- Preparation For The Coming Of Jesus.
- God’s Power Over Nature.
- Compassion For The Needy.
- Power Of Jesus Over Life.
- Teachings of Jesus Christ.

Preparation For The Coming Of Jesus.
John The Baptist.
- Preparation means to make ready.
- John the Baptist prepared people for the coming of Jesus Christ. He told them to repent their sins.
- Parents of John the Baptist were Zachariah and Elizabeth.
The Teachings Of John The Baptist In Preparation For The Coming Of The Messiah.
- The message of John the Baptist from Luke 3:3 is, “turn away from your sins and be baptized and God will forgive your sins.”
- According to John the Baptist, God wants us to turn away from sin and be baptized so that He can forgive our sins.
- Baptism after repentance is a way of turning away from the past and setting towards a new life for the future.
- John the Baptist addressed the people, tax collectors and soldiers.
- To the people he instructed them that, “whoever has two shirts must give one to the man who has none and whoever has food must share it.”
- Instructions to the tax collectors “do not collect more than is legal.
- To the soldiers he said, “do not take money from anyone by force or accuse anyone falsely. Be content with your pay”
Values Taught By John The Baptist.
- We should share with the needy.
- We should be contented with what we have.
- We should be honest always.
- We should practice; kindness, caring, justice and faithfulness.
- We should also practice values such as responsibility, humility, charity, love and honesty.
The Baptism Of Jesus.
- Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist in River Jordan. Through baptism, Christians get forgiveness of sins.
- John preached and baptized people in River Jordan. After his baptism by John, Jesus began to preach.
Events That Took Place During The Baptism Of Jesus Christ.
- Read Luke 3:21 - 22
- Baptism is a Christian rite of admission and adoption into Christianity. It may be performed by sprinkling or pouring water on the forehead or by immersing in water.
- Jesus was baptized.
- Jesus prayed.
- Heaven opened.
- The Holy Spirit, in form of a dove, came down from heaven.
- A voice was heard saying, “you are my own dear son. I am pleased with you.”
- Jesus was baptized to fulfill the will of God.
- He showed the value of obedience.
Importance Of Baptism In The Life Of A Christian.
- Through baptism, one becomes a Christian.
- Through baptism, Christians show their faith in God.
- It’s a way of showing humility before God.
- It’s a way of showing the value of obedience to God.

God’s Power Over Nature.
- God is powerful. We should always rely on him.
Miracle Of Calming The Storm.
- Read Mark 4:35-39
- The boat was about to sink due to the strong wind and waves.
- Jesus Christ commanded the wind to be quiet and the wave to be still. The disciples felt that their live ware in danger.
- They were sure that Jesus would help them overcome their problem.
Lesson Learnt From The Miracle Of Calming The Storm.
- The wind and the waves stopped after the command from Jesus Christ.
- Jesus Christ was able to calm the strong winds.
- We should rely on God to help us solve our problems.
- We should have faith and believe in the mighty power of God.
Ways Of Overcoming Challenges By Christians.
- Christians can help each other overcome challenges.
- They can pray to God to help them overcome.
- In case of sickness, we should go to the hospital.
- In case of hunger, we should get something to eat.
To Avoid Getting Infected With Corona Virus Disease We Should:
- Wash our hands with soap and water regularly.
- Keep away from crowded places.
- Wear a mask.

Compassion For The Needy.
- Compassion is sympathy and concern for the suffering of others. We should always express love for the needy.
The Feeding Of Five Thousand Men.
- Read Matthew 15:32-38.
- Jesus fed people because he looked at them and saw that they were hungry.
- He felt sorry for the people because they had been with him for three days.
- It is the responsibility of every Christian to give food to the hungry and help those with varied needs.
- Examples of needy situations are: the hungry, the sick, the poor, the homeless, the orphans.
- The bible teaches us to take care of the needy.
- Jesus used seven loaves and a few fish to feed 4000 men.
- The disciples collected what had remained.
- Jesus demonstrated the values of:
- Charity.
- Love.
- Compassion.
Ways Through Which Christians Show Compassion For The Needy.
- Share food with those without.
- Visit children homes and offer clothes.
- Offer basic needs available to the poor.
- Practice love and care towards the orphans.Visit the sick in hospitals.
- Help the old in the society.
- Pray for the needy.
Importance Of Helping The Needy:
- It boosts self-esteem.
- It makes the needy feel loved.

Power Of Jesus Over Life.
- We should entrust our lives to God through Jesus Christ. He is the giver of life.
The Healing Of The Paralyzed Man.
- Read Mark 2:1-5
- A paralyzed person suffers from the inability to move some body parts or the whole body.
- The men who carried the paralyzed man made a hole in the roof right above where Jesus Christ was.
- They demonstrated faith by:
- They did all they could to get to where Jesus was.
- They did not fear what the crowd would say.
- The values learnt from the men who carried the paralyzed man include:
- Kindness.
- Compassion.
- Love.
- Courage.
- Responsibility.
Lessons Learnt From The Healing Of The Paralyzed Man.
- We should have faith in the healing power of God.
- We should help those who are disabled.
- We should practice love, courage, compassion and responsibility.
- We should strive to support the disabled in the society.
- Jesus can forgive our sins.
- Jesus has power over illness and diseases.

Teachings of Jesus Christ.
- God wants us to live according to the teachings of His son, Jesus Christ. This enables us to set a good example to others.
Recovery of the lost Human Beings.
- Jesus Christ teaches us to have concerns for others. He wants us to help those lost in sin to get back to him.
The Parable Of The Lost Sheep.
- Read Luke 15:1-7.
- The lost sheep are the people who have left the ways of God and are disobeying His commandments.
- A good shepherd is a person who when he loses one of the hundred sheep, leaves the ninety-nine to look for the lost one.
- We should look for the people who are lost in sin.
- We should live righteous lives.
- We should pray for those lost in sin.
Lessons Learnt From The Parable Of The Lost Sheep.
- God never gives up on His people even when they get lost.
- God is happy when one person repents his or her sin and starts a new life.
- When we sin, we should repent and get back to God.
- God is always willing to take us back.
- We should bring back lost members of the church by talking about the importance of the church.
Responsible Living.
- Good relationships help us to live peacefully and in harmony with God and others.
Virtues Jesus Christ Taught In The Sermon On The Mountain.
- Read Matthew 5:7-9.
- A virtue is a particular good habit.
- Virtues Jesus taught in the sermon on the mountain include: Merciful, purity of heart, working for peace.
Benefits Of Observing The Moral Teachings Of Jesus.
- Practicing the virtues taught by Jesus helps us to avoid sin. It also helps us to live an upright life.
- It helps us to have a peaceful co existence.
- Through observing these virtues we help the needy. God will bless those who observe the virtues.
- Those who work for peace keep themselves and those around them from trouble and disagreement.
- Jesus promised that the pure in heart will see God.
Empowering The Needy.
- There are varied needs in the society.
- It is our duty as Christians to help the needy joyfully.
The Rich Young Man.
- Read Matthew 19: 16 – 22.
- The rich young man asked Jesus Christ what good thing he must do to receive eternal life.
- Jesus told him. to keep the commandments if he wants to receive eternal life.
- Jesus Christ also told him to go and sell all he had and give the money to the poor, if he wanted to be perfect.
- Eternal life is the ability to live forever, a life that continues after death.
- We should be willing to share what we have with the needy.
Relevance Of The Teachings Of Jesus In The Story Of The Rich Young Man.
- To obtain eternal life, one should be:
- Respectful.
- Obedient.
- Compassionate.
- Kind.
- We should practice virtues of honesty and hard work just as the rich young man.
- We should keep the commandments of God.
Ways In Which Christians Apply The Teachings In The Story Of The Rich Young Man.
- We must obey all the commandments of God.
- We must share what we have with the needy it the society.
- Build houses for the homeless.
- Visiting the poor and taking food items and clothes to them.
- We should be willing to help the needy.
Persistence in Prayer.
- Persistence means not giving up.
- Persistence in prayer is praying without giving up
The Story Of A Friend At Midnight.
- Read Luke 11:5-13.
- The friend visited at night because he had no food to give to his friend who had come to his house from a long journey.
- We should be persistent in prayer.
- We should help others.
The Value of Friendship.
- We should seek guidance from God to give us good friends.
- The story of a friend at midnight teaches us to pray without giving up.
- Good friendship makes us to live well with others
- We talk to God through prayers.
- True friends will always be there for us.
- Good friends help us to behave well.
- We should share what we have with friends.
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