ash
    3. Limestone
    4. Fluorspar.
  5. Fish growing in Japan is carried out in sheltered parts of the sea because
    1. the areas have many fish
    2. fresh water fishing grounds are few
    3. fish are in great demand
    4. high technology is used in fishing.
  6. Which one of the following swamps is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
    1. Okavango    - Uganda
    2. Malagarasi  - Tanzania
    3. Lotikipi         - Botswana
    4. Kyoga          - Kenya.
  7. A problem that faced the Organization of African Unity (OAU) was
    1. lack of a common language
    2. use of different currencies
    3. failure to enforce policies
    4. production of similar goods.
  8. One day when driving from school Mr. Kimani found a boy who had been knocked down by a hit-and-run motorist. The following are reasons why Mr. Kimani decided to give the boy first aid except to
    1. restore his broken bones
    2. prevent further injury
    3. save his life
    4. help him reach the nearby hospital.
  9. Which one of the following is an economic right? Right to
    1. education
    2. clean environment
    3. marry
    4. own property.
  10. Which one of the following human activities causes air pollution?
    1. Deforestation
    2. Monocropping
    3. Fishing
    4. Quarrying.
  11. The work of the council of elders in the traditional Ameru government was to
    1. solve disputes among the people
    2. foretell future events
    3. treat diseases
    4. lead the people to war.
  12. Rapid population increase in Kenya since independence has mainly been caused by
    1. practice of family planning methods
    2. improvement in healthcare
    3. increase in employment
    4. need for people to have large families.
  13. Ox bow lakes are formed through
    1. glaciation
    2. downwarping
    3. deposition
    4. human activities.
  14. Below are descriptions of a soil found in Kenya.
    1. It is eroded from highland areas.
    2. It is found along river valleys.
    3. It is also called young soil.
      The type of soil described above is
      1. alluvial soil
      2. volcanic soil
      3. clay soil
      4. sandy soil.
  15. Three of the following are qualities of a good citizen. Which one is not? A person who
    1. reports criminal activities
    2. does not engage in an electoral process
    3. takes part in community development
    4. pays government taxes
  16. Kwamboka wants to send money to her daughter in a boarding school. The quickest method to use is
    1. send it to the class teacher using mobile phone money services
    2. go to the school to take the money
    3. send it through postal money order services
    4. put it in an envelope and send it.
  17. Below are statements about a town in Eastern Africa.
    1. It began as an agricultural collection centre.
    2. It lies along the Great North Road.
    3. It is the headquarters of a regional body.
      The town described above is
      1. Addis Ababa
      2. Dodoma
      3. Arusha
      4. Kampala.
  18. The European nation that colonized Mozambique was
    1. Germany
    2. France
    3. Britain
    4. Portugal.
  19. Nelson Mandela promoted unity in South Africa when he
    1. appointed different races in his government
    2. made South Africa a multi-party state
    3. used peaceful means to fight apartheid
    4. led South Africa to independence.
  20. Which one of the following pairs consists of Rift valley lakes that are fresh?
    1. A. L.Bogoria and L.Natron.
    2. L.Eyasi and L.Elementaita
    3. L.Naivasha and L. Rukwa.
    4. L.Nakuru and L.Manyara.
  21. Settlement schemes were established in Kenya after independence mainly to
    1. reward Africans who fought for independence
    2. settle landless Africans
    3. increase food production
    4. put dry areas into economic use.
  22. The best way of helping the youth who are addicted to drugs is
    1. stopping sale of drugs
    2. arresting them
    3. putting them in rehabilitation centres
    4. closing places that sell drugs.
  23. Which one of the following groups is made up of Bantu communities that settled in highland areas during the migration period?
    1. Baganda, Nyamwezi, pokomo.
    2. Akamba, Ngoni, Banyonkole.
    3. Mijikenda, Sukuma, Bagisu.
    4. Chagga, Abagusii, Ameru.
  24. Pineapple canning in Thika is an example of
    1. a manufacturing industry
    2. an assembling industry
    3. a processing industry
    4. a service industry.
  25. Before the coming of Europeans, the Khoikhoi people were ruled by
    1. kings
    2. chiefs
    3. warriors
    4. emperors.
  26. Which one of the following game parks in Africa is correctly matched with the country where it is found?
    1. Bwindi - Ethiopia
    2. Selous - Uganda
    3. Dinder - Tanzania
    4. Kruger - South Africa
  27. Who among the following is a member of the senate in Kenya?
    1. Woman representative
    2. Governor
    3. Nominated member
    4. Cabinet secretary.
  28. A requirement for a voter on a polling day is that the person must
    1. be a member of a political party
    2. vote near his or her home
    3. be able to read
    4. produce an identity card.
  29. Differences in length of day and night on earth are caused by
    1. revolution of the earth
    2. gravitational forces of the moon
    3. rotation of the earth on its axis
    4. movement of the moon round the earth.
  30. An elected member of a county assembly can lose the seat if the person
    1. is jailed for six months or more
    2. is not a member of a political party
    3. lives away from the ward
    4. differs with the speaker.



  1. When God placed Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, He commanded them to
    1. guard and cultivate the garden
    2. build altars for offering sacrifices
    3. worship no other god
    4. keep the sabbath holy.
  2. Noah accepted to build the ark because
    1. he wanted to save his family from floods
    2. he wanted to obey God's commands
    3. he knew how to build the ark
    4. God gave him the dimensions.
  3. A Christian value demonstrated by Jacob when he was working for Laban was
    1. tolerance
    2. humility
    3. patience
    4. kindness
  4. After the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, Mirriam led the Israelites in
    1. singing songs of praise to God
    2. fasting for forty days
    3. attacking the Egyptian army
    4. making the covenant box.
  5. Who among the following judges of Israel was also a prophet?
    1. Gideon
    2. Othniel
    3. Shamgar
    4. Deborah
  6. King Saul wanted to kill David because
    1. David was becoming famous
    2. Samuel had anointed David as king
    3. David and Jonathan were friends
    4. David had killed Goliath.
  7. King Solomon built a temple in Jerusalem in order to
    1. make Jerusalem the centre of worship
    2. keep the covenant box in Jerusalem
    3. obey the command God had given his father
    4. show that he was a wise king.
  8. Prophet Elijah went to live in the town of Nazareth mainly because
    1. there was a famine in Israel
    2. God commanded him to do so
    3. a poor window invited him
    4. he wanted to escape from King Ahab.
  9. Who among the following people prophesied the day of Pentecost?
    1. Hosea
    2. Micah
    3. Zechariah
    4. Joel
  10. Herod wanted to know the place where Jesus had been born in order to
    1. have the baby killed
    2. send the wisemen with presents
    3. go and worship him
    4. congratulate his parents.
  11. Who among the following women talked about Jesus when He was presented in the temple?
    1. Salome
    2. Anna
    3. Martha
    4. Elizabeth.
  12. A lesson that Christians learn from the temptations of Jesus is that
    1. they can't be tempted if they have strong faith
    2. temptations come only when they are in difficult
    3. they should pray in groups
    4. they should rely on the scriptures.
  13. Which one of the following was a teaching of Jesus about riches?
    1. Christians should acquire wealth.
    2. The rich shall not enter heaven.
    3. They should be stored in heaven.
    4. Wealth should be shared equally.
  14. Jesus healed blind Bartmaeus in Jericho mainly because
    1. Jesus knew him
    2. Jesus felt pity on him
    3. he begged to be healed
    4. Bartimaeus was a righteous man.
  15. Jesus explained the growth of the kingdom of God on the parable of the
    1. lost coin
    2. widow and the judge
    3. mustard seed
    4. lost coin.
  16. Pontious Pilate wanted Jesus released during the trial because
    1. Jesus had asked for forgiveness
    2. Pilate knew Jesus was innocent
    3. the Sabbath was approaching
    4. there was no sufficient evidence.
  17. On the day Jesus resurrected, He spoke to Cleopas on the road to
    1. Emmaus
    2. Joppa
    3. Lydda
    4. Nazareth.
  18. Which one of the following events took place on the day the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit?
    1. The disciples chose Mathias.
    2. Peter healed a lame beggar.
    3. Saul was converted on the road to Damascus.
    4. Peter preached to a large crowd.
  19. Saul raised Eutychus back to life in the town of
    1. Caesarea
    2. Troas
    3. Lydda
    4. Joppa.
  20. Which one of the following sins was committed by Ananias and Saphira?
    1. Cheating
    2. Adultery
    3. Idolatry
    4. Stealing.
  21. Which one of the following groups is made up of books of the Bible that are letters?
    1. Acts, John, Ephesians.
    2. Revelations, Mark, Corrinthians.
    3. Jude, Philemon, Romans.
    4. Peter, John, James.
  22. Which one of the following is a way of remembering ancestors in traditional African communities?
    1. Naming children after them.
    2. Composing songs about them.
    3. Visiting tombs of ancestors.
    4. Writing stories about ancestors.
  23. Which one of the following is a way of showing respect to unborn life in traditional African communities?
    1. Offering sacrifices to unborn babies
    2. Taking pregnant mothers to hospital.
    3. Reading the scriptures.
    4. Exempting pregnant women from heavy work.
  24. Which one of the following is an important virtue required in marriage in traditional African communities?
    1. Hardwork
    2. Education
    3. Money
    4. Fame.
  25. In traditional African communities, people show they are sorry for sins committed by
    1. going without food
    2. shaving their hair
    3. offering sacrifices
    4. wearing rags.
  26. Which one of the following is a teaching about husbands and wives in a family?
    Husbands should
    1. love their wives as Christ loved the church
    2. put fear in their wives
    3. provide for their wives
    4. be subject to their wives.
  27. Phoebe, a standard eight pupil asks her parents for some unused clothes to donate to orphans. This shows that Phoebe is
    1. rich
    2. honest
    3. humble
    4. kind
  28. Which one of the following institutions was started by Christians?
    1. World Health Organization.
    2. Flying Doctors Services.
    3. International Labour Organization.
    4. United Nations Environment Programme.
  29. Prostitution is discouraged in Christianity because it
    1. causes stigmatization
    2. causes diseases
    3. is misuse of sex
    4. makes the victims to be hated.
  30. European missionaries taught Africans how to read in order to make them
    1. preach Christianity
    2. equal to the Europeans
    3. get employed
    4. stop their cultural practices.



  1. Which one of the following extracts is a verse from surah Al-Inshirah?
    1. Waman ya'amal mithkaala dharratin sharran, iyarahu.
    2. Fa ammaa man thaqulat muwaazinuhu.
    3. Fa inna ma'al u'sr, Yusra.
    4. Wala saufa yu'uthwika Rabbuka Fatardhwaa.
  2. Which one of the following verses sends a warning of a heavy punishment to businessmen who practice injustice in business activities
    1. Wailun yauma idhin lil-mukadhibiin.
    2. Wailun lil-muswalliin.
    3. Wailun likuli humazatin lumaza.
    4. Wailun lil-mutwaafifiin.
  3. "Ihdinaa siraatwal Mustakiim" is a verse in surah Fatiha that means
    1. forgive us our trespasses
    2. guide us to the straight path
    3. I seek refuge to Lord of mankind
    4. deliver us from evil.
  4. One way that Muslims can apply the teachings of Surah Al-Kauthur is by
    1. sacrifising an animal
    2. observing fasting
    3. performing tahajjud
    4. giving out Zakkat.
  5. The theme in the Surah Al-Ikhlas is clear that all the following forms of beliefs are wrong except one. Which one?
    1. Jesus Christ is the son of God.
    2. There is only one God.
    3. We were created in the image of God.
    4. Our bodies are temples of God.
  6. What does a sin do to a person according to the Hadith of the prophet (SAW)?
    1. Changes the mind.
    2. Destroys the brain.
    3. Changes the behavior.
    4. Punches the mind.
  7. All the following people are cursed by Allah as we learn from the prophet's traditions except one who
    1. disobeys his parents
    2. drinks alcohol
    3. controls munkar
    4. receives bribe.
  8. "Alhamdulillah" - "Yarhamkallah" "Yahdikumullah". This conversation takes place when a person
    1. sneezes
    2. beldjes
    3. coughs
    4. passes wind.
  9. Four pupils offered Islamic greetings as follows. Who among them is closest to Allah(s.w) according to the teachings of the prophet(S.A.W)
    1. Saudah - Gave a full Islamic greeting.
    2. Zakiya-Greeted with a smile.
    3. Imran - Greeted a group of people.
    4. Iqran - Was the first to offer Salaam.
  10. Obligations towards the dead are an act of Ibaada which the sharia classifies as
    1. Fardh Kifaya
    2. Fardh A'in
    3. Sunna Muaqada
    4. Al-Waajib.
  11. Upon receiving news of the death of his beloved friend, Darwesh should say
    1. Anta salaafnaa wa nahnu bil adri
    2. Fiihaa nuidukum wa fiihaa nukhrijukum.
    3. Fii amaanillah.
    4. Inna lillahi wa inna illaihi raajiun.
  12. All the following Ibaadaats of Hajj are performed seven times each except one. Which one?
    1. Twawaf around Kaaba.
    2. Drinking from Zamzam spring.
    3. Sa'y on swafa and Marwa
    4. Ramyul Jimar at the stampid.
  13. Which one of the following actions will break the Swaum of a fasting Muslim?
    1. Sleeping while fasting.
    2. Vomiting intentionally.
    3. Bathing in a sunny day.
    4. Tasting flavor of the food you are preparing.
  14. Muslims can perform Sunna Qabliya prayer before all these salaats except one. Which one?
    1. Eid prayer
    2. Fajr prayer
    3. Jum'a prayer
    4. Magrib prayer.
  15. The measure of amount of wealth a Muslim should have to qualify him to pay zakkat according to sharia is known as
    1. Shibr
    2. Qulatain
    3. Nisab
    4. Qiratun.
  16. Ladies in the state of Heidh and Nifas impurities are allowed by sharia to
    1. enter a mosque
    2. recite the holy Quran
    3. pray swalah from home
    4. attend the Eid congregations.
  17. What is the direction of Qibla while in Kenya?
    1. East
    2. North
    3. West
    4. South.
  18. The attribute of Allah "Al-Muhaimin" means the
    1. protector
    2. powerful
    3. magnificent
    4. holy.
  19. The stick that Nabii Musa had that turned into a big snake and also created a path across the sea was a
    1. walking stick
    2. protection stick
    3. grazing stick
    4. magic stick.
  20. Which of the following statements best explains Tawaakuul?
    1. Joining Islam without Shahada.
    2. Love for Islam without knowledge.
    3. The fear of Allah(s.w) without Imaan.
    4. Relying on Allah (s.w) without taking precautions.
  21. Which of the following temptations is not common in the current Muslim Umma?
    1. Loss of lifes.
    2. Reduced foods and fruits.
    3. Sacrifice of children.
    4. Hunger.
  22. The prophet (p.b.u.h) advised Muslims masters "Pay your servants before their sweat dries" Which virtue was the prophet instilling in Muslims?
    1. Justice to servants.
    2. Kindness to servants.
    3. Generosity to servants.
    4. Hospitality to servants.
  23. Which of the following is not the best way to treat the HIV and AIDS patients in Islam?
    1. Eat and play with them.
    2. Visit them and show love for them.
    3. Use them as an example while warning others.
    4. Pray the dua for them.
  24. The main reason why the visitors from the East came along the coast of Kenya was to
    1. do missionary work
    2. trade
    3. create towns and cities
    4. create Swahili language.
  25. Which of the following communities met with the prophet (S.A.W) for a pledge of peace at Aqaba? The
    1. Aws and Khazaraj
    2. Answaars and Muhaajiruns
    3. Banu Bakr and Banu Khuza
    4. Arabs and Jews.
  26. Muslims almost lost victory in the battle of Uhud because some group
    1. were hypocrites
    2. disobeyed their leader's advice
    3. supported the enemies
    4. became so tired.
  27. For the Muslims who are travelling to Makka for Hajj Ibaada, we wish them well by saying Hajj
    1. Kariim
    2. Mukarram
    3. Maqbul
    4. Mabruur.
  28. Which of the following sub tribes is correctly matched with the tribe it belongs?
    1. Banu Hashim - Jewish
    2. Banu Quridhwa - Arab
    3. Banu Sa'ad - Arab
    4. Banu Nadhiir - Arab.
  29. The prophet (p.b.u.h) taught Muslims three things that should never be delayed when their time comes. Which one is not among them? When
    1. a traveller is ready for a journey
    2. food is ready for eating
    3. a person dies for burial
    4. a youth is ready for marriage.
  30. King Najashy of Habesh welcomed
    1. the disciples of Jesus Christ who paid him a visit
    2. Muslims who had migrated from Makka
    3. the followers of Musa who were attacked by Fir'aun
    4. the Christian monks who associated with Jesus.



  1. B
  2. B
  3. A
  4. B
  5. C
  6. D
  7. A
  8. B
  9. A
  10. C
  11. D
  12. B
  13. C
  14. D
  15. D
  16. A
  17. B
  18. C
  19. D
  20. A
  21. C
  22. A
  23. B
  24. D
  25. C
  26. C
  27. B
  28. A
  29. A
  30. D
  31. A
  32. B
  33. D
  34. D
  35. C
  36. B
  37. C
  38. A
  39. D
  40. D
  41. A
  42. B
  43. C
  44. A
  45. B
  46. A
  47. C
  48. D
  49. A
  50. C
  51. B
  52. C
  53. D
  54. C
  55. B
  56. D
  57. C
  58. D
  59. A
  60. A


  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  10. A
  11. B
  12. D
  13. C
  14. B
  15. C
  16. D
  17. A
  18. D
  19. B
  20. A
  21. C
  22. A
  23. D
  24. A
  25. C
  26. A
  27. D
  28. B
  29. C
  30. A


  1. C
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. D
  7. C
  8. A
  9. B
  10. A
  11. D
  12. B
  13. B
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. B
  18. A
  19. C
  20. D
  21. C
  22. A
  23. C
  24. B
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. C
  29. A
  30. B



Study the map of Soya Area and answer questions 1-7

  1. Which one of the following products is transported along the railway line to the factory near Joba town?
    1. Cattle
    2. Tree logs
    3. Minerals
    4. Milk
  2. The general rise of land in Soya area is from
    1. North East
    2. North
    3. South West
    4. South
  3. The approximate area of the beef ranch in Soya area in square kilometres is
    1. 5.6km2
    2. 8.0km2
    3. 3.5km2
    4. 7.5km2
  4. A shop has been broken into in Joba town. The matter should be reported at the
    1. army camp
    2. law courts
    3. prison
    4. police station
  5. The type of pollution likely to be experienced most by the people living near the mines is
    1. noise pollution
    2. water pollution
    3. air pollution
    4. soil pollution
  6. The location of the flour mill was mainly influenced by
    1. availability of space
    2. nearness to a road
    3. availability of labour
    4. nearness to wheat farms
  7. The economic benefit of the forest in Soya area is that it
    1. influences climate in the area
    2. protects water catchment areas
    3. provides raw materials for paper making
    4. is a tourists attraction site
  8. The main function of the council of elders in the traditional Ameru government was to
    1. write down the laws of the community
    2. organize the marriage ceremonies
    3. solve disputes among the people
    4. treat diseases among the people
  9. Below are statements about a relief region in Africa.
    1. It has low altitude
    2. It is widespread in West Africa
    3. Some places are dry
      The relief feature described above is
      1. Coastal lowlands
      2. Rift valley region
      3. Plateau region
      4. Highland region
  10. Three of the following statements about horticultural farming in Netherlands are correct. Which one is not?
    1. Crops are sold through co-operatives 
    2. All crops are grown in large plantations 
    3. Some of the crops are exported
    4. Intensive farming is carried out
  11. The interaction of the Agikuyu and Akamba people in the pre-colonial period resulted in
    1. establishment of a new language
    2. exchange of trade goods
    3. establishment of towns in the interior
    4. increase in hostilities between the two communities
  12. Which of the following minerals is correctly matched with its end product?
    1. Copper - paper
    2. Petroleum - currency coins
    3. Soda Ash -  lubricants
    4. Limestone - cement
  13. The diagram below represents the formation of a lake.
    The lake shown above was formed through
    1. deposition
    2. erosion
    3. faulting
    4. lava damming
  14. Three of the following statements about Homo Erectus are true. Which one is not?
    1. He walked upright
    2. He used fire
    3. He made iron tools
    4. He used speech to communicate
  15. The Maasai people settled on the floor of the Rift valley during the migration period because
    1. the areas were good for grazing
    2. the areas received high rainfall
    3. the areas had flat land
    4. the areas were free from tsetse flies
  16. The French used assimilation policy in administering Senegal in order to
    1. reduce resistance to colonial rule 
    2. reduce the cost of ruling the colony
    3. enable Africans form political parties
    4. promote French way of life
  17. Which of the following pre-historic sites is found in Sudan?
    1. Magosi
    2. Merowe
    3. Ntusi
    4. Lalibela
  18. When a person who has grown up children and had written a will dies, the estate is
    1. taken over by a court of law
    2. administered by a trustee
    3. shared according to what is stated in the will
    4. given to the eldest son
  19. Below are characteristics of a climatic region in Africa;
    1. There is high humidity
    2. There is no distinct dry period
    3. Annual rainfall exceeds 2000mm
      The climatic region described above is
      1. Equatorial climate
      2. Mountain climate
      3. Mediterranean climate
      4. Savannah climate
  20. Before the coming of Europeans, the Nyamwezi people were ruled by
    1. kings
    2. hereditary chiefs
    3. council of elders
    4. warriors
  21. Which one of the following dams in Kenya is not found along River Tana
    1. Kiambere
    2. Kamburu
    3. Gitaru
    4. Turkwel
  22. The following are factors that influence population growth
    1. Gentle relief
    2. High rainfall 
    3. Cool conditions
    4. Fertile soils
    5. Presence of towns
      Which combination of factors has mostly attracted large population in Central Kenya? 
      1. (i), (iv), (v)
      2. (iii), (iv), (v)
      3. (ii), (iii), (iv) 
      4. (i), (ii), (iii)
  23. Africans in Tanganyika were appointed as chiefs by the Germans mainly to
    1. make laws
    2. teach Africans traditional culture
    3. collect taxes
    4. build schools
  24. Which one of the following is a basic need in a family?
    1. Land
    2. Education
    3. Clothes
    4. Love
  25. Which of the following groups is made crops that were grown in Kenya in the pre-colonial period?
    1. Yams, millet, sorghum
    2. Maize, sweet potatoes, rice
    3. Kales, Irish potatoes, sorghum
    4. Rice, tomatoes, potatoes
  26. Attainment of independence in Zimbabwe was through armed struggle mainly because 
    1. Africans had trained soldiers
    2. White settlers did not want to negotiate
    3. Africans had formed political parties
    4. Africans were helped by the African Unionup
  27. The source of river White Nile is
    1. Lake Chad
    2. Lake Tana
    3. Lake Albert
    4. Lake Victoria
  28. Most people in Germany live in urban centres mainly because
    1. they are old
    2. they work in towns
    3. they are educated
    4. they have small families
  29. Which one of the following weather instruments is used to measure the speed of wind?
    1. Hygrometer
    2. Thermometer
    3. Barometer
    4. Anemometer

Use the map of Africa below to answer questions 30 to 33


  1. The sun is directly overhead the line of latitude marked X in the month of
    1. December
    2. June
    3. September
    4. March
  2. The effect of the winds marked P is that they 
    1. cause convectional rainfall in the Congo basin
    2. cause fog and mist
    3. lower temperatures along the coast
    4. cause dry conditions along the coast
  3. Which one of the following communities is found in the area marked H?
    1. Amharans
    2. Shilluk
    3. Somali
    4. Agiriama
  4. The country marked T was colonized by
    1. France
    2. Italy
    3. Spain
    4. Britain
  5. Conflicts over land boundaries among villagers are best solved through
    1. taking matters to courts of law
    2. involving village elders
    3. reporting matters to police station
    4. selling the land under dispute
  6. You are playing in the field and your friend is cut on the leg by a sharp stone. The most immediate action for you to take is
    1. call his parents
    2. take him to hospital
    3. stop the bleeding
    4. give him warm water to drink
  7. The main problem facing pastoralism in Botswana is
    1. diseases caused by pests
    2. long distances to markets
    3. attacks on cattle by wild animals
    4. inadequate pasture in the dry period
  8. Three of the following traditional weather observation methods indicate a dry season. Which one does not?
    1. Dry grasses
    2. Appearances of locust
    3. Shedding of leaves
    4. Dew on the grass
  9. Three of the following are responsibilities of children in a family. Which one is not?
    1. Building family house
    2. Respecting other members of the family
    3. Taking care of family property
    4. Performing some family duties
  10. In the traditional Buganda government, the title of the army officer was
    1. Muyasi
    2. Gabuga
    3. Mtwale
    4. Bataka
  11. Kenya's main exports are
    1. machinery and fertilizers
    2. tea and flowers
    3. petroleum and textiles
    4. livestock and electronics
  12. Major towns in Africa are densely populated due to presence of
    1. social amenities
    2. good roads
    3. jobs
    4. high rainfall
  13. The diagram below shows a fishing method
    The fishing method illustrated in the diagram above is
    1. net drifting
    2. long lining
    3. purse seining
    4. trawling
  14. Which one of the following cultural practices should be discouraged among African communities?
    1. Raiding other communities for cattle
    2. Wearing traditional clothes
    3. Attending initiation ceremonies
    4. Eating traditional foods
  15. The cheapest method of poultry farming is
    1. deep litter
    2. free range
    3. fold
    4. battery
  16. Which of the following industries in Kenya is correctly matched with its type?
    1. Radio repair-manufacturing
    2. Paper making - assembling
    3. Vehicle making - service
    4. Bread baking - processing
  17. The earliest inhabitants to settle in the forested areas in Central Kenya were
    1. Dahalo and Sanye
    2. Pokot and Kalenjin
    3. Dorobo and Gumba
    4. Galla and Burji
  18. Waiyaki wa Hinga collaborated with the Europeans in Kenya by
    1. protecting the railway workers
    2. giving them land to build forts
    3. giving the British mining rights
    4. helping missionaries to establish schools
  19. Which one of the following combinations is made up of types of fish reared in fish farms in Japan?
    1. Eels and tuna
    2. Tilapia and mudfish
    3. Mudfish and Nile perch
    4. Catfish and tilapia
  20. Which one of the following is a traditional ceremony that enabled boys and girls to interact in the pre-colonial period?
    1. Wrestling
    2. Initiation
    3. Dancing
    4. Education
  21. The main factor that favours dairy farming in the highland regions in Kenya is presence of
    1. milk factories
    2. cool and wet conditions
    3. good roads
    4. ready market for milk
  22. Lawlessness in the society can be caused by the following practices except
    1. tribalism
    2. patriotism
    3. corruption
    4. racism
  23. The Sahel region of West Africa is sparsely populated due to
    1. presence of tsetse flies
    2. seasonal flooding in the area
    3. presence of swampy conditions
    4. unreliable rainfall in the area.
  24. Tourists who visit the Coastal parts of Kenya are mainly attracted by
    1. wildbeests migration
    2. high class hotels
    3. sandy beaches
    4. pre-historic sites
  25. Most traders in Kenya use roads to transport their goods because
    1. roads are widespread
    2. it is the cheapest form of transport
    3. vehicles are fast
    4. it is a safe way of transporting goods
  26. Three of the following statements about the British Colonial rule in Kenya are true. Which one is not?
    1. The colonial government allowed white settlers to settle in Kenya
    2. Educated Africans and Europeans were equal
    3. Africans lost their fertile lands
    4. Some Africans were appointed chiefs
  27. Gold is extracted from the ground in South Africa using
    1. drilling method
    2. open cast method
    3. dredging method
    4. deep shaft method
  28. Standard Eight pupils of Nairobi Primary School visited a nearby game park. They saw electric fence around the game park. The function of the electric fence is to
    1. prevent people from going into the park 
    2. protect tourists driving in the park 
    3. prevent animal and human conflict
    4. enable game wardens to charge entry fee
  29. In Kenya, a person qualifies to vie for a parliamentary seat if the person
    1. has worked as a public servant
    2. is 21 years old and registers as a voter
    3. lives in the constituency he is vying 
    4. is a member of a political party
  30. The founders of the kingdom of Old Ghana spoke a
    1. West Atlantic language
    2. Voltaic language
    3. Mande language
    4. Semitic language
  31. The head of a county government in Kenya is
    1. a County Commissioner
    2. a Senator
    3. a Speaker
    4. a Governor


  1. God's care for human beings after their disobedience was seen when
    1. he made clothes for them
    2. he gave them fruits to eat
    3. he protected them from the snake
    4. he forgave them their sins
  2. Which one of the following was a command that God gave Noah after the floods?
    1. 'Through you, I will bless all nations'
    2. 'Leave your father's land'
    3. 'You should not eat meat with blood in it'
    4. 'Do not come near the tree of life'
  3. Who among the following sons of Jacob demonstrated responsibility when his brothers planned to kill Joseph?
    1. Simeon
    2. Benjamin
    3. Naphtali
    4. Reuben
  4. On the night the Israelites left Egypt, God punished the Egyptians by
    1. killing their firstborn males 
    2. causing a heavy hailstorm
    3. covering the country with darkness
    4. changing water into blood
  5. God's covenant with the Israelites near Mount Sinai was sealed through
    1. reciting the commandments
    2. eating roast meat 
    3. sprinkling of blood
    4. appearance of a rainbow 
  6. The name of the wife of Nabal whom king David took to be his wife was
    1. Bathsheba
    2. Abigail
    3. Merab
    4. Jezebel
  7. Which one of the following ways did King Solomon show his wisdom? When he
    1. decided a case involving a baby
    2. built a temple in Jerusalem
    3. banned the worship of idols
    4. traded with foreign kings
  8. Prophet Elisha rewarded the women of Shunem for her kindness by
    1. building a house for her
    2. making her rich
    3. healing her of bleeding
    4. promising her a son
  9. The prophecy of Zechariah about Jesus was that he would
    1. be born in Bethlehem
    2. be called the eternal father
    3. ride on a donkey to Jerusalem
    4. escape to Egypt
  10. When Jesus was presented in the temple, Simeon described the baby as
    1. the redeemer of Jerusalem
    2. the light to the Gentiles
    3. the king of Jews
    4. the suffering servant
  11. King Herod wanted to kill baby Jesus because
    1. he wanted to continue ruling
    2. Jesus was becoming famous
    3. many people were visiting Jesus
    4. the wisemen advised him to do so
  12. "Come with me and I will teach you how to catch people' (Mark 1:17). When Jesus said words to Peter and Andrew, they were
    1. travelling to Emmaus
    2. fishing in lake Galilee
    3. collecting taxes
    4. preaching in the villages
  13. The parable of Jesus that teaches Christians to use their wealth to help other people is
    1. Lazarus and the rich man
    2. the hidden treasure
    3. the rich fool
    4. the ten young women
  14. The teaching of Jesus about the narrow door encourages Christians to
    1. be patient
    2. humble themselves
    3. persevere suffering 
    4. share with others
  15. Jesus healed a leper and told him to present himself to the priest in order to
    1. be forgiven his sins
    2. ask for his property
    3. be blessed by the priest
    4. fulfil the law of Moses
  16. The Jews sang when Jesus rode on a donkey to Jerusalem because
    1. he had performed a miracle
    2. they knew he was the Messiah
    3. the Passover was approaching
    4. he had fed them with fish and bread
  17. Which one of the following events took place during the resurrection of Jesus?
    1. Two angels spoke to the women
    2. The curtain in the temple was torn
    3. A star appeared in the East
    4. Darkness covered the earth.
  18. The disciples were in a closed room on the day of Pentecost because
    1. they were praying
    2. they were preaching to a big crowd
    3. they were afraid of the Jews
    4. they were waiting for the Holy spirit.
  19. Who among the following people requested Peter to give him the power of the Holy spirit?
    1. Simon of Cyrene
    2. Ethiopian Eunuch
    3. Joseph of Arimathea
    4. Simon of Samaria
  20. The early believers demonstrated their unity in Christ when they
    1. placed their hands on new converts
    2. sang together in the synagogues
    3. met together to share meals
    4. preached in the villages
  21. The gift of the Holy spirit demonstrated by Philip when he met the Ethiopian Eunuch was
    1. interpreting scriptures
    2. performing miracles
    3. healing
    4. wisdom
  22. In traditional African Communities, people offer animal sacrifices mainly to
    1. remember ancestors
    2. appease God
    3. please priests
    4. share meals
  23. Elders are respected in traditional African communities because of their
    1. age
    2. education
    3. wisdom
    4. skills
  24. In traditional African communities, people marry mainly to
    1. get companionship
    2. get children
    3. be respected in the community
    4. get wealth
  25. Shrines in traditional African communities are places where
    1. ceremonies are held
    2. ancestors are buried
    3. trade is carried out
    4. sacrifices are offered
  26. Anna, a standard eight pupil has become pregnant. She should be advised to
    1. get married
    2. terminate the pregnancy
    3. give birth
    4. look for a job
  27. Four pupils have free time during the holiday. Who is engaged in an activity that benefits the community?
    1. Mokeira - Fetching water for an old woman
    2. Shikanda - Singing in the church choir
    3. Mutiso - Reading the Bible
    4. Kerubo - Looking after livestock
  28. Christians are advised to obey lawful authority because
    1. leaders are educated people
    2. all authority comes from God
    3. it makes them respected
    4. they set good examples
  29. Abortion is discouraged in Christianity because
    1. it is against God's commands
    2. it costs money
    3. it leads to stigmatization
    4. it is a waste of time 
  30. Which one of the following activities was done by European missionaries who came to Kenya? They
    1. intermarried with Africans
    2. introduced plantation farming
    3. established mission schools
    4. established towns along the coast



  1. Which one of the following surahs of the Quran has Bismillahi as part of its verses?
    1. Fatiha
    2. Maun
    3. Ikhlas
    4. Falaq
  2. Which town was prophet Mohammad born?
    1. Madina
    2. Taif
    3. Jeddah
    4. Makkah
  3. Which one of the following surahs of the Quran encourages patience?
    1. Maun
    2. Asr
    3. Fatiha
    4. Alaq
  4. Which direction do the Muslims face while performing Salat?
    1. Jerusalem
    2. Taif
    3. Madina
    4. Makkah
  5. Which of the following was the first surah to be revealed in the Quran?
    1. Nas
    2. Alaq
    3. Kauthar
    4. Ikhlas
  6. Which one of the following acts will nullify one's wudhu?
    1. Smiling
    2. Talking
    3. Sleeping
    4. Breathing
  7. Which of the following business practices is condemned in Islam?
    1. Charging interest
    2. Selling on credit
    3. Making profit
    4. Weighing accurately
  8. Who among the following angels of Allah (SW) in charge of rain?
    1. Malik
    2. Ridhwan
    3. Jibril
    4. Mikail
  9. Which one of the following events took place during the month of Ramadhan?
    1. The treaty of Hudaibiyah
    2. Kaabah was built
    3. The journey of Isra-wal-Miraj
    4. Revelation of the Quran
  10. Complete the following hadith; Paradise lies under the feet of
    1. mothers
    2. fathers
    3. uncles
    4. brothers
  11. Which one of the following surahs of the Quran mentions the people of the books?
    1. Maun
    2. Alaq
    3. Bayyinah
    4. Humaza
  12. Which one of the following pairs of surahs are recited to seek for Allah's protection?
    1. Fatiha and Nas
    2. Nas and Ikhlas
    3. Ikhlas and Falaq
    4. Falaq and Nas
  13. How long did the prophet (SAW) preach Islam secretly?
    1. 3 yrs
    2. 4 yrs
    3. 10 yrs
    4. 1 yr
  14. Which one of the following is an example of najasatul mughaladha?
    1. Urine
    2. Blood
    3. Pig 
    4. Pus
  15. Which one of the following is the 4th pillar of Islam?
    1. Salat
    2. Saum
    3. Zakat
    4. Hajj
  16. Which attribute of Allah (S.W) means that He is the protector
    1. Al-Aziz
    2. Al-Muhaimin
    3. Al-Malik
    4. Al-Jabbar
  17. Who among the following prophets of Allah (SW) was known as Khalillulah?
    1. Mohammad
    2. Issa
    3. Ibrahim
    4. Musa
  18. Three of the following are characteristics of the prophets of Allah (SW) except
    1. intelligence
    2. truthful
    3. unkind
    4. generous
  19. Which one of the following is not a right of a neighbour?
    1. Visitation
    2. Greetings
    3. Peace
    4. Quarrelin
  20. During which month do Muslims celebrate Eid-Ul-Fitr?
    1. Muharram
    2. Rajab
    3. Safar
    4. Shawwal
  21. Which one of the following expressions is said to congratulate one another?
    1. Subhanallah
    2. Maashallah
    3. Bismillahi
    4. Yarhamkallah
  22. How many khutbahs are said during Eid prayers?
    1. 1
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 2
  23. Which one of the following is the mother of all sins according to the teachings of Islam?
    1. Alcohol
    2. Shirk
    3. Gambling
    4. Stealing
  24. Which one of the following prayers is only performed during the month of Ramadhan?
    1. Taraweh
    2. Witr
    3. Dhuha
    4. Khusuj
  25. Which one of the following is festival performed to celebrate the birth of a newly born baby?
    1. Tahnią
    2. Aqiqah
    3. Miraaj
    4. Eid
  26. Complete the following hadith, "Whoever believes in Allah and the last day should not annoy his
    1. Mother
    2. father
    3. neighbour
    4. relatives
  27. Who among the following was not among the four rightly guided caliphs of Islam?
    1. Authman
    2. Abubakar
    3. Umar
    4. Abdiaziq
  28. Who among the following acts is condemned in Islam?
    1. Praying
    2. Begging
    3. Laughing
    4. Crying
  29. Which one of the following surahs of the Quaran is known as Thuluthul Quran?
    1. Ikhlas
    2. Fatiha
    3. Nas
    4. Falaq
  30. After completing their college courses, four Muslim girls got temporary employment in the following places. Who among them went against the teachings of Islam?
    1. Amina: Employed as a nurse
    2. Fawziya: Employed as a cashier in a bar 
    3. Ruqaya: Employed as a librarian
    4. Malika: Employed as a sweeper in a school


  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. D
  5. C
  6. D
  7. C
  8. C
  9. A
  10. B
  11. B
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. A
  16. D
  17. B
  18. C
  19. A
  20. B
  21. D
  22. C
  23. C
  24. C
  25. A
  26. B
  27. D
  28. B
  29. D
  30. B
  31. A
  32. C
  33. A
  34. B
  35. C
  36. D
  37. D
  38. A
  39. A
  40. B
  41. C
  42. D
  43. A
  44. B
  45. D
  46. C
  47. B
  48. A
  49. C
  50. B
  51. B
  52. D
  53. C
  54. A
  55. B
  56. D
  57. C
  58. B
  59. C
  60. D


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. A
  5. C
  6. B
  7. A
  8. D
  9. C
  10. B
  11. A
  12. B
  13. A
  14. C
  15. D
  16. B
  17. A
  18. C
  19. D
  20. C
  21. A
  22. B
  23. C
  24. B
  25. D
  26. C
  27. A
  28. B
  29. A
  30. C


  1. A
  2. D
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. C
  7. A
  8. D
  9. D
  10. A
  11. C
  12. D
  13. A
  14. C
  15. B
  16. B
  17. C
  18. C
  19. D
  20. D
  21. B
  22. D
  23. A
  24. A
  25. B
  26. C
  27. D
  28. B
  29. A
  30. B


Study the map of Beso area and use it to answer questions 1 to 7.

  1. The highest part of Beso area is in the
    1. central region.
    2. game park.
    3. west.
    4. east.
  2. The main reason why Beso area has a high population is that the area has
    1. adequate rainfall.
    2. good roads.
    3. several trading centres.
    4. gently sloping land.
  3. A forest reserve was established in Beso area mainly to
    1. provide timber in the area.
    2. make the landscape beautiful.
    3. provide shade to tea bushes.
    4. preserve water catchment areas.
  4. Which one of the following offices in the area covered by the map issues trading licences?
    1. Chief's office.
    2. County commissioner's.
    3. County office.
    4. Governor's office.
  5. Tea is grown in the central part of Beso area because
    1. there are cool and wet conditions.
    2. there are good roads to transport tea.
    3. rivers provide water for irrigation.
    4. the area is hilly.
  6. Which one of the following economic activities is not carried out in Beso area?
    1. Trading
    2. Lumbering
    3. Tourism
    4. Transport
  7. The administrative head of Beso area is 
    1. an assistant county commissioner.
    2. a county commissioner.
    3. a governor.
    4. a chief.
  8. Before the coming of Europeans, decisions among the San people were made through
    1. consensus.
    2. chiefs.
    3. council of elders.
    4. kings.
  9. Which one of the following is a responsibility of children in a family?
    1. Providing land to build a family house.
    2. Providing security in the family.
    3. Taking care of family property.
    4. Providing basic needs.
  10. Which one of the following traditional weather observation methods indicates the approach of a wet season?
    1. Grass turning brown.
    2. Appearance of locusts.
    3. Absence of dew on the grass.
    4. Growing of new leaves on plants.
  11. The Agiriama people were defeated by the British mainly because
    1. the Agiriama used inferior weapons. 
    2. the British had a large army.
    3. Agiriama leaders were arrested.
    4. other communities did not support the Agiriama.
  12. Large urban centres in Germany are densely populated because
    1. rural areas are dry.
    2. most people are educated.
    3. many people work in towns.
    4. most families are small.
  13. Which one of the following groups is made up of communities that migrated from Bahr -el-Ghazal region?
    1. Abagusii, Abakuria, Abaluhyia.
    2. Taita, Pokomo, Mijikenda.
    3. Maasai, Iteso, Karamajong.
    4. Luo, Acholi, Dinka.
  14. Most settlement schemes in Kenya are found in the highland regions because 
    1. the areas have good roads.
    2. the areas had been taken by white settlers.
    3. the areas receive high rainfall.
    4. cash crops are grown in the areas.
  15. A school motto is important because it 
    1. guides learners to achieve school aims.
    2. outlines school rules.
    3. allocates time for school activities.
    4. shows direction to a school.
  16. The diagram below represents a marine fishing method.
    The fishing method shown above is 
    1. trawling.
    2. net drifting.
    3. purse seining.
    4. long lining.
  17. Which one of the following pre-historic sites is found in Uganda?
    1. Fort Ternan.
    2. Merowe
    3. Lalibela.
    4. Ishango.
  18. Which one of the following groups is made up of Bantu communities found in Central Africa?
    1. Baganda, Basoga, Batoro.
    2. Zulu, Venda, Xhosa.
    3. Balunda, Chewa, Lozi.
    4. Chagga, Hehe, Nyamwezi.
  19. Age groups in traditional African communities are made up of people 
    1. who have a common ancestor.
    2. who speak the same language.
    3. initiated about the same time. 
    4. who live in the same area.
  20. The government of Botswana helps pastoral communities in the country through
    1. giving them loans to buy cattle.
    2. drilling boreholes in pastoral areas.
    3. irrigating pasture in grazing areas. 
    4. giving pastoralists animal feeds.
  21. In Kenya human rights can be abused in the following ways except
    1. arresting suspected criminals. 
    2. dispersing peaceful demonstrations. 
    3. beating suspected criminals.
    4. engaging children in hard labour.
  22. The political party that led Ghana to independence was
    1. United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC).
    2. Northern Peoples Party (NPP).
    3. African National Congress (ANC). 
    4. Convention Peoples Party (CPP).
  23. Three of the following factors may lead to slow population growth in a country. Which one may not?
    1. Practice of family planning methods.
    2. Late marriages.
    3. Practice of polygamy.
    4. Decrease in food production.
  24. Practice of shifting cultivation has decreased due to
    1. decrease in rainfall.
    2. decrease in soil fertility.
    3. inadequate farming equipment.
    4. increase in population.
  25. The natural forests along the coast in Kenya are preserved mainly because they
    1. have rare indigenous trees.
    2. are sources of rivers.
    3. provide timber for export.
    4. produce pulp for paper making.
  26. Which one of the following statements about assembling industries in Kenya is true? They
    1. mainly use imported materials.
    2. are found in rural areas.
    3. employ most people.
    4. mainly produce goods for export.
  27. The judicial system in Kenya is headed by the
    1. President.
    2. Chief justice.
    3. Attorney General.
    4. Speaker.
  28. Which one of the following is not a function of a clan?
    1. Maintaining clan traditions.
    2. Allocating land to clan members. 
    3. Settling disputes among members.
    4. Getting marriage partners for members.
  29. Most mountains on the floor of the Rift Valley were formed through
    1. faulting.
    2. erosion.
    3. volcanicity.
    4. folding.
  30. The Bantu people migrated from the Congo Basin mainly due to
    1. search for better farming lands.
    2. attacks by the Galla people.
    3. low rainfall in the area.
    4. search for better grazing lands.
  31. The main forms of transport used to distribute petroleum products in Kenya are pipeline and
    1. water.
    2. air
    3. railway.
    4. road.

Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 32 to 35.


  1. Which one of the following statements about the communities that used the route marked Z during migration is false? They 
    1. practised fishing.
    2. were escaping from Galla raids. 
    3. settled around lake Victoria.
    4. spoke a Nilotic language.
  2. The method used to extract the mineral mined at the place marked T is
    1. opencast
    2. scooping.
    3. dredging.
    4. evaporation.
  3. Three of the following statements about the town marked S are true. Which one is not? It
    1. started as a colonial post.
    2. is Kenya's main seaport.
    3. was visited by early visitors. 
    4. has a petroleum refinery industry.
  4. The lake marked M is lake
    1. Nakuru.
    2. Baringo
    3. Elementaita.
    4. Naivasha
  5. Three of the following are problems facing dairy farming in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Delays in transporting mil.
    2. Inadequate pasture in the dry season.
    3. Poor prices for milk to farmers. 
    4. Inadequate labour in dairy farms. 
  6. The colonial policy used by the French to administer Senegal was
    1. direct rule.
    2. assimilation
    3. indirect rule.
    4. paternalism.
  7. Which one of the following dams was mainly constructed to store water for irrigation?
    1. Aswan High Dam.
    2. Akosombo Dam.
    3. Masinga Dam.
    4. Kariba Dam.
  8. Which one of the following factors may undermine peace in urban centres?
    1. Competition for pasture.
    2. High rates of unemployment. 
    3. Differences in cultural practices.
    4. High levels of illiteracy.
  9. The main benefit of Jua Kali industries is that they
    1. produce goods for export.
    2. make use of idle lands.
    3. provide employment.
    4. make use of imported raw materials. 
  10. Who among the following prominent African leaders was not a founder member of the Organization of African Unity (OAU)?
    1. Leopold Sedar Senghor.
    2. Gamal Abdel Nasser.
    3. Haile Selassie.
    4. Nelson Mandela.
  11. Which one of the following rivers is correctly matched with the water body where it drains into?
    1. River Omo - Indian Ocean
    2. River Nzoia - Lake Victoria
    3. River Nile - Lake Turkana
    4. River Zambezi - Mediterranean Sea
  12. The two countries connected by the Trans African Highway are
    1. South Africa and Egypt.
    2. Nigeria and Algeria.
    3. Benin and Morocco.
    4. Kenya and Nigeria.
  13. A similarity in the population of Kenya and India is that in both countries,
    1. most people live in rural areas.
    2. there are more males than females.
    3. life expectancy is over 80 years. 
    4. families are mainly small.
  14. The title of the traditional leader of the Maasai people in the pre-colonial period was
    1. Nabongo.
    2. Laibon.
    3. Orkoiyot.
    4. Sakawa.
  15. The headquaters of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) are in
    1. Arusha in Tanzania.
    2. Lusaka in Zambia.
    3. Pretoria in South Africa.
    4. Gaborone in Botswana.
  16. Flower farmers in Kenya are able to grow them throughout the years because they 
    1. are grown in greenhouses.
    2. are grown in high rainfall areas.
    3. are in great demand.
    4. have a ready market.
  17. Which one of the following is the most effective method of ensuring discipline among pupils in a school?
    1. Punishing pupils who misbehave.
    2. Making rules for pupils to follow.
    3. Promoting dialogue.
    4. Sending away indisciplined pupils. 
  18. Three of the following are principles of democracy. Which one is not?
    1. People elect leaders of their choice.
    2. Citizens are involved in decision making.
    3. There is respect for human rights.
    4. Citizens are exempted from taxes.
  19. The amount of water vapour in the air is measured using
    1. a barometer.
    2. a hygrometer. 
    3. an anemometer
    4. a thermometer.
  20. A contribution of Julius Nyerere in promoting peace in Eastern Africa was that he
    1. chaired peace talks in Burundi. 
    2. promoted the use of Kiswahili. 
    3. established Ujamaa Villages. 
    4. supported liberation movements.
  21. Which one of the following factors does not influence the climate of a place?
    1. Relief
    2. Altitude
    3. Longitude
    4. Latitude
  22. Rural to rural migration in Kenya is mainly caused by
    1. retirement from employment.
    2. search for trade goods.
    3. search for employment.
    4. search for better farming land.
  23. Oxbow lakes are formed through
    1. deposition.
    2. erosion.
    3. faulting.
    4. volcanicity.
  24. Farmers in the highland regions of Kenya grow tea in small farms because of
    1. scarcity of labour.
    2. scarcity of tea factories.
    3. scarcity of farming land.
    4. high cost of growing tea in large farms.
  25. The main tourist attraction in the islands of Mauritius is
    1. snow-capped mountains.
    2. coastal beaches.
    3. pyramids.
    4. pre-historic sites.
  26. When the Nandi people resisted British colonial rule in Kenya, they were led by
    1. Koitalel arap Samoei.
    2. Mukite wa Nameme.
    3. Waiyaki wa Hinga.
    4. Mekatilili wa Menza.
  27. Which one of the following groups is made up of the most important imports in Eastern Africa?
    1. Fertilizers and livestock.
    2. Petroleum and machinery.
    3. Textiles and canned foods.
    4. Flowers and tea.
  28. In Kenya, implementation of government policies is done by the
    1. executive.
    2. judiciary.
    3. legislature.
    4. senate.
  29. A foreigner is allowed to register as a Kenyan citizen if the person has continuously lived in Kenya for
    1. two years.
    2. four years.
    3. seven years. 
    4. five years.


  1. Which one of the following statements describes why human beings are special in God's creation? They were
    1. placed in the garden of Eden.
    2. the last to be created.
    3. created from the soil.
    4. created in the image of God.
  2. The main reason why God saved Noah and his family from the flood was that Noah
    1. was an old man.
    2. lived a holy life.
    3. accepted to build the ark.
    4. was a priest.
  3. At which one of the following places did Jacob see a staircase of angels in a dream?
    1. Moreh
    2. Peniel
    3. Shechem
    4. Bethel
  4. Which one of the following was a reason why the Israelites ate unleavened bread before they left Egypt?
    1. There was no yeast in Egypt.
    2. They were celebrating the Passover.
    3. They were in a hurry to leave Egypt.
    4. They wanted to remember their suffering.
  5. Which one of the following commandments did the Israelites break when Aaron made a golden bull calf?
    1. "Worship no other god but me" 
    2. "Do not accuse anyone falsely"
    3. "Do not commit murder"
    4. "Keep the Sabbath day Holy"
  6. Who among the following women was a judge in Israel?
    1. Ruth
    2. Naomi
    3. Deborah
    4. Miriam
  7. Which one of the following was done by Samuel when he was the king of Israel? He
    1. consulted a Median.
    2. took Naboth's vineyard.
    3. took the wife of Uriah.
    4. built a temple in Jerusalem.
  8. Naboth was stoned to death mainly because
    1. false accusations were brought against him.
    2. Jezebel hated him.
    3. he had refused to sell his vineyard to Ahab.
    4. he had committed adultery.
  9. The triumphant entry of Jesus to Jerusalem riding on a donkey had been prophesied by
    1. Micah
    2. Zechariah.
    3. Hosea
    4. Joel.
  10. Which one of the following was done by the wisemen when they saw baby Jesus? They
    1. went to tell Herod.
    2. gave Him clothes.
    3. asked Jesus' parents questions. 
    4. presented gifts to Him.
  11. Who among the following people described Jesus as the light of the Gentiles during the presentation?
    1. Simeon.
    2. Zechariah
    3. Anna
    4. Elizabeth
  12. When some soldiers went to John the Baptist, he advised them to
    1. respect the Jewish law.
    2. observe the Sabbath.
    3. be contented with their pay.
    4. obey the Roman rulers.
  13. When Jesus changed water into wine, He had gone to Cana to
    1. visit His relatives.
    2. preach in the synagogue.
    3. attend the Passover feast.
    4. attend a wedding.
  14. The main lesson Christians learn from the miracle of healing of the Roman Centurion's servant is that Jesus is
    1. a universal Saviour.
    2. our father
    3. a healer.
    4. all knowing.
  15. Which one of the following parables did Jesus teach while seated in a boat
    1. The mustard seed.
    2. The sower.
    3. The ten young women.
    4. The widow and the judge.
  16. The people who took Jesus to the high priest accused Him of
    1. mixing with sinners.
    2. refusing to pay taxes.
    3. claiming to destroy the temple.
    4. working on a Sabbath.
  17. On the day Jesus resurrected, He first met and spoke to
    1. Mary Magdalene.
    2. Salome.
    3. Joanna.
    4. Cleopas.
  18. On the day of Pentecost, the disciples were in a locked room because they were
    1. waiting for the Holy Spirit.
    2. afraid of the Jews.
    3. praying and singing.
    4. sleeping.
  19. Which one of the following miracles was performed by Peter in Lydda? He
    1. raised Tabitha.
    2. healed a lame beggar. 
    3. raised Eutychus. 
    4. healed Aeneas.
  20. Who among the following believers was chosen by the disciples as a deacon?
    1. Paul
    2. Barnabbas
    3. Phillip
    4. Matthias
  21. Which one of the following is a fruit of the Holy Spirit?
    1. Faith
    2. Wisdom
    3. Healing
    4. Love
  22. Who among the following specialists in traditional African Communities leads people in offering sacrifices?
    1. Diviners
    2. Priest
    3. Herbalist
    4. Rainmaker
  23. People share resources in traditional African communities in order to
    1. use surplus resources.
    2. be recognized in the society.
    3. show concern for others.
    4. be rewarded.
  24. A common practice during marriage in both Christianity and traditional African communities is
    1. blessing the couple.
    2. offering sacrifices.
    3. exchanging vows.
    4. eating sacrificial meals.
  25. Blood that is shed during initiation in traditional African communities indicates 
    1. that the initiate are brave.
    2. the value of responsibility.
    3. a change from childhood.
    4. union with ancestors.
  26. Peter hides in the toilet when other pupils are cleaning their classrooms. The best action for you to take is to
    1. report him to the teacher on duty.
    2. get another pupil to work for him.
    3. tell him to work with other pupils.
    4. report to his parents.
  27. The element of prayer when a person prays for his needs is
    1. confession.
    2. adoration.
    3. Petition.
    4. Intercession.
  28. In Kenya, the church has established health facilities in order to
    1. provide free treatment.
    2. create jobs in the country.
    3. get money to build churches.
    4. promote good health among people.
  29. Christian youth can spend their free time serving the community by
    1. attending birthday parties.
    2. cleaning market streets.
    3. singing in the church choir.
    4. playing football.
  30. Thika School for the Blind was started by
    1. Salvation Army Church.
    2. Catholic Church.
    3. Methodist Church.
    4. African Inland Church.


  1. Muslims are commanded over two pillars in surah Bayyina, as they usually follow each other in the Holy Qur'an. Which ones? 
    1. Perform prayers and give out zakat.
    2. Fear Allah and the day of judgement.
    3. Fast swaum and go for Hajj.
    4. Respect Allah and do good to parents.
  2. Allah (s.w) created man in the best mould and then reduced him to the lowest of low, as stated in surah Tiin. This could be due to his
    1. forgetfulness.
    2. weakness.
    3. immorality.
    4. mortality.
  3. What was the prophet reminded to do in surah Dhuha with the many favours that Allah (s.w) blessed Him with?
    1. To make others rich.
    2. To do good with them.
    3. Distribute them to the needy.
    4. Take them out.
  4. The historical event that makes Lailatul Qadr better than 1 000 months is the
    1. descending of angels.
    2. revelation of the Holy Qur'an.
    3. prevailing of peace until fajr.
    4. way Ruh accompanies other angels.
  5. Which among the following forms of ikhlas is the subject matter in surah Ahad?
    1. Reliance on Allah.
    2. Fear of Allah.
    3. Omnipresence of Allah.
    4. Monotheism of Allah.
  6. The prophet (p.b.u.h) said that _____________________pinches the mind and you do not want people to know about it.
    1. virtue act.
    2. vice act.
    3. doubtful act.
    4. strange act.
  7. The following people fall in the trap of those facilitating bribe except the one who
    1. receives it
    2. mediates it.
    3. hates it.
    4. writes its contract.
  8. In which pillar of swalah is Tashahhud recited? In
    1. sujud.
    2. julus.
    3. qiyam.
    4. rukuu.
  9. The two parts of the body dusted during Tayammum are
    1. nose and ears.
    2. feet and head.
    3. neck and chest.
    4. face and arms.
  10. Which of the following fardh salaats have no sunna baadiya after them?
    1. Dhuhr and Maghrib.
    2. Maghrib and Isha.
    3. Fajr and Asr.
    4. Isha and Fajr.
  11. Which one of the following is a condition for fasting? One must be
    1. a praying Muslim. 
    2. a free citizen.
    3. in good health condition.
    4. a Muslim.
  12. Which act in Taraweh sunna prayer makes it to be called "Taraweh"?
    1. There is a pause after every two rakaats.
    2. It is only performed once in a year.
    3. It is performed during the fasting month. 
    4. It is performed by reciting the whole Qur'an.
  13. All the following ibaadaats in Hajj are performed seven times except
    1. sa'y.
    2. twawaf.
    3. ram-yul jimaar.
    4. drinking from zamzam.
  14. Muslims who arrive in Makka for Hajj ibaada utter acceptance recitation called 
    1. talbia.
    2. tahniq. 
    3. takbir. 
    4. tash-kur.
  15. Which of the following is not a pillar included in salaat janaza?
    1. A niyyat
    2. Qiyan
    3. Sujuud
    4. Surah Fatiha
  16. The imam leading a congregation in salaat janaza for a dead woman should stand around the _________________ of the body.
    1. head
    2. feet
    3. waist
    4. chest
  17. Muslims who do not practise the five daily salaats are
    1. breaking the religion.\
    2. joining half the religion.
    3. not together with others.
    4. not true Muslims.
  18. Which type of wisdom shall a Muslim apply in a situation where he is required to think on his own before acting?
    1. Ijma
    2. Qiyas. 
    3. Qur'an. 
    4. Hadith.
  19. The measure of water that cannot be dirtified hence remains clean for ablution is called
    1. Nisab. 
    2. Qiratuu.
    3. Shibr.
    4. Qulatein. 
  20. All the rituals performed for the dead are in the Islamic sharia classified as
    1. Sunna Muaqada.
    2. Fardh kifaya.
    3. Mustahabbu.
    4. Fardh Ain.
  21. Which among the following dates of the month is a yaumul abyath?
    1. 1st
    2. 10th
    3. 27th
    4. 15th
  22. On which day of the week are Muslim deeds written by angels Raqib and Atid and raised to the Arsh of Allah? On
    1. Monday.
    2. Thursday.
    3. Saturday.
    4. Friday.
  23. Which one of the following is the most pleasing act before Allah?
    1. Giving out salaams among Muslims.
    2. Having self control
    3. Kindness in what we do.
    4. Swalah in correct time.
  24. Why should a Muslim judge hear from both sides of difference?
    1. For him to advise and give a warning.
    2. To have an accurate punishment.
    3. To administer revenge.
    4. To give justice.
  25. It is true to say that nabii Yusuf went to prison because of
    1. raping Potiphar's wife.
    2. explaining the meanings of his drearms.
    3. the fitna of Potiphar's wife.
    4. worshipping idols.
  26. All the following things were instrumental in the spread of Islam along the coast except
    1. Islamic culture. 
    2. trade.
    3. intermarriage.
    4. Portugal rule.
  27. According to the belief in Islam on “ihsan”, Allah (s.w) is___________________________ everyone wherever he or she is.
    1. providing for
    2. guiding
    3. hearing
    4. seeing
  28. The main reason why Allah (s.w) prohibited Muslims to use intoxicants is because they
    1. destroy the body health.
    2. have social effects.
    3. lead to other evils.
    4. are handworks of sheitwan.
  29. The main reason why Allah (s.w) commanded the rich to pay zakat is to protect the poor from
    1. shame.
    2. suffering.
    3. begging.
    4. gambling.
  30. In which of the following places do the Muslims on Hajj ibaadah perform the rite of sacrificing animals? At
    1. Muzdalifa.
    2. Minna.
    3. Aqaba.
    4. Arafa.



  1. A
  2. A
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. B
  7. B
  8. A
  9. C
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. B
  15. A
  16. B
  17. D
  18. C
  19. C
  20. B
  21. A
  22. D
  23. C
  24. D
  25. A
  26. A
  27. B
  28. D
  29. C
  30. A
  31. D
  32. B
  33. C
  34. A
  35. B
  36. D
  37. B
  38. A
  39. B
  40. C
  41. D
  42. B
  43. D
  44. A
  45. B
  46. D
  47. A
  48. C
  49. D
  50. B
  51. A
  52. C
  53. D
  54. A
  55. C
  56. B
  57. A
  58. B
  59. A
  60. C


  1. D
  2. B
  3. D
  4. C
  5. A
  6. C
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. D
  14. A
  15. B
  16. C
  17. A
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  19. D
  20. C
  21. D
  22. B
  23. C
  24. A
  25. D
  26. C
  27. C
  28. D
  29. B
  30. A


  1. A
  2. C
  3. D
  4. B
  5. D
  6. B
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  10. C
  11. A
  12. B
  13. D
  14. A
  15. C
  16. D
  17. A
  18. B
  19. D
  20. D
  21. D
  22. C
  23. B
  24. A
  25. C
  26. B
  27. D
  28. D
  29. B
  30. B



Study the map of Kute area and answer questions 1-7.

  1. The land in Kute area rises towards
    1. south west
    2. south east
    3. north west
    4. north east.
  2. What is the approximate area of the ranch?
    1. 7.26km2
    2. 3.6km2
    3. 4.8km2
    4. 12km2
  3. The climate of the south western part of Kute area is likely to be
    1. cool and wet
    2. hot and dry
    3. hot and wet
    4. cool and dry.
  4. Kutwe town serves all the following functions except
    1. religion
    2. security
    3. administration
    4. recreation.
  5. The following economic activities are carried out the Kute area except
    1. fishing 
    2. trading
    3. farming
    4. communication.
  6. Most settlements in Kute area are mainly influenced by
    1. drainage
    2. transport
    3. economic activities
    4. drainage.
  7. Kute area is likely to be administered by
    1. a chief
    2. a governor
    3. Assisstant County Commissioner (ACC)
    4. Deputy County Commissioner (DCC).
  8. Countries of southern Africa experiences longer hours of daylight than darkness during the month of
    1. December to February
    2. August to September
    3. June to August
    4. March to May.
  9. Below are statements describing some activities of the early horminid.
    1. lived in small groups
    2. walked on two limbs in upright posture
    3. lived in caves
    4. practised painting in caves
    5. remains were discovered at Olduvai Gorge, Koobi Fora and Ollergessasillie
      Which one of the following early human beings is associated with the above activities?
      1. Homosapiens
      2. Homohabies
      3. Homoerectus
      4. Homosapiens
  10. The diagram below shows a weather measuring instrument.
    The weather above is used to measure
    1. air water
    2. atmospheric pressure
    3. air temperature
    4. humidity.
  11. In traditional African societies, one of the functions of the clan was to
    1. settle dispute
    2. foretell the future
    3. defend the community
    4. train warriors.
  12. The time in Kigali 32°E is 2:24am. Find the time in Praia 26°W.
    1. 6:16am
    2. 10:32am
    3. 6:16pm
    4. 10:32pm
  13. Which one of the following communities belongs to the same language group in the same country?
    1. Iteso, Njemps, Nuer
    2. Anuak, Nuer, Acholi
    3. Njemps, Karamajong, Maasai
    4. Lugbara, Alur, Acholi
  14. Below are responsibilities of family members.
    1. building shelter
    2. respecting adults
    3. sharing family resources
    4. learning positive values
    5. helping in various family chores
    6. giving support and guidance 
      Which one of the following combinations consists of responsibilities of children?
      1. (i), (iii), (iv)
      2. (ii), (iii), (vi)
      3. (iv), (v), (vi)
      4. (ii), (iv), (v) 
  15. Which type of modern migration is likely  to lead to low agricultural output?
    1. Urban - rural
    2. Rural - urban
    3. Urban - urban
    4. Rural - rural
  16. The following mountains were formed in the same way except
    1. Atlas
    2. Ras Dashan
    3. Mt. Marsabit
    4. Mt. Nyiragongo
  17. The following are characteristics of a relief feature in Eastern Africa;
    1. Has some raised isolated features 
    2. Rises between 300m - 1000m above sea level
    3. It is generally a dry land 
    4. It is higher in Eastern Africa and lower in the Northern part of Africa
      The relief region described above is likely to be
      1. plateaus
      2. rift valley
      3. coastal lowlands
      4. highlands.
  18. Which one of the following statements describes the political organization of the Soninke during the pre-colonial period?
    1. They lived in grass thatched houses
    2. They were ruled by chiefs
    3. The king was assisted by a council of ministers
    4. Decisions were made through mutual consent.
  19. In order to enforce right behaviour in traditional African communities, people were supposed to
    1. attend ceremonies and festivals
    2. observe taboos
    3. attend rites of passage
    4. attend marriage and cleansing ceremonies.
  20. Which one of the following statements is true about settlement of communities in Eastern Africa during pre-colonial period?
    1. Development of self-reliance
    2. Spread of traditional religion
    3. Development of new languages 
    4. Introduction of cash crop farming
  21. Which one of the following is a traditional  form of education?
    1. Use of poems
    2. Reading and writing
    3. Use of pictures
    4. Apprenticeship
  22. In administering Congo, the Belgians used
    1. direct rule
    2. indirect rule
    3. paternalism
    4. association.
  23. Which one of the following statements is not true about traditional agriculture?
    1. Dependend on family labour 
    2. Farmers practised subsistence farming
    3. Farmers practised commercial farming 
    4. Farmers used simple tools
  24. The diagram below shows the formation of a lake in Africa.
    The lake marked X was formed through
    1. deposition
    2. erosion
    3. volcanicity
    4. earth movements
  25. Below statements describe an early visitor to Eastern Africa;
    1. he was a journalist
    2. came to Eastern Africa twice
    3. signed treaties with local leaders to welcome the Europeans
    4. confirmed that the source of the Nile was L. Victoria
      The early visitor described above is
      1. William Macknon
      2. H.M Stanley
      3. John Speke
      4. Dr. David Livingstone.
  26. The diagram below shows the formation of
    1. land breeze
    2. sea breeze
    3. relief rainfall
    4. convectional rainfall.
  27. The main problem facing forests in Kenya is
    1. forest fires
    2. attack by pests and diseases 
    3. increased population pressure
    4. destruction by wild animals.
  28. Below are statements about a mineral in Kenya;
    1. used in making cement
    2. used in hardening aluminium
    3. used in making non-sticky cooking pans
      The mineral described above is
      1. limestone
      2. diatomite
      3. flouspar
      4. marble.
  29. The Nile Valley in Egypt is sparsely populated. This is mainly because of
    1. flooding
    2. mining activities
    3. availability of water for irrigation 
    4. attack by wild animals.
  30. The following are characteristics of a certain type of soil.
    1. has medium sized particles
    2. medium water retention 
    3. well drained
    4. has high humus content
    5. the soil is fertile
      The type of soil described above is
      1. volcanic soil
      2. alluvial soil
      3. loam soil
      4. clay soil.
  31. Three of the following are importance of  the school routine except
    1.  maintains order in school
    2. encourages pupils to work hard
    3. maintains discipline
    4. encourage proper use of time.
  32. Which one of the following is the main reason why Mwea Tebere irrigation scheme was established? To
    1. reduce the problem of landlessness 
    2. grow rice
    3. increase food production
    4. promote cohension in the country.
  33. Which one of the following is not a way of managing rapid population growth? 
    1. Encouraging family planning
    2. Encouraging early marriages
    3. Discouraging some cultural practices like polygamy in the society
    4. Adopting a national population policy
  34. Which one of the road signs below is a mandatory sign.
  35. Below are functions of a town in Kenya; 
    1. it is a tourist centre
    2. it is a fishing town
    3. it is a mining town
    4. it is an administration town
      The town described above is
      1. Malindi
      2. Kisumu
      3. Nakuru
      4. Eldoret.
  36. Which one of the following statements is not true about fish farming in Japan?
    1. Most fish farms are found in the marine sheltered areas along the coast
    2. Japan is the leading producer of inland water fish in the world
    3. Fish is sold through co-operatives
    4. Fish farming is highly mechanized
  37. The main reason for the location of cement factory at Bamburi is
    1. availability of labour
    2. proximity to the market
    3. presence of limestone in the area
    4. availability of good means of transport.
  38. The major problem facing poultry farmers in Kenya is
    1. high cost of farm inputs
    2. lack of market
    3. pests and diseases
    4. fluctuating prices in the market.
  39. Which one of the following statements is true about the population of Kenya and Germany?
    1. The total population in Kenya is higher than that in Germany
    2. Life expectancy in Kenya is higher while in Germany is low
    3. Most of the people in Kenya live in rural areas while in Germany live in urban areas
    4. The number of children and adult is almost equal in Kenya and Germany
  40. The handing over of power ceremony among the Ameru was known as
    1. Ntiba
    2. Kiruka
    3. Ntuuko
    4. Njuri Ncheke.
  41. Who among the following leaders was a founde member of Kenya African Democratic Union (KADU)?
    1. Daniel Moi
    2. Oginga Odinga
    3. Jomo Kenyatta 
    4. James Gichuru

Study the map of Africa below and answer questions 42 - 45.

  1. The multi-purpose river project marked Q was mainly established to
    1. promote irrigation farming
    2. promote industrial development
    3. promote inland fishing
    4. promote water transport.
  2. The vegetation of the area marked P consists of
    1. umbrella-shaped trees
    2. hardwood only
    3. scrub vegetation in dry areas
    4. tall ever-green trees.
  3. The river marked S is
    1. Zambezi
    2. Limpopo
    3. Orange
    4. Cunene
  4. The country marked R was colonized by
    1. France
    2. Britain
    3. Portugal
    4. Belgium.
  5. The main cause of conflicts in schools is
    1. poor performance
    2. failure to obey school rules
    3. Absenteesm
    4. frequent dialogue between pupils and the school administration.
  6. Which one of the following groups of countries consists of members of IGAD?
    1. Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania
    2. Eritrea, Rwanda, Tanzania
    3. Djibouti, Burundi, Kenya
    4. Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia
  7. The following are conditions that favour a growth of a certain crop in Africa;
    1. rainfall of between 650mm - 2500mm annually
    2. wide range of soils
    3. temperatures of between 18°c - 27°c
    4. dry spell before harvesting
      The crop described above is
      1. coffee
      2. maize
      3. bananas
      4. wheat.
  8. In 1957, eight Africans were elected to the legco to represent their regions. Which one is not correctly matched with their region?
    1. Tom Mboya - Nairobi
    2. Muindi James - Ukambani
    3. Lawrence Oguda - North Nyanza
    4. Benard Mate - Central
  9. Who among the following traditional leaders fought against European occupation in his territory?
    1. Mukite wa Nameme
    2. Kabaka Mutesa
    3. Waiyaki wa Hinga
    4. Lewanika
  10. Below is a description of a United Nations agency;
    1. founded in 1945
    2. headquarters are in Rome, Italy
    3. it deals with promoting food security 
    4. also deals with protecting water towers and forestry
      The agency described above is
      1. World Food Programme (WEP)
      2. Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
      3. United Nations Environment Progamme (UNEP)
      4. The World Bank (WB)
  11. Which one of the following is not associated with Gamel Abdel Nasser in Egypt?
    1. Abolished Sheria laws
    2. Initiated construction of Aswan High Dam
    3. Changed land policy in Egypt
    4. Led his country to independence
  12. Below are values that are practised in the society;
    1. rule of law
    2. multipartism
    3. freedom of media
    4. justice
    5. equity
      The values listed above relate o
      1. types of human rights
      2. responsibilities of people
      3. types of democracy
      4. pillars of democracy.
  13. Which one of the following groups of National Parks are found in Tanzania?
    1. Murchison, Ruaha, Serengeti
    2. Serengeti, Katavi, Ruaha
    3. Murchison, Bwindi, Queen Elizabeth
    4. Nuba, Dinder, Southern National Park
  14. Juma wants to import medicine from China. Which one of the following forms of transport is most suitable?
    1. Road
    2. Railway 
    3. Water
    4. Air
  15. Who among the following is not a member of the cabinet?
    1. The president
    2. Deputy president
    3. Secretary to the cabinet
    4. Principal secretary
  16. The main factor likely to undermine peace in Kenya is
    1. racism
    2. tribalism
    3. corruption
    4. oppression.
  17. Three of the following are functions of legislature in Kenya. Which one is not?
    1. Debating laws
    2. Enforcing laws
    3. Controlling government finances
    4. Passing laws
  18. A child found in Kenya who seems to be seven years of age whose nationality and parents are unknown qualifies to be a citizen of Kenya by
    1. recommendation
    2. birth
    3. registration
    4. naturalisation.
  19. Civic election is an occasion when people vote for
    1. members of parliament
    2. members of county assembly
    3. president
    4. change in the constitution.



  1. Adam and Eve were chased out of the garden of Eden according to the story of the fall of man in Genesis chapter 3. What punishment was given to the man?
    1. Crawl on his belly
    2. Pain during child birth
    3. Toil hard all his life
    4. Always eat dust
  2. God made promises to Abraham. Which one of the following was not among them?
    1. God will bless Abraham
    2. Bless those who cursed him
    3. Make his name famous
    4. Rescue his descendants from oppression and punish that nation.
  3. While in prison, Joseph was put in charge of other prisoners because
    1. he was faithful
    2. he was successful
    3. he interpreted dreams better
    4. he was hardworking.
  4. During the sealing of the covenant, Moses dedicated the Israelites to God by
    1. giving them the ten commandments
    2. sacrificing the lamb without blemish
    3. sprinkling blood on them
    4. giving them manna and quails.
  5. Which one of the following festivals is celebrated by the Israelites to remember their hard life in the wilderness?
    1. Easter
    2. Pentecost
    3. Passover
    4. Tabernacle
  6. Both King Ahab and King David broke the following commandments. Which one is it?
    A. The 4th
    C. The 6th
    B. The 5th
    D. The 7th
  7. The main reason why the Isrealites demanded for a king is to
    1. have a king they can see
    2. be like other nations
    3. lead them during war
    4. become chosen people of God.
  8. Who among the following prophets prophesied about the suffering servant of God?
    1. Isaiah
    2. Jeremiah
    3. Micah
    4. Zachariah
  9. Naboth refused to give his land to king Ahab. What main lesson do Christians learn from the story of king Ahab and Naboth?
    1. One should be truthful
    2. Land belongs to the community
    3. We should be fair in our dealings
    4. One should obey the laws of the land 
  10. The main lesson that Christians learn from the annoucement of the birth of John the Baptist and Jesus is that they should
    1. be ready to do God's work 
    2. trust in God's power
    3. be humble before God
    4. be prayerful.
  11. Which one of the following events in the life of Jesus took place when he was eight days old?
    1. Baptism
    2. Naming
    3. Dedication
    4. Presentation
  12. Which one of the following activities took place during the baptism of Jesus?
    1. The temple veil was torn into two
    2. There was an earthquake
    3. The spirit of God descended in form of fire
    4. Heaven opened
  13. Which one of the following parables teaches on the value of the kingdom of God? The parable of the
    1. hidden treassure
    2. mustard seed
    3. growing seed
    4. sower.
  14. The main lesson that Christians can learn from the miracle of the miraculous catch of fish is that they should
    1. be committed to their work
    2. work with others
    3. be ready to serve God
    4. obey God's word.
  15. Happy are the humble for they shall
    1. receive what God has promised
    2. see God
    3. be called the children of God
    4. inherit the earth
  16. Jesus went to River Jordan to be baptised in order to
    1. set an example to his followers
    2. recognize the importance of the work of John the Baptist
    3. show that John was more important than him
    4. make many people go for baptism.
  17. Immediately Jesus was arrested, he was taken to the house of
    1. Annas
    2. Caiphas
    3. Pilate
    4. Herod.
  18. Who among the following groups of people were the first to know that Jesus had resurrected?
    1. Peter and James
    2. Mary Magdalene and Joanna
    3. John and Philip
    4. Mary mother of James and Martha
  19. Jesus made his eleven disciples to believe that he had resurrected by
    1. healing them
    2. washing their feet
    3. breaking the bread
    4. showing them scars.
  20. During the day of Pentecost, many people believed and were baptised. How many people believed?
    1. 120
    2. 3000
    3. 300
    4. 140
  21. In the early church, the disciples decided to send financial help to their fellow believers in Judea through the following people. Who were they?
    1. Agabus and Barnabas
    2. Saul and Philip
    3. Saul and Barnabas
    4. Philip and Mathias
  22. Paul wrote the following books of the new testament. Which one?
    1. Titus, Jude, Ephesians
    2. Galatians, James, Romans
    3. James, 1st Peter, 1st John
    4. Colosians, Galatians, Romans
  23. Which one of the following beliefs about God is common to Christianity and traditional African religion?
    1. God lives in heaven
    2. God lives in caves
    3. God exists in trinity
    4. God is all powerful
  24. Which one of the following acts of worship is carried out by priests in traditional African communities?
    1. Giving holy communions
    2. Making sacrifices
    3. Baptising members
    4. Reciting the creed
  25. Which one of the following best explains why boys were valued in traditional African society?
    1. Source of wealth
    2. Inherit family property
    3. Provide security
    4. Take care of livestock
  26. The traditional African communities reconciled with God through the following means except
    1. giving tithes
    2. offering sacrifices
    3. praying
    4. confession.
  27. Class 7 pupils were asked ways of enabling authorities to perform their duties effectively. Who among the following pupils gave the best answer?
    1. Ann - paying taxes
    2. Ben - receiving bribes
    3. Jane - helping tribemates
    4. Vesh - supporting injustice
  28. James does not get any sleep the whole night thinking about wealth and family she has lost so far. Which kind of suffering is this?
    1. Emotional suffering
    2. Mental suffering
    3. Spiritual suffering
    4. Physical suffering
  29. The main reason why Christians fast is to
    1. overcome temptation
    2. strengthen their faith
    3. to obey God's command
    4. to pray for serious needs.
  30. Christians can help in the fight against the spread of HIV and AIDS in the following ways except
    1. avoid promiscuity in the society 
    2. abstinence among the youth
    3. avoid blood transfusion in hospitals
    4. avoid sharing cutting tools.



  1. Which verse matches the meaning below; "Master of the Day of Judgement"
    1. Ihdina swiraatal mustakiim
    2. Maalik yaumidiin
    3. Ghairil maghdhuubi aleihim
    4. Iyaakanaabudu wa iyyaaka nastain
  2. Which surah speaks about the Night of Decree?
    1. Alaq
    2. Naas
    3. Ikhlas
    4. Qadar
  3. In surah Al Qadr, which angel is referred to as Ruh?
    1. Izrail
    2. Mikail
    3. Jibril
    4. Israfeel
  4. Which one is not from Surah At Takaathur?
    1. Kallaa saufa taalamuun
    2. latarawwunnal jahiim
    3. thumma latus alunna yaumaidhin 
    4. fa amma man thaqulat mawaaziinuhu 
  5. Which statement is not true about Al Qaariah?
    1. Mountains will be like carded wool
    2. people will be like moths
    3. prophets will be smiling
    4. people's actions will be weighed on scale
  6. Who played the most important role in preparation for Hijrah? 
    1. Abubakr; he made all the preparations
    2. Amir; he removed the tracks of the prophet by grazing his goats in front of the cave
    3. Abdullah; he brought news about the plans of the Qureish
    4. Asmaa; she prepared food for the prophet and her father
  7. Why did iblis refuse to bow to Adam?
    1. He was better than Adam
    2. He was jealous of him
    3. Adam was created last
    4. He had better knowledge
  8. What was the reason for Qabil and Habil offering sacrifices?
    1. Adam loved sacrifices
    2. Adam wanted to solve a problem
    3. It is good to do so before marriage 
    4. They promised to make the sacrifices
  9. The best of Allah's gifts can be found in
    1. the sea
    2.  the land 
    3. the animals
    4. our bodies.
  10. Adam was not allowed to eat from the tree because
    1. the fruit of the tree was not good
    2. the fruit was dangerous to them 
    3. Allah wanted to test them
    4. iblis loved that tree.
  11. Which of the following best describes the word 'Mukhtadhar'?
    1. One in saqaratul maut
    2. One in hospital
    3. One who is pious
    4. One who stopped being a Muslim
  12. How many Takbiira does imam say during swalatul janeezah?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 6
    4. 4
  13. The procedure of covering the body of deceased Muslim is referred to as
    1. ghusul
    2. kafan
    3. wudhu
    4. dafan.
  14. On which way are trees of benefit to mankind?
    1. Help in manufacturing glass
    2. Wood is used to make valuable items
    3. Trees are food for jins
    4. Trees can be burnt to make tar
  15. Complete he following Hadith;
    "________________ the one who eats to his fill but his neighbour goes without food."
    1. He is a liar
    2. He is not a gentleman
    3. He is cursed
    4. He is not a believer
  16. What is the best thing to do to a neighbour who plays very loud music?
    1. Report the case to the police
    2. Arrange with thieves to still the music system
    3. Keep on advising the neighbour
    4. Revenge by playing louder than his
  17. Which tree is mentioned in surah Tiyn?
    1. Date
    2. Fig
    3. Forbidden tree
    4. Cactus
  18. How many rights does a neighbour have if he is a Muslim and is related to you by blood?
    1. three
    2. two
    3. six
    4. ten
  19. On which year did the prophet (S.A.W) perform his farewell pilgrimage?
    1. 10th year A.H
    2. 9th year A.H
    3. 11thth year A.H
    4. 8th year A.H
  20. Which of the following will not nullify ones saum?
    1. experiencing nifas
    2. sniffing tobacco
    3. swallowing saliva
    4. drinking juice deliberately
  21. Which one of the following is a climax of Hajj?
    1. Stoning the Satan
    2. Prforming Tawaf 
    3. Standing at Arafat
    4. Putting on Ihram
  22. Which of the following does not fall under the Sunnah Fast?
    1. fasting on 9th and 10th Muharram
    2. fasting six days of Muharram
    3. fasting on the 9thth of DhulHajj
    4. fasting on the 9th of DhulHajj
  23. The prophet (S.A.W) said, "Muslims are like a single building, each side holds the other.The Hadith teaches on the importance of
    1. unity among Muslims
    2. building strong houses 
    3. congregational prayers 
    4. social gathering
  24. Which of the following is a teaching on Hadith on Ihsan?
    1. To hide our mistakes
    2. Angels record our deed
    3. To think before we eat
    4. Allah is All Seeing All Knowing.
  25. What is the most important thing on the day of Eidul Hajj?
    1. Visiting the sick
    2. Greeting friends
    3. Sacrificing an animal
    4. Attending parties.
  26. Ar Razak is an attribute of Allah that means
    1. the Fashioner
    2. the Bestower
    3. the Sustainer
    4. the Merciful
  27. Which statement is not true about the creation of man?
    1. Allah S.W gave man the right religion and guidance.
    2. Man was created in the best shape. 
    3. Man was among Allah's first creations.
    4. Man has been given many gifts in his body.
  28. Identify the correct statement about the books of Allah.
    1. they were written by prophets themselves
    2. they contain similar message
    3. their message was for particular people
    4. their contents have been changed
  29. The belief in the Day of Judgement encourages Muslims to
    1. ensure equality
    2. work peacefully
    3. practise righteousness
    4. help others.
  30. The believe in Allah can also be said to be
    1. Inna lillah
    2. Astaghfirullah
    3. Maa shaa Allah
    4. Amantu billah.



  1. D
  2. B
  3. B
  4. A
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  7. D
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  9. C
  10. B
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  13. C
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  16. A
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  27. C
  28. C
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  40. C
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  53. B
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  55. D
  56. B
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  60. C


  1. C
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  1. B
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  30. D
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