- Which one is ninenty thousand eight hundred and sixty four in symbols?
- 900864
- 90864
- 9864
- 19864
- What is 73599 rounded off to the nearest thousands?
- 73000
- 73600
- 74000
- 70000
- What is the sum of 37423 and 3597?
- 41020
- 40020
- 41010
- 433826
- What is the place value of digit 4 in the number 324819?
- Hundreds
- Thousands
- Ten thousands
- Millions
- Which number is represented by the abacus below?
- 5324
- 53024
- 53024
- 500324
- Add: 83992 + 15315 =
- 99370
- 99037
- 99307
- 93907
- What is the next number in the sequence below?
12, 24, 36, 48, __________________________- 80
- 70
- 60
- 50
- What is the time shown below at night?
- 5:40pm
- 8:25am
- 5:40am
- 8:25pm
- There are 527875 registered voters in a certain town. If 224435 are men, how many women voters are there?
- 330440
- 3030440
- 304340
- 303440
- What is the Greatest Common Divisor of 27, 36 and 45?
- 6
- 12
- 9
- 3
- Work out: 3612 ÷ 12
- 301
- 3001
- 31
- 30001
- What is the perimeter of the figure below?
- 145cm2
- 165cm2
- 135cm2
- 155cm2
- Add: 6.295 to 12.38
- 7.543
- 17.675
- 18.675
- 19.675
- Work out:
kg g
15 240
× 5
- 76kg 200g
- 70kg 200g
- 76kg 20g
- 75 20
- Kate had 2486 litres of milk. She sold 568 litres on a Monday. How much milk was not sold?
- 1718
- 1918
- 1818
- 1917
- Which number is divisible by both 5 and 10?
- 600
- 405
- 803
- 625
- How many sh. 20 coins are there in sh. 500 note?
- 10
- 520
- 25
- 50
- What is the area of the shaded part?
- 48cm2
- 24cm2
- 128cm2
- 64cm2
- An athlete took 80 minutes to run a race. How many seconds did he use?
- 80sec
- 240sec
- 480sec
- 4800sec
- Work out: 427 x 9 = __________________
- 3643
- 4743
- 3843
- 3833
- A farmer harvested 9340g of honey. What is the mass in kg and granumes?
- 93kg 4g
- 93kg 40g
- 9kg 340g
- 93kg 400g
- What is the volume of the box below?
- 342cm3
- 352cm3
- 352cm2
- 23cm3
- Work out:
Week Days
8 0
−6 2
- 2weeks 5days
- 3weeks 2days
- 2weeks 2days
- 1week 5days
- What is the value of 200 − 275 + 125?
- 50
- 100
- 115
- 150
- What is the place value of digit 7 in the number 31.247?
- ones
- tenths
- hundredths
- thousandths
- The area of the figure below is 108cm2. If its length is 12cm, Find its width
- 12cm
- 13cm
- 10cm
- 9cm
- Which one is a 3D object?
- Which angle can be represented by the angle K below?
- 90°
- 60°
- 180°
- 45°
- Mary got x marks, Monica got y marks an Martha got z marks. How many marks did they get altogether?
- x − y − z
- xyz
- x + y + z
- x − y + z
- How many triangles can you count?
- 4
- 6
- 7
- 8
- How many days are there in the months of July and August in the year 2023?
- 90
- 91
- 92
- 89
- Add:
m cm
8 85
+5 25
- 13m 110cm
- 14m 10cm
- 14m 110cm
- 13m 10cm
- What fraction is unshaded?
- 1/3
- 13/18
- 2/3
- 5/18
- Work out:
- 30
- 32
- 24
- 594
- Which fraction has the least value?
- ¾
- 5/12
- 1/6
- 2/3
- Nabutola cycled for 8000m. What distance did she cover in km?
- 800km
- 80km
- 8km
- 0.8km
- Work out:
605 − 112 + 328?- 821
- 493
- 933
- 531
- Work out:
Litres Mililitres
457 650
−341 240
- 798 litres 890ml
- 798 litres 890ml
- 206 litres 340ml
- 116 litres 410ml
- A brick measures 18cm long, 15cm and 9cm. What is its volume?
- 2430cm3
- 2340cm3
- 2330cm3
- 42cm3
- What is the value of:-
sh. cts
142 30
−18 90
- sh.122 40cts
- sh.123 20cts
- sh.123 60cts
- sh.123 40cts

- B
- C
- A
- B
- C
- C
- C
- D
- D
- C
- A
- D
- C
- A
- D
- A
- C
- D
- D
- C
- C
- B
- D
- A
- D
- D
- B
- A
- C
- A
- C
- B
- C
- B
- C
- C
- A
- D
- B
- D
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