- The population of a certain county is seven hundred and six thousand and eighty two. What is the number in symbols?
- 706 802
- 706 082
- 760 082
- 706 820
- A milk processing plant received 6085047 litres of milk. What is the place value of digit 8 in the number?
- Thousands
- Hundreds
- Ten thousand
- Hundred
- What is the total value of digit 5 in the number 7,508042?
- 5000
- 50000
- 5000000
- 500000
- The population of six towns is 453619, 453691, 435916, 453916, 453819 and 435619
Arrange the numbers from the smallest to the largest.- 453918, 4536891, 453619, 435916, 435691, 435619.
- 453916, 435916, 453891, 435691, 453619, 435619:
- 435619, 435 691, 435916, 453619, 453691,435916.
- 453619, 435619, 453691,435691, 453916, 435916.
- Juma had Sh.35449 in his bank account. How much money to the nearest thousands did Juma have?
- Sh.35400
- Sh.35500
- Sh. 35000
- Sh. 35450
- Which of the numbers below is divisible by... 2,5 and 10?
- 40856
- 627830
- 732485
- 340689
- Find the L.C.M of 18, 24 and 36
- 36
- 6
- 72
- 78
- There were 648 205 registered voters in a certain county. During a by-election 76102 people did not vote. How many people voted?
- 724307
- 672103
- 532103
- 572103
- What is the next number in the pattern below?
18, 20, 24, 32,_________________________- 40
- 42
- 44
- 48
- The area of the rectangular cardboard drawn below is 180cm2. Calculate its width.
- 150cm
- 24cm
- 75cm
- 12cm
- Work out:-
8. 2 − 3.675- 5.475
- 4.675
- 4.525
- 4.625
- Convert 4085 metres into kilometres
- 4km 850m
- 4km 85m
- 40km 85m
- 40km 850m
- What is the volume of the cuboid below?
- 960cm3
- 30cm3
- 96cm3
- 60cm3
- Work out:-
3/8 + ¼ = ___________________________- 4/12
- 4/8
- 5/8
- 1/8
- Work out:
8 450
x 6
- 48L 2700ml
- 48L 700ml
- 50L 700ml
- 50L 400ml
- A rally car took 525 seconds to complete a race. What was this time in minutes and seconds?
- 8 minutes 45 seconds
- 5 minutes 25 seconds
- 8 minutes 35 seconds
- 5 minutes 15 seconds
- Which of the following is a reflex angle?
- Solve for x in the equation: 3x − 6 = 12
- 18
- 3
- 2
- 6
- How many Sh.50 notes are there in Sh.1000 note?
- 10
- 200
- 100
- 20
- Which of the following lines are parallel?
- Maria bought 15kg 75g of rice. What was the mass of the rice bought in grams?
- 15075
- 15750
- 1575
- 15705
- What is the place value of digit 3 in the number:- 807.4035?
- Tenths
- Thousandths
- Hundredths
- Thousands
- Rehema bought ¾ kg of meat. She cooked ½ kg of the meat. How many kilograms remained?
- ¼ kg
- 5/4 kg
- 2/4 kg
- ½ kg
- Measure the angle drawn below.
- 75°
- 115°
- 105°
- 65°
- A lorry carried 745 cartons of textbooks. Each carton had 24 textbooks. How many textbooks did the lorry carry altogether?
- 17880
- 17860
- 769
- 2960
- What is 3672 divided by 12?
- 36
- 306
- 360
- 3006
- Name the solid drawn below.
- Triangular pyramid
- Cuboid
- Cube
- Square pyramid
- Work out:- 14 + 6 x 4 − 24 ÷ 4
- 14
- 3.5
- 74
- 32
- Find the greatest number that can divide 48 and 60?
- 240
- 12
- 120
- 6
- The table below shows the number of 3 fruits sold by a fruit vendor.
Type of fruit Tally marks Mangoes llll llll llll llll llll Avocadoes llll llll llll ll Apples llll llll llll llll l Pineapples llll ll - 10
- 7
- 17
- 24

- B
- C
- D
- C
- C
- B
- C
- D
- D
- D
- C
- B
- A
- C
- C
- A
- C
- D
- D
- D
- A
- B
- A
- C
- A
- B
- D
- D
- B
- A
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