Displaying items by tag: Social studeis

  1. Which of the following shows a 3 dimensional letter?
    1. G5ET2022CASSQ1as1
    2. G5ET2022CASSQ1bs1
    3. G5ET2022CASSQ1cs1
    4. G5ET2022CASSQ1ds1
  2. Book jackets are used to
    1. cover books.
    2. prevent cold.
    3. decorate books.
    4. cover the title of the book.
  3. The type of puppet which is manipulated using strings is called a
    1. glove puppet.
    2. hand puppet. 
    3. rod puppet. 
    4. marionette.
  4. Grade 5 learners wanted to make wax crayons. They brought the following items to class:
    Sharon:   paraffin.
    Kevin:     bee wax.
    Brian:     metallic container.
    Carol:     rubber bands.
    Who brought an item that was unnecessary?
    1. Sharon.
    2. Carol. 
    3. Kevin.
    4. Brian.
  5. A teacher drew a form like the one below.
    Which of the following techniques did the teacher use to show shading effect?
    1. Cross hatching. 
    2. Smudge.
    3. Crayon etching.
    4. Collage. 
  6. Which one of the following is not a primary colour? 
    1. Yellow.
    2. Red.
    3. Blue.
    4. Brown.
  7. A cooking stick can be carved using
    1. plasticine.
    2. plastic.
    3. clay.
    4. wood.
  8. Coiling is a technique associated with 
    1. leather shoes.
    2. plastic buckets.
    3. clay pots.
    4. fabric.
  9. Which of the following indigenous crafts can be made using plain and twine weaving technique? 
    1. leather wallet.
    2. floor mat.
    3. bucket.
    4. pot.
  10. What is the use of adhesive in mounting artwork?
    1. Balancing the artwork at the centre of the frame.
    2. Making the artwork look bright.
    3. Easening the work of display.
    4. Sticking the cutouts.
  11. Jakoya plays instruments during folk dances in his Maporomoko.village. We can say that Jakoya is 
    1. an instrumentalist.
    2. a musician.
    3. a composer.
    4. a soloist.
  12. Painting the face with red clay before a folk dance is called
    1. body tattooing.
    2. costuming.
    3. body adornment. 
    4. using omaments.
  13. When playing note C on the descant recorder, 
    1. use the thumb of the left hand to cover the back hole. 
    2. cover the thumb hole with your left thumb. 
    3. do not blow air into the descant recorder.
    4. use the index finger to cover the top.
  14. All wind instruments produces sound when
    1. shaken.
    2. hit.
    3. bowed.
    4. blown.
  15. Below is a wind instrument called coro.
    Which community plays the instrument above? 
    1. Mijikenda. 
    2. Agikuyu.
    3. Abagusii
    4. Luo
  16. Which of the following aspects of a folk song is the most important? 
    1. Message.
    2. Instrumentation.
    3. Participants. 
    4. Occasion.
  17. Body movements or actions used to show the meaning of words or ideas in a song are called
    1. moods.
    2. tones.
    3. dictions.
    4. gestures.
  18. Which of the following types of songs is wrongly matched with its description?
    1. Topical songs sung to enlighter the community,
    2. Action songs sung during a certain community activity.
    3. Sacred songs sung during religious activities.
    4. Patriotic songs sung to show love for the country.
  19. Which of the following is not a part of the descant recorder?
    1. Head joint.
    2. Foot joint.
    3. Arm joint.
    4. Middle joint.
  20. Which of the following lines is not found in the Kenya National Anthem?
    1. Kila siku tuwe na shukrani. 
    2. Raha tupate na ustawi.
    3. Natulinde uhuru na amani.
    4. Nasi tujitoe kwa nguvu.
  21. Tourism has contributed to the economy of Kenya by all the following except 
    1. promoting local industries. 
    2. providing basic needs to families in the land
    3. earning the country foreign exchange.
    4. promoting cultural practices.
  22. Which one of the following is not a tourist attraction in Kenya? 
    1. Language groups.
    2. Cultural activities.
    3. Natural sceneries
    4. Wildlife.
  23. Which one of the following is not a modern means of communication?
    1. G5ET2022CASSQ23as1
    2. G5ET2022CASSQ23bs1
    3. G5ET2022CASSQ23cs1
    4. G5ET2022CASSQ23ds1
  24. Which of the following means of communication is audio-visual?
    1. Magazine:
    2. Radio.
    3. Newspaper.
    4. Television.
  25. Which of the following road signs shows the presence of a round about?
    1. G5ET2022CASSQ25as1
    2. G5ET2022CASSQ25bs1
    3. G5ET2022CASSQ25cs1
    4. G5ET2022CASSQ25ds1
  26. All the following can help us reduce road accidents in our local roads except
    1. issuing more driving licences to motorists.
    2. reporting careless drivers.
    3. observing road signs.
    4. avoiding playing near roads.
  27. Below is a method of inland fishing in Kenya.
    The fishing method shown above is called 
    1. long lining.
    2. purse seining.
    3. trawling.
    4. harpooning.
  28. Which of the following crops is not grown under horticulture?
    1. Fruits.
    2. Flowers.
    3. Sugarcane.
    4. Vegetables.
  29. Dairy farming in Kenya takes place in all the following areas except
    1. Trans Nzoia. 
    2. Kisii.
    3. Nandi.
    4. Nairobi. 
  30. Which one of the following is not a resource found in Kenya?
    1. Museums. 
    2. Lakes. 
    3. Minerals. 
    4. Forests
  31. Which of the following is not a source of money for the county government?
    1. Parking fees.
    2. Grants from well-off countries.
    3. Sale of trading licences.
    4. Rents from county houses.
      1. Use the map of Kenya below to answer questions 32 to 35.
  32. The National park marked Q is called
    1. Sibiloi.
    2. Malka Mari 
    3. Losai
    4. Meru
  33. The lake marked R is shared by three of the following countries except 
    1. Kenya
    2. Rwanda
    3. Tanzania
    4. Uganda
  34. The mineral mined at the place marked S is 
    1. fluorspar. 
    2. limestone. 
    3. soda ash. 
    4. diatomite.
  35. The river marked T is called river 
    1. Tana 
    2. Athi 
    3. Nzoia
    4. Ewaso nyiro
  36. Who went around river Jordan mainly preaching to the people about repentance? 
    1. Jesus.
    2. Elisha
    3. John the Baptist. 
    4. Elijah.
  37. During the baptism of Jesus, all the following took place. Which one did not?
    1. Heaven opened.
    2. Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove.
    3. A voice came from heaven.
    4. Darkness covered the whole land.
  38. Why is baptism important in the life of a Christian? It
    1. makes Christians acquire new names.
    2. makes a Christian a member of God's family.
    3. makes Christians known by other members of the church
    4. is a way of bonding with church leaders.
  39. When Jesus calmed the storm, 
    1. His power over nature was revealed. 
    2. the disciples were in deep sleep.
    3. His clothes turned crystat white. 
    4. angels appeared to Him. 
  40. Jesus showed compassion for the needy by
    1. performing miracles wherever He went.
    2. feeding a multitude.
    3. dying on the cross.
    4. promising them the Holy Spirit.
  41. Jesus healed the paralysed man in
    1. Galilee
    2. Bethany
    3. Carpenaum
    4. Gethsemane
  42. The parable of Jesus about the lost sheep teaches Christians
    1. the value of attending church services.
    2. about the recovery of the lost human
    3. about the importance of keeping property
    4. the value of tending well to domestic animals. 
  43. According to Jesus' teachings during the Sermon on the mountain, happy are the pure  in heart because
    1. they will see God.
    2. God will call them His children.
    3. God will be merciful to them.
    4. God will reward them.
  44. Which of the following is pot a good way of empowering the needy?
    1. Giving them capital to start businesses.
    2. Giving them money for upkeep daily.
    3. Teaching them legal skills of acquiring wealth
    4. Employing them for a pay. 
  45. Which of the following books of the Bible is in the Old Testament?
    1. Acts.
    2. Titus.
    3. Hagai.
    4. Thessalonians.
  46. Who among the following was a blind man in the Bible?
    1. Bartimaeus.
    2. Zacchaeus. 
    3. Zachariah.
    4. Jeroboam. 
  47. John the Baptist's mother was called
    1. Annah.
    2. Rebecca.
    3. Elizabeth.
    4. Mary.
  48. When Jesus healed the ten lepers, how many were not thankful?
    1. One.
    2. Five.
    3. Seven.
    4. Nine. 
  49. As Grade 5 learners were playing football, Miriam accidentally stepped on Kamene. As a Christian, what should Kamene do?
    1. Sit down and cry. 
    2. Forgive Miriam.
    3. Report Miriam to the teacher.
    4. Avoid playing with Miriam. 
  50. A person who always tells the truth is said to be
    1. honest.
    2. obedient.
    3. Polite.
    4. kind.


  1. How many ayahs are there in surah Al-kawthar?
    1. 6
    2. 4
    3. 3
    4. 5
  2. Tameehim bihijaratin min sijjeelin is an ayan from suratul
    1. Fiyl
    2. Maun
    3. Kafirun
    4. Lahab
  3. Which of the following is not a lesson from surah Al-Quraish?
    1. Never take the blessings of Allah for granted.
    2. Allah sends us blessings and bounties.
    3. Allah blessed the Qureish with security.
    4. Never underestimate Allah.
  4. Which of the following attributes of Allah means all forgiving?
    1. Al-Haafidh.
    2. Al-Ghafar.
    3. Al-Aalim.
    4. Al-Malik.
  5. Which one of the following is not a characteristics of angels? Angel
    1. can change form.
    2. were created from nur.
    3. can either be males or females.
    4. do not have parents.
  6. Prophets had different qualities for character formation. Which one of the following is one of them? They were 
    1. intelligent. 
    2. arrogant.
    3. slanderers. 
    4. dishonest.
  7. Which one of the following is a miracle performed by prophet Musa(AS)? 
    1. He had clear signs of Allah's mercy on him
    2. Turning a rod into a snake.
    3. His hand shone like the moon when he put it in his armpit. 
    4. Striking the red sea and separating the waters. 
  8. When we perform swalah correctly, we earn
    1. points.
    2. gifts.
    3. curses.
    4. thawab.
  9. Normally, Taraweh is performed 
    1. in the morning. 
    2. in the afternoon.
    3. after Asr.
    4. at night.
  10. Turning away from Qibla during swalah
    1. strengthens our faith.
    2. nullifies swallah.
    3. is a condition in Islam.
    4. must always be observed.
  11. Which one of the following is not an optional prayer? 
    1. Fajr
    2. Qabliyah
    3. Taraweh
    4. Baadiyah
  12. Which on of the following is not a form of swadaqah? 
    1. Smiling at each other. 
    2. Removing harmful objects from the way. 
    3. Visiting the sick.
    4. Keeping time during swallah. 
  13. Which one of the following is not a condition for swalah? One has to
    1. be in ritual purity. 
    2. wear new clothes.
    3. be a Muslim.
    4. have sound mind.
  14. The wife of prophet Muhammad (SAW) was called
    1. Amina.
    2. Zeitun.
    3. Khadijah. 
    4. Ruqayah. 
  15. As a Muslim child, it is the obligation of my parents to
    1. obey me.
    2. catter for my basic needs. 
    3. buy me computer games. 
    4. do my homework for me.


  1. C
  2. A
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D
  7. D
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. A
  12. C
  13. B
  14. D
  15. B
  16. A
  17. D
  18. B
  19. C
  20. C
  21. B
  22. A
  23. D
  24. D
  25. B
  26. A
  27. B
  28. C
  29. D
  30. A
  31. B
  32. A
  33. B
  34. D
  35. B
    CRE    IRE
  36. C          C
  37. D          A
  38. B          D
  39. A          B
  40. B          C
  41. C          A
  42. B          A
  43. A          D
  44. B          D
  45. C          B
  46. A           A
  47. C          D
  48. D          B
  49. B          C 
  50. A          B