Displaying items by tag: home


  1. Write 2 common illinesses.
    (diarrhoea and Tuerculosis, Sore throat and common cold)
  2. Utensils that break easlily in our kitchen are called(fragile, glass, ceramic)utensils. 
  3. Write two energy giving foods.
  4. Name three fuels we use at home
  5. A meal that contains the three groups o ioods in the rightis amounts is known as (balance diet, energy giving food, grouped meal)
  6. Write two methods of cooking food.
  7. _______bags is used to keep all the needlework tools together. (Plastic, Sewing)
  8. Write two personal items.
  9. ______is putting the dirty clothes in clean cold water without soap for a while before washing them. (Mending, Soaking, Washing)
  10. The process of washing, ironing and storing is called_______ (drying work, laundly work, garment work)


  1. Name two tools used in drawing.
  2. Shade this picture using smudging technique.
  3. Name the colour triangle.
  4. When we mix two primary colours we get colours.
  5. _____is a mixture of a colour with white. (Shade, Tone, Tint)
  6. Name two materials which can be used to make a montage.
  7. Warps and wefts are used in (threading, weaving)
  8. Draw and colour a drum.
  9. Name two materials used in pottery.
  10. Make a pattern using letter 'C' or 'X' 


  1. Songs sung to praise and worship God are called _____songs.
  2. Two people singing together form a _____
  3. Define pitch
  4. Isukuti is a drum played by community.
  5. Draw a flute.
  6. Write two costumes worn when dancing a folk song.
  7. Name the french rhythm of a semi-breve
  8. Songs sung in praise of a country or its leaders are known as song. (patriotic, love)
  9. The Kenya National Athem song has how many stanzas? (Three, Two, Four)
  10. If you are singing and at the same time clapping, you are trying to catch up with the _____of the .song. (rhythm, taste, truth)


  1. The place where athletes run and compete is called _____field.(football track, athletic track, running track)
  2. Before one starts to run, one must have to (coming up, warming upi eating up)
  3. Draw athletic track field.
  4. Where people complete using a football, the place is called _____pitch. (football, volleyball, handball)
Questions  Activity to be done Perfomance Ratings
5 Two-handed catching     
Kneeling, overhead throw    
Geeting set -(On to your marks)    
Stopping a football    
Standing long jump     
10  Get - set - go     



  1. sore throat / common cold.
  2. flagile
    1. potatoes
    2. maize
    1. gas
    2. fire wood
    3. biogas/paraffin 
  5. balance diet
  6. boiling/frying roasting
  7. Sewing
  8. socks/handkerchief
  9. Soaking 
  10. laundry work


  1. pencil
  2. Shading
  3. A-Red
    B. Yellow
    C- Blue 
  4. Secondary 
  5. Tone
    1. Fabric, Buttons, Crayons
    2. Craft foam
  7. weaving
  8. Drawing
    1. clay
    2. porcelain, stoneware
  10. Pattern


  1. athleticfootball 
  2. warming up 
  3. drawing 
  4. foot ball


  1. praise 
  2. Duet
  3. Degree of highness or lowness of a tone.
  4. Luhya 
  5. Socks, long dresses 
  6. Patriotic
  8. patriotic
  9. three
  10. rythm
Tagged under



This section contains 11 questions. Answer as per the instructions provided.

  1. What is a permanent stitch?
  2. Match the picture with the type of nutrients
  3. Leonida was asked by her parents to make a menu for their dinner.
    Which was the best menu?
    1. Ugali, fish and cabbage
    2. Meat, rice and potatoes
    3. Chapati, chips and chicken
  4. State three nutritional deficiency diseases.
  5. The picture below shows a child suffering from a certain nutritional deficiency disease. Which one is it?
  6. What is the cause of goitre?
  7. Name two pulses we get from plants
  8. Draw two tools found in the kitchen
  9. State two improvised cleaning materials
  10. Cleaning kitchen tools made of melamine
    Materials needed: melamine plate or cup, warm water, soap, soft cloth or sponge. Follow the right steps to clean your tool of choice.
  11. Making a menu for dinner.
    Make a balanced menu for dinner that can be used at home on a weekend. Use food that have a variety of nutients.


Answer all the questions by writing the correct answer in the spaces provided

  1. Write the first two hurdling stages or steps ( 2 marks)
  2. What is the use of a measuring tape in a standing discus?( 1 mark)
  3. Name three items we can use for juggling( 3 marks)
  4. Write two duties or responsibilities of an infield players in the game of softball( 2 marks)
  5. Name two passes used in soccer.(2 marks)


  1. TASK 2:Push pass in soccer ( 5 marks)
    Instructions to the teacher
    1. Prepare the field well.
    2. The ground should be flat and free from dangerous objects
    3. Learners to wear sports kits
    4. Observe each learner and record his/her performance in the grid below
      Steps Skill description Scores Leaner's scores
      Ball approach Approach the ball straight 1  
      Ready position Shoulders lean slightly back and hips or waist  forward,
      placing the non-kicking foot firmly on the ground about
      15cm besides the ball. Toes pointing on the direction
      you want the ball to go.
      Kicking foot
      Kicking foot be behind the ball pointing outwards at an angle
      of 90º
      Kicking leg
      Swinging the leg behind to strike the ball with the middle part
      of the inside foot. Making follow through by moving the 
      kicking foot straight all through the ball

  2. TASK 3: Outside of the foot pass in soccer( 5 marks)
    Instructions to the teacher
    1. The field should be free from any dangerous objects
    2. Ensure learners perform warm activities
    3. Learners should have the correct sports attire
    4. Observe each learner and record his performance in the grid below.
      Steps Skill description Scores Leaner's scores
      Ball approach Approach the ball with the upper body slightly bent 1  
      Non-kicking leg
      Bringing the non-kicking leg to same level with the
      ball but slightly away from the kicking foot.
      Body shifting
      Shifting the body weight to the supporting led and
      slightly bending it. Turning the toes of the kicking 
      foot inwards facing the non-kicking leg
      kicking leg
      position, and ball
      kicking on target
      Swinging the kicking leg, striking the ball wiht the 
      middle of the outside foot, ensuring the pass is
      directed at the intended target or teammates, or to
      the receiving person

Marking Scheme


  1. are made to hold layers of fabric together permanently
  2. check the correct matching
  3. ugali, fish and vegetables
  4. goiter, marasmus, kwashiokor, rickets
  5. rickets
  6. lack of iodine in the diet
  7. beans, cowpeas, groundnuts
  8. Accept any correct answer, tools found in the kitchen
  9. wood ash, charcoal paste, coarse leaves
  10. assess
  11. assess


  1. Approaching/approach ,  take off
  2. Measuring length of the throws made by players
  3. Marbles,, small stones, scarf. small balls, bottle tops, handkerchief, seeds of grains of cereals(Accept any correct answer)
  4. catching the ball/ collecting the ground balls,
    catching high balls,
    throwing caught balls to various bases,
    covering the bases
    assisting each other/ backing up
    tagging the running batter
  5. Wall pass
    outside of the foot pass
    (and Accept any correct answer)
  6. Assess
  7. Assess
Tagged under
Thursday, 28 October 2021 07:02

Creation - CBC Grade 5 CRE Revision Notes

My purpose.

Identifying talents and abilities.

  • A talent is a natural skill or ability to do something well. Ability is a talent or skill in a particular area.
  • It is important to identify and use our talents and abilities. This will help us to grow and help others.
  • Purpose is the reason for which something is done or was created for; purpose is why something exists.
  • God created each one of us with a purpose.
  • What we want to do in the future is our plan. Plan helps us to do what God created us for. These plans are our purposes.
  • The plans that God has for us are His purpose for our lives.
  • We should live according to God’s plan in order to fulfill His purpose for our lives.

The parable of the talents.

  • A parable is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson.
  • The parable of the talents is also known as the parable of the three servants.
  • The first and second servants used their talents well and were rewarded. 
  • We should use our talents to serve God and others.
  • When we use our talents to serve God and others, we fulfill God’s purpose in our lives.
  • God rewards us when we use our talents well.
  • Human beings as co-workers with God.
  • A co-worker is a person who does the same job as another. Human beings are co-workers with God.

Responsibilities given to human beings by God.

  • Read Genesis 1;26 and 2;15
    • Taking care of fish.
    • Taking care of birds.
    • Taking care of domestic and wild animals.
    • Cultivating the land.
    • Good stewardship of God’s creation.
  • It is important to take care of God’s creation. This helps us to live in a clean environment.

My roles at home, school and in church.

  • These are duties and responsibilities of individuals in a society set up. They include;
    • Cleaning around the house.
    • Washing of clothes at home.
    • Collecting litter in the compound at school.
    • Wiping of seats before people sit it the church.
  • It is important that we share duties as this helps us to have unity.

The causes of child labour.

  • Child labour is work that deny children of their childhood, their potential and dignity.
  • It is any work that is against the right of children.
  • Child rights are freedoms and privileges that children must have.
  • They are the rights of a child to live free from hunger, abuse, neglect and other cruel conditions.
  • Child rights include;
    • The right to life.
    • The right to health.
    • The right to education.
    • The right to play.
    • The right to protection.
  • Some of the causes of child labour are;
    • Poverty.
    • Need for cheap labour.
    • Death of parents.
    • Irresponsible parents.
    • Drug use or abuse.

Effects of child labour.

  • It affects the physical and mental growth of a child.
  • It prevents a child from fulfilling his or her purpose.
  • It may lead to school dropouts.
  • It leads to having a poor relationship with children of the same age.
  • High risk of getting ill.

NOTE; You should report any form of child labour to your teacher, parent or guardian, church leader or to the police.

The fall of human beings (Adam and Eve).

  • The disobedience of the first parents led to the fall of human beings.
  • The first parents disobeyed God when they ate the fruits of the tree that they had been warned not to eat.

Reasons for the fall of Human Beings.

  • The first people to be created were a man and woman. Adam and Eve.
  • They ate the fruit of the tree they had been warned not to.
  • Eve had a conversation with the snake.
  • Eve accepted to eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden and gave some to Adam.
  • That evening they heard God coming to the garden and hid from him. The Lord and the man (Adam) had a conversation.
  • The man (Adam) blamed the woman (Eve), while the woman blamed the snake.

Lessons learnt from the fall of human beings.

  • We should be obedient.
  • We should keep away from sin.
  • God is unhappy with us when we sin.
  • We should be honest.
  • We should take responsibility of our wrongs.

The Family Unity.

  • A family member is anybody from your father, mother and siblings (brothers and sisters.)
  • At large, the extended members are also considered as family members, these include your grandparents, uncles, aunties, nieces, nephews and cousins.

Importance of family unity.

  • Families should live together in peace.
  • They should also be united
  • When families are united, they are happy.
  • Unity in the families is important because it helps members to live peacefully.
  • Performing responsibilities, praying and spending time together help to contribute to a happy family.
  • God will bless each family that lives in peace.

Challenges faced by families in practicing family unity.

  • Challenges are difficulties or problems we face.
  • Most families face challenges in their day to day lives, these challenges include;
    • Lack of food.
    • Lack of clothing.
    • Lack of good shelter.
    • Illness.
    • Lack of money.
    • Arguments between members.
    • Family conflicts and disagreements.

Ways of contributing to a happy family.

  • Sharing responsibilities.
  • Helping with house chores.
  • Praying and reading the bible together.
  • Always showing respect to family members.
  • Loving and caring for other family members.
  • Parents ensure they provide for the daily needs of the family.
  • Appreciating and thanking parents for providing our needs.
  • Performing my duties well.

Ways of solving family challenges.

  • Asking for forgiveness. Praying together.
  • Sticking together even in difficulties.
  • Politely talking to each other over these challenges. Seeking help from family members.
Published in CBC Grade 5 CRE Notes